In 2032, Earth was attacked without warning by an alien armada, which bombarded the surface from orbit. The aliens were apparently only interested in devastating the planet as there was no follow-up invasion. Only pockets of humanity remained, living in near-medieval conditions in a cold, irradiated wasteland. In the centuries that followed, some semblance of civilisation returned with the emergence of villages, towns and eventually small city states. Even though knowledge of the Fall was part of collective human memory in the form of myths and legends, humanity was fractured and small wars still broke out over territory or resources. One state, known as the Imperium, expanded as a result of conquering its neighbours with swift and effective military campaigns. Those campaigns were aided by propaganda from the Imperium claiming that humanity must unite and prepare for another alien attack. This was effective enough to bring some small powers into the fold without military action.
As The Imperium developed into the most powerful state on Earth, it became an economic, scientific and military powerhouse. Trans-Newtonian physics were re-discovered, leading to the construction of factories, research facilities and orbital shipyards. Spacecraft were built, although remained close to Earth to support combat on the ever-expanding Imperium frontiers. The leader of the Imperium, known only as The Emperor, did not wish to venture into space, even to the rest of the solar system, until humanity was ready. Concern was high that the aliens had left some form of monitoring system to alert them to humanity venturing forth from its home.
By the dawn of the forty-first century, almost two millennia after the alien attack, Earth was united under the banner of the recently renamed Imperium of Man. Earth itself was named Terra in High Gothic, a derivative of Latin that had become the official language of the Imperium. It was accepted wisdom across the globe that aliens were an existential threat and that the Imperium had to be ready for their return. On the symbolic date of January 1st 4000, the Emperor gave the order for the first survey frigates to leave orbit.
This campaign uses the WH40k Imperial Navy and Imperial Guard as a guiding theme, with minor elements of the Space Marines. Ship classes mirror the general capabilities of classes of the Imperial Navy, based on the type of weapons specified for the ship classes in the Battlefleet Gothic board game. There are some changes, such as light weapon batteries instead of defence turrets, but the role of the ship will remain the same.
I had to make exceptions for jump-capable and survey ships, as they don’t exist in BFG, so I chose a design and reduced weapons to allow room for the drive and/or sensors. I also designed the carrier-hybrids, such as the Defiant and Dictator, as full carriers, because ‘fighters’ are relatively larger in Aurora vs WH40k and its is the ‘carrier’ aspect that distinguishes those ships. Finally, there is a much wider variety of non-warships in Aurora compared to BFG so I created most of those from scratch using names appropriate to the theme.
For the Battlefleet Gothic ship lists, I am primarily using the Expanded Revised edition, plus I may use the Additional Ships Compendium for roles not covered by the standard ship lists. Ground forces will be based on the equipment of Imperial Guard, Space Marines and other Imperial forces from the WH40k 8th edition codices. In order to utilise the nomenclature of the Imperial Navy, railguns on major warships will be named weapon batteries, gauss turrets will become defence turrets, CIWS are commercial defence turrets, 10cm railguns on small craft will be lascannon, particle beams will be lance batteries, lasers will be bombardment cannon and missiles will become torpedoes. There are various attack craft in WH40k which are harder to replicate exactly, but I will stay true to their intended roles.
To reflect the theme and to allow me to include all the listed weapons, I have ‘gone large’ with the ship design, with light cruisers at 18,750 tons and cruisers at 37,500 tons. This fleet doctrine and weapon mix will not produce ‘efficient’ ships, but good design is not the intention. This is a role-play campaign based on a WH40k Imperial Navy theme.
With all the above in mind, I made the following changes to the starting setup:
• Starting population is two billion with standard installations for that population size, except for 800 Maintenance Facilities instead of 600.
• Research Points are double normal to allow for the variety of starting weapons.
• Starting Build Points are double normal, on the assumption the Imperium has been building up the largest army and fleet it can support before venturing into the galaxy.
• Shipyards are customised for the ship classes. This results a larger than normal number of shipyards, although many have only a single slipway. Also, the Imperium doesn’t have the resources to use them all.
• Ruin chance is increased from 20% to 25%.
• All spoilers active except Rakhas. NPRs can activate Precursors and Raiders
• 8 NPRs. 75-150 LY
• NPRs can generate other NPRs with a 10% chance.
• Limited Research Admin
• Hostility Modifier +20
• Survey Speed 25%
Imperial Navy Ship DesignsThe Sword class frigate is a workhorse for the Imperium, capable of independent operations, functioning as part of a frigate squadron or acting an escort for larger warships. The primary armament comprises four Astaroth Kinetics AK-20 Weapons Batteries, with each battery firing four projectiles every fifteen seconds out to a range of 160,000 kilometres. The secondary armament comprises six Astaroth Kinetics AK-10 Light Weapons Batteries, a rapid-fire weapon system intended to engage inbound torpedoes or hostile ships within 40,000 kilometres. Passive defences include armour and a single Valentinian-Stern VS-46 Void Shield. With a full suite of sensors, the Sword can locate hostile ships with her active augur array at fifty million kilometres, detect incoming torpedoes and conduct passive searches with both thermal and electromagnetic augur arrays.
Sword class Frigate 9,375 tons 306 Crew 1,521.3 BP TCS 187 TH 750 EM 1,380
4000 km/s Armour 4-39 Shields 46-368 HTK 65 Sensors 6/8/0/0 DCR 5-5 PPV 46
Maint Life 2.36 Years MSP 507 AFR 141% IFR 2.0% 1YR 125 5YR 1,870 Max Repair 187.50 MSP
Captain Control Rating 2 BRG AUX
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months Morale Check Required
Ravenor Drive Systems RDS-375B Gas-Core Drive (2) Power 750.0 Fuel Use 70.60% Explosion 12%
Fuel Capacity 650,000 Litres Range 17.7 billion km (51 days at full power)
Valentinian-Stern VS-46 Void Shield (1) Recharge Time 368 seconds (0.1 per second)
Astaroth Kinetics AK-20 Weapons Battery (4x4) Range 160,000km TS: 4,000 km/s Power 12-4 ROF 15
Astaroth Kinetics AK-10 Light Weapon Battery (6x4) Range 40,000km TS: 4,000 km/s Power 3-3 ROF 5
MK I Light Energy Weapon Fire Control (2) Max Range: 80,000 km TS: 4,000 km/s ECCM-0
MK I Energy Weapon Fire Control (2) Max Range: 256,000 km TS: 4,000 km/s ECCM-0
R-17 Gaseous Fission Reactor (2) Total Power Output 34.5 Exp 5%
MK I Frigate Active Augur Array (1) GPS 5760 Range 54.5m km Resolution 120
MK I Torpedo Detection Array (1) GPS 16 Range 6.4m km MCR 574.5k km Resolution 1
MK I Electromagnetic Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 8.0 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 22.4m km
MK I Thermal Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 6.0 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 19.4m km
The Firestorm class frigate is a modification of the original Sword, replacing four of the light weapon batteries with a pair of V4-200 Lance Batteries. Although the Lances generate far less raw damage than the weapons they replace, they reach out to 200,000 km and maintain their damage output across that range. The significant reduction in defensive firepower makes the Firestorm more suited for ship-to-ship engagements than an escort role. Due to their similarity, the Firestorm can be constructed in the same shipyard as the Sword class frigate.
Firestorm class Frigate 9,375 tons 306 Crew 1,537.1 BP TCS 187 TH 750 EM 1,380
4000 km/s Armour 4-39 Shields 46-368 HTK 67 Sensors 6/8/0/0 DCR 5-5 PPV 46
Maint Life 2.34 Years MSP 512 AFR 141% IFR 2.0% 1YR 127 5YR 1,912 Max Repair 187.50 MSP
Captain Control Rating 2 BRG AUX
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months Morale Check Required
Ravenor Drive Systems RDS-375B Gas-Core Drive (2) Power 750.0 Fuel Use 70.60% Explosion 12%
Fuel Capacity 650,000 Litres Range 17.7 billion km (51 days at full power)
Valentinian-Stern VS-46 Void Shield (1) Recharge Time 368 seconds (0.1 per second)
Astaroth Kinetics AK-20 Weapons Battery (4x4) Range 160,000km TS: 4,000 km/s Power 12-4 ROF 15
Valentinian-Ventris V4-200 Lance Battery (2) Range 200,000km TS: 4,000 km/s Power 10-3.5 ROF 15
Astaroth Kinetics AK-10 Light Weapon Battery (2x4) Range 40,000km TS: 4,000 km/s Power 3-3 ROF 5
MK I Light Energy Weapon Fire Control (2) Max Range: 80,000 km TS: 4,000 km/s ECCM-0
MK I Energy Weapon Fire Control (2) Max Range: 256,000 km TS: 4,000 km/s ECCM-0
R-17 Gaseous Fission Reactor (2) Total Power Output 34.5 Exp 5%
MK I Frigate Active Augur Array (1) GPS 5760 Range 54.5m km Resolution 120
MK I Torpedo Detection Array (1) GPS 16 Range 6.4m km MCR 574.5k km Resolution 1
MK I Electromagnetic Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 8.0 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 22.4m km
MK I Thermal Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 6.0 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 19.4m km
The Falchion class is a jump-capable ship based on a modified Sword hull. To create space for the 1575-ton Ravenor Drive Systems RM-945 Military Jump Drive, half the weapon batteries and two-thirds of the light weapon batteries have been removed. The loss of firepower is made up by the tactical and strategic flexibility the Falchion provides to frigate squadrons. The Falchion can be constructed in the same shipyard as the Sword class frigate.
Falchion class Frigate 9,375 tons 279 Crew 1,320.6 BP TCS 187 TH 750 EM 1,380
4000 km/s JR 3-50 Armour 4-39 Shields 46-368 HTK 58 Sensors 6/8/0/0 DCR 5-5 PPV 20
Maint Life 2.13 Years MSP 462 AFR 134% IFR 1.9% 1YR 136 5YR 2,047 Max Repair 187.50 MSP
Captain Control Rating 2 BRG AUX
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months Morale Check Required
RM-945 Military Jump Drive Max Ship Size 9450.0 tons Distance 50k km Squadron Size 3
Ravenor Drive Systems RDS-375B Gas-Core Drive (2) Power 750.0 Fuel Use 70.60% Explosion 12%
Fuel Capacity 664,000 Litres Range 18.1 billion km (52 days at full power)
Valentinian-Stern VS-46 Void Shield (1) Recharge Time 368 seconds (0.1 per second)
Astaroth Kinetics AK-20 Weapons Battery (2x4) Range 160,000km TS: 4,000 km/s Power 12-4 ROF 15
Astaroth Kinetics AK-10 Light Weapon Battery (2x4) Range 40,000km TS: 4,000 km/s Power 3-3 ROF 5
MK I Light Energy Weapon Fire Control (1) Max Range: 80,000 km TS: 4,000 km/s ECCM-0
MK I Energy Weapon Fire Control (1) Max Range: 256,000 km TS: 4,000 km/s ECCM-0
R-8 Gaseous Fission Reactor (2) Total Power Output 16.2 Exp 5%
MK I Frigate Active Augur Array (1) GPS 5760 Range 54.5m km Resolution 120
MK I Torpedo Detection Array (1) GPS 16 Range 6.4m km MCR 574.5k km Resolution 1
MK I Electromagnetic Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 8.0 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 22.4m km
MK I Thermal Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 6.0 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 19.4m km
Although the Tempest class survey frigate is based on the Sword hull, there is little similarity between the two ships. The Tempest has minimal armour and no weapons or shields. Instead, the interior hull space is dedicated to sensors, endurance and the same jump drive as the Falchion. With three gravitational survey sensors and three geological survey sensors, the frigate can handle either survey mission. The passive arrays and the recon capability provided by four drone launchers increases the chance of avoiding hostile forces in unexplored space. Finally, the extensive crew accommodations, large engineering deck and considerable fuel capacity allow the Tempest to operate without support for up to five years.
Tempest class Survey Frigate 9,375 tons 246 Crew 1,376.1 BP TCS 187 TH 450 EM 0
2400 km/s JR 3-50 Armour 1-39 Shields 0-0 HTK 59 Sensors 6/8/3/3 DCR 11-11 PPV 3.6
Maint Life 5.58 Years MSP 1,055 AFR 61% IFR 0.8% 1YR 57 5YR 855 Max Repair 168.7500 MSP
Magazine 24 / 0
Captain Control Rating 2 BRG AUX
Intended Deployment Time: 60 months Morale Check Required
RM-945 Military Jump Drive Max Ship Size 9450.0 tons Distance 50k km Squadron Size 3
Ravenor Drive Systems RDS-450E Gas-Core Drive (1) Power 450.0 Fuel Use 13.92% Explosion 7%
Fuel Capacity 1,026,000 Litres Range 141.5 billion km (682 days at full power)
Drone Launcher (4) Missile Size: 6.00 Hangar Reload 122 minutes MF Reload 20 hours
Drone Launch Control (1) Range 19.9m km Resolution 120
MK I Frigate Active Augur Array (1) GPS 5760 Range 54.5m km Resolution 120
MK I Electromagnetic Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 8.0 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 22.4m km
MK I Thermal Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 6.0 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 19.4m km
Geological Survey Sensors (3) 3 Survey Points Per Hour
Gravitational Survey Sensors (3) 3 Survey Points Per Hour
Imperial light cruisers lie halfway between true capital ships and the escort classes and are intended to form the core of a light task group. The Dauntless class is the ‘standard’ light cruiser class of the Imperial Navy and is armed with eight Weapon Batteries, four V4-200 Lance Batteries and eight Light Weapon Batteries. The shield strength and total armour is double that of the Sword and the Dauntless also has a more capable sensor suite.
Dauntless class Light Cruiser 18,750 tons 623 Crew 3,023.7 BP TCS 375 TH 1,500 EM 2,760
4000 km/s Armour 5-62 Shields 92-368 HTK 120 Sensors 18/24/0/0 DCR 10-5 PPV 104
Maint Life 2.14 Years MSP 1,507 AFR 281% IFR 3.9% 1YR 439 5YR 6,592 Max Repair 375.00 MSP
Captain Control Rating 2 BRG AUX
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months Morale Check Required
Ravenor Drive Systems RDS-750B Gas-Core Drive (2) Power 1500.0 Fuel Use 49.92% Signature 750.00 Explosion 12%
Fuel Capacity 948,000 Litres Range 18.2 billion km (52 days at full power)
Valentinian-Stern VS-46 Void Shield (2) Recharge Time 368 seconds (0.3 per second)
Astaroth Kinetics AK-20 Weapons Battery (8x4) Range 160,000km TS: 4,000 km/s Power 12-4 ROF 15
Valentinian-Ventris V4-200 Lance Battery (4) Range 200,000km TS: 4,000 km/s Power 10-3.5 ROF 15
Astaroth Kinetics AK-10 Light Weapon Battery (8x4) Range 40,000km TS: 4,000 km/s Power 3-3 ROF 5
MK I Energy Weapon Fire Control (3) Max Range: 256,000 km TS: 4,000 km/s ECCM-0
MK I Light Energy Weapon Fire Control (2) Max Range: 80,000 km TS: 4,000 km/s ECCM-0
R-23 Gaseous Fission Reactor (3) Total Power Output 70.3 Exp 5%
MK I Light Cruiser Active Augur Array (1) GPS 9600 Range 70.4m km Resolution 120
MK I Torpedo Detection Array (1) GPS 16 Range 6.4m km MCR 574.5k km Resolution 1
MK I Large Thermal Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 18.00 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 33.5m km
MK I Large Electromagnetic Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 24.00 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 38.7m km
The primary function of the Endeavour class light cruiser is to provide jump capability. The design is based on the Dauntless, with half of the armament removed to provide space for the drive. The passive defences and sensor suite are all retained. The Endeavour is intended to operate as part of an expeditionary fleet or light cruiser squadron, although it is capable of independent operations.
Endeavour class Light Cruiser 18,750 tons 577 Crew 2,861.9 BP TCS 375 TH 1,500 EM 2,760
4000 km/s JR 3-50 Armour 5-62 Shields 92-368 HTK 106 Sensors 18/8/0/0 DCR 11-5 PPV 52
Maint Life 1.85 Years MSP 1,549 AFR 256% IFR 3.6% 1YR 574 5YR 8,608 Max Repair 427.1 MSP
Captain Control Rating 2 BRG AUX
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months Morale Check Required
RM-1875 Military Jump Drive Max Ship Size 18750.0 tons Distance 50k km Squadron Size 3
Ravenor Drive Systems RDS-750B Gas-Core Drive (2) Power 1500.0 Fuel Use 49.92% Explosion 12%
Fuel Capacity 896,000 Litres Range 17.2 billion km (49 days at full power)
Valentinian-Stern VS-46 Void Shield (2) Recharge Time 368 seconds (0.3 per second)
Astaroth Kinetics AK-20 Weapons Battery (4x4) Range 160,000km TS: 4,000 km/s Power 12-4 ROF 15
Valentinian-Ventris V4-200 Lance Battery (2) Range 200,000km TS: 4,000 km/s Power 10-3.5 ROF 15
Astaroth Kinetics AK-10 Light Weapon Battery (4x4) Range 40,000km TS: 4,000 km/s Power 3-3 ROF 5
MK I Energy Weapon Fire Control (2) Max Range: 256,000 km TS: 4,000 km/s ECCM-0
MK I Light Energy Weapon Fire Control (2) Max Range: 80,000 km TS: 4,000 km/s ECCM-0
R-17B Gaseous Fission Reactor (2) Total Power Output 35.5 Exp 5%
MK I Light Cruiser Active Augur Array (1) GPS 9600 Range 70.4m km Resolution 120
MK I Torpedo Detection Array (1) GPS 16 Range 6.4m km MCR 574.5k km Resolution 1
MK I Large Thermal Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 18.00 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 33.5m km
MK I Electromagnetic Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 8.0 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 22.4m km
The Defiant class light carrier is based on the same hull as the Dauntless, but with massive internal changes. All the weapons have been removed, along with half the shields and sixty percent of the armour. In their place is a large hangar bay, which holds a strike group of eight Starhawk bombers and eight Fury interceptors, plus sufficient magazine storage to reload the bombers twice. The eight Starhawks are capable of launching ninety-six light torpedoes in a single salvo, while the interceptors can escort the bombers, provide anti-torpedo defences for the carrier or launch their own independent strikes against soft targets. The significant reduction in defences for the Defiant is based on a doctrine of operating at stand-off ranges.
Defiant class Light Carrier 18,750 tons 356 Crew 2,270.4 BP TCS 375 TH 1,500 EM 1,380
4000 km/s Armour 2-62 Shields 46-368 HTK 94 Sensors 6/8/0/0 DCR 15-8 PPV 0
Maint Life 2.15 Years MSP 1,135 AFR 187% IFR 2.6% 1YR 330 5YR 4,952 Max Repair 375.00 MSP
Hangar Deck Capacity 6,250 tons Magazine 485 / 0
Captain Control Rating 2 BRG AUX
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months Flight Crew Berths 125 Morale Check Required
Ravenor Drive Systems RDS-750B Gas-Core Drive (2) Power 1500.0 Fuel Use 49.92% Explosion 12%
Fuel Capacity 1,003,000 Litres Range 19.3 billion km (55 days at full power)
Valentinian-Stern VS-46 Void Shield (1) Recharge Time 368 seconds (0.1 per second)
MK I Light Torpedo (192) Speed: 24,960 km/s End: 4.9m Range: 7.3m km WH: 5 Size: 2.50 TH: 83/49/24
MK I Light Cruiser Active Augur Array (1) GPS 9600 Range 70.4m km Resolution 120
MK I Torpedo Detection Array (1) GPS 16 Range 6.4m km MCR 574.5k km Resolution 1
MK I Thermal Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 6.0 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 19.4m km
MK I Electromagnetic Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 8.0 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 22.4m km
Strike Group
8x Starhawk Bomber Speed: 10009 km/s Size: 9.99
8x Fury Interceptor Speed: 10265 km/s Size: 5.6
The Lunar is the standard cruiser class of the Imperial Navy. With a hull twice the size of the Dauntless class, the Lunar has sufficient internal space to add a hangar bay, four weapon batteries, four light weapon batteries, six torpedo launchers and magazine space for over fifty torpedoes. Passive defences are substantially increased for the Lunar, with double the total armour volume and shield strength of the Dauntless. The MK I Cruiser Active Augur Array replaces the smaller active augur array on the Dauntless, extending sensor range by twenty million kilometres. Finally, the fuel storage, engineering systems and reactors have all been upgraded in line with the larger hull. The hangar bay allows the Lunar to carry a single Thunderhawk assault transport.
Lunar class Cruiser 37,500 tons 1,120 Crew 5,623.2 BP TCS 750 TH 3,000 EM 5,520
4000 km/s Armour 6-99 Shields 184-368 HTK 220 Sensors 18/24/0/0 DCR 18-4 PPV 187.2
Maint Life 2.03 Years MSP 3,191 AFR 625% IFR 8.7% 1YR 1,034 5YR 15,512 Max Repair 375.00 MSP
Hangar Deck Capacity 1,000 tons Magazine 650 / 0
Captain Control Rating 2 BRG AUX
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months Flight Crew Berths 20 Morale Check Required
Ravenor Drive Systems RDS-750B Gas-Core Drive (4) Power 3000.0 Fuel Use 49.92% Explosion 12%
Fuel Capacity 1,603,000 Litres Range 15.4 billion km (44 days at full power)
Valentinian-Stern VS-46 Void Shield (4) Recharge Time 368 seconds (0.5 per second)
Astaroth Kinetics AK-20 Weapons Battery (12x4) Range 160,000km TS: 4,000 km/s Power 12-4 ROF 15
Valentinian-Ventris V4-200 Lance Battery (4) Range 200,000km TS: 4,000 km/s Power 10-3.5 ROF 15
Astaroth Kinetics AK-10 Light Weapon Battery (12x4) Range 40,000km TS: 4,000 km/s Power 3-3 ROF 5
MK I Energy Weapon Fire Control (4) Max Range: 256,000 km TS: 4,000 km/s ECCM-0
MK I Light Energy Weapon Fire Control (2) Max Range: 80,000 km TS: 4,000 km/s ECCM-0
R-24B Gaseous Fission Reactor (4) Total Power Output 98.1 Exp 5%
MK I Standard Torpedo Launcher (6) Missile Size: 12 Rate of Fire 175
MK I Small Target Fire Control (1) Range 27.5m km Resolution 10
MK I Torpedo Fire Control (1) Range 89.1m km Resolution 120
MK I Standard Torpedo (54) Speed: 25,000 km/s Range: 8m km WH: 12.0 Size: 12.0 TH: 83/50/25
MK I Torpedo Detection Array (1) GPS 16 Range 6.4m km MCR 574.5k km Resolution 1
MK I Cruiser Active Augur Array (1) GPS 15360 Range 89.1m km Resolution 120
MK I Large Thermal Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 18.00 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 33.5m km
MK I Large Electromagnetic Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 24.00 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 38.7m km
Strike Group
1x Thunderhawk Assault Transport Speed: 9504 km/s Size: 19.99
The Dominator class is a jump-capable conversion of the Lunar. To create space for the Ravenor Drive Systems RM-3750 Military Jump Drive, the torpedo launchers, magazines, lance batteries and hangar bay have been removed. The weapon batteries, shield generators and full armour belt are all retained. Due to their similarity, the Dominator and Lunar classes can be constructed in the same shipyard. The huge jump drive, which provides the Imperial Navy with considerable strategic flexibility, has the same cost as a Sword class frigate.
Dominator class Cruiser 37,500 tons 1,165 Crew 6,306 BP TCS 750 TH 3,000 EM 5,520
4000 km/s JR 3-50 Armour 6-99 Shields 184-368 HTK 209 Sensors 6/8/0/0 DCR 21-5 PPV 120
Maint Life 1.55 Years MSP 4,712 AFR 536% IFR 7.4% 1YR 2,234 5YR 33,503 Max Repair 1487.2 MSP
Captain Control Rating 2 BRG AUX
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months Morale Check Required
RM-3750 Military Jump Drive Max Ship Size 37500 tons Distance 50k km Squadron Size 3
Ravenor Drive Systems RDS-750B Gas-Core Drive (4) Power 3000.0 Fuel Use 49.92% Explosion 12%
Fuel Capacity 1,603,000 Litres Range 15.4 billion km (44 days at full power)
Valentinian-Stern VS-46 Void Shield (4) Recharge Time 368 seconds (0.5 per second)
Astaroth Kinetics AK-20 Weapons Battery (12x4) Range 160,000km TS: 4,000 km/s Power 12-4 ROF 15
Astaroth Kinetics AK-10 Light Weapon Battery (12x4) Range 40,000km TS: 4,000 km/s Power 3-3 ROF 5
MK I Energy Weapon Fire Control (3) Max Range: 256,000 km TS: 4,000 km/s ECCM-0
MK I Light Energy Weapon Fire Control (2) Max Range: 80,000 km TS: 4,000 km/s ECCM-0
R-24B Gaseous Fission Reactor (4) Total Power Output 98.1 Exp 5%
MK I Torpedo Detection Array (1) GPS 16 Range 6.4m km MCR 574.5k km Resolution 1
MK I Cruiser Active Augur Array (1) GPS 15360 Range 89.1m km Resolution 120
MK I Thermal Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 6.0 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 19.4m km
MK I Electromagnetic Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 8.0 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 22.4m km
The Dictator class carrier is another variant on the Lunar hull. All of the weapons and two of the shield generators have been removed and the armour has been reduced by fifty percent. The result is a scaled-up version of the Defiant class light carrier with a strikegroup of sixteen Starhawk bombers, sixteen Fury interceptors and a single Aquila lander. Sufficient ordnance is available for two full reloads of the bombers.
Dictator class Carrier 37,500 tons 685 Crew 4,485.4 BP TCS 750 TH 3,000 EM 2,760
4000 km/s Armour 3-99 Shields 92-368 HTK 180 Sensors 6/8/0/0 DCR 28-7 PPV 0
Maint Life 1.96 Years MSP 2,093 AFR 402% IFR 5.6% 1YR 717 5YR 10,750 Max Repair 375.00 MSP
Hangar Deck Capacity 12,750 tons Magazine 970 / 0
Captain Control Rating 2 BRG AUX
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months Flight Crew Berths 255 Morale Check Required
Ravenor Drive Systems RDS-750B Gas-Core Drive (4) Power 3000.0 Fuel Use 49.92% Explosion 12%
Fuel Capacity 2,010,000 Litres Range 19.3 billion km (55 days at full power)
Valentinian-Stern VS-46 Void Shield (2) Recharge Time 368 seconds (0.3 per second)
MK I Light Torpedo (384) Speed: 24,960 km/s End: 4.9m Range: 7.3m km WH: 5 Size: 2.50 TH: 83/49/24
MK I Torpedo Detection Array (1) GPS 16 Range 6.4m km MCR 574.5k km Resolution 1
MK I Cruiser Active Augur Array (1) GPS 15360 Range 89.1m km Resolution 120
MK I Thermal Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 6.0 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 19.4m km
MK I Electromagnetic Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 8.0 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 22.4m km
Strike Group
16x Starhawk Bomber Speed: 10009 km/s Size: 9.99
16x Fury Interceptor Speed: 10265 km/s Size: 5.6
1x Aquila Lander Speed: 3007 km/s Size: 4.99
The Dread Argent class Strike Cruiser, which is midway between a light cruiser and a cruiser in size, carries a Space Marine boarding assault company, along with its four Thunderhawk assault transports. The strike cruiser is also a capable ship-to-ship combatant, with a similar armament to the Dauntless class light cruiser, except for the replacement of the lance batteries with bombardment cannons. The Dread Argent has the same armour thickness as the Dauntless class, albeit with one third more armour volume overall due to the size difference, and an extra shield generator.
Dread Argent class Strike Cruiser 28,125 tons 778 Crew 4,089.7 BP TCS 562 TH 2,250 EM 4,140
4000 km/s Armour 5-82 Shields 138-368 HTK 162 Sensors 6/8/0/0 DCR 15-5 PPV 104
Maint Life 1.84 Years MSP 1,863 AFR 422% IFR 5.9% 1YR 696 5YR 10,446 Max Repair 375.00 MSP
Hangar Deck Capacity 4,000 tons
Captain Control Rating 2 BRG AUX
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months Flight Crew Berths 80 Morale Check Required
Ravenor Drive Systems RDS-750B Gas-Core Drive (3) Power 2250.0 Fuel Use 49.92% Explosion 12%
Fuel Capacity 1,300,000 Litres Range 16.7 billion km (48 days at full power)
Valentinian-Stern VS-46 Void Shield (3) Recharge Time 368 seconds (0.4 per second)
Gothicus-Agna GA-20 Bombardment Cannon (4) Range 256,000km TS: 4,000 km/s Power 10-3.5 ROF 15
Astaroth Kinetics AK-20 Weapons Battery (8x4) Range 160,000km TS: 4,000 km/s Power 12-4 ROF 15
Astaroth Kinetics AK-10 Light Weapon Battery (8x4) Range 40,000km TS: 4,000 km/s Power 3-3 ROF 5
MK I Energy Weapon Fire Control (3) Max Range: 256,000 km TS: 4,000 km/s ECCM-0
MK I Light Energy Weapon Fire Control (2) Max Range: 80,000 km TS: 4,000 km/s ECCM-0
R-23 Gaseous Fission Reactor (3) Total Power Output 70.3 Exp 5%
MK I Light Cruiser Active Augur Array (1) GPS 9600 Range 70.4m km Resolution 120
MK I Torpedo Detection Array (1) GPS 16 Range 6.4m km MCR 574.5k km Resolution 1
MK I Thermal Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 6.0 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 19.4m km
MK I Electromagnetic Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 8.0 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 22.4m km
Strike Group
4x Thunderhawk Assault Transport Speed: 9504 km/s Size: 19.99
The vast capacity of the Cetaceous class Troop Transport provides the Imperial Navy with the means to transport and combat drop an entire Imperial Guard corps, including four full regiments and the corps assets. Given the high potential for hostile fire as it approaches the drop zone, the Cetaceous is well-armoured for a commercial-engined vessel and equipped with four commercial defence turrets. That capability comes at a price, as the construction cost of a Cetaceous is thirty percent more than a Lunar class cruiser.
Cetaceous class Troop Transport 227,407 tons 1,178 Crew 7,261.3 BP TCS 4,548 TH 7,200 EM 0
1583 km/s Armour 6-331 Shields 0-0 HTK 363 Sensors 6/8/0/0 DCR 1-0 PPV 0
MSP 19 Max Repair 800 MSP
Troop Capacity 100,000 tons Drop Capable Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 5
Commander Control Rating 1 BRG
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months
Commercial Nuclear Gas-Core Engine (30) Power 7200.0 Fuel Use 2.89% Signature 240.0 Explosion 4%
Fuel Capacity 1,500,000 Litres Range 41.1 billion km (300 days at full power)
Commercial Defence Turret (4x6) Range 1000 km TS: 16,000 km/s ROF 5
MK I Commercial Active Augur Array (1) GPS 1920 Range 31.5m km Resolution 120
MK I Electromagnetic Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 8.0 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 22.4m km
MK I Thermal Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 6.0 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 19.4m km
While the mainstay of the Imperium’s offensive troop lift capability is the Cetaceous class Troop Transport, the smaller, jump-capable Orca is designed for transportation of garrison or expedition forces within Imperium space and has a transport capacity sufficient for a single infantry regiment of the Imperial Guard. The Orca has no drop capability and lacks any defence beyond its minimal armour, due to the lower priority of its primary task.
Orca class Troop Transport 60,532 tons 342 Crew 1,148.6 BP TCS 1,211 TH 1,920 EM 0
1585 km/s JR 2-25(C) Armour 1-137 Shields 0-0 HTK 121 Sensors 6/8/0/0 DCR 1-0 PPV 0
MSP 11 Max Repair 94.3 MSP
Troop Capacity 20,000 tons Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 2
Captain Control Rating 1 BRG
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months
Ravenor RC-60 Commercial Jump Drive Max Ship Size 60750 tons Distance 25k km Squadron Size 2
Commercial Nuclear Gas-Core Engine (
Power 1920.0 Fuel Use 2.89% Signature 240.0 Explosion 4%
Fuel Capacity 600,000 Litres Range 61.7 billion km (450 days at full power)
MK I Commercial Active Augur Array (1) GPS 1920 Range 31.5m km Resolution 120
MK I Electromagnetic Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 8.0 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 22.4m km
MK I Thermal Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 6.0 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 19.4m km
Imperial Navy Attack Craft The Thunderhawk class Assault Transport, used by Space Marine boarding assault companies, is a 1000-ton vessel designed to launch a Space Marine Assault Force against hostile ships. Even with a speed of 9500 km/s, the Thunderhawk is not fast enough to successfully assault warships with similar speeds to Imperial designs, at least not without heavy casualties among the boarding parties, so the ideal target ship is a lower moving commercial vessel or a damaged warship.
Thunderhawk class Assault Transport 1,000 tons 4 Crew 126.3 BP TCS 20 TH 190 EM 0
9504 km/s Armour 1-8 Shields 0-0 HTK 4 Sensors 0/0/0/0 DCR 0 PPV 0
Maint Life 0 Years MSP 0 AFR 199% IFR 2.8% 1YR 78 5YR 1,175 Max Repair 95.00 MSP
Troop Capacity 500 tons Boarding Capable
Commander Control Rating 1
Intended Deployment Time: 0.3 days Morale Check Required
Ravenor Drive Systems AC-190 Attack Craft Drive (1) Power 190.0 Fuel Use 793.49% Explosion 25%
Fuel Capacity 10,000 Litres Range 0.23 billion km (6 hours at full power)
MK I Fury Augur Array (1) GPS 2 Range 2m km MCR 181.7k km Resolution 1
The Starhawk bomber is the primary long-range strike weapon of the Imperial Navy and is equipped with twelve launching tubes for light torpedoes. The Starhawk includes an integral active augur array and fire control system, allowing torpedo launch from up to ten million kilometres. The bomber’s endurance is sufficient to attack targets up to five hundred million kilometres from its parent ship.
Starhawk class Bomber 500 tons 2 Crew 80.5 BP TCS 10 TH 100 EM 0
10009 km/s Armour 1-5 Shields 0-0 HTK 2 Sensors 0/0/0/0 DCR 0-0 PPV 4.56
Maint Life 0.38 Years MSP 5 AFR 100% IFR 1.4% 1YR 13 5YR 199 Max Repair 50.00 MSP
Magazine 30 / 0
Commander Control Rating 1
Intended Deployment Time: 2.4 days Morale Check Required
Ravenor Drive Systems AC-100 Attack Craft Drive (1) Power 100.0 Fuel Use 1093.75% Explosion 25%
Fuel Capacity 29,000 Litres Range 0.96 billion km (26 hours at full power)
Light Torpedo Launcher (12) Missile Size: 2.5 Hangar Reload 79 minutes MF Reload 13 hours
MK I Light Torpedo Fire Control (1) Range 9.7m km Resolution 14
MK I Light Torpedo (12) Speed: 24,960 km/s End: 4.9m Range: 7.3m km WH: 5 Size: 2.50 TH: 83/49/24
MK I Starhawk Augur Array (1) GPS 192 Range 10m km Resolution 120
The Fury class Interceptor has three different missions; long-range interception of hostile targets, providing an escort for bomber attacks and fleet defence against torpedo attack. The Fury is armed with the MK II Lascannon, a small, rapid-firing weapon, and is equipped with an augur array capable of detecting torpedoes.
Fury class Interceptor 281 tons 2 Crew 59.4 BP TCS 6 TH 58 EM 0
10265 km/s Armour 1-3 Shields 0-0 HTK 1 Sensors 0/0/0/0 DCR 0-0 PPV 1.65
Maint Life 2.49 Years MSP 25 AFR 56% IFR 0.8% 1YR 6 5YR 84 Max Repair 28.75 MSP
Commander Control Rating 1
Intended Deployment Time: 0.6 days Morale Check Required
Ravenor AC-57 Attack Craft Drive (1) Power 57.5 Fuel Use 1442.39% Signature 57.50 Explosion 25%
Fuel Capacity 8,000 Litres Range 0.36 billion km (9 hours at full power)
MK II Lascannon (1x2) Range 40,000km TS: 10,265 km/s Power 1.5-1.5 RM 40,000 km ROF 5
MK I Fury Fire Control (1) Max Range: 44,800 km TS: 10,000 km/s 78 55 33 11 0 0 0 0 0 0
R-1B Gaseous Fission Reactor (1) Total Power Output 1.5 Exp 15%
MK I Fury Augur Array (1) GPS 2 Range 2m km MCR 181.7k km Resolution 1
The Aquila class Lander is a workhorse small craft, used for transporting key personnel, scouting missions and even fleet defence in desperate situations. The Aquila is armed with a MK I Lascannon, capable of a single shot every five seconds.
Aquila class Lander 250 tons 5 Crew 35.5 BP TCS 5 TH 15 EM 0
3007 km/s Armour 1-3 Shields 0-0 HTK 1 Sensors 0/0/0/0 DCR 0-0 PPV 0.98
Maint Life 6.27 Years MSP 30 AFR 50% IFR 0.7% 1YR 1 5YR 20 Max Repair 7.50 MSP
Commander Control Rating 1
Intended Deployment Time: 1 months Morale Check Required
Shuttle Engine (1) Power 15.0 Fuel Use 180.74% Signature 15.00 Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 36,000 Litres Range 14.4 billion km (55 days at full power)
MK I Lascannon (1) Range 40,000km TS: 4,000 km/s Power 0.75-0.75 RM 40,000 km ROF 5
MK I Aquila Fire Control (1) Max Range: 64,000 km TS: 4,000 km/s 84 69 53 38 22 6 0 0 0 0
R-0B Gaseous Fission Reactor (1) Total Power Output 0.8 Exp 5%
MK I Shuttle Active Augur Array (1) GPS 768 Range 19.9m km Resolution 120
MK I Shuttle Thermal Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 0.6 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 6.1m km
MK I Shuttle EM Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 0.8 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 7.1m km
Imperial Navy Starting Forces4x Lunar class Cruiser:
Agrippa, Imperial Wrath, Iron Duke, Retribution2x Dictator class Carrier:
Archon Kort, Rhadamanthine2x Dominator class Cruiser:
Ferrum Aeterna, Ultima Praetor4x Dread Argent class Strike Cruiser:
Angelic Blade, Dread Argent, Eternal Defiance, Holy Execution12x Dauntless class Light Cruiser:
Advocate, Aegis, Bellerophon, Bloodhawk, Cerberus, Dauntless, Divine Crusade, Guardian, Hammer of Truth, Luxor, Ravenor, Unbroken Vow4x Endeavour class Light Cruiser:
Endeavour, Leonid, Sacrament of Judgement, Sanctis Legate4x Defiant class Light Carrier:
Archangel, Bellator Stoicus, Defiant, Imperial Ghost12x Sword class Frigate:
Destiny's Hand, Excalibur, Final Silence, Heroic Endeavour, Order Absolute, Pegasus, Raven's Spear, Rubicon, Silent Fire, Strident Virtue, Triumph of Juno, Valiant6x Firestorm class Frigate:
Cape Wrath, Firestorm, Kraken, Medusa, Vengeful, Vortex4x Falchion class Frigate:
Claymore, Falchion, Katana, Scimitar8x Tempest class Survey Frigate:
Acta Sanctorum, Ascension, Constantia, Covenant, Emperor's Light, Evening Star, Morning Star, Tempest4x Cetaceous class Troop Transport:
Cetaceous Andromedae, Cetaceous Aurigae, Cetaceous Draconis, Cetaceous Leonis6x Orca class Troop Transport:
Orca Andromedae, Orca Aurigae, Orca Draconis, Orca Leonis, Orca Pavonis, Orca Velorum64x Fury class Interceptor
64x Starhawk class Bomber
2x Aquila class Lander