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Hard Talk interview with the president
« on: June 06, 2011, 10:35:37 PM »
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Tonight On Hard Talk with Rachel Lee we get a special interview with the President of our Federation,  Jayne Casey and why he believes mankind's future is among the stars.

Rachel Lee: Thank you Mr. President for being on our show tonight.

President: The pleasure is mine, thank you for the invitation.

Rachel Lee: Well I believe our first question to get us started should be How does it feel being the first president elected for a global government.

President: Obviously its a big honor, but also a big responsibility as there is no one to set standard, and more eyes on you to do just that.  I may be imagining it but I feel as though my every thought is picked clean, far more thoroughly than most others as I try to find that niche that will either be shown as the path for future presidents, or used as an example of what to avoid, obviously I wish to avoid being the warning for bad presidents. sometimes I even second guess my lunch.

Rachel Lee: you were elected in 2060, which means you are now working on your fourth year of presidency,  your first three years were deemed rather quiet despite a few disruptions from anti- capitalists and lingering terrorist organizations.  what are your feeling on your first two years.

President:  My first years were as I intend them, I was more concerned with the establishment of our government,  as you said we still had issues with the idea of a global government, so we needed to smooth those feelings out, we also needed time to feel out our roles and positions.  I dont think we are fully settled in yet,  and many senators are already coming forth to challenge or change the rules set in the charter or to pick up where we missed, but it is time to move forward,  or we risk setting a trend of timid presidents who are afraid to move from their comfort zone.   with the majority of my term behind me, I have two years to to make a little mark, to let presidents know that its ok and even necessary to move out of your comfort zone and to keep progress rolling forward

Rachel Lee: your step out of the comfort zone seems to have been into space.  While independent nations had tried several space programs of their own mankind has never seemed to stay,  do you believe this will truly see permanent human settlements on other planets, and how do you see the steps working?

President:  I defenantly see this as the permanent step into space. while the legacy of the Apollo program, and even the Russian Soyuz and Chinese programs, cannot be ignored, they failed to push with the long term commitment to stay.  we have two things working in our favor, first a united world government, without the strife caused between smaller independent nations to drain our resources,  and new technologies that will help us stay.  Admittedly even with the commitment of the people who ran these previous programs,  they simply lacked the technology to stay in space without great risk of life.   the risk will still be there but reduced.  and soon after our feet are on mars,  the other stars will open up to us.

Rachel Lee: So you believe we will construct other settlements on other planets in other systems?  how will we get to these stars?

President: I absolutely believe we will travel among the stars, and i'm a strong believer in the recent gravitational theory, somewhere in our system are points in space where we can open wormholes leading to instantaneous travel between the stars. 

Rachel Lee:  Thank you for your interview Mr. President,  any final comments?

President: Watch for great things to come in the next 10 years.  the senate is committed to their job, and I am inspired by their eagerness, how quickly they joined on board the idea of space travel, and how firey they can get.   Everyone says they live in exciting times, and here we are again, in exciting times.