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Offline ardem (OP)

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Post 4
« on: August 08, 2011, 12:57:27 AM »

Tukama watched as a guard walked towards the cell door, other men in the cell also rustled from their dozing sleep. The supress yawns and limbs cracking create a small symphony in the tiny cell, as the men stirred awake. Tukama wondered whose turn it was to be interviewed, he was sure it was not his turn. It had now been full month since they had received any news from the outside, Tukama started to believe that perhaps New Osaka and Earth had gone to war with Eurlia. He was disappointed that he never even got to fire a shot in anger and will spent the term in captivity for however long this war lasts.

The guard announced for everyone to get on their feet, his tone with neither harsh nor inviting but the standard voice of a prison guard doing his job. The men sighed and moaned, creating the only protest they could utter about their predicament. Tukama stood, curious as regulated shower time was allowed every third day, the Eurlian had scheduled all procedures like clockwork until now, perhaps they all were being moved, either way it was highly irregular.

The guard depressed the cell door button and with a metallic clang the door proceeded to slide open. He stepped back to allow the men to file out, as he stood unthreatening but his hand still hovered near his holstered hand gun. Tukama thought the men could overpower him, but then what.  They did not know the response time of other armed guards, or where to exit the station. Repercussion could be assured if they did not succeed, and it would be a futile gesture that would only get men killed.

The group was ushered down a hallway and away from the cell block. Another guard had joined the group, following in the rear. Tukama once again moved through the maze of corridors but this time he seemed to be moving away from the holding cells to an area he had was unfamiliar with. Their journey ended at a doorway to a large auditorium, inside he could see a large number of people. Tukama soon took stock after entering he had seen faces of his crew, the trade delegation and the crew of the transport ship. There was however a large number of unfamiliar faces from other Earth and New Osakan military and commercial crews.

Tukama moved deeper into the auditorium, the Eurlian had guards broken off and were milling around the doorway where they had entered. Several other groups also enter into the auditorium, from the various doors located around the auditorium. Tukama spotted his XO standing alone towards the edge of the crowd and started to move towards him. As he walked Tukama noticed there were several high ranking Eurlian officers and officials on a stage overlooking the crowd. A number of New Osakan and Earth representative including the trade minister were also on the stage seated and talking amongst themselves. Everyone appeared to be well and without harm which Tukama viewed as a good sign. After making his past several of his crew with nods of acknowledgement he reached his XO.

Lieutenant Kwan Jeong, was proud of Korean heritage but it often left him open to Tukama jibes and provocations. Tukama did however like his XO in the short time he had known him. Jeong was dependable, resilient and often made light of tough situations, qualities that Tukama admired. Jeong was ten years Tukama senior, which meant ten years fleet experience that alone made him a valuable member of his crew.

“Jeong good to see you” Tukama held out his hand to greet the XO who met his hand heartily. Tukama looked around at the gathering people “Have we lost anybody” showing slight concern on his face. Jeong looked confident “No Sir, you were the last of our crew, I had been waiting on, and I am glad to see you unharmed.” Tukama smiled briefly and sneakily said “Well, I could use a good nap and my own bed” Jeong and Tukama smirks turn to loud chuckles.

The resonance of what sounded like taps on a microphone reverberated around the room, the crowd quietened and drew their attention to the stage.  Tukama instantly recognised Captain Willem Jord, he had not seen him since his first meeting. The man who now stood behind the microphone looked a shadow of himself from one month ago. The captain looked very tired, his complexion could only be termed a grey, gone was the hue of his reddish nose and cheeks, Tukama doubted it was the poor lighting.  Jord leaned forward and spoke into the microphone.

“Ladies and Gentleman, I wish to express our most humbly apologies on behalf of the Eurlian government, for our inability to hold you in a more comfortable way. Our station was never designed to hold so many  people”  Tukama gave a quick glance towards  Jeong, with a narrowing of the eyebrows to express “What the frag is going on here”  Jeong replied with a quick shrug of his shoulders.

“I hope you can all appreciate that the Eurlian government felt it was at threat, when the Jump Gate had closed and our probes were destroyed on entry, we felt it necessary to detain all non-Eurlians until we were sure what threat was established against our colony.” Jord paused and glance around the room, “I sincerely hope we can put the past behind us and work together in the future.”

Most people were stunned with the sudden turnaround of their fortunes, which no one dared spoke as if it would shatter this illusion.

Tukama could see Jord had taken this silence as approval to continue, perhaps even forgiveness. Jord’s demeanour changed slightly and his back straightened a little to make use of his small height. “I know many of you perhaps feel this is some sort of trick or are surprised of the sudden turn around, I am here today to shed some light on the situation. Two months ago you were taken into custody, since that time we have tried multiple times to penetrate the gate with probes, vessels and communication pods. Unfortunately nothing had returned, three days ago a vessel emerged from the gate, it was not a vessel of human design. The ship had the defensive capabilities of our most powerful cruiser, but we were able to overcome and destroyed it. The salvaged ship is currently being analysed although most technology is alien and a lot we cannot comprehend. Comrades, Earth is under attack and there is nothing we can do to prevent it.” The hall erupted with an explosion of emotions, some people shouted questions at the stage, some crying against a friend, others stunned into contemplation.

Jord tried in vain to quieten the crowd, but it was no use his amplified voice was a small cry in a sea of agony and fear. Tukama and his XO looked at each other, they knew unless the crowd came under control no further information will be given. Both their eyes searched the room until Jeong spotted the device needed, and pointed it out to Tukama. Not far from their position on a fire emergency alarm mounted on a wall, this would be the perfect instrument to break the crowd uproar and allow Jord to get some control over the crowd. The guards were pre occupied at the exits keeping the crowd contained, Tukama could see heated verbal and sometime small physical exchanges.

Tukama knew action need to be taken and strode over to the emergency alarm. Tukama raised his elbow and struck the protective Perspex, which shatter into a thousand tiny fragments. His hand then depressed the red button, quietly praying this would not result into a downpour of water. Space craft and stations rarely carried enough available water for fire fighting, most time the alarm was sound only to alert people to the danger and activate fire fighting teams to the area.

A piercing alarm drowned the crowds voices, red lights flashed from the emergency lighting as people turned their attention to the potential problem at hand.  Tukama deactivated the alarm and the attention was drawn back to the microphone voice on the stage.

Jord raised his hands to settle the crowd down as he spoke “I know you all have thousand of questions, which I assure you will be answered. But first we would like you all to receive more comfortable accommodation and proper rest. Due to the nature of the current crisis, we cannot allow you to travel to the planet at this time, plus your vessels are safer closer to this facility. We would appreciate if you could return to you ships, where we will provide you with supplies and other necessities. Your ships engines are currently fitted with encrypted electronic immobilisers, so at this stage you cannot leave this station until they are detached” the crowd voice increased a few decibels on hearing this, Jord raised his pitch slightly to make sure his voice was heard “However, once we have spoken to your captains, we will endeavour to start removing these devices as quickly as possible.”

A tall Nordic man, step forward behind Jord, the contrast between the two men was like chalk and cheese. “I would now like to hand over to my supply officer Lieutenant Emerson, he will brief you on the various supplies we have in store and requestion processes on this station. In the mean time I would like all ship captains to retire with me to the station’s briefing room.”

Jord left the stage and headed towards the closest doorway, and turned to wait for the various captains making their way in his direction. Tukama turned and spoke to his XO “Jeong, make sure our people get what they need, although I doubt we will be in port too long. Got a feeling we will be absconded to the Eurlian Fleet.” They both smiled, either with or without them the Chimera was going to fly Eurlian colours.

Tukama made his way to the Captain Jord , he needed to push past people as they started to crowd closer to the stage. The supply officer was now starting into his dry commentary, but supplies were on everyone’s agenda, especially when you have gone without for a while.