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Offline ardem (OP)

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Post 8
« on: January 05, 2012, 07:56:10 PM »

Yoshi stood at attention in front of his new commander, Daisa Noro Sen the task force commander.  Sen was quite warm in the welcoming Yoshi into the task force seven months ago.  Sen’s energetic nature and positive attitude instantly made Yoshi feel at ease. Sen’s persona often reminded Yoshi of his younger brother Tukuma on occasion.

Yoshi relished his new position, Captain of the FF Kaosiung. This was Yoshi’s first combat assignment and a large honour. Yoshi’s responsibility was to the defence of the colony and the fate of 630 crew, it was not something anyone took lightly.  

The FF Kaosiung was a state of the art Isa class frigate, equipped with a single 35cm x-ray laser turret capable of destroying any known Earth vessel, most time in a single shot.  The frigate also had a limited number of defensive Gauss turrets for anti-missile defence, with a maximum speed of 6250 kilometres per second this vessel was designed to close in and destroy any enemy.

The crews last few months were a series of training drills in the New Osaka solar system. This allowed Yoshi to acquaint himself with the men and his ship. He was extremely pleased with the performance of both. Fortunately he was not alone in this endeavour. In the tradition of the New Osakan fleet he was allowed as ship commander to choose his own XO, this allowed Yoshi the luxury of having the familiarity of Lieutenant Kurogane by his side.

The excitement and fanfare of the George was now in the past, in many respect Yoshi was glad of this. One luxury the George never allowed due to the long voyages was shore leave. This allowed Yoshi to visit his mother and sobo, both were doing well. His mother constantly asked about how the search was for Earth was proceeding, Yoshi however was unable to give her the positive news she sought. Time past and Yoshi believed his mother had come to the acceptance, or at least a comfortable deniability that they never may find Earth.

Footsteps brought Yoshi thoughts back into the present. Daisa Hirayama Yuka finally entered the room, he had arrived with Yoshi to the FFL Haiphong (Command Frigate), but had stalled before entering the Fleet commanders quarters perhaps to make both Yoshi and Sen wait but Yoshi could not be sure. Yuka seemed a little full of himself and from past meetings did not like Sen or Yoshi that much.

Sen did not show she minded Yuka small display of disrespect, or atleast did not show too. “At ease gentlemen” she said in her normal upbeat tone. Yoshi relaxed a little but not enough to show any disrespect, Yuka however looked for a nice comfortable chair in the corner and sat in it.

“What I am about to say is for your ears only, at least for now. An unknown vessel has been spotted in the Kitakyushu system by the survey vessel Marc Aaronson.” Both men’s attention was now fully on Sen, even Yuka seemed to straighten noticeably in the chair. An unknown vessel meant either two things Earth or aliens.

Aliens still a concept foreign to any human, and perhaps scoffed at behind closed doors about anyone who believes in such things. Science and mathematics had proven long ago statistically it was possible, but no matter how much search and signal sending nothing had ever been confirmed. Jump technology increased the chances of an alien encounter to be statistically possible.

“Gentleman, we have orders to head to the Kitakyushu system and investigate the situation. Remember our three vessels constitute the Fleets only long range and heavy defence force, as you know the gunboats would only be a slight deterrent to any aggressive force.”

Sen paused as she reviewed the orders on her tablet “Communication efforts have been started however the vessel has refused to respond, this does not seem to be encouraging signs. Get your men and your ships ready we leave in 24 hours. Dismissed.”

Yoshi smartly saluted and about faced out the door, he had reached the corridor even while Yuka was getting to a standing position, however yoshi caught a drift of a few words as he left. “Hero boy” and “combat”.

Ever since Fleet started marketing his as a hero, the public press had taken and run with it. Yoshi drew more scorn from many of his fellow officers. Yoshi did not feel he was anything special however the public need faith at the time. He would not let Yuka’s issue invade his thoughts, he would do his duty and do it to the best of his ability.

The shuttle ride back to his ship was quite quick, it remind him of the sailing era, when a captain enter a rowboat to be taken out to his ship anchored at port. The pilot of this vessel was probably as concerned with the appearance of a professional service as the coxswain of yesteryears.

The small ten man shuttle was very spartan, its only purpose was to ferry people on and off the frigate. Along with the five man escape pods it was the only way off the frigate, and the only means of rescue from a stricken vessel, atleast until the oxygen ran out. The shuttle attached itself to the outer hull and was clamped into place, where it would remain until needed again.

Yoshi waited for the pressures to realign themselves, even a small increase or decrease in pressure was a hazard any great variation might blow the seals and the ship back into space. Not a pleasant thought.  The green light and hiss of the door opening was the signal that he could board his frigate.

Lieutenant Kurogane was there to greet him at the docking clamp, with a smile and tablet tucked under his arm. Yoshi had grown quite fond of Kurogane, his punctuality, reliability and dry humour made commanding a starship easier. Yoshi wondered who actually commanded the starship though, Kurogane was always one step ahead and always had the data Yoshi needed most times before Yoshi asked.

Yoshi stepped out and headed for the bridge as Kurogane fell in step “Lieutenant we are moving out in 24 hours, destination Kitakyushu system, cancel all shore leave, recall all the men on New Osaka. How is our refuel level and stock levels.”

Kurogane answered without looking at his tablet, “we are refuelled and stock level s are at 100% capacity, also I sentthe recall to men on New Osaka about one hour ago”. Yoshi stopped walking and eyebrows narrowed in a query as he turned and looked at Kurogane. That was even before Yoshi has reached the FFL Haiphong, Kurogane gave a knowing smiled and said “Just a guess sir, just a guess” and walked on towards the bridge. Yoshi smiled and shook his head as his continue onto the bridge