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The Empires
« on: August 18, 2011, 06:48:29 PM »
I could like it if all who are playing would start a thread here about their empire, a brief history of how it fits into the world and its outlook, you could also use that thread for whatever public negotiations and announcements you wish to make to the other players or myself. Think of this as your character creation portion. I'll give it perhaps three or four days and then start things off.

Offline mavikfelna

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Re: The Empires
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2011, 09:58:42 PM »
The New Zion Defense League

The Defense League grew out of the mountain states of the western US. The natural defenses of the tough Rocky Mountains and many hidden valleys and caves helped keep the survivors alive through the worst of the invasion. As the situation stabilized and the invaders were driven out and destroyed, those that survived banded together again with the vow that never again would their children suffer the depredations that had built their nation.

A new Latter-day Saint prophet arose with the new nation and declared them the New Zion that would rise as a beacon to the world and help take the people of Earth to the danger and safety to be found among the stars.

President: Leon Anderson
Vice President: Emily Webster
Department of Defense Chief of Staff: William Bertoli
Senior Senator: Robert Smith, New Democratic Party

Aurora Data
 Empire Name:           New Zion Defense League
 Government:             Republic, unicameral legislature, independent executive (President) and judicial branches
 Main Empire Theme:  US
 Commander Theme:  US
 Secondary Themes:   Spanish (20%)
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 02:45:56 PM by mavikfelna »

Offline shadenight123

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Re: The Empires
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2011, 01:45:52 AM »
Note: i might continue adding things as i think about it.

The Meritocracy of the Original

Where there is many, there is weakness
Different ideas, different thoughts, different way of solving problems, thats weak. It's so weak it make me want to puke.
Cit. from "Thoughts on the next mastermind of the century"

After the complete and utter idiocy of the Italian government *tm* during the assault of the machines discovered in the geological sites in mexico, italians had to recoup there losses in some way. That way was found by a prominent biology engineer, a certain unnamed individual, who's name has thoroughly been erased from any written history and who is now called "The Original".
He's revitilizing agent brought the italian population back to it's old numbers, but at a cost, a cost hidden to the government, that puny and sick government who couldn't move a finger while it's citizens were slaughtered and butchered. Each new born had black eyes and black hair, even if blond, or red, or other colours should have been there. The biologist passed it off as a necessary price, for the fertilizing agent to work.
Truth be told, when in the end not a single of the baby being born started to resemble their parents in the slightest, but all took after the biologist, everyone realised, though to late to stop it, that through advanced biologic engineering he had broken through a couple of taboos...he had cloned himself, into every new born child.
Italy stopped being a democracy, when the clones reached eighteen years and were ready to vote, everyone voted the BIologist as unconditional leader.
He had complete and utter power, and the democracy became a Dictatorship. Namely called "Dictator" behind the old romans ways of dictatorship, italy prospered, and it's economy reflourished thanks to the cuts made in the government department...really really heavy cuts. especially on the lives of the previous governments and ministers.
The new borns were smart, and those born from them were smarter still. It was all for the benefit of the meritocracy. For the benefit of the original.
After the machines were driven off, expeditions were sent to uncover and grab what was possible. The Original didn't like to be stopped by a mere thing as "mortality" after all.
Oh and i was nearly forgetting. The original takes no prisoners. It costs too much to keep them in prisons. They are shot on the spot. But still, nobody would attack the Original. Since, after all, he cares only for his country and his people, and as long as they are safe, he wouldn't move even if next door there would nuclear bombardments on routes. After all...
Science is what is needed to win wars. And if you find yourself losing just need more science "thoughts from the mastermind of the century"

Italy has always been poor in two things:
food and energy.
this changed after the discovery that, in the end, all you needed was just to make animals and fish produce more offsprings then normal, and to make plants grow faster.
and science, genetical science, did that. A harvest of a thousand crops became of ten thousands, a fish who laid hundreds of eggs had them all fertilized and produced. The meditterean sea started to be filled with fishes, genetically or not. Since reduction in the number of living beings had increased animal populations, and reduced many cities to ashes.
the concept of "wall-street" of "international economy" of "debt" did not stand well with the Original, and still does not stand well. Everything goes to the original, or it's subordinate, it is then given down the chain to everyone else, depending on their needs. thus there is no increase in wealth for the single being, but for the entire community.
Shops are built if necessary, not to increase one's wealth.
Thieveries are non existent, since you can't actually steal something from yourself, or from someone who actually owns nothing of his.
Crimes are reduced to the really minimum, but it's to be noted how adulteries have increased. after all, all males and females DO look the same...
the sense of self is completely and utterly ignored, like the gain of wealth, so there is no currency and no money for any of the empire. the original has it all, and he decides how to spend it and on what, and usually, it's to pay inferior foreign scientists to move to his advanced country.
they tend to never return though.

I Do not care what happens around me, or how many millions get killed. But know this. Wound one of my one, and i will demand payment. Kill one of my own, and be prepared for my wrath, for i shall not stop until your entire, pathetic, miserable, worthless nation and it's inhabitant are destroyed to CINDERS! For the rest, feel free to kill each others how you see fit. "Words of ascensions" (phamplet which was made manifest and circled around a lot in the after match against the machine invaders)

Isolationism at it's peak wouldn't be this closed.
the Original, and Neo-italy, as it has been recalled, does not, actually, care about anything else but it's own land, and it's own country. Should we ever colonize an asteroid, even if worthless, we shall keep it. no sharing! On the other hand, we are the perfect neighbours, since we do not actually care at all about increasing our share of land at the damage of others. Since war does tend to make people die, and since neo-italians are actually the sons and daughters of the Original, would you actually send your own sons and daughters to war? knowing you'd certainly have some of them killed?
we "did" claim a little bit more territory after the battles, since, after all, there was nobody near them, so we have switzerland and a piece of france (a tiny piece! i swear! it's just the cote d'azur!) but that is all. For the vast majority, the Original takes care to remove any leftover influence of the old and worthless democratic government. Only his will shall remain.

Science focusers
Immortality, if only through Ambrosia, the sweet nectar of gods, can you be reached, what purpose do you serve? if not "true" immortality, a mask of it, i'd like to have it, a sip, a taste, a tiny speckle. And i have a way, at least, i think i do...

Naming type/officer: Italy
Empire name: Neo-italy
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 08:46:05 AM by shadenight123 »
people die all the time, it's not a problem.
it is if you're sending them to die.
i'm not. they just need to learn to be better.
they need NOT TO CARE!
my blog (updated 17/12/2011) (updated every saturday):

Offline Vynadan

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« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2011, 08:36:07 AM »

Official Languages:
Japanese Alliance
Prime Minister of Japan, Tanabe Seiko
Japan, North and South Korea
Japanese, Korean
Not unified - Yen, North Korean Won, South Korean Won

Before the eventful summer of 2017 Japan was one of the leading industrial and scientific countries of Earth, producing large quantities of high-tech and consumer goods. Much of the japanese population lived in the metropoli on the four major and mountainous ilses of Kyushu, Shikoku, Honshu and Hokkaido. The agricultural sector was slim, most of the nation's food coming from the sea and imports, as only little farming could still be fit onto the crowded islands.
At the theory of TN-materials and their supposed discovery by the geological team of Zofia Negrete Japan was one of the many countries showing a lot of interest into the new potential technology.

During The Invasion
Two vaults were located on japanese soil, under Shikoku and Hokkaido each. When the Invader's vaults activated, the military could do little to protect the civilians in the metropolis and Japan saw its population quickly and severly reduced. The war of attrition waged against the Invaders ultimately lead to the victory of the japanese forces, but the losses were heavier than in most countries.
Of the almost 7000 tiny isles Japan once called its own many were simply overrun in an instant, but some also left untouched due to their location or insignificance.

Annexation of Korea
In the later years, when battles started to decline and more regions could be declared safe, Japan found itself in a crisis. Most of the land was in ruin and what little farming could still be done would never sustain the population and the majority of facilities that Japan once had were made for consumer electronics or finished goods - and not large scale steel production necessary for a rebuild.
With the Invader's forces on decline, Japan dared to look past its own isles to its neighbours - among them, Korea. During the machine's outbreak North and South Korea had both been struck as everyone else, but the disdain between the two had lead to a new war - where forces weren't fighting the Invaders, they were fighting the other side. Before 2017 South Korea used to have several corporations operating all around the world and with them, additional facilities.
Japanese officials - due to martial law and lack of organised votings mostly military Generals - offered military aid to South Korea, demanding their and North Koreas sovereignity in exchange. South Korea was of course reluctant to agree, but with the Invaders ravaging the Earth and the fear of nuclear strikes from North Korea they saw little choice. The combined forces of Japan and South Korea successfully attacked and conquerd North Korea.

When the last Invader fell and no more gunshots were heard, a wave of rejoice went through the combined japanese and korean military as well as civilian population.
Under immense diplomatic effort the alliance with South Korea could be held, granting them almost enitre self-governance in internal affairs and a large representation in the newly founded Japanese Alliance politics.
Japan retained its own administrativ bodies but had its foreign and military politics transfered to the Japanese Alliance as well.
North Korea was a poverty-ridden mostly rural country that was supposed to deliver much of the agricultural product needed for the new political power. Here, military force was stronger still than in other areas due to the tension still sparkling between North and South Korea.

The task of the Japanese Alliance was to govern North Korea and to organise the combined rebuilding efforts of Japan and Korea. It represented the entire body to the outside world and had both the military and governmental research under its wing. Politically, the Alliance was lead by the Prime Minister of Japan, but with a Korean delegation, military advisors and the scientific council at her side, with whom she often conducted meetings to decide upon matters.

Aurora Information
Empire Name:
Government Type:
Main Empire Theme:
Commander Theme:
Secondary Commander Theme Names:
Japanese Alliance
Nihon (Japan)
Korean (40%)
« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 11:41:02 AM by Vynadan »

Offline FGRaptor

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Re: The Empires
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2011, 10:48:43 AM »
The Northern Kingdom

Important Information
Empire:The Nothern Kingdom
Her Highness:Queen Louise I of the Northern Kingdom
Full Title:Her Imperial and Royal Majesty Louise the First, by the Grace of God, Queen of the Northern Kingdom, Defender of the Faith
Lands:Germany, Denmark (not Greenland), United Kingdom (Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Ireland
Capital:Pendragon (ruins of Berlin)

Secondary Information
Official Languages:German, English
Currency:Euro (Germany, Ireland), GBP (United Kingdom), DKK (Denmark)

From "History of the Northern Kingdom and Her Majesty Queen Louise the First" by Duke Franz von Hammerburg:

Europe before the Arrival of our Saviour
Although our Saviour, Her Majesty Queen Louise I, was not yet our sole and righteous ruler, the union of nations known as "European Union", before [/b]the time of the Invasion, was relatively prosperous.  Apart from smaller financial problems and riots, all nations were quite well off.  Of course the true prosperity was only to begin after our Queen Louise I united our nations under the banner of our Northern Kingdom.  [. . . ]

Everyone for Himself
With the Invasion in 2017 and the appearance of several vaults in Europe, the EU found itself overwhelmed.  Quickly nations decided to look out for themselves, rather than helping each other.  The "European Union", "United Nations" and other useless unions were quickly disbanded after the Invasion.  Soon after our Saviour, Her Majesty, would enter the stage.

The largest parts of our glorious Northern Kingdom, Germany and Great Britain, were struck by bad luck.  Vaults opened in both London and Berlin, devastating the capitals in the first wave of the Invasion and practically destroying the governments.  The remnants of these nations were not fit enough for the task at hand and both nations were quickly thrown into disarray.  [. . . ]

The Voice of One
Only a few years after our Queen, Her Majesty, entered the stage in Germany.  As a member of a party of the old government, she quickly gathered many followers, as our intelligent and charismatic Queen is a woman of words, insight and intellect.  It didn't take long for her to rally the people.  With her circle of close followers and the German nation at her side, she took over the first part of our glorious Kingdom.

Were the rest of the old government was hiding, in Bonn, the people, led by Her Majesty, our Queen, stormed their hideout and forced them to step down, placing our Queen in their stead.  Although not yet crowned, she took over command of Germany and with her help and her circle of close followers the army and police forces were mobilized and coordinated to repel the Invasion and help the people.

Everyone looked up to our Queen, Her Majesty, our Saviour.  Even the people who were asking God for help soon followed our Queen, when the Church acknowledged her royal lineage, dating back to the roots of both the German's and Great Britain's royal lineages.  Crowned Queen Louise I of Germany of the German Kingdom, this was the first step our Saviour did in order to secure our future.  [. . . ]

United once again
As our Queen's close followers, the new Dukes and Duchesses of our Kingdom, took control of seperate cities under Her Majesties supervision, our Saviour turned her eyes to our neighbours: Great Britain.  The Island was in chaos.  

Almost instantly Her Majesty dispatched troops there, reinstating order and peace for everyone.  With the previous royal family gone, she was the new image of the people even there.  She was a beacon of light and hope.  Slowly garnering the support of the people in Great Britain, the Invasion in Germany was more or less stabilized, when the enemy forces seemed to weaken after several years.

Her Majesty, our Queen, took this chance to travel to Great Britain, where she was hailed by the people.  Without hesitance, almost abruptly, was she acknowledged by the Church there as the new and rightful ruler of Great Britain, Queen Louise I of Great Britain.  All voices that say the Church was pushed into this decision are of course utterly mistaken.

Our island neighbour's nation was stabilized and supported by our Queen, who placed more of her Dukes and Duchesses into ruling over the remaining cities.

As the 19 years of terror of the Invasion were nearing it's end, the Queen was still in despair: So many more nations were suffering and without hope, without a leader and a future.  In her absolute benevolence, our Queen, Her Majesty, sent out troops to our other neighbours.  Many were met with harsh words and hostility.  Many people were instigated by remnants of old governments, blind old people that only had their own prosperity in mind.

Of course, our benevolent Queen would not have any of this.  She succeeded in saving the rest of the former United Kingdom, a weak Kingdom in comparison to our glorious one, and the rest of Ireland as well.  From Germany our troops marched into Denmark, where they were welcomed and almost more hastily than in Great Britain was our Saviour acknowledged as their ruler.  [. . . ]

Seed of a New Kingdom
With the Invasion over after the sacrifice of the Zofia Negrete archeological team, our Queen unified all the nations she had saved.  Germany, Denmark, the United Kingdom and Ireland were united under the new flag of the Northern Kingdom.  The people of this Kingdom, our new Kingdom, were looking for hope.  With the Invasion stopped, the lands were still lying in ruins.  Our Queen, Her Majesty, wanted to give them this hope.

The Queen ordered construction of a new city in the ruins of Berlin.  Plans for incredible new architectural wonders appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, and construction started immediately and infrastructure was rebuilt.  What remained of the Bundestag was demolished and in it's place a new building was erected, rivaling everything in it's beauty: The Imperial Palace of Pendragon, new seat of Her Majesty, Queen Louise I.

In a grandiose event, with the support of the Northern Kingdom's Church and all of the new royalty present, she was crowned anew, in the new Capital of Pendragon.  Arriving in the most beautiful dress ever known, Her Majesty, our Queen, made her way through the streets to the new Palace.  Men and Women alike fainted in the numbers at the sight of our most beautiful Queen Louise I.  [. . . ]

All hail the Northern Kingdom! All hail Her Imperial and Royal Majesty Louise the First, by the Grace of God, Queen of the Northern Kingdom, Defender of the Faith!

Aurora Information
Empire Title:Northern Kingdom
Government Type:Imperial Monarchy
Main Empire Theme:Deutschland
Commander Theme:German
Secondary Commander Theme:English (40%)
« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 11:45:55 AM by FGRaptor »
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Re: The Empires
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2011, 12:55:05 PM »

 Empire: Communidad Mediterraneo (Mediterranean Community)
 Leader: President Juan Miguel Gomez
 Government: Republic
 Lands: Spain, Portugal, Morocco, the rest of southern France, Tunisia, northern Algeria and Libya

In the years before the invasion, Spain was on the difficult road to economic recovery following the Euro-debt crisis of 2012. Standards of living had fallen noticeably for the average person, but the future was looking brighter, with the revitalisation of the tourist industry and renewed stability in the Mediterranean following the Libyan rebellion in 2011. Hopes for the future were only further boosted following the publication of the findings at Chicxulub in Mexico. Like many other nations, Spain sent several scientists to examine the ruins for themselves.

And then the Invasion began. While the initial reports from Mexico were worrisome, Spanish leadership was confident in the United States ability to secure a perimiter around the area and begin wiping out the hostile machines. As a NATO member, the Spanish armed forces were already preparing to send an expeditionary force to aid their allies across the Atlantic, when the vaults began opening on the Iberian peninsula. The first was near Toledo, just south of the capital, Madrid; which sent the government into a panic. The second was just across the border to Portugal, near Badajoz.

As the armed forces began to confront this new threat, quickly linking up with Portugese forces, the Spanish government decided to retreat to Majorca, hopefully safe from the Invaders for now. As the situation deteriorated, an invitation was extended to the Portugese leadership to join them there. This was happily accepted, as the Portugese had been considering a similar move as the Invaders swept west from their vault towards the capital, but Portugals own island posessions were ill suited to act as a government center. Shortly afterwards the King of Morocco asked that his government and family be allowed to take refuge there too in case the situation in North Africa deteriorated, which it did in the months that followed. With the King dead, the leadership of Morocco fell to the exiled government on Majorca.

As time passed and the battles wore on, Spain watched in horror as extreme measures were taken, including nations using their own strategic arsenals against their own land in a desperate bid to wipe out the invaders. On the Iberian peninsula things slowly began to come to a standstill, as the machines finally felt the toll of years of sustained combat. Their vaults on the peninsula exhausted, they were unable to continue to simply replace damaged units with fresh ones, and soon their incapability of repair became apparent. A harsh lesson was learned however, that many machines that had been moved into reserve due to 'damage' were still entirely capable of turning armoured columns into scrap when fighting defensively, and so the joint Iberian forces adopted a strategy of slow advancement with heavy bombardment, to minimise their own losses, even if this meant that progress was slower.

As the last of the machines was eliminated from the peninsula, the powers turned their gaze to their neighbours to the north and south, who were not doing nearly as well. At the request of the Moroccan government, an expeditionary force was sent to aid the remnants of Moroccon, Algerian, Tunisian and Libyan forces which had established a perimiter near the Algerian coastline. Simultaneously, a force was sent across to southern France, to repel the Invader forces there. Most of the French army had abandoned the area as they withdrew north, and only pockets of resistance remained. With the help of the Iberian forces, the slow process of clearing the region began.

As the battles in the region came to an end, it became clear that the world had changed. Widespread destruction, hundreds of millions of evacuated people and several toppled governments meant that things would not be the same. In addition, there were the clear conclusions to be drawn from the Invaders and their technology; humanity was not the only intelligent power to have visited earth, though if the creators of the machines were still around was not certain.

The Iberian peninsula, though scarred by war, was relatively well off compared to northern Africa, where only Morocco still had a working government. The mediterranean coast of France was not much better. As time wore on, the Iberian alliance grew to absorb the remnants of Morocco and parts of the north African states of Algeria, Tunisia and Libya, as well as the part of the French coast, with the remainder being gobbled up by the reborn Italian state. These additions were mainly due to a need for extra land for farming, in the case of France, or in search of natural resources, in Africa.

With its center of power still in Majorca, the alliance officially established itself as the "Communidad Mediterraneo", a Spanish name meaning 'Mediterranean Community'.

The Mediterranean Communities main concerns under President Gomez are the use of TN technology to expand into the solar system, the restoration and recovery of the Earth and maintaining peaceful relations between the newly emergent powers.

Secondary priorities include making preparations both nationally and as a part of humanity against possible outside threats; because of this President Gomez sees it as vitally important to maintain open dialogue between the powers as they adopt TN technology and build defences against the outsiders, to prevent misunderstandings as these can be ill afforded in the aftermath of what has occurred.

For too long has humanity wasted its energy warring against itself - the time for that is past, the last decades have made that much obvious.

Aurora Data
 Empire Name:           Mediterranean Community
 Government:             Republic
 Main Empire Theme:  Spanish
 Commander Theme:  Spanish
 Secondary Themes:   Portugese (20%), Arabic (20%), French (15%)
 Hull Design:              AtmosphericShuttle
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 06:45:30 PM by Elouda »

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Re: The Empires
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2011, 12:19:33 PM »
Inuk  (The People)

Empire:  The People
Empire short name: Inuk
Government: Clan/Family Council
Lands: Pretty much everything north of 60 degrees north latitude (excluding mainland Quebec), plus the rest of the Alaskan & Scandinavian peninsulas, the Kamchatka penninsula, Sakhalin island (contested), the Kurile islands (contested), the Aleutian islands, and the north bank of the Neva river from Saint Petersburg to Lake Ladoga.
Theme:  Native American
Commander Names:  English
 French    10%
 Russian   33%
 Norse      17%
 Swedish  15%
Hull: Agamemnon

In many ways, it was the so-called 'less developed' people of the world who came through the Invasion best.  Less reliant on the modern infrastructure that was so widely disrupted by the robotic Invaders, possessing a strong hunter/survival tradition, and largely located far away from both the Invaders and their high-tech city targets, the aboriginal peoples of the world suffered the least disruption of humanity.  The unkind would say that is because they had so little to be disrupted in the first place, but The People possessed a far greater advantage - snow.

While the robotic soldiers of the invasion were obviously designed to withstand the cold vacuum of space and the icy terrain of many planets, the high surface pressure of their 'feet' and their reliance on high-heat-producing fusion power plants domed countless of their number to immobility and loss, picked off like sitting ducks as they wallowed helplessly in four-meter drifts, swampy permafrost, or flash-melted ice.

The quadrennial Arctic Winter Games coincided with the opening of the vaults, and the athletes, officials and soldiers present in Iqaluit that day formed the core of resistance in the Arctic.  Aided by unexpected ability of Iceland to hold out against the (admittedly small) unit of Invaders that erupted from the Reykjavik Vault, and the traditional strength of the Russian Army fighting on its own territory in the winter, The People claim the Invaders never stood a chance.  Again, the unkind would point out Inuk benefitted from having roughly the same combat power as the United States while facing a tenth of the number of Invaders.

The People live largely unconcerned with the rest of the world.  Indeed, many of them have yet to embrace the new technologies revealed in the Invaders' wake, and continue to live by traditional ways, unconcerned that the rifle they use to hunt reindeer is now a hypervelocity gyroslug thrower instead of the simple gunpowder weapon it used to be.

Many, but by no means all.

An intensely technological group, largely the peoples of the former Scandinavia but led by significant number of Canadian & Russian scientists, has turned various research centers throughout the Arctic into premier laboratories researching Trans-Newtonian concepts and devices.  Rumours persist that one of those labs is split across a dozen or more nuclear-powered submarines conducting power & propulsion research two miles beneath the Arctic Ocean.

By no means as xenophobic as Neo-Italia or the former Peoples' Republic of China, Inuk is largely unknown to outsiders.  It would be more accurate to say that while the people of The People are friendly and welcoming of outsiders, the leadership is not.  Officials in Reykjavik have so far failed to send an official delegation to Chicxulub Crater, though rumours of 'unofficial officials' visiting the other delegations abound.  Indeed, Inuk maintains embassies in the capitals of all the other Trans-Newtonian nations, and most of the other factions of the shattered earth.  The Global News Network maintains an extensive bureau in Saint Petersburg, though technically on the wrong side of the river to be considered Inuk territory.

Capital:  Reykjavik
Major Cities:  Anchorage, Arkhangel'sk, Bering, Inuvik, Iqaluit, Petropavlovsk, Saint Petersburg*, Tromso, Victoria (Alert Bay)
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 05:25:24 PM by Father Tim »

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Re: The Empires
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2011, 09:17:54 PM »
The Empire of New Canada

In the wake of the invader war Canada was in chaos.  The government had fallen and towns and neighborhoods were ruled by whatever petty thug had the most muscle.

 In the midst of this the leader of a band of resistance fighters declared himself emperor of Canada, and began a campaign of reunification.  

While he gained a reputation for crushing his enemies without mercy, his subjects soon found he brought order and justice where it hadn't been before.  

Some sources claim the emperor is obsessed with the invaders, however       others say he is merely concerned and taking precautions to protect humanity.  

Empire name: The Empire of New Canada
Leader: Emperor Gregor I
Territory:the Canadian provinces and portions of the northern United States
Government type: imperial monarchy
Theme: Canada
Commander names: English 
Secondary: French 25%
Hull: narn cruiser 

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Peoples Socialist Canton Republic
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2011, 03:30:30 AM »
In the beginning years of the 21st century, China was quickly emerging as a commercial and military powerhouse, however it was greatly lacking in the PR department, as a result an attitude of "us against the world" began to take form and the powers that be began preparing for what they viewed as inevitable conflict.In China, this took the form of military build up as well as other measures not as obvious to the world at large.

Then the Invaders came, and the population and defenses of China quickly drew their attention in greater numbers than almost anywhere else, its cities became charnel houses and the remaining population dispersed, returning quite easily to the village lifestyle that even at that time they were not long away from. With the added threat of being annihilated by murderous robots of course.

However the damage was not as total as the world would believe, unbeknownst to anyone China had discovered Invader vaults years before in the 1990's, though as they lacked a functional power source there was no activation and China was able to research them at its leisure, though without the TN theory breakthrough that came later they gained little from it, except for the vaults themselves, with the robots and equipment removed to secure military bases, they were easily large enough to contain millions of people, and the vaults were connected by underground tunnels and secure enough to withstand even the Invader weaponry, upon their discovery China immediately began preparations to use them as bunkers to preserve an organized portion of their leadership, industry, and population.

After the attacks waned, the vaults opened, but the leadership did not immediately began exploitation of the outside world. Their expansion was much more restrained and secretive, with major industry kept underground the other TN factions were kept unaware of another competitor awaiting in the wings, until January of 2043. When a representative from the newly reformed Peoples Socialist Canton Republic arrived at Chinxlub Crater and announced their presence as a TN power to the world this coincided with the launch of 2 shipyards and the presence of a number of conventional military units on the surface of the world for the first time.

[ooc]Yes we have a new player, welcome to the game Ardem! Ardem will be providing us with an introductory post in the same format as the rest of you has done, but has kindly let me do the background on why the faction has been unseen till now.[/ooc]

[ooc]Edited, it is Ardem not Destra, I have too many people to keep straight, sorry Ardem, sorry Destra.[/ooc]
« Last Edit: September 11, 2011, 11:35:37 AM by Panopticon »

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Re: The Empires
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2011, 09:14:56 AM »

PSCR People's Socialist Canton Republic

Important Information
Empire: The People Socialist Canton Republic
Government:Order Socialism
Leader:Shen Tian
Full Title:Chairman
Lands:South East China Chinese Provinces of (Quangdong, Hainan, Fujian, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Hunan )
Official LanguagesCantonese

The PSCR is as secretive as it has been for the last 100 years when it was known as PCR. The PSCR needed to expand onto the surface otherwise they were happy to stay hidden away from prying eyes and the world at large which has tried countless time to corrupt their system of government. Although there is much to catch up on, the Chinese people have been in this position before and plan to rebuild and become the great power they once was.
The star has been replace with the golden dragon, a symbol the Chinese people have rallied to for 1000 years, and will rally to for 1000 more.

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Re: The Empires
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2011, 10:36:11 AM »
Important Information
Empire:   The New Dutch Republic (NDR)
Government:    Thalassocracy / Republic
Leadership:   Chamber of Aristocrats
Capital:   Amsterdam
Location of the Chamber: The Hague


(excluding the small dots), no more than this please, I have more than enough US already.

Secondary Information
Official Languages:   Dutch
'Local' Languages: English, French, Ambonese Malay
Currency: Euro (USD is widely used in oversea areas)

After four years of negotiations, the people of Belgium decided to split the country in two: Flanders, the Dutchspeaking part and Wallonia. Wallonia however still called itself Belgium.
When the euro-crisis only became worse and worse, Flanders started negotiations with the Dutch for a possible political unification. After months of negotiations they made a deal.
They would form the New Dutch Republic, The Flemish and Dutch monarch were demoted. A new ruling council, the Chamber of Aristocrats would now rule the empire and they were all princes of the NDR. When the invaders attacked Earth, the NDR decided to defend Belgium and Luxembourg, with them joining the NDR in return.
When it was clear the US was defeated and no longer capable of acting like the world police force, the Dutch quickly claimed all of their earlier colonial holdings.
Most of the oversea territories were quickly captured with the Dutch superior navies, except for New York.
However, when a new invader vault opened in Luxembourg, the Dutch army proved incompetent and because it was still recovering from earlier losses in the first battle it quickly lost most of its forces.
This vault was more than ten times as large than the first vaults that were threatening Belgium and Luxembourg.

After many years however, the NDR is ready to join the world major powers. They have formed an alliance with the Empire of New Canade and received New Amsterdam (former New York) as a sign of trust.

The country is ruled be the Chamber of Aristocrats. It consists of a variable amount of rich people, usually close to a thousand, who rule the republic.
Every twelve years, all Dutch citizens can vote on a 'Grand Merchant'. The 10,000 Grand Merchants with the highest value of votes (votes are worth more in richer, western areas) can than sell his or her vote to the highest bidder.
People who are able to buy enough votes, can than replace someone with fewer votes in the Chamber of Aristocrats.

Aurora Information
Empire Title:   New Dutch Republic
Government Type:   Republic
Main Empire Theme:   Netherlands
Commander Theme:   Dutch
Secondary Commander Themes:   French (20%), American (15%), Indonesian (15%), Afrikaans (10%)

Yes, I'm a new player as well. :)
« Last Edit: September 24, 2011, 05:33:09 AM by Dutchling »

Offline Napoleon XIX

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Re: The Empires
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2011, 04:12:57 AM »
The Yahoo? Coalition

Amongst the areas the worst hit by the Invaders was California and the US south-west. From one of the richest, the most progressive, most advanced societies on Earth, it had fallen far. Very far. Now it was merely a fractious collection of territories, each as large as the local strong-man could manage.

A strange place, eternally short of water, but whose primary industries were spam and farming foreign MMORPGs for foreign exchange. Whose elites had been amongst the first to flee, yet which had inflicted the first major defeat on the Invaders*. Above all, however, possessed of a fiercely independent people.

Thus, as the threat of NZDL invasion loomed, the warlords joined together out of fear, meeting at the most neutral location** known. Thus, on the 4th of January 2044, the Yahoo? Coalition came into being.

* - alas, the Invaders were quick learners, and it is believed that this is the first and only time human computer viruses had any effect.
** - what Yahoo? had originally been, nobody knows, but they were the region's virus manufacturers par excellence.

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Re: The Empires
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2011, 03:34:11 PM »
Empire: Shadowveil
Government: Military Dictatorship
Leader: Unknown and unannounced
Full Title: Emperor
Lands:Lithuania to Ukraine to Akmola and all in between.
Official Languages: Russian
Currency: Credits

 History :

 Not much is officially known.  Shadowveil is rumored to be a secret black ops team from the old Russia.  They were highly trained and equipped and on a training exercise when the invasion started.  Moscow immediately ordered their return but a vault opened up within the city, all government officals were killed almost on the spot.  Half the city was destroyed and its people displaced.  It is assumed that the team then went into hiding, possibly gathering forces and striking where they can.  Protecting as many people as they can. 

 Their rise to power is relitively unknown, but it seems most liekly that the leader just declaired themselves an empire, and with troops spread out everywhere, no one disagrees.