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Offline ardem (OP)

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Post 11
« on: January 17, 2012, 11:03:11 PM »

The first rays of morning filtered through the blinds making a slated effect across the blanket which was crumbled at the base of the bed. Sakiko stared at the ceiling fan as rotated very slow, creating a small amount circulated air. Her nakedness was hidden by a single sheet, which she had pulled up to her neck. Movement slow stirred in the bed beside her. Sakiko decided to voice her thoughts.

“Can you believe they forced me to resign on medical grounds, I am not even in my late 40’s” she said aloud directed towards the ceiling fan.

A male chuckle emanated beside her in the tangled web of fabric. The sheet untangled as a man rolled over onto his back and stared at the same ceiling fan, placing his hand behind his head .

“My dear Sakiko, if those men could only see you last night nobody could say you were unfit for duty” the man spoke with a smirk ear to ear. Sakiko scoffed and used a slight jab of her elbow into the side of his ribcage which brought a wince of pain from the man, followed by more chuckles.

“Seriously they had no reason to remove me from that position. I had performed small miracles with their tiny budget. All key performance indicators were met, we have had a reduction of number of space bound casualties and our training output had increase. Then they drag you in the mix over conflict of interests and bad publicity for the government. Blah blah blah” Her frustration was reaching a level where even gritting her teeth was not giving the desired effect she wanted.

“Sakiko, I know at this moment you feel as if everything has been stripped of you and those ‘men ‘ as you put it, gave you a choice me or the fleet. I am glad you chose me and you will see life will only get better for you. You now have choices, you can work with me or” he slightly hesitated searching for an alternative she surmised “you can be a lady of leisure and drink tea at the polo club”

“Teijo, the Fleet is all I have known. I knew from my childhood that I would be a Fleet officer, it is in my blood. I do not know how to do anything else. I don’t regret my decision I rather not live then not be with you. It is just because I am scared” Her sense of vulnerability was something she was not comfortable with it. Teijo rolled over and wrapped his arm around her in a protective embrace.

He whispered “Sakiko you have nothing to worry about, you are the most capable person I have met and I would not have given you the pick of any of my divisions if I did not think you would provide a valuable service. If you want a fleet, I will build you your own fleet, however they won’t be equipped anything that goes bang.”

“But I like things that go bang” Sakiko slyly put across as she rolled her body toward him.

“So the Research and Development testing facility it is then” Teijo countered “Now Mrs Kaima can we go back to enjoying our honey moon. We have only another two weeks of this tropical paradise and having you all to myself. I plan to make the most of it” he rolled Sakiko onto her back and his head disappeared under the sheets trailing kisses down her body.

Her mind drifted back to the Fleet only for a moment she thought of her last official duty, which was writing a condolence letter to Kaigun Chusa  Hirataksuka Tsunekane’s wife. Tsunekane was the captain of the Science vessel Marc Anthony, who was killed by a freak accident on his ship. She whispered under her breath “There are some things about the fleet I will not miss”

Sakiko mind now swirled into more pleasant thoughts.