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Offline ardem (OP)

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Post 12
« on: February 16, 2012, 08:04:15 AM »

Lieutenant Kurogane stood patiently at the entry of the Captain’s cabin. Yoshi buttoned his uniform jacket, his cognitive processes slowly availed themselves of the slumber he had just been woken from. Yoshi’s mind was starting to piece together the events of the previous day, checking he had not overlooked any minor details in his captain duties.

Taskforce Yuka had been chasing an alien vessel that was respotted in the Tokushima system. The chase had been slow as the taskforce vessels were only marginally faster. The alien vessel was heading for a gravity well that had only recently been discovered. The gravity well led to the Yamaguchi system. The system had not been surveyed other than a quick jump in and out from the gravity survey vessel surveying the Tokushima system.

Yoshi drew comparisons with this chase and the days of sail. A chase could last several days with favourable winds or even weeks in the seas became becalmed. He amazed how life can come full circle.

No sooner had Daisa Nori Sen arrived at Earth was the taskforce on it way again, his crew was allowed no shore leave and time only to resupply and refuel. Despite the question marks on Daisa Yuka recent performances, he was given command and transferred his flag to Daisa Sen old ship the FFL Haiphong. The taskforce recieved a new frigate called the Madras, the crew and ship were green as the leaves in the first day of spring, but they also lost FF Kanpur to a well needed overhaul.

The taskforce orders were to hunt and destroy this vessel. The alien vessel had been original spotted two jumps from the New Osakan system. The government went on high alert as there was a high amount of commercial shipping lanes within this system. An alien incursion could mean a large impact on the New Osaka’s population.

Yoshi pondered about his current commander. Yuka was aiming to make amends for the previous incident and this was the perfect opportunity to further his career. This was something that concerned Yoshi greatly, as his commander may be blinked into the wrong decisions.

Yoshi hesitation was growing stronger as they were about to be drawn into a new system. The system did not have any jump gates, but the taskforce did not have need as the FFL jump drives were able to create a traversable gravity well for itself and the two other frigates.

Lieutenant Kurogane broke Yoshi train of thought with a slight cough. Yoshi must have been seen to be staring without function. Lack of sleep always made time distort and actions slower. “Sir, the Jump is only five minutes away. I know the crew would be more comfortable with you on the bridge.” this was Kurogane polite way of saying get your head into gear. Yoshi merely nodded and grunted in response as he stood up and followed Kurogane to the bridge.

Upon entering the bridge, the crew’s activity was at its peak. A taskforce jump was about to take place and this was much harder to accomplish than a standard jump. Everything had to be timed and synced to perfection or else someone would be left behind.

The taskforce vessels tucked in close to the FFL Haiphong, as the ship prepared to kick in the jump drives. Yoshi glanced at countdown displayed on the DEBi, the last few seconds were to click by. The bridge crew once again readjusted to the disorientation created by the stars and light being readjusted within their visual cortex’s.

“Two minutes till we have sensors, sir”

However Yoshi did not need sensors, he could see the alien ship no more than 50000kms from the taskforce. This was DEBi maximum resolution from optics it could provide, any further and the sensors provided computer simulations and representations of contacts.

“Battle Stations!” Yoshi announced in an alarmed voice. His bridge crew slowly realised the urgency of the situation. The excitement on the bridge happened immediately as the crew readied itself. They could not fire the Kaohsiung large laser cannon without sensors but could redirect the turret towards the general direction of the alien vessel.

The alien vessel’s engines kicked alive creating a blue hue to the rear of the ship. Yoshi sensor officer was reading off ‘distance to target’ readings DTT’s to his crew, using antiqued laser rangefinder. The alien vessel was definitely trying to make a run for it. The DEBi started receiving commands from the FFL Haiphong.


Although Yoshi had no sensors, he still had engines.

‘HELM Bearing 012, full speed’ Yoshi listened to helm’s confirmation in reply. Details are what wins or loses a battle.

Yoshi glanced at the DEBi’s sensor countdown, they were down the last 20 seconds. He drew his hands behind his back and pace toward his command chair. Yoshi never like to sit in the chair, he could not trust himself to sit calmly due to nerves, but when he walked he was able to expel some of those nerves.

“Sensor online, unknown vessel, 6K tons, 100KK from target”

“Solution Set” Lieutenant Kurgone quickly announced after the ensign report on sensors.

Yoshi announced his first ever combat command. He had often dreamt and pondered about this moment. As a child the moment was viewed as a game, as a teenage his point of view  was one of glory and honour, now as an adult he was viewing his action from the point of view of morality. Is this the correct course of action?

“Fire” the loud whoop of the 35cm laser cannon and followed by the light pulse streamed towards the alien vessel. The DEBi announced ‘on target hit’ quickly followed by a visual explosion, however the vessel was not down. The FF Madras fired 15 seconds later and missed across the bow of the alien vessel.

The Alien’s response was to turn about 180 degrees and head straight for the Taskforce, in a few seconds the FF Kaohsiung laser would be recharged for a second shot. DEBi had quickly calculated the alien vessel was on a collision course with the lead frigate. Yoshi knew Yuka would need to rely on Madras and Yoshi to kill the vessel as the lead frigate had no offensive weapons itself. The FFL Haiphong was designed for sensors and the ability to jump into various systems.

Kurgane announced “CHARGED!” in a tone mixed with fear and excitement.

“Fire!” Yoshi gritted his teeth another pulse struck the enemy vessel clearly with a secondary explosion following it. But the vessel still had enough power to aim itself at the Haiphong which was now trying to take evasive action.

Yoshi turned his attention to the Madras shot which was the last shot before the alien vessel had a chance at impacting against the hull of the Haiphong. The seconds felt like minutes, eventually the second shot came only to slice across the armour of the vessel but not a direct hit.

The next few moments came as slow motion to Yoshi as the Alien vessel impacted against a turning Haiphong. The impact crushed the alien ship beyond recognition and the Haiphong was split in two. Multiple escape pods exited from the stricken vessel, as fires quickly dosed by the hard vacuum of space.
The horror and shock had caused complete silence within the bridge, except for the sobbing of a young female ensign. Yoshi was the first to break from the hypnotic gaze and regain composure over himself. “Helm, steer us to a bearing of 162 and close near the wreckage, alert shuttle crew to begin transporting escape pods into the docking bay.” Yoshi announced loudly enough to snap his crew out of their trance. Yoshi then proceed to turn to Kurgone “See her off the bridge and replace her” directing his gaze back to the young ensign. His tone may have been a little too harsh, but this is a warship and his crew better start learning they were now at war.

Yoshi now in temporary command of the taskforce relayed orders to the Madras to provide cover for his ship while the rescue and recovery process took place.  The Madras took a patrolling pattern but cautiously stayed close to the Jump point they entered.

It was over eight hours when they completed the whole operation in which his crew was exhausted and spent.  Yoshi eyes were now tired and sore from trying to spot escape pods or bodies that had floated from the core wreckage. He had earlier received a report that Daisa Yuka had survived but was in a critical condition. His medical staff were overwhelmed with the number of burns, fractures and internal injuries. Yoshi knew some would not survive the next 12 hours.

Raising his hand to his brow and brushing back his hair, trying to manipulate the headache that was now starting to set in. Yoshi reviewed the star table, with no Frigate Lead ship he could not jump back into the jump hole.  The Kaohsiung and Madras were now stuck, what made matters worse was the Haiphong was the only jump ship in the fleet capable of creating a gravity well large enough for the frigates to pass through.

Yoshi first order of business was to get a communication back into the previous system, a communication that would take a month to reach the system.  Hopefully with lady luck smiling the gravity well survey team would be still conducting operations. Even if he was lucky it would be over nine months before a gate construction ship could build the required gates to rescue them.

Yoshi shook his head in dejection, “Damn Yuka, you have done it to us this time”, the thought exploded in his head. He quickly regained his composure a moment later. Kurogane meanwhile had move to the star table, his uniform dirty and unkempt with sweat stains under each armpit.

“Sir, we recovered 283 survivors and a fair number of bodies have also been recovered.” Kurogane stated further details while avoiding eye contact. Yoshi pondered how humans can change the descriptions of themselves based on situations. Nine hours ago they were crew members, husbands or wives and now they are either survivors or bodies. Yoshi did not know the reason why humans needed to compartmentalise everything but they did never the less.

Yoshi turned and face Kurogane with his hands place firmly behind his back “The wreckage is dispersing quickly, we will not be able to recovery items via the shuttle as they will be scattered too much. I need you to gather as much of the Haiphong supplies and cargo as you can.” Kurogane shoulders sank knowing he would be going through the same strain and danger again. Kurogane turned to go away without a salute or acknowledgement of the order.

Yoshi had a choice he could react and snap Kurogane back at attention ad rebuke him or as he chose. He put a friendly hand on Kurogane shoulder and whisper into his ear. “If we don’t get those supplies we will starve to death in six months. I will bring the Madras back in and get their shuttle to help.”

Kurogane smartly face his superior bringing himself to attention and bowed. “My humble apologies sir, I did not mean disrespect”

Yoshi attempted to make a slight smile “Carry on Lieutenant”