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Offline Vynadan (OP)

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Chapter 3: Of Minerals And Politics
« on: March 04, 2012, 08:30:39 AM »
August 13: The drought turns out to be short and ends after a mere month of radiation storms. Rain falls only lightly, which causes inconviniences for some of the more water dependant plants and animals on Kel Nevath.

19th September 13: The Illuminator sends a report outside the scheduled intervals. Initially, the Illuminator was to survey the only planet of the Second Mother and its seven moons entirely before reporting again,  but the seventh moon - coincidentally the first moon surveyed, as it was closest to the primary star at this time - showed clear but marginal traces of trans newtonian minerals. The Illuminator immediately re-runs its scans to exclude a sensor failure, but results are confirmed. The Starfaith resumes the assembly of the second Illuminator vessel in the orbital shipyard even before the news are relayed to the public.

23rd September 13: Scans of the sixth moon deliver stunning results, as over 6 million tons of tritanium are discovered in easily accessible locations. The scientific community of Kel Nevath is full of theories and thought experiments on how these incredible resource amounts may be used in the future, and how to reach them. Optimistic and progressive articles appear all around the globe, fueling the approval of the Lord-Sovereign's reign of the Nevithians.
The Starfaith receives a large amount of new followers and recruits enlisting for future spaceship duty, prompting the clergy to request expanded academic capacities from the Lord-Sovereign. With the curious lack of trans-newtonian minerals on any body of the First Mother except for Kel Nevath, the theory of how the Four Mothers and stars favour the Nevithians greatly, having put all their efforts into nurturing their chosen race.

21st October 13: Further reports from the Illuminator reveal minor mineral deposits on further moons, but also an abundance of gaseous sorium in and around the gas giant Helan orbited by the moons. Since sorium was found to be the only efficient way to power trans-newtonian reactors and engines, scientists ponder on how to extract the wlel over 700 million tons estimated to be inside Helan. From the scanner readings, the sorium appears to be in prime locations with perfect accessability.

11th November 13: Having surveyed all planets of the First and Second Mother, the Illuminator begins its long journey to the outer components of the Turenas system. While the distance is long and their speed slow, the Illuminator was prepared for such a journey. The flight to the Third Mother alone will take 144 days.

January 14: The Illuminator points all its sensors towards outer space. While scientists do not expect to receive any particular revelations, the spaceship and its sensory equipment are unhindered by the thick atmosphere all observatories on Kel Nevath suffer from and further away from a star as any Nevithian has ever been until now.

March 14: The Illuminator diverges from its straight course towards the Third Mother, locking in on the next planet for survey.

1st June 14: Further abundant mineral deposits are located on the sixth moon of Rashun, the Fourth Mother's outer most gas giant. While their accessibility isn't on par with previous tritanium and sorium finds, they are still well within acceptable ranges. Due to the long travel time towards these extensive resources, research into proplusion technologies is greatly encouraged in the research facilities. While professor Ladythoggua is the expert in this field of science, the Starfaith refrains from sponsoring him as before, instead hoping for better - and faster - results from the general scientific community of Kel Nevath.
Finds of trans-newtonian minerals on the Forth Mother increases the general acceptance of the Nevithians as the star's favoured race. A few more zealous supporters of the theory even suggest that Nevithians are the only sentient race in the galaxy, or even universe, for surely the stars had concentrated all their efforts in them. The find of further minerals away from Kel Nevath, however, is a compelling argument against this overly extreme interpretation of the Nevithian's home system; Hence, this specific theory doesn't earn much support from the general population and most scientists as well as philosophers.

September 14: Further insight into trans-newtonian physics has improved the academic knowledge of the Nevithian race, resulting in 20% increased research efficiency.

November 14: The second Illuminator-class ship finishes in the orbital shipyards of Kel Nevath. After a short shakedown run around the planet, it sets course for the Third Mother to assist the first Illuminator in its survey efforts. Considering the delay between lay-down, launch and actual arrival at the Third and Fourth Mother, no further Illuminator is slated for production.The designs proved robust enough to expect the two vessels to survey the rest of the Turneas system in due time.

May 15: Further abundant mineral deposits are discovered on the planets and moons of the Fourth Mother. Unlike previous finds, they are in rather unfortunate locations which implies large efforts to reach them.

January 16: Over the last years, many smaller families ruled by the Sha'Thas have severed their alleigance with the greater clan and moved into territories of other, less troubled clans. Among those that benefit, the greater clan of Rediom gained the most perks from this notion. Many minor and mediocre clans have entirely left the Sha'Thas sovereignity and migrated to the Rediom clan lying south and east of their lands - almost a third of the Sha'Thas territory has since converted to Rediom sovereignity.
Due to the formerly weak position of the Rediom, politic alliances are suspected to work intensivly underneath Kel Nevath's surface. Generous aid in form of radiation tratement and reconstruction supplied to the bordering Sha'Thas clans flows continously, straining much of Rediom's economy. Should they swallow the majority of Sha'Thas, however, they could rival the greater clans of Torpua or Darrus in territory and population.

March 16: New protests arise in Sha'Thas settlements. Unlike before, however, they are directed at the Sha'Thas Arbiter and the general situation of the greater clan. Protesters describe the situation as dire, but the demands aren't clear throughout the crowd, as some demand specific actions to be taken against the ailments of the clan, while others suggest officially disbanding it.
The Starfaith clergy urges the Lord-Sovereign to solve the Sha'Thas problem once and for all, one way or another.

April 16: Protests turn violent as a minority of protesters blame the Lord-Sovereign for all of the Sha'Thas problems and demand a new Sovereign for their clan instead of the current Arbiter. It is unknown how these extremists gained access to them, but a number of power armoured protesters incited violent outbursts between police forces and other, friendly, protesters.
Sha'Thas soldiers had to stop these riots with equal force, as local police forces struggled to contain the power armoured rioters.

May 16: The right and equipment for the Sha'Thas military to train its soldiers in the use of power armour is revoked, with all already trained personnel removed from Sha'Thas service to be examined by Veradun military for their loyalty to the Lord-Sovereign. The conventional military of the greater clan struggles to contain the still power armoued rioters whom reverted to stealth and carefully plotted protest incitements as soon as the military intervened. An official request is announced by the Sha'Thas Arbiter for other great clans to aid them with trans-newtonian infantry, although rumours spread that this request was ordered by the Lord-Sovereign.
Nevertheless, both Veradun and Rediom dispatch military troops to quell the riots. Rediom forces are especially numerous and at least present for every protest throughout the Sha'Thas settlements, regardless of whether any violence is involved or not.

June 16: A minor skirmish between Rediom forces and at least a dozen power armoured rioters erupted in a larger city close to Rediom borders. Reportedly, the rioters were clad in power armour but otherwise armed with conventional projectile weaponry. The firefight was brief but bloody, as ten rioters and one Rediom soldier were killed. Later, Sha'Thas police forces secured a warehouse stuffed with all kinds of explosives in the near vicinity unhindered by any rioter forces.

July 16: Another firefight at a protest turned into a small battle between three fronts. Three power armoured rioters fired several shots into the crowd and at Veradun soldiers, causing a panic. However, a surprisingly large amount of regular protesters seemed to carry conventional weaponry and returned fire. When Veradun soldiers took positions in an attempt to take out the initial rioters, the protesters started shooting at the military, too.
The protest escalated into an unmanagable tangle which ended only after an explosive charge of unknown origin detonated a large portion of the plaza the initial protest had taken place in. After the dust settled, seven Veradun soldiers, three rioters and 281 civilian protesters were found dead. Officials from all sides attempted to blame each other as every side was accused of at least one grave oversight:
The Veradun soldiers for returning fire to the civilian protesters, whom they claimed to be unarmoured rioter forces. The rioters for detonating the bomb, although the origins of the device could not be confirmed, the Sha'Thas police forces for obviously failed weapon regulation, although those also argued that many protesters must have been rioters with intent to escalate the situation. Even an anonymous video message turned up that had self-proclaimed 'official rebels' explain that Rediom was behind all of the last few month's occurances.
Ultimately, the Sha'Thas Arbiter was reappointed by the Lord-Sovereign, the police force conducted countless raids throughout all major settlements in the coming month, and further trans-newtonian soldiers are dispatched to occupy even the last spot in the land.

August 16: Police raids turned up several more warehouses containing not the listed contents but large amounts of conventional weapons, explosives and four suits of power armour. Many minor Sha'Thas clans swear alleigance to Rediom, whom steadily increase their military presence, but also the rumours about their involvement in the riots.

October 16: The Lord-Sovereign officially announced that the greater clan of Sha'Thas had its power dimnished by the recent events and that it's status as one of the eight greater clans is no longe rjustified and thus removed. Its territory will be split among the surrounding greater clans after the Sovereigns and the Lord-Sovereign had held council. Both protests and riots increased afterwards, even without anyone to motivate the Sha'Thas population. The strong military presence however enforces its grip on the settlements, and cuts short any violent outbreaks with equally violent responses.

December 16: After the Sovereigns had fulfilled their function as advisors to the Lord-Sovereign, the Sha'Thas territory was officialy partitioned. The majority of territory would go to the greater clan of Rediom, whom had already established both military and cultural influence on large portions of their new lands. Further notable areas were received by the greater clans of Veradun and Karmen. Especially the Veradun received a thin but deep stretch of land between the new border of Rediom and Karmen, raising rumours about the location of the infamous first trans-newtonian laboratories are located.
After the territory was divided, the downfall of the Sha'Thas clan was declared their third and last rebellion against the Lord-Sovereign's reign.

January 17: The past months had the media focused on the Sha'Thas and the occurances in their territory, but a quite large fraction of the scientific community had paid attention to the second Illuminator class survey vessel on route to the Fourth Mother. The first Illuminator was busy surveying the very same star for its planets and moons, while the assistance was ordered to focus on the dense asteroid field close to the star - the presumed remnants of a further planet that had come so close to the sun that it fractured into the present asteroid field.
The Illuminator Two, however, had never reported any of its mineral finds. The communication with the otherwise fully failureless spaceship had ceased already months earlier while it was still in between the Four Mothers. Since all crews had to be official and trained members of the Starfaith religion and its close connection to the Lord-Sovereign's government, no connection had ever been drawn with the riots back on Kel Nevath. However, the vessel should never have ceased communications and arrived several months ago. Scientists already speculated that the close vicinity to the Fourth Mother had angered her, or rather conventional interferences and malfunctions had somehow crashed the ship into the sun. No non-political theory could explain the silence during their crossing, however.
Now, the original Illuminator was ordered to investigate the asteroid field and locate the missing Illuminator Two.

February 17: Steady improvement in mining operations and the increasing difficulty to find sufficient deposits on Kel Nevath resulted in the general improvement of mining operations by roughly 20%. Although the new mining technologies were already developed during october, the riots had claimed all of the media attention back then.

30th March 17: After two months of tedious search through the large asteroid field - and numerous theories of how the Illuminator Two had fallen into the Fourth Mother and would never be found - the wreck of the survey vessel was found crashed on a medium sized asteroid. The search team found the asteroid only because it derivated form its prognosticated path due to the impact.
Upon aproach, it became clear that noone had survived the crash and following months the crew must have been on the asteroid, as several unmoving spacesuits were lying outside the wreck, usually undamaged. The shp itself had a severly crushed nose from the impact, but seemed otherwise undamaged. After confirmation from Starfaith Command, the Illuminator descended on the asteroid to examine the wreckage and look for both survivors and information.

1st April 17: After a throughout search, all personnel from the Illuminator Two was confirmed to be dead or entirely missing from the wrecked craft, presumed to be propelled into empty space. Information obtained from the damaged but partially function computers abroad the ship revealed a story of treason when nine crew members had attacked the others with small arms - and one of them miraculously equipped with power armour. The evidence was obviously pointing towards the same group of people that incited the riotes on Kel Nevath, supported by video and voice recordings that could be salvaged from the vessel.
The news were immediately conveyed to Starfaith Command, where a heated debate found place among the higher clergy in council with the Lord-SOvereign. They were unsure what parts of the story they should reveal to the public, if any at all. The current situation could use neither the loss of one of the only two spaceships ever produced by the Nevithians, nor the apparent treason that went beyond the simple crowded surface of Kel Nevath. The traitors had somehow managed to sneak not only personnel into Starfaith ranks and chosen crewmen, but also smuggled weapons and even power armour onto a survey vessel unnoticed by anyone.
In the end, it was decided to publish the full story - but only after a delay. For now, the Starfaith would closely examine absolutly every single member for the slightest traces of treason before a single word would be uttered towards the public. The communication officers whom had received the message from the Illuminator were put under special arrest, also unknown to the public, and the remaining survey craft ordered to remain in the asteroid belt for another month before reporting the fruitless search for the lost spaceship to the new communication officers and returning to scheduled survey orders.

May 17: When the news are published that the Illuminator had abandoned the search in the asteroid field without any findings, the population back on Kel Nevath was both disappointed and startled. Treason and foul play were debated in the media, but just as one potential reason among many others.

August 17: Improved procedures for both large scale construction as well as factory mass production increase the general industry output of Kel Nevath by estimated 20%. The following economic boom lowers some of the prices that increased during the uncertain times both close and far behind. This helps to alleviate the sombre mood left after the recent changes and turbulences.

November 17: Extensive resource finds of both good and bad estimated accessibility are published as the Illuminator uncovers more and more trans-newtonian deposits in orbit around the Fourth Mother, in hope of further morale increases back home.

December 17: The first of the newly planned Starfaith academies finishes construction. The Starfaith hopes to spread its academies across all of the remaining seven great clans for both capacity and influence reasons, although Nevithians from all over Kel Nevath already travel great distances to be educated by the Starfaith personnel to one day joruney to the stars.
As the new drought descends upon the planet, public events once more decline while it boils undearneath the surface of the Nevithian Dominion.

Offline Vynadan (OP)

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Re: Chapter 3: Of Minerals And Politics
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2012, 11:19:42 AM »
The Seven Great Clans Of Kel Nevath:

Veradun has recently ascended to the undisputed position of most powerful greater clan.
While their traditional power values of territory, population and technology alone had previously earned them the status as third most powerful clan on Kel Nevath, the recent politics have favoured them greatly. The Lord-Sovereign's current residency is located in Veradun territory, as is his honour guard of a full divison clad in trans-newtonian power armour. While those operate independently of the Veradun military, they are no doubt a strong boon to the military and technology might their territory emenates. The Starfaith has had most of its essential installations relocated into Veradun territories as well, among them the Starfaith Command and their first and largest academy. The only Nevithian shipyard is also in orbiat above Veradun.
Notable subordinate clans:
Mediocre clan of Tiovhan: Exterminated in '02 for rebelling against the Lord-Sovereign. The only clan among the Veradun territories to rebel against the new supreme ruler and one of the few outside of Sha'Thas territories to publicly take offensive steps against him during his rise to power.
Minor clan of Xolon: The clan of professor Ladythoggua, the current expert for trans-newtonian proplusion technologies without equal. They also manufactures the current imperial engine generation, with amibitions to stay the sole engine supplier for the uprising Nevithian Dominion. Their monopol is currently sanctioned by the Lord-Sovereign.

Darrus is the second most powerful clan on Kel Nevath, and has remained in this position for quite some time. While the entire Nevithian race on Kel Nevath is roughly on the same technological level, the Darrus territories contain large expanses of dry or desert terrain that is unsuitable for most life. In these regions, backwater settlements are notoriously behind the technological average of the planet, although the last two centuries of scientific advancement have remedied this to a large extent.
However, this desert is framed by two smaller oceans both east and west that mark the border of the Darrus influence. These oceans are home to numerous larger settlements and the cultural centre point for the greater clan.
With steady investments poured into the arid mid of the territory, the Darrus are on a steady increase in population and power.
Notable subordinate clans:
Major clan of Heras: The oceans are especially important for the Darrus, as the majoriy of their borders is defined by them. Controling these borders and using the vast amounts of waterborne resources is an important factor for both their security and economy. The Heras clan supports harbours in all of the Darrus' oceans and provides the great clan with almost all of its ships. While all clans have several families or a minor clan dedicated towards their maritime control and economic exploit, the Heras easily possess the largest wet navy presence on Kel Nevath and undisputable control over all the high seas Darrus territories have a border with - Considering the high gravity on Kel Nevath, making a ship float instead of sink is a difficult task that this clan has mastered.

Torpua is the third most powerful of the greater clans and spans the entire south pole as well as some landmass north of it. The south pole was annexed almost a century ago, propelling the clan several positions forward in the general influence assessment. In their past their Sovereigns have shown to be scientific minded in both military and commercial interests. Many of the newly constructed trans-newtonian research facilities are located in Torpua territories, as are three of the eight nuclear missile bases still in operation. The industrial reveolution on Kel Nevath originated from Torpua, which gave them a significiant advantage over their neighbours for a time.
Notable subordinate clans:
Mediocre clan of Duvan: This clan was responsible for the first accomplished flight of the Nevithian race. Similiar to the wet navies of Kel Nevath, raising something up into the air on a planet with mora than 2G is an exceptional challenge. The material requirements to make something light enough and propel it fast enough without breaking it to actually fly for a while was something not achieved by Nevithians for a long time, well into the late modern age. Since the last great war was before the development of flying vehicles, so far no mass produced fighting planes have been produced on Kel Nevath. Today, the Duvan clan is a well established manfuacturer for commercial transport and cargo planes and very interested in the appliance of trans-newtonian proplusion inside a planet's atmosphere.

Rediom lies north of Hil'Suv and calls a fraction of the lare mountain ranges its own. Previously the second least powerful, but now considerd the fourth most powerful, Rediom had a rather small territory larger only to Man'kerta. With the mountains bordering onto the economic and political aligned Hil'Suv to the south and a small ocean in the west towards the imposing Sha'Thas, the population of Rediom is in a favourable position against any invader that might want to annex the small territory. With their natural defenses and their own readily accessable metal mines, the Rediom are dominated by clans filled with military tradition and an aggressive answer towards any hostile gesture directed at them.
With the recent addition of Sha'Thas territories to its west, Rediom has increased its expanse by almost one hundred percent and encompasses some of the previously most advanced settlements, although many of them lie in ruin. They are focused on rebuilding their newly aquired land and perform their duties with exceptional discipline most of the other greater clans would never expect from their civilian populace. While currently charged with as much economic and personnel burden they can carry, future prospects are good.

Karmen is a splintered greater clan, actually composed of multiple major clans that form a council with a unified Sovereign similiar to how the Lord-Sovereign treats with the Sovereigns of the greater clans. Whether the Lord-Sovereign copied their system is unclear, but the irregular councils he conducts is in no way comparable to the regular debates within Karmen territory.
The reason for their splintered existence are the many oceans that Karmen borders on. Each of these large bodies of water houses its own humid environment that allowed early Nevithian settlements to establish permanent housing. Between those lies mere arid plains, rocky hills and deserts. Each major clan of Karmen resides on the shore of one such ocean, with the central territory unified in its own miniature council that sends one 'low sovereign' as their major clan's delegation to the actual High Council of Karmen. This almost democratic principle is unique on all of Kel Nevath, although traditional duels and honour- or treaty-bound oaths still dominate the landscape as in any other greater clan.
Due to the large amount of wet soil in Karmen, they produce an abundance of varied plants and cattle without the use of expensive greenhouses or animal batteries.

Hil'Suv is a clan in possession of large mountain ranges - something extraordinary on Kel Nevath. With the high gravity, most terrain is rather flat or hilly at most, but in Hil'Suv territory, large plateus of dense and ore rich rock dominate the landscape to the north and west.
Prior to the discovery of trans-newtonian minerals, the clan was in great favour among some of the clans, but a nuisance for just as many. The majority of ore on and in Kel Nevath is compressed into dense rocks that require intensive work to unearth them from the equally dense soil, often followed by equally difficult and complex refining processes to extract specific metals from the ore. In Hil'Suv territories, at least the first step is less tedious with the material not buried underneath the planet's crust, but rather exposed on a broad plateu's cliff or therein. However, since the Nevithians were forcibly unified and trans-newtonian resources introduced into their industry, Hil'Suv has suffered considerable losses in influence and power. Conventional materials are still used for nearly every product, consolidating the Hil'Suvs positions as a greater clan with less enemies and economic connections all around the planet, but dimnishing their position to the second least powerful of its equals.
Notable subordinate clans:
Minor clan of Weyd: This clan was supposedly dominante in a large region around Hil'Suv during the Nevithian antique and middle age. Their metalworkers were the best in their craft, capable of extracting the purest iron from the countryside and skilled in the productiong of hardy alloys to both support large structure and outfit an army with weaponry that could easily pierce a Nevithian's thick skin. The first alloys resembling steel or cruder siblings were supposedly smelted by Weyd metalworkers, although the greater clan of Torpua claims this achievement for themself during the beginnings of their industrial revolution. Due to intermittent history chronicles the truth is lost and the clan mostly faded into obscurity.

Man'Kerta is a rather small greater clan situated around the Sea Of Light. It is considered to be the least powerful of all the greater clans, although they possess ties, pacts and alliances with all the other greater clans. This is often the reason given for why noone has ever annexed the small territory, nor were any wars fought against them in over three centuries. Many people of the Man'Kerta clans are spiritually minded, although this is not by birth but choice. Due to the many immigrants the Man'Kerta clan receives, there are almost no families actually connected by blood for more than a generation. They are the only greater clan without any nuclear weaponry at all, as all other greater clans operate at least one missile base since the last great war between Torpua and the annexed greater clan of Ileum had ended.
With Sha'Thas officially removed from Nevithian records, the Man'Kera clan is now the oldest clan still in existance.
The Sea Of Light around which Man'Kerta lies is a small, isolated ocean favoured by winds and rain. Its name comes from the sheer coincidence that it's located in a prime position for the Turenas' system's suns to shine on it at all times and reflect magnificient light spectacles into the air above it, filled with waterdrops of constantly evaporating and raining water. During droughts, the area is always filled with the most leathal radiation storms and heat while otherwise the most humid area of the planet, featuring many exotic and unique life forms.
The Man'kerta is the intellectual powerhouse of Kel Nevath. For a race that used to spend large portions of their life with hunting, eating or gathering food the time to sit down and write a piece of literature is rare. More so, if scribes and authors were little more than required assets for a functioning society or science during large periods of civilisatoric development. The price of a very actve race with high energy demands and little time to sit down and read a book. Since the emergence of modern sciences and schools this notion has significiantly decreased during the last two centuries.
Ironically, many old scriptures, religions and philosophies originating from the Sea Of Light are said to be have been written after heavy radiation poisoning on the author and various medical attempts to cure the patient with all kinds of medicine.

The Former Great Clans Of Kel Nevath:

Ileum used to be the nineth greater clan before its territories were annexed by Torpua. Just a century ago, the clan was annexed  in the first modern war to use nuclear weaponry on Kel Nevath. Since missiles were experimental and plane prototypes incapable of flights, most tactical nukes were delivered in massiv armoured trucks, escorted by whole battalions of heavy infantry and further armour support. Once in position, the nuke would be activated to detonate after a set delay and the truck's engine permanently damaged. During the late phases of the war, the most ingenious nuclear weapons rigged the bomb to detonate upon touch by any Nevithian, or delivered the payload through crude short-ranged ballistic rockets.
The progression of this war was slow and scorched terrain a mandatory side effects of using land-bound nukes, but miniaturising the explosion's radiation output and destructive capacity while maintaing the required thread level was a task mastered by the Torpua military. Although the surrender of the Ileum Sovereign came quick after ever growing portions of his territory were scorched and exposed to radiation, the war cost the life of nine million Nevithians.
Even today, the sites of the first and largest nuclear detonations are suspect to radiation sickness and scarce population.

Sha'Thas was among the first clans to emerge to such a position of power almost five centuries ago and considered to be the most powerful clan in recent history until its downfall. When the modern age came that allowed Nevithians to populate both the dry and wet regions of Kel Nevath in unpreceded density, greater clans arose among the heavily fractured mass of Nevithian clans and families as those who could command and unite the most Nevithians under their name. Ever since, the borders of the greater clans have fluctuated as some came into existance and others waned, yet the Sha'Thas were one of the longest to endure and the great clan with the longest history still in existance.
Sha'Thas is considered dead nowadays, or at least no longer a greater clan anymore. When the clan had its status removed, all former members were attributed to various other, minor clans and families so that no official Sha'Thas remained, completly removing the greater clan from official records. Still, many former Sha'Thas retain at least the feeling of a greater clan uniting them. Some of the more critical Sha'Thas blame this downfall on the Lord-Sovereign and how he performed his rise to power, while outright rebellious circles mention not the procedure but the fact of his rise as the course.

A crude schematic of Kel Nevath's surface from a political view.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2012, 11:44:59 AM by Vynadan »