Author Topic: Month 146  (Read 2057 times)

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Month 146
« on: October 14, 2012, 07:18:10 AM »
There is joy throughout the Alliance now that the ASR has agreed to send assistance to counter the impending Eater incursion.  Among the leadership this joy is tempered by the knowledge that it will take many months for the ASR Fleets to get into position.  Still, Alliance scientists and engineers are busily working on new weapons and defenses provided by the ASR, and for the first time the Alliance really has hope. 

In the Harbin and Masada systems, the Alliance’s front-line defenses against the expected Eater incursion, the predominant feeling is one of racing against the clock as Alliance scientists and engineers try to rush ASR technology into service before the Eaters can attack. 

The Alliance Senate has canceled Plan Omega, the evacuation of the colonies closest to the Xeon home world, as that system now seems secure behind a massive ASR fleet.  Additionally, the presence of an Eater threat coming from the old Rogen home world has made the withdrawal of the colonists behind a closed warp point meaningless, as there are no closed warp points coming from the interior of the Alliance.  Instead, the resources previously devoted to Plan Omega are diverted to R&D on the technology provided by the ASR. 

In the meantime, the Alliance Navy has recalled most of the Expeditionary Fleets to reinforce the Masada system, and the Alliance Senate has ordered the home world Navies to provide levies to reinforce both Harbin and Masada.  The Alliance will meet the threat as best it can.  So far the defender’s moral is good, but whether any of it is enough to stop the Eaters is unknown at this point.

2nd Empire
Month 146, Day 1, New Chicago, Imperial Grand Senate
Empress Katrina waited in a small room off of the main assembly hall.  She was nervous, but had it under control.  As she always had, she paced while she waited, a nervous affectation that her assistants and coaches had tried to change, to no avail.  Stopping in front of a tall, full length mirror, she yet again checked her appearance.  Unlike her father, who had insisted on wearing his Imperial Naval Blacks on public occasions, she had chosen to wear a tailored business suit in conservative grey.  She sighed again as she looked at her image.  Her face was what the media, when they were inclined to be generous, called strong, or worse, handsome.  She was never what anyone would call pretty, but for most of her life that hadn’t mattered.  As a navy brat she hadn’t cared, and later as a peace-forcer her looks, or lack thereof, had actually been a blessing, allowing her to avoid many of the situations that others, with better looks, had had to deal with.  It was only after becoming a Princess, of all things, and then later an Empress, that her looks became a matter of public interest. 

Her thoughts turned again to the speech she was going to give before the Senate today.  She really shouldn’t be nervous.  After all, everything had been worked out in advance.  It wasn’t like her people, or those in control of the Senate, were going to let her present anything that hadn’t been completely thought out and vetted to the Senate.  Everyone who counted was in agreement that declaring an emergency was the best route forward. 

Katrina frowned as she considered the ongoing threats that the Empire faced, and in particular, how those threats were changing the Empire.  The Empire had always been militaristic, even going back to the first Empire, but that militaristic character overlaid the core values of the Imperial Navy.  The Navy was founded back in the days when all humans still lived on Earth, in the aftermath of the wars and disasters that marked the middle of the 21st Century and every naval officer cadet and NCO candidate was exposed to the results of the chaos that resulted in the foundation of the Empire.  In the First Empire the Navy was seen not only as the backbone of the Empire but as its conscience as well, and her father had done his best to ensure that those traditions continued in the 2nd Empire’s navy.  In large part he had succeeded, but over the last few years things had been changing.  The vast expansion of the Navy over the last few years had diluted the experienced core of tradition-minded officers, and the destruction of New Berlin had partially discredited the Navy.  In fear and anger the public had lashed out, and even the abdication of her father hadn’t been enough to placate the public. 

Katrina shook her head and began pacing again.  The public blamed the Navy for the disaster in the New Berlin system, but at the same time they demanded significant defenses for all inhabited systems.  Many Senators had long been leaning towards building up the Fortress Command as a counterbalance against the Navy anyway, so the groundswell of public support for a new fortification plan played right into their hands.  The result was a massive fortification plan intended to provide defenses for any system with a population above a certain level.  These defenses consisted of BS3’s equipped to carry and launch fighter squadrons and gunboats, giving each planet a long-range defense capability.  The construction and manning of those defenses had led to numerous changes that were still affecting the Empire.  The most obvious effect was the fact that the vast expansion of the Fortress Command had put many more men and women in arms under the Empire’s control.  Even though she was the commander in chief of the armed forces, the expansion of the military was always a concern for her. 

Her musings on the ongoing changes to the Empire were interrupted when her Chief of Staff opened the door.  “It’s time, your Highness.”

Katrina nodded and followed her COS through the short corridor to the door that led to the central dais in the main Senate Assembly Hall.  As she walked onto the dais, the room fell silent aside from muted background noises as the Senators stood and gave a shallow bow to the Imperial presence. 

Katrina walked across the dais and took a few seconds when she reached the podium to look out over the room.  The room was large, with a muted ornateness that spoke of old money and older power.  Just over three hundred Senators, representing the inhabited systems of the Empire, sat throughout the large hall in sections that rose as you went back, so that those farther away could see the central dais where the Empress stood. 

Finally, the Empress smiled a grave, serious smile.  “Fellow citizens, I come before you on a difficult day, with a difficult task.  The Empire faces multiple threats.  The Seventh Fleet is beyond the border, in the Axon Territories, hunting down the last hide-out of that evil government.  Even as the Axons fall, though, a new enemy has appeared.  The Chosen are by all accounts interested in nothing but conquest, and they are even now preparing to launch an assault on the Xanti home world.   When they are finished there, they may turn on our fleets engaged with the Axons.  And, of course, should they penetrate the cordon put in place by the 7th Fleet, they will enter the Pax Sector, something we cannot allow.”  There was a low shuffling sound as the Senators looked at each other.  This was, perhaps, an overstatement, but little was known about the capabilities of the Chosen. 

“Even as the 7th Fleet fights to put an end to the perfidious Axon regime, the 3rd Fleet stands guard along the frontier of the Pax Sector, protecting the Imperial citizens who are bravely rebuilding the ruins of the colonies in the Sapporo system.  Admiral Hideoshi assures me that he continues to search for the cyborgs that ravished the colonies in that area.  Nothing has been seen of them since their cowardly attack, but of course they could return at any time.”

“Finally, there is the latest, and perhaps the greatest threat.  Last month, a small force of unknown ships appeared in Mining System 108, adjacent to New Sol and Sauron Prime.  These unknown ships proceeded to devastate our mining colonies in the system, all without even attempting to communicate.  The offending ships were destroyed by the quick response of the 2nd Fleet, but the situation was clear.  The Mining 108 system has three warp points, one to Sauron Prime, the second to the Issus system, and the other to the CS-310 system.  Issus is one of the oldest Sauron colonies, and CS-310 leads to the cul-de-sac system of Komal.  The alien ships did not come from any of those systems, so the only other place they could have come from was from a closed warp point in the MS-108 system itself.  Clearly an aggressive, genocidal alien race has found yet another back door into the Empire.  And just yesterday our worst fears were confirmed.  Scan data obtained by the 2nd Fleet of the alien ships in MS-108 was turned over to the ASR Embassy here on New Chicago for analysis.  The ASR Ambassador herself has confirmed to me that the emissions profiles of the unknown alien ships matches, to a close degree, the records they have maintained of the Eaters that originally attacked their home system over a century ago.”  There was a stir throughout the room.  Most of the Senators hadn’t heard this particular fact. 

The Empress paused for a few seconds to let this new information sink in.  “Interestingly enough, it does not match the emissions signatures of the Eater forces the ASR has been engaging in the Colmar Sector, which means we are facing an entirely different set of Eaters.”  The Empress paused again, looking out over the assembled Senators.  “Taken together these foes pose a serious threat to the Empire.  Therefore, today I am formally requesting that the Imperial Senate declare that a State of Emergency exists, and that the Emergency War Powers Act be invoked, granting both the Senate and the Office of the Empress extraordinary war powers for a period not to exceed two years.  Thank you for your time and attention.”  Katrina gave what she thought of as “Smile #18”, a warm and engaging smile meant to reassure and to be as non-threatening as possible.  She had practiced this particular smile for what seemed like hours, and it was one of her best.  Her people had insisted that she needed an expression like this one, as everyone knew how powerful she was, and many people tended to feel threatened by her position and power.  Now that smile came in handy.  The vast majority of the assembled Senators came to their feet and gave her a standing ovation.  It wasn’t a hundred percent, of course, nothing the Senate ever did was unanimous, but to her quick scan it certainly appeared as if over seventy percent of the attending Senators were standing.  She stood there, gravely nodding at various powerful Senators or at the holo cameras that floated throughout the large hall, until the applause began to die down.  Then, after raising a hand to wave to the cameras, she walked off the dais, leaving the Senate to debate her request. 

The Senate took the rest of the day to debate the measure, but, as the Senate’s leaders had assured the Empress, it was a foregone conclusion.  Late in the evening the Senate voted to approve the measure granting the Imperial government emergency powers for the duration of the emergency, not to exceed eighteen months.  The time limitation became necessary when the Senators from the Pax territories balked at the original two year duration. 

Planning for major fleet movements began almost immediately.  Without the emergency powers, moving the bulk of any fleet required the advice and consent of the Senate, and quite often took months to accomplish.  Now the Empress could order such movements, subject to informing the appropriate Senate sub-committees after the movement began. 

Day 1, Komal System, former Axon territories…
The Imperial Terran 7th Fleet transited into the Blue Star system that, while planet-less, was a nexus for no less than thirteen warp points.  According to the captured astrogation data the Blue Star system was on the bleeding edge of Axon controlled territory, and Admiral Stern, the commanding officer of the 7th Fleet, believed that Komal, as the system was named on the Axon charts, was the gateway to the Axon redoubt housing the last of the Axon holdouts.  There were four possibilities for the Axon redoubt, four systems linked to Komal that contained habitable planets, but there was one that was the most obvious choice – Solcho.  The Solcho system contained no less than five habitable planets, while all of the others had only one or two, making it the best choice for a last-chance hideout.  Admiral Stern had ordered both of the fleets under his command to set their course for Solcho, a journey of fifteen days for the slow-moving fleet.  Before leaving the warp point a force of thirty GBP’s spread out ahead of the fleet, probing with their sensors for any Axon carriers that might be lurking with their drive fields down. 

Accompanying the 7th Fleet was the 1st Fleet’s Assault Group.  Together the two fleets boasted eighteen light monitors, thirteen other capital ships, thirty four cruisers, sixty nine carriers, and eighteen smaller ships, along with numerous small craft and fighters that constantly buzzed around the fleet. 

The combined fleets crossed the planet-less Blue Star system with their GBP screen twelve light minutes ahead of them.  Just over a day later…

Gunboat (P) 10661, known more or less affectionately to her crew as “Daisy Cutter”, was at the center of the line of thirty gunboat (P)’s spread out ahead of the advancing Terran fleets.  Picket duty was invariably boring, except when it wasn’t.  When it wasn’t boring, it was often fatal, so all in all, Lt. (jg) Quentin al Sharif preferred boredom, no matter how boring it was.  Quentin’s boredom was about to end. 


Lt. Al Sharif’s feet slipped off of the console in front of him and he almost, but not quite, fell out of his seat.  “What’s up, Daisy?”

“Contact Alert!  One hundred and eighty contacts, bearing zero degrees dead ahead, range eleven point two five light seconds.  Unknown class, evaluation…drive-field down ships.”

“Hell!  Send out a contact report to the fleet and the rest of the squadron.  And get us turned around, immediately!”  Even as he gave the orders, the rest of Daisy’s crew came thundering onto the control deck.  They took in the situation at a glance, and began getting Daisy ready for battle.

Thirty seconds later it was clear that they weren’t going to make a clean getaway as the warning alert sounded again.  “What have you got, Daisy?”

“I have detected multiple drive fields being launched from the previous contacts.  Evaluation…sixty fighter class units, speed and emissions consistent with Axon fighters with light load-outs.  The contacts  are closing, speed +25%.”

Al Sharif punched the numbers in the nav comp and frowned.  The Axon fighters would catch them far short of the fleet.  Shortly after making the calculation, Daisy activated the view screen.  It lit up to show Lt. Commander Donaldson, CO of the picket group. 

“People, lets close up into mutual support range.  The Axons will be on us in twenty three minutes.  We can’t outrun them, but we can out fight them.  And…remember, we were out here for a purpose and we served that purpose.  The Axons were hiding out here, hoping to ambush the fleet as it advanced.  Now their ambush is screwed, and we did that.  They are going to pay, and they are going to pay heavily for all that they’ve done, and everyone in the Empire will remember that we made that possible!”

There weren’t any cheers, not in this unit, in this picket group, but they did do their job.  They retreated before the oncoming Axon fighters until the Axon fighters caught up with them, and then they turned and attacked, straight into the face of their attackers.  It was all over in thirty seconds.  Every Terran Gunboat (P) was destroyed.  The Terrans managed to take eleven Axon fighters with them, but then the remaining Axons hunted down the few Terrans that made it out of their GBP’s and killed them as they floated helplessly.  Lt.(jg) Al Sharif hadn’t made it that far, as he and his entire crew were killed when Daisy Cutter exploded after an Axon fighter raked it with cannon fire. 

By then the entire Axon fleet, one hundred and eighty corvettes, had lit off their drive fields and was moving up to join their fighters.  Once they had recovered their fighters they closed on the Terran fleets. 
The Axon ships approached to one light second and then launched their entire fighter complement, nine hundred and sixty one fighters.  The Axon fighters roared towards the Terran Fleet, and when they were fifteen light seconds out the Terran Fleet launched its fighters.  Almost eighteen hundred fighters roared away from the combined Terran fleets, streaking straight towards the Axon formations.  Unlike the ragged Axon formations, the Terran fighter wave was superbly organized as befitting the experienced Terran pilots. 

The two groups of fighters came together ninety seconds later.  Neither side made any attempt to evade the other prior to their meeting, both sought this battle out.  At the last second, just as the two groups of fighters interpenetrated, three hundred Terran fighters accelerated by 20% and dodged around the oncoming Axon fighters.  Even if the Axon fighters wanted to deal with the faster Terrans they couldn’t, as the remaining fifteen hundred Terran fighters were in amongst them at this point, and once the battle was joined none of the Axon pilots had a chance to think about anything but what was right in front of them. 

Over twenty four hundred fighters swirled together, their pilots fighting for survival, fighting to kill their opposition before they were killed themselves.  It quickly became clear that the Terrans had an advantage.  Nearly every Terran flight crew was the survivor of multiple battles, while most of the Axons had little or no flight time.  Many of the Axon crews that had had experience had been culled in the many purges that had been enforced on the military by the Axon government, so while they fought bravely, they had little or no idea of what they were doing. 

The carnage was over quickly.  When the swirling mass of fighters untangled only Terran light codes were left, every Axon fighter had been destroyed.  Three hundred and fifty Terran fighters were lost, but the back of the Axon Legions had been broken this day in the Komal system. 

The three hundred Terran fighters that had avoided the Axon fighters roared straight towards the Axon corvettes, which, being unarmed and now having no fighters to protect them, now panicked and began running.  It would do them no good.  Twenty two point five minutes after the Axon fighters died, their carriers followed them.  Towards the end some of the carriers tried to surrender.  They had no weapons, not even point defense, and could do nothing against the fighters that were dogging them.  The Terrans accepted no surrender though.  The memories of the mushroom clouds growing over the cities of New Berlin were too new, too fresh.  After all of the carriers were destroyed the Terran fighters rejoined their carriers.  Unlike the Axons they didn’t hunt down the Axon life-pods that littered the battle area.  They didn’t pick them up either.  The Terran fleet left the area, and the pods.  There was no habitable planet in the system, no local populations that would pick up the Axon survivors once the Terrans were gone.  One by one the Axons would die in deep space, after they ran out of air, or water, or food.   

Day 15
Seventy Terran armed pinnaces transited out of Komal and into Solcho.  They appeared on a warp point surrounded by a plethora of corvettes and thirty fighters sitting right on the warp point.  The Axon fighters immediately plunged into the wave of armed pinnaces, tearing into them with more enthusiasm than skill; while the transit addled pinnaces did their best to defend themselves.  Thirty seconds after entering the system forty nine pinnaces transited out, having destroyed eighteen fighters. 

The scans the returning ships delivered confirmed Admiral Stern’s plans.  There were fifty corvettes arranged around the warp point at varying ranges, and a light minefield a quarter light second out from the warp point.  The fact that a mere thirty fighters hovered over the warp point argued both that the Axons were running out of fighters and that not all of the corvettes close to the warp point were carriers.  It was time for the 1st Fleet’s Assault Group to take the lead. 

Two days passed as the Terran fleet sat and watched the warp point, waiting for the Axons to let down their guard.  Then, finally, it was time.  Admiral Murasaki gave the order and the ponderous capital ships of the 1st Fleet Assault Group began moving towards the warp point.  The first wave was led by fifty proto-type gunboats, followed closely by five assault battleships. 

The battleships appeared in Solcho, surrounded by desperately weaving GBP’s trying to avoid Axon fighters, which were even more desperately trying to destroy the GBP’s before they could get reorganized.  The twenty four Axon fighters on the warp point destroyed only nine Terran gunboats, an extremely poor performance.  The Axon pilots fought as if they had been barely trained, as if they were new to their cockpits.  Even as the Axon fighters struggled to deal with the gunboats, the lead Terran battleship lashed out at one of the Axon corvettes hovering 1.5 light seconds from the warp point.  The battleships were equipped with five capital energy beam turrets and the crack crew of the lead ship was determined to show the Axons the error of their ways.  In spite of transit effects, all five energy beams from the battleship hit their target, the closest corvette, completely overwhelming its defenses and leaving it drifting in space. 

The second Terran battleship, the Kongo, came under fire from a trio of Axon corvettes, each of which struck out with a single HET laser.  All three lasers hit the Kongo, but the assault ship’s heavy armor shrugged off the damage.  A second trio of corvettes joined in, again scoring the Kongo’s armor, but again failing to penetrate.  By the time all five battleships had fired two corvettes were heavily damaged and two were drifting.  The Terran gunboats destroyed twenty Axon fighters in spite of their warp-addled state.   

The second wave of Terran ships was led by five minesweeper battleships, followed by fifty more gunboats.  Even as the Terran ships entered the system three Axon corvettes moved away from the group hovering at 1.5 light seconds and raced towards the warp point.  Moving at maximum speed they all plunged towards the Kongo.  Unfortunately for the Axons, the Terran battleship was equipped with the latest advanced maneuvering systems, while the Axon corvettes were not equipped with any maneuvering assistance systems at all.  The Terran battleship was large and ponderous, but surprisingly nimble, and it evaded two of the attacking corvettes.  At the last second the Kongo lashed out with two of its capital energy beams at the only corvette still on a collision course, completely gutting the hapless ship, leaving it hanging in space after its drive field collapsed. 
The Axon corvettes continued bombarding the Kongo with HET laser fire even as the Terran ships retaliated with their energy beams.  It was an unequal contest.  The huge Terran ships had all of the advantages, and while the Axon ships crewed by the best they had, the Prophet’s Own Guard, they couldn’t stand up to battleships.  By the end of the exchange of fire eight corvettes were drifting hulks.  The Axons had managed to penetrate the Kongo’s armor by that point, but it was still defiantly spitting energy beams at its tormentors.  The Terran GBP’s, hovering close to the battleships, finished off the two corvettes that missed their ramming attempt, but were otherwise content to watch the larger ships tear at each other. 

The third wave of Terran ships was composed of Ise class light assault monitors.  It took thirty seconds for the three monitors to squeeze through the warp point, joining the ten battleships on the warp point.  As the monitors entered the system one of the battleships launched three CD’s, all of which raced towards the warp point and transited out.  The monstrous monitors, even transit-addled, were too much for the Axon corvettes to take.  The monitor’s energy beam mounts helped to sweep most of the remaining corvettes from space, leaving only five corvettes intact.  Four of the still-active corvettes were equipped with a single plasma gun, while the fifth apparently had no weaponry.  Return fire from the Axon corvettes, which were dying even as they fired, finally cut through the Kongo’s armor and destroyed four of the ship’s five engine rooms, along with the bulk of her weaponry and internal systems.  The Kongo managed to survive, but barely. 

The flow of Terran ships came to a stop after the last monitor entered the system.  The five remaining Axon corvettes from the close-in force apparently decided that their position was untenable and they all turned towards the lead Terran monitor and ran towards it at full speed, obviously intending to ram.  Not one of the clumsy Axon ships came close enough to the Terran monitor to hit, and all five were wiped out by the Terran gunboats. 

The death of the last of the close-in corvettes coincided with the launch of the last fighter group from the Axon corvette-carriers stationed eight light seconds from the warp point.  Just over 100 Axon fighters began racing towards the Terran ships assembled on the warp point, followed closely by their carriers.  They must have known that they didn’t have a showball’s chance in hell of surviving, or possibly even achieving anything, but they came anyway.   Later, much later, Terran investigators would discover that the Axon leadership was holding the families of the officers and crews of the ships to ensure their loyalty.  Right now, though, all the Terrans knew was that the hated Axons were yet again advancing against all logic, and they intended to make them pay. 

Nearly simultaneously with the last fighters launching, the five Terran minesweepers moved into the segment of the minefield in between the Terran fleet and the oncoming Axon forces.  Mines immediately began swarming all over the Terran battleships and the big ships were blanketed in detonations as their point defense emplacements began intercepting the tiny weapons.  Inevitably mines snuck through the sweeper’s defenses and detonations close-aboard began eroding the ship’s shields and armor.  The Terrans had built well, though, and the minefield was relatively light.  None of the sweepers suffered internal damage and thirty seconds after moving into the field the segment facing the Axons was reduced to a shadow of its former self.  Within thirty seconds the remaining mines would be gone.     

Thirty seconds after the Axons began closing six Terran strike carriers emerged from the warp point in tight formation.  By the time the last Terran carrier entered the system the Axon fighters had closed to three point five light seconds.  It took nearly thirty seconds for the carriers to recover from the transit and begin launching their fighters.  The Terran fighters immediately sallied from the warp point, along with the gunboats, racing to meet the incoming Axon fighters away from the warp point and the vulnerable heavy ships. 

The fighters met 1.25 light seconds from the warp point.  The battle was brief and vicious.  The Terran fighter crews were experienced and ready for the battle, while the Axon crews were inexperienced and tired from constantly patrolling the warp point.  The two groups of fighters plunged into each other with very little in the way of evasion, so intent were the pilots on both sides on killing each other.  Flashes marked the explosion of fighters from both sides, and space was pocked with fireballs as the two groups interpenetrated.  When space cleared the Axon force was gone, along with forty three Terran fighters. 

The Terran fighters and gunboats continued without hesitation on towards the Axon corvette-carriers, and in short order the carriers were all destroyed, with a little help from the heavy energy beams of the Terran ships on the warp point.

The last mobile force belonging to the Axon government had been destroyed utterly.  With space around the warp point clear the Terran fleet began transiting into the system.  Once the fleet was assembled the 7th Fleet began heading into the inner system, while the 1st Fleet Assault Group was left behind to secure the warp point. 

Before they left the warp point, Terran marines boarded the drifting corvettes which had been gutted by the heavy energy beams of the Assault Group.  There wasn’t much left, the energy beams had been very thorough, but while nearly every computer system had been destroyed some crew survived.  Under the proper persuasion a few of the remaining Axons were convinced to divulge the location of the central government of the Axon Hierate.  Predictably, the Axon leaders had located themselves as far from the front as possible, in this case on one of the habitable planets of the system’s B component, twenty three day’s travel from the warp point. 

The 7th Fleet set out for the last Capital of the Axon Hierate, broadcasting surrender demands as it went.  They would arrive over the planet on Day 10, Month 147. 

continued in part II

Offline Kurt (OP)

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Re: Month 146
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2012, 07:20:13 AM »
Part II

Timeline for the Annihilator Faction/Chosen Cyborgs

Month 97: The Annihilator Faction, decimated in the multi-sided fighting in the disaster that has enveloped their home system, flees to their out-system robotic territories.  

Month 98: The refugee Annihilator Faction Chosen revive a very old program and begin converting their ships and those of their robotic fleets to Cyborg units, as a way of countering the AI’s ability to infiltrate their robotic control systems.  

Month 99: The Annihilators finish stripping their robotic capital of everything that can be moved, converting it all into factory ships and mobile shipyards.  All of the Subjugated slaves that they have brought with them are brain-stripped and processed into brain-boxes.  At this point the only living beings in the fleet are the Chosen themselves.  

Month 100: The remaining Annihilator Faction ships split into two groups to harvest the remaining robotic colonies as they flee from the home system.  They will eventually meet as the warp lines that form the Annihilator territories are in the form of a large ring.  Zoros, leader of the Annihilator Faction and the primary supporter of the Cyborg concept, doesn’t trust his chief engineer, whom he has put in charge of the second force, but feels he has no choice as the force must split up if it is going to harvest the bulk of the robotic colonies.  

Month 107: The Chosen formerly known as the Annihilator Faction have been completely converted into Cyborgs under the direction of Zoros.  They went down fighting, but they were processed nonetheless.  

Month 114: The two Cyborg fleets meet, as arranged, on the far side of the former Annihilator Robotic Territories.  The Engineer in charge of the second fleet tries to use his superior fleet to force Zoros to surrender, however, Zoros had poison built into the Engineer’s control collar and he uses it now.  Once the Engineer is dead Zoros takes command of the combined fleets and uses them to attack a one-system race discovered by the Annihilator Robotic forces.  The unnamed race is overwhelmed and processed into brain-boxes.   At this point there are no independent living beings in the fleet.  Everyone, including Zoros himself, has been processed.  

Month 136: Chosen/Cyborgs attack and sack the Terran colonies in the Kitakyushu system.

Month 139: Chosen/Cyborgs attack the Terran Sapporo system, but are stopped by elements of the 3rd Imperial Fleet.  When the 3rd Fleet advances into the Kitakyushu system, it finds the system vacant, empty of both Cyborgs and Terran colonists.  

Present day: Sometimes there are worse things than the devil you know…
Zoros floated, godlike, within the strategic/tactical sensorium.  While his consciousness resided within the sensorium he had direct access to the entire gamut of sensors available to his fleet, allowing him to view both his fleet and the universe around them in unparalleled detail.  Some time ago he had begun contemplating the possibility that his current capabilities amounted to what a normal mortal would perceive as godhood.  Lately he had decided that pondering that question detracted from his godhood, and that his current omnipotence should just be accepted.  He was in complete and total control of the entire cyber-fleet, and all of its constituent units and brain-control systems, and this fleet gave him control over the universe around him.  He was immortal, and had numerous worshipers within the cyber-network, where all who survived honored him.  If that wasn’t godlike then he didn’t know what was.  

Zoros’ contemplation of his own munificence stumbled when a priority message arrived from a survey ship probing the system’s newly discovered warp points.  

As he absorbed the message Zoros grew excited.  The probe ship had jumped into a binary system with no less than three inhabited planets.  Two of the three planets showed population and industry figures that were beyond belief, exceeding even those of the lost home.  Zoros pondered the energy readings from the two inhabited planets and he knew that once again the universe had rewarded his initiative and drive.  He had recently grown concerned that the fleet was stagnating.  No new sources of raw materials had been found since the encounter with the Terran frontier system, and without new populations to feed on his fleet slowly strangled.  Dark thoughts flitted through Zoros’ mind as he remembered the Terrans.  Their colony system had been completely undefended, easy pickings for his fleet to harvest.  At first he had thought that the Terrans were some sort of pacifists, which would mean that his fleet could rampage throughout their so-called empire.  Upon interrogating the newly inducted brain-boxes, though, he had discovered that the Terrans were, in fact, highly militarized, and that numerous fleets were even then rushing to the rescue of the beleaguered colonists.  Uncharacteristically for him (he thought), he had decided to withdraw from Terran space without harvesting any of the surrounding systems.  That withdrawal plagued him to this day, and visions of the undefended neighboring colonies still danced in his head as his fleet plodded through vacant system after vacant system, running from an enemy he was now convinced was imaginary.  

Twice Zoros had decided to turn back and return to Imperial territory, only to change his mind at the last instant.  And now he had confirmation that his determination (a little voice whispered that it wasn’t determination at all, but he ignored that) to remain had now paid off.  Here were the resources that the fleet needed, all tied up in a bow.  

Zoros ordered his fleet forward, ignoring the fact that his survey ship had appeared in the alien race’s inner system, well within detection range of the nearest alien population.  

Eight days later the fleet transited out of the uninhabited system into the new system, now designated Target-01.  Almost immediately upon exiting the warp point the fleet’s sensors detected a drive field closing on their location, sixty light minutes out.  A day later the two fleets had closed to 12 light minutes and Zoros’ sensors could discern the number and types of ships he faced.  The oncoming fleet consisted of nine light monitors, six superdreadnoughts, fifteen battleships, and ten battlecruisers.  

Zoros was elated.  By now he had convinced himself that his will had imposed the current situation on the universe, contrary to his earlier belief that the universe was rewarding him.  After all, it was obvious, wasn’t it?  He needed a source of raw materials for the fleet, and this system had appeared.  He needed an enemy to hone his fleet’s abilities, and this fleet appeared.  Aligning itself to his desires, the new race was large enough to be a test, but not so powerful that it was a true threat.  After all, his fleet consisted of thirty seven superdreadnoughts, twenty five carriers, fifteen battlecruisers, twelve cruisers, three strike carriers, and four destroyers.  While he didn’t have ships as large as the oncoming monitors, his battle line vastly out-massed the enemy’s, and he had over twelve hundred fighters, while his enemy apparently didn’t have any.  This battle would be easy.  Zoros’ attention turned to the planet behind the oncoming fleet, and his thoughts were tinged with greed.  

Acting on orders from Zoros, his command SD and its two escorts began to fall behind the rest of the fleet.  While he believed that the oncoming fleet was created by his will to provide practice for his fleet, he also believed in being careful.  His command ship would come no closer to the enemy than it already was.  

The rest of the cyber-fleet closed on the enemy, until the two groups of ships were thirty light seconds apart.  Then the cyber-fleet, acting on the battle plan devised by Zoros, launched twelve hundred fighters and turned away, maintaining the range while the tiny fighters closed on the enemy.  Initially the enemy didn’t react, and instead continued to close with the fighters as before.      

The fighters closed on the alien fleet, and Zoros watched from a comfortable light minute away.  Nothing changed until the cyber-fighters had closed to two and a half light seconds, at which time the alien fleet turned and began running from the fighters, accelerating by 20%.  Zoros growled within the sensorium, seeing the enemy monitors accelerating to a speed equalto that of his superdreadnoughts.  After a few seconds he relaxed, after realizing that the enemy ships were still much slower than his fighters.  

Alarms went off in Zoros’ brain when, as the fighters closed to two light seconds, the enemy fleet launched a wave of hundreds of missiles at his fighters.  Zoros snarled at the alien’s impudent blasphemy as the offending missiles refused to disappear.  By now, Zoros had completely forgotten that the actions he was watching had transpired a full minute ago.  

The missile wave slammed into the cyber-fighters and in a flash one hundred and fifty six fighters disappeared.  Zoros howled, raging at the disobedient aliens who refused to destroy themselves at his command, but when he calmed at looked at the closure rate he realized that while his fighters would take damage, more than half would survive to close with the enemy ships as long as nothing changed.  

Thirty seconds later the enemy ships launched a second wave of anti-fighter missiles when the fighters had closed to 1.25 light seconds range, this time augmented by heavy laser fire from the enemy superdreadnoughts and long-range point defense fire from all of the alien ships.  Panic begin to fray the edges of Zoros’ mind as he realized that his “overwhelming” fighter strike was now reduced to 62% of its original strength.  He calmed himself by calculating that most of his fighters would survive to reach the enemy fleet, which, in any case, could not match his own.  

The cyber-fighters continued to close, but the enemy had yet another surprise.  As the cyber-fighters continued to close with their quarry, the alien ships launched a swarm of small craft that immediately moved to engage the incoming remaining cyber-fighters.  The alien battlecruisers each launched over fifty small craft from internal bays, and the entire alien fleet launched very large small-craft from some sort of external racks.  

With panic fraying his thoughts Zoros analyzed the data.  The smaller small-craft were tiny, much smaller than his fighters, and slower.  This suggested that they were almost certainly less capable than his fighters as well.  The larger small-craft were huge, almost the size of small ships, and had drive-fields almost as intense.  For all their size and power they looked clumsy, and Zoros suspected that they would be no match for fighters in a straight fight.  In any case, the true target was the enemy fleet.  Zoros issued orders to his fighters to bypass the enemy small craft and attack their original targets, forgetting that due to the light-speed lag his orders would arrive after the fight was over.  

In any case, the cyber-fighters had no choice.  They had to blow through the alien small craft to reach their targets, and firing at the small craft as they passed would do nothing to increase or reduce the time it would take to reach those targets, so they engaged, targeting the largest small-craft as they passed. Unfortunately for the cyber-fighters, Zoros had ordered them loaded for an anti-ship strike, so they mounted two fRam missiles and a single laser, which wasn’t exactly the optimal load out to engage enemy fighters.  On the other side the smaller enemy small-craft appeared to be armed with a weaker version of the fighter gun, while the larger small-craft were armed with at least four fighter guns, making them veritable killing machines.  The exchange of fire was vicious and without mercy on either side.  Heavy laser fire, long-range point defense fire, and those damned anti-fighter missiles all struck at the cyber-fighters as they fought the alien small craft.  The entire action took mere seconds, and when the explosions cleared there were no cyber-fighters left.  The entire assault wave had been destroyed short of the alien fleet.  Of the nine hundred and forty four small craft launched by the aliens, eight hundred and nineteen remained.  

Zoros watched numbly as the alien small craft moved into escorting positions around the alien capital ships and then the entire force turned towards his fleet and began closing again.  Enraged at the aliens, who continued to stubbornly refuse to disintegrate in response to his commands, Zoros ordered his fleet forward as well.  After a few seconds he relented and allowed his carriers to turn back and rejoin his command ship.  

The two fleets closed as Zoros watched.  At nine point five light seconds both fleets launched salvoes of strategic bombardment missiles.  As per Zoros’ orders the cyber-ships were using SBM-Lt’s, while it soon became clear that the alien ships were using anti-matter tipped SBM’s.  The first exchange of fire was disturbing.  The alien monitors, which were the only ships firing, managed to heavily damage a cyber-SD, while the cyber-ship’s return fire merely scratched the armor on one of the monitors.  

The next few minutes continued that pattern.  The two fleets closed to eight light seconds range, far enough apart that only the alien monitors, and the cyber-SD’s and BC’s could fire on each other.  In spite of the fact that the cyber ships had switched to anti-matter tipped missiles, they continued to do minimal damage to the selected monitor, while the return fire would smash through an SD’s defenses.  

One minute and thirty seconds into the battle the cyber force had managed to damage the defenses of one of the monitors, while two SD’s had been heavily damaged.  At that point, as Zoros watched, the alien force changed its targeting strategy.  Instead of concentrating each wave of missiles on an SD, the aliens now targeted cyber-cruisers, to devastating effect.  The first missile wave heavily damaged two cruisers and stripped the passives from a third.  The next wave of missiles heavily damaged two cruisers, and the next damaged three CA’s.  By this point the cyber-BC’s had run out of SBM’s and only the cyber-SD’s were in the fight.  The next two waves of missiles saw four additional cyber-cruisers damaged, in exchange for continuing erosion of the targeted alien monitor’s passive defenses.  

Four minutes into the battle the alien force, which had been maintaining the range against the cyber force’s attempts to close, suddenly turned towards the cyber force and accelerated by 20%.  The remaining alien small craft, all eight hundred plus, raced ahead of the main force, closing at what appeared to be their top speed.  The next missile wave went out at six light seconds, with the cyber-BC’s getting back into the fight using capital missiles.  The closer range helped the cyber force’s targeting and the targeted monitor, which had so far withstood their fire, suddenly succumbed to the much heavier fire, blowing up in a blinding fireball which was soon left behind the advancing force.  In exchange, the alien force continued to target the cyber force’s cruisers, heavily damaging three.  

Thirty seconds later the alien force turned to maintain the range at four light seconds.  Devastating missile salvoes continued to rain down on the cyber force from the monitors, but now, at the closer range, the other alien ships joined in.  The alien SD’s began belching forth incredibly powerful laser fire from a significant number of emplacements, and while they didn’t cause much damage at four light seconds, the fact that they could cause any damage at all at that range was disturbing.  The alien battleships also joined in with lighter standard missiles, doing additional damage.  The incredible barrage of fire damaged or destroyed the entire cyber cruiser force, and heavily damaged two battlecruisers.  The cyber-SD’s heavily damaged a second monitor and the cyber-BC’s finished it off, while all of the lighter cyber ships concentrated on the alien small craft, which were now at one point five light seconds.  Unable to target the tiny alien small craft at that range, the cyber ships concentrated on the larger small craft, which were so large that their intense drive fields allowed the cyber ships to target them as if they were larger ships, albeit at a degraded accuracy.  Forty nine of the large small craft were destroyed by the intense but inaccurate fire.      

Seeing the danger too late, the cyber-fleet turned to flee the oncoming small craft.  Upon seeing his fleet turn away from the enemy battle line Zoros began screaming imprecations mixed with orders, not realizing that neither his commands nor his curses would reach his fleet long after the situation was resolved.  

In any case it was too late, and Zoros fell silent as he watched the tiny alien small craft begin ramming his SD’s.  All five hundred and ten alien small craft homed in on just five intact SD’s.  Zoros gaped in disbelief as his SD’s were staggered by the tiny small craft.  After action analysis would show that approximately 70% of the small craft hit the targeted SD’s, and that the SD’s last ditch defensive fire destroyed about 10% of their attackers before they hit.  Zoros watched the targeted SD’s be blanketed in explosions as the tiny small craft impacted, but then he cheered when all five sailed gallantly out of the explosions, their shields down but their armor intact.  His cheers died when he realized that the rammers were only the tip of the alien attack.  Two hundred and sixty larger small craft remained, and while the SD force was preoccupied with the rammers they had closed to point blank range, fortunately just outside the cyber force’s blind spot, and now, as the last rammer died, they opened fire with salvoes of anti-matter tipped fighter close attack missiles.  SD after SD was rocked by the missiles coming at them from point blank range.  The cyber force turned every weapon it had against the small craft in a desperate attempt to destroy them before they could fire, but there weren’t enough weapons left to do the job.  One hundred and fifty seven alien small craft survived to launch their weapons into the cyber force, and into the maelstrom fell the missile salvoes and laser fire from the alien main force.  When the explosions cleared twenty nine superdreadnoughts, three battle cruisers, seven cruisers, and a single destroyer were left, and almost all of them were heavily damaged.  The return fire from the cyber force damaged a third monitor, which wasn’t nearly enough console Zoros as he watched his fleet die.  

It was a full minute before the last cyber ship died, and in the meantime the cyber ships still able to fire managed to destroy the third monitor and damage one of the battleships, but that was it.  The entire cyber fleet had died in exchange for three monitors and approximately five hundred alien small craft.  

Zoros might not be exactly sane by anyone else’s standards, but his sense of self-preservation was very strong.  He wanted to rave at the disobedient aliens that had defied him, he wanted to throw his remaining forces against them, but before he could do anything like that his instincts overrode his madness and he ordered his remaining force away from the surviving alien ships.  His remaining force consisted of three superdreadnoughts and twenty five carriers carrying a grand total of fifty four old style F0 fighters.  

For some time he watched the alien force, fearing that it would try to close with his remnants before he could escape.  Indeed, several hours after the battle the alien fleet did launch several of their large small craft towards his fleet.  There were too few to attack, and indeed, once they had closed to a light minute from his fleet they contented themselves with watching his fleet retreat.  Several abortive attacks from his remaining fighter force served to keep the alien small craft at a distance, but they failed to force the aliens completely away from the fleet.  Still, the cyber force was allowed to retreat through the warp point unmolested.  

Once out of the system Zoros ordered his entire force in the system to retreat back the way they came.  As much as he burned to destroy the defiant aliens, he feared them and knew that he no longer had the strength to fight them.  In desperation, he ordered his entire force to begin migrating back towards the Terran Empire, in the hopes that the Terrans had given up the hunt for his force, and that there would be more undefended colonies there that would allow him to recover his strength.  If he knew Admiral Hideoshi, he wouldn’t have thought that the Imperial Admiral would have given up.  

Behind the retreating cyber fleet, the alien race stirred.  The singular mind that controlled the sixty billion bodies of the race now knew that there was an “Outside” beyond the boundaries of its system, and that threats to its existence resided in the “Outside”.  This was a revelation for the mind.  The mind had matured on its home planet, and as it matured it had brought order to the chaos of its home.  By the time it had mastered its planet it had brought order and productivity to the planet by eliminating or harnessing all other life forms. That had been enough for the mind.  It had never wondered at the “why” of its actions, or thought about the reasons for its existence, that wasn’t its way.  It just did.  It just existed, and that was enough for it.  There wasn’t a reason for the productivity, beyond sustained and sustainable growth, and the mind had never felt a need for a reason.  Once, long ago, before the mind could remember, another race had provided the reason, when they engineered the mind and its bodies as a semi-sentient work force.  Many things happened in the time before, things that the mind no longer could remember, or even comprehend.  One of those things was that the beings which gave it purpose, that thought about things like “Why”, went away, never to return.  And so the mind went forward, organizing its environment and protecting itself, as it had been engineered to do.  When ultimately a group of explorers had arrived on its home planet, the mind had realized that there was an “Outside” beyond its home.  It had realized that there were more resources to be organized beyond those it already had access to.  It could not perceive the other races attempts to communicate with it as communications at all, and indeed it could not perceive the other race as something to be communicated with, period.  And so it ignored the explorers and the others the other race sent to it as it focused on achieving ways to reach the new worlds that its new perception showed it in the system around it.  Ultimately the other race gave up on communications and went on to colonize the other habitable planet in their system.  When the race finally achieved space flight and began sending out groups of its bodies to the other planets to organize them, the other race fought.  It did them no good, when faced by the incredible industrial might and inexhaustible supply of bodies wielded by the mind.  In the end every last one of the others were hunted down and turned into food for the race’s bodies, or altered into useful beasts to help the race in its quest to organize its environment.  

With its enemy destroyed or converted, and its environment organized, the race settled into a steady-state.  It gradually improved its defenses over the millennia, not out of imagined need or some perceived threat, as it couldn’t imagine anything beyond the worlds it knew, but rather because it was programed to defend itself, and that programming endured long beyond the death of those that created and programmed the race.  Now, with the arrival and attack of the cyber fleet, the race had been awakened to the existence of another “Outside”, coupled with the existence of a new threat.  These facts also implied the existence of new sources of resources that needed to be organized, a level of reasoning that was well within the mind’s limited reasoning capabilities.  

A new threat had been released upon Known Space, but so far it was a threat that only one insane cyber leader knew existed.    

Month 146, Day 3, Chosen controlled Xanti Territory…
Fleet Lord Jirquan stared at the icon for the warp point with disdain.  The information provided by the Axon slaves confirmed that the system beyond was the home system of the Xanti.  Several probes of the warp point by small craft had confirmed that it was heavily defended.  Therefore he had ordered all of his forces assembled, only to be greeted by delaying tactics and objections to his strategy.  As usual, the lower orders could not adequately understand the situation.  The enemy could not be allowed more time to improve their defenses; therefore an attack must go forward as soon as possible.  And the most logical forces to send through the warp point were the Gorlieth force-beam equipped superdreadnoughts, supported by his AI carriers.  Neither alone could do the job, but together they were a powerful striking force.  And yet, the AI command gestalt never tired of pointing out that their part in the plan was a less-than-optimal deployment of their capabilities, and the Gorlieth Admiral had objected to the necessity of simul-transiting into the system.  Fools!  

Glowering, Jirquan gave the order for the assault to begin.  Jirquan watched from his command deck as the Gorlieth SD’s lined up in front of the warp point and began transiting out.  Although he would never admit it, in spite of all of their objections the Gorlieth ships were lined up perfectly as they transited out of the system.  The short stream of ships came to an end, and then a group of them transited out together, followed closely by a larger group of Gorlieth CL’s, and then by a group of AI-controlled carriers.  Jirquan could only wonder what was happening on the far side of the warp point, many light years away.

18.9 light years away, in the Xanti Home System…
A stream of Superdreadnoughts exited the warp point, each smartly turning after exiting the warp point, ensuring that none of the big ships ran into the mine field that almost certainly encircled the warp point.  Elite Gorlieth crews, reeling from the transit effects, struggled to activate their sluggish equipment and establish a target lock on the defenders.  The newly arrived ships, their sensors hashed from the transit, could barely make out the defenses, but what they could see was bad.  Fleet Admiral Brrq, commander of the Gorlieth fleet, rasped out an order: “Plot the defenses, immediately!”

In response the command deck’s holo tank began assembling a plot of the defenders, at least those the transit-addled fleet’s sensors could see.  The defenders were laid out as follows:

Group #1, two light seconds: 4xBS3’s, 7xBC’s, 6xCL’s, 15xDD’s
Group #2, two light seconds (opposite group #1): four BS3’s, 1xBB, 7xBC’s, 3xCL’s, 16xDD’s
Group #3, three point two five light seconds (In line with group #1): 6xSD’s, 3xBC’s, 6xCA’s
Group #4: four point five light seconds (In line with #1: 18xBS3
Group #5: four point five light seconds (In line with #2: 12xML’s, three SD’s

Admiral Brrq’s mouth moved agitatedly as he pondered the situation.  Meanwhile, the stream of SD’s came to a halt after the fourth, then, suddenly, a group of seven appeared on the warp point.  Two of the newly arrived SD’s disappeared in a tremendous flash of light as they interpenetrated upon materialization, leaving nine Gorlieth SD’s on the warp point.  Immediately following the SD’s, a group of eleven Gorlieth CL’s simul-transited in, and once again the warp point was rocked by titanic explosions as four CL’s interpenetrated and blew up.  A group of AI-controlled CV’s twenty strong jumped in after the CL’s, and once again the warp point was marked by devastating explosions as eight of the big carriers destroyed themselves in the instant they entered the system.  

Admiral Brrq, aghast at the destruction, recovered quickly and ordered his ships to open fire, targeting a BC hovering two light seconds from the warp point.  One by one the heavy Gorlieth ships open fire with their massive spinal force beams and heavy capital force beam emplacements.  Brrq’s command ship shivered as its four massive spinal force beam emplacements fired.  The command ship’s gunnery wasn’t up to its usual standards, but still, three of the four spinal force beams hit the target, along with all four of the smaller capital force beams.  The targeted ship, a Xanti BCM, reeled under the heavy impacts, losing its shields and chunks of its armor.  

Even as Brrq watched the results of his ship’s fire, alarms rang on the command deck.  “Incoming missile salvoes!  Multiple launches detected!”  Brrq’s eyes turned to the light monitors of Group #5.  One of the datagroups of ML’s had launched twenty four capital missiles.  The missiles raced in, only to be met by accurate point defense fire, fire that was accurate in spite of the warp transit effects.  The elite Gorlieth crews weren’t immune to the transit, but their experience and training allowed them to work through it, coaxing the best performance out of their sluggish, partially functional equipment.  Even so, the command ship was out of its datagroup, and its point defenses were overwhelmed.  Enough missiles got through to take down the ships shields, and do light damage to the armor belt.  

Even as the command ship dealt with the missile salvo, other Gorlieth SD’s struck out at the surrounding ships.  Two additional SD’s savaged the Xanti BC, leaving the ship listing in space, slowed and trailing debris.  The next three Gorlieth SD’s did the same to a second BCM, causing massive internal damage to the Xanti ship.  The exchange wasn’t all one sided, though.  Even as they were taking fire, the Xanti BCM’s fired on their tormentors with HET lasers, targeting the command SD.  There was no warning.  Even as Brrq watched the last missile slam into his ship’s shields, the entire superdreadnought staggered, throwing him to the deck.  Alarms went off, and entire sections of the ship turned brown on the status displays, indicating damage.  Brrq picked himself up, limping slightly, when another missile warning was sounded.  “Missile launch detected!  Incoming missile’s launched, location plotted!”  

Brrq turned to the plot, and saw that a trio of Xanti DD’s had launched nine standard missiles, followed almost immediately by a second salvo of nine.  The salvoes were too light to do anything against his flagship’s point defenses, and as he watched both salvoes were frayed to non-existence by the SD’s point defenses.  Even as he watched, though, six of BS3’s in Group #4 launched eight capital missiles each, targeted on the second and third Gorlieth SD’s.  The SD’s defenses had trouble dealing with the missiles, and both ships lost their shields and most of their armor.  

“Sir!  Commander Talnq reports heavy damage from primary beams, likely source, BS3’s in Group #1.  Admiral Brrq’s eyes shifted to the icon for Talnq’s command and saw that it was pulsing yellow, indicating it had taken internal damage.  As he pondered this development, a Gorlieth SD fired, catching a Xanti DD with its massive force beam emplacements, causing the small ship to explode.  

Any joy Brrq felt at the enemy’s loss was washed out when the command deck’s computer again announced, “Missile launch detected!  Incoming missiles launched, location plotted!”   The plot indicated a group of light monitors in Group #5 had launched twelve capital missiles each.  Brrq leaned forward interestedly.  These ships had unknown energy signatures, indicating they were likely ASR, not Xanti.  Even as he watched, the plot shimmered and the missile’s anticipated track lines converged on his command ship.  Brrq settled back on his haunches and watched as the missiles came in and his long-range point defense began to engage them.  His eyes leapt to the ship’s status displays.  No shields, multiple armor breaches, and heavy damage to the engines.  He raised his hands to slap the abandon ship alarm when the missiles hit.  The command deck was rocked by the massive explosions, and then, when Brrq thought it couldn’t get any worse, it did.  The SD, staggering from the rough treatment, exploded under the pounding, taking Brrq and most of its crew with it into destruction.  

A second Xanti DD followed the Gorlieth command ship into destruction, but the tide was turning against the Gorlieth.  The last Gorlieth fired on an ASR cruiser, stripping it of its shields and armor.  The Gorlieth CL’s pounded the ASR CA, and then targeted a Xanti DD, but then it was the defenders turn.  Xanti and ASR ships continued to fire at the Gorlieth ships, but that was almost a side show.  As the defender’s ships kept the attackers occupied, Xanti and ASR fighters lined up on the AI carriers, and before the robotic carriers could stabilize their catapults and launch their fighters, the defending fighters ripped into them.  The defending fighters were all armed with laser packs, and the damage was tremendous.  Three hundred and eighteen fighters savaged the carriers, crippling every one, destroying every single AI fighter before it could be launched.  Leaving only drifting wreckage behind, the remaining fighters went on to damage three additional Gorlieth SD’s, and behind them were seventy three ASR GBP’s, each armed with anti-matter tipped short range close attack missiles. The ASR GBP’s wove through the Gorlieth formation launching close attack missiles, and the Gorlieth ships, focused as they were on the defending ships, had no chance.  When the GBP formation cleared the far side of the Gorlieth formation there was nothing left but drifting debris and life pods.  

Even as the last Gorlieth ship died, space around the warp point curdled and an AI light monitor, the lead ship in the second wave, nosed through, followed by a second and then a third.  The ML’s targeted a damaged Xanti BCM for their missiles, but the ship’s elite Breen crew managed to stop most of the missiles and the ship suffered only light additional damage.  The three ML’s quickly succumbed to laser fire from the Xanti and ASR fighter squadrons that hovered around the warp point.  

On the far side of the warp point, Jirquan watched as the second of the three ML’s in the second wave transited out.  No CD’s had returned through the warp point from the first wave.  Even one would have meant that the first wave had survived the first thirty seconds.  The fact that no CD’s returned meant that not one ship survived.  The assault had failed.  He turned on a Subjugated communications technician.  “Order the assault halted.  All ships are to assume defensive positions.”  With that he stalked off of the bridge.  

Alone in his quarters, Jirquan pondered the situation.  The core of the Gorlieth fleet was gone, and every one of those ships was crewed by highly trained and experienced Gorlieth.  And the loss of his AI fighters was not to be under-estimated as well.  Jirquan thought about the situation for another hour, and then came to a decision.  Their position was untenable.  Information obtained from the Axons indicated that the ASR had vast resources, if given time they would bring forward reinforcements that would be able to push him back now that his fleet was weakened.  It was time to retreat and gain some room to maneuver.  

The orders went out and the 1st Conquest Fleet, accompanied by the AI First Assault Fleet and the remnants of the Gorlieth fleet, began retreating.  Fleet Lord Jirquan intended to retreat down-chain and buy some time, once his supply of Gorlieth ships was replenished, he would attack again.  Events happening many light years away would alter Jirquan’s intentions, though…

Month 146, Day 7
The Imperial Chosen AI fleet had been forging ahead, deeper into the system, its goal the closest inhabited planet to their entry point.  To date there had been no contact with the natives.  All attempts at communication with the planet were ignored, and there had been no contacts with local defense forces.  This would have been worrying to almost any invading race, but for the AI’s running the fleet this was no different than being in any potentially hostile situation.  They scanned the surrounding space to the best of their ability and continued on with their mission.  Being worried not only made no sense, but was impossible for them.  

Midway through the day the AI fleet’s scanners detected twelve objects fifteen light seconds away, nearly directly ahead of the fleet.  The objects were evenly divided between battleship sized and light cruiser sized ships and were obviously drive-field down ships.  The fleet came to a halt and the AI carriers with ready-fighters launched their CSP units to cover the fleet.  In response, the new contacts launched two hundred and fifty two fighters which began racing towards the AI fleet.  

**********Time Index 0000-0030**********
Second AI Assault Fleet:
37xMLR, 12xBB(Apin), 31xCV(A), 18xCV, 3xBCR, 11xCLE, 18xDD, 1392xF1, 264xApin

Enemy Group 1A: 6xCVB, 6xCL
Enemy Group 1B: 252xFighter

Group 1A: 15 LS
Group 1B: 12.5 LS**

Closure rates:
AI Fleet: Halted
Group 1A: Halted
Group 1B: Closing at 2.5 LS per thirty seconds

**Anomaly Detected
Incoming fighter’s speed is not consistent with loaded speeds for known fighter types.  Initial Analysis…incoming fighters carrying partial load-outs or are of unknown design and capability.  Further data needed.  

Action: All AI units closing down maintenance and other non-combat related functions.  Forty four percent of the fleet is currently combat ready.  

**********Time Index 0030-0060**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 6xCL
Group 1B: 252xFighter

Group 1A: 15 LS
Group 1B: 10 LS

Closure rates:
AI Fleet: Halted
Group 1A: Halted
Group 1B: Closing at 2.5 LS per thirty seconds

Action: All AI units closing down maintenance and other non-combat related functions.  Sixty seven percent of the fleet is currently combat ready.  
**********Time Index 0060-0090**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 6xCL
Group 1B: 252xFighter

Group 1A: 15 LS
Group 1B: 7.5 LS

Closure rates:
AI Fleet: Halted
Group 1A: Halted
Group 1B: Closing at 2.5 LS per thirty seconds

Action: All AI units closing down maintenance and other non-combat related functions.  Eighty three percent of the fleet is currently combat ready.  

**********Time Index 0090-0120**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 6xCL
Group 1B: 252xFighter

Group 1A: 15 LS
Group 1B: 5 LS

Closure rates:
AI Fleet: Halted
Group 1A: Halted
Group 1B: Closing at 2.5 LS per thirty seconds

Action: All AI units closing down maintenance and other non-combat related functions.  One hundred percent of the fleet is currently combat ready.  All carrier units launching fighters.

Own SC Group: 1392xF1, 264xApin
Range: 1.75 LS (3.25 LS from targeted enemy small craft)
Speed: 1.75 LS per thirty seconds

**********Time Index 0120-0150**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 6xCL
Group 1B: 252xFighter

Enemy Group 1A: 15.25 LS*
Enemy Group 1B: 6.5 LS
*Status Change: Enemy fleet now retreating at 1.25 LS per thirty seconds

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: 3.5 LS

Closure rates:
AI Fleet: advancing at 1 LS per thirty seconds (closure rate -.25 LS per thirty seconds)
Group 1A: Retreating at 1.25 LS per seconds
Group 1B: Retreating at 2.5 LS per thirty seconds

Action: Fleet split.  All carriers, Apin carriers, and command battlecruisers now retreating.  All combat units advancing on enemy fleet.  Closure rate negative, however, SC are closing on enemy units and will force faster enemy SC to engage before they can reach enemy ships due to anticipated need for enemy to protect their ships from friendly SC.  

Own SC Group: 1392xF1, 264xApin
Range: 2.5 LS (4 LS from targeted enemy small craft, 14.5 LS from fleeing enemy fleet)
Speed: 1.75 LS per thirty seconds

**********Time Index 0150-0750**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 6xCL
Group 1B: 252xFighter (now rejoined with Group 1A)

Enemy Group 1A: 20.25 LS
Enemy Group 1B: 20.25 LS

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: 15.75 LS (4.5 LS from target)

Closure rates:
AI Fleet: advancing at 1 LS per thirty seconds (closure rate -.25 LS per thirty seconds)

**********Time Index 0750-0780**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 6xCL
Group 1B: 252xFighter (now rejoined with Group 1A)

Enemy Group 1A: 20.5 LS
Enemy Group 1B: 20.5 LS

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: 16.5 LS (4 LS from target)

Closure rates:
AI Fleet: advancing at 1 LS per thirty seconds (closure rate -.25 LS per thirty seconds)

Status Change:
Launch Detection:
Multiple previously undetected units launching missiles targeted on Own SC.**
One hundred twenty missiles launched at Own SC, range 4 LS.  Forty nine fighters destroyed.

**Anomaly Detected: Enemy fleet deploying missiles capable of striking at small craft/fighters.  Previously unknown technology, filed under “Long Range Anti Fighter Missiles (LRAFM)”.
**Anomaly Detected: Enemy fleet employing previously unknown technology designated “Cloak”.  Sensors having difficulty localizing enemy ships, even when they fire.  Presence of enemy units unsuspected prior to enemy missile launch.  Recommend future analysis of sensor logs.

Situational Analysis: Enemy weapon accuracy: 40.83%.  Estimated casualties at current loss rate until SC can close (assuming unlimited enemy ammunition): 735.  Loss ratio acceptable.  No change in orders.  

**********Time Index 0780-0810**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 6xCL, 252xFighter

Enemy Group 1A: 21 LS**
Status change: Enemy fleet now running at 1.5 LS per thirty seconds.  

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: 17.25 LS (3.75 LS from target)

Enemy fleet launches 120 LRAFM: Losses 47 fighters (1296 remaining)

**********Time Index 0810-0840**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 6xCL, 252xFighter

Enemy Group 1A: 21.5 LS

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: 18 LS (3.5 LS from target)

Enemy fleet launches 120 LRAFM: Losses 50 fighters (1246 remaining)      

**********Time Index 0840-0870**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 6xCL, 252xFighter

Enemy Group 1A: 22 LS

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: 18.75 LS (3.25 LS from target)

Enemy fleet launches 120 LRAFM: Losses 47 fighters (1199 remaining)    

**********Time Index 0870-0900**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 6xCL, 252xFighter

Enemy Group 1A: 22.5 LS

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: 19.5 LS (3 LS from target)

Enemy fleet launches 120 LRAFM: Losses 59 fighters (1140 remaining)  

Status Change: Enemy fleet launches 144 missiles at Own Armed Pinnaces.  Results: 112 Armed Pinnaces die (142 left).**

**Anomaly Detected: Enemy fleet has deployed a new weapon, designated Short Range Anti-Small Craft Weapon (SRASC).

Situational Analysis: Accuracy of the new weapon estimated at: 77.7%.  Unknown if this weapon can be deployed against fighters.  Recommendation: No change at this time.    

**********Time Index 0900-0930**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 6xCL, 252xFighter

Enemy Group 1A: 23 LS

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: 20.25 LS (2.75 LS from target)

Enemy fleet launches 120 LRAFM: Losses 66 fighters (1074 remaining)

 Enemy fleet launches 144 missiles at Own Armed Pinnaces.  Results: 125 Armed Pinnaces die (17 left).

**********Time Index 0930-0960**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 6xCL, 252xFighter

Enemy Group 1A: 23.5 LS

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: 21 LS (2.5 LS from target)

Enemy fleet launches 120 LRAFM: Losses 63 fighters (1011 remaining)

 Enemy fleet launches 24 SRASC at Own Armed Pinnaces.  Results: 17 Armed Pinnaces die (0 left).

 **********Time Index 0960-0990**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 6xCL, 252xFighter

Enemy Group 1A: 24 LS

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: 21.75 LS (2.25 LS from target)

Enemy fleet launches 120 LRAFM: Losses 57 fighters (954 remaining)

**********Time Index 0990-1020**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 6xCL, 252xFighter

Enemy Group 1A: 24.5 LS

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: 22.5 LS (2 LS from target)

Status change: Enemy fleet ceases fire.  954 fighters remaining.

Analysis: Possible that enemy fleet has exhausted missile supply.  Remaining fighters sufficient to overwhelm deployed enemy fighters.  Recommendation: Continue.

**********Time Index 1020-1050**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 6xCL, 252xFighter

Enemy Group 1A: 25 LS

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: 23.25 LS (1.75 LS from target)

Status change: Enemy fleet opens fire with 120 LRAFM: Losses 71 (883 fighters left)

Status change: Additional enemy ships detected.  Multiple indistinct drive fields detected launching SRASC.  Enemy fleet launches 478 SRASC.  Results: 184 fighters destroyed (699 remaining)

Analysis: Threat detection of additional enemy ships indicates possibility that additional carriers exist.  If so, current strike force will be incapable of overwhelming enemy fighter force.  In any case, the current loss ratio is unsustainable.  At the current rate of closure and loss, the strike force will be eliminated .75 LS from the enemy fleet.  

Recommendation: Strike force will return to protect the battle line.  

**********Time Index 1050-1080**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 6xCL, 252xFighter

Status Change: Enemy fleet has turned, and is now closing on Own Fleet.

Enemy Group 1A: 24.5 LS

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: 20.25 LS (4.25 LS from target)

Status Change: Enemy fleet has stopped firing.  

Continuing Sensor Analysis: The enemy units not firing are extremely difficult to detect, and even when detected cannot be localized.  Analysis of sensor logs continuing.

Situational Analysis: The probability that the currently detected units are equipped with “Cloak” is approaching 100%.  Therefore, the fact that they remain visible is almost certainly intended to fix this fleet’s attention on the visible ships, indicating that they are, in fact, a trap.  The enemy fleet’s speed is 50% higher than Own Fleet’s speed, therefore, escape is impossible.  Recommendation: Close and engage.  

**********Time Index 1080-1260**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 6xCL, 252xFighter

Enemy fleet closure rate is 2.25 LS per thirty seconds.  

Enemy Group 1A at start of time period: 11 LS

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.  
Detached units: 1.75 LS (retreating from Own Fleet at combined speed of 1.75 LS per 30 seconds)

**********Time Index 1260-1290**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 6xCL, 252xFighter

Status change: Enemy CVB’s have slowed and come about, now running ahead of the fleet and maintaining range at 10.5 LS.  Enemy CL’s coming about and maintaining range at 8.25 LS, designated Group 1B.  

Status change: Multiple enemy ships have dropped “Cloak”.  Enemy Group 1B now composed of 12 Monitors, 9 battlecruisers, and 24 light cruisers.    

Enemy Group 1B: 9.25 LS

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.  

Engaging enemy monitor with SBM-Lt.  Own light monitors launch full broadsides…twenty-three hits with laser torpedo warheads obtained…no observable damage to enemy ship.  

Anomaly detected!  Enemy monitor groups launching in groups of six, rather than standard datalink groups of three.  Each monitor group launching sixty missiles.  

Anomaly detected!  Enemy missiles are of unknown type, possibly improved SBM.  Enemy missiles appear to have similar performance characteristics, however, they have improved penetration aides similar to standard capital missiles.  Point defense degraded as would be expected against capital missile penetration aides.

Anomaly detected!  Enemy missiles are equipped with laser torpedo warheads of unexpected strength.  Warhead yields are twice that of standard laser torpedo warheads.  Light Monitor #029 has lost all armor and has suffered significant internal damage.  Estimate probable destruction in 22 seconds.  

**********Time Index 1290-1320**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 252xFighter
Group 1B: 12xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 9.25 LS (maintaining range)

Note: Intensive sensor scans of the area surrounding Group 1A indicate probable existence of additional enemy units, although none have been localized.  

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.  

Engaging enemy monitor with SBM-Lt.  Own light monitors launch full broadsides…twenty-two hits with laser torpedo warheads obtained…no observable damage to enemy ship.  

Laser torpedo effectiveness estimate: No observable effect after forty-five hits.  Implications: Either enemy has very strong armor, or has deployed method to reduce/eliminate effectiveness of laser torpedo warheads.  

First enemy monitor group engages ML #029, twenty-five hits obtained, ML-029 destroyed.  Second monitor group engages ML #015, eighteen hits…armor damaged.  

Tactical Analysis: SBM-Lt’s ineffective.  ML’s have exhausted SBM-Lt stocks.  Recommend continuation of assault with SBM-a.  

**********Time Index 1320-1350**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 252xFighter
Group 1B: 12xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 9.25 LS (maintaining range)

Note: Intensive sensor scans of the area surrounding Group 1A indicate probable existence of additional enemy units, although none have been localized.  

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.  

Own ML’s engaging enemy monitor with SBM-a’s…7 hits total.  Enemy shields still up.  

Enemy MN’s engaging ML-015…forty-two hits…ML-015 destroyed.

**********Time Index 1350-1380**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 252xFighter
Group 1B: 12xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 9.25 LS (maintaining range)

Note: Intensive sensor scans of the area surrounding Group 1A indicate probable existence of additional enemy units, although none have been localized.  

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.  

Own ML’s engaging enemy monitor with SBM-a’s…six hits total.  Enemy shields still up.  

Enemy MN’s engaging ML-014…forty-two hits…ML-014 suffered significant internal damage.

**********Time Index 1380-1410**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 252xFighter
Group 1B: 12xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 9.25 LS (maintaining range)

Note: Intensive sensor scans of the area surrounding Group 1A indicate probable existence of additional enemy units, although none have been localized.  

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.  

Own ML’s engaging enemy monitor with SBM-a’s…eleven hits total.  Enemy shields down.  

Enemy MN’s engaging ML-014…eighteen hits…ML-014 destroyed.
Enemy MN’s engaging ML-005…twenty-seven hits…ML-005 suffered internal damage.

Own ML’s have expended all SBM-a’s, now switching to SBM’s.

**********Time Index 1410-1440**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 252xFighter
Group 1B: 12xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 9.25 LS (maintaining range)

Note: Intensive sensor scans of the area surrounding Group 1A indicate probable existence of additional enemy units, although none have been localized.  

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.  

Own ML’s engaging enemy monitor with SBM’s…six hits total.  Enemy shields down.  

Enemy MN’s engaging ML-005…thirty five hits…ML-005 destroyed.

Note:Own ML’s have expended all SBM munitions.  Remaining CM’s cannot reach enemy units before burning out.  

Tactical Analysis: Own force currently possesses no weapons capable of reaching enemy force.  
Recommendation: Close to range suitable for engaging with remaining weapons.
Tactical Analysis: Own force unable to close with enemy force.  Enemy force currently demonstrating a speed 25% faster than own force ML’s.  
Recommendation: Retreat.
Tactical Analysis: Enemy force 25% faster.  Retreat not possible, if attempted, significant possibility that the enemy force will be able to achieve launch position within own blind spot…contraindicated.  
Recommendation: split force, with faster units closing to ranges where their weapons will function.
Tactical Analysis: Splitting force possible.  Likely enemy response…near certainty that enemy force will shift target to own lighter units.  Likely result…annihilation of lighter units before they reach firing range.
Recommendation: Continue on current course.

**********Time Index 1440-1470**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 252xFighter
Group 1B: 12xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 9.25 LS (maintaining range)

Note: Intensive sensor scans of the area surrounding Group 1A indicate probable existence of additional enemy units, although none have been localized.  

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.  

Enemy MN’s engaging ML-035…forty-four hits…ML-035 damaged.

Own units unable to respond

**********Time Index 1470-1500**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 252xFighter
Group 1B: 12xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 9.25 LS (maintaining range)

Note: Intensive sensor scans of the area surrounding Group 1A indicate probable existence of additional enemy units, although none have been localized.  

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.  

Enemy MN’s engaging ML-035…seventeen hits…ML-035 destroyed.
Enemy MN’s engaging ML-036…twenty two hits…ML-036 damaged

Own force unable to respond.

**********Time Index 1500-1530**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 252xFighter
Group 1B: 12xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 9.25 LS (maintaining range)

Note: Intensive sensor scans of the area surrounding Group 1A indicate probable existence of additional enemy units, although none have been localized.  

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.  

Enemy MN’s engaging ML-036…forty one hits…ML-036 destroyed.

Own force unable to respond.

**********Time Index 1530-1560**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 252xFighter
Group 1B: 12xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 9.25 LS (maintaining range)

Note: Intensive sensor scans of the area surrounding Group 1A indicate probable existence of additional enemy units, although none have been localized.  

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.  

Enemy MN’s engaging ML-022…thirty four hits…ML-022 damaged.

Own force unable to respond.

**********Time Index 1560-1590**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 252xFighter
Group 1B: 12xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 9.25 LS (maintaining range)

Note: Intensive sensor scans of the area surrounding Group 1A indicate probable existence of additional enemy units, although none have been localized.  

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.  

Enemy MN’s engaging ML-022…eleven hits***…ML-022 crippled.
***Anomaly detected: Enemy now engaging with anti-matter warheads 50% more powerful than own force anti-matter warheads.
Enemy MN’s engaging ML-020…ML-020 deploying EDM’s…seven hits…shields down.

Own force unable to respond.

**********Time Index 1590-1620**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 252xFighter
Group 1B: 12xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 9.25 LS (maintaining range)

Note: Intensive sensor scans of the area surrounding Group 1A indicate probable existence of additional enemy units, although none have been localized.  

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.  

Enemy MN’s engaging ML-020…twenty-eight hits…ML-020 destroyed.

Own force unable to respond.

**********Time Index 1620-1650**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 252xFighter
Group 1B: 12xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 9.25 LS (maintaining range)

Note: Intensive sensor scans of the area surrounding Group 1A indicate probable existence of additional enemy units, although none have been localized.  

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.  

Enemy MN’s engaging ML-019…ML-019 deploying EDM’s…twelve hits…ML-019 damaged.

Own force unable to respond

**********Time Index 1650-1680**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 252xFighter
Group 1B: 12xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 9.25 LS (maintaining range)

Note: Intensive sensor scans of the area surrounding Group 1A indicate probable existence of additional enemy units, although none have been localized.  

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.  

Enemy MN’s engaging ML-019…fourteen hits…ML-019 destroyed.
Enemy MN’s engaging Ml-056…ML-056 deploying EDM’s…seven hits, shields down, armor damaged.

Own force unable to respond

**********Time Index 1680-1710**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 252xFighter
Group 1B: 12xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 9.25 LS (maintaining range)

Note: Intensive sensor scans of the area surrounding Group 1A indicate probable existence of additional enemy units, although none have been localized.  

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.  

Enemy MN’s engaging Ml-056…twenty-five hits.  ML-056 destroyed.

Own force unable to respond

**********Time Index 1710-1740**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 252xFighter
Group 1B: 12xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 9.25 LS (maintaining range)

Note: Intensive sensor scans of the area surrounding Group 1A indicate probable existence of additional enemy units, although none have been localized.  

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.  

Enemy MN’s engaging ML-003…ML-003 deploying EDM’s…fifteen hits.  ML-003 damaged.

Own force unable to respond

 Continued in part III
« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 07:21:52 AM by Kurt »

Offline Kurt (OP)

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Re: Month 146
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2012, 07:22:29 AM »
  **********Time Index 1740-1770**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 252xFighter
Group 1B: 12xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 9.25 LS (maintaining range)

Note: Intensive sensor scans of the area surrounding Group 1A indicate probable existence of additional enemy units, although none have been localized. 

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.   

Enemy MN’s engaging ML-003…nine hits.  ML-003 destroyed.
Enemy MN’s engaging ML-082…ML-082 deploying EDM’s…seventeen hits…ML-082 damaged.

Status report: All own ML datagroups reduced to two-ship groups.

Own force unable to respond                 

**********Time Index 1770-1800**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 252xFighter
Group 1B: 12xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 9.25 LS ***Status change

Note: Intensive sensor scans of the area surrounding Group 1A indicate probable existence of additional enemy units, although none have been localized. 

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.   

Enemy MN’s engaging ML-082…five hits.  ML-082 crippled.
Enemy MN’s engaging ML-033…ML-033 deploying EDM’s…ten hits…ML-033 damaged.

Own force unable to respond       

**********Time Index 1800-1830**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 252xFighter
Group 1B: 12xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 8.25 LS ***Status change

Enemy Group 1B has come to a halt….range decreasing by 1 LS per thirty seconds.

Note: Intensive sensor scans of the area surrounding Group 1A indicate probable existence of additional enemy units, although none have been localized. 

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.   

Enemy MN’s engaging ML-033…twelve hits.  ML-033 crippled.
Enemy MN’s engaging ML-085…ML-085 deploying EDM’s…eight hits…ML-082 shields down armor depleted.

Own force unable to respond                       

**********Time Index 1830-1860**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 252xFighter
Group 1B: 12xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL

Status change: Enemy ML previously targeted by own ML’s has split from Group 1B and is matching own force speed at range 7.75 LS.  Designated Group 1C.

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 7.25 LS (halted)

Enemy Group 1B has come to a halt….range decreasing by 1 LS per thirty seconds.

Note: Intensive sensor scans of the area surrounding Group 1A indicate probable existence of additional enemy units, although none have been localized. 

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.   

Enemy MN’s engaging ML-085…twelve hits.  ML-085 crippled.
Enemy MN’s engaging ML-081…ML-081 deploying EDM’s…four hits…ML-081 shields damaged.

Own force unable to respond

**********Time Index 1860-1890**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 252xFighter
Group 1B: 11xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL
Group 1C: 1xMN

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 6.25 LS (halted)
Enemy Group 1C: 7.75 LS (maintaining range)

Note: Intensive sensor scans of the area surrounding Group 1A indicate probable existence of additional enemy units, although none have been localized. 

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.   

Enemy MN’s engaging ML-081…twenty-three hits…ML-081 destroyed.
Enemy Group 1C MN engages own force CL, own force point defense stops all incoming missiles.

Own force opens fire with CM-a.  Sixteen hits on enemy MN, enemy shields fluctuating. 

**********Time Index 1890-1920**********
Group 1A: 6xCVB, 252xFighter
Group 1B: 11xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL
Group 1C: 1xMN

Status Change: Six additional CVB’s have appeared in formation with known Group 1A units.  New units designated members of Group 1A.  All Group 1A units are launching fighters and gunboats.  Five hundred and four fighters and one hundred and forty four gunboats are now in space, designated Enemy Small craft Group 1.  Closing on Own Force at combined speed of 3 LS per thirty seconds. 
Status Change: Enemy Group 1B has turned and is matching Own Force speed.

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 5.25 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1C: 7.75 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy SC Group 1: 7.75 LS

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.   

Status change: Enemy Group 1B units now engaging own force units with missiles.  Anomaly detected…new missiles share profile with standard missiles in most respects, however, are currently engaging from beyond standard missile range.  New missile has a warhead yield 50% larger than standard anti-matter warheads.

Enemy MN’s engaging ML-089…ML-089 deploying EDM’s…twenty-four hits (between both missile types)…ML-089 destroyed.
Enemy MN’s engaging ML-016…ML-016 deploying EDM’s…twenty one hits (between both missile types)…ML-016 damaged.
Enemy CL groups engaging CL-002…CL-002 heavily damaged
Enemy BC groups engaging CL-004…CL-004 heavily damaged

Own force targets same MN with CM-a.  Twenty hits on enemy MN, enemy shields down, armor penetrated...internal damage.

 **********Time Index 1920-1950**********
Group 1A: 12xCVB
Group 1B: 11xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL
Group 1C: 1xMN
SC Group 1: 504xFighter, 144xGBP

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 5.25 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1C: 7.75 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy SC Group 1: 4.75 LS (closing)

Status Change: Enemy Monitors launching gunboats as SC Group 1 passes Group 1B and 1C.  Enemy SC Group 1 now composed of 319 gunboats.   

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.   

Enemy MN’s engaging ML-013…ML-013 deploying EDM’s…ML-013 destroyed
Enemy MN’s engaging ML-089…ML-089 deploying EDM’s…ML-089 damaged
Enemy CL groups engaging CL-032…CL-032 destroyed
Enemy CL groups engaging CL-002…CL-002 destroyed
Enemy CL groups engaging DD-001…DD-001 damaged
Enemy BC groups engaging ML-089…ML-089 crippled

Own force targets same MN with CM-a.  Enemy MN destroyed.
Own force BC’s target enemy BC…enemy BC damaged

Tactical Analysis: If Own Force continues at current speed, enemy SC Group 1 will be able to close to point blank range, and will be able to maneuver into Own Force’s blind spot.  Recommendation: Own Force should reduce speed to reduce closure rate.  When enemy SC Group 1 is at .25 LS range, Own Force fighters should engage. 

**********Time Index 1950-1980**********
Group 1A: 12xCVB
Group 1B: 10xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL
Group 1C: 1xMN
SC Group 1: 504xFighter, 319xGBP

Status Change: Enemy Group 1B has halted, allowing Own Force to close range.

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 4.25 LS (halted)
Enemy Group 1C: 7.75 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy SC Group 1: 2.25 LS (closing)

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: rejoined main force.   

Enemy MN’s engaging ML-101…ML-101 deploying EDM’s…ML-101 damaged
Enemy MN’s engaging ML-103…ML-103 deploying EDM’s…ML-103 crippled
Enemy CL groups engaging ML-103…ML-103 destroyed
Enemy CL groups engaging DD-001…DD-001 destroyed
Enemy BC groups engaging ML-101…ML-101 destroyed

Own force targets MN with CM-a and beams.  Enemy MN shields down.

**********Time Index 1980-2010**********
Group 1A: 12xCVB
Group 1B: 10xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL
Group 1C: 1xMN
SC Group 1: 504xFighter, 319xGBP

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 3.75 LS (halted)
Enemy Group 1C: 7.75 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy SC Group 1: 25 LS (closing)

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: moved out to .25 LS range to engage enemy SC Group 1. 

Own SC engaging enemy GBP’s before they fire.  Enemy GBP’s ignoring Own Force fighters and engaging own force ML’s with fighter close assault missiles with warheads 50% more powerful than Own Force munitions.     

One hundred and seventy two enemy GBP’s fire close attack missiles before they can be engaged…Own Force light monitor force decimated.  Enemy Group 1B units engaging all remaining units with missile fire, forcing Own Force units to utilize point defense in anti-missile role rather than anti-fighter role. 

One hundred and forty seven enemy GBP destroyed.  Remaining GBP’s not currently a threat as they have expended their close attack missiles.  Own Force fighters engaging enemy fighters.  Enemy fighters engaging Own Force fighters. 

One hundred eighty enemy fighters destroyed.  Three hundred forty five Own Force fighters destroyed. 

Tactical Analysis: 
Remaining Own Force units
7xML (five damaged), 4xCLE, 17xDD (1 damaged), 354xFighters

Retreating units
5xML (all damaged), 12xBB, 49xCV, 3xBC

Enemy Force
11xMN, 12xCVB, 9xBC, 24xCL, 324xFighter, 172xGBP

Own force fighters outnumber enemy fighters, but are inferior to the combined enemy fighter and gunboat force.  Remaining Own Force ships are insufficient to defeat enemy force.  Recommendation: Concentrate on destroying as many of the damaged enemy units as possible.  Own force fighters to attack enemy fighters and eliminate as many as possible. 

***Tactical analysis indicates 99% probability that the fleet will be destroying within the next 30 seconds.  Initiating data dump to command ship located with the retreating units. 

**********Time Index 2010-2040**********
Group 1A: 12xCVB
Group 1B: 10xMN, 9xBC, 24xCL
Group 1C: 1xMN
SC Group 1: 324xFighter, 172xGBP

Enemy Group 1A: 10.5 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy Group 1B: 3.75 LS (halted)
Enemy Group 1C: 7.75 LS (maintaining range)
Enemy SC Group 1: 25 LS (closing)

Own Fleet: Zero point
Own SC Group: moved out to .25 LS range to engage enemy SC Group 1. 

Own fighters engaging enemy fighters…132 enemy fighters destroyed (192 remaining)
Own fleet engaging enemy GBP’s with PD…15 destroyed (157 remaining)
Own fleet engaging damaged enemy MN with all remaining weapons…armor not breached
Enemy fighters engaging own fighters…192 destroyed (162 remaining)
Enemy ships engaging own force ships…

Note: All data transferred to command unit located 90 LS from battle site. 

The battle continued for another 30 seconds as the remaining small craft tore at each other, fighting to the end.  The AI fighters were too slow to escape, and the X!tn had no interest in letting them go.  When the last AI fighter flared in a silent explosion, the X!tn had 132 fighters left, along with 157 GBP’s. 

The fighters and GBP’s returned to their carriers and landed, and then took off again, headed out in pursuit of the five damaged AI monitors limping away, now twenty-five light seconds away.  The AI monitors were quickly overwhelmed.  After destroying the damaged AI ships the X!tn fighters and gunboats returned to their carriers, and the X!tn fleet faded into cloak, off of the AI’s sensors.  Occasionally, as the remnants of the AI fleet retreated, their long range scanners would detect faint returns indicating that the X!tn were shadowing them, but the vague detections never came closer than 1 light minute. 

On Day 15 the AI 2nd Assault Fleet transited out of the system.  Once on the far side, in the R-3285 system, the fleet continued to retreat.  Aside from five battlecruisers, the fleet had no remaining combat capable ships.  Fortunately, just after the battle was joined in the X!tn system a group of Chosen ships had arrived to secure the warp point.  The fleet was not strong, being intended only to take control of the system after the AI ships subdued it, but it was better than nothing.  Three Chosen superdreadnoughts, two carriers, a light carrier, six light cruisers, three strike carriers, eight destroyers, and four escort carriers were guarding the warp point when a X!tn light cruiser nosed through the warp point.  The active ships and fighters of the guard force quickly destroyed the light cruiser. 

After that the Chosen waited, and waited, and waited, but the X!tn ships did not appear.  Unknown to the Chosen, on the far side of the warp point only two light cruisers picketed the warp point.  The rest of the X!tn fleet had retired to their planetary base to reload their magazines.  By the end of the battle the X!tn monitors had only three salvoes worth of capital bombardment missiles remaining in their magazines.  Their stocks of SM2’s and AFM2’s were slightly better, but the monitors were completely out of AFMc.  They would have to wait until next month before they advanced.   
The end of month 146!

Offline Starslayer_D

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Re: Month 146
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2012, 11:44:57 AM »
Hmm.. new hivemind or a machine race unleashed by Zoros? Looks like the choosen got several bloody noses this turn.

Offline Paul M

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Re: Month 146
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2012, 08:19:16 AM »
Kurt, what were the small craft launched by the BCs in the battle against the chosen'rill?  Is this something you came up with or did the BCs just carry 50 AFSC?  50 HS in Boatbays is possible.  Also why didn't the AI switch to targeting the CLs when it became obvious they weren't damaging the ML?  Likely they were hitting Anti-laser armour but still even a test launch against each ship type would have gained them tactical information.

It is also interesting that not one of these battles featured the fM.

Good to see the story continues though!

Offline Kurt (OP)

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Re: Month 146
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2012, 07:03:58 AM »
Kurt, what were the small craft launched by the BCs in the battle against the chosen'rill?  Is this something you came up with or did the BCs just carry 50 AFSC?  50 HS in Boatbays is possible.  Also why didn't the AI switch to targeting the CLs when it became obvious they weren't damaging the ML?  Likely they were hitting Anti-laser armour but still even a test launch against each ship type would have gained them tactical information.

It is also interesting that not one of these battles featured the fM.

Good to see the story continues though!

The BC's were carrying Anti-Fighter Small Craft (AFSC's), a 2xBoat Bay Point small craft equipped with a proto-type fG and a rudimentary datalink system capable of linking three AFSC's together.  It was introduced in the UTM (I think).  It is intended to give Hive Minds and other non-fighter using races a way to counter fighters, although it isn't a great option.  It is better than nothing, though. 

As for the targeting issues, the cyborg leader got frustrated and fixiated on the monitors, demonstrating part of his irrationality.  You are right, though, it was anti-laser armor.  As for the fM, if the cyborgs had realized the enemy had AFSC's, which are an imperfect solution to the fighter problem, they might have countered with stand-off fM strikes to draw the AFSC's away from the fleet and its defenses. 
