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Post #1 - The Khazari Chronicles Prologue
« on: February 18, 2016, 09:16:14 AM »
The Khazari Chronicles Prologue

Forward by Dr.  Josephine Lyons, Professor of Xeno History, University of New Hobart.

The Khazarqa System

The homeworld of the Khazari, at least recently, was in the quadrinary system that we know of as Zeta Carci but they called Khazarqa.   It comprises of 2 F class and 2 G class stars, all of which are in a fairly tight orbit.   For most of the time all of them are within a distance of each other that is within the orbit of Neptune around Sol, though occasionally Khazarqa-D does drift out beyond that.    As will be seen, that is a minor concern.

All four stars are similar to Sol in size, with the two F class being of similar luminosity.   The two G class stars are noticeably less bright.

Khazarqa-A  F8-V  Diameter: 1. 20  Mass: 1. 17  Luminosity: 1. 11
Khazarqa-B  F9-V  Diameter: 1. 10  Mass: 1. 12  Luminosity: 0. 95.    Orbits Khazarqa-A  at 22. 1 AU.
Khazarqa-C  G0-V  Diameter: 1. 10  Mass: 1. 08  Luminosity: 0. 82.    Orbits Khazarqa-A  at 24. 0 AU.
Khazarqa-D  G4-V  Diameter: 1. 00  Mass: 0. 96  Luminosity: 0. 53.    Orbits Khazarqa-B  at 27. 0 AU.

Each of the systems has plenty of celestial bodies around them, both planets and moons.   There are also 19 comets to be seen, but curiously no asteroids.

The Khazari hailed from the thirteenth moon of a Super Jovain called Vashkut which orbits Khazarqa-C.   Akhazar, their homeworld, really doesn't justify the name moon, as it is 10% larger and heavier than Earth.   Humans can live there, though it would not be comfortable.   In addition to the 1. 1 gravity, it is a hot world of 30. 5C, with high tectonic activity, 80% oceans and a breathable, if thin, atmosphere of 0. 41atm.   Remarkably, the atmosphere shows evidence of artificial elements that reduce the temperature of the world.

Akhazar was a world of islands and minor continents scattered across storm swept seas and shrouded in jungles and swamps and volcanoes.   Fierce predators stalked the seas and jungles, and fiercest of all were the Khazari, a hardy reptilian species.

Khazarqa-A is probably the least interesting of the four sub-systems.   It contains 2 planets, both with 5 moons, and 2 gas giants, one with a single moon and the other with 33 moons.   Of all these bodies, only the second of the terrestrial planets, Vakasa Kal, is of interest.   A frozen world of almost -100C, it has an atmosphere of nitrogen, fluid ammonia and methane, and while it could be colonised by the Khazari, it had a cost of x3. 28

Khazarqa-B contains 3 planets, 1 of which a single moon, a Super Jovian with 10 moons and a Gas Giant with 31 moons.   The planet Kalrhaq, a frozen world with a breathable atmosphere, was the most hospitable planet outside of Akhazar, with a colony cost of x1. 04.   Another planet, Bharaqa, also had a breathable atmosphere but was even colder, having a cost of x2. 40.   One of the moons around the Super Jovian, Katarq, had no atmosphere and was quiet hot, at 114C, with a cost of x2. 0.   In the long term, two moons of the Gas Giant, Vesa Tal and Vesa Kor, could be turned into colonies, with costs of x5. 37 and x5. 38

Khazarqa-C contains 3 planets, 2 with a single moon, and 3 Super Jovians, one with 14 moons and 2 with 16.   Vashkut, the first Super Jovian, was home to Akhazar, but also contained two other moons, Qakora and Vaskora, which were cool, at around 0C and with no atmosphere, both of which were good colony candidates, at x2. 0.   Akazi, a moon around the second Super Jovian, had a x2. 93 cost, being cold and with a Nitrogen/Methane atmo.   Rakka Vor, one of the planets, was also a good colony option at x2. 0, being cold at -32. 8C and with a Nitrogen/Methane atmo as well.   Bavarhan, another planet, was another longer term option at x4. 43 cost.

Khazarqa-D contained 5 planets, 1 with a single moon, and 2 Super Jovians, one with 18 moons and the other with 27.   Of them all, only Daqan, a moon around the first Super Jovian, was a colony consideration, coming in at x2. 45 cost.

Given the presence of Super Jovians in the three outer systems, they were all linked up by LPs, which made ease of potential travel between them a reality.   The high number of potential colonies as well also gave the Khazari the prospect of a powerful base to operate from.

History of the Khazari

The Khazari were hunters and fishermen for the most as land suitable for farming was not easy to procure.   The jungles were hard to clear and the frequent storms threatened growing crops.   Hunting was not without risk either, for the animals of the jungles and seas were dangerous and, for the most, the Khazari hunted by hand.   Ranged weapons were difficult to use in the jungles.   The Khazari prided themselves on their ability to stalk and kill their prey by hand and this coloured much of their way of life.

The discovery of the stone stellae on Markaza Vhas had a profound impact on the Khazari.   Written in an unknown languages, it was old, yet contained unmistakable graven images of Khazari upon it.   It took centuries to unlock the language.   Once it had been, it changed the Khazari, for it recounted their origins, of their coming to Akhazar, a place of testing on a difficult world, and it spoke of the thirteen sacred elements that would unlock the stars for them.   Markaza Vas became a place of pilgrimage, and was where the religious scientific community of Akhazar gathered.

Yet the Khazari were not unified.   Many small nations were scattered across the islands and archipelagos, contesting for resources and farming lands.   Warfare evolved into raids from ships and clashes between armies well away from population centres, often settled by heroes taking part in singe combat.   Never a numerous people and with the fertile lands and cities too valuable to fight in, no one wished to destroy what they could use.

Five centuries ago, a brutal warlord, Marduk Copperfang arose in one of the larger islands, one who eschewed much of Khazari traditions.   Through assassinations, scorched earth tactics and total war against his enemies, he carved out a large empire, enslaving those he did not kill.   A grand coalition arose in opposition to him.   For two decades the struggle went on, consuming most of Akhazar in a brutal world war.   Half the Khazari population was lost.   When at last the warlord was defeated, and his clan name stricken from history, the victorious allies gathered together to vow never to let such a calamity repeat itself.

Thus was the Conclave born.   For five centuries they guided the Khazari, rebuilding their world and expanding their influence until all the nations of Akhazar had joined.   Yet they remained trapped upon their world until the discovery of the thirteen sacred elements.   Only then did the true story of the Khazari Conclave begin.

Notes on Khazari Family Structures.

The Khazari had a number of great families, as well as some numerous lesser ones, each made up of many clans.   Among the great families were the Iron, Bronze, Copper, Amber, Opal, and Jade families,   while lesser families included the Gold, Silver, Brass, Steel, Diamond and Jasper fmilies.

The clans bore the name of their family first and then a body part, giving rise o such clans among the Iron Family as  Ironfang, Ironclaw, Ironscale, Ironheart etc. 

Within families, they tended towards service in a particular field, though it wasn't uniform and could change.   The Copper family was noted for its military prowess until the time of Marduk Copperfang.   The Copperfang clan was annulled and the Coppers began to drift towards service in other areas, notable the scientific religious.