The following was the results of the election.
The winner with 59% o the vote is the Conservitive Party for Prosperity (CPP) earning 118 seats.
Second place, with 24.5 percent of the vote is the Labour Party lead by Amets Etxeberria of Spain, and will be the official opposition. They will earn 49 seats.
The Communist Party of China and Korea (CPK) earns 22 seats with 11% of the vote. They are lead by Jin Bai of the City state of Shanghai. In last place is the Golden Dawn, with 5.5% of the vote, and earning 11 seats. They are lead by the Greek Nationalist Martha Stephanidis.
The President of the UN will be Lyndon Chadwick of Canada. (2nd Term)
Amets Etxeberria of Spain (Labour), will official opposition
In the senate, there are now 52 members.
20 are non-partisan
10 power seats
13 are CPP (15 Goodwill)
7 are Labour (12 goodwill)
2 are CPK (15 goodwill)
0 are Golden Dawn (17.5 goodwill)
Deaths where 1 non-partsian and one from the TPC, both have been replaced
Lyndon Chadwick goals for his 2nd term are
- Expand mars to 1 million persons+
- Expand Luna to 1 million persons+
-Luna, due to its ores will in the long term become a financial hub.
-Seed the Jovian, Saturn, and outer planets with small colonies to build trade.
-place automines on Mercury
-the New Birmingham Yards (Naval) will focus on being a FAC yard, and in the long run consists of 10 yards of at 1000 tons.
-the Commercial yard under construction will focus on building small commercial ships (under 10,000 tons)
-Develop a missile armed frigate or corvette for the UNN