Author Topic: Those Who Must Endure Chapter 7 - For the Answer is Cruel  (Read 1957 times)

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Offline Thanatos (OP)

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Those Who Must Endure Chapter 7 - For the Answer is Cruel
« on: September 29, 2016, 02:50:43 AM »

Initial sensor sweep remains clear, but I have a terrible feeling about this system we named Tokyo. There was an eerie sort of silence about this. It may seem strange to say that anything in space was more silent than anything else, but that was the feeling. Even Luhman 16 had a strange vibrating beauty about it. Like a song that you can hear only at the very periphery of your meta-senses. But Tokyo was different.

It was silent, because it reminded me of the feeling, how I imagine it, of roaring waves silenced by the knowledge you swim among sharks. Your senses focus, and tune out the unnecessary obstacles towards perceiving the true threat. Tokyo was like that. It burned like a raging flame in my mind's eye, yet it was silent as the other side of the Door of Death.

"Set course for the First planet of the secondary star. Actives on. If there is any sign of life in this system, we must find it."

"Yes, Shogun."

"I shall be in the Shrine."

The Izanagi had a Shrine on board, a location which I used as my Dojo and my Study-- as well as a Shrine. Here I spent the hours of travel, deliberating how to save my Empire from the cold clutches of disaster. This universe knows no Order. Many times have I imagined a different world. A world in which we knew of no enemy that would kill us for killing's sake. A world in which the population numbered 6 billion, like ours once did. A world in which men, when they wage war, do not destroy the planet. How I would envy the fools, bickering over their resources- bickering over who was right, and who was wrong. How I would envy the simplicity of going to school, and not learning Operational Warfare, or Tactical Operations, or martial arts-- just simple poetry, history and language. Envy those who wear dresses, instead of uniforms. Whose meetings are of fleeting love, instead of martial doctrine. This universe hurts-- it is far too cold. But I am not done yet. For as long as I live, I shall bring Order to the most far corners of the universe. I shall bring to the knees those who would taint these black skies with their desire for destruction.

I reaffirm my sacred mission, as we travel through this vast and silent system.

The klaxons ignite, sending a piercing warning of incoming ordinance. I rush to the bridge.

"What is happening!?"

"We have been engaged from the second planet! Multiple contacts incomin-- oh my god."

And there it was. The planet designated Neo-Tokyo, where our new home was supposed to be; surrounded by contacts, and so many of them it was almost cruel to behold. Hundreds of missiles were approaching us, and fast.

"Reverse course to the Gate!"

"Aye aye, Shogun."

They seemed extremely slow, even their missiles appeared to move at only 1000 kilometers per second. The situation changed extremely swiftly, as they gradually began speeding up.

"Flanking Speed! Outrun them!"

"Aye aye, Flanking Speed!"

"Shogun, I will launch!" Came the voice over the radio. That was Kusanagi Ryo on the Ame. "Please allow me to lead a taskforce into the enemy lines and destroy them."

I thought for a moment. "Very well, Ame, launch and take Shin and the Hurricane Squadron with you. Good hunting."

"Ame, launching."

"Shin, launching."

"Ame, Shin, make sure you RTB once we are 400 million kilometers out."


Outrunning the missiles was of no use however. They caught up swiftly, and once they did, the empty blackness of space was illuminated by nuclear fire. The first salvo was defeated, but the situation looked grim.

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The symphony of CIWS fire never ends. 35 missiles are shot down, displaying a clear flaw in Imperial design-- the multiple salvos cannot be simultaneously targetted-- something that cost us a ship in the Soviet war as well. 11 missiles get through our layered PD defense, and strike the Hikari head on- but the tough ship continues onwards. Engines spewing smoke and electrical fire into the aether of space.

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Thankfully, part of the missile salvo had missed completely.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2016, 04:02:41 AM by Thanatos »

Offline Thanatos (OP)

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Re: Those Who Must Endure Chapter 7 - For the Answer is Cruel
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2016, 02:50:52 AM »
Kusanagi Ryo:

"Izanagi, be advised- another missile barrage incoming your way. Will attempt to destroy their active vessel." I spoke over the radio.

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"Roger that, Ame. Give them hell."

"Kusanagi." Spoke Watanabe Issei, another member of the Royal Guard, in the Takemikazuchi Shin.

"What is it, Issei?"

"Those vessels firing the missiles, they are 350 tons heavy, right?"

"They are."

"Then how do they have so many missiles? The reload time seems to be 10 minutes, more or less, and surely in close quarters we will obliterate them. But their magazines cannot be that big, can they?"

I pondered this. Maybe it was some kind of miniaturization technology?

"If they have some technology to make their components smaller, they may also have close quarter weapons. Be careful."

"Kusanagi, could it be that these guys aren't BETA? You saw those missiles right. Those were not BETA lifeforms. That was machinery."

I paused. They were too far to see with external cameras. But Issei was right. There is no way those missiles came from the BETA. Are there no allies in this universe? Is there no rest for the weary?

"Prepare to engage, Hurricane Squadron."

"Yes, ma'am!"

It was going to be close, but we cannot afford to lose this advantage. There is no point going after the launchers- there are too many of them, and even destroying their fire controls will not stop the missiles from heat seeking. We have to destroy the actives before they can get in range.

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"Primary target is the one with the active on."

I watched the display of my data link to Izanagi with anticipation. 3 million kilometers away from the salvo, and we were so close to the sensor ships. Only 170k away. But they were running from us. We were faster by about 4k kilometers per second. This would come close and down to the wire.

2.9 million.

2.8 million.

2.7 million.

2.6 million.

BEEP - Weapons in range. I saw the display light up and my heart skipped a beat.

"Open fire!"

Our Type 100 Assault Rifles had longer range than the Kyokkou's CIWS, and after two volleys, we destroyed the first sensor ship. I had the killing shot. A secondary explosion is what caused the failure of the ship. Serves it right.

"Next target!"

"Where is it, I can't see it!!"

"Focus, it's there, to our 3 o'clock, low."

This was getting hectic-- they were getting away.

And then a blinding flash almost knocked me over. What was that?

"Kurama, ejecting!"

Anti TSF missiles? They were much smaller-- where did they come from?

"All units, be careful. They have anti TSF weaponry."

"iTSF Ten, I got one! Next target!"

How much time do we have. Maybe another 30 seconds. Please make it!

Shrapnel blasts over my cockpit as I bring down another enemy vessel. Only two remain. Missiles are 450k away from the Izanagi.



As if to taunt us, the second last remaining vessel turns on it's active sensor ping- and then is permanently silenced as the 36mm HESH rounds, from my assault rifle, blast it's innards all over space. Only one remaining.


Please make it.


Please make it.

I squeeze down the trigger, and let the rounds fly-- Only a few land, and I think all is lost- but then another barrage of bullets streams in, all over what we believe to be the cockpit of the vessel. It was the Ten.

At this close a distance, there is no mistaking it. These were not BETA.

Is the Izanagi safe?

The Izanagi is safe, but the Task Group is not.

Luckily, the missiles only took out the armor of the Kiri, and the Kido- damaging one the Quad CIWS weapons in the process. Even the Kakera was hit, but it fared well under the barrage. Repairs on the CIWS should already under way, but another barrage like that, and the task force might not make it out alive.

There has to be another active sensor in the area, but it is no doubt too far.

"All units, we are going after the launchers. We have no other choice."

"Yes, ma'am."

But our efforts are in vain. Though we keep destroying the small launchers, the missiles continue on, unphased. For all our troubles, we get 4 missiles in return from close range, which we manage to shoot down before we lose another TSF. These ships may be small but their ordnance seems to be infinite.

My heart sinks as I see 40 missiles approach the already badly hurt Task Group-- but quickly I am reinvigorated when the CIWS puts them all down to rest.

This day will be ours. Without anymore missiles in transit, there is no way they can attack the Task Group before we shoot down all their launchers.

A storm of shrapnel follows. A furious one-sided battle that sees the launchers destroyed- no longer launching missiles, but instead machinery and parts-- in the sea of purged armor and electric storms, I prove the power of the Takemikazuchi, which has protected the Empress through the darkest of times. We of the Royal Guards have trained long and hard, to be the flame that purges the evil of the cosmos- and in this mayhem we find purpose to our meaning and our calling.

Look at us, Aliens. You fired upon us, and now we are here to guide you down the Rinne. Fear us. We shall return one day, to finish the job, and claim your world as ours. We could have coexisted as friends, -- as allies to fight the BETA-- but you chose the foolish path of self-destruction.

Then let it be so.

Glory to the Empire.

Glory to the Empress.

"Missiles incoming!"

"Shoot them down!" I commanded. It felt like I never even depressed the trigger. 37 enemies down, another 36 to go. Their ability to defeat the Izanagi has long been lost, but our bloodthirstiness cannot be quenched now. We shall destroy them all for even daring to attack us.

As soon as they see us shoot down their missiles, they turn to run, but it's useless. Today they shall be sacrificed to the Araburu Kami.

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A total of 80 units was destroyed. 38 of which went to Ame, 2 to Chiyoda, and the rest to Ten.

Glory to the Empress.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2016, 06:54:27 AM by Thanatos »

Offline Thanatos (OP)

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Re: Those Who Must Endure Chapter 7 - For the Answer is Cruel
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2016, 06:55:28 AM »
Glad that is out of the way.

Not sure if I will continue this campaign, since apparently my civilian sector decided to be braindead and not do anything at all. They just stand at Earth, doing nothing, even though there's infrastructure to transport, and even contracts up. I am wondering if this is caused by the radiation, but who knows.