Remnant Campaign
In the waning days of the Terran Federation, a hostile race was encountered. This race of beings, known as only the Ravagers by humanity, quickly decimated and laid waste to the Federation?s fleets. A lone colony ship fled Earth, days before the Ravager fleet wiped the planet clean.
The colonists, in despair, fled as deep as they could manage with their fuel supplies. The system they settled on was named Alaucard. Settling in the sixth planet, they named the chilly planet Freehold and began to carve out a new existence.
Five hundred years later, the Consolidated Remnant of Humanity once again sets forth to take their place among the stars.
Campaign setup
The first generated system with a habitable planet was used. In this case, a quaternary system comprised of an A8-V main component, G7-V, K2-V and M0-V components. Alaucard-A VI, named Freehold has 750m humans. Alaucard-A III is a small outpost with 50m colonists and is the beginnings of their exploration. Both planets were given homeworld minerals.
Starting Tech
The Remnant has 180,000 points. This was spent on the following technologies: Terraforming Module, 5% Reduced Colony Cost, .002 Terraforming rate, Fuel Efficiency 3, Basic Jump technology (Theory, Efficiency 3, Distance 50, Size 3), Far UV Laser, 12cm Laser Focus, Cap Recharge 5, Composite Armor, Active Grav Detection Strength 12, Grav Pulse Detection Strength 6, EM Sensitivity 6, Thermal Sensitivity 6, Pebble Bed Reactors, Nuclear Pulse Drive, Missile Fire Control 400,000km, Missile Engine 32, Missile Fuel Cell Cap 3200, Missile Reload Rate 5.
The following components were created 12cm C5 Far UV Laser, Missile Launcher 04-25, Missile Launcher 06-040, Missile Launcher 10-060, PDC Launcher 24-075, Size 5 PB Reactor PB-1AR0, Nuclear Pulse E7, Alpha R300/7 Shields, Active MR24-R0.2 Sensors, Active MR4800-R40 Sensors, Thermal TH1-6, Thermal TH3-18, J4500 Jump Drive, J6000 Jump Drive, J7500 Jump Drive, J12000 Jump Drive, Beam S04 40-1000 Fire Control, Beam S04 10-4000 Fire Control, PDC S16 60-4000 Fire Control, Missile S01-040 Fire Control, PDC S04-320 Missile Fire Control, Grav Pulse GPD 1-6, Grav Pulse GPD 3-18, EM 1-6, EM 3-18.
Missile Designs
Missile Size: 4 Warhead: 2 Armour: 0
Speed: 12,000 km/s Endurance: 33 seconds Range: 396k km
Manoeuvre Rating: 10
Cost Per Missile: 1.5
Chance to Hit: 1k km/s 120% 3k km/s 40% 5k km/s 24% 10k km/s 12%
Missile Size: 6 Warhead: 2 Armour: 0
Speed: 8,000 km/s Endurance: 100 seconds Range: 800k km
Manoeuvre Rating: 20
Cost Per Missile: 4.8
Chance to Hit: 1k km/s 160% 3k km/s 40% 5k km/s 32% 10k km/s 16%
Missile Size: 10 Warhead: 3 Armour: 0
Speed: 11,000 km/s Endurance: 71 seconds Range: 781k km
Manoeuvre Rating: 20
Cost Per Missile: 6.65
Chance to Hit: 1k km/s 220% 3k km/s 60% 5k km/s 44% 10k km/s 22%
Missile Size: 24 Warhead: 6 Armour: 2
Speed: 10,000 km/s Endurance: 100 seconds Range: 1000k km
Manoeuvre Rating: 20
Cost Per Missile: 13.5
Chance to Hit: 1k km/s 200% 3k km/s 60% 5k km/s 40% 10k km/s 20%
Ship Designs
Discovery class Survey Ship 6000 tons 525 Crew 1323 BP TCS 120 TH 200 EM 0
1666 km/s JR 3-50 Armour 1 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/18/0/3/3 Damage Control 0-0 PPV 0
J6000(3-50) Jump Drive Max Ship Size 6000 tons Distance 50k km Squadron Size 3
Nuclear Pulse Engine E7 (5) Power 40 Efficiency 0.70 Signature 40 Armour 0 Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 150,000 Litres Range 154.2 billion km (1071 days at full power)
Grav Pulse Detection Sensor GPD3-18 (1) Sensitivity 18 Detect Strength 100: 1.8m km
Gravitational Survey Sensors (3) 3 Survey Points
Geological Survey Sensors (3) 3 Survey Points
Napoleon class Colony Ship 6000 tons 325 Crew 918 BP TCS 120 TH 200 EM 0
1666 km/s Armour 1 Shields 0-0 Sensors 6/6/6/0/0 Damage Control 0-0 PPV 0
Colonists 50000 Cargo Handling Multiplier 50
Nuclear Pulse Engine E7 (5) Power 40 Efficiency 0.70 Signature 40 Armour 0 Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 200,000 Litres Range 205.6 billion km (1428 days at full power)
Thermal Sensor TH1-6 (1) Sensitivity 6 Detect Signature 100: 0.6m km
Grav Pulse Detection Sensor GPD1-6 (1) Sensitivity 6 Detect Strength 100: 0.6m km
EM Detection Sensor EM1-6 (1) Sensitivity 6 Detect Strength 100: 0.6m km
This design is classed as a freighter for maintenance purposes
Mule class Freighter 6000 tons 300 Crew 468 BP TCS 120 TH 200 EM 0
1666 km/s Armour 1 Shields 0-0 Sensors 6/6/6/0/0 Damage Control 0-0 PPV 0
Cargo 25000 Cargo Handling Multiplier 50
Nuclear Pulse Engine E7 (5) Power 40 Efficiency 0.70 Signature 40 Armour 0 Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 200,000 Litres Range 205.6 billion km (1428 days at full power)
Thermal Sensor TH1-6 (1) Sensitivity 6 Detect Signature 100: 0.6m km
Grav Pulse Detection Sensor GPD1-6 (1) Sensitivity 6 Detect Strength 100: 0.6m km
EM Detection Sensor EM1-6 (1) Sensitivity 6 Detect Strength 100: 0.6m km
This design is classed as a freighter for maintenance purposes
Outreach class Cruiser 8350 tons 960 Crew 1402 BP TCS 167 TH 400 EM 300
2395 km/s Armour 1 Shields 10-300 Sensors 6/6/6/0/0 Damage Control 0-0 PPV 48
Flag Bridge Magazine 600
Nuclear Pulse Engine E7 (10) Power 40 Efficiency 0.70 Signature 40 Armour 0 Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres Range 37.0 billion km (178 days at full power)
Alpha R300/7 Shields (10) Total Fuel Cost 70 Litres per day
12cm C5 Far Ultraviolet Laser (6) Range 80,000km TS: 2395 km/s Power 4-5 RM 5 ROF 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 2 0 0
Fire Control S04 40-1000 (1) Max Range: 80,000 km TS: 1000 km/s 88 75 62 50 38 25 12 0 0 0
Fire Control S04 10-4000 (1) Max Range: 20,000 km TS: 4000 km/s 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pebble Bed Reactor Technology PB-1 AR-0 (1) Total Power Output 15 Armour 0 Exp 5%
Missile Launcher 06-040 (4) Missile Size 6 Rate of Fire 40
Missile Fire Control S01-040 (1) Range: 400k km
Thermal Sensor TH1-6 (1) Sensitivity 6 Detect Signature 100: 0.6m km
Active Sensor MR4800-R40 (1) GPS 480 Range 4.8m km Resolution 40
Active Sensor MR24-R0.2 (1) GPS 2.4 Range 24k km Resolution 0.2
Grav Pulse Detection Sensor GPD1-6 (1) Sensitivity 6 Detect Strength 100: 0.6m km
EM Detection Sensor EM1-6 (1) Sensitivity 6 Detect Strength 100: 0.6m km
Iroquois class Scout 5000 tons 440 Crew 587 BP TCS 100 TH 400 EM 150
4000 km/s Armour 1 Shields 5-300 Sensors 18/18/18/0/0 Damage Control 0-0 PPV 4
Nuclear Pulse Engine E7 (10) Power 40 Efficiency 0.70 Signature 40 Armour 0 Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres Range 308.6 billion km (892 days at full power)
Alpha R300/7 Shields (5) Total Fuel Cost 35 Litres per day
12cm C5 Far Ultraviolet Laser (1) Range 20,000km TS: 4000 km/s Power 4-5 RM 5 ROF 5 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fire Control S04 10-4000 (1) Max Range: 20,000 km TS: 4000 km/s 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pebble Bed Reactor Technology PB-1 AR-0 (1) Total Power Output 15 Armour 0 Exp 5%
Thermal Sensor TH3-18 (1) Sensitivity 18 Detect Signature 100: 1.8m km
Active Sensor MR4800-R40 (1) GPS 480 Range 4.8m km Resolution 40
Grav Pulse Detection Sensor GPD3-18 (1) Sensitivity 18 Detect Strength 100: 1.8m km
EM Detection Sensor EM3-18 (1) Sensitivity 18 Detect Strength 100: 1.8m km
Fleet consists of ?
Battle Group 2 Outreach, 1 Iroquois
Cargo Group 5 Mule
Colony Group 5 Napoleon
Survey Group 5 Discovery
"House Rules"
No maintenance. Components researched for free.