Author Topic: Halo Alternative Universe - 2170 - C# 1.9.3 - Updates  (Read 4898 times)

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Halo Alternative Universe - 2170 - C# 1.9.3 - Updates
« on: May 01, 2020, 01:47:37 PM »

UNSC Report

Summary: The year was the closing out of the Interplanetary war with the terrorist organisations of the Frieden and Koslovics being annihilated with the final battle taking place on Callisto, but this was not the most important thing that occurred, the discovery of new elements called "Trans-newtonian" was made and scientists theorised that these elements could unlock the stars with the first Jump Drives being fitted onto ships by the end of March, it also saw a new wave of industrialisation and growth across the solar system as each planet attempted to use the new materials to their benefits, Mars had been of particular interest as vast quantities of these minerals were found.

Aftermath - March 31st, 2170

The UNSC Carrier Strikegroup Alpha in orbit of Callisto on March 31st, 2170

With the final battle falling on Callisto and the capture of the Fredian command centre, UNSC high command decided the best place to write up a treaty would be in orbit of the very planet that ended the war, the president of the UN was not present, instead representing the UEG was Admiral Duane Luera Commander of all UNSC Naval Assets, representing the Friedens and Koslovics were two commanders of their respective armies, the Kosolovic and Frieden leaders had either been killed in raids prior to the treaty or killed themselves when the UNSC attempted capture.

The treaty stipulated the complete turnover of all military assets in the solar system to the UNSC, the dissolution of all other military bodies and control of all planets to the United Nations, the personnel of the now dissolved armies would be dealt with on a case by case basis, lower ranking members of these armies would be granted the opportunity to receive a full pardon on the basis that they renounce all belief in their previous masters causes and drop all of their arms, this offer was given to allow quicker assimilation of hostile populations, now that these organisations were dissolved and in tatters many lower ranking soldiers would take this offer.

Higher ranking members of the Frieden and Koslovic armies would not be treated so kindly with the majority of their higher ranking command structure being put on trial for war-crimes these trials would take place a year from now on Earth, not many of the command structure survived and so the trial would be short, most of them as mentioned prior were either killed in action or took their own lives when the UNSC were closing in.

After the treaty was signed the United Nations would be formed into the Unified Earth Government and would take complete control over all colonies in the sol system with the UNSC as its military Arm

Discovery of the "Trans-Newtonian" Elements

After the battle of Callisto there was a major discovery, it appears that the Friedans were using what is now called "Trans-Newtonian" elements which they appeared to use in an attempt to protect themselves, they seem to have been mining them for months during the end of the war, in a daring strike against a Friedan compound by ODSTs, Major Ray Davies of the "Beta" Company was the first to discover them after the battle, he reported these findings to naval command, he is to be awarded the "Bronze Star" for his achievement, attached below are the current elements that have been uncovered so far and what scientists theorise they could be used for.

Duranium and Sorium:

Neutronium and Corbomite:

Uridium and Corundium:

Tritanium and Boronide:

Mercassium and Vendarite:


The Discovery of these materials will catapult humanity into a new age, with all the elements now being implemented in all stages of life, with the military now developing jump drives at extreme speeds and multiple other weapon systems, we still do not know the extent at which these elements will impact humanity but what can be known for sure is that these elements are extremely powerful, and must be utilised at all costs.

General Report
(April - November)


April - 1st, UNSC Naval Command orders all UNSC Military vessels to be moved back to Earth for reorganisation and deployment across the solar system, with the war now over and the enemies of the UEG gone, the UNSC was preparing to step down from war footing and move into peacetime, UNA battalions would be ordered to secure and garrison worlds across the system and take over for the marine corps. NAVCOM also orders for all survey ships to be ready within days and to begin searching for these new elements across the entire solar system with luck they should find examples of these materials on almost every planet, the UNSC Andraste, UNSC Promise of Dawn, UNSC Providence, UNSC Saratoga were the survey ships dispatched to fulfil thise role.

April - 8th, Alien ruins and vast quantities of minerals are discovered on mars, the discovery is made by commander Garth Pulcher of the UNSC - Saratoga, Scientists would be moved to uncover the ruins and further military forces would arrive as well, attached below is the report by Commander Garth Pulcher on this discovery.

Report: <Redacted by the Office of Naval Intelligence>

April - 11th, with the discovery of the new Trans-Newtonian materials on Mars the UNSC Logistics Command is ordered to move mining equipment to the red planet to begin mining these elements, in other news a UNA battalion arrives on Callisto and begins to garrison the world.

April - 12th, the UEG authorises construction of several new vessels including an Endurance Heavy Cruiser, called the UNSC - Persian Gate, as well as five frigates including two Falcon class frigates, two Bordeaux class frigates and one Promise of Dawn class frigate.


May - 21st, High potential for further mineral deposits is observed above Titan as more and more of these Trans-Newtonian elements are discovered across the system, two geology companies are sent to Titan.


June - 20th, no further Minerals are found on Titan.


July - 22nd, Two survey vessels are ordered by UNSC High Command to be rerouted to begin surveying for jump points, a theory had been prevalent across the scientific community that if you could survey certain gravitational anomalies you could find a way to utilise the slip-space jump drive to move at extreme speeds to other systems, the UNSC - Providence and UNSC - Saratoga are the respective ships sent to complete this task.


September - 14th, the first jump point is discovered by survey group charlie under the command of commander Ellsworth Linch of the UNSC - Providence, the confirming of the theory gave rise to many celebrations across the system, from the scientists of Titan to those of Earth.

September - 30th, the second jump point is discovered by survey group delta under the command of commander  Garth Pulcher.

The Establishment of the Colonial Administration Authority and the Colonial Military Administration

On the 28th of November the Colonial Administration Authority or CAA was established, as well as the Colonial Military Administration, the purpose of each was to provide administration and colonial security to the outer worlds of the UEG, with new worlds on the horizon this was deemed necessary. Attached below are the mandates of each organisation.

Colonial Administration Authority: The CAA is tasked with the planning of humanities future extra-solar colonies and the prosperity of them, they utilise their own fleet of commercial vessels that are designed to provide all future human colonies with supplies and support, the CAA acts as a secondary body to the UEG and works to administrate Earths colonies across the stars.

Colonial Military Administration: The CMA is tasked with the defence of humanities colonies and will maintain its own fleet assets, the CMA has no power in waging war or offensive actions instead it is tasked with defending the colonies from domestic threats and protecting the vital shipping lanes of the colonies.

End of UNSC Report - 2170

-Admiral Duane Luera, Commander of all UNSC Naval Assets

<Office of Naval Intelligence Alpha Report>

<Full authorisation observed>
<ONI Access Granted>

On April 8th, Aliens ruins were discovered on Mars, the entire operation was taken over by Section 3, all UNSC forces that could not be persuaded otherwise were brought into section 3 and the operation to uncover the alien technology was nicknamed "Operation Dynamo" the operations goals are to uncover as well as eventually utilise the alien technology for the benefits of Humanity, the highest level of confidentiality is to be used at all times in regards to this.

As soon as the ruins were discovered and operational integrity was established over the Martian region containing them, the 1st and 2nd Xeno-Archeology companies were formed under the direction of ONI operatives, they were sent immediately to Mars, and would be stationed there for as long as would be required. On April 10th they arrived and began their analysis of the ruins as well as the cataloguing of all that was found.

On May 7th, the scientists finished deciphering the alien ruins and managed to translate their language to some degree, it appears that the aliens used Mars as a listening outpost with this settlement being the remnants of a listening post under what is now the Martian Icecaps, carbon dating puts the ruins at over 100,000 years ago, a full report was made but has yet to be finalised. Section 3 under the direction of ONI requisitioned combat engineer brigades of the UNA into the project to begin immediate excavation of these artefacts after further resource requests were made.

By the end of the year the engineers uncovered alien components that could be described as a research facility, in these components were vast blueprints to sensors and control systems that the aliens utilised, it would take years for it to all be fully understood but this technology could be of great importance to humanity, the rest of the ruins were excavated with sensor compoentns and alien infrastructure being at the forefront of those things excavated, something interesting to note is that all the components were made using Trans-Newtonian elements.

-Agent Garth Pulcher

Authors Note: Credit to user "vulcant" for the images of the trans-newtonian elements

« Last Edit: May 01, 2020, 02:20:01 PM by SpaceMarine »
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UNSC Report

Summary:  The year saw the exploration of the first extra-solar worlds as well as the establishment of military assets on these new worlds, worker shortages continue to grip Earth and Mars due to the now high demand for people to work the new factories and shipyards, multiple new projects were underway in the year as well with scientists of the UNSC now working on a way to stabilise the newly discovered jump points allowing for more permanent settlement across the stars, industry and economics is a priority for the UEG and the UNSC will secure that at all costs, with vast minerals deposits found in Tau Ceti.

Inner Expansion, First Steps

                                                       Current explored star systems, 2171

On the 27th of April, UNSC High command orders for survey group alpha and survey group beta to begin exploration of Sols two jump points, the UNSC - Andraste under the command of Arnado Casey and the UNSC - Promise of Dawn under the command of Danita Hackathon, these vessels would be the first ships to transverse slip-space and would bring forward a new age, a month later the UNSC - Andraste would become the first ever vessel to do so and would reach the system of Tau Ceti, the President of the UEG would make a national address to the nations after news of the Andraste arriving in Tau Ceti was confirmed.

It is with great pride that I can confirm the rumours that the first use of a slip-space drive was witnessed as the UNSC - Andraste transited through what has become known as a jump point, it arrived in the system three days ago, it confirmed the existence of ten planets, sixty-six moons and two comets, it is currently in the process of surveying these planets. With that out of the way I want to congratulate the commander of the UNSC - Andraste, Commander Arnado Casey is an inspiration to all of humanity and I am proud to be awarding him with a colonial cross for his work, though he may not be here to receive it, it is only right that he does.

Now many of you may be wondering what is to become of these systems, I am in contact with the Colonial Administration Authority, and we will be drawing up a plan for colonisation once the system has been fully surveyed, this is a great time of innovation, exploration and most importantly a great coming age for humanity, I want to thank everyone for coming and especially the men and women of the UNSC - Andraste for their sacrifices in pursuit of exploration.

-President Lance Laskey of the UEG

On the 14th of June the UNSC - Promise of Dawn discovered the system of WISE 0855-0714, while the event was celebrated it was covered much less covered by the media than the discovery of Tau Ceti as their were no bodies in the system, the president did make a quick statement and congratulated the commander of the UNSC - Promise of Dawn and their crew and wished them well. In other news terra-forming stations utilising the new materials of the age reached Mars and began removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

On the 18th of August the UNSC - Saratoga would discover the system of EZ Aquarii it contained few planets but a human colony could be established, the crew of the Saratoga were once more swept with celebrations back on Earth in their name, attached below is the system report of Tau Ceti by commander Arnado Casey.

System Survey Report of Tau Ceti

The Tau Ceti system contains ten planets, sixty-six moons and two comets with two of the worlds being possible terra-forming targets, that being the moon of Tau-Ceti II and the planet of Tau-Ceti III, with the moon of Tau Ceti II being consistent with the moon of Earth, the third planet on the other hand has ample supplies of water located in ice Sheets across the world, it also features an atmosphere of 84% Nitrogen at 0.843 atm and 16% Methane at 0.161 atm, this world could be easily terra-formed if the Ice was melted and methane removed in place of oxygen, it could be an extremely Earth-Like planet, while this would take decades it would make this world an extremely habitable and prosperous place. In terms of minerals I have attached the full geological report from my Science Officer below, furthermore it is within my opinion that this system be colonised effective immediately.

Mineral Report:

Mineral quantities in the system are high with the second planet consisting of all known Trans-Newtonian resources and almost every body in the system containing some kind of resource, while the second planet has low accessibility for these resource the sheer quantity are of significant importance, other moons and worlds in the system could be setup as mining colonies and then used to transport resources to a collection point in which they could then be transported to Sol, overall an extremely mineral important system, attached below are the current minerals discovered in the system.

-Lieutenant Commander Edison Tempel of the UNSC Andraste

Tau Ceti-A II
     Duranium 43 692 552   Acc 0.1
     Neutronium 8 122 500   Acc 0.1
     Corbomite 7 800 849   Acc 0.1
     Tritanium 30 569 841   Acc 0.1
     Boronide 324 900   Acc 0.1
     Mercassium 9 828 225   Acc 0.4
     Vendarite 10 556 001   Acc 0.1
     Uridium 263 169   Acc 0.4
     Corundium 2 030 625   Acc 0.1
     Gallicite 263 169   Acc 0.1

Tau Ceti-A III
     Tritanium 6 885 376   Acc 0.1

Tau Ceti-A IV
     Duranium 839 808   Acc 0.6
     Neutronium 186 624   Acc 0.4
     Vendarite 1 557 504   Acc 0.3
     Corundium 3 415 104   Acc 0.6
     Gallicite 147 456   Acc 0.5

Tau Ceti-A X
     Mercassium 298 116   Acc 0.1
     Gallicite 1 483 524   Acc 0.1

Tau Ceti-A VI - Moon 5
     Duranium 33 800   Acc 0.7
     Tritanium 976 144   Acc 0.4
     Gallicite 492 804   Acc 0.1

Tau Ceti-A VII - Moon 12
     Neutronium 529   Acc 1.0
     Tritanium 1 024   Acc 1.0
     Vendarite 5 476   Acc 1.0
     Uridium 5 625   Acc 1.0

Tau Ceti-A VIII - Moon 20
     Tritanium 176 400   Acc 0.7
     Vendarite 476 100   Acc 0.8

Tau Ceti-A VIII - Moon 1
     Duranium 136 242   Acc 1.0

General Report
(August - December)


August - 19th, The Colonial Administration Authority under the guidance of the UNSC moves jump tender and  a refuelling station to Tau Ceti III, this is part of the CAAs colonisation plan for new worlds, with the use of jump tenders being one of the most important parts of the plan as the ability to jump stabilise points was still years away, refuelling stations would also be established near the frontier to allow further exploration of colonial targets.


September - 7th,The first refuelling station is taken into orbit of Tau Ceti III, a welcome sight to the crew of the UNSC - Andraste that arrived in the system months ago.


October - 26th, in a joint Colonial Military Administration and UNSC operation, a UNSC Prowler squadron was sent to  the Tau Ceti system to begin immediate deployment of ground forces onto the planet of Tau Ceti III, the marines would establish landing platforms and security for further colonial actions, the following vessels would be sent to Tau Ceti, three Pike class destroyers and one pole class destroyer, UNSC - Bunker Hill, UNSC - Diligence, UNSC - Hillborough, UNSC - Persephone respectively, lead by Captain Dominick Mcintyre.


November - 2nd, The Taskgroup arrives above Tau Ceti III under the command of Captain Dominick Mcintyre, he immediately orders for two marine platoons to be deployed, he keeps the ships in orbit of the planet awaiting the galaxy class support vessel dispatched to maintain the ship in orbit of the planet until permanent infrastructure could be established.

End of UNSC Report - 2171

-Admiral Duane Luera, commander of all UNSC Naval Assets

<Office of Naval Intelligence Mars Report>

<Full authorisation observed>
<ONI Access Granted>

Attached below is the log made by Agent Garth Pulcher after his discovery of the Martian Ruins, further reports and logs have been catalogued in accordance with ONI Directive 24.01.4 and have been reviewed accordingly, this is a priority one document and is classified under ONI Directive 1.03.1 any and all persons who attempt to undermine the directive will be dealt with by ONI Section  Zero.

Commander Log, April 8th, 2170. I have ordered an orbital survey using the new geological parameters discovered on Callisto, my science officer is currently working on setting proper routines to efficiently survey the red planet, we are not expecting much but hopefully with some luck and work from my science officer we should be able to report back positive signatures, I will report back once we have finished our survey of the planet.

Commander Log, April 9th, 2170. I cannot believe it, we have discovered what can only be described as the first proof of extra-terrestrial life, I have activated Naval Protocol Marlon and I have contacted Earth Naval Headquarters on further action to be taken, my Science officer is already pleading to go down to the surface to investigate but we must follow Protocol Marlon at all times, I have also advised Mars Central Command of the current situation.

Commander Log, April 10th, 2170. Someone from the Office of Naval Intelligence arrived onboard the ship and activated executed last steps of the protocol and me and my command staff have been initiated into Office of Naval Intelligence and will now be tasked with the exploration of the ruins until further groups of scientists can be sent, the rest of my crew are oblivious to this and only my most trusted men will be coming, the official story is that we have discovered large quantities of minerals on the martian surface and we are going down to inspect them, while technically true I do not like the idea of lying to my crew, we will be getting in a shuttle soon, will report back once we have made landfall.

Commander Log, 13:00 Hours, April 10th, 2170. We have made planet-fall, we landed around three hundred metres above the location of the ruins, we have begun excavating a path to these ruins, with me is my science officer, and Marine Lieutenant Jackson along with a small contingent of the most trusted marines, am not sure who I am making this log for... I guess ONI... anyway I will report back once we have entered the ruins.

Commander Log, 15:00 Hours, April 10th, 2170, We have managed to cut into what appears to be an entrance to the structure, Lieutenant Jackson has requested that his marines go first to ensure the area is secured, I have allowed his request, my science officer has noticed something ahead of us in a distance room with a light emanating from the centre, the architecture is almost beyond my comprehension with intricate lines and art decorated across the walls, with holographic projections as well as the immense size of it all, It would take us years to fully understand all of this.

Commander Log, 15:30 Hours, April 10th, 2170, No signs of whoever inhabited this place, lieutenant Jackson reports the entire area is clear and marines are now stationed in all rooms providing security, my science officer in the meantime has managed to carbon date some of the materials in this structure and it indicates that the structure is over 100,000 years old, it is very possible that these aliens were watching humanity when we were just making it out of Africa, it is almost unsettling to think about. I do not want to remain here long as our job is only to perform preliminary scans and file a report for ONI, one thing of note that my science officer tells me is that the entire structure is made out of these "Trans-Newtonian" materials, but they have been utilised in such a way to great super-strong alloys that this structure is made of, I will leave further investigation to the experts as we are returning to our shuttle.

-Commander, now Agent Garth Pulcher

<Exiting File #231>

« Last Edit: May 05, 2020, 02:39:27 AM by SpaceMarine »
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UNSC Report

Summary: The year saw the first humans to colonise an extra-solar body, with the colony formerly known as Tau Ceti III, now being known as Andraste, the colony was named after the UNSC ship that first surveyed it, the UNSC Andraste. It also saw rapid exploration efforts as multiple new systems were discovered including, Gilese 526, Ross 128, Alpha Corvi, Alpha Aurigae and 23 Librae, this more than doubled the number of active systems with expansion now increasing on all fronts, the CAA was now drafting up plans for the new worlds found in these systems, worker shortages still gripped the UEG, this did not mean no new progress was made economically, financially the UEG was in a golden age and shipbuilding was continuing as new military vessels came off the dry-docks at the start of the year. Overall this year had turned out to be an overall step in the right direction for the UEG and UNSC.

Inner Expansion, New Settlements

                                                                                                     (Known Space, 2172)

At the start of the year the first infrastructure was delivered on the 19th of January, this infrastructure would be important for the colonists that would soon inhabit the surface of Andraste, colonists would arrive later that year, in preparation for the arrival of the colonists the Destroyer group in orbit would begin its final steps to provide full security and landing infrastructure to the civilians who would be on their way.

To fulfil the demand of security at these new colonies that were starting to be established the UNSC ordered a new frigate fleet that had been constructed on the 27th of February to move to the newly designated colonies. The Colonial Administration Authority had set out a plan for the new colonies which had been drafted up earlier in the year, this plan indicated that there would be three spheres, in the first sphere, all systems within five jumps of Sol would be declared "Inner-Colonies" and would receive all support required to secure them, the next sphere would be declared the "Outer-Colonies" which would be near the frontier and would be guarded but less prioritised than the Inner-Colonies, the next sphere would be the "Frontier", this sphere would be the newly explored regions of space, no permanent settlements would be established and instead outposts, listening posts and various other military installations would positioned across the frontier.

This plan and new system for the colonies would be seen in quite a controversial light at first as some believed that the outer-colonies would be forgotten about and that this plan would overlook vast regions of space, the CAA addressed these concerns and told the public that all colonies no matter their size or position would be given the full support of both the CAA and the CMA. Colonists would make planet-fall on Andraste on the 5th of September, they would be the first humans to colonise a world outside of Sol, the president of the UEG would make a brief statement regarding this great first step into the universe, in other news multiple new systems were explored and surveyed, below you can find the exact survey reports of notable systems by the respective commanders of the ships that first surveyed them.

It has come to my attention that the first colonist have arrived on Andraste, I want to say to these brave men and women who have taken the first step into the stars, that I wish them good luck and good spirits on this new settlement and I will be talking with the CAA to continue to support Andraste.

-President Lance Laskey

System Survey Report of Gilese 526

The system is a remarkable one with the second planet that my science officer has named "Ballast" containing an atmosphere that is breathable to humans with 72.024% Nitrogen at 0.835 atm and 22.745% Oxygen at 0.264 atm, the first one ever discovered but it is not a completely clear atmosphere as 5.231% of CO2 is in the atmosphere which means that it is not fully safe on the planet without protective equipment for extended periods of time, the planet itself is extremely close earth size at 14,600, its temperature is also of respectable nature at only -1.2c, it also features a gravity extremely close to Earth at 1.05 G, In the mineral report I will go over the riches of the planet but suffice it to say this world is of great interest, the only thorn in the side of colonisation will be its unfortunate nature of being tidally locked, due to this fact this planet will never grow to the heights Earth has.

Mineral Report:

The system contains three bodies with minerals, two comets which have a sizeable amount of mineral wealth, but the main prize is the newly designated planet of Ballast which contains a vast wealth of minerals of every single kind, some deposits are of more high accessibility such as high amounts of Corundium at 0.9 accessibility and many other deposits of varying access, this planet is now of extreme importance and I advise a colony be established immediately at Priority Alpha One, attached below is all the mineral data collected.

-Lieutenant Commander Stanley Kerfien

     Duranium 8 963 378   Acc 0.3
     Neutronium 33 258 289   Acc 0.1
     Corbomite 1 726 596   Acc 0.1
     Tritanium 8 526 400   Acc 0.9
     Boronide 52 229 529   Acc 0.1
     Mercassium 16 120 225   Acc 0.1
     Vendarite 16 711 744   Acc 0.1
     Sorium 27 625 536   Acc 0.1
     Uridium 6 906 384   Acc 0.1
     Corundium 27 625 536   Acc 0.9
     Gallicite 12 278 016   Acc 0.1

Comet #1
     Tritanium 183 424   Acc 0.6
     Mercassium 65 719   Acc 0.8
     Vendarite 85 941   Acc 0.5

Comet #2
     Duranium 74 031   Acc 0.7
     Mercassium 66 012   Acc 1

System Survey Report of Ross 128

The System of Ross 128 A contains ten planets, fifty-three moons and two comets, only one of the planets is habitable that being the second planet in the system, the second planet which contains a Nitrogen - CO2 atmosphere of 84.550% Nitrogen at 1.910 atm and 11.530% Carbon Dioxide at 0.260, its diameter is 29,000 and it is also tidally locked, its gravity is representative of its mass at 1.47 G, it is overall a somewhat decent world but terra-forming is gonna take an extended period of time, its close proximity to Sol is a benefit though and as such it should be considered for further colonisation efforts by the CAA.

Mineral Report:

The system contains vast quantities of minerals across the system with over 124 million Neutronium on the second planet alone, though this is at low access, most of the system has high access minerals in varying quantities, the nature of the planet and minerals in the system causes me to suggest that this world be designated for mining and that the second planet be colonised to allow collection from mining colonies across the system, attached below is the full mineral data report.

-Lieutenant Commander Elisha Feingold

Ross 128-A I
     Duranium 61 250   Acc 0.7
     Neutronium 2 975 625   Acc 0.2
     Mercassium 122 500   Acc 0.4
     Sorium 5 062 500   Acc 0.1
     Uridium 1 690 000   Acc 0.1
     Gallicite 4 202 500   Acc 0.8

Ross 128-A II
     Duranium 13 624 200   Acc 0.1
     Neutronium 124 657 225   Acc 0.1
     Corbomite 525 625   Acc 0.1
     Mercassium 1 703 025   Acc 0.1

Ross 128-A III
     Sorium 59 000   Acc 0.4

Ross 128-A VI
     Sorium 150 000   Acc 0.9

Ross 128-A IV - Moon 8
     Duranium 12 800   Acc 0.8
     Neutronium 577 600   Acc 0.7
     Tritanium 67 600   Acc 0.8
     Uridium 532 900   Acc 0.8

Ross 128-A IV - Moon 18
     Mercassium 18 225   Acc 0.6

Ross 128-A IV - Moon 17
     Vendarite 76 176   Acc 0.7
     Gallicite 76 176   Acc 0.9

Ross 128-A IV - Moon 14
     Corundium 894 916   Acc 0.7

Comet #1
     Corbomite 43 539   Acc 0.8
     Sorium 30 508   Acc 1
     Corundium 34 185   Acc 1
     Gallicite 34 975   Acc 0.6

Comet #2
     Corbomite 129 382   Acc 0.5
     Boronide 60 042   Acc 1
     Corundium 33 962   Acc 0.5
     Gallicite 36 129   Acc 0.6

General Report
(January - December)


January - 19th, The Colonial Administration Authority orders infastructure to be moved to Andraste.


February - 27th, Four vessels finished construction and officers are granted their commissions, the vessels are the following, two Bordeaux class, them being the UNSC Cascadia and the UNSC Forward Unto Dawn and two Falcon class vessels, the UNSC Meriwether Lewis and the UNSC Savannah.


March - 3rd, The UNSC - Grafton finishes construction, it is a promise of dawn class survey frigate and is ordered to the frontier to begin immediate survey efforts.


April - 5th, Survey Group Delta under the command of Calvin Pearcey transits to the system of Ross 128.>


June - 8th, Survey Group Alpha under the command of Arnado Casey discovers the system of Gilese 526.


July - 4th, a Geological Survey of the Gilese 526 system completes and is transmitted back to the UNSC and CAA.

July - 29th, Jump tenders are positioned at key jump points to allow jump  capability for larger vessels to the system of Gilese 526.

July - 31st, The first colonists land on Andraste, after infrastructure was delivered to the planet earlier that year.

                        (The Eden class colony ship taking off from Earth)


August - 29th, Survey group delta under the command of Calvin Pearcey discovers the system of Alpha Aurigae.


September - 5th,   The first colonists arrive on Andraste.

                          (Halkion Prime, the first settlement on Andraste)


October - 6th, A galaxy class support vessel is ordered to ballast to provide supplies and maintenance to ships colonising the planet.


November - 6th, the third Gaia class terra-former finishes construction and is towed into orbit of Mars.

November - 7th, Survey Group Beta under the command of Danita Hackathorn discovers the system of Alpha Corvi.

November - 18th, Survey Group Echo discoversa  new connection to Sol from Ross 128.


December - 17th, Survey Group Alpha discovers the system of 23 Librae.

December - 31st, a UNSC Frigate squadron is dispatched to Ballast to secure it in the same Manner as Andraste.

End of UNSC Report - 2172

-Admiral Duane Luera, commander of all UNSC Naval Assets

<Office of Naval Intelligence Mars Report A2>

<Full authorisation observed>
<ONI Access Granted>

This report follows up on the excavation of Alien ruins from the race now being dubbed as "Fore-Runners" we are still unsure of their actual name but this is what the scientists have begun to call them, so far groups of a dozen or so scientistis were allowed access to the ruins and were also enrolled into ONI at the same time, they began their work and have managed to gain access to a variety of systems located there, the best running theory is that the system was some kind of listening post, and we have managed to recover some of the components used to listen in and observe nearby space which we have filed under a new operation to research and reverse engineer the components for use with Human Vessels, the operation is called "Operation Fall-runner"and is filed under section 3A1.

We have been given further authorisation to continue our excavations and further assistance has been received and we are currently finishing up excavations, all further information and technology is to be given over to Section 3A1 and "Operation Fall-Runner" with any luck we should be able to  reverse engineer and gain complete mastery of the systems.

-Agent Garth Pulcher

<Exiting File #236>

« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 06:57:06 AM by SpaceMarine »

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UNSC Report

Summary: Not much to report this year as it was fairly quiet, a UNSC Frigate squadron arrives above Ballast, more companies of marines are trained for service onboard ships as well as ODST Battalions on Mars, multiple new system systems are discovered those being, 26 Draconis, CE-2-1239, Charybdis, Chi-Ceti. A technological breakthrough also occurred within the year as the first jump stabilisation device was developed and then designed onto a new class of station, the "Jump Stabilisation Station" these stations would path the way for further expansion.

Inner Expansion, Slowdown

(Known Space, 2173)

As you can see, known space has nearly been doubled with the discovery of multiple new star systems, the UNSC has designated each of these new systems into their own sub section under the Tau Ceti expanse, that being the Libraen Arm, the Aurigaen Arm, and the Draconis Arm. With humanity now reaching out to the edge of designated inner colony space the exploration and colonisation efforts have slowed primarily due to this fact, with plans to colonise ballast in the following year and for Andraste to receive further infrastructure to continue permanent settlement on the planet.

With the colonial slowdown and a more methodical approach now being taken, the UNSC was designating more of its resourcse to increasing shipyard capacity and in the year four new naval shipyards were constructed above Earth, with the new ships coming off the drydocks, a new demand for more marines was generated and as such recruitment efforts across the solar system increased with more companies of marines being trained, while on Mars the class of 2173 Graduated from the ODST academies on the planet and entered into active service.

When the Colonial Administration Authority was questioned on why their had been a sudden slowdown they released an official statement on the speed of colonisation.

"The CAA has decided to refocus our efforts on the areas around Sol to provide prosperity and further support to our current colonies"

Some critics took this statement as them conceding that they were slowing down to save resources, while others agreed with the CAA, believing that humanity should focus on the colonies they already have, this opinion was especially strong within the colonies of Sol and the first extra-solar colony Andraste. With elections on the horizon and radical change in how all humans lived their life, it was expected for politics and peoples opinions to be at their heights, the conclusion of those opinions would come in the fall of 2174.

General Report
(January - December)


January - 20th, The UNSC Frigate squadron arrives above the planet of Ballast, the UNSC Aegis fate is left behind after the squadron performs a perimeter scan, the Aegis fate unloads an infantry and heavy weapons platoon to the surface to begin preparations like those on Andraste, Lieutenant Jeff Grandison is put in command of the forces on the Ground.

                      (D22-TC Raven Landing inside Charlie Base on Ballast)


February - 9th, Four companies of UNMC are trained on Earth, they are put into immediate active service onboard the newly constructed frigates, further marines and ODSTs are ordered for new vessels as they come up.

                     (United Nations Marine Corps training in New Vancouver)


March - 26th, 26 Draconis Is discovered,  it is a Binary star system that contains three planets around the second star, two gas giants and one terrestrial planet, vast quantities of sorium and other minerals are detected but due to the size of the system a full report was not written up but the minerals have been noted.


June - 11th, CE-2-1239 is discovered, it contains two planets, one terrestrial venusian like, and one super jovian with extreme quantities of high access sorium, this super jovian would be of immense strategic and military importance to the UNSC.


October - 4th, A breakthrough is made and a jump stabilisation module is created, due to its size the UNSC has decided to design a station to capture the device and use it to stabilise jump points, below is the schematics for the design.

Endurant class Jump Stabilisation Station      25 604 tons       40 Crew       650.9 BP       TCS 512    TH 0    EM 0
1 km/s      No Armour       Shields 0-0     HTK 9      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 1      PPV 0
MSP 15    Max Repair 600 MSP
Lieutenant Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months   
Jump Point Stabilisation: 360 days

Fuel Capacity 250 000 Litres    Range N/A

October - 9th, the System of Charybdis is explored, no mineral or system report is filed due to their being no bodies in the system besides a star.


November - 19th, A fourth Gaia class terra-former finishes construction and is towed into orbit of Mars, terra-forming efforts of the red planet are increasing, estimates for when the red planet will turn green is five-ten years.


December - 23rd,  The system of Chi-Ceti is discovered, nothing of note is found and as such no report is filed.

End of UNSC Report - 2173

-Admiral Duane Luera, commander of all UNSC Naval Assets

<Office of Naval Intelligence REDACTED>

<authorisation observed>
<ONI Access Denied>

<Exiting File #239>


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UNSC Report

Summary: The year was a winding down of exploration as the UNSC survey fleets returned home after their standard four year tour of duty, it was also a turbulent year as the political election closed in for the entire UEG, with the question of how the new colonies would be represented, especially those who were formerly in arms against the United Nations years prior, even with the war over the UNSC decided to put all ships at alert status over the week election period to ensure security, in better news the world of Ballast received its first colonists and Andraste was delivered further infrastructure to assist it in colonisation efforts, with the CAA believing that jump stabilisation is the most important tool to permanent colonisation, multiple Endurant class jump stabilisation stations were towed to jump point and began stabilising.

Inner Expansion, Domestic Troubles

(General Assembly of the Unified Earth Government, formerly United Nations)

With slowdown for the UNSC in terms of exploration and an election on the way, only one new system was discovered in the year and instead the year was primarily spent on establishing new colones already known worlds and utilising jump stabilisation technology, politically the elections of the general assembly as well as the election of a president were to be held on the 4th-9th of June, The UNSC Would provide security during this time as it was just less than four years ago that the solar system was engulfed in a politically centred war.

Political Situation of the Unified Earth Government

The Unified Earth Government is a Constitutional Democracy with a parliamentary style system, with Earth controlling one hundred and eighty seats that represent each of the former nations of Earth, while colonies control only one for an entire planet, this has lead to some people demanding reform, suggesting that the current system is weighed in Earths favour and that it does not fairly represent the other planets of the UEG, this critique has remained at a fairly low level though due to the recent war. The election process represents the people of the UEG with each person voting for a member of the general assembly who will then go on to vote for a President every four years, there are currently three parties that hold seats in the General Assembly.

The Conservative Party

The Conservative Party is considered to be right-of-centre in its policies and traditionally favours small government, fiscal conservatism and economic liberalism, a free-market economy, higher levels of gun control, the promotion of personal responsibility over welfare programs, low taxation and low deficit spending. In recent years the conservative party has been supported by the majority of people due to the interplanetary war and the belief that the other parties policies would not see humanity through the war, the current president is of the conservative party.

The Conservative Party has traditionally found its support in the business community, medium-high income voters, families, Earth and the Inner Colones as well as the military, especially the Officer Corps. This has typically lead to people supporting the conservative party during times of strife or war as the people seek security and the party advertises that it will provide that through military spending, and hard crackdowns. The Conservative party is currently the largest party in the general assembly and holds a majority.

The Liberal Party

The Liberal Party is considered to be Left-of-Centre in its policies but it also follows a liberal ideology. In recent years it has strayed away from too far of left policies as it did not want to be confused with the terrorist organisation Koslovics that advertise very far of left policies, but in the past it has supported socialist policies such as the public ownership of key industries, government intervention in the economy, the redistribution of wealth, increased rights for workers, the welfare state, high budget deficits in order to pay for social policies, looser gun control, and greater government influence in publicly-funded healthcare and education, all to produce a more egalitarian society. It also has a history of being softer on crime than the conservative party with shorter sentences and greater use of control orders and non-lethal force, it also believes that high defence spending is wasteful and in recent years after the war has seen the necessity of the military as questionable as Humanity faces no threats from the outside, as well as the philosophy that violence never solves anything and these issues can be solved through diplomacy.

The Liberal Party has traditionally found its support among blue-collar workers, low-income voters and families, it is also suggested that the colonies will be of much greater support to them though their effect of the elections are dubious at best. It is currently the second largest party in the general assembly.

The Earth-First Party

The Earth-First Party is an Earth Nationalist, far-right party that takes the view that all policy decisions should be done for the benefit of Earth's citizens first and the colonies second. It supports completely halting immigration from the colones, with the justification that the colonies contain dangerous terrorists that could come to Earth as refugees after the Interplanetary War, a hard-line approach to crime that favours increasing the number of crimes punished by execution, as well as the re-introduction of corporal punishment. Its economic policy favours protectionism for Earth-made goods, economic nationalism, and corporatism. They propose a high defence budget, the peacetime introduction of conscription and the abolition of gun ownership rights for non-Earth citizens, which they argue would have prevented the interplanetary war if it had been adopted throughout the system, an assertion that is not supported by the overwhelming majority of analysts and historians.

It is a relatively new party that only came into existence during the outset of the war, it only has supporters on Earth and holds no seats within the general assembly but does poll highly in some regions of Earth, it is expected that they will gain at-least two seats in the elections.

Trouble on Mars

With the election closing in, the newly integrated colonies of the UEG would be allowed to vote in the next election but due to the system of how the elections were run which heavily favoured Earth and the fact military forces were still garrisoning former towns, there would be a spark of political unrest as former Koslovic miners would strike, their reasoning behind this was that they were being oppressed and the political system was bankrupt and not properly balanced,

In response to this the president of the UEG authorised the police arm of the civilian government to crack down on the strikes and bring them to a stop before it would get out of control, wanting to end them quickly before the elections, police units were deployed to the hubs of Mars and multiple arrests were made as well as the dispersing of large gatherings, the strikes would subside for now but the issue itself had not been fixed, for now the crisis was averted.

                      (Police Units look on towards a crowd of Protesters)

The Election of 2174

With June closing in each party was readying themselves for the elections, most analysts believed that the conservative party would retain a majority in parliament as most of its actions had been popular among the citizens of the UEG, recent crackdowns on Mars had stunted this growth though. The Liberal party was expected to gain some seats among the colonies while Earth-First was seen as a wild card, below are the results of the Election, there are a total of one hundred and ninety seats with a party requiring one hundred seats to hold a majority in the general assembly.

The Conservative Party:

336 Million votes - 115 Seats

With the recent actions of the government and the colonisation and exploration of new star systems, the people rallied behind the conservative party believing that they were leading the country forward, with the treaty of Callisto, the colonisation of Andraste and Ballast, this result means they still hold a majority.

The Liberal Party

145 Million votes - 72 Seats

An increase over last election cycle with the party gaining twelve more seats in the general assembly, while this was a victory they were not able to gain a majority, analysts say the reason for an increase in seats over the previous election was due to the newly integrated colonies as well as the extra-solar colonies as their voter base heavily supported the Liberal party in the polls.

The Earth-First Party

15 Million votes - 2 seats

While they received a meagre fifteen million votes and only two seats this was the first time they have ever held a seat in the general assembly and many analysts would suggest the reason for this support to the party was because of the end of the war and the belief among certain demographics that terrorist threat was still around and the government was not doing anything about it.

Results of the Election

With the majority in the general assembly sustained by the conservative party and increases for the liberal and Earth first parties it would be an interesting presidential term, with Lance Laskey elected again for a second term into office, he would make a speech after hearing the election news.

I am so proud of this government,  this party, with your faith put into us we shall continue as we have started and bring humanity into a new age, a age without the strife and conflict of the past decade, now with these results I shall go forward and uphold my mandate, we shall support the voters who remained true to us and those who joined us as equals, we shall uphold humanities values, policies and ethics in our continued colonisation of the stars.

With that being said, I also want to congratulate my political opponents on a job well done and for a smooth election process, I am sure we will be able to work together to make decisions on what is best for humanity, for with unity and resolve we can bring forth this golden age, thank you and good night!

General Report
(January - December)


January - 17th, The UNSC Home Fleet is publicly set to train above Luna, but in actual fact its real purpose is to provide security in case of possible terrorist attacks during the election period.


February - 9th, All survey groups are ordered back to Earth to begin overhauls, each ship served a four year tour of duties and will serve another two of these tour of duties.


March - 7th, the system of Cordoba is discovered in the Draconis Arm, it is a single star system with two planets that are not colonisable but contain vasts quantities of minerals and a low gravity moon that could support a small population.


April - 7th, Two Endurant class jump stabilisation stations are towed to the Tau Ceti and the Ross 128 jump points in the sol system and begin stabilising the jump points, as they do Eager scientists collect data on the process.


July - 1st, The third Endurant class Jump stabilisation station finishes construction above earth and is towed to the Gilese 526 jump point in Tau Ceti.


August - 1st, Cargo shuttle stations and military listening post equipment is to be deployed to Andraste.


September - 7th, Infrastructure is to be delivered to the colony of Ballast, and then later in the year colonists are to be landed on the colony.


October - 29th, The first colonists set off for Ballast, their journey would take just under a month to complete.


December - 25th, The final cargo shuttle station is delivered to Andraste, and the first colonists set down on Ballast, this now means humanity has colonies in three star systems.

     (One of the first colonists looks out into the distance at the mountains of Ballast)

End of UNSC Report - 2174

-Admiral Duane Luera, commander of all UNSC Naval Assets

<Office of Naval Intelligence Political Report B5>

<Authorisation observed>
<ONI Access Granted>

 With the Authorisation of the President, Section One has been attempting to uncover information on the Earth First party, the findings are attached below.

The Earth-First Party has been suggested to work with the Koslovics and Friedens during the interplanetary war but no evidence has been found that could indicate this, though thanks to several agents work we have managed to figure out that the party is utilising some very interesting means of funding in an attempt to gain a rise into power, its leader also has ties to past terrorist organisations but so far we have not managed to determine if he still has those connections.

They seem to be affiliated with certain Arctic based Sorium mining operations that use extortion as well as violent tactics to control mining populations to keep high amounts of profits while keeping expenditure very low, they have been trying to cover this up for some time but we have managed to get an operative on the inside who has confirmed these findings, they also appear to be using offworld work to complete these tasks, which we theorise they use to justify their belief of "Earth-First".

It is within my opinion that the Earth-First Party is not a direct threat to the security of the UEG but could become a major issue if left alone for an extended period of time.

-Special Agent Diana Jones of Section One

<Exiting File #247>

« Last Edit: May 13, 2020, 07:16:46 AM by SpaceMarine »
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Halo Alternative Universe - 2170 - C# 1.9.5 - Quick Author Update
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2020, 03:31:28 AM »
Hey guys sorry for not having many updates in the past few days, I have been working a lot on the tutorials and letsplay as well as IRL stuff, and I have not had the time to continue to play or write this AAR, but it is not over and it will continue in due time.
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UNSC Report

Summary: The year saw the first jump point stabilised on both ends in Sol and Tau Ceti respectively as well as a re-invigoration of exploration into the outer galaxy as the survey fleets of the UNSC finished overhauling in shipyards above Earth. Now with the first jump point stabilised the colonial administration authority was looking to capitalise on this fact and begin to increase colonisation efforts across the galaxy, with more colonists landing on both Ballast and Andraste as well as the colonial military administration being given control of certain army elements to utilise in the protection of the colonies and thus relieving the marine elements below. Meanwhile during the year a radical new proposal was made which came to be known as Operation Elemental in which a Lagrange point would be hopefully stabilised above Earth to allow transportation to the outer solar system colonies near instantaneously.

Outer Expansion, Re-Invigoration

(Known Space, 2175)

With the slowdown coming to a close and the elections over the UNSC was ordered by the president to carry out his mandate to continue the colonisation and exploration of the stars. With this in mind the UNSC re-implemented immediate survey operations once again and also doubled its efforts into developing jump stabilisation and colonial infrastructure. To enable this fact and establish security across the colonies while ensuring they do not overextend themselves they transferred control of certain UNA formations to the CMA to allow them to provide security on the colonies.

This caused some concern among various smaller factions in the major political parties but most people agreed it would be necessary to continue the expansion of humanity, with that in mind the CMA dispatched two battalions worth of UNA ground forces to Ballast and Andraste,one battalion each would arrive on the planets and would relieve the marines who had been safe guarding them for up to four years at this point.

                                 (UNA Forces en-route to Andraste)

Exploration of the stars:

As you can see from the currently known star systems the UNSC has managed to explore a total of three new star systems which appear to be located in what is now called the Aurigaen expanse, those systems being the following: New Jerusalem, Elduros, Cygnus, WISE 0870-0714 With these discoveries the UNSC was contemplating on committing to further actions as the more it explored the more the supply lines and fuel depots that allowed this rapid exploration would have to be moved  and that could result in overextending operations across the galaxy if they did not allow the logistics chain to catch up.

With this in mind the UNSC ordered for more logistics elements to be created such as refuelling stations and various other support vessels, they also moved up various assets and put into effect a directive that no survey vessel may explore more than five jumps from colonised space, while this would slow exploration it would allow the logistics chain to catch up which in turn would allow the focus of the UNSC and UEG to be on exploitation of already explored star systems rather than the continued exploration of the stars at the rapid pace it has seen in the past five years.

Below is the survey reports from the new systems including geological and atmospheric, if the system was not logged with a report then it is assumed that it did not contain any bodies of note for those respective reports.

System Survey Report of Cygnus

The system of Cygnus is a binary star system with the first star having multiple bodies that orbit it including six planets, forty-six moons and twenty-three asteroids, while the second star has no bodies that orbit it. the first star having many bodies orbiting means it also has multiple near habitable worlds with the fourth planet containing a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere and an ice-sheet that covers the entire planet which means that it is also extremely cold at a surface temperature of -113c but it has a size that is extremely similar to earth and a gravity thats only 0.78 of Earths, it is in my opinion that this world be terra-formed when possible as it could be made into a extremely Earth like world, there are also various moons and smaller dwarf planets that could be colonised>

Mineral Report:

The system contains various amounts of minerals in all kinds of quantities with up to one hundred million duranium found across the star system and many other resources as well, the amount of resources here could supply the UEG for decades to come, it is within my opinion that this system be set up for mining as soon as logistics can reach it, below is full data on all mineral deposits.

-Commander Sal Dever

Asteroid #9
     Gallicite 2 809   Acc 1

Cygnus-A II
     Duranium 3 463 712   Acc 0.3
     Corbomite 4 473 225   Acc 0.5
     Tritanium 2 405 601   Acc 0.1
     Boronide 1 069 156   Acc 0.1
     Mercassium 5 303 809   Acc 0.1
     Vendarite 108 241   Acc 0.1
     Sorium 8 767 521   Acc 0.1
     Uridium 883 600   Acc 0.1

Cygnus-A IV
     Duranium 73 738 368   Acc 0.8
     Neutronium 11 329 956   Acc 0.8
     Corbomite 627 264   Acc 0.1
     Boronide 10 890 000   Acc 0.1
     Vendarite 1 258 884   Acc 0.1
     Corundium 2 509 056   Acc 0.1

Cygnus-A VI
     Sorium 248 000   Acc 0.9

Asteroid #16
     Mercassium 1 764   Acc 1
     Vendarite 784   Acc 1
     Corundium 4 225   Acc 1

 Cygnus-A VI - Moon 8
     Corbomite 176 400   Acc 0.5
     Vendarite 176 400   Acc 0.7
     Sorium 540 225   Acc 0.5
     Gallicite 164 025   Acc 0.4

Cygnus-A VI - Moon 26
     Duranium 73 728   Acc 0.8

Cygnus-A VI - Moon 14
     Tritanium 5 625   Acc 0.8
     Boronide 48 400   Acc 0.8
     Gallicite 99 225   Acc 1

Cygnus-A VI - Moon 17
     Vendarite 1 258 884   Acc 0.7
     Corundium 1 040 400   Acc 0.2

Cygnus-A VI - Moon 30
     Duranium 19 208   Acc 1
     Vendarite 2 304   Acc 1

Cygnus-A VI - Moon 32
     Corbomite 7 225   Acc 1

Cygnus-A VI - Moon 9
     Duranium 16 657 992   Acc 0.2
     Corbomite 9 205 156   Acc 0.6
     Tritanium 9 205 156   Acc 0.1
     Mercassium 11 088 900   Acc 0.2
     Vendarite 547 600   Acc 0.1
     Sorium 12 880 921   Acc 0.4
     Corundium 10 601 536   Acc 0.1
     Gallicite 3 286 969   Acc 0.6

General Report


January - 20th, The first jump point is stabilised on both ends between Sol and Tau Ceti allowing the travel of any crafts between either systems and enabling full trade between Andraste and the Sol colonies.


February - 2nd, The UNSC Providence finishes her overhaul and is sent back to the frontier of space to continue exploration efforts.

February - 3rd,  The jump point connecting Ross 128 and Sol is stabilised on both ends, vital minerals are located in the system and as such the CAA has focused their efforts on this jump point.


April - 18th, UNSC Grafton finishes her overhaul.

April - 23rd, The UNSC Andraste and UNSC Saratoga compelte their overhauls.

April - 24th, The final initial wave of colonists land on Ballast.

April - 25th, The CMA Orders UNA Formations to garrison Ballast and Andraste.


June - 19th, The system of WISE 0870-0714-A Is discovered

June - 23rd, Two UNA Battalions arrive on the colonies and the respective marine platoons are relieved of garrison duty and sent back to their respective vessels.

                 (United Nations Army Trooper - 2175)


August - 19th, The system of Cygnus is discovered


September - 3rd, The system of New Jerusalem is discovered


October - 23rd, The system of Elduros is discovered


November - 23rd, A Lagrange point is to be stabilised above Earth

End of UNSC Report - 2175

-Admiral Duane Luera, commander of all UNSC Naval Assets

(Author Notes: Thanks for reading, we are back baby! Sorry this AAR took so long but I have been very busy)

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UNSC Report

Summary: The first signs of real issues since the war became apparent at the start of the year as Gallicite prices rose nearly 50% and multiple new military projects had to be halted due to the shortages, in order to combat these shortages multiple new colonies were established in Ross 128 to begin mining Gallicite, the various projects that had to be halted included the production of new ordinance as well as the development of many vessels including the development of a new class of ship with the designation of "Heavy Frigate". In other news the use of jump stabilisation stations was accelerated with all the inner colonies now being connected by stabilised jump points, the CAA was excited to continue to utilise this technology across the universe as more and more systems were discovered including the following: Hydra, Alpha Centauri, V1216 Sagittari, Aleria, Barnards Star.  With the discovery of Barnards Star the UNSC Stopped exploration in what has come to be known as the "Cygnus" arm in compliance with the what has now become known as the "Cygnus Directive".

(Known Space, 2176)

Outer Expansion, Resource Crunch

With exploration ramping up and multiple new systems being discovered the UNSC has found itself overextended in many places and thus  the supply chain cannot keep up and this is what is believed to have caused the Gallicite shortages and in order to combat this, mining equipment was shipped to Ross 128 and the President mandated for mining and supply operations to be the focus of the next three years, as such a new colony was founded in Ross 128 called "Imber" and the UNSC - Forward Unto Dawn was dispatched to provide security for the future colonists.

In addition to this the CAA in cooperation with the UNSC Logistics and Operations Command moved automated mining and various other types of equipment to colonies to begin full fledged mining operations within various colonies  to help alleviate the Gallicite struggle, another reason for why this was being prioritised was that currently a more unknown issue was taking hold across the UEG and that was the foundations of worker shortages as the recent mass industrialisation had caused issues with displacing many of the workers in the old industry and the retraining of these workers to do their job with the new technologies was taking more time than expected.

  (Marines being deployed  from the Hanger of the UNSC - Forward Unto Dawn)

Exploration of the Stars and Colony Data

A record number of systems were discovered within the year those being Hydra, Alpha Centauri, V1216 Sagittari, Aleria, and Barnards Star, multiple system survey reports were logged with the UNSC as future resources and locations were discovered something confused many scientists and citizens in the UEG and that was the fact that the universe was very, very empty with no signs of Intelligent life or even any life at all as all the bodies found were void of any alien life, below you will find current population data and then system survey reports, if no system survey reports were filed it was most likely due to the system not containing notable objects to be logged.

Current Colony Data:

Population: 1120.61m
Naval Shipyard Capacity: 227 500 tons
Commercial Shipyard Capacity: 1 215 000 tons
Maintenance Capacity: 474 248 tons
Research Facility: 40
Ground Force Construction Complex: 8
Construction Factory: 952
Ordnance Factory: 200
Fighter Factory: 80
Mine: 829
Automated Mine: 56
Fuel Refinery: 200
Maintenance Facility: 300
Financial Centre: 385
Mass Driver: 1
Military Academy: 2
Naval Headquarters: 1
Spaceport: 1
Refuelling Station: 1
Ordnance Transfer Station: 1
Infrastructure: 130
Low Gravity Infrastructure: 100

Population: 52.21m
Research Facility: 6
Ground Force Construction Complex: 5
Construction Factory: 4
Mine: 87
Automated Mine: 2
Financial Centre: 101
Deep Space Tracking Station: 2
Mass Driver: 5
Ordnance Transfer Station: 1
Cargo Shuttle Station: 1
Infrastructure: 10 219
Low Gravity Infrastructure: 360

Population: 16.73m
Financial Centre: 50
Military Academy: 2
Spaceport: 1
Infrastructure: 3 343

Population: 4.13m
Financial Centre: 25
Cargo Shuttle Station: 1
Infrastructure: 2 599

Population: 4.05m
Deep Space Tracking Station: 5
Refuelling Station: 1
Infrastructure: 2 547

Population: 3.33m
Research Facility: 1
Financial Centre: 5
Cargo Shuttle Station: 1
Infrastructure: 2 096

Population: 1.74m
Mine: 24
Financial Centre: 10
Deep Space Tracking Station: 1
Ordnance Transfer Station: 1
Cargo Shuttle Station: 1
Infrastructure: 1 093

Population: 1.46m
Infrastructure: 1 017

Population: 5.96m
Financial Centre: 15
Deep Space Tracking Station: 2
Cargo Shuttle Station: 1
Infrastructure: 2 776

Population: 1.44m
Mine: 12
Deep Space Tracking Station: 5
Infrastructure: 217

Population: 0.10m
Infrastructure: 30

Ross 128-A I
Population: 0m
Automated Mine: 22

System Survey Report of Aleria

The system of Aleria contains a single star with various bodies orbiting it including four planets, seventeen moons, and four comets. There is a single habitable world that being the second planet in the system which is an Iceball as its hydrosphere is 100% Ice sheet and its surface temps go down to -91c, other than its extremely hostile temperatures it also has a gravity that is 30% heavier than Earths at 1.3g and a diameter of 16,800km, overall a possible world for colonisation but the Ice Sheet would have to be reduced if the world was to be permanently colonised.

Mineral Report:

The system contains large quantities of high accessibility Duranium and Neutronium as well as a massive supply of Sorium found in the gas giants, due to the location of the system it is unlikely any of these planets will be mined anytime soon but it is important to note that if logistics does catch up that these worlds should be mined and the second planet colonised for collection of these resources.

-Commander Arnado Casey

Aleria-A I
     Duranium 23 392 800   Acc 0.7
     Neutronium 1 299 600   Acc 0.1
     Corbomite 18 766 224   Acc 0.1
     Boronide 144 400   Acc 0.1
     Uridium 831 744   Acc 0.1
     Corundium 7 485 696   Acc 0.1
     Gallicite 25 928 464   Acc 0.1

Aleria-A II
     Duranium 90 316 800   Acc 0.1
     Neutronium 53 406 864   Acc 0.5
     Corbomite 2 547 216   Acc 0.1
     Tritanium 62 346 816   Acc 0.5
     Mercassium 63 504   Acc 0.5
     Vendarite 254 016   Acc 0.5
     Uridium 13 046 544   Acc 0.1
     Corundium 705 600   Acc 0.1

Aleria-A IV
     Sorium 190 458 000   Acc 0.3

Aleria-A IV - Moon 4
     Duranium 13 778   Acc 1
     Tritanium 5 184   Acc 1
     Boronide 2 116   Acc 1
     Sorium 49   Acc 1

Aleria-A IV - Moon 10
     Duranium 889 778   Acc 0.7

Comet #1
     Neutronium 46 039   Acc 1
     Sorium 21 737   Acc 1
     Corundium 27 135   Acc 0.8

Comet #2
     Duranium 107 542   Acc 0.7
     Tritanium 168 522   Acc 0.7
     Vendarite 140 038   Acc 1
     Sorium 32 834   Acc 0.8
     Corundium 53 414   Acc 0.8

Comet #3
     Duranium 251 736   Acc 1
     Corbomite 24 877   Acc 0.5
     Mercassium 125 218   Acc 0.8
     Vendarite 45 802   Acc 0.9
     Uridium 29 213   Acc 0.6

Comet #4
     Duranium 211 610   Acc 0.8
     Neutronium 61 489   Acc 0.6
     Corbomite 56 879   Acc 0.6
     Sorium 88 774   Acc 0.5
     Uridium 120 277   Acc 0.8

General Report
(January - December)


January - 3rd, The CAA and UNSC move listening posts to Ballast including mining equipment as well as financial centres to Andraste


March - 15th, The first mines arrive on Ballast and the first tons of ore are extracted from the surface and are marked for shipment back to Earth.

March - 23rd, Ross 128 is marked for colonisation and the first planet in the system is to be mined while the second will host a population.


April -1st, Jump tenders are moved to systems in the path to CE-1239 to allow a tug to move a refuelling station to the system to allow further refuelling capacity to ships in the surround area, in the meantime jump stabilisation stations continue stabilising points to allow further travel to colonised space.

April - 5th, the UNSC - Forward Unto Dawn is to be moved into orbit of the second planet and unload marines to the surface to provide security.

April - 16th, A Marine expedition lands on Imber and establishes Echo Base.

                                         (Echo Base, Imber, 2177)

April - 30th, The system of Aleria is discovered.


May - 5th, The jump point between Tau Ceti and Ross 128 finishes stabilising.

May - 13th, The system of Chi-Ceti is discovered to have a connection to sol, sol now has a total of four jump points into the system.

May - 16th, The  Forward Unto Dawn is reorganised into the "Imber" Defence force in combination with a galaxy class support vessel and it is transferred under the CMAs direction.

         (Current Planetary Defence Forces)


August - 11th, The system of Hydra is discovered


September - 11th, The system of Alpha Centauri is discovered


November - 23rd, The system of V1216 Sagittari is discovered


December - 31st, The first colonists arrive on Imber and begin to set up permanent habitats.

End of UNSC Report - 2176

-Admiral Duane Luera, commander of all UNSC Naval Assets

(Author Notes: No ONI report this week cause not much happening, hope you still enjoy though!)

« Last Edit: May 15, 2020, 04:58:18 PM by SpaceMarine »
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Halo Alternative Universe - 2170 - C# 1.9.5 - Quick Author Update
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2020, 03:17:37 PM »
Hey guys so quick update: Basically next update will contain a lot of hot and spicy stuff as such its gonna take some time to come out (multiple days) It will be quite extensive and I need to get in the right mood to write it, but I will say this, it is gonna be an awesome narrative that matches the Halo Theme. Also thank you again for all of the support it really means the world that people support these AARs as they take a lot of time, see you guys in the next update!
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