Author Topic: How big are your fleets?  (Read 4691 times)

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Re: How big are your fleets?
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2015, 09:40:42 PM »
Primary systems have a fleet permanently assigned to them, which consists of several fuel efficient ships. Usually 2 or 3 cruisers with double that amount in smaller point-defense corvettes per task group (which brings it to around 40k to 50k tons per TG), number of groups per fleet depends on how long the game has been going and how much luck I had with the ressource RNG on my planets. I've had games where I had 5 or 6 groups per system and other where I had to scrap that concept completely.

Offensive fleets consist of a core task group that contains the fleets capital ships and their long range firepower (also the flag), an escort screen which is several groups of medium sized beam/PD ships and at least one interceptor squadron with fast light ships equipped with powerful short range missiles and beams. Tonnage total can be up to 100k tons for the core group and half that for each escort/interceptor group, so around 300k tons for each fleet.
Again, number of such fleets depends on how much time has passed and how many ships I can keep supported in space.

Generally my ships tend to be in service longer then they probably should be. Barring any pressing threats I only replace my ships every second generation, so my fleets tend to accumulate a lot of tonnage in half-obsolete ships.

As for shipyards, I usually have one for each type of ship which would mean around 10 naval yards with varying numbers of slips, a few extra naval yards for support ships with one slip each and several civilian yards to produce freighters and stuff. Around 20 yards total in my home system.
Other systems that have the infrastructure and industry to support shipyards are also capable to produce a limited number of ships (mostly the system defense variants)
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Re: How big are your fleets?
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2015, 10:46:35 PM »
Early on, my fleets are pretty small.

My current restarted game is Ion tech, though that was due to game setup rather than intent (went random for grins). My two battle fleets (more like squadrons) have 1xCG, 1xEscort cruiser, 1x heavy cruiser (railgun), 4xDDG, 2xES, 2xDD

Patrol groups are small right now, as I have no large colonies, so they run 3-4 FG or DD.

System defense is PDC and bases, along with groups of 1-4 FAC squadrons of 10xFAC.

Pretty dinky. :)

Even in my "big" fleet games, I dont think I ever had more than 20 to 30 ships in a fleet.