Author Topic: 7 Dictators Community Game  (Read 36051 times)

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Offline Maharava (OP)

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7 Dictators Community Game
« on: March 20, 2013, 08:57:34 PM »
First off, if there's a better place to put this thread, please move it :)

The 7 Dictators

This is a community game I'm wanting to start. Earth rules a half dozen Sectors, each containing several systems and at least one Human-colonised planet. Each Sector is defended by an Admiral (a player) and ruled by a Governor (at the moment, an NPC). Each Admiral has the ability to requisition ships, naval shipyards and create new designs as they see fit, but may not dictate expansion, commercial industries or research. An Admiral may subdivide their Fleet into Taskgroups and hand a Taskgroup over to a Sub-Admiral (NPC or Player). A seventh player, the president (title can be changed) is charged with running the Empire and keeping everyone in line
The idea behind this game is that Earth is powerful, our technology great and there is nothing to stand in our way. And what do humans do when we're bored? Wreck the place. Admirals may pretty much do as they please but, as this is meant to be a heavy-RP game, try to keep your actions in character (for example, it's highly doubtful a new Admiral would turn around and try to attack Earth on his first day). Admirals are all considered equals and will rule the Earth Defenses as a council should the Invaders ever return: having said that, the Admiral of Earth Sector has a certain amount of prestige attached to it.

As the game gets under way, I'll allow player-controlled civilians so alliances could be formed between planets and Admirals but I'd rather get the game up and running first. Admirals can give orders for six-month increments as well as a 'standing order' - a set of orders for what should happen if the Admiral can't be reached. Admirals are tasked with defense, putting down rebellions, exploring, defending shipping lanes etc. If a big event happens (like an NPR attacks) I'll immediately ask what the Admirals wish to do (via this thread).
Combat will be resolved according to a set of orders the Admirals involved give at the start of the battle. I'm not double-checking orders for every 5 second interval, for obvious reasons.
Once every 2 years in-game, the Admirals will 'convene a meeting' to discuss the state of the Sectors. Sectors can be expanded, reduced or the Admiral replaced entirely as a result of this meeting.

Some ideas about this game
Admirals are strongly encouraged to form alliances with or against each other. The more habitable planets an Admiral has in his/her Sector, the more powerful the Admiral.
Ships and Taskgroups can, naturally, be transferred between Admirals (perhaps as a bribe...?) Admirals can promote or de-promote any Officer in their sector, whether player or NPC.
Though Admirals can't directly influence planetary governments, having high-mineral or high-population systems in your sector will greatly boost your fleet capability.
You may explore and claim new systems so long as the new system fits within your sector. I'll update the exact radius of the sector commands when I create the game itself.
This game has been concoted with RP'ers in mind. it's meant to be played out over many in-game years, perhaps culminating in a massive civil war.

So I'd like to know if anyone would be interested and any thoughts you have ('That rule makes no sense, Maharava! YOU CRAZY >:[]') I'm considering halving the number of Admirals, but that'll depend on how many people want to try this.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 10:11:34 PM by Maharava »
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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2013, 11:05:08 PM »
So players will only be handling the military and politick aspects of the game? Leaving you to manage all of the industrial management and research that would bog down and make a 12-faction game impossible logistically, yes?
That would certainly move the idea into the realm of the plausible, though it might be too far to the 'players don't have enough to do' end of things. It would take relatively frequent SM updates to maintain momentum in this case, I think.

Offline Maharava (OP)

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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2013, 11:07:46 PM »
So players will only be handling the military and politick aspects of the game? Leaving you to manage all of the industrial management and research that would bog down and make a 12-faction game impossible logistically, yes?
That would certainly move the idea into the realm of the plausible, though it might be too far to the 'players don't have enough to do' end of things. It would take relatively frequent SM updates to maintain momentum in this case, I think.

That's pretty much what I was going for. If players controlled every detail the game would go nowhere.
As for running out of things to do, I'd rather (personally) have that as a possibility as opposed to 'Took us three months to has out the next game day, who's up for working out Tuesday?'. However, i figure players will find things to do by backstabbing each other. Or I'll turn Invaders on. one of the two XD
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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2013, 11:11:06 PM »
I'd be down, sounds like something I could actually manage to find attention for.

Offline Gidoran

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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2013, 12:55:22 AM »
I'd be interested in this, it seems pretty interesting. Will each admiral be allowed to make his own naval doctrine? I could see some fun negotiations between friendly sectors regarding standardization to permit the transfer of parts and sharing ammunition.
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Offline dgibso29

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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2013, 03:46:54 AM »
I'm certainly in. Since my handle is already Admiral, chalk me down as (Rear?) Admiral Dan(iel) Gibson. RP wooh! Always enjoyed the rank Rear Admiral - Obviously not the highest guy, but, hey! I can always work my way up to Vice!

Interested to see where this goes!

I assume that, as we can create our own designs, each player can indeed create and enact his own fleet doctrine?

Offline Maharava (OP)

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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2013, 04:38:35 AM »
Define 'doctrine' for me, just so we make sure we're on the same page (don't want a miscommunication to screw this over). You can design your own ships with components that I (or later, players) research and can design your own fleet, so separate Sectors will have very different fleets and ammunition, which would make sharing missiles interesting (I'm guessing that's what you mean by doctrine?). Could make life very interesting if/when two Admirals have to work together against an NPR

"What do you mean you don't have point defense?"
"I don't have enough fuel for your damn fighters! Who uses inefficient crap like that?"
"Your thermal signature is massive! What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Shields but no armour? And you want to defend? Moron!"
Australia, home of the over-paid minion

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Offline Gidoran

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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2013, 07:16:23 AM »
Define 'doctrine' for me, just so we make sure we're on the same page (don't want a miscommunication to screw this over). You can design your own ships with components that I (or later, players) research and can design your own fleet, so separate Sectors will have very different fleets and ammunition, which would make sharing missiles interesting (I'm guessing that's what you mean by doctrine?). Could make life very interesting if/when two Admirals have to work together against an NPR

"What do you mean you don't have point defense?"
"I don't have enough fuel for your damn fighters! Who uses inefficient crap like that?"
"Your thermal signature is massive! What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Shields but no armour? And you want to defend? Moron!"

That was pretty much what I was thinking of, yeah. What weapons, how fast, etc. So that's excellent. I apologize in advance for the things I'm going to have you build.
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Offline 3_14159

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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2013, 09:18:24 AM »
I'd be interested in that, too.

Idea: Let Admirals form committees like the a weapon research board, or the earth defence board. That being prestigious posts that can actually influence the civilian side, too, for example by 'suggesting' research directions, or similar things.

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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2013, 09:30:57 AM »
Decide what is a military tech, and what are civilian techs. Allow your admirals to guide the military techs, but not the civilian techs.

Offline Shininglight

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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2013, 02:50:22 PM »
I'm in, i may not be able to play the game on my mac, but there's a desktop i my house i can use to play every now and then.
Admiral Damien James Winter, Defender of the Proxima Gate.
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Offline Maharava (OP)

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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2013, 06:16:32 PM »
Decide what is a military tech, and what are civilian techs. Allow your admirals to guide the military techs, but not the civilian techs.

That's a good idea.

I'd be interested in that, too.

Idea: Let Admirals form committees like the a weapon research board, or the earth defence board. That being prestigious posts that can actually influence the civilian side, too, for example by 'suggesting' research directions, or similar things.

Only problem with that is that if the Admirals get too much say in how the game is run, it may slow it right down. obviously they are free to discuss and plan things amongst themselves and ask the civilians to do things, but i might just do like a 6-sided die roll to see if the civilians listen or something. Certainly worth thinking about.

Having thought some more, perhaps we should make it 6 Admirals with all other players separate members of the Military so that players will be more, ah, 'encouraged' to backstab each other. A cunning Rear Admiral in Sector II could promise ships to other Admirals in return for them sacking the current Sector II Admiral at the bi-annual meeting, allowing them to take over. Thoughts on that?
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Offline icecoldblood

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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2013, 12:10:20 AM »
I think it would be nice to add a player controlled civilian President to this game. He would dictate production and research priorities, and have the power to override admirals or even order the arrest of one. He would need to keep at least half the admirals happy, otherwise he could be ousted. He main job RP-wise would be to rein in the Admirals, reduce tension between them or at least ensure their quarrels don't affect the overall empire. He would also be the one to influence the resources and power given to each sector and Admiral, possibly using this to weaken Admirals who are against him and his decisions and to bolster those who are loyal to him.
I think this would help with the politics in the game, making Admirals think carefully before supporting or opposing policies or secretly plotting to undermine one another.

Offline Maharava (OP)

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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2013, 12:44:05 AM »
I think it would be nice to add a player controlled civilian President to this game. He would dictate production and research priorities, and have the power to override admirals or even order the arrest of one. He would need to keep at least half the admirals happy, otherwise he could be ousted. He main job RP-wise would be to rein in the Admirals, reduce tension between them or at least ensure their quarrels don't affect the overall empire. He would also be the one to influence the resources and power given to each sector and Admiral, possibly using this to weaken Admirals who are against him and his decisions and to bolster those who are loyal to him.
I think this would help with the politics in the game, making Admirals think carefully before supporting or opposing policies or secretly plotting to undermine one another.

While I like the idea of someone to reign them in, I worry that having a pleyr who controls the production etc. will slow down the game too much. As it stands, I'd just do generic, basic expansion, but if I'm having to wait on 6 admirals orders and a presidents orders, things could get too slow
Australia, home of the over-paid minion

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Offline icecoldblood

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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2013, 04:28:09 AM »
While I like the idea of someone to reign them in, I worry that having a pleyr who controls the production etc. will slow down the game too much. As it stands, I'd just do generic, basic expansion, but if I'm having to wait on 6 admirals orders and a presidents orders, things could get too slow

My idea is not to have the president control production and research directly, but rather issue policy indicating where it should go next, while the SM will try to follow those plans. e.g. "Planetary Defense Act of 2030 - To design and deploy the next generation of planetary defences, both on the ground and in orbit". The SM would then decide and appropriately queue research and production to (attempt to) meet this policy. The way a policy will be implemented is decided by the SM and maybe some consultations with the Admirals. Basically the President does not actually play, but rather influences the game. It might seem that his power would be somewhat weak without direct control though, but then that's how it works in real life as well  ;D.