Author Topic: 7 Dictators Community Game  (Read 36049 times)

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Offline Maharava (OP)

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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2013, 04:42:02 AM »
Hmmm...I see where youre going, that's sort of how I was thinking the Admirals would work. Give orders and let the underlings (me) work out the details. So 6 Admirals, one President and all other players are lackeys trying to nail a top job. What does everyone think, before I start writing the definite rules?
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Offline MagusXIX

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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #16 on: March 22, 2013, 06:45:35 AM »
I like the idea of sector governors better than sector admirals.  Admirals would have a strict heirarchy in any military setting, and any sort of shenanigans really would be brought to a quick halt with offending admirals being stripped of rank and tossed in a brig (or tried with treason, depending on the crimes.)

But with governors ... civilians ... the politicking can get interesting.  I'm imagining a "12 clans of Humanity" sort of game.  Governors would set the tone and pace for their sector, issuing policies and giving general orders.  "Colonize this moon but not that one."  "Our fleet needs to be fuel efficient, we can't afford excessive speeds."  "We will/will not support the President of the 12 clans in his decision."

I would totally be on board for a game like that.  Wouldn't want to play just as an admiral, though.  Leave the minutiae of battles to underlings (SM.)

EDIT: For clarity, it would have to be a loose alliance between the 12 clans.  The ultimate scope of the power of the presidential body (the unifying force) and the strength of their federal military would determine how much leeway the individual clans with their individual militaries have for politicking.  A strong federal government means weaker clans, and a weaker federal government means stronger clans (but more mayhem and infighting.)

EDIT 2: Transcripts of a periodic summit between all of the sector governors and the president would make for great fiction fodder.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 06:56:01 AM by MagusXIX »

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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #17 on: March 22, 2013, 02:49:03 PM »
That could even be arranged with an in character series of IMs, might be pretty fun.

Offline Maharava (OP)

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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2013, 04:58:04 PM »
I like the idea of sector governors better than sector admirals.  Admirals would have a strict heirarchy in any military setting, and any sort of shenanigans really would be brought to a quick halt with offending admirals being stripped of rank and tossed in a brig (or tried with treason, depending on the crimes.)

Not necessarily. The idea behind this is they're more Military Dictators (almost) and all equal - the President (if there was one) couldn't just fire an Admiral, unless s/he had a majority (i.e., the President and 3 other Admirals all voted to sack). Having it military based also gives a wonderful level of espionage - that new Rear Admiral, can you really give him one of the new ships? Or will he just give the design to your rival Admiral? If an NPR rocks up, an Admiral could even pretend to send forces to aid his rival Admiral, whilst only sending old, obsolete vessels. They can weaken each other in ways planetary governors can't.

I've begun writing the first draft of the final rules, and have settles on 6 Admirals and a President - much easier to fill 7 spots than 13, and, of course, as many underlings as we can get to play
Australia, home of the over-paid minion

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Offline Gidoran

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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2013, 03:41:37 AM »
Not necessarily. The idea behind this is they're more Military Dictators (almost) and all equal - the President (if there was one) couldn't just fire an Admiral, unless s/he had a majority (i.e., the President and 3 other Admirals all voted to sack). Having it military based also gives a wonderful level of espionage - that new Rear Admiral, can you really give him one of the new ships? Or will he just give the design to your rival Admiral? If an NPR rocks up, an Admiral could even pretend to send forces to aid his rival Admiral, whilst only sending old, obsolete vessels. They can weaken each other in ways planetary governors can't.

I've begun writing the first draft of the final rules, and have settles on 6 Admirals and a President - much easier to fill 7 spots than 13, and, of course, as many underlings as we can get to play

This sounds a little bit like the Office of Frontier Security from the Honorverse. Individual governors have a ridiculous amount of power within their own environment, and while they can find themselves yanked out, it really takes a lot to get to that point. You might want to choose a different title for President, though, if the President's more 'first amongst equals' than a true head of state and commander in chief. You could also make it be that the title of First Admiral or whatever you choose can be passed if the other admirals have a vote of no confidence.
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Offline Maharava (OP)

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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #20 on: March 23, 2013, 03:50:14 AM »
Alright, taking names for the first 6 Admirals and the Civilian Administrator (You can pick your own title, I like Hegemon). First in best dressed. I'm planning on having the rules up tomorrow (and I'm happy to change rules if people want them changed) and to start the game the day after (this will be a loooooong SM set up XD).
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Offline MagusXIX

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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #21 on: March 23, 2013, 04:38:17 AM »
The setup reminds me of ancient Japan.  Granted there is no emperor in this setup, but there is a Shogun with several Daimyo warrior-lords vying for power beneath him.  Everyone is nominally loyal to the heirarchy, but power is power and how much a Daimyo has can determine just how loyal he really has to be when it counts.

Any such names would work.  Emperor and Kings,  Shogun and Daimyo,  King and Barons ... what we're talking about here is essentially a feudal system in space.  Awesome.

One important thing to consider is where or not the leader (Hegemon, Emperor, King, President, whatever you choose to call it) actually has a territory-holding title beyond his administrative buildings.  If the primary leader actually controls Sol or even the surrounding sector itself, the story would be very different than if the title only granted whatever administrative and military complexes were necessary to fulfill the role of keeping everyone together in an alliance (and is therefore constrained to relying on income/supplies in the form of taxation of his vassals.)

Offline Panopticon

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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #22 on: March 23, 2013, 01:25:15 PM »
If I am first in I would like to toss my name in for supreme dictator or whatever, if not then I'll take an admiral slot.

Offline Maharava (OP)

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Re: Twelve Admirals Community Game
« Reply #23 on: March 23, 2013, 05:54:07 PM »
The setup reminds me of ancient Japan.  Granted there is no emperor in this setup, but there is a Shogun with several Daimyo warrior-lords vying for power beneath him.  Everyone is nominally loyal to the heirarchy, but power is power and how much a Daimyo has can determine just how loyal he really has to be when it counts.

Any such names would work.  Emperor and Kings,  Shogun and Daimyo,  King and Barons ... what we're talking about here is essentially a feudal system in space.  Awesome.

One important thing to consider is where or not the leader (Hegemon, Emperor, King, President, whatever you choose to call it) actually has a territory-holding title beyond his administrative buildings.  If the primary leader actually controls Sol or even the surrounding sector itself, the story would be very different than if the title only granted whatever administrative and military complexes were necessary to fulfill the role of keeping everyone together in an alliance (and is therefore constrained to relying on income/supplies in the form of taxation of his vassals.)

He doesn't start with territory per se, but that doesn't mean he can't get some.

And now it's been described as Feudal in Space, the basic rank system is now Serf XD

We have one for President - Panopticon. Change the title if you wish
Australia, home of the over-paid minion

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Offline icecoldblood

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Re: 7 Dictators Community Game
« Reply #24 on: March 23, 2013, 10:58:34 PM »
I put my name in for Director of Internal Security under the Office of the President aka seeing what the admirals don't want the president to see. Setting up my network of informers will be fun.

Offline Shininglight

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Re: 7 Dictators Community Game
« Reply #25 on: March 23, 2013, 11:05:58 PM »
I'd like to go in as an admiral. A repeat i know but with the new positions being added i figured it may be a good idea to specifically state what i hoped to go for.
Admiral Damien James Winter, Defender of the Proxima Gate.

Offline Maharava (OP)

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Re: 7 Dictators Community Game
« Reply #26 on: March 23, 2013, 11:17:11 PM »
I put my name in for Director of Internal Security under the Office of the President aka seeing what the admirals don't want the president to see. Setting up my network of informers will be fun.

I see where you're going and I like it, but I think to start with we should avoid extra civilian players, just to see how well the game runs etc. if that's alright. Why not be an Admiral and just be loyal to the President? Still get to do what you want, PLUS make stealth ships XD

For those who have previously stated they want a character, please repeat yourself like Shininglight has. Now that rules etc have been fleshed out a bit, I just want confrmation of who wants what. Also tell me details for your character
« Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 11:26:05 PM by Maharava »
Australia, home of the over-paid minion

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Offline icecoldblood

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Re: 7 Dictators Community Game
« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2013, 02:10:22 AM »
Ah well then, I would like an Admiral spot. I'm going to start writing some backstory soon. My character will be formerly military intelligence, has family on Earth(and thus supportive of the federal govt) and prefers *ahem* clandestine methods.

Offline 3_14159

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Re: 7 Dictators Community Game
« Reply #28 on: March 24, 2013, 03:00:07 AM »
I'll catch me a spot, too. AI Overlord sector may begin!

Question: Will you upload the starting game state for us to view? Like a 'until here, the old freedom of information act still was in place, so you'll get to know everything'?

And, is there additional information available about the sectors (like 'here're more minerals' or something), or at least a system map screenshot?

Last idea: Similar to Steve's transnewtonian game, why not make all PDC bases 'invisible' until they're activated? That would make them a bit more surprising.

Offline Maharava (OP)

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Re: 7 Dictators Community Game
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2013, 03:06:02 AM »
Sure I can do that. Use it as your 'simulator'. Generally I won't give exactly numbers for minerals etc, mainly because trying to track down the minerals of a sector will take me a day per system, but I will upload screenshots and some basic stuff - an Admiral doesn't know how much steel the navy has, he simply wants more ships.

Last idea's a good idea but I don't know how realistic it is. I mean, you can deny Buckingham Palace all you want, but someone's going to see it. But Admirals won't know what each others PDC's have.

Oh man, decoy PDC's, equipped with nothing at all, just there to scare the others....heh he he.
Australia, home of the over-paid minion

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