Author Topic: The Northern Coalition (AAR)  (Read 75410 times)

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Offline Paul M (OP)

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The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« on: November 06, 2012, 08:27:34 AM »
[ooc]Well I figured I would do this more for the learning experience then anything else.  If 6.2 comes along likely I will abandon this and move onto a new start.  This is a conventional start with 200 million population and 2 research centres and a single naval dock.[/ooc]

2025 AD (Sol System, Earth)

The Big Meltdown had been a combination of climate change, rising sea levels, economic destabilization, cyber warfare, political tomfoolery, religious dissagrements, and tomatoes.  Gene engineering to make longer lasting tastier tomatoes was too much for one stark conservative sect, who decided to protest by detonating a bomb at the main research site.  A police crackdown ensued followed by a manhunt and a celebrated flight via sailing ship to a country willing to harbour the fugatives since their faiths were compatable.  This distracted most people from the odd fact the first responders all came down sick.  Sabre rattling pushed two countries towards an armed confrontation while their cyber soldiers probed and for the first time Black ICE was unleashed into the internet.  Stock markets plunged and soared as the world aligned itself into one of three blocks.  Then came the first clash as two unpiloted drones engaged each other, then it was a sunk ship that caused a run on the insurance values of shipping while pirates in the south east asian archepeligo made hay while the sun shined and military presences were elsewhere.  The UN security council was again paralyzed as vetos blocked every attempt from either side to find a peaceful solution as daily tensions mounted; then came the first hint as the WHO issued an advisory over a new flu.  The world ignored it, but when the internet went haywire and that part of the country lost all utilities as a sucessful hacking mission had found a security vulurability millions needed evacuation, including the patients in hospitals who ended up scattered around the country.  Soon the WHO was issuing a travel advisory and others were claiming it was an act of God.  By now the first responders had advanced to the first deaths.  Attempts to close the borders worked until the first convoy of refugees was met with gunfire by border guards, the next group came with tanks and drove over the border guard building.  Flights were grounded, shipping was frozen, and big pharmacy was clearly to blame.  

As the death toll began to mount, a group of men and women who had lost family members and were in the military decided on payback.  The drones were loaded for bear and for the first time since Nagasaki, 3 cities with strong sect presence were hit by tactical neutron weapons.  The counter strike was knocked out the sky but their cyber warriors crashed a grand total of 15 transport airplanes into buildings when they hacked their guidance systems and nearly 10,000 cars had their robot guidance sabatoged causing both massive traffic jams but also thousands of deaths.  

Food riots errupted in several countries as intenational transportation ground to halt because the seas had become wargrounds.  Nuclear tipped anti-submarine or ship weapons were deployed by both sides of the conflict which had now broadened as one ally after another found themselves roped into the madness.  Calmer voices were raised and then crushed as the lights went out around the world as a doomsday cult inserted a virus into the net that went viral in seconds spread via social networking sites.  The sickness had now claimed 5% of the world and was firmly entrenched in most major cities, claiming a significant portion of the hospital staff.  One thing after another started failing as larger and larger parts of the population fell sick, many to never recover.  Efforts to restart crashed national power grids was slow and when winter came millions perished from hypothermia and hunger setting off massive waves of fire and migration.  

By spring almost every major city in the northern hemisphere was a burned out ruin.  The southern states fought the plague, the waves of refugees, each other, a massive famine and el nino; dictators rose and fell with a speed not seen since the time of the Roman civil wars.  The only saving grace was that most large nuclear weapons were never used as their crews abandoned the bunkers when their food ran out but several times chemical weapons were used to great effect as many people decided it was time to settle generation long scores.  

By 2101 the population of the planet was reduced to a small fraction of what had been there, and rebuilding started mainly in the small towns which had survived reasonably well.  By 2200 the Northern Coalition was the dominant force on the planet stretching from Victoria on the West Coast of North America to the Ruins of St. Petersburg, encompasing the old states of Canada, the Northern US states, Iceland, Ireland, England, Scandanvia, the Baltic and the northern coast of Europe in the tradition of the Hansa cities.

In 2225 the Victoria-Esquimalt Graving Dock was completed in Orbit and humanity was back with the goal of breaking out of the cradle.

(more to come)
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 10:09:44 AM by Paul M »

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2012, 04:18:42 AM »
[ooc]This is the rough timeline as I was not taking notes but am working from the information in the game at the current point.  Due to the start conditions this game is slow, it took a long time to even get TN technology.[/ooc]

AD 2225  The Northern Coalition Assembly selects Callum Peters to lead the effort to reach the planets of Sol again.  Break through research begins in two research complexs, one of either side of the Atlantic.  6 Financial centers are slated for construction and expansion of the Victoria-Esquimalt Graving yards.
AD 2232  The Breakthru to TN technology and the Interial Compensator is achieved.  Research switches to developing the technologies necessary to explore the Sol system.  Additionally efforts now switch to converting the existing factories to more efficient specialized types.  In the first pass 200 conventional industries were converted to 100 Construction factories and 100 Mines.
AD 2232-2240  Conversion of Earth's economic infrastructure and construction of 4 additional research laboratories, a civilian yard with a single slip capable of construction of 30,000 ton comercial vessels, a space port and expansion of the Victoria-Esquimalt Graving Yard to 6 slips each with a capacity of 3000 tons.  On Earth are: 200 Mines, 230 Construction Factories, 65 Fuel Refineries, 30 Ordinance factories, and 5 Fighter Factories.
[ooc]I should have said I would be editing over the day[/ooc]
AD 2239  The first space ship the Geological Survey Vessel Upholder is launched.  For the first time since the 20th century humans reach another planet of the Sol system.  The ship conducts a survey of the inner planets with dissappointing results.  Mercury and Luna are without TN minerals.  Venus has a huge amount of various materials but almost all of them are difficult to mine, leaving aside the conditions of the planet itself.  Mars has a massive reserve of easily mined Uridium but nothing else.  Jupiter's has Sorium but its moons are bare of any mineral wealth.

Code: [Select]
Upholder class Geological Survey Vessel    1,600 tons     45 Crew     168 BP      TCS 32  TH 4  EM 0
125 km/s     Armour 1-12     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/1     Damage Control Rating 2     PPV 0
Maint Life 11.19 Years     MSP 131    AFR 10%    IFR 0.1%    1YR 2    5YR 29    Max Repair 100 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months    Spare Berths 0    

Rolls Royce MIL P1 (2)    Power 2    Fuel Use 90%    Signature 2    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 10,000 Litres    Range 1.3 billion km   (115 days at full power)

Geological Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points Per Hour

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

AD 2241  The Upholder Crisis.  The Upholder returning from its survey of Jupiter runs out of fuel.  The Protecteur class Tanker is quickly put into service to launch a rescue mission of the now drifting Upholder.  The rescue of the ship is successful and the crew returns to Earth as heros, the tales inspires several books, and a varity of film adaptations.

Code: [Select]
Protecteur class Tanker    1,600 tons     40 Crew     114 BP      TCS 32  TH 4  EM 0
125 km/s     Armour 1-12     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 3     PPV 0
Maint Life 33.82 Years     MSP 134    AFR 6%    IFR 0.1%    1YR 0    5YR 3    Max Repair 5 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months    Spare Berths 1    

Rolls Royce MIL P1 (2)    Power 2    Fuel Use 90%    Signature 2    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 200,000 Litres    Range 25.0 billion km   (2314 days at full power)

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

AD 2245 Bu Colonization is formed with the mandate to settle the Solar system.  100 units of infrastructure are fabricated out of the dwindling reserve of Duranium on the planet.  The targets are: Luna, Mars, Venus and Ganymede.  Additionally 4 Terraforming modules will be build over the next years.  Eventually 1 goes to Ganymede and 3 go to Mars.
AD 2248  The Mackenzie, a Colony transport, and Northstar, a freighter, are constructed in Earth orbit.  This now gives humanity the tools to settle the Solar System.

Code: [Select]
Mackenzie class Colonist Transport    9,350 tons     52 Crew     396.125 BP      TCS 187  TH 62  EM 0
331 km/s     Armour 1-39     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
MSP 26    Max Repair 15.625 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months    Spare Berths 0    
Cryogenic Berths 30000    

MAN NT CE-62 (1)    Power 62.5    Fuel Use 13.26%    Signature 62.5    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 20,000 Litres    Range 2.9 billion km   (101 days at full power)

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

Code: [Select]
Northstar class Cargo Ship    6,750 tons     24 Crew     92.625 BP      TCS 135  TH 62  EM 0
459 km/s     Armour 1-31     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
MSP 9    Max Repair 15.625 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months    Spare Berths 0    
Cargo 5000    

MAN NT CE-62 (1)    Power 62.5    Fuel Use 13.26%    Signature 62.5    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 20,000 Litres    Range 4.0 billion km   (101 days at full power)

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

AD 2248  The Burns Freight and Logistic and Shipping firm is founded and recieves heavy subsidization by the Northern Coalition govenment.
AD 2248  The Upholder is refit to the Upholder Mod 1 and survey activities resume starting with Saturn, and proceeding through Uranus and Neptune.  Saturn is found to be a source of Sorium and one of its moon Dione has TN minerals but Titan is without any.  After this the Upholder turns its attention to surveying asteroids in the orbits between Earth and Jupiter as one mineral after another are exhausted on earth.

Code: [Select]
Upholder Mod1 class Geological Survey Vessel 2000 tons     39 Crew     190.625 BP      TCS 40  TH 62  EM 0
1550 km/s     Armour 1-14     Shields 0-0     Sensors 5/1/0/1     Damage Control 2     PPV 0
Maintenance Capacity 119 MSP Spare Berths 1    

MAN NT CE-62 (1)    Power 62.5    Fuel Use 13.26%    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres    Range 33.9 billion km   (253 days at full power)

NorTEL Civ IR Telescope (1)     Sensitivity 5     Detect Signature 1000: 5m km
Geological Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points

This ship is classed as a commercial vessel for maintenance purposes

AD 2249  The Luna Colony is founded.
AD 2250  The Mars Colony is founded.
AD 2250  The Venus Colony is founded.
AD 2250  The Ganymede Colony is founded.  By this time 1st Geosurvey team has investigated Mercury, Venus, Earth, Luna, Mars, and Ganymede without finding any evidence of new resources.
AD 22(early 50s)  The Williamson Logisitics firm is founded and recieves heavy subsidization by the Northern Coalition government.
AD 22(early 50s) The Venus Catastrophy.  The settlement of Venus was a difficult afair with barely sufficient infrastructure on the planet the first settlement quickly shrunk and then slowly regrew, the expectation that civilian shipping firms would take over and ship infrastructure to the colony to cover the deficities proved false.  More infrastruture was assembled on earth and shipped via the Northstar to the struggling colony but still by the time the situation was stabalized thousands had died due to the lack of essential services or due to failures as stressed environmental systems failed.  The matter becomes a political hot potato on Earth as lawsuits are brought against Bu Colonization, the shipping firms, advertisement agencies, and public figures.
AD 22(early 50s) Construction factories are shipped to Luna and Mars, while Mars begins mining its Uridium.  Construction of financial institution begin on each colony with minerals transported from Earth.
AD 2251  The Bauxite Class heavy frieghter is launched.

Code: [Select]
Bauxite class Freighter 29900 tons     51 Crew     237.875 BP      TCS 598  TH 188  EM 0
314 km/s     Armour 1-85     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control 1     PPV 0
Maintenance Capacity 5 MSP
Cargo 25000   Spare Berths 1    

MAN NT CE-62 (3)    Power 62.5    Fuel Use 13.26%    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 100,000 Litres    Range 4.5 billion km   (167 days at full power)

This ship is classed as a commercial vessel for maintenance purposes

AD 2251  The Upholder survey of the inner belt's asteroids is complete with limited success.  Multiple small finds are found but only limited amounts of Neutronium are found and this is given priority resulting in the establishment of three automated mining colonies on Minerva (Neutronium), Hesperia (Duranium and others), and Pandora (Neutronium and others).  Mining equipment from Earth based mines are converted to give Venus a complement of 15 automatic mines, Minerva a total of 10, Hesperia a whopping 20 while Pandora gets 5 mines by 2255.
AD 2252 Two of the 10 ICBM bases are updated to a new standard employing the more advanced technologies now available.

Code: [Select]
Fort Victoria class Missile Base 8650 tons     176 Crew     765.45 BP      TCS 173  TH 0  EM 0
Armour 9-37     Shields 0-0     Sensors 15/15/0/0     Damage Control 1     PPV 35
Annual Failure Rate: 18488%    IFR: 256.8%    Maintenance Capacity 0 MSP
Troop Capacity: 1 Battalions    Magazine 209   Spare Berths 2    

PSAS Silo M5-1 (5)    Missile Size 5    Rate of Fire 75
PCM Silo 1-1 (10)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 15
PDC MFC 55-2000 (1)     Range 47.4m km    Resolution 40
PDC CMFC 55-50 (1)     Range 7.5m km    Resolution 1
Javelin (10)  Speed: 2,000 km/s   End: 176.7m    Range: 21.2m km   WH: 4    Size: 5    TH: 14 / 8 / 4
HAWK(I) Counter Missile (50)  Speed: 2,500 km/s   End: 29.9m    Range: 4.5m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 16 / 9 / 4
Javelin II Anti-Ship Missile (20)  Speed: 2,500 km/s   End: 89.9m    Range: 13.5m km   WH: 4    Size: 5    TH: 18 / 11 / 5

NorTEL IR Array 0-3 (1)     Sensitivity 15     Detect Signature 1000: 15m km
PDC SS 510-2000 (1)     GPS 4000     Range 31.6m km     Resolution 40
Bell Phased Array P3-15 (1)     Sensitivity 15     Detect Strength 1000: 15m km

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

This ship is classed as a Planetary Defence Centre

AD 22(mid 50s) The Dump!  Luna and Mars were no longer accepting colonists and the two shipping firms between them had almost a half a million volunteers in cold storage on their ships.  Even though its infrastructure was barely coping with the current population the ships moved to Venus and decanted the colonists for a second time on the unprepared colony.  The death toll was no longer in the thousands or tens of thousands but hit the hundreds of thousands.  The Northern Coalition governement could do virtualy nothing as its reserves of Duranium were nearly totaly depleted and only the massive transport of infrastructure would save the population.  The two shipping firms reply to the public outcry by moving massive amounts of infrastructure and supplies to Venus but it still takes months before the situation stabalizes and the death toll is staggering.  The court cases take years to settle.
AD 22(mid 50s)  The development of Jump point theory gives a chance for humanity to reach the stars.  Research proceeds on the development of the sensors necessary to find the points in space where it may be possible to cheat Einstein's limitations.  After this development of the hardware necessary to break space time begins culumlating in the Saab jump engine series.
AD 2255  The Upholder heads for Pluto and then starts a survey of the Oort cloud objects.
AD 2256  The Oberon Class of Gravitation Survey Vessels is established and the Oberon (2256) and Tycho Brahe (2258) are build and sent out in opposite directions to survey the Sol sytem for jump points.

Code: [Select]
Oberon class Gravitational Survey Vessel    2,450 tons     54 Crew     337.625 BP      TCS 49  TH 62  EM 0
1265 km/s     Armour 1-16     Shields 0-0     Sensors 5/1/2/0     Damage Control Rating 3     PPV 0
Maint Life 10.09 Years     MSP 258    AFR 16%    IFR 0.2%    1YR 5    5YR 69    Max Repair 100 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Spare Berths 1    

MAN NT CE-62 (1)    Power 62.5    Fuel Use 13.26%    Signature 62.5    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 130,000 Litres    Range 72.0 billion km   (658 days at full power)

NorTEL Civ IR Telescope (1)     Sensitivity 5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  5m km
Gravitational Survey Sensors (2)   2 Survey Points Per Hour

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

AD 2259 The Upholder's survey of the Oort cloud region find several possible mining sites at the edge of the Sol system 2004 NT33 that very rich in Duranium (65,000 Availablity 0.9) asteroid sees the establishement of a CMC the Nothern Coalition government soon after settles an agreement where all minerals produced are purchaced for the sole use of the government.  The Upholder is back at Earth for resupply and crew R&R and the vast bulk of system bodies had been surveyed.  In desperation the Upholder was sent to to survey several comets currently at perhilion and hit paydirt as most were found to be very rich in resources.  Another CMC was established on the comet "Enecke" which has: 36K Duranium (1) and 66K Neutronium ( 0.8 ) plus lesser amounts of Solarium, Uridium and Corundum.  Using up the bulk of the readily available Duranium 3 mass drivers were constructed and 2 were sent via civillian contract to the two mining complexes.  Soon afterward minerals began arriving on a weekly interval from them at Earth.
AD 2259 The Protecteur class is refit to function as auxillaries to support intersteller exploration and a second vessel the "Pius Antonius" is laid down.

Code: [Select]
Protecteur Mod1 class Tanker    2,200 tons     36 Crew     147.625 BP      TCS 44  TH 62  EM 0
1409 km/s     Armour 1-15     Shields 0-0     Sensors 5/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 3     PPV 0
Maint Life 42.22 Years     MSP 1126    AFR 12%    IFR 0.2%    1YR 1    5YR 19    Max Repair 15.625 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Spare Berths 1    

MAN NT CE-62 (1)    Power 62.5    Fuel Use 13.26%    Signature 62.5    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 200,000 Litres    Range 123.4 billion km   (1013 days at full power)

NorTEL Civ IR Telescope (1)     Sensitivity 5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  5m km

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

AD 226_  The Oberon's finish their survey of Sol and 7 jump points are found.  Two of them lie near the orbit of Jupiter and are set as the priority survey targets.
AD 2260 With the sucessful development of the Saab jump engines the first two of the Scientific Survey Vessels of the Amundson class are laid down.
AD 2261 The first jump capable vessel is built at Victoria-Esquimalt.  The Lief Erikson is followed soon by the Yuri Gagarin.

Code: [Select]
Amundson class Science Vessel 3000 tons     87 Crew     444 BP      TCS 60  TH 75  EM 0
1250 km/s    JR 3-50     Armour 1-18     Shields 0-0     Sensors 5/1/1/1     Damage Control 3     PPV 0
Annual Failure Rate: 10%    IFR: 0.1%    Maintenance Capacity 278 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Spare Berths 0    

Saab JX3-60     Max Ship Size 3000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Rolls Royce NT E-M25 (3)    Power 25    Fuel Use 95%    Armour 0    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 350,000 Litres    Range 22.1 billion km   (204 days at full power)

NorTEL Civ IR Telescope (1)     Sensitivity 5     Detect Signature 1000: 5m km
Gravitational Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points
Geological Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points

This design is classed as a military vessel for maintenance purposes

AD 2261  The Hvitkarrson Carrier Ltd firm is founded and recieves no subsidization by the Northern Coalition government.
AD 2261  The first transits of the Lief Erikson at Jump Point 1 and Yuri Gagarin at Jump Point 2 are completed.  JP1 leads to Lalande 21185, while JP2 leads to Wolf 359.  Lalande 21185 is Type M star orbited by a dwarf planet.  Wolf 359 is a different story.  It is also a Type M star but it is orbited by two terrestial worlds, the second of which boasting an Oxygen-Nitrogen Atmosphere and water.  A gas giant, two super jovians and two dwarf planets complete the main part of the system.  The innermost terrestrial planet is orbited by no less than 6 wrecks of unknown origin: 4x 8950 tons, a 17900 ton and massive 67300 ton wreck.
AD 2261 (June)  Dr. Ellen Allan has completed research into Advanced Computer Systems (Research Rate 240 RP) her team begin researching improved mining technologies

[ooc]Officer Rules:  
I used the following rules for my Naval Officers.  R1 are retired if in January or July the officer is 50 years old (this represents standard retirement), or their health status is less than Good (this represents a medical downcheck).  R2 are retired at the age of 55 or else if their health is fair.  R3 and R4 are retired at the age of 60 or if their health is poor.  They serve 24 month tours except for the commander of the Navy (R4) who holds the position until retirement.  
I use the following rules for my Ground Force Officers.  R1 and R2 use the same logic as navy.  Tours of R1 officers are 24 months but the R2 officers are permanently assigned to one of the Armoured Divisions.
I use the following rules for my Administrators.  They are retired at age 65.  They are assigned to positions until changed.
I use the following rules for my Scientists.  They are retired at age 65. [/ooc]
« Last Edit: November 22, 2012, 09:54:13 AM by Paul M »

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2012, 02:51:55 AM »
[ooc]I have modified a few details (or many details depending on when you looked at the previous post) of the previous post as I have the log file for reference.  So you may want to look it over again[/ooc]

The Duranium Crisis

It actually started as an equally troubling Neutronium Crisis, as that TN mineral was exhausted first and outside of the essentially limitless (millions of tons) but exceptionally difficult to mine (Availablilty 0.1) known reserve on Venus the Sol system seemed bare of it.  This put a break on expansion of research institutes, and shipyards two things the Northern Coalition wanted and needed.  But the real crunch hit as the last easily minable Duranium was extracted from Earth.  Looking at their supply (>5000 tons) it was clear that while a massive conversion to automatic mines was possible (some 150 mines exist on earth at this point) and Venus or several smaller asteroids had reserves the conversion of the mines was impossible and the 50 or so that could be converted would produce 600 tons per year but would take 6.25 years to repay the investment in them.  This was a case of digging the hole deeper to get out on the tailings.  Alternative to this was to find a place were the existing mines could be used.  Venus as it turned out, though the hope was eventually people would be freed up, was a no go until Terraforming ships were developed the planet would remain only barely habitable.  That meant another star system.  This would cost the bulk of the Norther Coalitions remaining Duranium as they would need 4 Bauxite class Heavy Transports, 2 Colussus class Jump Freighters, and 2 or more Amundson class science vessels.  It was a riskier plan but clearly the pay off for getting their exisiting mines onto a world was better than the other plan.  The debate raged as no one knew how likely it was to find another habitable world.  Easing the pressure was the discovery of plentiful resources in the Oort cloud and on several comets, more importantly the formation of civilian mining consortiums that added around 200 tons of Duranium to the production per year and almost of equal importance around 100 tons of neutronium a mineral in short supply still.  10 new Automatic mines were build and 40 regular mines were converted as the Duranium supply dipped lower and lower.

Northern Coalition Ground Combat Branch

The basic organization of the GCB is based on Corps of 1 Armoured and 2 Infantry Divisons.  I Corps and II Corps are in North America while III Corps is based in England.  Due to the Neutronium and Duranium shortages there has been little incentive to upgrade or build new formations.  Currently the GCB is understrength in terms of leadership with only 2 Brigadier-Generals available to command the three Corps.

AD 2261 In May Interstellar Survey I (Lalande 21185) and in June Interstellar Survey II (Wolf 359) both find new jump points after surveying the inner 6 locations.
AD 2261 Interstellar Survey II proceeds insystem to perform Geological survey on the outerplanets finding:
                         in July Wolf 359-A IV: Sorium 384,000 (0.3);
                         in August Wolf 359-A IV - Moon 10: Corbomite 7,056 (1)  Tritanium 6,889 (1)  Mercassium 6,241 (1)  Uridium 529 (1)  Corundium 1,521 (1);
                         in September Wolf 359-A V - Moon 4: Duran 9,539,712 (0.4)  Neut 1,254,400 (0.4)  Trit 1,016,064 (0.6)  Boron 1,731,856 (0.1)  Merc 4,648,336 (0.9)  Urid 4,177,936 (0.4)  Gall 2,547,216 (0.4);
                         in October Wolf 359-A V - Moon 9: Duranium 1,480 (1)  Boronide 973 (1)  Uridium 2,153 (1);
                         in November Wolf 359-A V - Moon 16: Duranium 9,348,488 (0.3)  Vendarite 20,358,140 ( 0.8 )

The Gagarin Incident

November 28, 2261 the Yuri Gagarin slowly orbits Wolf 359 A-V, her CO Cpt Elise Sharpe stared at the computer screen infront of her.  What she saw was not new, the Yuri Gagarin had been in Wolf 359 for well over 6 months now, surveying first the inner system survey locations finding 2 new jump points and then the outer planets while the prize sat before her.  But this prize had a catch to it, a big one.  Wolf 359 A's innermost planets were both terrestrial.  The innermost one was not that much different than Venus in terms of welcoming but the next...oh the next was almost identical to Earth.  It would require terraforming true but it had a reasonabl atmosphere, it had water, and it had a welcoming temperature.  Yet for 6 months the Yuri Gagarin had stooged around in the outer system because orbiting the innermost world were 6 wrecks, the smallest of which outmassed the CN Science Vessel by almost a factor of 3 and the largest was the equivelent of the largest commercial haulers known.  It looked like an escorted colony force in fact.  The Yuri Gagarin mounted no miltary sensors and relied on its 10 cm IR telescope for detection and so far they had detected nothing from either of the planets.

The Wolf 359 system was rich and a habitable world was exactly what the Northern Coalition needed not to mention who knew what technology might be salvagable from the wrecks.  Yet they were wrecks...and the Yuri Gagarin mounted neither weapons nor defences it was a science vessel.  Elise ran her hands throgh her close cropped hair then drummed her fingers on the desk.  "Ah hell...make er big or sleep in the streets."  she sighs and activates the intercom, "Bridge this is the captain, have navigation work up a course to take us to II."  The planet with its 6 enigmatic wrecks was pulling ahead and this was her best chance to sneak in to survey the tempting blue green world.

02:12:36  December 5, 2261
The Yuri Gagarin was proceeding on course.  It was official ships night, when suddenly Elise was hurled into her support mesh and back against the padding of her bunk.  Her hand fumbled for the light as her body woke abruptly from a deep sleep.  "Captain! Captain!"  Her intercom sounded as did the ships emergancy siren.  Her eyes could barely focus as she tried to untangle herself from the mesh that had saved her life.  "Captain! RESPOND!"  She forced her eyes to focus and hit the intercom switch on the third attempt. 'Concussed for sure.'  "Here...I'm here...what is..."  "Captain.  Neutron Counter went through the roof."  'Atomic weapon.' She blinked and her voice was slured.  "Helm, one hundred eighty degree relative...yaw.  Have nav plot for lagrange point."  "Aye captain!  Yaw one hundred eighty relative."  She threw up over herself as the ship began the manuever her inner ears protesting.  ", Captain out."

[ooc]5th December 2261 02:13:36,Wolf 359,5 damage absorbed by armour.
5th December 2261 02:13:36,Wolf 359,Geological Survey Sensors destroyed on Yuri Gagarin after receiving 1 points of damage. 7 Casualties.
5th December 2261 02:13:36,Wolf 359,Rolls Royce NT E-M25 destroyed on Yuri Gagarin after receiving 2 points of damage. 2 Casualties.
5th December 2261 02:13:36,Wolf 359,Rolls Royce NT E-M25 destroyed on Yuri Gagarin after receiving 1 points of damage. 3 Casualties.
5th December 2261 02:13:36,Wolf 359,Strength 9 Nuclear Detonation x1 detected![/ooc]

02:14:01 December 5, 2261
Elise struggled to get the door to open and she wobbled down the corridor to the bridge when the ship shuddered again and she was pummeled by the corridor walls her hands raised to protect her head.  "Oh God..." If her stomach had had anything left in it she would have thrown up as the ship stabilized, emergancy warning were blaring in her ears as she forced herself to her feet and down the corridor and onto the bridge.  "Oh my God Captain."  Stan Waldeck, the helmsmen could not stop his shocked utterence, as he saw his CO wearing a t-shirt and panties and covered in blood and vomit stagger into the bridge and then into the command chair.  "Status?"  Elise could barely think.  She could see the ship display flashing, each flash cause her eyes to water and made her even more sick.  "Engine 1 and 2 are out. Sections open to space.  Jump engine compartment not responding."  Steven Harpo, the assistant engineer replied.  'Oh shi...'

[ooc]5th December 2261 02:14:01,Wolf 359,5 damage absorbed by armour.
5th December 2261 02:14:01,Wolf 359,Crew Quarters destroyed on Yuri Gagarin after receiving 1 points of damage. 0 Casualties.
5th December 2261 02:14:01,Wolf 359,Saab JX3-60 destroyed on Yuri Gagarin after receiving 3 points of damage. 21 Casualties.
5th December 2261 02:14:01,Wolf 359,Strength 9 Nuclear Detonation x1 detected!

02:14:36 December 5, 2261
The ship tumbled suddenly all lights going out and then the emegancy lighting kicking in.  "Engines out...MHD loop down!"  Elise's head bashed the padding and she saw stars litterally and slumped forward.  The two men fared better as the force of the detonation twisted the ships structure and fuel burst out of the tanks starting a spin.  "Gotta get to the life pods!" Harpo's voice was shriller now as his hands hammered on his release, "We're dead in space."  "The Captain!"  Stan said as he felt her pulse, which was weak but present.  "Screw that!" Steve was out of the bridge pushing off and diving through the open hatch.  "Damn you!"  Stan unbuckled the captain and held her close then pushed off heading for the door outlined by its emergancy lights.  The ship was in total chaos as most of the crew had been off duty and those that could tried to make it for the life pods.

[ooc]5th December 2261 02:14:36,Wolf 359,4 damage absorbed by armour.
5th December 2261 02:14:36,Wolf 359,Rolls Royce NT E-M25 destroyed on Yuri Gagarin after receiving 2 points of damage. 1 Casualties.
5th December 2261 02:14:36,Wolf 359,Crew Quarters destroyed on Yuri Gagarin after receiving 1 points of damage. 0 Casualties.
5th December 2261 02:14:36,Wolf 359,Fuel Storage destroyed on Yuri Gagarin after receiving 1 points of damage. 0 Casualties.
5th December 2261 02:14:36,Wolf 359,Crew Quarters destroyed on Yuri Gagarin after receiving 1 points of damage. 0 Casualties.
5th December 2261 02:14:36,Wolf 359,Interstellar Survey II slowed to 1 km/s due to damage to Yuri Gagarin.
5th December 2261 02:14:36,Wolf 359,Strength 9 Nuclear Detonation x1 detected![/ooc]

02:15:01 December 5, 2261
The flash blinded the one crewman unfortunate enough to be looking through the life pods window as its thrurster moved it away from the ship.  The Yuri Gagarin and most of her crew died as the plasma shock front struck the ship and structures collapsed turning the once elegant vessel into a crumpled mass of steel frames and then the fuel tanks ruptured and a cloud of fuel surrounded the remanents of the ship.  As the fuel dispersed visible was a halo of slower moving debrie spreading out from the ship.

[ooc]5th December 2261 02:15:01,Wolf 359,1 damage absorbed by armour.
5th December 2261 02:15:01,Wolf 359,Engineering Spaces destroyed on Yuri Gagarin after receiving 1 points of damage. 1 Casualties.
5th December 2261 02:15:01,Wolf 359,Fuel Storage destroyed on Yuri Gagarin after receiving 1 points of damage. 0 Casualties.
5th December 2261 02:15:01,Wolf 359,Gravitational Survey Sensors destroyed on Yuri Gagarin after receiving 1 points of damage. 4 Casualties.
5th December 2261 02:15:01,Wolf 359,Fuel Storage destroyed on Yuri Gagarin after receiving 1 points of damage. 0 Casualties.
5th December 2261 02:15:01,Wolf 359,Yuri Gagarin suffers complete structural failure due to the amount of damage it has received. The ship is destroyed.[/ooc]

An hour later, Lt. Commander Bailey Austin knew that he was senior officer of the survivors all 37 of them that had managed to reach life pods.  They had 15 days of supplies and in that time he knew nothing human could reach them.  

[ooc]I'm not actually sure how the NC would find out about this.  All they would know is that the Yuri Gagarin were overdue, and then eventually they would have to send another SV to check and spot the wreck.  But I sort of cheated a bit on my response and put another 2 science vessels into the queue.  As it turns out they were developing military technology but this made it more pressing.[/ooc]

AD 2261 (December 24)   Interstellar Survey I transits the jump point in Lalande 21185 and finds the AD Leonis system.
AD 2262 (January 13)  Alpha and Beta Grav Survey's complete the survey of Lalande 21185.
AD 2262 May The Lief Erikson investigates Wolf 359 and discovers the wreck of the Yuri Gagarin but sees no life pods and due to low fuel must return to Earth.
AD 2262 June The Lief Erikson's crew completes shore leave and rejoins the ship with the ship completing her overhaul on August 2nd.
AD 2263 The Lief Erikson is again in the AD Leonis system.  In January minerals are found on AD Leonis-A II: Sorium 17,973,900 (1); in February minearals are revealed on AD Leonis-A I: Duranium 2,012,018 (0.9)  Uridium 17,547,720 (0.1)  Corundium 1,684,804 (0.1).  But with no habitable worlds the system has a low priority for exploitation.
AD 2263 (Feb 10) The Henry Hudson, an Amundson class Science Vessel, is commissioned at Victoria-Esquimalt Graving Dock.  Its first mission is to explore Sol JP3.
AD 2263 (March 21) The Henry Hudson transits Sol JP3 and discoveres Alpha Centauri.  The system boast no less than 3 possible candidate worlds for easy colonizatation.
AD 2263 (April 19) Initial survey efforts by the Henry Hudson find a jump point in Alpha Centauri.
AD 2263 (April 29) Retooling for Colossus class completed at Litton-Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp. on Earth with the first of the class being laid down the day after.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 08:26:46 AM by Paul M »

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2012, 06:10:47 AM »
[ooc]AAR and game time is catching up with each other.  The Duranium crisis I have to say really put things into slow motion.  The CMC's though will eventually pull the NC out of it as they expand for free available resources.  This is just a short update of things that happened up to early 2263.  The time 2263-2265 is largely one of exploration as the 4 Amundson's push back the frontier looking for that elusive new Earth with plentiful resources.[/ooc]

Official Response to the Gagarin Incident

The initial reaction to the loss of the Yuri Gagarin was one of shock and anger, with the desire to mount a military response and the equally strong fear of a sudden alien invasion of Sol.  Thankfully two older ICBM bases had been modernized so Earth had defences but equally so the development of shipborn military hardware still had a long way to go.  Sensor's, weapons, mounts etc were still undeveloped and the critical state of the duranium level on earth meant that refitting the V-EGY to build military ships would be nearly impossible.  The response forced on the Navy was to do nothing, but when no alien's showed up at the Sol JP to Wolf 359 it became at least clear that the aliens were either incabable or uninterested in pursuit.  As the duranium situation stabilized it became clear that a response would be possible likely no earlier than 2264 to 2266.  By that time sufficient duranium could be accumulated to allow for the creation of a small force to return to Wolf 359.  There was considerable argumentation that this would cost precious duranium that could be better used building new automatic mines but the Navy pointed out that Sol was essentially defenceless at the moment and that regardless military ships were needed.  After considerable debate it was agreed that the first chance to do so a military expedition would be mounted to investigate Wolf 359.  But at least in early 2262 that appeared to be considerably long down the road.

The period 2261-2263 was one of considerable development of specific systems primarily for warships rather than broad based basic research, although 50% of the research facilities were devoted to improving mining technologies.
AD 2261 (August 18) Dr. Ellen Dawson's team has completed research into CANDU HW 6MW reactor
AD 2261 (August 18) Dr. Lauren Wheeler's team has completed research into TorAr Goaltender Laser Array
AD 2261 (September 23) Dr. Harry Wilkins's team has completed research into Nordion Buckler CM Launch System
AD 2262 (January 11) Dr. Jessica Gough's team has completed research into Grumman SCMFC 52-50
AD 2262 (February 28) Dr. Harry Wilkins's team has completed research into Nordion Arbalist ASM Launch System
AD 2262 (August 11) Dr. Jessica Gough's team has completed research into Seimens SSS 53-3000
AD 2262 (August 16) Dr. Harry Wilkins's team has completed research into Boeing SBMAG
AD 2263 (February 30) Dr. Jessica Gough's team has completed research into Telus ASMFC 53-1000
AD 2263 (February 30) Research into Beam Fire Control Range 10,000 km has commenced on Earth

AD 2262 In Feburary the Amethyst and in July the Diamond (both Bauxite class freighters) are built and assigned to the two Hvy Transport TGs.  These ships are the key lift component to future settlements outside of Sol.
AD 2262 (March 8 ) The Governor of Minerva, an automated mining facility that produced the bulk of humanities neutronium at time, Civilian Administrator Brooke Hanson developed a severe medical problem that has forced him to retire.
By the time the 3rd Amundson was commissioned it was clear that more Oberon's and Protecteur's were needed but with the cost of a modification to the yards considerable the two in existance of each class were forced to soldier on.  The Oberon's in particular were valuable ships, capable of extended mission times they could be droped off by the Amundson and spend considerable time surveying the outer areas of a system.  It was also quickly realized that more efficient would be to include an Upholder making a survey group four ships.  

(more to come)
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 07:26:44 AM by Paul M »

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2012, 04:13:48 PM »
[ooc]This update covers April 2263 to early October 2264.  I have to say that the duranium and neutronium deficit had a huge effect on the game slowing things down to a real crawl, 6 research labs also make things move at a snails pace.  This period of time was focused mainly on finding a habitable world to colonize.[/ooc]

AD 2263 (April 19) New Jump Point found in the Alpha Centauri System but left un probed.

Survey of Alpha Centauri takes considerable time but is eventually completed:

AD 2263 (May) Minerals discovered on Alpha Centauri-A VII: Sorium 333,000 (0.3) and minerals discovered on Alpha Centauri-A VII - Moon 1: Corbomite 467 (1)  Boronide 3,387 (1)  Gallicite 2,852 (1)
AD 2263 (June)  Minerals discovered on Alpha Centauri-A VII - Moon 8: Boronide 9,604 (1)  Vendarite 442,225 (0.7)  Uridium 3,136 (0.9)  Gallicite 132,496 (0.9)
AD 2263 (August)  Minerals discovered on Alpha Centauri-A VI: Duranium 160,921,800 (0.1)  Tritanium 37,332,100 (0.1)  Boronide 14,212,900 (0.1)  Uridium 18,404,100 (0.1) and minerals discovered on Alpha Centauri-A V: Sorium 1,624,000 (1)
AD 2263 (September) Minerals discovered on Alpha Centauri-A III: Duran 4,333,568 (0.8 )  Neut 1,440,000 (0.6)  Corb 1,081,600 (0.9)  Trit 665,856 (0.4)  Boron 1,597,696 (1)  Merc 1,401,856 (0.3)  Sorium 719,104 (0.8 )  Urid 589,824 (0.5)  Gall 25,600 (0.8 )
AD 2263 (October) Minerals discovered on Alpha Centauri-A II: Duran 20,995,200 (0.9)  Neut 104,976 (0.3)  Trit 29,160,000 (0.1)  Boron 20,088,320 (0.9)  Merc 1,052,676 (0.1)  Vend 352,836 (0.1)  Corun 5,143,824 (0.1)  
AD 2263 (December) Minerals discovered on Alpha Centauri-B III: Duranium 28,155,010 (0.5)  Neutronium 4,064,256 (0.1)  Corbomite 8,479,744 (0.1)  Sorium 28,224 (0.1)  Uridium 7,840,000 (0.1)  Corundium 8,156,736 (0.1) and minerals discovered on Alpha Centauri-B II: Duran 344,450 (0.9)  Corb 93,025 (0.8 )  Trit 172,225 (0.9)  Boron 25 (0.9)  Vend 9,025 (0.8 )  Sorium 112,225 (1)  Urid 4,225 (0.8 )  Gall 13,225 (0.8 )  
AD 2264 (February) Minerals discovered on Alpha Centauri-B IV: Sorium 1,883,700 (0.3)
AD 2264 (March) Minerals discovered on Alpha Centauri-B IV - Moon 12: Tritanium 1,476,225 (0.1)  Mercassium 385,641 (0.6)

During this time period a complete gravitational survey of the AD Leonis system is undertaken and the following new jump points are found:

AD 2263 (June 5) An exploration of a jump point in the AD Leonis system has revealed the new system of Wolf 358
AD 2263 (June 25) An exploration of a jump point in the AD Leonis system has revealed the new system of Gliese 408
AD 2263 (December 17) New Jump Point found in the AD Leonis System
AD 2264 (August) Gravitational Survey is completed in the AD Leonis system; the system is found to have a total of 4 jump points.

AD 2263 (December 3) Based on the finding of a terrestrial type world in the Gliese 408 system (Gliese 408 II) an immediate survey gives the following result for the geological survey: Corbomite 29,116,820 (0.1)  Vendarite 283,024 (0.8 )  Gallicite 19,430,460 (0.1).

The Wolf 358 system has no easily habitable worlds but a survey of its inner system is done anyway.

AD 2264 (February) Minerals Discovered on Wolf 358-A I: Duran 35,549,310 (0.6)  Neut 36,626,700 (0.1)  Corb 18,939,900 (0.1)  Trit 4,443,664 (0.1)  Boron 30,338,060 (0.1)  Merc 39,992,980 (0.1)  Sorium 7,398,400 (0.1)  Urid 10,214,420 (0.1)  Corun 9,363,600 (0.2)  Gall 3,37
AD 2264 (March) Minerals Discovered on Wolf 358-A IV: Sorium 590,000 (1)  
AD 2264 (May) Minerals Discovered on Wolf 358-A V: Sorium 603,000 (0.4)  
AD 2264 (July) Minerals Discovered on Wolf 358-A V - Moon 1: Corbomite 79,524 (0.1)  Gallicite 16,337,760 (0.1), minerals discovered on Wolf 358-A V - Moon 3: Neutronium 162,409 (0.6)  Corbomite 132,496 (0.5)  Sorium 162,409 (0.5)  and minerals discovered on Wolf 358-A V - Moon 10: Corbomite 127,449 (0.7)

The results from the survey's are used to determine the target for the first extra-solar colony.  The four contenders are Gliese 408 II, Alpha Centauri A-III, A-VI and B-III.  The requirement is the presence of Duranium and Neutronium.  The lack of either removes the candidate world in Gliese 408 from the list and the lack of neutronium removes Alpha-Centauri A-VI.  Although Alpha Centauri B-III is a better colonization prospect as it is much closer to earth norms in gravity, and has water and an atmosphere that could be modified to be more suitable the better mineral wealth of A-III is the deciding factor.

Alpha Centauri A-III (renamed Faewald) is a dwarf planet orbiting at 84 million km from its sun, it is tide locked and has no atmospher or water.  It has a gravity of 0.37G and a surface temperature of 110 C.  It has a year 152 days long.  It posseses an axial tilt of 32° but has no season due to the tide lock.  It has a magnetic field and and albedo of 1.13.  The first colony will have to be built underground.  But it will be an ideal place to expand from and it posses a significant amount of mineral wealth.
In Sol, the Duranium Crisis has blocked most construction outside of the conversion of mines to teleoperated.  Still the Upholder continues to survey the fringes of the system.

AD 2263 (July) The civilian mining colony on Encke has been expanded to 2 civilian mining complexes, this is a major improvement in both Duranium and Neutronium production.
AD 2263 (September) Minerals discovered on 2001 KC77: Duranium 13,122 (1)  Neutronium 2,500 (1)  Corbomite 4,356 (1)  Vendarite 4 (1)  Gallicite 2,809 (1)  This is a significant find and it is decided to relocate the mines from Hesperia here when the neutronium on that asteroid is exhausted.  A mass driver is constructed as sending a ship out to this Oort cloud object is not a viable option.
AD 2263 (October)  The Thor Heyerdahl (Amundson class) is built on Earth.  This gives the NC Navy three Amundson's for exploration purposes.

AD 2264 (January) Dr. Lucas Watkins' team has completed research into Mobile Infantry Battalion and begins research into the Troop Transport Bay
AD 2264 (February) Dr. Ellen Allan's team, using fully half the available research centre capacity, has completed research into Improved Mining Techniques (Production 14 tons/year) and begins research into Advanced Construction Enginering (Construction Rate 12 BP).  The increase in mining efficiency is a further boost to Duranium and Neutronium production.
AD 2264 (May) The Colossus (Colossus class) is built on Earth and together with the Bauxite and Amathyst are formed into Interstellar Colonization Group I (SO Cmnd. Isabella Griffin).  20,000 volunteers and a full load of colonial infrastructure is loaded into the three ships and they set off on their nearly year long journey to Faewald.  A second ship in the class the Titanic is started immediately.
AD 2264 (October) The civilian mining colony on 2004 NT33 has been expanded to 2 civilian mining complexes, this further expands the available supply of Duranium.

Code: [Select]
Colossus class Jump Freighter    29,900 tons     165 Crew     637.25 BP      TCS 598  TH 125  EM 0
209 km/s    JR 2-25(C)     Armour 1-85     Shields 0-0     Sensors 5/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 6     PPV 0
MSP 80    Max Repair 55 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Spare Berths 1    
Cargo 10000    Cryogenic Berths 20000    Cargo Handling Multiplier 20    

Saab CJX 3-600     Max Ship Size 30000 tons    Distance 25k km     Squadron Size 2
MAN NT CE-62 (2)    Power 62.5    Fuel Use 13.26%    Signature 62.5    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres    Range 11.3 billion km   (628 days at full power)

NorTEL Civ IR Telescope (1)     Sensitivity 5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  5m km

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 07:38:58 AM by Paul M »

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2012, 06:57:38 AM »
[ooc]This will bring the time line up to current game time, and I will tonight put together an update with the starmap, the ship designs, details of sol system, terraforming and the current mineral situatioin.  And wow I missed the missing "n" in Northern until today...egads that is horrid.[/ooc]

Wolf 358 System
AD 2264 (October) The Thor Heyerdahl has been surveying the system for several months and had exceeded its planned deployment time so after fiinishing the last geological survey shaped a course for Earth, and its crew's well deserved shore leave.  The trip back is plagued by two failures of number 3 engine, the first in Wolf 358 and the second in Laland 21185 in December.  This marks the first time that a NC starship suffered a breakdown while on deployment.  The crew is easily able to replace the components that failed and so her arrival back at Earth is not delayed.  The failures though raise a legal battle between the construction firms and the shipyard as the engines had been built before the ship itself had been laid down.  The construction firms blamed the crew for a lack of regularily mandated maintenance, while the Naval Yard's JAG staff investigated the possibility of substandard parts being used, pointing out that the bulk of the parts had gone to the ships of the 3 civillian shipping yards over the years.
AD 2265 (Spring) The SV John Franklin, in its first deployment is in Wolf 358 and begins a gravitation survey of the system finding a new jump point in April, and two more in July.

AD Leonis and LHS 292 Systems
AD 2265 (February 25) The last jump point of AD Leonis is probed and it leads to the LHS 292 system.  The survey force advances into this system and begins surveying with a jump point discovered in March, April, May and June.  In July the first minerals are discovered on LHS 292 II - Moon 11: Corundium 52 (1).  
Alpha Centauri System
In Alpha Centauri the gravitational survey is complete in April and no new jump points are found.  The system has 2, one of which is still unexplored.  The survey is completed while Insterstellar Colonization Group I makes its slow way towards Faewald with the first-in colony.  It has become obvious that the Bauxite class should be refit for extended deployment times.  The trip from Earth to Faewald takes on the order of 160 days to go from Earth to the Alpha-C Jump Point in Sol (slightly outside of the orbit of Uranus) and then a further 170 days from the Jump Point in Alpha-C to Faewald.  Also the Task Group is limited by the speed of the Colusus class Jump Freighter so an engine can be sacrificed for more fuel and crew space.  By May 14, 2265 Humanities first extra-solar colony is established at Dwarfhold Landing on Faewald, situated in an extinct volcano the colonies first housing and power installations are assembled.  The ships remain in orbit to allow their crew to assist in the set up of the colony and to give them a chance for shore leave, they remain for 6 weeks departing on the 29th of June for the voyage back to Earth.

Sol System
AD 2264 (December 30) The Leif Ericson completes her overhaul.  Generally speaking at any one time there is an Amundson undergoing overhaul at Earth.
AD 2264 (November) In an effort to maximize possible returns from the existing mining sites the 1st Geosurvey Team is tasked to investigate each of the asteroids currently in use.  The Mackenzie is used as base and takes up orbit 5000 km around Adelinda asteroid.  The survey is completed in May and they report that no mineral concentrations were missed in the original Upholder survey.
AD 2265 (January) Dr. Jessica Gough's team completes research into Beam Fire Control Range 10,000 km, and begins research into the Seimens Civ Navi 2M/5000 system.
AD 2265 (February 20) The John Franklin (Amundson class) is built on Earth bringing the survey force up to four jump capable science vessels.  The Victoria-Esquimalt Graving Yard begin to retool for a new line of ship classes based on the 3000 ton hull.  The Jump Tender Edmonton, the missile Frigate Terrier and the close defence Escort London classes will be available.  This costs 290 Duranium and Neutronium, and so represents an investment of approximately a third of the currently available Duranium stockpile on Earth.  
AD 2265 (February)  Dr. Jessica Gough's team completes research into the Seimens Civ Navi 2M/5000 and research into the Grundig Sureshot Mk1-25/20X  BFC commences.
AD 2265 (March) The Thor Heyerdahl has completed her overhaul and her engines have been extensively tested to determine the cause of her double failure.
AD 2265 (April) The Titanic (Colossus class) is built on Earth and is assigned with the 2 remaining Bauxite class frieghters (Amber and Diamond) to Interstellar Colonization Group II (SO Cmnd. Peter Morgenrot).  Construction of the 3rd Jump Freighter the Behemoth begins while the new colonization group loads infrastructure and colonists and then sets off for Faewald and should arrive in March of 2266.
AD 2265 (April) Dr. Jessica Gough's team completes research into the Grundig Sureshot Mk1-25/20X  BFC, the final system necessary for the London Class of close defence Escorts.  Dr. Elise Barnett's team begins research into the Boeing SBCM Cell a small magazine intended for use in a secondary counter missile launch system.  As well Dr. Ellen Allan's team completes research into Advanced Construction Engineering (Rate 12 BP) and the team begins research into Higher Efficiency Shipyard Operations (5% Time/Cost Saving) as this will further reduce the Duranium and Neutronium burden.
 AD 2265 (May) The civilian mining colony on the comet Encke expands to 3 civilian mining complexes substantially enhancing Duranium and Neutronium production.  At the same time 5 automatic mines have arrived from Hesperia at the asteroid 2001 KC77 and its mass driver commences firing minerals towards earth a week later.  The mines from Hesperia will be moved to this new location over time.
AD 2265 (June) The Mackenzie takes up 5000 km orbit around Hesperia and the 1st Geosurvey Team is dropped off to conduct a more substantial survey of this asteroid.
AD 2265 (July 10) Retooling for Terrier class is complete at the Victorias Esquimalt Graving Dock orbitting Earth.  The ships Edmonton, Terrier, Afghan and London are started under construction.  These ships represent the first armed vessels of the NC Navy and are intended for a recon in force of Wolf 359.  A large number of components (engines and sensor systems) have been pre-constructed to speed the construction of the vessels.
AD 2265 (July 30) Dr. Elise Barnett's team completes research into the Boeing SBCM Cell.
[ooc]Actual current game date has been reached.  I will do a summary and clear up things in this one tonight.[/ooc]
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 11:53:20 AM by Paul M »

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2012, 01:24:00 PM »
[ooc]This is a summary of the current game status[/ooc]

Code: [Select]
Edmonton class Jump Tender    3,000 tons     82 Crew     276.5 BP      TCS 60  TH 75  EM 120
1250 km/s    JR 3-50     Armour 2-18     Shields 4-300     Sensors 15/15/0/0     Damage Control Rating 2     PPV 0
Maint Life 5.71 Years     MSP 115    AFR 36%    IFR 0.5%    1YR 6    5YR 89    Max Repair 33 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 18 months    Spare Berths 0    

Saab JX3-60     Max Ship Size 3000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Rolls Royce NT E-M25 (3)    Power 25    Fuel Use 95%    Signature 25    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 100,000 Litres    Range 6.3 billion km   (58 days at full power)
GE Barrier A119 (4)   Total Fuel Cost  36 Litres per day

Seimens SSS 53-3000 (1)     GPS 1800     Range 11.6m km    Resolution 60
NorTEL IR Array 0-3 (1)     Sensitivity 15     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  15m km
Bell Phased Array P3-15 (1)     Sensitivity 15     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  15m km

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

Designed for moving military ships through jumpspace, it was not possible to put a counter missile launcher, firecontrol and magazine on the ship as had been originally hoped.

Code: [Select]
London class Escort    3,000 tons     89 Crew     269.5 BP      TCS 60  TH 100  EM 120
1666 km/s     Armour 1-18     Shields 4-300     Sensors 15/15/0/0     Damage Control Rating 2     PPV 6
Maint Life 7.77 Years     MSP 112    AFR 36%    IFR 0.5%    1YR 3    5YR 49    Max Repair 30 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 18 months    Spare Berths 0    

Rolls Royce NT E-M25 (4)    Power 25    Fuel Use 95%    Signature 25    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 100,000 Litres    Range 6.3 billion km   (43 days at full power)
GE Barrier A119 (4)   Total Fuel Cost  36 Litres per day

Thales MilL-IR Stiletto (2)    Range 30,000km     TS: 1666 km/s     Power 3-1     RM 1    ROF 15        3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grundig Sureshot Mk1-25/20X  BFC (1)    Max Range: 40,000 km   TS: 2500 km/s     75 50 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CANDU HW 6MW (1)     Total Power Output 6    Armour 0    Exp 5%

Seimens SSS 53-3000 (1)     GPS 1800     Range 11.6m km    Resolution 60
NorTEL IR Array 0-3 (1)     Sensitivity 15     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  15m km
Bell Phased Array P3-15 (1)     Sensitivity 15     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  15m km

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

Intended to provide close fire support either against inbound missiles or in a knife fight against enemy ships.  A single turret could have been installed but it was decided to use hull mounts to increase available firepower and more efficiently use the reactor output.

Code: [Select]
Terrier class Frigate    3,000 tons     89 Crew     337.45 BP      TCS 60  TH 75  EM 150
1250 km/s     Armour 1-18     Shields 5-300     Sensors 15/15/0/0     Damage Control Rating 2     PPV 8
Maint Life 7.57 Years     MSP 141    AFR 36%    IFR 0.5%    1YR 4    5YR 65    Max Repair 30 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 18 months    Spare Berths 0    
Magazine 60    

Rolls Royce NT E-M25 (3)    Power 25    Fuel Use 95%    Signature 25    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 100,000 Litres    Range 6.3 billion km   (58 days at full power)
GE Barrier A119 (5)   Total Fuel Cost  45 Litres per day

Nordion Buckler CM Launch System (3)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 30
Nordion Arbalist ASM Launch System (1)    Missile Size 5    Rate of Fire 150
Telus ASMFC 53-1000 (1)     Range 20.1m km    Resolution 20
Grumman SCMFC 52-50 (1)     Range 3.0m km    Resolution 1
HAWK(I) Counter Missile (33)  Speed: 2,500 km/s   End: 29.9m    Range: 4.5m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 16 / 9 / 4
Javelin II Anti-Ship Missile (5)  Speed: 2,500 km/s   End: 89.9m    Range: 13.5m km   WH: 4    Size: 5    TH: 18 / 11 / 5

Seimens SSS 53-3000 (1)     GPS 1800     Range 11.6m km    Resolution 60
NorTEL IR Array 0-3 (1)     Sensitivity 15     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  15m km
Bell Phased Array P3-15 (1)     Sensitivity 15     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  15m km

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

Long range fire support plus area defence against enemy missile attacks.

Human Settled Worlds

Earth (Mr. Callum Peters) Population: 769.2m CF: 220  OF: 30  FF: 5  FR: 65  Mines: 115  RL: 6  FC: 8 (Spaceport, Massdriver-5K, Maint: 3000 tons)
Luna (Ms Charlotte Todd) Population: 46.7m CF: 10  FC: 4(1 under construction)
Mars (Ms. Elizabeth Wood) Population: 39.9m CF: 10 Mines: 50 FC: 3(2 under construction) (Terraformer: 3)
Venus (Mr. Alexander Perry) Population: 4.8m Mines: 15A
Ganymede (Mr. Casey Martyn) Population: 0.5m (Terraformer: 1)
Faewald (Ms. Naomi Jackson) Population: 0.02m
Adelina Mines: 10A
Nemansu (Mr. Aaron Read) Mines: 10A
Hesperia Mines: 10A
2001 KC77 (Mr. Lucas Davis) Mines: 5A+5A in transport (Massdriver-5K)
2004 NT33 (Ms. Bethany Wells) Mines: 2 CMC (Massdriver-5K)
Comet Encke Mines: 3 CMC (Massdriver-5K)


Minearal                Earth               Mars               Venus         Gov. Asteroids (total)     CMC (total)  (given is current amount less demand/Yearly production)
Duranium            239/-                    -                  11/29                133/374                       -/672
Neutronium       1952/-                    -                   11/29                 36/164                       -/336
Corbomite         4810/-                     -                      -                    67/258                          -
Tritanium         37.8K/670                 -                      -                        -                               -
Boronide          14.3K/-                     -                      -                         -                               -
Mercassium      40.2K/39                   -                  85/235                    -                              -
Vendarite          2966/-                      -                      -                     53/140                         -
Sorium            42.4K/-                      -                   11/29                115/280                      -/378
Uridium           11.4K/-                1905/588             21/59                 62/140                       -/420
Corundium       12.1K/-                      -                   11/29                     -                            -/336
Gallacite           7812/-                       -                  85/235                  -/94                           -
Fuel: 640K litres/1.5M litres


Mars   Atmosphere:  N2 (73.4%) 0.0328 atm, CO2 (11.1%) 0.005 atm, O2 (15.5%) 0.007 atm Temperature: 227.14K (+2.14K)
Ganymede Atmopshere: N2 (58.9%) 0.0042, CO2 (41.1%) 0.003 atm Temperture: 125.46K (+0.46K)

Civillian Shipping Firms

Burns Freight and Logistics Ships: 32 (1.26 m tons) Last Years Income: 1840 Current Share Price: 19.92
Williamson Logistics Ships: 22 (0.99 m tons) Last Years Income: 1090 Current Share Price: 15.09
Hvikarson Carrier Ltd.  Ships: 5 (0.14 m tons) Last Years Income: 380 Current Share Price: 2.91

[ooc]I will add the galctic map shortly...and did so.[/ooc]

« Last Edit: November 15, 2012, 03:43:45 AM by Paul M »

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2012, 03:34:18 AM »
[ooc]I must say this game is bad for the whole "just another 5 day syndrome."  Comments are welcomed just incase anyone thought I would mind.  I've noticed some mismatches in the ships-sensors and so on that basically come from the different times various components were developed and the amount I recalled from how mechanically the game works.  Designing the solo jump engine blind...I got lucky as I was thinking of making it slightly smaller and as it turned out it was right at the useful limit.[/ooc]

Code: [Select]
Bauxite Long Range class Freighter    29,900 tons     117 Crew     415.25 BP      TCS 598  TH 125  EM 0
209 km/s     Armour 1-85     Shields 0-0     Sensors 5/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 6     PPV 0
MSP 52    Max Repair 15.625 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Spare Berths 0  
Cargo 25000    Cargo Handling Multiplier 25  
MAN NT CE-62 (2)    Power 62.5    Fuel Use 13.26%    Signature 62.5    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres    Range 11.3 billion km   (628 days at full power)
Seimens Civ Navi 2M/5000 (1)     GPS 500     Range 2.5m km    Resolution 100
NorTEL Civ IR Telescope (1)     Sensitivity 5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  5m km
This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

The update planned for the Bauxite class, a total of 8 such vessels has been authorized for construction after 4 Colussus class jump freighters are completed.  4 of the 8 authorised will be refits of the existing Bauxites.
LHS 292

The SV Leif Ericson and the GSV Oberon have spent considerable time in this system.  In August the system body survey is complete with the knowledge that LHS 292-A II - Moon 16 has abudent Sorium [1,119,364 (0.5)].  The Leif Ericson and the Oberon split the last survey points between them and on the 9th of November is the gravitational survey complete and the system is confirmed to have a total of 5 jump points.  This makes it the largest collection of jump points outside of Sol.  Based on Leif Ericson's current location, her commanding officer Cpt. xxx decides to survey jump point 5 and finds the WD 1142-645 system on the 13th of Novemeber.   It is an utterly unispired system with a few dwarf planets orbiting a dim star.  Breaking with the typical tradition of investigating jump points systematically the Leif Ericson returns to LHS 292 and proceeds to jump point one in the inner system, on the 24th of November the jump point is found to connect to FL Virginis.  While this system is more interesting than the last it is also nothing spectacular and the mission clock is running so Cpt. xxx takes the Leif Ericson to jump point 2 and the probe on the 30th of November reveals it connects to Gliese 382 a system of considerable more interest than the previous two.  The Leif Ericson returns to LHS 292 and contacts the Oberon telling her to rendevous for a squadron transit.

Gliese 408

The Thor Hyerdahl's fuel reserve dips below 30% and Cmnd. xxx completes the last survey and starts the journey back to earth on November 15.

Alpha Centauri
On the 9th of October Cpt. xxx takes the SV Henry Hudson through the unexplored jump point in the system finding the new system of Epsilon Indi.  Both Interstellar Colonization Groups continue to proceed to their destinations.  The colony is doing well and is looking forward to recieving the supplies carried by the 3 freighters plus the new colonists.  By the end of November the outgoing group is 2 months from the Jump point while the inbound ships are still nearly 6 months from their destination.
Epsilon Indi

The Henry Hudson on the 30th of October discovers minerals on Epsilon Indi-A I: Duranium 36,980,000 (0.4)  Corbomite 12,131,290 (0.5)  Vendarite 90,601 (0.1)  Sorium 1,776,889 (0.1)  Gallicite 1,893,376 (0.1).  Her mission clock nearing the end of a standard mission duration the Henry Hudson prioritizes some gravitational surveys before starting back for Earth.


The supply of Sorium on Earth has been exhausted on August 15.  As several small sources are available there is no immediate concern over this fact.  A considerable reserve of ore exists on hand to be converted into fuel.  Dr.  Ellen Dawson's team is busy during this time.  On August 30 they complete research into the Bombadier Outboard NTM1-125 engine.  This engine is intended for use with small auxillaries.  Her team then completes research into the newest jump engine, the Saab CJX S-200, two months later.  This engine will alow solo jumps by comercial ships of up to 10,500 tons.  They turn their attention to developing new powerplants commencing research into Pebble Bed Reactor Technology.  The upholder has surveyed a great many comets most of which are found to be rich in minerals.  On the 5th of November a Civillian Mining Consortium is founded on the comet Wolf-Harrington [Duran 34,646 (1)  Neut 4,817 (1)  Corb 1,479 (0.8 )  Merc 3,402 (1)  Sorium 9,236 (0.8 )  Urid 7,364 (1)  Corun 1,292 (0.7)] construction of a massdriver for the CMC begins on November 10 and the NC government again purchases exclusive rights to the minerals mined on this comet.  By the end of November work is well advanced on the miliary ships for the Navy with 2 Edmonton class, 1 London class and 3 Terriers under construction.  All construction facilities are in use for the first time ever.  Agreement has been reached to build a total of 6 Terriers, 2 London's and 2 Edmonton class vessels.

Based on the lessons learned so far it is clear that operational changes have to be implemented plus some modifications to existing designs or new ships are needed.  The Protecteur tankers have, so far, worked well keeping commerce and exploration going but they have too little fuel and no ability to jump.  This leads to a decision to split the class with a new civillian based design, the Petrocan Class tanker, being used for supporting exploration activities while a second moderization of the Protecteur that updates the class to a military support vessel for each squadron of the navy.  Each Naval squadron is planned to consist of an Edmonton jump tender and Protecteur support ship plus 3 Terriers and a London.  SOP will call for a Terrier to remain with the Protecteur and Edmonton while the remaining ships form the strike element.

Code: [Select]
Petrocan class Tanker    10,250 tons     92 Crew     299.5 BP      TCS 205  TH 250  EM 0
1219 km/s    JR 1-25(C)     Armour 1-42     Shields 0-0     Sensors 5/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 4     PPV 0
Maint Life 8.66 Years     MSP 1073    AFR 210%    IFR 2.9%    1YR 26    5YR 384    Max Repair 15.625 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 18 months    Spare Berths 3  
Saab CJX S-200     Max Ship Size 10500 tons    Distance 25k km     Squadron Size 1
MAN NT CE-62 (4)    Power 62.5    Fuel Use 13.26%    Signature 62.5    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 500,000 Litres    Range 66.2 billion km   (628 days at full power)
Seimens Civ Navi 2M/5000 (1)     GPS 500     Range 2.5m km    Resolution 100
NorTEL Civ IR Telescope (1)     Sensitivity 5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  5m km
This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

Designed to support both long range exploration and colonization.  It should be possible for the ship to move back and forth as needed to keep the survey groups fueled.  This will maximize their final time on station.

Code: [Select]
Protecteur Mod2 class Support Vessel    3,000 tons     53 Crew     253.575 BP      TCS 60  TH 88  EM 30
1466 km/s     Armour 1-18     Shields 1-300     Sensors 15/15/0/0     Damage Control Rating 3     PPV 0
Maint Life 33.59 Years     MSP 1158    AFR 24%    IFR 0.3%    1YR 2    5YR 30    Max Repair 15 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 18 months    Spare Berths 0  
Magazine 52  
Rolls Royce NT E-M18(E) (5)    Power 17.5    Fuel Use 35.05%    Signature 17.5    Exp 7%
Fuel Capacity 400,000 Litres    Range 68.4 billion km   (540 days at full power)
GE Barrier A119 (1)   Total Fuel Cost  9 Litres per day
HAWK(I) Counter Missile (27)  Speed: 2,500 km/s   End: 29.9m    Range: 4.5m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 16 / 9 / 4
Javelin II Anti-Ship Missile (5)  Speed: 2,500 km/s   End: 89.9m    Range: 13.5m km   WH: 4    Size: 5    TH: 18 / 11 / 5
Seimens Civ Navi 2M/5000 (1)     GPS 500     Range 2.5m km    Resolution 100
NorTEL IR Array 0-3 (1)     Sensitivity 15     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  15m km
Bell Phased Array P3-15 (1)     Sensitivity 15     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  15m km
Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s
This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

The Northstar class of cargo ship has been used sucessfully to transport minerals to Earth from the nearby asteroids and it is hoped that Polestar class can do the same thing but on an interstellar basis.  It is likely that the ship will require better engines and so the design isn't likely to see use anytime soon as the Bauxite conversion and the Petrocan tankers have a much higher priority.

Code: [Select]
Polestar class Cargo Ship    10,500 tons     41 Crew     135.125 BP      TCS 210  TH 62  EM 0
295 km/s    JR 1-25(C)     Armour 1-42     Shields 0-0     Sensors 5/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
MSP 8    Max Repair 15.625 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 6 months    Spare Berths 0  
Cargo 5000  
Saab CJX S-200     Max Ship Size 10500 tons    Distance 25k km     Squadron Size 1
MAN NT CE-62 (1)    Power 62.5    Fuel Use 13.26%    Signature 62.5    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres    Range 6.5 billion km   (253 days at full power)
Seimens Civ Navi 2M/5000 (1)     GPS 500     Range 2.5m km    Resolution 100
NorTEL Civ IR Telescope (1)     Sensitivity 5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  5m km
This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

With a steady supply of Duranium now flowing to Earth the priority is on completing the required ships for the Navy and Bu Colonization and then building 2 new research laboratories.  When those are completed it is hoped to start two new Ship Yards, one Civillian Yard to focus on smaller vessels and a Military Yard which will have fewer slips but allow construction of larger vessels.  However, these goals remain years down the road as the current group of Naval builds will be complete by late 2266.  It is likely the military expedition to Wolf 359 will then occur in 2267 as at least 3 months time is planned to allow for ship training.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2012, 05:24:31 AM by Paul M »

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2012, 06:50:40 AM »
[ooc]I have a very brief battle to write up...I would like to say it was a learning experience but the reality was, it wasn't, that isn't completely correct either as I have better idea now about a few things, but most of the battle details, not realy.  I suspect I had been making too large time steps.[/ooc]

AD 2266  The Fuel Crisis

For years the fuel refineries of Earth have been running continously, converting Sorium into ship fuel and the amount of fuel in the tank farms remained relatively constant at a years production.  Then in 2266 the situation collapsed.  The initial incident was in december of 2265 with the Franklin on the way back to Earth running out of fuel and needing assistance from the Leif Erickson to limp home.  The SV Franklin arriving in January of 2266, having only vapour left in her tanks, along with the two SV's was the TK Protecteur.  Another Amundson soon arrived and to refill the 3 ships would have taken 1.25 million litres of fuel.  But the newly built military vessels and latest Colussus class ship plus the Pious Antonius, engaged in fueling the colony convoys had drained the available fuel severly.  The result was ships not being able to be refueled.  This sent a shock through the whole Navy, and there ensued a mad scramble to meet the requirements.  The whole stock of obselecent missiles in the navy's inventory were reprocessed for their fuel netting some 83,000 litres.  As it turns out research was planned to increase the efficiency of fuel refining by 20% but then the supply-demand values were properly compared and it was clear that a serious issue had developed over time.  In all fairness, the problem had existed for some time but had not been observed as the time between fueling any one ship had always been large enough that new production would replace its drain on the tank farm.  The near simultaneous arrival of the 3 SV's and tanker, combined with the expansion of the Navy by 10 warships and the demands of the long trip to colonize Faewald were simply too much demand, too fast.

Looking at the numbers though it was clear that a long term solution was necessary.  Currently 65 refineries convert 752 tons of Sorium into 1.495 million litres of refined fuel each year [ooc]Earlier the number was wrong...wishful thinking on my part![/ooc].  The demand on the other hand was:  4xSV Amundson:  1.4 million litres, 10xMilitary vessels: 1 million litres, 2xGSV Oberon 0.26 million litres, 4xFT(J) Colussus: 1 million litres, 2xTK Protecteur: 0.4 million litres (or more), 8xFT Bauxite (Long Range): 2 million litres, Misc: 0.2 million litres.  The total was close to 6 million litres per year.  The short fall was an astounding 4.5 million litres.

Doubling the production to 3 million litres would take 7800 tons of Duranium which was over 6 years of production so such a solution was not realy practicable.  Technology could enhance production by 20% and an additional 5 refineries could be brought into operation but that would leave a fairly massive shortfall still to be covered.  Such a huge deficite would only be covered by draconian prioritization of fuel allocation.  The two Protecteurs are to have the highest priority, the freighters being used to colonize Faewald get the next highest, and all other vessels are on a shifting priority.  The Navy proposes a December return to Wolf 359, and request the Protecteur's fuel be allocated to that.  There should be enough fuel in the Protecteur and the ships of the 1st Squadron of TG1 to fulfill the mission objectives.  The serious outcome is that further exploration will be drastically reduced as the SV's fuel needs are significant.  They will need to make a mission to recover the Oberon surveying in Gliese 308 but further science missions will be put on hold.

Research into a ship borne refinery module recieves increased priority since it is well known there are gas giants available to be mined both in Sol and outside of it and the existance of fueling stops would be a huge boost to exploration outside of the Sol system.

AD 2266 (February 5) Dr. Isobel Newton's team finishes their research into Thermal Reduction: Signature 75% Normal, the lab space is reassigned to the development of the pebble bed reactor technology.
AD 2266 (June 20) A civilian mining colony has been established on the dwarf planet Haumea [Duranium 564,602 (0.9)  Neutronium 29,694 (1)  Sorium 5,155 (0.7)  Uridium 191,827 (0.9)]
AD 2266 (August 5) A civilian mining colony has been established on the comet Reinmuth [Duranium 47,094 (1)  Neutronium 5,655 (0.7)  Corbomite 8,218 (1)  Sorium 7,017 (1)  Gallicite 6,286 (1)]
AD 2266 (August 25) Dr. Lucas Watkins' team completes research int the Troop Transport Bay and turn their attention towards developing the Flag Bridge
AD 2266 (November) The NC Navy works up a plan for a recon in force to Wolf 359.  The 1st SQN TG1 will move to the jump point, it will be refueled by the Protecteur.  The TJ Edmonton and its escort the FF Airdale will transit into Wolf 359.  If it is clear, the Edmonton will then retun to Sol and ferry through the Squadron's Battlegroup.  The Battlegroup will proceed insystem at a third maxium velocity and under EMCON 1, relying on their passives.  They are to investigate the wreck of the Yuri Gagarin and then return to the Edmonton.
AD 2266 (December 5) A new shipping line, Dillahunt Container Line, is founded.  It recieves no public funding.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2012, 02:35:24 AM by Paul M »

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2012, 01:28:45 PM »
Sol, Jump Point 2 (Wolf 359)

AD 2266 (December 14, 0834)

The 1st Squadron of TG1 drifted at 0 relative velocity to a particular set of coorindates in their home system.  Onboard the missile frigate Terrier Cpt. Reece Booth listened to the system checks his eyes on the virtual display projected infront of him.  His gloved hands tapped the holodisplay and a channel opened to the the jump tender Edmonton.  "Commander Nim are you ready?"  he asked.  "Yes sir."  Her voice sounded overly flat over the laser link.  "My board is green."  Looking over the squadron display showed that nothing had changed, it was time.  "Commander Nim you are cleared for jump.  God speed."  "Aye aye Commandore, and thank you.  Edmonton out."

"Helm, stand by.  Airedale, we will follow you through jump stand by for vector update."  Commander Diana Nim's voice was professional but she was suppressing her excitement.  "Edmonton, Airedale is moving to foward guard position."  Lt. Commander Billy Bell's voice sounded in her ear.  "Engineering, spindell the drive."  "Engineering, drive is spindelling.  All readings nominal...forming jump!"  "Airedale, ready for jump we have the transition point locked in."  "Edmonton, we are ready for jump, in three, two, one, jump!"

The two ships vanished and milliseconds later appeared through the rift in space-time in the Wolf 359 system.  "Sensors report!"  Commander Nim shook off the effects of jump and her voice was sharp.  "Sensor clear Ma'am!"  "Airdale, Edmonton we show clean entry no hostiles...Airdale moving to high guard."  "Edmonton, we show sensors clear."  She glanced at the display, "Drive is spindeling now...we'll bring the rest of the squadron over."

An hour later the Battlegroup seperated from the support group, leaving the Edmonton with the Airdale to guard her the Terrier, Afgan and London proceeded insystem at 344 km/s.  On the 22nd of Decemeber they arrive at Way Point 1, a point in space outside of the orbit of Wolf 359 V.  Their sensors report nothing at this time and Captain Booth decides the next target will be Wolf 359 IV conviently located and the three ships edge deeper in the system.  On the 27th, the three ships arrive at the Super Jovian world and take up station above its north pole.

The ship was in cruise status, the crew operating in a shirt sleaves environment and Reece stared at the display projected above his command station.  The wreck of the Yuri Gagarin was accross the system from him but far closer were the 6 enigmatic wrecks orbiting Wolf 359 II.  His orders were to investigate the Gagarin's wreck but these were closer.  Coming to a decision, "Navigation plot us a course to planet II, when you have it transmit it to the other ships."  His alternative was to move around the system this was more direct and those wrecks might be more valuable than what the Gagarin held.

AD 2266 (December 29, 1310)
The squadron was just inside the orbit of planet III, when the sensor operator's voice broke into Reece's after lunch check of fuel levels in the squadron.  "Captain, I have 4 contacts, active sensors!"  "Give me the feed!"  Reece could not say whe was surprised, most people had assumed aliens were behind the loss of the Gagarin.  He looked at the feed coming up on his display.  "Comunications, send to Squadron to come to velocity 0."  The computer assigned the names:  Tone, Jintsu and Taiko to the different contact.  There was four of them.  "Good god..."  The sensor strengths were enormous, 2736 for the Taiho, 16416 for the Tone, and 13680 for the Jintsu...the computer estimated a resolution of 3800 tons.  His ships would be detected at slightly over 60% of their maximum range.  "Captain we are reading their velocities, sending you the information now."  If the sensor strength had dwarfed his, the speeds the ships were moving were even more disturbing; the Taiko and Jintsu seemed capable of 8400 km/s while the Tone was moving at 11,900 km/s nearly ten times what his squadron could make.

"Squadron this is command.  Stand bye for new course."  He switched off his mike, "Navigation, shape a course for the jump point."  Reece looked at the communicatons panel thinking he could try to contact the aliens...but then looked at the display and shook his head.  It was time to be a mouse.

"Captain, course laid in.  Transmitted to London and Afghan they show reciept."  

AD 2266 (December 29, 1315)

"Captain! Alien vessel has changed course."  Reece didn't need the warning the Tone had accelerated and changed direction.  "Communications, send to squadron accelerate to max velocity 1315:45." 'smeg.'  The Tone matched their speeds a few minutes later.  "Communications, send to squadron, all ships clear for combat.  Battlestations, condition red, nuclear release protocol initiate."  Reece debated raising shields, but that would be clear, he still had his squadron's active sensors off, trying to appear non-threatening....should he contact them.

AD 2266 (December 29, 1320)

"Ship reports ready for combat, my board shows all crew in suits."  "Thank you."  Reece acknowledged the information and the felt his suit tightening as the pumps reduced the internal pressure in the Terrier, on his combat board a light blinked amber, the missiles in his launchers were armed.  "Sensors, anything?"  he queeried.  "Negative Captain she is still pacing us, parallel course."  Not to mention outside his weapon range.  "Captain, London and Afgan are reporting ready for action."

AD 2266 (December 29, 1323:41)

One moment the Terrier was proceeding on course, the next she was engulfed in a massive fireball.  Captain Booth and most of crew died instantly.  On board the Afgan Lt. Commander Archie Whitehouse stared in shock at the display.  According to the computer the Terrier had been the target of 51 seperate nuclear strikes...each the equivelent of a counter missile.  "Raise Shields!  Communications get me London."  "London, good god, what was that?  My sensors are not showing anything..."  

AD 2266 (December 29, 1323:51)

On board the escort London, Lt. Commander Mayme Wilcox, thumped her command rest in frustration, "London, good god, what was that?  My sensors are not showing anything..." her words were cut off as another wave of missiles struck targetting the London this time.  The ship vaporized most of her crew perishing with her CO as shock waves pummeled this ship into scrap metal.

AD 2266 (December 29, 1324:01)

Lt. Commander Whitehouse stared in shock at the expanding debrie fields that 20 seconds ago had been ships.  "Abandon ship!"  he scrambled with the bridge crew towards the life pod sealing it and activating the launch mechanism only moments before the Afghan vanished as another 51 missiles tore her appart.

AD 2266 (Decmeber 29, 1326) Sol Jump Point.

"Christ..."  Diana Nim stared in shock as the feeds from the battlegroup stopped.  "What have you got?"  "Captain, it looks like they were lost inside of 30 seconds.  The radiation counter data shows the start of a spike but nothing more."  She looked at the tech in surpise, "Nothing more?"  "No ma'am just that apparently the Afgan's feed indicates 51 seperate detontions against the Terrier and London, but nothing on the sensors."  "Captain, its the Airdale."  "Edmonton."  Diana, could hardly keep her voice stead.  "Airedale, permission to go rescue survivors."  Diana swallowed hard.  "Negative Airdale, prepare for jump."  "Engineering, spindle the drive, navigation, jump point to Sol."  She had orders that covered this eventuality and she needed to report the loss of the battlegroup.

AD 2267 (January 1)

"Commadore Wilson to Commander Nim."  the voice was recorded as the transmission time from earth was significantly delayed taking nearly 47 hours to reach the jump point.  "I accept full responsibility for these orders, your ship and the Airedale will not return to Wolf 359.  Our analysis indicates an attempt to recover the life pods is likely to draw the aliens attention and any ships sent on this mission would be lost.  I will not loose more people on a hopeless task.  You will picket the jump point at extreme sensor range. Orders to follow this message in encrypted text."  She sighed, given the technology difference the first message from Captain Booth had indicated she had been certain that the orders would be this.  But leaving over 100 crew in that system that was hard.  Very hard.  "Ship, this is the captain...."

AD 2267 (February 10)

After Action Analysis of Wolf 359 Encounter
1.  Cpt. Booth should have raised shields sooner, though it is unlikely this would have affected the outcome of the battle in any measurable fashion so this error is recognised but should not count against his record.
2.  The ships were lost due to the lack of a sesnor capable of localizing the inbound missile strikes.  Our Siemens SSS 53-3000 is a general purpose search sensor, against such small targets its range is less than 500 km.

This board recommends the development and installation of a dedicated missile search sensor on all combat ships.  As it stands our counter missiles and laser weapons though capable of firing on them are blind to their existance so thus can't fire on them.  This board finds the captains and crews of the Terrier, Afghan and London blameless for their loss under fire, even had they been able to engage the enemies attack it was so overwhelming in nature that the result of the combat was a forgon conclusion.  Even had the ships functioned perfectly no more than a total of 10 enemy missiles could have been stopped.  The Battlegroup would still have been destroyed.

[ooc]Or at least that is my best guess for why my ships didn't shoot back.  I honestly don't know if that was a parasite launch or if the ship actually has 51 size 1 launchers.  For those who read the first part earlier you might want to look again as I updated it.  I appear to be seriously out-teched here.[/ooc]
« Last Edit: November 21, 2012, 05:06:38 AM by Paul M »

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2012, 07:37:02 AM »
[ooc]Vastly quiet time, mostly I was optimizing fuel use to keep the ships involved in the Faewald colonization effort moving.  By "drydocking" most of the navy it proved possible to do this, but my log is filled with messages about ships having low fuel levels as the Pius Antonius shuttled back and forth between Sol and Alpha Centauri Jump Point (and on one occassion into it).  There could be a degree of better management tools, I am considering setting up waypoints near the Alpha-C jumppoint in Sol and sending the freighters there with a send message order so that I know to launch the Pius Antonius to top up their tanks.[/ooc]

AD 2267-68  Dealing with the Fuel Crisis

The NC commision leadership was faced with dealing with the Fuel crisis and instituted draconian reductions in ship operations and priortizations of which ship got how much fuel.  By this it was able to limp through the first few months of the crisis in a fashion that well stressful on ship crews never resulted in an incident stranding a ship or ships.  Prioties were set in technological research to develop improved refinery efficiency and the Sorium Harvester Module.  As this time coincided with an increase in civillian mining activities it also resulted in a rebirth of construction activity on Earth itself as long idle factories were brought back into operation to intially build some extra refineries.  Although these refineries would add only a limited boost to the available fuel, the situation was such that even an addition of 20,000 l per year could be seen.  As it happened the first new refinery came online essentially at the same time as advances in the process of making fuel increased the output by 20%.  The combination of the two meant that by the end of November 2267 the fuel production was 1.82 million litres per year.  This additional 400,000 litres of fuel was a welcome relief.  The Protecteur was fully fueled and then held as a strategic reserve in Earth Orbit while the bulk of the fueling duties was performed by the Pius Augustus.  The cost of civillian mined resources was soon the highest part of the commissions budget and soon was more than 50% of their costs, but by this time the reserve of Duranium on Earth was over 1500 tons and the rate of arrival at the Earth Orbital Mass Driver facility was such that 90% of the available construction facilities could be devoted to a long term plan to build research facilities and orbital dock yards while 10% was devoted to infrastructure, refineries and conversion of mines to teleoperated.  Thus while dealing with the fuel issue was clearly something that would required long term effort the Neutronium and Duranium crisises had been mitigated.

Expansion of Civillian Mining Efforts in Sol

The civillian efforts to exploit the resources of the Oort cloud region or on comets of the Sol system has become the dominant source of minerals.  NC owned mines numbers are now dwarfed by the civillian effort and the reserve of Duranium and Neutronium grows over time even as expensive projects that had not been possible during the first half of the decade now are approved.

AD 2267 (September) The civilian mining colony on Wolf-Harrington has been expanded to 3 civilian mining complexes
AD 2267 (October) The civilian mining colony on 2004 NT33 has been expanded to 3 civilian mining complexes
AD 2268 (March) The civilian mining colony on Haumea has been expanded to 2 civilian mining complexes
AD 2268 (May) The civilian mining colony on 2004 NT33 has been expanded to 4 civilian mining complexes
AD 2268 (July) The civilian mining colony on Van Biesbroeck has been expanded to 2 civilian mining complexes
AD 2268 (October) The civilian mining colony on Haumea has been expanded to 3 civilian mining complexes
AD 2268 (October) The civilian mining colony on Reinmuth has been expanded to 4 civilian mining complexes

Research Efforts

AD 2267 (October 20) Dr. Lucas Watkins' team completes research into the  Flag Bridge and research into new ground combat weapons begins (Ground Unit Strength 14).
AD 2267 (November 20) Dr. Ellen Allan's team completes research into enhancing Fuel Production to 24,000 Litres/year and research into Sorium Harvester commences.
AD 2268 (April 10) Construction of Research Lab completed on Earth and is immediately assigned to assist Dr. E. Allan's efforts.
AD 2268 (April 15) Dr. Ellen Dawson's team completes the breakthrough research into Pebble Bed Reactor Technology and development of the Rolls Royce NT E-M25Se begins.
AD 2268 (May 25) Dr. Ellen Dawson's team finalizes the Rolls Royce NT E-M25Se engine design and starts on the MAN NT CE-62e egine.
AD 2268 (July 5) Dr. Ellen Dawson's team delivers the MAN NT CE-62e engine build to print design and returns to Rolls Royce to begin the Rolls Royce NT E-M18Se engine.
AD 2268 (July 25) Dr. Ellen Dawson's team completes their contract for the Rolls Royce NT E-M18Se and begins CANDU HW 1MW reactor development.
AD 2268 (July 30) Dr. Ellen Dawson's team finishes the CANDU HW 1MW reactor and starts on the replacement for the London' power plant the CANDU AHW 6MW reactor.
AD 2268 (September 15) Dr. Ellen Dawson's team finishes research into CANDU AHW 6MW and turns over the lab to Dr. Jessica Gough's sensor team to develop the Seimens SAMS Vigilant 51-0050 CM sensor.
AD 2268 (October 20) Dr. Jessica Gough team has completed the Seimens SAMS Vigilant 51-0050 and starts development of the PDC AMS 510-0050 CM sensor.

With these developments the CN Navy vessels go into refit to the Mod 1 design improving their engines with the new higher efficiency lowered thermal signal types, addiing counter missile sensors and in the case of the London changing out the reactor for an Advanced Heavy Water version.  This modification costs the Terriers a shield generator.  The CM sensor is not added to the Edmonton class of Jump tenders.  Additionally a new Bauxite Extended Range and Colussus (E) class of ships is designed.  While the military ships gained 0.7 billion km in range the long haul civillian ships gain slightly over a billion km additional range, coming in slightly over 12 billion km and this is sufficient to make the round trip between Earth and Faewald without requiring additional fueling.  The two Bauxite class ships in Intersellar Colonization Group I will be converted to the Extended Range Bauxite class.

Other Important Events

AD 2267 (April 12) The SV Leif Ericson arrives at the jump point to Gliese 308 in LHS 292.  It jumps through to find the Oberon waiting on the other side.  The crew of the Oberon, which have been six months longer in space then planned are extremely happy to the Ericson and after a transfer of fresh supplies to the Oberon both ships start the voyage back to Sol.    The two ships arrive back at Earth in July, the crew of the Oberon going on shore leave as the ship is entered into maintenance overhaul.  The Tycho Bryhe also returns from Epsilon Indi to Earth.  This brings surveying to a close for the NC Navy but command staff are glad the missions were accomplished and that no ship was stranded due to the fuel situation on Earth.
AD 2267 (October 30) Amber (Bauxite Long Range class) refitted on Earth. 66 crew were added to the ship.
AD 2268 (March 30) Diamond (Bauxite Long Range class) refitted on Earth. 66 crew were added to the ship.  This completes Interstellar Colonization Group II, which loads two mining facilities, 20,000 volunteers and infrastructure.  The ships fuel up from earth and start on the year long journey to Faewald.  The new long range ships no longer will require constant re-fueling and their spacious crew facilities will enable the crew to easily withstand the rigours of the long boring voyage.
AD 2268 (June 25) The crew of Goliath has completed shore leave and is fully rested after 6 weeks in orbit over Faewald.  The ship takes on a cargo of minerals mined at the colonies recently established mines and starts on the way back to Earth.  Though the total amount of minearls in the Goliath's hold is not large it is an event of significance due to it being the first return on the colonies investment and represents the start of humanities exploitation of Alpha Centauri.
AD 2268 (June 30) The Royal Rifles Infantry Division is disbanded and its personel are reformed into the Regina Rifles Bn after training in the new weapons allowed by the use of TN technology.  The Montreal Fusaliers Bn begins training next.
AD 2268 (July 25) Commadore Wilson, who has led the NC Navy for years reaches retirement age and he is succeeded by Captain Mitchell White who is promoted to Commodore of the Navy.  Cpt. White had been in command of the SV Henry Hudson and in his acceptance speach vows to return humanity to further exploration.  He establishes a team to look at how best to exploit the still in development Sorium Harvester to establish a secure fuel source outside of Sol.

Long Term Planning

The NC Commission is getting tired of responding to one crisis after another and formulates a pannel on how to go forwards.  Given the existance of the Wolvers in Wolf 359, and their apparent technical superiourity enhancing humanities research efforts is deemed priority one.  Two new research centres will be built.  Following this will be constructed a new civillian orbital yard.  This yard will be dedicated to tankers and fuel harvesters to expand humanities reach beyond Sol.  The current problem is that only Sol has fuel, shipping fuel to other places ends up consuming a great deal of it since either there is the long trip to the Alpha Centauri jump point or else there is the Lalinde 21185 system to traverse.  The AD Leonis system has both a barely settleable terrestrial world, mineral wealth and gas giant that possesses sorium making it the ideal location to set up a refueling centre.  It will all depend on what a fuel harvester looks like when the design is finalized.  1 or 2 Interstellar colonization groups would be needed to set up the colony as the infrastructure needs will be high but given the experience gained on Venus it is certainly do-able.  A secure outsystem refueling point will enable the resumption of at least limited exploration based around the two Oberon's and a single Amundson.

Looking at the time period after the construction of a new civillian orbital yard the plan is to build a new reasearch centre, a new Naval yard and then another research centre.  The new naval yard will be expanded in size and have a total of 3 slips.  Further research centres will be built alternating with key expansions of the Earth University, additional planetary sensors, and more terraforming facilities for Mars.  At the same time 10% of the industry will be expanding refineries, making needed infrastructure, and converting more mines to teleoperated mode.  The mines existing on Earth; however, are a strategic asset that must not be wasted as they are necessary to future outsystem colonization efforts.  The commission settle on a short term goal of between 12 and 14 total research centres (6 or 8 more than the current 6) to be achieve inside of a decade.

The Navy pushes for the conversion of at least two of the old ICBM bases to a new design which incorporates both an active anti-missile sensor but also boat bays for sensor pinnances and laser turrets for final defensive protection.  They also suggest that a small base be designed for defence of our colonies.  The Army recieves confirmation that it will be modernized but on a lower priority.  There is a strong component of the Navy that is pushing for an early adoption of a ship capable of deploying sensor pinnances.  They point out that two such pinnances would dramatically extend the sensor envelope and enable the Hawk CM's to be fired at a substantially greater range than would be the case now.  They point out that two such ships per squadron would free up a Terrier from its duties now as an escort for the Edmonton and Protecteur of the support group and allow the terrier to carry fewer Hawk's and more Javelin's.

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2012, 10:09:36 AM »
[ooc]This is just the details of the ships mentioned before.[/ooc]

Code: [Select]
Bauxite Long Range (E) class Freighter    29,900 tons     117 Crew     415.25 BP      TCS 598  TH 125  EM 0
209 km/s     Armour 1-85     Shields 0-0     Sensors 5/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 6     PPV 0
MSP 52    Max Repair 15.625 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Spare Berths 0    
Cargo 25000    Cargo Handling Multiplier 25    

MAN NT CE-62e (2)    Power 62.5    Fuel Use 11.93%    Signature 62.5    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres    Range 12.6 billion km   (698 days at full power)

Seimens Civ Navi 2M/5000 (1)     GPS 500     Range 2.5m km    Resolution 100
NorTEL Civ IR Telescope (1)     Sensitivity 5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  5m km

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

This is an updated of the Bauxite Long Range class to incorporate the higher efficiency engine.  The ship isn't fast but it is capable of extended journeys.

Code: [Select]
Colossus (E) class Jump Freighter    29,900 tons     165 Crew     637.25 BP      TCS 598  TH 125  EM 0
209 km/s    JR 2-25(C)     Armour 1-85     Shields 0-0     Sensors 5/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 6     PPV 0
MSP 80    Max Repair 55 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Spare Berths 1    
Cargo 10000    Cryogenic Berths 20000    Cargo Handling Multiplier 20    

Saab CJX 3-600     Max Ship Size 30000 tons    Distance 25k km     Squadron Size 2
MAN NT CE-62e (2)    Power 62.5    Fuel Use 11.93%    Signature 62.5    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres    Range 12.6 billion km   (698 days at full power)

NorTEL Civ IR Telescope (1)     Sensitivity 5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  5m km

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

Another updated commercial ship.  This is the senior ship of each Interstellar Colonization Group.  Updated to the more efficient engines.

Code: [Select]
Edmonton Mod1 class Jump Tender    3,000 tons     82 Crew     285.875 BP      TCS 60  TH 56.25  EM 120
1250 km/s    JR 3-50     Armour 2-18     Shields 4-300     Sensors 15/15/0/0     Damage Control Rating 2     PPV 0
Maint Life 5.71 Years     MSP 119    AFR 36%    IFR 0.5%    1YR 6    5YR 93    Max Repair 33 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 18 months    Spare Berths 0    

Saab JX3-60     Max Ship Size 3000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Rolls Royce NT E-M25Se (3)    Power 25    Fuel Use 85.5%    Signature 18.75    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 100,000 Litres    Range 7.0 billion km   (64 days at full power)
GE Barrier A119 (4)   Total Fuel Cost  36 Litres per day

Seimens SSS 53-3000 (1)     GPS 1800     Range 11.6m km    Resolution 60
NorTEL IR Array 0-3 (1)     Sensitivity 15     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  15m km
Bell Phased Array P3-15 (1)     Sensitivity 15     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  15m km

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

The first modernization of the Edmonton class.  Only the use of the more efficient "shroud" engines differentiates this class from the original.

Code: [Select]
London Mod1 class Escort    3,000 tons     89 Crew     292 BP      TCS 60  TH 75  EM 120
1666 km/s     Armour 1-18     Shields 4-300     Sensors 15/15/0/0     Damage Control Rating 2     PPV 6
Maint Life 7.72 Years     MSP 122    AFR 36%    IFR 0.5%    1YR 4    5YR 54    Max Repair 30 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 18 months    Spare Berths 0    

Rolls Royce NT E-M25Se (4)    Power 25    Fuel Use 85.5%    Signature 18.75    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 100,000 Litres    Range 7.0 billion km   (48 days at full power)
GE Barrier A119 (4)   Total Fuel Cost  36 Litres per day

Thales MilL-IR Stiletto (2)    Range 30,000km     TS: 1666 km/s     Power 3-1     RM 1    ROF 15        3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grundig Sureshot Mk1-25/20X  BFC (1)    Max Range: 40,000 km   TS: 2500 km/s     75 50 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CANDU AHW 6MW (1)     Total Power Output 6    Armour 0    Exp 5%

Seimens SAMS Vigilant 51-0050 (1)     GPS 10     Range 500k km    Resolution 1
Seimens SSS 53-3000 (1)     GPS 1800     Range 11.6m km    Resolution 60
NorTEL IR Array 0-3 (1)     Sensitivity 15     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  15m km
Bell Phased Array P3-15 (1)     Sensitivity 15     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  15m km

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

The London modernization is more extensive.  In addition to the engine changes the powerplant is upgraded to smaller Advanced Heavy Water reactor, while the space saved is used for the addition of the Siemens SAMS Vigilant counter missile sensor.

Code: [Select]
Terrier Mod1 class Frigate    3,000 tons     90 Crew     353.825 BP      TCS 60  TH 56.25  EM 120
1250 km/s     Armour 1-18     Shields 4-300     Sensors 15/15/0/0     Damage Control Rating 2     PPV 8
Maint Life 7.37 Years     MSP 147    AFR 36%    IFR 0.5%    1YR 5    5YR 71    Max Repair 30 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 18 months    Spare Berths 1    
Magazine 60    

Rolls Royce NT E-M25Se (3)    Power 25    Fuel Use 85.5%    Signature 18.75    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 100,000 Litres    Range 7.0 billion km   (64 days at full power)
GE Barrier A119 (4)   Total Fuel Cost  36 Litres per day

Nordion Buckler CM Launch System (3)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 30
Nordion Arbalist ASM Launch System (1)    Missile Size 5    Rate of Fire 150
Telus ASMFC 53-1000 (1)     Range 20.1m km    Resolution 20
Grumman SCMFC 52-50 (1)     Range 3.0m km    Resolution 1
HAWK(I) Counter Missile (33)  Speed: 2,500 km/s   End: 29.9m    Range: 4.5m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 16 / 9 / 4
Javelin II Anti-Ship Missile (5)  Speed: 2,500 km/s   End: 89.9m    Range: 13.5m km   WH: 4    Size: 5    TH: 18 / 11 / 5

Seimens SAMS Vigilant 51-0050 (1)     GPS 10     Range 500k km    Resolution 1
Seimens SSS 53-3000 (1)     GPS 1800     Range 11.6m km    Resolution 60
NorTEL IR Array 0-3 (1)     Sensitivity 15     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  15m km
Bell Phased Array P3-15 (1)     Sensitivity 15     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  15m km

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

The Terrier modernization replaces the engines and also trades a Barrier generator for a counter missile sensor.

Code: [Select]
Guardian class Missile Frigate    3,000 tons     79 Crew     351.825 BP      TCS 60  TH 56.25  EM 120
1250 km/s     Armour 1-18     Shields 4-300     Sensors 15/15/0/0     Damage Control Rating 3     PPV 3
Maint Life 11.77 Years     MSP 220    AFR 24%    IFR 0.3%    1YR 3    5YR 44    Max Repair 30 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 18 months    Flight Crew Berths 8   
Hangar Deck Capacity 250 tons     Magazine 55   

Rolls Royce NT E-M25Se (3)    Power 25    Fuel Use 85.5%    Signature 18.75    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 150,000 Litres    Range 10.5 billion km   (97 days at full power)
GE Barrier A119 (4)   Total Fuel Cost  36 Litres per day

Nordion Buckler CM Launch System (3)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 30
Grumman SCMFC 52-50 (1)     Range 3.0m km    Resolution 1
HAWK(I) Counter Missile (54)  Speed: 2,500 km/s   End: 29.9m    Range: 4.5m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 16 / 9 / 4

Seimens SAMS Vigilant 51-0050 (1)     GPS 10     Range 500k km    Resolution 1
Seimens SSS 53-3000 (1)     GPS 1800     Range 11.6m km    Resolution 60
NorTEL IR Array 0-3 (1)     Sensitivity 15     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  15m km
Bell Phased Array P3-15 (1)     Sensitivity 15     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  15m km

Strike Group
1x Fairmile A(EW) Pinnace   Speed: 1200 km/s    Size: 5

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

The FFG Guardian is a new class proposed to fulfill the roles of Area Defence Ship for the support group and to carry a Early Warning pinnance for the Battlegroup.  Trying to carry two Fairmile's as originally planned would have crippled its magazine capacity and left it with only 2 launchers.  It was decided that reducing the number of Fairmile's to a single one would leave the ship more combat worthy.  It did not seem possible to make the ship with a beam weapon system.

Code: [Select]
Fairmile A(EW) class Pinnace    250 tons     7 Crew     42.5 BP      TCS 5  TH 6  EM 0
1200 km/s     Armour 1-3     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
Maint Life 0 Years     MSP 106    AFR 0%    IFR 0%    1YR 0    5YR 0    Max Repair 10 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 0.2 months    Spare Berths 1    

Bombadier Outboard NTM1-125 (1)    Power 6.25    Fuel Use 155.65%    Signature 6.25    Exp 12%
Fuel Capacity 10,000 Litres    Range 4.6 billion km   (44 days at full power)

Seimens SAMS Vigilant 51-0050 (1)     GPS 10     Range 500k km    Resolution 1

This design is classed as a Fighter for production, combat and maintenance purposes

An early warning pinnance designed to be launched from either a ship or PDC to extend the range at which inbound missiles are detected and engaged.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2012, 10:11:46 AM by Paul M »

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2012, 08:00:23 AM »
[ooc]Even though 6.2 has come out I will continue this game as I am enjoying it.  If anyone cares to comment on what is missing in the AAR that they would like to see I'd appreciate it.  I'm never certain what people like to read in these sort of AARs.  For the moment progress is slowed down by a pair of NPRs somewhere going at it tooth and nail so I'm often forced to switch over to auto turns of 5 min until that is done with.[/ooc]

Living Within Our Means
AD 2268-2270  
The fuel situation continues to be the main stumbling block for the NC Commission leadership.  Regardless of a concerted effort to do so the situation does not magically fix itself, as might be said of the Duranium crisis that was solved by civillian investment.  On the other hand, although the typical reserve to planned expenditures for Duranium are often only 1000 tons appart this no longer halts development efforts.  Earth's industry is fully busy during this time period and for the first time in a decade substantial long-term, high-value investments come on line.  The fuel situation itself eases as increases in refinery efficiency and the small increase of refineries present results in a growth of the yearly production to 2, 385, 600 litres per year with 1.8 m litres in the tank farm by summer of 2271.  At the same time the pressure on the system has relieved itself to the point where the NC Navy ships are fully fueled rather than at 40% of capacity.  

A study group looks at the situation carefully.  The Interstellar Colonization Groups each take 0.75 m liters, but the round trip time is nearly 2 years.  They carry essentially enough fuel for the full trip, and even if they need a "topping up" that doesn't change the total amount of fuel they need.  This means that in a two year block they will consume 3 of the 4 million litres produced.  This leaves essentially 1 million litres of fuel for other purposes every two years.  Even considering only small changes in this status given the fact that the Naval Vessels are fully fueled (including a strategic reserve of 0.8 million litres on the two Protectueurs) there is grounds for optimisum in the exploration branch.  When the fuel harvesters come on line, itself a lengthy process of nearly 2 years from development of the system to deployment of the first harvester it should be possible within 2 years to have a forward fuel base established in AD Leonis.  With this base present a lot of fuel currently expended to refuel would be saved.  The first harvester will go to Alpha Centauri as here is the most critical requirement on fuel, and any fuel tanked there is fuel not taken from the Earth's tank farms.  A Loch and two Petrol's can produce nearly enough fuel in a year to refuel a empty ICG and will be able to refuel partially two of them each year as they should have only used up half of their supply on the journey from Earth.  It is a question, the study group points out, of fuel being more effective when local to the system, as more fuel is then used for mission goals.  They also recommend updating all ships to the highest efficiency engines possible as the next generation engines are for the future.  The savings for the Amundson class is significant, as the modern engines have an efficiency of 76% compared to the 95% of the originals.  The more efficient MAN engines are not such a significant change but given the distances the ships travel even 1% efficiency changes result in a noticable range increase.

Changing of the Guard
AD 2269 (January 4)
At the age of 65 Mr. Callum Peters who has lead the NC Commision for 40 years retires and his successor is Mrs. Charlotte Todd, late the Govenor of Luna.  In his speach to the Assembly outgoing Commissionair Peters' emphsises the high points of the last four decades: the establishement of colonies on Luna, Mars, Venus, and Ganymede, the discovery of jump drive and the exploration of nearly a dozen solar systems, the establisment of the colony of Faewald in Alpha Centauri, and the robust growth of the Northern Coalition itself whose population now rivals the pre-collapse value.  The typical internet rabble are quick to point out that he skipped over The Dump, the ongoing loss of lives in the colonization effort, the Wolfers, and the Yuri Gagarin and 1-1-1-1 Incidents.  Commissionair Todd's first address emphises a methodical approach to solving the fuel issue and an emphisis on returning Humanity to the systems it had to abandon due to the lack of fuel.  She praises the efforts of the various corporations whose mineral extraction facilities have given new hope to Humanity and re-ignited the flame of progress.

Northern Coalitiion Navy

The navy takes the information gained in the loss of the 1st Battlegroup to heart and pushes through the development of the Guardian Class and two new PDC types.  The Tranquillity point defence base and the Fort Dublin class planetary defence centres will boost defenses on Earth and her colonies significantly.  The decision is made to update two older ICBM bases rather than refit the existing Fort Victoria's.  The feeling in the Navy is that the existing bases need to be modernized before worrying about optimization and that having a series of chances to produce a final mix of designs is a better way to proceed.  The first order of business once the technology is developed is for the surving ships to go in for the much needed Mod 1 modernization.  They also establish a watch on the Wolf 359 jump point once this is complete.  One battlegroup maintains a picket status some 1.5 million km from the jump point itself.  The aliens have shown no interest in following the human ships but no one understands why not and Earth needs all the warning it can get.

AD 2268 (November 15) Retooling for Terrier Mod1 class completed at Victorias Esquimalt Graving Dock on Earth, the orbiting naval ships are towed to the slips and priority refits are started.
AD 2269 (January 10) The Edmonton and Banff (Edmonton Mod1 class) jump tnders complete their refits, and the first Guardian class FFG Guardian is laid down.
AD 2269 (January 30) Bloodhound, Airedale, and Beagle (Terrier Mod1 class) are refit in the VEGD and 3 more Guardian class FFGs are started.
AD 2269 (March 5) Cheshire (London Mod1 class) is finished her refit in the VEGD.  
AD 2269 (March 20) Borsoi (Terrier Mod1 class) completes her refit in the VEGD.
AD 2269 (August 25) the first Fairmile class Early Warning pinnace Fairmile A(EW) 001 is built.  The firm recieves a contract for another 7.
AD 2269 (December 10) Dorset (London Mod1 class) is built in the VEGD.
AD 2269 (December 15) Guardian (Guardian class) is built in the VEGD and takes on board its Fairmile pinnance.
AD 2269 (December 30) Retooling for Protecteur Mod2 class completed at Victorias Esquimalt Graving Dock on Earth
AD 2270 (January 5) Watchman, Sentry, and Picket (Guardian class) are built in the VEGD.  This finalizes the navy's builds and completes the two Squadrons TO&E.
AD 2270 (October 10) Protecteur (Protecteur Mod2 class) is refitted in the VEGD, but re-enters the shipyard for the Mod2.1 refit, giving her the most efficient engines possible.
AD 2270 (November 25) Protecteur (Protecteur Mod2.1 class) finishes her refit at the VEGD and loads fuel and munitions this brings the 1st Squadron Support Group up to full strength.

Northern Coalition Army
The army's structure is slowly starting to change as a more plentifuly supply of neutronium allows for the updating of its TO&E with TN weapondry.  The current plan it so replace each existing infantry division with 3 mobile infantry and 2 reserve (Garrison) battalions.  It is eventually planned to include a brigade headquarters.  I Corps is the first to have an infantry division converted to be followed by a division of II Corps in Europe.

AD 2269 (July 5) Montreal Fusaliers trained on Earth, the training of the Loyal Edmonton Bn (mobile infantry) begins.
AD 2270 (July 5) Loyal Edmonton Bn trained on Earth, the training of the reserve formation the Rocky Rangers Bn (garrison) begins.

Construction for Bu Colonization
The demands of interstellar expansion require as substantial investment in long haul space craft.  As as a single comercial yard will be tied up for the forseeable future with the demands of this, priority has been given to the construction of a second yard that will focus on sorium harvesters and tankers.

AD 2269 (March 15) Amethyst (Bauxite Long Range (E) class) is refit at L-ISC.
AD 2269 (September 5) Bauxite (Bauxite Long Range (E) class) is refit at L-ISC.
AD 2269 (November 20) 10000 tons of capacity added to Litton-Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp. at Earth, this is done as the yard was in a quiet time and it is a development for the future.
AD 2270 (May 15) Emerald (Bauxite Long Range (E) class) is built at L-ISC, as the MAN NT CE-62i is now available the next ship in the series is a Bauxite Long Range (I) class.
AD 2269 (December 30) Construction of the second Commercial Shipyard Complex completed at Earth (Robert Napier & Sons)
AD 2270 (February 5) 1000 tons of capacity added to Robert Napier & Sons at Earth
AD 2270 (April 6) 2000 tons of capacity added to Robert Napier & Sons at Earth
AD 2270 (June 5) 2000 tons of capacity added to Robert Napier & Sons at Earth
AD 2270 (October 20) 5000 tons of capacity added to Robert Napier & Sons at Earth (total capacity now 20,000 tons)
AD 2270 (November 15) 1000 tons of capacity added to Robert Napier & Sons at Earth

Civillian Activities in Sol

AD 2269 (June 10) A new shipping line is founded: Mahmood Transport Group.  It recieves no public funding support.
AD 2270 (January 20) The civilian mining colony on Haumea has been expanded to 4 civilian mining complexes.
AD 2270 (November 25) The civilian mining colony on Neujmin has been expanded to 3 civilian mining complexes.

Research Progress on Earth

AD 2269 (February 25) Construction of Research Lab completed on Earth it is assigned to Dr. Jessica Gough's efforts to develop the PDC based anti-missile sensor.
AD 2269 (June 20) Dr. Jessica Gough's team completes development of the PDC AMS 510-0050 and the labs are turned over to Dr. Ellen Dawson who starts research into improved fuel efficiency.
AD 2269 (August 15) Dr. Ellen Allan's team completes research into the Sorium Harvester module and begins development of advanced construction techniques (BP 14/year)
AD 2270 (February 10) Dr. Lucas Watkins' team develops better infantry weapons (Ground Unit Strength 14) and research into an system for the pinnances the Engineering Section - Small commences.
AD 2270 (April 21) Dr. Ellen Dawson's team develops a way to improve fuel efficiency of engines (Fuel Consumption: 0.8 Litres per Engine Power Hour) and starts research into Nuclear Pulse Engine Technology and turns over two of the three of the labs to Dr. VikingR Hœkillson's team to develop the practical engines starting with the Rolls Royce NT E-M18Si engine.
AD 2270 (May 25) Dr. VíkingR Hœkillson's team deliveres the Rolls Royce NT E-M18Si engine and starts on the MAN NT CE-62i engine with the firms engineers.
AD 2270 (July 30) Dr. VíkingR Hœkillson team finishes the plans for the MAN NT CE-62i engine and returns to Rolls Royce to start on the Rolls Royce NT E-M25Si
AD 2270 (October 3) Dr. VíkingR Hœkillson completes the Rolls Royce NT E-M25Si engine and returns the laboratory space to Dr. Ellen Dawson's team.
AD 2270 (November 5) Construction of a new Research Lab completed on Earth and assigned to Dr. Ellen Allen's team developing advanced construction techniques.
[ooc]I have to admit here that I am not 100% sure this is correct but I do know I had 3 labs researching propulsion tech and then split 2 of them off to develop the engines.  So this must be the way it went.[/ooc]

===ship designs mentioned above===

Code: [Select]
Bauxite Long Range (I) class Freighter    29,900 tons     117 Crew     415.25 BP      TCS 598  TH 125  EM 0
209 km/s     Armour 1-85     Shields 0-0     Sensors 5/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 6     PPV 0
MSP 52    Max Repair 15.625 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Spare Berths 0    
Cargo 25000    Cargo Handling Multiplier 25    

MAN NT CE-62i (2)    Power 62.5    Fuel Use 10.61%    Signature 62.5    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres    Range 14.2 billion km   (785 days at full power)

Seimens Civ Navi 2M/5000 (1)     GPS 500     Range 2.5m km    Resolution 100
NorTEL Civ IR Telescope (1)     Sensitivity 5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  5m km

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

A straight forward update of the Bauxite Long Range (E) with the MAN NT CE-62i engine.  The 1% efficiency change brings with it a 1.6 billion km increase in ship range.  This ship can now easily make the round trip between Earth and Faewald without refueling.

Code: [Select]
Colossus (I) class Jump Freighter    29,900 tons     165 Crew     637.25 BP      TCS 598  TH 125  EM 0
209 km/s    JR 2-25(C)     Armour 1-85     Shields 0-0     Sensors 5/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 6     PPV 0
MSP 80    Max Repair 55 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Spare Berths 1    
Cargo 10000    Cryogenic Berths 20000    Cargo Handling Multiplier 20    

Saab CJX 3-600     Max Ship Size 30000 tons    Distance 25k km     Squadron Size 2
MAN NT CE-62i (2)    Power 62.5    Fuel Use 10.61%    Signature 62.5    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres    Range 14.2 billion km   (785 days at full power)

NorTEL Civ IR Telescope (1)     Sensitivity 5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  5m km

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

This is the planned update for the Colussus class utilizing the new MAN engines to give it the range it needs.  The (E) upgrade ends up not being used.

Code: [Select]
Protecteur Mod2.1 class Replenishment Ship    3,000 tons     53 Crew     261.231 BP      TCS 60  TH 66  EM 30
1466 km/s     Armour 1-18     Shields 1-300     Sensors 15/15/0/0     Damage Control Rating 3     PPV 0
Maint Life 32.43 Years     MSP 1163    AFR 24%    IFR 0.3%    1YR 2    5YR 32    Max Repair 15 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 18 months    Spare Berths 0    
Magazine 52    

Rolls Royce NT E-M18Si (5)    Power 17.5    Fuel Use 31.16%    Signature 13.125    Exp 7%
Fuel Capacity 400,000 Litres    Range 77.0 billion km   (607 days at full power)
GE Barrier A119 (1)   Total Fuel Cost  9 Litres per day

HAWK(I) Counter Missile (27)  Speed: 2,500 km/s   End: 29.9m    Range: 4.5m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 16 / 9 / 4
Javelin II Anti-Ship Missile (5)  Speed: 2,500 km/s   End: 89.9m    Range: 13.5m km   WH: 4    Size: 5    TH: 18 / 11 / 5

Seimens Civ Navi 2M/5000 (1)     GPS 500     Range 2.5m km    Resolution 100
NorTEL IR Array 0-3 (1)     Sensitivity 15     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  15m km
Bell Phased Array P3-15 (1)     Sensitivity 15     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  15m km

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

This is a minor modification to the Protecteur to utlize the highest efficiency engines possible.

Code: [Select]
Loch class Fuel Harvester    28,250 tons     159 Crew     536.375 BP      TCS 565  TH 188  EM 0
332 km/s    JR 2-25(C)     Armour 1-82     Shields 0-0     Sensors 5/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 5     PPV 0
MSP 59    Max Repair 55 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Spare Berths 0    
Fuel Harvester: 5 modules producing 140000 litres per annum

Saab CJX 3-600     Max Ship Size 30000 tons    Distance 25k km     Squadron Size 2
MAN NT CE-62i (3)    Power 62.5    Fuel Use 10.61%    Signature 62.5    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 300,000 Litres    Range 18.0 billion km   (626 days at full power)

Seimens Civ Navi 2M/5000 (1)     GPS 500     Range 2.5m km    Resolution 100
NorTEL Civ IR Telescope (1)     Sensitivity 5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  5m km

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

The design of the senior ship in each fuel harvester group.  It is planned to be able to fill its tanks in the 2 years its crew can remain on station.  A consort is also designed that lacks the jump engine and has more more harvest capacity (9 modules).  These ships are a priority for the NC Commision and it is planned to build 5 groups (5 Lochs, and 10 Petrol class ships).
« Last Edit: November 26, 2012, 09:56:59 AM by Paul M »

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2012, 10:31:25 AM »
[ooc]This is something I realized should have been part of the last update[/ooc]

Bureau of Interstellar Colonizatioin (formerly Bu Col)

After the dump BuCol stated catagorically that it would not longer be responsible for "policing idiots that value their bottom line over peoples lives."  The statement was also made that "Dumping tens of thousands of people on a colony ill prepared for them is not sensable, sane and is in clear violation of all published safety standards."  These statements led to immediate lawsuits from the existing civillian transport firms but although the cases were settled out of court (and no public record exists for what the settlement was) the comments persist.  The general view is that finding a judge that would consider it sensible to have dumped those colonists on Venus in the way it was done would have been nearly impossible.  From that time forth BuCol washed its hands from the settlements in Sol itself and refocused itself on the systems beyond the jump points.  A considerable level of internet conspiracy theory crafting over the deal itself has occured but neither side has made public statements. 

Over the years it quietly built up a fleet of 12 massive freighters, 4 of which being jump capable.  It has engaged in an un-official war with the Navy which wanted, in particular, to retain control over any ship mounting a jump engine.  Although Graduates of the Earth Academy command the ships BIC has started proceedings to split off BIC from the shooting Navy.  As they point out, it isn't that the Navy isn't interested in logistics per se it is just that they have remarkably little interest in all the other aspects necessary to settle space beyond our system.  Administratively, BIC is now in charge of all colony groups, sorium harvesters, terraformers and mining ships.  Of course so far only freighers exist of these catagories but the BIC leadership has always had a long view.

Alpha Centauri
Faewald Colony (2269-71)

Faewald is a dwarf planet in close orbit to its sun, Alpha Centauri A.  It is one of the most abudent easily minable bodies ever found in terms of TN minerals.  It has been described as not much different than living on Luna, outside of higher gravity and no Earth overhead.  The colony was established in an extinct volcano in the termitor region giving access to the old lava tubes for ease of both mining and setting up the colony itself.  The lack of an atmosphere or water makes life here dangerous but pictures and videos of the crater pocked body show a striking jagged landscape harshly lit or else cloaked in permanent darkness.

The colony has expanded rapidly and is now approaching a population of 300,000.  This is half the size of Ganymede and in a considerly shorter period of time.  Every few months a group of freighters arrive to add new colonists, more supplies for the colonies expansion and generally the components of a mine.  A complete factory has also been brought from earth but is still mothballed as it is felt that mining minerals is more useful in terms of manpower use.  BIC insisted on the early transfer of the factory as a back up safety system.  So long as it exists and can be operated then the colony can expand even if it was to be cut off from Earth for whatever reason.

The trip to Faewald from Earth takes around 1 year one way, and in total the ships crew are away from Earth for nearly 2 years including in several weeks in Faewald orbit.  The first few trips proved that the older Bauxites needed modifications as their crew spaces were inadaquete for such long voyages and even weekly events held in the Colussus's more ample bearthing spaces was not sufficient to keep crew morale up.  But still the trips proved attractive to the crew.  The common internet meme is that is due to the Faewalders willingness to treat the crews well...this is so widely held that one of the highest grossing pornographic films in recent times (shot on Luna) was about the escapades of a such a freighter crew on shoreleave.  Although the govenor's office declines to comment to any such questions, the population growth rate of Faewald has been 12.5% per year so procreation is certainly not unknown.  Regardless of the truth of the rumors abounding over the events on shore leave the crew positions on these ships are highly sought after due to the simple fact that while in space there is nothing to spend your pay on and by the time the trip is over with the net pay with interest is significant.  A great many crewers take their ticket after one trip to a commercial firm as completing such a run with a good report is a very good recomendation, but for those that leave the ship don't promotion and a pay raise is nearly automatic.  Four to five trips would leave a person with a significant nest egg.

Faewald is operating 5 mines, and is producing in total approximately 300 tons of TN minerals per year.  The next wave of freighters will bring with them a teleoperated mine for the venus like world orbiting even closer to the Alpha-C-A then Faewald, two PDCs in prefabricated sections, and 3 more mines for Faewald itself, plus another 80,000 colonists and additional supplies for the colony.  There is no plans though to bother with Terraforming the planet.  That is reserved for the other planets of Alpha Centauri, who possess both more acceptable gravity, atmospheres and water.

When asked about this the typical reply is that no one complains on Luna so why should we?  Resource extraction and manufacturing in Alpha Centauri for the medium term future is going to be concentrated in Faewald and the local businesses can only reap a major benifit from any other settlements established as they will concentrate on getting their terraformer facilities running, a tremendously personal intensive activity.  What is needed is a local fuel source and there has been discussions of transporting a refinery, and some small ships to transport materials and people around the system.

There is some resentment against Faewald by the people in Ganymede who often complain that they never got such "princely" treatment and had to make due with limited amounts of support structures.  But BIC states clearly that unless it can gain agreement from the civillian shipping firms on inftrastructure priorities and sensible limits on colonist transfers that government funding for colony expansion will not be used as an excuse for excessive immigration.  Still so long as Faewald is shipping minerals back to Earth, there is little the Ganymede gripping is likely to accomplish.

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2012, 10:33:29 AM »
We Were Right!  There is a light at the end of the tunnel!
AD 2272 (Spring)

The conclusions of the study group on the Fuel Crisis were tested in the early spring of 2272.  3 Interstellar Colonization Groups were on the way back from Alpha Centauri, as each group jumped to Sol they sent a request for refueling by tanker, one group being down to 10% fuel in their tanks.  A Petrocan tanker was dispached and ~450,000 litres was transfered to the ships of the ICG in each case.  The tanker was then refueled at Earth and as each ICG arrived they also bunkered to full.  When it was over ~650,000 l of fuel remained in the tank farm.  A drain considerably larger than had previously crashed the system was dealt with, while maintaining a strategic reserve in the 2 Petrocan and 2 Protecteurs of 1.8 m litres of fuel and the NC Naval vessels at full readiness.  The combination of enhanced refinery production, more refineries, and enhanced fuel efficiency by most ships had made a noticable difference in the fuel situation on Earth.

As the first of the Loch class Sorium Harvesters enters production BuSurvey and the Navy both make the case that fueling of the exploration vessels should now begin to get 1 or, if possible, 2 of the Interstellar Survey groups into a state where it can resume operations.  Especially as the two of the 3 ICGs in Sol have started for Alpha Centauri opening a long term low demand window.  The NC Navy also secures an agreement to allow 100,000 l per year to be used for task force training purposes.

Commercial Yard Robert Napier & Sons (Earth, Sol)
This yard moves forward as fast as possible to build two Petrocan class tankers to free up the Protecteurs for military duty and to get to the point where the production of fuel harvesters can begin.

AD 2271 (January 5) 2000 tons of capacity added
AD 2271 (February 25) 2000 tons of capacity added
AD 2271 (June 21) 5000 tons of capacity added (Total Capacity now 30,000 tons, sufficient to build a Loch/Petrol class harvester)
AD 2271 (August 1) Petrocan (Petrocan class) is built on Earth and assigned to Alpha Tanker Group
AD 2272 (May 15) Husky (Petrocan class) is built on Earth and assigned to Beta Tanker Group
AD 2272 (September 15) Retooling for Petrol class completed and the next day the first Loch class harvester is laid down

Commercial Yard Litton-Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp. (Earth, Sol)
This yard is busy updating the Bauxite class of freighters to the Long Range (I) version, and as soon as it can plans to retool for the Colussus (I).  The difference between a Colussus and Colussus (I) or Bauxite Long Range and Bauxite Long Range (I) is 2.9 billion km, a range increase that means they can complete the round trip to Faewald without needing refueling.

AD 2271 (January 25) Garnet (Bauxite Long Range (E) class) built on Earth and assigned to New Construction/Shakedown Training
AD 2271 (October 6) Iridium (Bauxite Long Range (I) class) built on Earth and assigned to New Construction/Shakedown Training
AD 2271 (October 30) Garnet (Bauxite Long Range (I) class) refitted on Earth
AD 2272 (July 15) Iron (Bauxite Long Range (I) class) built on Earth and assigned to New Construction/Shakedown Training
AD 2272 (September 10) Amethyst (Bauxite Long Range (I) class) refitted on Earth
AD 2272 (October 5) Amber (Bauxite Long Range (I) class) refitted on Earth
AD 2272 (October 30) Diamond (Bauxite Long Range (I) class) refitted on Earth
AD 2272 (November 10) Slipway added bringing the total to two
AD 2272 (November 25) Emerald (Bauxite Long Range (I) class) refitted on Earth

Naval Yard Victorias Esquimalt Graving Dock (Earth, Sol)
The Naval Yard is fully occupied with a number of refits to modernise the navy's standard engines.

AD 2271 (February 30) Pius Antorius (Protecteur Mod2.1 class) refitted on Earth.
AD 2271 (October 20) 500 tons of capacity added (total now 3500 tons)
AD 2272 (January 30) Retooling for the Oberon Mod1 class completed
AD 2272 (March 5) Oberon, and Tycho Brahe (Oberon Mod1 class) are refit, and two more Oberon's are laid down.
AD 2272 (May 10) Retooling for the Amundson Mod1 class completed
AD 2272 (July 6) SV Leif Ericson, Thor Heyerdahl, Henry Hudson, and John Franklin (Amundson Mod1 class) complete their refits
AD 2272 (July 25) Retooling for the Terrier Mod1.1 class completed
AD 2272 (September 25) Edmonton, and Banff (Edmonton Mod1.1 class) plus Sentry, and Guardian (Guardian Mod1 class) complete their refits
AD 2272 (November 20) Watchman (Guardian Mod1 class) plus Bloodhound, and Beagle (Terrier Mod1.1 class) complete their refits

Defensive Construction in Sol
The Navy pushes for increased security in the Sol system, and minerals are transfered to Mars and Luna to allow their local industry to build a Tranquility class point defence base.

AD 2271 (September 20) The refit of the PDC Fort Dublin is completed on Earth
AD 2272 (June 5) Construction of PDC Tranquility is completed on Mars by the local Martian Industrial base.
AD 2272 (October 30) Construction of PDC Tranquility is completed on Luna by the local Lunar Industrial base

Research Progress on Earth

AD 2271 (February 5) Dr. Ellen Allan's team has completed research into Improved Refinery efficiency (Fuel Production 28,000 Litres/year) and starts on development of advanced construction techniques (Construction Rate 14 BP) [ooc]I must have modified the priority list and so the previous update is wrong.[/ooc]
AD 2271 (summer) It is discovered that Dr. Ellen Dawson has been working for nearly a year more than allowed under the current employment laws, she is asked to relequish her responsibilities to Dr. VíkingR Hœkillson who will take over research into Nuclear Pulse Engine Technology.  Her fairwell party is well attended as Dr. Dawson is responsible for the technology incorporated into the Saab series jump engines and led the team that developed the theory they were based on.  She can be said to be the Mother of Interstellar Travel and her retirement brings an era to a close.  Dr. Hœkillson takes over the research but it soon becomes apparent that the delievery date will have to slip by very nearly a year to the summer of 2273.  Although dissapointing Dr. Hœkillson is young and will have plenty of time and opportunity to learn the ropes.
AD 2271 (August 6) Dr. KnæikiR Hólmkellson has joined your scientific establishment.  His Research speciality is Biology / Genetics a first in the current scientific establishement and it is very likely when Dr. Watkins retires he will take over the laboratory directing it towards terrraforming improvements.
AD 2272 (April 25) Dr. Ellen Allan's team has completed research into advanced construction techniques (Construction Rate 14 BP) and starts looking into ways to speed up ship construction (Shipbuilding Rate 560 BP)
AD 2272 (June 5) Dr. Lucas Watkins' team has finished the development of Engineering Section - Small and begins looking into the system Fuel Storage - Tiny for Fairmile

Northern Coalition Army
The training facilites at Camp Wainwright are in continous use as the infantry forces are updated to a more modern standard.

AD 2271 (February 15) Rocky Rangers Reserve Bn (GAR) completes its training in Camp Wainwright.
AD 2271 (September 25) The Grossdeutchland Infantry division is disbanded and its personel are used to form the Freiwillig Rostock Bn (Mobile Infantry), which completes training on this day.
AD 2272 (September 25) Scandanavian Mountain Bn (Mobile Infantry) is finished with its training, the Danske Livgarde Bn (Mobile Infantry) begins training next.

Civillian Activities in Sol

AD 2271 (October 6) The civilian mining colony on Encke has been expanded to 4 civilian mining complexes
AD 2272 (September 20) The civilian mining colony on Wolf-Harrington has been expanded to 5 civilian mining complexes
AD 2272 (September 25) The civilian mining colony on Encke has been expanded to 5 civilian mining complexes

Changing of the Guard Once Again
AD 2272 (Jan 15)

Commodore of the Navy Michael White retires and Cpt. Charlie Frasier is promoted to his position.  Cpt. Frasier has spent most of his career on Earth in charge of its forts with the exception of a short stint in 2268 in command of the frigate Bloodhound.  His acceptance address to the Navy emphises a steady growth in capacity and a strengthing of the security of the varioius settlements claimed by humanity.  He also makes a point in saying that Humanities future is among the stars and that establishing outsystem bases and colonies is unquestionably the future, with the Navy leading the way.  The internet buzzes for a while over whether he will work with or against BIC but this early in his time there is no way to tell.  There are, of course, rumors that his promotion is politically motivated citing his lack of time in command of a warship in space.

AD 2272 (January 25)
Commander Diana Nim is struggling to keep a huge grin off her face as she shakes Commadore of the Navy Frasiers hand, her other clutching the box containing her new captain rank insignia.  She had thought her career dead when she had to follow her orders to abandon her squadron mates in lifepods in Wolf 359 but now she was one of the four captains of the Navy.  "Congratulations Captain Nim."  CoN Frasier smiles, "Do you have a request for where you should be assigned."  "Yes Sir."  Diana struggled to keep her voice stead, "I'd like the Airdale, if that is acceptable to you."  CoN Frasier looks at the newly made captain for a long moment then nods.  "Your orders will be cut by the time you get to the front desk."  The latter was for the camera's as this had been decided several hours before in his office.  "Thank you Sir."  Captain Nim's hand rose in an automatic salute, which was returned and then the pair of them left the presentation stage to join the clapping crowd for the official luncheon.  Captian Diana Nim was the new C.O. of both the Frigate Airdale but also of the 1st Squadron Battlegroup, Task Group 1, Task Force 1, 1st Fleet (1-1-1-1).

Diana smiled and accepted the salutes of several junior officers as she strode down the hallway leading to her shuttle.  As much as she would love to show the Wolvers the business end of a Javelin ASM she knew that the technological superiority they had shown in the brief combat was such that it would be years before the Navy would be willing to risk a rematch.  Even the current deployment was more about buying Earth warning then any expectation that the ships would stop an invasion.  Still, even if not there perhaps elsewhere she could make up to the officers and men she had been forced to abandon in that system.  And if a miracle happened well payback was a bitch and she qualified.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2012, 10:36:04 AM by Paul M »