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Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #90 on: August 14, 2012, 12:25:17 PM »
No, not at all. It just isn't relevant to the space exploration side of things, even if it might be interesting.

Interlude: Wrixom Wildlife Primer
From the air, it might appear to the untrained observer as if Wrixom is a veritable Garden of Eden. Vast stretches of untouched greenery are visible where forests and grasslands stretch across the continent, seemingly unmarred by the concrete and metal constructions that so embody our idea of civilization.
Of course, the trained observer would know better. He would spot the strange mound-shaped mountains squatting squarely in the centre of these green paradises or sticking awkwardly from the sides of mountains. He would notice the thin wisps of smoke escaping these heaps through various small apertures. And he would definately notice the slew of anti-aircraft missiles that seemingly spring up from the ground when he flies too close.
But back to the wilds of Wrixom. As most of its 'civilization', that of the Wrix, is underground, the surface is pretty much unspoilt and inhabited by rapid-breeding herbivores of all sizes. All herbivores that were unable to breed rapidly had been hunted to extinction or close to it by the Wrix ages ago. Of course, there are also a number of predators and omnivores that subsist fully or partially on these plant-eating monsters, but they are smaller in number and have learnt long ago not to interfere with Wrix hunting parties. A vibrant small insectoid biosphere rounds out the ecosystem, but in the food chain they are too far removed from things that interest us and as such will not be mentioned further. We will concentrate on creatures of immediate interest to the Wrix.

Drurr - A large four-legged mammalian herbivore slightly bigger than an elephant. They appear to have a long neck, but it is more like an elephant's trunk than a giraffe's neck, except for the fact that it has a skeletal structure and jaws at the tip. One eye is positioned on each side of this 'trunk'. Their name comes from the sound they make when threatened, a sort of growling bellow, and the fact that the Wrix are notoriously uncreative when it comes to names. They are highly intelligent, perhaps comparable to certain primates, and congregate in large herds capable of rapidly defoliating entire grasslands and forests. With their relatively rapid breeding rates and large bulk, they form the staple of the Wrix diet.

Grueler - A medium sized four legged mammalian carnivore that seems to have many canine characteristics. It can best be described as a Pit Bull grown to the size of a Great Dane. They also hunt in packs and a large pack can, given sufficient time, take down even a Drurr. They are NOT domesticated in any way as the Wrix find the concept of domestication of anything you don't intend to eat very alien. They are the Wrix primary competitor for food and it is not unheard of for a hunting party to be attacked by these aggressive predators.

Reaper - Once the most prolific and successful predator on Wrixom for eons before it was nearly hunted to extinction by the Wrix, this massive bird of prey will hunt anything smaller than itself which is the size of small car. It looks more like a large bat than a bird, and instead of a beak it has a maw of razor sharp teeth capable of rapidly devouring any prey. Though somewhat clumsy in the air, it is nevertheless an excellent hunter. It hunts by diving on its prey, using its mass and its razor sharp talons and teeth to slam into its prey and eat it right there on the ground. Nowadays, it is easily shot out of the air by modern weapons and has almost been driven to extinction despite its own prolific breeding tempo as its clifftop nests are plundered. Our major interest is the effect it had in shaping the evolotionary paths of the other creatures on Wrixom. No land-bound creature that relied on speed could hope to survive against this aerial scourge on the open plains and hence Wrixom has no antelope or equivalents. All its herbivores rely on bulk and natural weaponry to protect themselves.

Epin - Possibly the dumbest animal ever to walk the surface of any planet. Ever. Also one of the strangest. It is a pony-sized six-legged mammalian creature that positively infests the vast open grass plains. It lays eggs in large clutches at a time, buried in shallow nests in the ground and breeds ferociously, if stupidly. On any other planet they would be considered a plague. On Wrixom, they are considered snacks. Currently, this is the only creature actively domesticated simply because they require no domestication. They are slow and their only defences are the short spines protruding from the fur on their back which provides at least a modicum of protection against diving Reapers, but have no offensive use. The secret to their success is their relatively simple anatomy which allows rapid growth. Unfortunately this also means that they are the carnivore's equivalent of junk food, easy to catch but not having all the required nutrients for a growing predator.

More to come later. The Wrix fear none of these creatures, of course, and have hunted many to extinction over the past years.
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Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #91 on: August 17, 2012, 03:02:18 AM »
4 December 2016
The Henry Hudson arrives at First Stop and loads up HN-31 and her team of geologists. After nearly six months with nothing to do, they were extremely grateful for the chance to continue their work. Their next stop would be the moon Epsilon had so recently began mining operations on, planet five moon six, hereafter known as Rube.

2 January 2016
HN-31's geology team is dropped off on Rube. Survey operations begin immediately as HN grumbles about the thick, bulky environmental suits.

What is really happening:
Hudson dropped the geology team off on Rube. Short update today, I hit a patch of turbulence (interrupts) and didn't feel like pushing through. In somewhat related news, I have recently discovered that even if you do a conventional start, any NPR's start with normal TN tech. This kinda sucks and I suspect the poor little Wrix are doomed before they have even started. I guess this will be a David vs. the Empire kind of situation.
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Offline xeryon

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #92 on: August 17, 2012, 08:16:37 AM »
Do not despair.  In each of my conventional starts I lost interest long before annihilation.  The NPR's may out-tech you but they seem to lack the desire/ability to rapidly expand.

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #93 on: August 18, 2012, 05:05:15 AM »
In the worst case you can SM in super-ships to clean out an npr attack fleet, and/or delete any systems you find these guys in, or any jump point they come thruogh. Ideally you could just clean them out entirely if you had the designer password or somesuch. 

For now, I would turn NPR discovery chance to 0% until you leave your system, to minimize the potential insane runaway NPR exploration slowdown.  This will also be a problem if you have invaders turned out.

Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #94 on: August 18, 2012, 07:36:03 AM »
No, invaders are off, thank goodness. And I think I will turn NPR discovery off. At least until I leave my system. Then I'm gonna turn them up, nothing like some tasty snacks to help an empire build.
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Offline Person012345

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #95 on: August 21, 2012, 05:41:28 PM »
Another post made me think of this, would it be an idea to space-time-bubble Wrixom's system? This way the NPR's won't explore or grow until you're ready to leave the system, as I understand it.

Offline Ektoras

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #96 on: August 22, 2012, 01:53:42 AM »
I have done three games with conventional start. NPRs never were a problem, but i had space to expand before meeting them. In case they are close jump points can be guarded with low tech ships. NPRs will be a problem if they totally block your way out of the Wrix system.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 02:02:50 AM by Ektoras »

Offline Person012345

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #97 on: August 22, 2012, 04:53:12 AM »
I have done three games with conventional start. NPRs never were a problem, but i had space to expand before meeting them. In case they are close jump points can be guarded with low tech ships. NPRs will be a problem if they totally block your way out of the Wrix system.

I think the main problem is that he started with one research lab. Thus progress is very slow and even though the AI sort of fails at economy, it's still likely to be racing ahead.

Offline Ektoras

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #98 on: August 22, 2012, 06:32:00 AM »
I failed to notice that  :-[
Things are a lot harder then, but i think still doable if NPRs stay away for some time.

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #99 on: August 22, 2012, 06:45:56 AM »
PDC's can also be powerful defensive units, so it might be worth RPing a reason to build some. Actually, one of the hives building a huge fortified missile bunker capable of shooting ships out of orbit and the swarm doing a similar thing in response might actually be quite interesting RP-wise. It might also give the swarm some serious bargaining power after they become irrelevant since such an installation could be staffed by a relatively small number of wrix (perhaps infertiles) and thus negate the problem of the drones being loyal to a particular hive.

Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #100 on: August 22, 2012, 12:55:32 PM »
I actually feel that due to the nature of the Wrix civilization, it would not be cheating of me to SM a certain number of "Hive" PDC's should it become necessary, with some predetermined fit. Each would represent an actual 'Hive' with its various defensive weapons. More PDC's could certainly be interesting rp-wise, yes, but at the moment I'm just trying to get my industrial and scientific backbone up. I currently only have like 2400 construction points per year (2425 to be exact, i think) and even just expanding that will be really slow since I can only produce 20 factories a year. To make matters worse, I am likely facing an impending mineral crisis (no crisis yet, but its coming) soon and I have no automines. Well, besides the 3 I SM'd in to simulate Omega Hive. I will have to start preparing for it soon, getting mines off world to other mineral rich planets, moons and asteroids.

Game-wise, my biggest problem is that the entire reason for the Swarm's formation is the sun's cooling thing making the Wrix evacuate their homeworld. Now, I've left myself some wiggle room there, I know, including whether or not it is cyclical, but anything I do at the moment that isn't in line with getting as many Wrix off world as soon as possible is going to be contrary to my own RP. That is a bit of a problem when I need to be focusing on my general economy to remain competitive within the game.

Yet, all is not lost. Not by a long shot. I have a few ideas and I am very definitely not dead. Just carefully considering my path forward so that I can continue providing a good story without completely compromising my in-game competitiveness or relying too much on RP-inspired *SM CHEATING* for the sake of the story. I will post a continuation sometime soon, but I am just currently busy working a few things out and I want to hold on the ability to alter some of the things to make them fit together better.
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Offline chrislocke2000

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #101 on: August 23, 2012, 05:15:19 AM »
Maybe the swarm can conclude that they don't have the indistrial might o rechnology to be able to evacuate the planet as of now and can look to terraforming to slow down the effects of the sun on their planet and buy them the time to accelerate their industry and tech.

Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #102 on: August 25, 2012, 04:21:41 AM »
14 January 2017:
No matter how hard she tried, Lambda simply couldn't get any more information about the alien ruins found on First Stop. She knew they had found somewhat intact TN structures from her eavesdropping on Swarm Command's inner workings, but nowhere could she get a good look at the report US had somehow obtained from Gamma.
That was another thing that irked her immensely. How had US-93, or Delta as she had been known then, managed to compromise Gamma's most secure computer resources. For goodness sakes, they weren't even connected to the comms network! The only way it was possible was that she had somehow managed to sneak a spy into Gamma Hive, as unlikely as that my seem. Drones can identify drones of their own hive by smell and nobody had yet managed to consistently fool anyone. No matter how much smell you added, it was simply impossible to remove a drone's natural scent.
Lambda shook her head and leaned back in her chair, sighing. So many questions and so few answers!

Elsewhere, almost on the other side of the planet, the new Delta sighed with relief. The first of her own progeny of drones were now reaching maturity and she had finally begun replacing her bodyguard with fresh hatchlings. For months she had been having nightmares about the old Delta returning and reclaiming her hive and no matter how she searched, there had been no clue as to where she had gone. A few times she had even woken up in a cold sweat as the drones swarmed her in her dreams, bloodlust in their eyes.
The truth was, Delta wasn't really sure how the drones would react if the old Delta returned.  True, they had switched loyalty to her, but such a conflict of loyalties had never occured before. The drones could carry out every order she gives them now, only to turn against her the moment their real mother turned up.
It would take more than a year before she could consider her position 'safe' with more than half the drones in the hive her own offspring, but at least she could now fight back. And every day that passed would cement her control over Delta Hive just a little more.
Two things she was sure of. One, if the old Delta ever wanted to come back, she would not hesitate a moment to attempt to kill Delta and retake her old hive. And two, she had left herself some backdoor to control of the hive in case she ever did want to come back. Delta already had the entire hive sweeped for explosive and/or monitoring devices (she found two listening devices and a hidden camera, all from other hives and none located anywhere sensitive) and moved her chambers, just in case. With her own offspring taking over her personal guard, that was another potential vulnerability plugged.
Still, Delta would feel a lot better if only she could discover what had happened to the old Delta.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2012, 03:16:54 AM by Rabid_Cog »
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Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #103 on: August 28, 2012, 03:18:19 AM »
27 January 2017
The Henry Hudson arrives back at Wrixom and is turned over to crews from Gamma Hive without ceremony. IM is in a bad mood all day.

28 January 2017
Gamma starts an overhaul of the Hudson.

29 January 2017
The Francis Drake arrives at First Stop, and turns to come back almost immediately, landing only briefly. Speculation runs rampant at Swarm Command, but Delta's source is quiet.

31 January 2017
"As you all know, First Stop has been designated as my responsibility" Gamma began. All the queens were virtually assembled through their comms links into Swarm Command. The host of faces on the screens all had scowls of various kinds. For once, IM was not in the pilot's seat for a conference - that honour belonged firmly to Gamma this time. "In a spirit of cooperation, I feel it is now time to inform the Swarm that there have been certain findings on the planet that must be shared with all."
"What kind of findings?" Rho asked suspiciously when none of the other, larger hives or IM commented.
"The alien kind. We have discovered a collection of ruined structures that could not possibly be of natural origin" Gamma said.
Intakes of breath could be heard from a number of hives, especially the smaller ones. Most of the bigger ones had found this out already, one way or another.
"You mean there is advanced life on other planets? On First Stop?" Rho asked again.
"No, there WAS advanced life on First Stop. Sentient life, even. But it appears to have disappeared a long time ago. The planet remains a perfect site for our first offworld colony."
"Just how 'sentient' are we talking here? Bashing rocks together to make fire sentient, or steel and gunpowder sentient?" Delta asked carefully. She had been only marginally interested in the whole situation until now.
"Spaceflight sentient."
"Spaceflight sentient?" Kappa exclaimed. Her sources hadn't revealed the extent of the alien findings and she had believed until now that it was only of historical interest. "Why weren't we informed of this earlier?"
Many of the other Queens echoed her sentiment, some more aggressively than others. Gamma indicated that it was a find of Gamma Hive, had nothing to do with any of the other Hives and that they could piss off. Eventually, a Queen asked whether Hive Command had been aware of this.
IM had been dreading that question, but had at least prepared what US assured her was a plausable - and actually quite truthful - answer. "Yes, Swarm Command became aware of the existence of the ruins shortly after they were discovered. However, while we perhaps did not totally agree with Gamma's position that it was an internal matter, we felt that the risk of war on Wrixom by covetous Queens was too great to accept. Instead, we fought a limited war on First Stop itself and sent a team of experts to investigate the ruins to insure that the Swarm would be adequately represented should something extraordinary be found."
"And you lost" Gamma grunted.
"I am not sure I like you keeping secrets from the Swarm, IM" Kappa stated, carefully gauging her support among the other Queens.
IM immediately went on the defensive. "It is Swarm Command's duty to both make sure the Swarm is informed when necessary and keep certain things secret. Due to my position, I must know many things that hives do not necessarily want their neighbours to know, especially regarding industry and technology. Do you want me to reveal all of that as well?"
A chorus of no's from the other Queens settled the matter. If there was one thing queens liked more than finding out another's secrets, it was keeping their own.
"I do have a question," IM asked, "as part of our agreement, Gamma let our team continue their work on the ruins, but we haven't heard from them in a while. How goes their progress?"
"Slow" Gamma responded. "I am considering replacing them with a more qualified group of my own."
"Then you will send them home?" IM asked.
"I'll let you know when I've made the decision."
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Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #104 on: September 01, 2012, 04:55:08 AM »
Quick update, the little computer gremlin has struck and my computer has gone kablooey. Well, not kablooey but certainly phzzzzzt. Essentially, what I'm trying to say is that I am posting this from my brother's computer not because I want to, but because I have to.  Have no fear, though, I do not believe anything is lost and it is time to upgrade anyhow. All this means is that until I do get around to that, I doubt there will be a lot of updating happening. So sit tight and enjoy the numerous other excellent stories on this site until systems are back online.
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