Posted by: Black
« on: Yesterday at 01:07:09 PM »Hello all,
im new to this game, and im trying to figure out how to reassign a scientist or recruit one to a category
To change research field of the scientist, go to Commanders window and select scientist you want to change. Then on the bottom bar there is Change Field button (research bonus of the scientist will be lowered by 75%). New window will open where you can select new field for the scientist.
New scientists are recruited from Military Academies (you can construct them with industry. Then you can select academy commander. If the commander is scientist, there is higher chance to generate scientists from the academy. To select academy commander, go to Commanders window and select scientist, the in lower right part of the window there is field named Academy Commandant, under it is list of your academies. Select the academy and then click Assign button on the bottom bar.
Post from Steve about Academy Commandants: