Elver Picket 1564.5 with structure tons
FTL 1 150 Tons Jump Delay 5 turns, BP cost 15, insertion power: 50
Standard Nuclear Pulse Engine 45 power per 1000 tons per thrust, 625 tons, BP 1200(4+3 max thrust I think)
7 basic Fission Plants, 133 tons, 280 power, 56 BP
Class 2 Sensors, 20 channels, active sig 40, passive sig 10, standard resolution 50M
3 PD 5 CM aperture, MID-Infrared, ROF 1 per turn. power use 9 if all used at once, cost 150 BP, 45 tons
4 25 CM aperture, MID-Infrared, ROF 1 per turn. power use 28 if all used at once, cost 450 BP, 60 tons
1 beta shields, EM protection 3, Thermal protection 7, kinetic protection 5, collapse 45, regen 5, sig 12, cost 15 BP, 10 tons, 4 power needed
Standard Inertial Compensators, power 2x thrust, 20 tons, 75 bp cost
OK, I fixed it up, and I think it looks better this time. I need and want to test it out though.