Hi all! No idea if anyone is interested in reading this thing anymore, but I have an announcement. In preperation for C# Aurora I have decided to REVIVE this AAR!
But, umm, interesting story, turns out that in a 4 years hiatus it is rather easy to lose your saves. Which I have done. But we will not let that stop us!
Instead, I will continue the story as it is now in the runup to the release of C# Aurora, writing it like it was a standard piece of fiction. That gives me a lot more leeway in terms of things that can happen anyway. Posts will not be super frequent as I suspect I have quite a bit of time to kill before the new release.
Then, when C# Aurora gets released (can we call it Aurora 2.0 yet?), I will restart with a new game based on events. This new game should hopefully take advantage of all the awesome new features and give me a chance to play around with them a bit.
So, in summary, I hope to be coming back to life. In a manner of speaking. Keep your eyes peeled!