Author Topic: Anti-Missile Corvette Design  (Read 2878 times)

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Offline Michael Sandy

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Re: Anti-Missile Corvette Design
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2019, 01:45:07 PM »
I kind of wish the AI would go with mixed design ships sometimes.  Instead of missiles ships that have all their fire controls a particular resolution, have them have both an anti-ship and an anti-fighter fire control.  And missile ships should have at least one beam weapon so that they can't just be ignored after they run out of missiles.  They might be slightly less efficient that way, but they would also be less vulnerable to being picked apart.

There is a PARTICULAR tactic I use that beam fighter PD is uniquely effective at:

I was not sure if my point defense was capable of stopping all the enemy missiles, but I knew that their anti-ship missiles would fire on my 1,000 ton missile boats before they fired on my 500 ton railgun fighters.  So I tested the enemy missiles by flying in with just one of my missile boats, and all of my railgun fighters.  I figured that the enemy might go for massive overkill, in which case, I would be out one missile boat, but I could still run the enemy out of missiles, or it would fire what it considered a reasonable amount of missiles to kill a 1,000 ton missile boat, and my fighters would easily be able to deal with it, and I would just run the enemy out of missiles that way.

It didn't work to deal with AMM spam, because the enemy would potentially fire at everybody, but if I didn't go too deep into their AMM range, I could just duck back OUT of range once I detected enemy missiles, and only have to deal with a few volleys.

Offline Jorgen_CAB

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Re: Anti-Missile Corvette Design
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2019, 04:08:18 PM »
I kind of wish the AI would go with mixed design ships sometimes.  Instead of missiles ships that have all their fire controls a particular resolution, have them have both an anti-ship and an anti-fighter fire control.  And missile ships should have at least one beam weapon so that they can't just be ignored after they run out of missiles.  They might be slightly less efficient that way, but they would also be less vulnerable to being picked apart.

There is a PARTICULAR tactic I use that beam fighter PD is uniquely effective at:

I was not sure if my point defense was capable of stopping all the enemy missiles, but I knew that their anti-ship missiles would fire on my 1,000 ton missile boats before they fired on my 500 ton railgun fighters.  So I tested the enemy missiles by flying in with just one of my missile boats, and all of my railgun fighters.  I figured that the enemy might go for massive overkill, in which case, I would be out one missile boat, but I could still run the enemy out of missiles, or it would fire what it considered a reasonable amount of missiles to kill a 1,000 ton missile boat, and my fighters would easily be able to deal with it, and I would just run the enemy out of missiles that way.

It didn't work to deal with AMM spam, because the enemy would potentially fire at everybody, but if I didn't go too deep into their AMM range, I could just duck back OUT of range once I detected enemy missiles, and only have to deal with a few volleys.

Yes... having beam weapon in all capital ships is important because they can't simply be ignored in combat that way. You can also use the slower but still formidable ships to hide and recharge the shields of beam ships while they charge and retreat from enemy beam fire if the enemy don't close the range properly against your slower ships.

The darting in and out of effective range against the AI are more or less an exploit I don't use and something that don't work against an intelligent opponent anyway, not very often anyway.

Having several missile fire-controls with different resolutions and even missile launchers on the same ship can give you allot of dynamic and adaptive use of your ships through loading out the ships differently depending on the overall missions. This is kind of how real warships are kitted out today as well. The common trend in all military platform today are modular and the ability to quickly change what type of mission a certain platform can be used for. This makes the logistics and industrial support of said platform very inexpensive and you can get more high quality platforms in the field faster and where you need them. This include everything from aircraft to vehicles and ships.