Author Topic: C# Suggestions  (Read 279530 times)

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Offline Father Tim

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Re: C# Suggestions
« Reply #420 on: May 02, 2020, 04:31:44 AM »
Edit 2: It would also be nice if we could do some things to gas tolerances. I'm creating a race of supped up cyborgs that can live pretty much anywhere and the game allows me to do that. No atmosphere at all? No problem. Temperature of -100C? No problem. Radiation? No problem. Gravity of 0.0001 g? No problem. That 0.01ppm of oxygen constitutes 31% of the atmosphere? Well, we can't live on that! And God forbid there is 0.0001 of fluorine.

Being a little more serious I do realise that this would require a significant amount of work most likely and fortunately thanks to the SM mode I can pretty much simulate this by SMing atmospheres. Even so it does make it difficult to create races that are less human especially since there is no longer an option to breathe methane. Which I would also love to have back by the way.

There aren't too many substances that are completely immune to reacting with Flourine -- and those that are wouldn't make suitable cyborgs without completely encasing the more vulnerable parts. . . which gets us right back to needing protective suits or domes.  I think the best solution is to leave Aurora as it is and let you SM away any nasty gasses you don't want in your game.

- - - - -

Again, I successfully made a Methane-breathing race in 1.4.  I just did it again in 1.8.0.  Are you remembering to click the box for "Methane Breathing" on the Create Race window?  It's among the options that doesn't show up on the Race Details window after creation.

Offline Father Tim

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Re: C# Suggestions
« Reply #421 on: May 02, 2020, 04:37:35 AM »
No, I am generally fine when the civilians do mining. I have blocked some which I want to do myself, but they can do the rest. No worries. I just had the case of having 4 civilian mining stations within like 6 month increasing their numbers from 1 to 3 or 4 - so "suddenly" I had to pay some 2.500 wealth for them. So some kind of: Civilian mining wants to increase their mines from 1 to 2. Allowed (y)es/(n)o would have been nice, so I could have some control over it.

I temporarily switched some of them to "tax civilian mining" - though I could use the minerals. Well, If you have no economy, no minerals are worth anything  ;D

If you don't want civilians mining the good minerals, put your own colonies on those sites.  The same as in VB Aurora, civilians won't compete with you.  CMCs are theft anyway -- there's no point in encouraging them.

Offline MinuteMan

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Re: C# Suggestions
« Reply #422 on: May 02, 2020, 04:42:02 AM »
A mass driver component for space stations only.
This will reduce the amount of micro needed for all the mineral transfers.
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Offline Father Tim

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Re: C# Suggestions
« Reply #423 on: May 02, 2020, 04:56:28 AM »
I would like a way to add or subtract from total racial wealth.

It's coming, along with many other QoL improvements, sometime in the next couple of months.

(If you simply need to add a massive chunk of wealth to fix a problem -- rather than adjust things by a specific amount to simulate trade, for example -- you can SM Add nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine Financial Centers and advance time by one production cycle, or similar work-arounds.)
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Offline Father Tim

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Re: C# Suggestions
« Reply #424 on: May 02, 2020, 04:56:54 AM »
This is just a minor request, but could the medal criteria be changed from 'destroyed X tons of hostile shipping' to 'destroyed X times own command's tonnage of hostile ships'? It's kind of annoying when Commodore A gets meritorious service medals for slaughtering 10,000 tons of enemy gunboats while in command of a 15,000 ton battleship, but the plucky Commander B who took down a 5,000 ton enemy cruiser while in command of a tiny 1,000 ton destroyer gets absolutely no recognition at all.

Changed, no.  A new criterion added, maybe -- Steve will have to tell us.  Though it is kind of assumed that destroying a cruiser five times your own tonnage is a notable (and rare) enough accomplishment that you'd award the medal personally.

There are plenty of real world examples that ignored your own capabilities, and focused solely on loss to your enemies.

Offline Father Tim

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Re: C# Suggestions
« Reply #425 on: May 02, 2020, 05:07:53 AM »
The default order caused by double clicking on a JP in Movement Orders should be "Standard Transit", not an error message.

Double-click for almost all shortcuts was left out to in order to release V1.0 in April, not July.  They're all on the list for QoL improvements over the next couple of months.
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Offline Eretzu

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Re: C# Suggestions
« Reply #426 on: May 02, 2020, 05:12:05 AM »
Carronade should be renamed to Plasma Carronade (or opposite)

In component design window it is under Plasma Carronade, but in Class Design it is under Carronade. Having same name used everywhere would make it easier to find the component.

Also in research it is 20cm Carronade, not 20cm Plasma Carronade
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Offline TMaekler

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Re: C# Suggestions
« Reply #427 on: May 02, 2020, 05:17:54 AM »
When you open the class window, all ship classes trees are open by default. Gets a bit crowded after a while. Maybe having them closed by default or saved which were opened last time, would be a nice QoL, I think ;-)
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Offline Father Tim

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Re: C# Suggestions
« Reply #428 on: May 02, 2020, 05:18:03 AM »
I had the idea for a seed ship (A single ship that's capable of kickstarting a colony).  This can be done with various TN buildings, but Conventional Industry would be a perfect cargo-space saver for these things.

To the point then: TN empires should be able to build Conventional Industry.

We asked for the ability to build CI in VB Aurora, and back then Steve was against both building and moving Conventional Industry.

And it definitely wouldn't be a space saver.  Not only is 1 CI larger than 0.1 Mine + 0.1 CF + 0.05 Fuel refinery + 0.05 Financial centre + whatever else, it is in fact the size of either 10 or 20 mines / factories / refineries, etc.  (In other words, the size of a Research Lab, or half the size of a Research Lab -- it varied.)

Offline Father Tim

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Re: C# Suggestions
« Reply #429 on: May 02, 2020, 05:22:58 AM »
A mass driver component for space stations only.
This will reduce the amount of micro needed for all the mineral transfers.

I don't think Structural Shells should be able to catch minerals -- and ships certainly shouldn't, unless we're getting the PIRACY! upgrade to steal MD packets.

- - - - -

If you want to reduce micromanagement, set up a government freighter to run out and collect the minerals and deliver them to the station via cycling orders.

Offline Father Tim

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Re: C# Suggestions
« Reply #430 on: May 02, 2020, 05:30:26 AM »
Carronade should be renamed to Plasma Carronade (or opposite)

In component design window it is under Plasma Carronade, but in Class Design it is under Carronade. Having same name used everywhere would make it easier to find the component.

Also in research it is 20cm Carronade, not 20cm Plasma Carronade

I recommend posting this in the Typo thread.

Offline Polestar

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Re: C# Suggestions
« Reply #431 on: May 02, 2020, 05:35:01 AM »
Miscellaneous suggestions for version 1.93, based on a few games.

The fleet order interface for choosing a minimum or maximum amount or a delay is cumbersome. If you don't carefully set things back to zero, all future orders might load only 1 factory, or be delayed 30 days. I don't have any ideas on streamlining the interface, so I'll just ask that all special conditions be cleared after an order is given.

The left-hand side of the Naval Organization window does not conveniently show me some of the information I need to make decisions. It would be great, for example, if fleets (and ships, when a fleet is expanded) showed the system they were in, as well as a few key indicators - low fuel, low supplies, low morale, low ordinance, damage, need for overhaul, and active sensor status.

On the same window, the "Select on Map" checkbox is handy, but it doesn't seem to adjust the Galactic map, which is what I really need in most cases. As an example, I have not figured out how to run exploration ships efficiently. Every time they need orders from me, I need to know where on the galactic map they are.

Relatedly, I have not been able to get value from Fleet Standing Orders->Go to system requiring geosurvey/gravsurvey. What I want is for fleets to find a system requiring a survey, that is reasonably close to my home world and reasonably close to the fleet's current position, and that has no fleet with the appropriate sensor already tasked to go there. Instead, I see fleets bunching up in the same system.

some types of messages on the Message Window now, when clicked, jump directly to the right window to get information and potentially take action. This is much appreciated! Messages shown on the system window do not yet do this. If they did, and did consistently, this game would have a real start to a unified "command screen" in which information is displayed or linked to, and from which orders are given.

Using Mass drivers to lob ore around is slow, in part because the speed at which mineral packets move does not appear to depend on Railgun Launch Velocity.

Ground surveys lack punch. In four games I've played with 50 stars and more, the total gain from all ground surveys might perhaps be one effectively usable mine world (2 games). Or the gain from all surveys together might, effectively, be nothing (2 games). This is due to several interlocking factors, among them the low return from all but the most promising (and lucky) surveys, the high concentration of TN resources in a few worlds, the critical importance of a few TN resources (and the near-ignorability of more than half the TN resource types), and the way mines produce from all resources on a world simultaneously.
Consider a successful survey. The most probable result is to add some non-critical TN resource, or add insufficient accessibility to make a world effectively mine-able given the alternatives available. Now, consider a survey that absolutely strikes the jackpot and adds 10,000,000 accessibility 0.9 Duranium. That's mighty interesting, but it'll be a long time on most maps before I actually mine such a world if it lacks Gallicite, Corundum, or Mercassium. To sum up, multiple features of the current TN resource allocation and mining system conspire against getting coolness from ground surveys.

Aurora shows a lot of messages, but my bandwidth for reading messages is low. I just want the critical ones. So I turn off such messages as leader retirement. 99% of the time, I lose nothing thereby, but when a truly important person vanishes I'd still like to know. So, who qualifies? Well, my personal answer is, roughly:
"If a scientist, and currently employed, or
If a civil administrator in charge of a sector, or in charge of a planet with any population or mines, or
If a ground commander and in charge of at least 500 build points-worth of units, or
If a navy officer and assigned to a fleet admin with ships attached, or in command of an armed military TF.

I want to know when a government ship has been scrapped. I do not want to know when a civilian ship has.

At present, the game provides no warning when a mineral is low, only when it has entirely run out. I propose that the game, for each production world, check to see if current construction and ship-building will both exhaust any mineral in less than (say) 20 days and also not complete before the mineral is exhausted.

Commander auto-assignment is very cautious about actually assigning officers. I'd like it to work harder to match suitable naval commanders with expensive ships instead of requiring me to hand-tweak ship class importance. Same story for ground units; the most expensive commands, and then the most expensive formations, should get officers more regularly. Same story with planets: the most populous worlds, and the ones with the most value in infrastructure, should immediately get the best eligible administrators. I like the fact that auto-assign doesn't re-assign leaders I've hand-placed, but I'd love it if the interface highlighted (gently) leaders that are off-limits for this reason.

In the Commanders window, I am having difficulty distinguishing between ships, populations, etc. that are highlighted in corniflower blue as having a leader and those in white without leaders. May I recommend a highlight color other than some tint of blue? Perhaps yellow, pale pink, or green?

Sector commanders, as expected, increase things like mining and production. I'm not seeing them increase population growth (could have sworn they did so in previous versions).

Managing research is more tedious than it needs to be. An initial proposal is for:
- Research facilities that become available through new construction, haulage, or scientist retirements to be automatically allocated. They should perhaps first be allocated to the projects with the most facilities already assigned, excepting projects that will complete in less than five days. If facilities remain un-allocated and no project has more than 1 facility assigned, then assign to the project with the earliest completion date, but not once that date is < five days away.
- A message to be shown of the form "Research re-allocated to developing X.". If more than one project gains facilities, than insert "and to other projects.".

A rather more ambitious proposal is for:
- All science to be centralized, but without losing track of the physical location of research facilities. All research facilities contributing to a project are combined. If at least some of these facilities are on a world with research bonuses, then indicate this in the Bonus Mod display. If any research is performed in a field, then the first facilities assigned are always from the world with the highest bonus in that field. The number of facilities from a world with bonuses are indicated, divided between those researching in a compatable field and those that are not.

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Offline Father Tim

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Re: C# Suggestions
« Reply #432 on: May 02, 2020, 08:36:34 AM »
Using Mass drivers to lob ore around is slow, in part because the speed at which mineral packets move does not appear to depend on Railgun Launch Velocity.

It is, and it should reamin so to encourage the use of government freighters.

Sector commanders, as expected, increase things like mining and production. I'm not seeing them increase population growth (could have sworn they did so in previous versions).

It did, and it still does.  I have many Administrators with Pop Growth modifiers.

Offline skoormit

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Re: C# Suggestions
« Reply #433 on: May 02, 2020, 08:56:33 AM »
CMCs are theft anyway -- there's no point in encouraging them.

But muh taxes!

Offline skoormit

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Re: C# Suggestions
« Reply #434 on: May 02, 2020, 08:58:28 AM »
A mass driver component for space stations only.
This will reduce the amount of micro needed for all the mineral transfers.

Oh my god, yes.
I was actually just now coming here to post this.
Please, please, please let me put a MD on a space station, park it at a jump point, and catch all the goodies I'm digging up in the system.
I'll even pay double the normal MD cost. Triple. Okay, quadruple! Just please let me have it.
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