Author Topic: Halo Alternative Universe - 2170 - C# 1.7.3 - Updates (ARCHIVED)  (Read 5218 times)

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Offline SpaceMarine (OP)

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UNSC - Report

Author Notes: This version of my AAR is no longer being updated, do not expect further updates, you can find the next AAR here

Also the ship designs have changed slightly so check out the background again if you wanna see the changes.

Ascension, New Worlds

Summary: The year 2170 was a year of ascension into the stars as well of discovery and science, with the discovery of the Epsilon Eridani system as well as full geological surveys of the planets in the sol system and Epsilon Eridani system, it was also a year of colonisation with the establishment of two colonies in sol, Luna and Mars, these colonies will provide the first point for humanity to jump across the stars.

January - July

January - 7th, the president delivers a speech and orders the UNSC to begin immediate exploration of the solar system as well as detailed geological reports, the ships sent are the following, UNSC - Bellerophon, UNSC - Providence, UNSC - Strident, UNSC - Andraste, the Bellerophon and the Providence would begin a geological survey of the system while the Strident and the Andraste would begin a gravitational survey, attached below is a transcript of the presidents speech to the UEG from Sydney.

"I am delighted to be making this speech, and I'm particularly delighted to be here on this occasion. We meet at an institute noted for the exploration of the sciences, in a city that two decades prior was looking up into the sky watching the flashes of war, but despite that we are here today, here to see the fruits of their efforts, standing behind me is not just an institute, not just a facility, it is the marking of the first step humanity has made to unite earth into space."

"No man can fully grasp how far we have come, but  try, if you will, the past two decades of our history and those prior have been that of fractured states, of war, but in the time of just a few years we have made history, we have united under one purpose, under one belief and under one way forward, this is a breathtaking pace, and such a pace cannot help but create new problems, new dangers. Surely the opening vistas of space promise high costs and hardships, as well as high reward."

"So it is not surprising that some would have us stay on earth, and wait a little longer to build up, but this government, this institution, this planet was not built by those who waited, by those who dreamt of nothing, it was built on the exact opposite, dreamers and people who hoped for more, and it is with great pride that we can realise those dreams, as I now give the order to launch the first ships outside of earths orbit, into the stars, into our dream!"

April - 7th, the first jump point is discovered by commander Curtis Purtill of the survey group Delta, this discovery will allow the use of the newly created trans-light engines and the exploration of the stars, as this is happening two terra-formers are brought into orbit of Luna and begin terra-forming the surface.

April - 30th, the first colonists land on Luna after infrastructure was delivered by UNSC Logistics command, the president made a brief comment as the colonists landed on the planet, "I salute those who would take the first step forward in the exploration and settlement of the stars". In the meantime two fuel harvester stations are brought into orbit of saturn and begin harvesting fuel from the atmosphere, this fuel supply will be an important for the UNSC as it is one of the few known bodies with access to large quantities of Sorium.

July - 27th, the first private sector colony line launches with one colony ship, this first step will provide the movement and freedom of the people of the UEG into the stars and is an important part of the UEGs strategy, in other news ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) orders geology companies from Earth to mars to begin a ground survey as possible extra mineral deposits were reported by the orbital survey team, the UNSC also order a UNA Battalion to Luna for garrison duty.

July - 28th, the UNA Battalion arrives and begins setting up various outposts on the surface and providing military police support if required.

July - 30th, the geology companies arrive and begin analysing mars for potential further resources


August - 17th, the geology companies that arrived on mars finished a geological survey and find nothing, they will be transported back.

August - 19th, UNSC High Command orders logistics command to begin offloading infrastructure to Mars as well as supplying colonists to the planet, the geological survey of Sol completes, attached below is the generalised mineral report.

     Duranium 177 257   Acc 0.9
     Neutronium 72 857   Acc 0.9
     Corbomite 145 400   Acc 0.7
     Tritanium 262 343   Acc 0.5
     Boronide 174 786   Acc 1
     Mercassium 58 243   Acc 0.5
     Vendarite 94 000   Acc 0.7
     Sorium 129 750   Acc 0.7
     Uridium 110 514   Acc 0.4
     Corundium 117 543   Acc 0.5
     Gallicite 43 857   Acc 0.9

     Neutronium 3 125 824   Acc 0.4
     Vendarite 10 653 696   Acc 0.7

     Sorium 4 519 088   Acc 0.6

     Sorium 24 760   Acc 0.3

     Duranium 4 578 338   Acc 0.7
     Neutronium 13 628 797   Acc 0.2
     Boronide 5 014 196   Acc 0.1
     Sorium 2 871 534   Acc 0.1
     Corundium 27 089 110   Acc 0.1


September - 11th, The first colonists arrive on Mars, as they land a battalion of UNA is ordered to be moved to Mars to begin garrison duty of the red planet.

September - 13th, the first fuel run to Saturn is setup, this now means Earth is no longer reliant on itself for fuel instead it can be shipped from Saturn and this will provide fuel for many years to come. In other news the gravitational survey of Sol is complete and finds only one jump point, with this fact now at hand the UNSC orders Survey Group Alpha and Survey Group Beta, to begin immediate transit to the other side, the UNSC - Bellerophon and the UNSC - Providence are the two ships to be sent.


October - 21st, On this day survey group beta and alpha begin their transit to the other side, slip space opens up around the ships as their trans-light engines rev up and they travel light years to the system of "Epsilon Eridani", the survey groups were under the command of Commander Brock Moone, he is scheduled to be given the colonial cross on Earth for his discovery and he immediately begins a survey of the system.


November - 10th, The survey groups under the command of commander Brock Moon finish the geological survey of the Epsilon Eridani system and move to begin gravitational surveys, attached below is the mineral and atmospheric report by Commander Moone.

Mineral Report:

Epsilon Eridani-A I
     Neutronium 278 784   Acc 0.9
     Tritanium 6 969 600   Acc 0.1
     Vendarite 8 242 641   Acc 0.1
     Sorium 435 600   Acc 0.5

Epsilon Eridani-A IV
     Duranium 2 775 368   Acc 0.4
     Neutronium 2 795 584   Acc 0.2
     Mercassium 5 731 236   Acc 0.1
     Sorium 4 056 196   Acc 0.3
     Uridium 36 100   Acc 0.2

Epsilon Eridani-A IV - Moon 5
     Duranium 4 418   Acc 1.0
     Corbomite 4 096   Acc 1.0
     Boronide 7 569   Acc 1.0
     Mercassium 04   Acc 1.0
     Vendarite 5 929   Acc 1.0

Epsilon Eridani-A IV - Moon 2
     Duranium 4 608   Acc 1.0
     Neutronium 256   Acc 1.0
     Boronide 9 409   Acc 1.0
     Mercassium 5 476   Acc 1.0
     Sorium 6 400   Acc 1.0
     Corundium 1 369   Acc 1.0

It is within my opinion that the newly discovered system of Epsilon Eridani contains a worthwhile amount of minerals and should be mined as soon as a colony is established, with moderate deposits of duranium, neutronium, mercasium and sorium on the fourth planet and various other resources across the system, overall a very exploitable system with high potential.

-Commander Brock Moone

Atmospheric Report:

There are five planets, and six moons in the system with one near habitable world that contains an atmosphere, this being the fourth planet in the system, its terrain can be described as "Desert Mountain" with pockets of lakes on the surface, it is 50% smaller than Earth and has a gravity of 0.427, the atmosphere itself is one of CO2 - Nitrogen, with 90% CO2 to 9% Nitrogen, if this CO2 was removed and oxygen was put in its place then this world would be ideal for colonisation as its temps would lower greatly, there is also some neon and water vapour in the atmosphere at unimportant percentages.

It is in my opinion that the fourth planet in the system be immediately designated as a colony world and be eventually terra-formed.

-Commander Brock Moone

« Last Edit: April 28, 2020, 06:32:30 AM by SpaceMarine »
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Halo Alternative Universe - 2170 - Inner Expansion, New Settlements
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2020, 10:23:14 AM »

UNSC - Report

Inner Expansion, New Settlements

Summary: during the year several important first steps were taken, first the undertaking of a foundation towards permanent settlement of the now newly designated world "Reach" formerly Epsilon Eridani IV and 2nd, it saw the exploration of another system, Proxima Centauri. Third, was the formation of the Colonial Administration Authority.


January - 1st, the president orders for immediate colonial preparations to be made towards the fourth planet of the Epsilon Eridani system and to fulfil this the president orders the creation of the Colonial Administration Authority, its purpose will be to facilitate and govern the civilian aspects of the UEGs efforts to colonise and explore the stars as well as the protection and responsibility of ensuring that new worlds of the UEG are prospering.  Attached below is the transcript from a speech in Sydney after news of the discovery of Epsilon Eridani and its planets.

        (Banner of the CAA)

I have just been made aware of the discovery and analysis from the fourth planet which from what I am hearing is to be an earth-like planet with access to water, now  with this discovery I have ordered the creation of a new organisation through the senate, this organisation is the Colonial Administration Authority and it will secure the future of these worlds, and with that mandate in mind they have been ordered to create permanent settlement on the fourth planet, we will see a colony on the fourth planet by the end of the year I can promise you that.

With those words sent out  to the now three worlds of the UNSC, Earth,, Luna, Mars. The UNSC - Armageddon and the UNSC - Bunker Hill are immediately dispatched to what is now being called "Reach" by the now waiting colonists after the news of the world reached Earth, the ships will enter orbit of the planet and at that point split off with the Armageddon dispatching a platoon of marines to the ground to set up security as well as the initial infrastructure to support large scale civilian landing operations, the Armageddon will remain in orbit and provide defences for the planet while the Bunker Hill will move back to Earth and rejoin the home fleet.

January - 18th, the destroyers arrive above the planet and the UNSC Armageddon unloads a platoon of marines onto the surface of the planet as they landed the leader of the platoon, Lieutenant Jackson Hammel commented on how it looks so much like "Old Africa", they would immediately begin setting up an outpost on the planet which would be setup on the northern hemisphere next to the largest body of water, they would remain here until the world was sufficiently settled and  garrison duty would  be taken over by the united nations army.

                     (Image of the UNSC Marines landing on the Planet)

The Bunker Hill would return to Earth and report a complete mission success.


April - 5th, the first habitats land on Reach, these habitats will allow permanent settlement of millions of colonists and the realisation of the CAAs goal on reach.

April - 7th, a support vessel that was ordered up by the CAA moves into orbit of reach to provide maintenance for the UNSC Armageddon as well as supplies to the forces below.


May - 12th, the first colonists land on reach and begin their long journey to permanent settlement on the planet, while the colonisation effort on reach would be easier than on Mars or Luna it would still be hard with temps reaching up to 65c on the hottest days and the desert like nature of the planet.

May - 13th, the gravitational survey of Epsilon Eridani is completed and one jump point is found out of the system, in the meantime tugs are ordered to move a refuelling station to Reach, this station will allow the survey groups to cover more distance as well as provide Reach with an important station that it will need if further ships are to be stationed above the planet.


June - 14th, Survey group Beta  under the command of Commander Brock Moone discovers Proxima Centauri, it contains a single star with eight planets, thirty moons, two hundred and forty asteroids and three comets, it also features a single near habitable world, due to no meaningful atmospheres on any of the planets there was only a mineral report sent back to the UNSC.

Mineral Report:

Proxima Centauri-A I
     Duranium 79 985 952   Acc 0.8
     Neutronium 8 549 776   Acc 0.1
     Tritanium 18 352 656   Acc 0.2
     Boronide 7 398 400   Acc 0.1
     Vendarite 45 319 824   Acc 0.1
     Sorium 9 784 384   Acc 0.1
     Corundium 17 205 904   Acc 0.1

Proxima Centauri-A II
     Sorium 5 929 000   Acc 0.5

     Duranium 8 627 858   Acc 0.9
     Mercassium 116 281   Acc 0.1
     Corundium 1 245 456   Acc 0.1

Proxima Centauri-A V
     Sorium 81 900   Acc 0.9

Proxima Centauri-A VI
     Gallicite 10 316 944   Acc 0.1

Asteroid #85
     Sorium 9 025   Acc 1

Asteroid #13
     Sorium 7 056   Acc 1

Asteroid #30
     Tritanium 1 024   Acc 1
     Boronide 2 809   Acc 1
     Corundium 81   Acc 1

Asteroid #42
     Mercassium 256   Acc 1

Proxima Centauri-A VI - Moon 7
     Neutronium 2 500   Acc 1

Proxima Centauri-A VI - Moon 3
     Duranium 2 738   Acc 1

Proxima Centauri-A VI - Moon 6
     Corbomite 1 052 676   Acc 0.8
     Corundium 1 498 176   Acc 0.2

Comet #1
     Tritanium 64 849   Acc 1
     Mercassium 167 726   Acc 1

Comet #3
     Neutronium 32 204   Acc 1
     Vendarite 115 061   Acc 0.6

As you can see from the statistics of each planet involved, overall mineral wealth is high especially on the first planet which is reminiscent of Venus, with over eighty million duranium in the system among gallicite and other deposits, this system will be an important key in the UEGs exploration and shipbuilding efforts as the duranium in the system could supply the entire UEG ten times over alone for the mineral and since there is only a single habitable world it only makes sense, that in my opinion this system be designated for immediate mining operations.

-Commander Brock Moone


August - 28th, the final addition of habitats and colonial supplies lands on Reach and it is now a permanent colonial settlement in the UEG as well as the first extra solar colony, in addition to infrastructure finishing to arrive on the planet, its first moon "Tribute" is now being colonised with supplies and equipment to start landing within the month, after all of these colonial additions and settlements popping up in the UEG, the CAA issued a list of development plans for the new worlds as well as plans for new worlds to be colonised, attached below is the list.


Sol Inner Colonies:

Luna - colonial population centre as well as civilian research operations

Mars - Industrial capacity to be increased as well as terra-forming to following in the coming years.

Jovian Moons:

Callisto, Europa, Ganymede, and Io - to be colonised by the end of the decade and contain population centres

Epsilon Eridani:

Reach - To be further supported and population centres increased and terra-forming is to start in the next two years, as well as the delivery of mining equipment to begin supplying jobs and work to the colony and industrial capacity.

Tribute - To be developed later than reach and eventually terra-formed two years after Reach

Colonial Administration Authority Letter to the President

It is with great importance I write to you mister president, for the colonisation efforts of the nearby star systems is in great need of the securing of further material and funding for the efforts in the colonisation of Reach and Tribute, if we could procure a further ten percent material and funding level support from the government signed through the senate then we would be able to continue operations on a large scale, it is important that we are able to do this as without the guidance of the CAA in these matters it could create confusion and chaos.

I hope you understand sir and talk with your cabinet in getting further legislation through as well as the procurement of more materials for the effort.

-Director Shao Yung

« Last Edit: April 21, 2020, 09:19:31 PM by SpaceMarine »

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UNSC - Report

Inner Expansion, New Discoveries

Summary: the year held numerous new discoveries  such as HH Andromedae, WD 1142-645, L 145-141, Groombridge 34, as well as the colonisation of a new permanent colonist the newly designated world of "Tribute" which is the first moon of Reach,  it also saw the near completion of Lunas terra-forming progress as well as the establishment of deep space tracking stations and cargo shuttle stations on Reach and Tribute, the first ever jump stabilisation station finalises development and one will be finished by the end of the year.


January - 3rd, Aberdeen class JSS finishes development and is authorised to be constructed, attached below are the design blueprints.

Aberdeen class Jump Stabilisation Station      50 565 tons       110 Crew       1 068.1 BP       TCS 1 011    TH 0    EM 0
1 km/s      No Armour       Shields 0-0     HTK 10      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 1      PPV 0
MSP 13    Max Repair 1000 MSP
Lieutenant Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months   
Jump Point Stabilisation: 180 days

January - 4th, UNSC High Command orders for a brigade of UNA forces to head to the Epsilon Eridani system and provide garrison duty to the worlds there, it also sends a company of combat engineers to provide fortifications on Reach.


February - 7th, gravitational survey completes of Proxima Centauri it has two jump points out of the system.

February - 9th, Commander Claude Alverio of the survey group "charlie" discovers the system of Groombridge 34, the system is a binary star system that contains seven planets, fifty six moons, ten asteroids and two comets, there are two near habitable worlds in the system. Attached below is an atmospheric report of the system, a full mineral report could not be completed in time to be sent int his report.

Atmospheric Report:

There are two habitable worlds in the system, on the first star there is a planet that is similar to the disposition of Luna it is becoming increasingly common for new systems to have worlds that do not contain atmosphere, but on the second star and the third planet there is a near habitable world, it has a Hydrogen - Helium  atmosphere of 81% Hydrogen to 15% Helium, it also has an Ice sheet of 93% and as such a temperature of -147c is observed, it is unfortunately also tidally locked.  It is within my opinion that this system does not contain enough present value without high deposits of minerals as such it should not have a permanent colony established.

-Commander Claude Alverio

February - 18th, Commander Curtis Purtill of the survey group "Delta" discovers the new system of HH Andromedae, it contains only a single star, orbiting the star is one venusian like planet and there are another four comets located within the system, no mineral or atmospheric report was filed due to these facts.


March - 20th, The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) orders troop transports to titan to deliver geology teams to the planet to begin a mineral survey of the moon.


April - 2nd, one million colonists arrive on the moon of reach, named "Tribute" the moon is part of new colonial administration authority efforts to colonise the system and these first colonists will be the first of many.


May - 25th, Gravitational survey completes of HH Andromedae completes and it contains three jump points

May - 30th, Curtis Purtil discovers the system of WD 1142-645, it contains a single star with two planets and twenty six moons orbiting it, there are no near habitable worlds and most of the world are considered to be venusian in class and nature. Attached below is the mineral report for the system.

Mineral Report:

Asteroid #6
     Vendarite 1 764   Acc 1

WD 1142-645-A I - Moon 1
     Duranium 18 050   Acc 1
     Neutronium 8 649   Acc 1
     Tritanium 7 569   Acc 1
     Uridium 6 084   Acc 1
     Gallicite 169   Acc 1

WD 1142-645-A I - Moon 5
     Duranium 14 112   Acc 1

WD 1142-645-A II - Moon 24
     Corbomite 861 184   Acc 0.1
     Tritanium 65 536   Acc 0.1
     Uridium 9 634 816   Acc 0.1

WD 1142-645-A II - Moon 18
     Duranium 3 042   Acc 1
     Mercassium 7 056   Acc 1
     Vendarite 2 500   Acc 1
     Uridium 04   Acc 1

WD 1142-645-A II - Moon 29
     Corundium 441   Acc 1

Comet #1
     Boronide 109 255   Acc 0.9

Comet #2
     Tritanium 109 765   Acc 0.5
     Boronide 16 662   Acc 1
     Mercassium 45 002   Acc 0.6

Comet #3
     Tritanium 64 388   Acc 0.5
     Uridium 20 528   Acc 0.5
     Corundium 52 892   Acc 0.9

 Comet #4
     Duranium 108 139   Acc 1
     Mercassium 27 282   Acc 0.9
     Uridium 27 712   Acc 0.7

Comet #5
     Duranium 147 339   Acc 1
     Boronide 39 060   Acc 1
     Mercassium 45 028   Acc 0.9
     Vendarite 397 975   Acc 0.9
     Uridium 224 686   Acc 0.9
     Gallicite 42 865   Acc 1

Comet #6
     Neutronium 72 685   Acc 0.5
     Mercassium 153 604   Acc 0.7
     Sorium 50 466   Acc 0.7
     Corundium 65 006   Acc 0.8

Comet #7
     Boronide 26 656   Acc 0.7
     Corundium 42 734   Acc 0.6
     Gallicite 215 328   Acc 0.8

The system contains light quantities of high accessibility minerals but due to the fact there are no near habitable worlds they would have to either be mined from orbit or automines on the surface of the planets, as such I am recommending this system either be ignored or used as a mining system if other systems are not as forth coming in minerals.

-Commander Curtis Purtill


June - 3rd, Commander Brock Moone discovers L-145-141, it contains a single star and has no other bodies of note as such no mineral or atmospheric report was filed.

June - 10th, UNSC Logistics command moves freighters to begin loading up cargo shuttle stations and deep space tracking stations and then unloading them on Reach and its moon "Tribute",  these stations will allow more permanent settlement on the planet and make it easier for civilian and military ships alike to unload supplies on the planet.


August - 20th, the shuttles and deep space tracking stations arrive on Reach and Tribute.


September - 11th, Oxygen finally reaches 0.1 Atm in the atmosphere of Luna as terra-forming efforts continue, Nitrogen is now being added to the atmosphere and later water vapour will be added to create a hydrosphere above Luna.


November - 28th, Logistics command finishes moving sixty mines to Mars to begin mining operations on the planet, not only will these allow mineral extraction but they will also provide jobs and stimulate the economy on Mars, it is part of a wider effort by the CAA to begin designating and specialising worlds with particular jobs and installations.

November - 29th, UNSC High Command draws up plans to put military academies on Luna for the express purpose of training in zero G and extreme conditions.

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Re: Halo Alternative Universe - 2170 - C# 1.7.3 - Small Author Update
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2020, 03:44:24 AM »
Small Author Update here: Progress of the game is going much more ahead of the AAR so am gonna slow down and get to writing am also working on the next project which is turning these AARs into youtube videos, this is the third test I have done and a  sneak peak for you guys who read these AARs -
« Last Edit: April 22, 2020, 03:47:37 AM by SpaceMarine »
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UEG/UNSC - Report

Inner Expansion, Domestic Issues

UNSC - Summary Report

In the year 2173, UNSC Forces continued the exploration of the stars along with more engineering breakthroughs including the first jump stabilisation device and a breakthrough enabling the development into the first communication device capable of travelling between star systems, project "Falcon" as it was called is important to the UNSC as without a device capable of this then communications both military and civilian would be heavily reduced.

Ship construction continued to ahead as the UNSC Planned for another Carrier strike group, it also saw the training and recruitment of more UNMC forces and the deployment of the current UNA forces across the now many worlds of the UEG.

UEG - Summary Report

In the year 2173-2174, the first presidential election after the advent of the trans-light engine and the first extra-solar colony, questions would be raised as to how the votes of the citizens on other bodies would be gathered and respected, most concerning about this year was the development of a party in the political system known as "Humanity first" this party believed that it was humanities "god given" right to own the stars not to mention their highly nationalistic and radical ideas, their case files were handed over to the office of naval intelligence for further discussion....

The Colonial Administration Authority continues to make great strides and new colonies are setup and their populations taxed accordingly, with the development of more civilian private sector lines and the further funding of the CAA, projections were that of twelve colonies by the end of the decade, six of those being outside of Sol.

January - 2173:

January - 25th, two UNSC Destroyers, the UNSC - Bunker Hill and UNSC - Calcutta are ordered to the newly designated planet of "Ballast" in the proxima centauri system, the Calcutta would remain there and provide protection as well as begin setting up infrastructure to receive colonists to the planet as the world was planned to be a colony world by the CAA.

March - 2173:

March - 20th, the UNSC - Calcutta and UNSC - Bunker Hill arrive at Ballast, the UNSC - Calcutta deploys two squads of marines while the UNSC - Bunker Hill moves back to the Epsilon Eridani jump point and heads back to Earth, the UNSC Marines make planet-fall two hours after arriving in orbit and begin offloading supplies and key infrastructure, the commander of the marines is named Lieutenant Jackson Osiris.

                                   - UNSC Marines landing on Ballast -

April - 2173:

April - 7th, A refuelling station enters orbit of Ballast

May - 2173:

May - 25th, Commander Curtis Purtil discovers the system of Alpha Aurigae, it contains a single star, orbiting that star is one planet, nineteen moons, thirty asteroids and four comets. No mineral or atmospheric report was made due to no proper atmosphere or minerals were found.

October - 2173:

October - 3rd, the first Aberdeen class jump stabilisation is constructed which will allow the stabilisation of apparent jump points and is critically important to the military and to the CAAs efforts in colonisation and the establishment of coherent and effective lines of communication and trade,

December - 2173:

December - 31st, all promise of dawn class survey frigates are moved back to Earth for immediate overhauls as they have finished their tour of four years, it was also a time to celebrate the exploration efforts of the UNSC with a ceremony celebrating the commanders and crews of the first ships to discover and explore worlds beyond the solar system.

Earth, Marlon institute of Technology, 2173
(The president of the UEG makes a speech after awarding the colonial cross to each commander)

I am thankful to be here, and I am more thankful of the safe return of these truly great men next to me, these men risked themselves in the pursuit of one purpose, of one goal, that goal being the exploration of the stars and the advancement of humanity, and it is my opinion and all of humanities opinion that those that achieve as they have that deserve the highest degree of respect, the highest degree of admiration. Now they are home, now they are with us once more after that fateful day where they ventured forward into the universe and explored the galaxy for humanity, and it is only due right.

-President John Lasky of the UEG

January - 2174:

January - 28th, the UNSC - Burlington (Promise of Dawn) finishes construction above Earth and Commander Emerson Palmeter is put in command and ordered to begin exploration of the stars.

May - 2174:

May - 5th, one thousand M5 Valiance class missiles are constructed on Earth and begin loading up to UNSC ships in orbit, the UNSC would continue to have more missiles built with 5% of military funding dedicated to the construction of Ordinance, in other news the 1st JSS moves to the epsilon eridani Jump point and begins stabilising it.

March - 2174:

March - 15th, Commander Emerson Palmeter discovers the system of Alpha Corvi, it is a binary star system with eleven planets, one hundred forty moons, one hundred and eighty-one asteroids and two comets, with one near habitable world  orbiting the second star, attached below is the mineral and atmospheric report.

Mineral Report:

Alpha Corvi-A I
     Sorium 396 000   Acc 0.3

Asteroid #107
     Sorium 4 953   Acc 1

Asteroid #95
     Duranium 5 408   Acc 1
     Sorium 49   Acc 1
     Uridium 10 000   Acc 1
     Gallicite 7 225   Acc 1

Asteroid #62
     Boronide 1 156   Acc 1
     Sorium 1 849   Acc 1

Asteroid #13
     Duranium 02   Acc 1
     Corbomite 2 209   Acc 1
     Sorium 5 929   Acc 1
     Corundium 3 364   Acc 1

Asteroid #7
     Neutronium 8 281   Acc 1
     Boronide 3 364   Acc 1
     Gallicite 1 225   Acc 1

Asteroid #9
     Mercassium 7 396   Acc 1
     Vendarite 361   Acc 1
     Uridium 9 216   Acc 1

Asteroid #151
     Duranium 7 560   Acc 1
     Neutronium 496   Acc 1
     Corbomite 6 320   Acc 1
     Tritanium 647   Acc 1
     Vendarite 1 709   Acc 1
     Sorium 1 982   Acc 1
     Corundium 7 372   Acc 1

Asteroid #47
     Vendarite 5 184   Acc 1

Asteroid #177
     Neutronium 49   Acc 1

Asteroid #37
     Duranium 17 672   Acc 1
     Sorium 5 041   Acc 1
     Uridium 4 761   Acc 1
     Corundium 1 764   Acc 1

Asteroid #3
     Boronide 441   Acc 1
     Mercassium 529   Acc 1
     Vendarite 5 929   Acc 1
     Gallicite 4 624   Acc 1

Asteroid #102
     Duranium 12 168   Acc 1
     Tritanium 2 916   Acc 1
     Corundium 576   Acc 1

Asteroid #43
     Mercassium 04   Acc 1
     Corundium 81   Acc 1

Asteroid #72
     Corbomite 3 215   Acc 0.9
     Vendarite 33 709   Acc 0.9
     Corundium 42 107   Acc 0.9

Asteroid #19
     Neutronium 2 916   Acc 1
     Tritanium 04   Acc 1
     Mercassium 4 624   Acc 1
     Uridium 4 356   Acc 1
     Corundium 1 225   Acc 1
     Gallicite 9 216   Acc 1

Asteroid #137
     Duranium 9 005   Acc 1
     Boronide 5 112   Acc 1
     Uridium 392   Acc 1
     Corundium 586   Acc 1
     Gallicite 7 939   Acc 1

Asteroid #78
     Duranium 288   Acc 1
     Mercassium 6 561   Acc 1
     Gallicite 144   Acc 1

Asteroid #133
     Duranium 10 368   Acc 1
     Corbomite 2 916   Acc 1
     Tritanium 4 225   Acc 1
     Gallicite 9 604   Acc 1

Comet #1
     Neutronium 60 898   Acc 1
     Vendarite 124 522   Acc 0.7
     Uridium 127 312   Acc 0.6
     Corundium 43 427   Acc 0.8

Comet #2
     Vendarite 42 828   Acc 0.7
     Sorium 51 788   Acc 1
     Uridium 47 095   Acc 0.9

Alpha Corvi-B I
     Duranium 3 500 658   Acc 0.7
     Neutronium 1 270 129   Acc 0.1
     Corbomite 10 144 225   Acc 0.4
     Boronide 17 757 796   Acc 0.1
     Sorium 4 648 336   Acc 0.1
     Uridium 1 882 384   Acc 0.1
     Corundium 16 144 324   Acc 0.1

Alpha Corvi-B II
     Duranium 93 312   Acc 0.5
     Neutronium 1 679 616   Acc 0.1
     Corbomite 5 475 600   Acc 0.1
     Tritanium 627 264   Acc 0.1
     Boronide 9 809 424   Acc 0.7

Alpha Corvi-B III
     Duranium 19 845 000   Acc 0.6
     Neutronium 14 288 400   Acc 0.9
     Boronide 777 924   Acc 0.1
     Uridium 15 256 836   Acc 0.6

Alpha Corvi-B V
     Sorium 5 642 000   Acc 0.5

Alpha Corvi-B VI
     Sorium 49 800   Acc 1

Alpha Corvi-B VII
     Sorium 4 794 000   Acc 0.3

Alpha Corvi-B VIII
     Sorium 5 320 000   Acc 0.7

Alpha Corvi-B IV - Moon 17
     Duranium 13 025 408   Acc 0.5
     Corbomite 13 778 944   Acc 0.7
     Corundium 1 937 664   Acc 0.1
     Tritanium 25 462 116   Acc 0.1
     Boronide 9 449 476   Acc 1
     Mercassium 29 095 236   Acc 0.1

Alpha Corvi-B IV - Moon 15
     Duranium 1 280 000   Acc 0.9

Alpha Corvi-B V - Moon 23
     Corbomite 490 000   Acc 0.9
     Tritanium 883 600   Acc 0.6
     Mercassium 360 000   Acc 0.8
     Uridium 40 000   Acc 0.8

Alpha Corvi-B V - Moon 4
     Duranium 5 604 552   Acc 0.9
     Neutronium 627 264   Acc 0.6
     Tritanium 1 920 996   Acc 0.4
     Boronide 2 022 084   Acc 0.2
     Vendarite 518 400   Acc 0.7
     Corundium 54 756   Acc 0.6
     Gallicite 777 924   Acc 0.7

Alpha Corvi-B V - Moon 17
     Duranium 596 232   Acc 0.9
     Sorium 1 308 736   Acc 1
     Gallicite 152 100   Acc 1

Alpha Corvi-B V - Moon 9
     Corbomite 6 071 296   Acc 0.1
     Tritanium 30 735 936   Acc 0.1
     Boronide 18 593 344   Acc 0.1
     Vendarite 69 889 600   Acc 0.1
     Corundium 2 795 584   Acc 0.1
     Gallicite 10 036 224   Acc 0.1
     Uridium 2 795 584   Acc 0.1

Alpha Corvi-B V - Moon 18
     Boronide 4 489   Acc 1
     Mercassium 7 056   Acc 1
     Gallicite 25   Acc 1

Alpha Corvi-B V - Moon 22
     Vendarite 04   Acc 1

Alpha Corvi-B VI - Moon 9
     Duranium 10 035 200   Acc 0.7
     Sorium 1 449 616   Acc 0.8

Alpha Corvi-B VII - Moon 24
     Mercassium 5 041   Acc 1
     Gallicite 784   Acc 1

Alpha Corvi-B VII - Moon 4
     Duranium 1 152   Acc 1
     Tritanium 160 000   Acc 1
     Vendarite 50 176   Acc 1
     Gallicite 50 176   Acc 1

Alpha Corvi-B VII - Moon 20
     Tritanium 16 224 784   Acc 0.1
     Corundium 5 198 400   Acc 0.1
     Gallicite 1 478 656   Acc 0.1

Alpha Corvi-B VII - Moon 10
     Duranium 61 250   Acc 0.9

Alpha Corvi-B VII - Moon 5
     Duranium 13 025 408   Acc 0.8
     Corundium 1 030 225   Acc 0.1

Alpha Corvi-B VIII - Moon 3
     Neutronium 1 334 025   Acc 0.1

It is within my opinion that the system of Alpha-Corvi-B has incredible deposits of resources and would be capable of sustaining a large amount of industry as well as ships, with high depots of almost every kind of mineral and high accessibility as well, the minerals are also arranged in primarily on moons surrounding the habitable world in the system would would the mass collection of resources across the system, this system should be designated as a shipbuilding and mining system that within the next thirty years the system could be a major shipping lane and system within the UEG.

-Commander Emerson Palmeter

Atmospheric Report:

Two planets orbiting the star of Alpha Corvi-B contain atmospheres that could be capable of supporting human life, with Alpha Corvi-B II having a Nitrogen-Oxygen atmosphere of 83% Nitrogen and 13% Oxygen, there is a high amount of CO2 within the atmosphere as well at 2.5%. the third planet Alpha Corvi-B III has a Nitrogen-Oxygen, with 71% Nitrogen and 20% Oxygen as well as 8% Neon, both planets also have access to water through Ice sheets in the north and south pole. 

It is in my opinion that both planets be colonised and terraformed as the planets could be done so easily.

-Commander Emerson Palmeter

June - 2174:

June - 28th, a Jump stabilisation station is brought into orbit of the Proxima Centauri and begins stabilising the jump point.

August - 2174:

August - 12th, The first jump point is fully stabilised connecting both the Sol system and Epsilon Eridani system and thus allowing the transport of mass quantities of supplies and infrastructure,  it will also allow trade to the new colonies of Reach and Tribute.

October - 2174:

October - 30th, The first of the overhauling survey frigates finishes overhauling above Earth and moves back to the frontier and continue exploration.

November - 2174:

November - 8th to 16th, the first election takes place in the UEG since the development of the first trans-light engine and establishment of extra-solar colonies, to deal with the fact that the they would have to tally votes from every planet the UEG decided to make each planet have its own amount of votes and the also they would be given a maximum time of a week to get the votes in as travel takes a long period of time and some planets and populations would need time to transport the votes, below are the amount of votes each planet has.

Sol System
Earth - 575 million Total votes
Luna - 500,000 Total votes
Mars - 250,000 Total votes

Epsilon Eridani:
Reach - 1.26 Million total votes
Tribute - 1.23 Million total votes.

Proxima Centauri:
Ballast - 456,000 total votes.

Each planet would cast their votes, each vote could be cast in any parties name, there were a total of three political parties, the "Centrists" which represented the least radical members of society and those who believed in developing all aspects of the human species, the "Publicists" which believe in the advancement and proliferation of the human race among the stars as well as the development of what they call "Humanities destiny", the next party is new to the arena and is called "Humanity first" just as in the name they believe in humanity above all and have what some may consider "Radical" Ideas with campaigning for increased military funding and more nationalistic economic policies, they were not expected to win the election.

Below is the following results of the election:
Centrists - 425 Million votes cast in favour
Publicists - 225 Million votes cast in favour
Humanity First - 25 million votes cast in favour

The Centrists won with a majority, likely due to the fact president John Lasky was the leader of the party and he was at the height of his popularity as he had lead the UEG into the stars successfully.

December - 2174:

December - 21st, The office of naval intelligence orders a troop transport to deliver a geology team to alpha corvi and a united nations army battalion is told to accompany them.

December - 25th, The UNSC - Providence completes her overhaul.

« Last Edit: April 23, 2020, 05:46:20 AM by SpaceMarine »

Offline SpaceMarine (OP)

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Hey guys so I will be postponing the Halo series here and instead starting up an Warhammer 30,000 crusade campaign that will be taking inspiration from steves but adding more personal depth, more detailed ground unit information, and a different take on the scenario or continuing the halo series but updated and with a newer version as well as ships and new styles of writing. I hope you enjoyed the Halo AARs the reason for why am discontinuing is that I feel I have learned enough about writing AARs and the game to where I feel comfortable starting an Imperium crusade, but do not worry, if you enjoyed the Halo part of it then you will be interested to know that I will be making and releasing narrative Halo AAR videos based off the current AARs, they will be like an audiobook but based on auroras story and how that effects things.

So I hope that clears up everything.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2020, 01:50:05 AM by SpaceMarine »

Offline SpaceMarine (OP)

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Re: Halo Alternative Universe - 2170 - C# 1.7.3 - Updates
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2020, 02:00:41 AM »
Also do not expect a new AAR on halo in future too too soon or for the warhammer one because between doing tutorials, making content etc I havent been able to play the game just on my own, and I do not want to burn myself out, this is one of the primary reasons am taking this break and then coming back with a later verison, so am gonna chill then come back stronger