Medal ImportThere is a new Medal Import button on the Medal Window that allows you to load a CSV to setup medals and associated conditions.
The format of the file is one medal per line with the fields separated by commas. The first 6 fields are fixed with the following values:
- Medal Name
- Description
- Abbreviation
- Points
- Multiple Awards - use Y or N
- Image File Name - needs to be in Medals sub-directory
Following those fields, you can have an unlimited number of additional numeric fields. Each number represents a condition that will apply to the medal. For example, here is a sample row from a medal import file:
Silver Star,Gallantry in Action,SSM,200,Y,Silver Star Ribbon.png,17,40,42
The IDs for the conditions can be found in the AuroraDB file in the DIM_MedalCondition table. Here is the current list. These are in ID order rather than display order.
1 Discover New Star System
2 Discover Alien Ruins
3 Survive Ship Destruction
4 Destroy Hostile Ship
5 Destroy 100,000 tons of Commercial Shipping
6 Destroy 250,000 tons of Commercial Shipping
7 Destroy 1,000,000 tons of Commercial Shipping
8 Destroy 10 Hostile Missiles
9 Destroy 10,000 tons of Military Shipping
10 Destroy 25,000 tons of Military Shipping
11 Destroy 100,000 tons of Military Shipping
12 Destroy 100 Hostile Missiles
13 Suffer Armour Damage
14 Suffer Internal Damage
15 Destroy Hostile Ground Unit
16 Destroy 1000 tons of Hostile Ground Forces
17 Destroy 10,000 tons of Hostile Ground Forces
18 Discover 100 System Bodies With Minerals
19 Discover 1000 System Bodies With Minerals
20 Discover 10 Jump Points
21 Discover 100 Jump Points
22 Discover 10 New Star Systems
23 Destroy 1000 Hostile Missiles
24 Generate 10,000 Research Points
25 Generate 100,000 Research Points
26 Completed Research Project
27 Completed Five Research Projects
28 Ten Years of Service
29 Twenty Years of Service
30 Thirty Years of Service
31 Capture Hostile Ship in Boarding Combat
32 Habitable World Discovered
33 Three Habitable Worlds Discovered
34 Participate in Combat Drop - Formation
35 Participate in Five Combat Drops - Formation
36 Participate in Combat Drop - Transport
37 Participate in Five Combat Drops - Transport
38 Recover 10 Abandoned Installations
39 Recover 100 Abandoned Installations
40 Destroy 50,000 tons of Military Shipping
41 Destroy 250,000 tons of Military Shipping
42 Destroy 500,000 tons of Commercial Shipping
43 Destroy 2,500,000 tons of Commercial Shipping
44 Destroy 2500 tons of Hostile Ground Forces
45 Destroy 5000 tons of Hostile Ground Forces
46 Destroy 25000 tons of Hostile Ground Forces
47 Stabilise 1 Jump Point or Lagrange Point
48 Stabilise 3 Jump Points or Lagrange Points
49 Stabilise 10 Jump Points or Lagrange Points
50 Salvage 25,000 tons (Commercial / 10)
51 Salvage 100,000 tons (Commercial / 10)
52 Salvage 250,000 tons (Commercial / 10)
53 Discover Three Alien Ruins
54 Generate 25,000 Research Points
55 Generate 250,000 Research Points
56 Recover 25 Abandoned Installations
57 Recover 250 Abandoned Installations
58 Discover 25 New Star Systems
59 Discover 100 New Star Systems
60 Destroy 100,000 tons of Hostile Ground Forces