On March 23rd 2507, full communication was established with the alien race encountered in Sigma Draconis. The aliens, who identified themselves as the Tarellian Confederation, resembled large, bipedal reptiles, covered in scales ranging in colour from green to rusty red. Their faces were almost dog-like in shape, while their eyes were slitted, like a snake. Despite their appearance being instinctively dangerous to humans, the Tarellians seemed content to continue communication and improve diplomatic relations. So far, only the single Hunter class ship had appeared in Sigma Draconis.
A few days later, the survey of the ruins on Medusa II was completed. Revealing one hundred and forty potential recovery sites. Work was still underway on the ruins on Nocturne II, so Ordo Machinum formations would be moved over gradually, as the number of recovery locations on Nocturne slowly decreased. Two known Necron tomb worlds remained. The Prometheus system held a very large Necron fleet and would not be attacked in the near future, although an operation to stabilise the Prometheus – Ursae Majoris jump point was successful. Cerix Magnus had a force similar to those in Medusa and Nocturne and would be attacked once the Imperial Navy was able to divert sufficient force away from its defensive commitments.
The whole of 2507 and the first eight months of 2508 were dedicated to a military and economic build-up. A breathable atmosphere was created for Corinthis III, on the border with the Tau Empire, reducing the colony cost from 2.00 to 0.27. As the planet was 23,000 km in diameter it would take considerable effort to reduce the colony cost to zero. Given the planet’s mineral resources were inferior to several other potential mining sites and the infrastructure already in place was sufficient to support a population of thirty-three million, further terraforming was postponed in favour of higher priority operations. The potential population would be able to support a sizeable fleet base, which was the primary purpose of the colony.
The innermost planet of the Greyshroud system, adjacent to Corinthis, became an ideal habitable world in March 2508. Greyshroud was one of several sites designated for future manned mining colonies as the deposits on Terra were fast running out. Greyshroud I was a dwarf planet 2000 km in diameter and barely within the tolerable gravity range at 0.106G. An Aestusium – Oxygen atmosphere of 0.47 atm was created and a small amount of water vapour added to bring the total surface water over twenty percent coverage. The population was less than one million by August 2508 but that would grow over time. Due to the tide-locked nature of the planet, the maximum population capacity was sixty million.
Greyshroud I Survey ReportDuranium: 1,584,200 0.90
Tritanium: 40,000 0.90
Boronide: 52,900 0.70
Vendarite: 756,900 0.80
Sorium: 792,100 1.00
Uridium: 400 0.60
Gallicite: 448,900 0.90
Several new ship classes entered service in 2507 and 2508. The first Dauntless III class, Emperor’s Shield, was launched in July 2507 and was joined by her sister ships Avenger and Burden of Vigilance in February 2508. The Dauntless III was broadly similar to the preceding class, except for new ceramic composite armour and the replacement of two AK-10Bs weapon batteries with two AK-20s to improve offensive capabilities.
Dauntless III class Light Cruiser 15,000 tons 480 Crew 2,473.9 BP TCS 300 TH 1,500 EM 0
5000 km/s Armour 6-54 Shields 0-0 HTK 92 Sensors 5/6/0/0 DCR 11 PPV 80
Maint Life 2.24 Years MSP 1,133 AFR 164% IFR 2.3% 1YR 304 5YR 4,558 Max Repair 375 MSP
Captain Control Rating 2 BRG AUX
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months Morale Check Required
Ravenor Drive Systems RD-750M (2) Power 1500 Fuel Use 32.66% Signature 750 Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 550,000 Litres Range 20.2 billion km (46 days at full power)
Astaroth AK-20 Weapons Battery (8x4) Range 160,000km TS: 5,000 km/s Power 12-4 RM 40,000 km ROF 15
Astaroth AK-10B Weapons Battery (8x4) Range 40,000km TS: 5,000 km/s Power 3-3 RM 40,000 km ROF 5
MK II Weapons Battery Fire Control (2) Max Range: 256,000 km TS: 5,000 km/s
MK II Weapons Battery Secondary Fire Control (2) Max Range: 64,000 km TS: 5,000 km/s
R-18 Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor (2) Total Power Output 36 Exp 5%
R-20 Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor (1) Total Power Output 20.4 Exp 5%
MK I Light Cruiser Active Augur Array (1) GPS 7200 Range 52.8m km Resolution 120
MK I Torpedo Detection Augur Array (1) GPS 12 Range 4.8m km MCR 430.9k km Resolution 1
MK I Electromagnetic Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 6 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 19.4m km
MK I Thermal Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 5 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 17.7m km
The first four frigates of the Sword III class, Gladiator, Glory, Hussar and Javelin, entered service in September 2507. The Sword III was 9000 tons, compared to 7500 tons for the Sword II, which provided a substantial leap in capability. Armour thickness improved by twenty-five percent, with total armour increased by forty percent. The four AK-15s weapon batteries of the Sword II were upgraded to four AK-20s, while the number of AK-10Bs increased from four to six. A second MK II Weapons Battery Fire Control replaced the secondary fire control of the Sword II.
Sword III class Frigate 9,000 tons 285 Crew 1,498.7 BP TCS 180 TH 900 EM 0
5000 km/s Armour 5-38 Shields 0-0 HTK 60 Sensors 5/3/0/0 DCR 5 PPV 46
Maint Life 2.15 Years MSP 520 AFR 130% IFR 1.8% 1YR 151 5YR 2,261 Max Repair 225 MSP
Commander Control Rating 2 BRG AUX
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months Morale Check Required
Ravenor Drive Systems RD-450M (2) Power 900 Fuel Use 36.89% Signature 450 Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 401,000 Litres Range 21.7 billion km (50 days at full power)
Astaroth AK-20 Weapons Battery (4x4) Range 160,000km TS: 5,000 km/s Power 12-4 RM 40,000 km ROF 15
Astaroth AK-10B Weapons Battery (6x4) Range 40,000km TS: 5,000 km/s Power 3-3 RM 40,000 km ROF 5
MK II Weapons Battery Fire Control (2) Max Range: 256,000 km TS: 5,000 km/s
R-17 Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor (2) Total Power Output 34.8 Exp 5%
MK I Frigate Active Augur Array (1) GPS 4320 Range 40.9m km Resolution 120
MK I Small Torpedo Detection Augur Array (1) GPS 6 Range 3.4m km MCR 304.7k km Resolution 1
MK I Thermal Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 5 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 17.7m km
MK I Small Electromagnetic Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 3 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 13.7m km
The first pair of Lunar II class cruisers, Righteous Protector and Iron Duke, were launched in May 2508. An upgrade to ceramic composite armour created sufficient internal space to add two Astaroth AK-10B weapons batteries and to replace the 500-ton capacity troop transport bay of the Lunar I with a 1000-ton hangar bay. A Thunderhawk-A assault transport with a space marine assault force was assigned to each ship, although the hangar bay could also carry a pair of Fury class interceptors or a newly-designed Thunderhawk-T, armed with twenty-four light torpedoes.
Lunar II class Cruiser 30,000 tons 894 Crew 4,815.4 BP TCS 600 TH 3,000 EM 0
5000 km/s Armour 8-86 Shields 0-0 HTK 174 Sensors 10/6/0/0 DCR 22 PPV 145
Maint Life 2.18 Years MSP 2,207 AFR 327% IFR 4.5% 1YR 626 5YR 9,390 Max Repair 375 MSP
Hangar Deck Capacity 1,000 tons Magazine 20
Captain Control Rating 2 BRG AUX
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months Flight Crew Berths 20 Morale Check Required
Ravenor Drive Systems RD-750M (4) Power 3000 Fuel Use 32.66% Signature 750 Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 1,140,000 Litres Range 20.9 billion km (48 days at full power)
Astaroth AK-20 Weapons Battery (16x4) Range 160,000km TS: 5,000 km/s Power 12-4 RM 40,000 km ROF 15
Astaroth AK-10B Weapons Battery (10x4) Range 40,000km TS: 5,000 km/s Power 3-3 RM 40,000 km ROF 5
MK II Weapons Battery Fire Control (4) Max Range: 256,000 km TS: 5,000 km/s
MK II Weapons Battery Secondary Fire Control (2) Max Range: 64,000 km TS: 5,000 km/s
R-22 Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor (3) Total Power Output 66.6 Exp 5%
R-28 Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor (1) Total Power Output 28 Exp 5%
Torpedo Box Launcher (4) Missile Size: 5 Hangar Reload 111 minutes MF Reload 18 hours
MK I Torpedo Fire Control (1) Range 47.2m km Resolution 120
MK I Augur Torpedo (4) Speed: 5,000 km/s End: 3.3d Range: 1,440m km WH: 0 Size: 5 TH: 16/10/5
MK I Cruiser Active Augur Array (1) GPS 12960 Range 70.8m km Resolution 120
MK I Torpedo Detection Augur Array (1) GPS 12 Range 4.8m km MCR 430.9k km Resolution 1
MK I Electromagnetic Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 6 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 19.4m km
MK I Large Thermal Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 10 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 25m km
On August 13th 2508, the first Dictator class carrier, Archon Kort, was launched by Octavian Shipbuilding. Unlike the smaller Enforcer class carrier, the Dictator had large magazines, allowing it to embark Starhawk class bombers. The Dictator emphasised carrier operations and was unable to either defend itself or withstand a serious attack, so an escort group would be required. The standard strike group would be sixteen Starhawks, with sufficient ordnance for two reloads, plus a pair of Fury class interceptors for situations where an enemy could be killed without the use of ordnance.
Dictator class Carrier 30,000 tons 554 Crew 3,583.8 BP TCS 600 TH 3,000 EM 0
5000 km/s Armour 2-86 Shields 0-0 HTK 145 Sensors 5/6/0/0 DCR 25 PPV 0
Maint Life 2.10 Years MSP 1,866 AFR 288% IFR 4.0% 1YR 568 5YR 8,520 Max Repair 375 MSP
Hangar Deck Capacity 9,000 tons Magazine 969
Captain Control Rating 2 BRG AUX
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months Flight Crew Berths 180 Morale Check Required
Ravenor Drive Systems RD-750M (4) Power 3000 Fuel Use 32.66% Signature 750 Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 1,454,000 Litres Range 26.7 billion km (61 days at full power)
MK II Light Torpedo (387) Speed: 26,000 km/s End: 19.5m Range: 30.5m km WH: 4 Size: 2.50 TH: 86/52/26
MK I Light Cruiser Active Augur Array (1) GPS 7200 Range 52.8m km Resolution 120
MK I Electromagnetic Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 6 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 19.4m km
MK I Thermal Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 5 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 17.7m km
Strike Group
16x Starhawk Bomber Speed: 5260 km/s Size: 9.98
2x Fury II Interceptor Speed: 8758 km/s Size: 9.99
The second and third Dread Argent class strike cruisers, Eternal Defiance and Angelica Mortis, were launched in April 2507 and February 2508 respectively. They were joined by Vengeance Incandescent, the first Dread Argent II class strike cruiser, in August 2508. The new design used upgraded armour and a small reduction in range and sensor capability to create space for two AK-10B weapon batteries.
Dread Argent II class Strike Cruiser 15,000 tons 368 Crew 2,179.6 BP TCS 300 TH 1,500 EM 0
5000 km/s Armour 5-54 Shields 0-0 HTK 80 Sensors 5/0/0/0 DCR 11 PPV 34
Maint Life 2.04 Years MSP 999 AFR 164% IFR 2.3% 1YR 320 5YR 4,797 Max Repair 375 MSP
Hangar Deck Capacity 3,000 tons
Captain Control Rating 2 BRG AUX
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months Flight Crew Berths 60 Morale Check Required
Ravenor Drive Systems RD-750M (2) Power 1500 Fuel Use 32.66% Signature 750 Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 535,000 Litres Range 19.7 billion km (45 days at full power)
Astaroth AK-20 Weapons Battery (4x4) Range 160,000km TS: 5,000 km/s Power 12-4 RM 40,000 km ROF 15
Astaroth AK-10B Weapons Battery (2x4) Range 40,000km TS: 5,000 km/s Power 3-3 RM 40,000 km ROF 5
MK II Weapons Battery Fire Control (2) Max Range: 256,000 km TS: 5,000 km/s
R-12 Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor (2) Total Power Output 24.2 Exp 5%
MK I Frigate Active Augur Array (1) GPS 4320 Range 40.9m km Resolution 120
MK I Thermal Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 5 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 17.7m km
Strike Group
3x Thunderhawk - A Assault Transport Speed: 9003 km/s Size: 19.99
During 2507 and 2508, Imperium freighters and colony ships had been building up a colony on Ursae Majoris I so that the Imperium would have a solid claim on the system before any Tarellian ship arrived. Although Ursae Majoris was two jumps from Sigma Draconis, where the aliens had first appeared, it had been chosen as the site of the new colony because it was a choke point through which any invasion force would have to pass to reach the rest of the Imperium. Sigma Draconis and Ursae Majoris were separated by the Gethsemane system, which also had a connection to the unsurveyed Benediction system, so Sigma Draconis could be reached either by ships passing through Benediction and Gethsemane or via a jump point in Sigma Draconis itself, which had not been surveyed. Given that potential, Ursae Majoris seemed to be a safer option. By September 2508, the colony had reached a population of three million and could support 43,000 tons of warships. The planet itself was a hot, barren wasteland tide-locked to the red dwarf primary, but served its purpose as a forward base and in supporting the Imperium claim to the system.
Several survey frigates had been dispatched along the Damocles chain once they completed their existing missions. In September 2508, with the survey of Sigma Draconis 75% complete, the scout frigate Anaconda arrived to probe two newly discovered jump points. The first led to the known Imperium system of Gothic, throwing Imperium maps and the Lords of Terra’s strategy for the Damocles chain into chaos. Before the connection, Gothic was twelve transits from Sigma Draconis, on the far side of known space. Gothic II was home to a small Imperium colony of 460,000 and more importantly one of the future manned mining sites. A single Gaia class terraforming station was already in orbit of Gothic II and the stabilisation ship Arch of Constantine was working on the Gothic – Hesperus jump point.
Gothic II Survey ReportDuranium: 4,572,288 0.80
Neutronium: 2,742,336 0.90
Corbomite: 171,396 0.80
Tritanium: 1,205,604 0.90
Mercassium: 1,920,996 0.10
Vendarite: 2,862,864 1.00
Sorium: 291,600 0.80
Corundium: 5,184 0.40
The jump tender Empyrean Tempest was stationed at the Hesperus - Gothic jump point, allowing commercial traffic to enter Gothic from the rest of the Imperium while the stabilisation task was still underway. The Hesperus system itself had a colony of 160,000 on the second planet, which was an excellent terraforming candidate. Beyond Hesperus was Epsilon Indi, one of the most important systems in the Imperium. While it had no planets, its four jump points connected to Hesperus, the key frontier system of Corinthis, the recently conquered Necron system of Medusa and the Solstice system, which was two transits from Sol via Proxima. The Tarellians could not be allowed to advance down the chain from Sigma Draconis through Gothic and Hesperus to Epsilon Indi.
The Lords of Terra announced a change to their previous strategy. Rather than holding at Ursae Majoris, the Imperium would focus all its efforts on the small colony in Sigma Draconis I, site of the first contact with the Tarellians, with the aim of claiming and holding that system. A new force of three Dauntless light cruisers and three Sword class frigates, designated as Battlefleet Gothic, was dispatched to the Gothic system with orders to guard the Sigma Draconis jump point.
Meanwhile, Anaconda set course for the second unexplored jump point in Sigma Draconis. She arrived on September 14th 2508 and detected a new Tarellian ship, designated as Stalker class, already on the jump point. Anaconda entered the jump point and emerged in Gryphonne, a system with an orange K0-V primary, nine planets and more than eighty moons. The second and third planets both had nitrogen – oxygen atmospheres. Gryphonne II was a super-terrestrial world with a dense atmosphere of 2.84 atm, including 0.45 atm of oxygen. While the surface temperature was in the habitable range, the planet had no surface water at all. Gryphonne III, despite its temperature of -92C, was actually a better prospect for terraforming. The atmosphere was much thinner, at .0265 atm with 0.06 atm of oxygen, ice sheets covered more than a third of the surface and the diameter of 7800 km meant it was much faster to terraform than its neighbour.
The jump point was four point six billion kilometres from the primary, so Anaconda headed in-system until she was within augur torpedo range, then fired both augur torpedoes and geosurvey drones at the second and third planets. There was no sign of any Tarellian presence. If the Stalker stationed on the Sigma Draconic – Gryphonne jump point was an indication of the direction of the Tarellian home world, then the lack of colonies in Gryphonne was encouraging for the chances of the Imperium securing Sigma Draconis. However, it was also still possible the Tarellians had moved along the chain Benediction – Gethsemane – Sigma Draconis and had only recently found Gryphonne themselves. A second Imperium survey operation would soon begin in Benediction to check for any signs of the Tarellians beyond that system.
On October 28th, the ice caps melted on the sole moon of Eridani III, raising the temperature into the tolerable range. As the atmosphere was already breathable, the moon was now an ideal habitable world. The moon had more than a million tons of accessibility 0.9 Duranium and substantial mid-accessibility deposits of Sorium and Gallicite. Eridani was only two transits from Sol, which made the moon an ideal location for some of the sixteen hundred manned mines on Terra, which were quickly exhausting the last remnants of Terra mineral deposits. Unfortunately, almost all of the Imperium’s colony ships and freighters were engaged in a frantic effort to build a significant colony on Sigma Draconis I, so the relocation of mines to Eridani would have to wait.
Eridani III – Moon 1 Survey ReportDuranium: 1,219,922 0.90
Neutronium: 12,100 0.90
Tritanium: 12,100 0.80
Sorium: 1,024,144 0.60
Gallicite: 393,129 0.60
Terra Survey ReportDuranium: 81,264 0.71
Neutronium: 7,544 0.17
Tritanium: 81,290 0.54
Mercassium: 39,668 0.32
Sorium: 1,512 0.11
Corundium: 22,313 0.34
Gallicite: 10,990 0.20
Several of the Gaia class terraforming stations that had worked in Eridani were towed to the fourteenth moon of the third planet of the adjacent Carpathia system, which lay between Eridani and Sol. The moon also had useful mineral deposits, but was blazing hot and barren. Its small size meant it could be terraformed relatively quickly, although the total lack of water meant it would take at least five years for sufficient water to condense out of the atmosphere to reduce the colony cost to zero.
Carpathia III – Moon 14 Survey ReportDuranium: 3,195,385 0.80
Corbomite: 12,538 0.70
Boronide: 147,452 0.50
Vendarite: 518,398 0.30
Uridium: 984,060 0.50
Carpathia was also home to the primary automated mining colony of the Imperium, on the eleventh moon of the sixth planet. As the moon had a colony cost of 9.67 it would not be terraformed into a habitable world. Instead, five newly constructed O’Neill class orbital habitats had been towed into orbit of the moon, allowing a population of two million to operate manned mines.
Carpathia VI – Moon 11 Survey ReportDuranium: 1,138,904 0.80
Neutronium: 741,807 0.90
Tritanium: 222,840 0.90
Vendarite: 152,127 0.90
Uridium: 241,378 0.70
Corundium: 581,578 0.70
O'Neill class Orbital Habitat 1,002,591 tons 76 Crew 519.6 BP TCS 20,052 TH 0 EM 0
1 km/s No Armour Shields 0-0 HTK 57 Sensors 5/6/0/0 DCR 1 PPV 0
MSP 0 Max Repair 200 MSP
Habitation Capacity 400,000
Lieutenant Commander Control Rating 1 BRG
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months
MK I Navigation Array (1) GPS 1440 Range 23.6m km Resolution 120
MK I Electromagnetic Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 6 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 19.4m km
MK I Thermal Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 5 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 17.7m km
The survey of Sigma Draconis was completed in December 2508. The only outward jump point was to Gryphonne so the survey frigates Covenant and Red Dawn moved into that system to conduct gravitational and geological surveys respectively. An already stable jump point was discovered in February and the scout frigate Anaconda was dispatched to investigate. Meanwhile in the nearby Benediction system, the other survey effort intended to locate the home world of the new aliens found two jump points. The scout frigate Mamba probed both, finding Anubis, a planetless K-class star, and Beta Hydri, a yellow G2-IV sub giant with seven unremarkable planets and seventy-eight moons. Black Star and Morning Star both moved into Beta Hydri.
On February 21st, with Anaconda still en route to the unexplored stable jump point, Red Dawn moved to survey the gas giant Gryphonne VII and its thirty moons. She discovered twenty-one Tarellian ships in orbit of the gas giant. Twelve 73,902-ton ships were designated as Tracker class and were most probably fuel harvesters. The other nine were split between three 13,783-ton Wolf class ships and six 6866-ton Twilight class ships. The size suggested they were warships escorting the harvesters. The Tarellians were present in strength just one transit from Sigma Draconis. Given the stable jump point in the system, it was highly likely that their home world lay somewhere beyond Gryphonne. The more immediate concern was that Gryphonne would have significant value to the Tarellians, which would have implications for the Imperium’s ability to negotiate a Tarellian withdrawal from Sigma Draconis. The events in Gryphonne added even greater urgency to the colony-building project in Sigma Draconis.
Sigma Draconis I already had a population of three million due to the all-out effort during the five months since the Lords of Terra designated the planet as top priority. Around half of the colony ships and freighters that had brought the infrastructure and settlers from Terra had subsequently moved to Ursae Majoris, two transits away, where they would pick up a further one point five million colonists and supporting infrastructure and then return to Sigma Draconis. The Ursae Majoris colony was being cannibalised to speed up the growth of Sigma Draconis I.
The Lords of Terra decided that the Imperial Navy would also make a show of strength in Sigma Draconis to back up the planned negotiations. Two fleets, designated Battlefleet Damocles and Battlefleet Gothic and each consisting of three light cruisers and three frigates, were stationed at the Ursae Majoris – Gethsemane and Gothic – Sigma Draconis jump points respectively. The former was stationed two jumps from Sigma Draconis to protect against a theoretical alien approach through Benediction and Gethsemane. As that was now very unlikely to be the case, Battlefleet Damocles was ordered to detach a frigate as a picket at the Gethsemane – Sigma Draconis jump point and move to colony on Sigma Draconis I. Similarly, Battlefleet Gothic was ordered to leave a frigate in Gothic and move to the colony, creating a combined force of six light cruisers and four frigates.
In case the situation deteriorated, a substantial reinforcement was created from Battlefleet Terra and dispatched to Sigma Draconis. The fleet comprised the Lunar class cruisers Holy Flame and Imperial Wrath, the Dauntless class light cruisers August and Divine Crusade, the strike cruiser Eternal Defiance and the Sword class frigates Night Stalker, Order Absolute, Pegasus and Rapier. All the ships were first generation designs. Newer ships were being added to Battlefleet Terra over time. The Dauntless III class light cruiser The Sword Infernus had joined in December 2508 and the Sword III class frigates Leonidas, Hyperion, Spartan and Spiculum in January 2509.
On February 23rd, the Tarellians sent a diplomatic message to Red Dawn, suggesting that the Imperium leave the Gryphonne system as it was part of their territory. The tone of the message was polite, which did not suggest that any conflict was imminent, but it did reinforce the need to fix the border quickly. The Lords of Terra decided that as soon as the new colonists arrived from Ursae Majoris, the claim on Sigma Draconis would be made. In the meantime, Red Dawn was ordered to avoid Gryphonne VII and its moons but to otherwise continue the survey, so the overall value of the system could be determined. If the Tarellians couldn’t detect the survey ship, they would not complain about its presence. Five days later, Anaconda reached the stable jump point in Gryphonne and transited. She emerged on the edge of Helios, a red dwarf system with eighteen comets but no planets. With no bodies worth scouting, Anaconda returned to Gryphonne and remained on the jump point to monitor any alien traffic.
On March 28th, the second wave of colonists arrived on Sigma Draconis I from Ursae Majoris, taking the population to four point five million. As there would be further colonists in the short-term, the Lords of Terra agreed to send a diplomatic message to the Tarellians, requesting they leave Sigma. The Tarellians responded on April 2nd, stating they had no interest in Sigma Draconis and would accept Imperium sovereignty over the system. So far, apart from the Necrons, the aliens encountered by the Imperium were less hostile than feared by the Emperor.
On April 18th, Anaconda detected three Tarellian ships transiting into Gryphonne from Helios. Two were known classes; a Wolf and a Twilight. The third was Shakar class with a thermal signature strength over one thousand. Anaconda moved away to reduce the chance of further warnings from the Tarellians about the Imperium presence in Gryphonne. Five days later, the peaceful resolution of the border question with the Tarellians was thrown into doubt when the survey frigate Red Dawn found a ruined colony and a dormant construct on Gryphonne II, along with fourteen million tons of accessibility 0.9 Duranium, ten million tons of accessibility 1.0 Corundium and seven other minerals at minimal accessibility. The Lords of Terra decided to launch a survey expedition with the intention of retrieving as much as possible from the planet before it caused a serious problem with the Tarellian Confederation. The ruins on Medusa II were fully exploited by November 2508, which allowed Ordo Machinum formations to be moved to Sigma Draconis in anticipation of a successful survey of the ruins on Gryphonne II.
Gryphonne II Survey ReportDuranium: 13,992,050 0.90
Neutronium: 111,936,400 0.10
Corbomite: 127,012,900 0.10
Tritanium: 64,802,500 0.10
Boronide: 132,250,000 0.10
Mercassium: 80,460,900 0.10
Vendarite: 330,625 0.10
Uridium: 57,608,100 0.10
Corundium: 10,368,400 1.00
On February 23rd 2509, a ground-based geological survey of Asteroth II found several new deposits and raised the accessibility of Duranium from 0.1 to 0.7. The planet had hundreds of millions of tons of minerals, with deposits of every mineral type, including high accessibility deposits of Duranium, Tritanium, Boronide and Gallicite. Unfortunately, Asteroth II was a super-terrestrial Venusian world with an atmosphere of 180 atm so it was effectively impossible to terraform. Asteroth was part of a ten-system loop that included Proxima and Corinthis and was six transits from Sol using two different routes. Given the distance and the requirement for automated mines, it would remain unexploited in the short-term as all Imperium automated mines were being sent to Carpathia.
Asteroth II Survey ReportDuranium: 77,875,200 0.70
Neutronium: 17,305,600 0.10
Corbomite: 75,864,100 0.10
Tritanium: 133,864,900 0.70
Boronide: 40,576,900 1.00
Mercassium: 119,246,400 0.30
Vendarite: 35,760,400 0.10
Sorium: 1,690,000 0.10
Uridium: 43,956,900 0.10
Corundium: 116,424,100 0.10
Gallicite: 14,212,900 0.80
In June 2509, research into Magneto-plasma drives was completed. The next few months saw the development of numerous new engines for Imperial warships, commercial vessels and small craft. Improvements in weapon battery technology were also made, including the development of the new Astaroth AK-25 and range improvements to existing weapon batteries. New fire controls were needed with a tracking speed of 6400 km/s, which would be the new design standard for Imperial warships, and more powerful reactors were available. Finally, breakthroughs in sensor technology allowed longer-ranged augur arrays. For most existing designs, in particular those with composite armour and older weapons, it would cost more to refit the ship to use all the new technology than to build a new one, so two separate construction programs were created.
Brand new designs, including a Sword IV class frigate and Dauntless IV class light cruiser, were created using all the latest technology. These included longer-ranged versions of the AK-20 and AK-10 series weapon batteries, improved sensors and fire controls, new Stellarator fusion reactors and Magneto-plasma drives. The designs would be for new builds only, as refits of older ships would be too expensive.
Dauntless IV class Light Cruiser 15,000 tons 485 Crew 2,896.1 BP TCS 300 TH 1,920 EM 0
6400 km/s Armour 6-54 Shields 0-0 HTK 92 Sensors 5/8/0/0 DCR 11 PPV 80
Maint Life 2.15 Years MSP 1,327 AFR 164% IFR 2.3% 1YR 385 5YR 5,768 Max Repair 480 MSP
Captain Control Rating 2 BRG AUX
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months Morale Check Required
Ravenor Drive Systems RD-960M (2) Power 1920 Fuel Use 28.58% Signature 960 Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 502,000 Litres Range 21.1 billion km (38 days at full power)
Astaroth AK-20B Weapons Battery (8x4) Range 200,000km TS: 6,400 km/s Power 12-4 RM 50,000 km ROF 15
Astaroth AK-10C Weapons Battery (8x4) Range 50,000km TS: 6,400 km/s Power 3-3 RM 50,000 km ROF 5
MK III Weapons Battery Fire Control (2) Max Range: 256,000 km TS: 6,400 km/s
MK III Weapons Battery Secondary Fire Control (2) Max Range: 64,000 km TS: 6,400 km/s
R-18 Stellarator Fusion Reactor (3) Total Power Output 56.4 Exp 5%
MK II Light Cruiser Active Augur Array (1) GPS 9600 Range 70.4m km Resolution 120
MK II Torpedo Detection Augur Array (1) GPS 16 Range 6.4m km MCR 574.5k km Resolution 1
MK II Electromagnetic Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 8 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 22.4m km
MK I Thermal Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 5 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 17.7m km
Sword IV class Frigate 9,000 tons 288 Crew 1,751.5 BP TCS 180 TH 1,152 EM 0
6400 km/s Armour 5-38 Shields 0-0 HTK 58 Sensors 2/4/0/0 DCR 5 PPV 46
Maint Life 2.07 Years MSP 608 AFR 130% IFR 1.8% 1YR 190 5YR 2,845 Max Repair 288 MSP
Commander Control Rating 2 BRG AUX
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months Morale Check Required
Ravenor Drive Systems RD-576M (2) Power 1152 Fuel Use 36.89% Signature 576 Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 386,000 Litres Range 20.9 billion km (37 days at full power)
Astaroth AK-20B Weapons Battery (4x4) Range 200,000km TS: 6,400 km/s Power 12-4 RM 50,000 km ROF 15
Astaroth AK-10C Weapons Battery (6x4) Range 50,000km TS: 6,400 km/s Power 3-3 RM 50,000 km ROF 5
MK III Weapons Battery Fire Control (2) Max Range: 256,000 km TS: 6,400 km/s
R-17 Stellarator Fusion Reactor (2) Total Power Output 34.8 Exp 5%
MK II Small Torpedo Detection Augur Array (1) GPS 8 Range 4.5m km MCR 406.2k km Resolution 1
MK II Frigate Active Augur Array (1) GPS 5760 Range 54.5m km Resolution 120
MK II Small Electromagnetic Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 4 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 15.8m km
MK I Small Thermal Augur Array (1) Sensitivity 2.5 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 12.5m km
Existing warship designs, including two types of Lunar class cruiser, three versions of the Dauntless class light cruiser and three versions of the Sword class frigate, would each have a bespoke refit design. In each case, the upgrade would replace the engines, reactors, fire controls and augur arrays, but leave the existing weapons, armour and other internal systems. This was necessary due to the design differences in each original class. For example, the Dauntless II had different weapons to the Dauntless I, while the Dauntless III had upgraded armour. Each new design would use the original class designation with an ‘M’ suffix to indicate the upgrade to Magneto-plasma drives. The M refits would take precedence over new construction in order to make the existing fleet as effective as possible. No immediate refits were scheduled for the jump-capable Endeavour and Falchion classes due to shipyard space but they would be refitted eventually.
The survey of Gryphonne revealed five new jump points, complicating the Imperium’s efforts to locate the direction of the Tarellian home world. During the remainder of 2509, Anaconda conducted a series of probes into the systems beyond, encountering Tarellian ships on several occasions. Helios and Moloch were both planetless while Arcadia and Paragon had two and three unremarkable planets respectively. Nostramo was by far the most interesting, with eleven planets and over a hundred moons. Nostramo II was closer to an ideal habitable world than any non-terraformed planet so far encountered. The planet was slightly larger than Earth, although with gravity of 0.91G, and had a breathable nitrogen – atmosphere of 0.83 atm. Seventy-five percent of the surface was oceans while the land was dominated by great forested rift valleys. The only environmental factor outside the human tolerable range was the surface temperature of -16C. A sweep of the inner system found no sign of life on the pristine world, which made it unlikely that was the direction of the Tarellian home world.
The Tarellian Confederation granted trade access in August 2509, then revoked it a month later due to Imperium activity in Gryphonne. The Lords of Terra had decided to exploit the ruins on Gryphonne II and also to survey as far as necessary beyond Gryphonne to locate the Tarellian home world. So far, the Tarellians seemed content to restrict themselves to mild warnings when Imperium ships were detected so Imperium ships were ordered to ignore those warnings, unless they became more serious than the ‘suggestions’ to leave.
Due to a focus on the construction of Gaia class terraforming stations, Imperium terraforming efforts were taking place on several worlds simultaneously, although usually with two main sites dedicated to development within a few years and one or two Gaias assigned to worlds with long-term prospects. The first moon of Aexe Cardinal III, located five transits from Terra via Proxima, Solstice, Epsilon Indi and Medusa, became an ideal habitable world in November 2509. At only 3600km in diameter, the moon was relatively fast to terraform and already possessed sufficient water. The trace nitrogen atmosphere was boosted to 0.4 atm of aestusium and oxygen, bringing the temperature to 14C, the mid-range of human tolerance.
The moon was a designated future mining location and had large accessible deposits of several key minerals. As the moon required a thirty-four billion kilometres round trip from Sol, sites closer to Terra, such as Carpathia, Eridani and Greyshroud, would be exploited first. Mineral deposits on Terra were close to total depletion so there was great urgency to move Terra’s mines to the closest reasonable location, rather than a better location further away. A more optimum distribution of mining sites would be determined over the long term.
Aexe Cardinal-A III - Moon 1 Survey ReportDuranium: 4,681,800 0.90
Corbomite: 2,862,864 0.70
Tritanium: 1,016,064 0.60
Boronide: 272,484 0.30
Vendarite: 54,756 0.60
Uridium: 374,544 0.20
Corundium: 842,724 0.70
Gallicite: 910,116 0.60
The ancient construct on Gryphonne II was surveyed in late November. Imperium scientists believed it would double any research into defensive systems. While that made Gryphonne II a valuable find, there was no immediate desire from the Lords of Terra to fight for the system. The construct would only be useful if sufficient research facilities could be moved from Terra, which was seven transits and twenty billion kilometres away. With the requirement to move mines from Terra to nearby systems, there was nowhere close to the available capacity required to move several research facilities over such a distance. The 23,000 km diameter planet would also require either a substantial terraforming effort to remove 0.15 atm of oxygen from the dense atmosphere, or sufficient infrastructure to house the workforce for the research facilities. In summary, securing the planet was important, but not urgent. Work on surveying the ruins continued.
In December 2509, construction and training was completed for the Konig Tank Regiment. The new formation was the first of several similar Armoured Regiments. Each regiment comprised sixty 104-ton Leman Russ Battle Tanks, equipped with heavy armour, a heavy anti-vehicle cannon and a heavy bolter, eighteen 132-ton Leman Russ Annihilator Tank Destroyers, equipped with twin cannon, two Salamander command vehicles with both headquarters and Vox Caster capabilities, and eighteen supply vehicles. With much heavier weapons than either the Imperial Guard or light armoured regiments, the armoured regiments would form the offensive arm of any future invasions.
A survey of the ruins on Gryphonne II was completed in April 2510, revealing sixty-five sites with recovery potential. Four Ordo Machinum formations were moved to the planet to ensure that recovery was completed as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the orbit of the planet passed within nine million kilometres of the Arcadia jump point, which seemed popular with Tarellian shipping, and the direct course for freighters and troop transports moving between Gryphonne II and Sigma Draconis passed very close to the Tarellian fuel harvesting operation on Gryphonne VII. This situation resulted in regular ‘suggestions’ to leave the system. While the warnings were ignored, they would likely have a cumulative negative effect on relations. Captain Dante Agemann, on board the diplomatic station in orbit of Sigma Draconis I, was in contact with his counterpart, Chu-sa Melati Suyanto, on-board a Tarellian diplomatic ship stationed at the Sigma Draconis – Gryphonne jump point. Captain Agemann was constantly trying to repair relations with the Tarellian Confederation to offset the damage caused by the Imperium activity in Gryphonne.
Encounters with the Tarellians were also happening in the surrounding systems. An Imperium survey frigate observed the creation of a Tarellian colony on the near-ideal world of Nostramo II in May 2510 and was asked to leave shortly thereafter. In October, what appeared to be stabilisation ships with small escort groups were encountered in Helios, adjacent to Gryphonne, and the recently discovered system of Melchior, which was one of five systems discovered beyond Helios. A survey of Melchior IV found a ruined colony, creating another reason for future tension with the Tarellians.
The number of ‘requests to leave’ increased in December 2510, with incidents in both Gryphonne and Nostramo. The situation was eased somewhat by the end of recovery operations on Gryphonne II, although transport of the recovered materials was still underway. Three research facilities, a sector command and various factories were moved to Sigma Draconis I to await transport to Terra once sufficient capacity was available. A quantity of minerals, including several thousand tons of precious Gallicite, was shipped direct to Terra. Construction factories on Terra were building engines to speed up the M-Refits program, which was rapidly depleting the remaining stockpile of Gallicite.
A survey of Paragon, adjacent to Gryphonne, revealed three outward jump points which were probed by the scout frigate Anaconda. Besarife was a planetless, orange K6-V main sequence star. Rasalhague was a larger K-class star with four planets and fourteen moons, several of which were less than colony cost 3.00 but lacked any significant mineral deposits. The most interesting was Cyclopia, named because the system, when viewed from above the ecliptic, looked like a giant eye. The primary was a yellow-white F2-IV sub-giant, fifteen times brighter than Sol. Eight planets, with sixty-six moons, orbited between one and fifty billion kilometres. A huge asteroid belt, stretching between one hundred and eighty billion and two hundred and fifty billion kilometres from the primary surrounded the inner system. The innermost planet, a mountainous world about twenty percent larger than Mars, had a thin nitrogen – oxygen atmosphere of 0.17 atm and ice sheets than covered more than half the surface.
Cyclopia was also of interest because it was the first system two jumps from Gryphonne that had stabilised jump points when it was discovered. Melchior and Soryth, two systems connected to Helios, also had stabilised jump points but those had been stabilised by the Tarellians since their discovery. The partial survey of Nostramo had so far revealed a single outward jump point leading to Athena, a binary system with ten planets, but that was not stabilised either. With the caveat that Arcadia had yet to be surveyed, the only system connected to Gryphonne where that was the case, the weight of evidence was that the Tarellian home world lay somewhere beyond Cyclopia.
2511 was a relatively quiet year, with the industrial effort focused on upgrading the Imperial Navy to new technology and the logistics effort focused on establishing extra-solar mining colonies. Exploration continued in Tarellian space, with fewer incidents as the focus moved out from Gryphonne, and across the other frontiers of the Imperium. There was a particular focus on the area beyond Alpha Centauri, with sixteen new systems explored between 2509 and 2511 and four further unexplored jump points. Imperium survey frigates moved beyond the vast Coronae Australis system for the first time since 2503 and discovered three new systems around Graildark. As of January 2512, known space comprised one hundred and twenty-two systems, of which seven were considered to be within Tau territory and fifteen within Tarellian territory, although in the latter case the Imperium was ignoring the border.
By January 2512, the Imperial Navy had a myriad of different ship classes, as the various generations of cruisers and frigates built before 2509 were undergoing separate M-refits. Four versions of the Dauntless class light cruiser were in service, along with four versions of the Sword class frigate and three different Lunar class cruisers. That would increase further once the first new build Dauntless IV and Sword IV class ships were launched. In total, excluding jump-capable warships, the Imperial Navy had eight 30,00-ton Lunar class cruisers, two 30,000-ton Dictator class carriers, twenty-three 15,000-ton Dauntless class light cruisers and thirty-five Sword class frigates, twelve of which were 9000-ton and the rest 7500-ton, in service. Of those, five cruisers, both carriers, six light cruisers and twenty-one frigates had completed their refit to magneto-plasma drives.
Imperial Navy of the Imperium of Man – January 1st 2012Lunar II - M class Cruiser:
Agrippa, Indomitus Imperious, Iron Duke, Righteous ProtectorLunar - M class Cruiser:
Imperial WrathLunar class Cruiser:
Holy Flame, Relentless, RetributionDictator II class Carrier:
Archon Kort, FortitudeEnforcer class Light Carrier:
EnforcerDauntless III - M class Light Cruiser:
Avenger, Burden of Vigilance, Emperor’s Shield, Emperor's Vow, Kingmaker, Pax DeliveratusDauntless III class Light Cruiser:
The Sword InfernusDauntless II class Light Cruiser:
Abdiel, Exorcist, Light of Ascension, Uziel, Warrior KnightDauntless class Light Cruiser:
August, Bellerophon, Bloodhawk, Cerberus, Divine Crusade, Hammer of Truth, Havock, Luxor, Ravenor, Unbroken Vow, Vengeful Martyr, VigilantDread Argent II - M class Strike Cruiser:
Covenant of Blood, Holy Execution, Vengeance IncandescentDread Argent class Strike Cruiser:
Angelica Mortis, Dread Argent, Eternal DefianceEndeavour class Light Cruiser:
Endeavour, Leonid, Sacrament of Judgement, Sanctis LegatePython class Scout Frigate:
Anaconda, Cobra, Mamba, PythonSword III - M class Frigate:
Daedalus, Gladiator, Glory, Hussar, Hyperion, Immortal, Javelin, Leonidas, Phoenix, Spartan, Sphinx, SpiculumSword - M class Frigate:
Excalibur, Final Silence, Heroic Endeavour, Mariatus, Night Stalker, Pegasus, Rapier, Raven's Spear, SwordSword II class Frigate:
Centaur, Myrmidon, Resolute, RevengeSword class Frigate:
Absolution, Achilles, Destiny's Hand, Order Absolute, Rubicon, Sabre, Silent Fire, Strident Virtue, Triumph of Juno, ValiantFalchion II class Frigate:
Falchion, Flamberge, KhopeshFalchion - S class Frigate:
GladiusFalchion class Frigate:
Claymore, Katana, ScimitarTempest class Survey Frigate:
Acta Sanctorum, Ascension, Black Star, Constantia, Covenant, Emperor's Light, Evening Star, Morning Star, Red Dawn, Tempest, Vita Brevis, Vox Caelus9x Thunderhawk - A class Assault Transport
18x Thunderhawk - A III class Assault Transport
8x Thunderhawk - A II class Assault Transport
2x Thunderhawk-S class Scout
12x Thunderhawk - T class Corvette
18x Fury III class Interceptor
2x Fury II class Interceptor
16x Fury class Interceptor
22x Starhawk II class Bomber
16x Starhawk class Bomber
5x O'Neill class Orbital Habitat
49x Ambrosia class Fuel Harvester Station
26x Hephaestus class Orbital Mining Platform
39x Gaia class Terraforming Station
4x Goliath class Tug
4x Gateway class Stabilisation Ship
4x Gateway II class Stabilisation Ship
4x Empyrean class Jump Tender
6x Cetaceous class Troop Transport
4x Cetaceous II class Troop Transport
5x Carrack III class Freighter
4x Brigantine class Replenishment Ship
3x Brigantine II class Replenishment Ship
20x Caravel class Colony Ship
23x Caravel II class Colony Ship
40x Carrack class Freighter
44x Carrack II class Freighter
2x Orion class Salvager
6x Orca class Troop Transport
2x Ambassador class Diplomatic Station:
The total population for the Imperium in January 2512 was two point four billion, of which two hundred and ten million were in off-world colonies. Luna and the habitable single moon of Eridani-A III were the largest colonies, with populations of eight-two million and forty-five million, supporting five hundred financial centres and four hundred manned mines respectively. The other large mining colony was the eleventh moon of Carpathia VI, which was home to three hundred and forty automated mines and thirty manned mines. As the moon was a barren rock only thirty degrees above absolute zero, the population of two million was based in orbital habitats.
Caliban II and Aurigae I had populations of eighteen and sixteen million respectively. The former was a terraformed Necron tomb world that served as a small naval base, while the latter was home to seven research facilities and an ancient construct dedicated to energy weapon research. Corinthis III, the naval base on the Tau border, and Nocturne II, another former Necron tomb world, both had populations of eight million. Lalande III, with a population of seven million, had minor mineral deposits but was mainly the destination of civilian colony ships due to its proximity to Terra. Greyshroud I, an ideal habitable world with sixty manned mines, and Sigma Draconis I, the colony world on the Tarellian border, both had approximately five million inhabitants. There were a further eight lesser colonies, ranging from four million on Proxima I to a small settlement of 120,000 on Alpha Centauri-B III.
In addition to the populated colonies, there were three locations for orbital mining. Five Hephaestus class Orbital Mining Platforms, each with twenty-five mining modules, were in orbit of the comet Tempel 1 in Sol, with a further three in orbit of comet Swift-Tuttle. Both sites were in decline with rapidly depleting deposits. Because of the lack of suitable nearby mining sites, fifteen Hephaestus class platforms had been towed to a comet in the Typhon system, four transits from Sol via Lalande, Macharius and Nocturne, with a further three en route, towed by Goliath class tugs.
Comet Typhon #1 Survey ReportDuranium: 209,273 1.00
Tritanium: 80,070 0.50
Gallicite: 141,000 0.80
The primary objectives for the Lords of Terra in 2512 and beyond were to move the mining capacity of Terra to the extra-solar colonies, complete the upgrade of the Imperial Navy and continue explorations in Tarellian space, as long as that could be done without a major diplomatic incident. Once the M-refits were complete and the first new build Magneto-plasma ships were available, the Necron tomb-world on Cerix Magnus would be conquered. After that point, depending on relations with the Tarellians, the next target would be the huge Necron fleet in Prometheus. Of course, if the situation beyond Sigma Draconis deteriorated, conflict with the Tarellian Confederation was a real possibility