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Re: Aurora - A political story
« Reply #75 on: January 10, 2021, 12:37:41 PM »
Very touching personal story, there. Really captures the mix of emotions and themes in the everlasting march of human progress. Thanks for something different!
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Re: Aurora - A political story
« Reply #76 on: January 10, 2021, 03:41:31 PM »
Thanks, this is what I like about Aurora, you can use it to write so many stories.

I always write some short stories while playing even by myself, it helps me to relax. I could keep playing and update but sometimes you need time to think, truly stop, and enjoy the moment.

I have a few stories that I am planning to post between an update and another. It will help me keep the updates frequent and the reader to understand what is going on a lesser scale of things. The next one will be the story of a (famous?) young Commander.

Just so you know the stories are coherent with the Aurora world. So, for instance, there was really a civilian colony ship leaving from Mars to Earth and arriving after 3 months at the same time the first constitutional reform was approved.
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Re: Aurora - A political story - Everyday life stories
« Reply #77 on: January 10, 2021, 05:28:52 PM »
Everyday life stories - 2 - Rear Admiral Alexis Citron

Personal Correspondence - Rear Admiral Alexis Citron 08/06/2160

Dear Father,

I finally graduated from the academy and awarded the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Unfortunately, the government decided to spend the majority of its budget to buy some sort of media corporations so it looks like I will be grounded for a while. It does not matter much because my priority was to make you proud and help you and mum with the payments.

The credits are not as many as I thought but here at the barracks the food and a bed are provided so I will send you as much as I can every month to help you. I cannot believe the government support is that low. We are the most loyal servants and we should get more.

How are you doing besides that? Is mum still not able to work?

I love you both and I hope to you hear back from you soon.


Personal Correspondence - Rear Admiral Alexis Citron 08/06/2170

Dear Father,

I was disappointed knowing you and mum would have not been able to attend my 10 years of service ceremony. I know that this new Federalist government it’s though when it comes to travel between colonies but I am sure I could have helped if you would have told me in time.

I wanted to talk to you both in person but I guess it will have to be by email now.

Just a few months ago, in April, I have been diagnosed with a rare infection. It is not life-threatening at the moment but the doctor says to don’t keep my hopes high in the long term. Scientific researches are all focused on military development and funds on similar cases as mine are very limited.

Now some good news: I will be promoted Captain in a few days. This means that I will be able to support you and Mum more, and hopefully afford to come back home soon for a visit. Tickets are still expensive but a friend of mine may be able to fit me in one of these emergency transport for a lump sum, I will let you know as soon as I will know more.

Love you


Personal Correspondence - Rear Admiral Alexis Citron 17/09/2172

Dear Mum,

Thanks for your kind words. Dad was always my hero and the news of his death has deeply saddened me. The Navy has been reviewing my position because my sickness will not make me able to pass the combat-ready tests and so I will not be dispatched on Sirius Military Outpost for now and maybe never.

I know I promised to come back and visit dad’s grave but I have been ordered immediately to Jupiter’s Harvesting facility and I will leave with a tanker transport today after have been given a 24 hours notice.

Francine is furious, she is heavily pregnant and the baby is due any minute now, but what can I do? These are the orders, you know how these things work, for dad was the same.

How is Dany? Is she still grieving? I know she and dad were very close especially after I left.

And what about you? How are you holding up?

Let me know if you need more money as the only good thing about this job was the extra bonus credits.

Leve you all


Personal Correspondence - Rear Admiral Alexis Citron 01/01/2177

Dear Mum,

How are you?

I am very happy. While the whole world is talking about Sirius, I have been given the opportunity of a lifetime and this separation it’s really coming as a blessing.

With all the qualified military personnel stationed on Sirius and joining the separatists, the Navy has been reviewing all positions, including mine. Thanks to my seniority I have been given the honor to command the UNEN Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Battut!

I am not only finally commanding my own ship, but a scout ship. I will be traveling to unexplored Star Systems. This is why I have enlisted and I am finally able to fulfill my dreams. I wish dad was still alive to witness this day. I still miss him every day.

How was Dany’s wedding? She looked stunning in the video so I am sure she was even more beautiful live. George is a good guy and I am sure he’ll be a good husband and father. Well, he better be or he may have to answer to my crew now!

I am happy that you got to spend a bit of time with Francine and Mark. He is growing up so fast and I am missing so much of his childhood already.

I guess we will not see each other for a while now, we have been assigned to the Andromedae Arm and these missions are 3 to 5 years long. I will write as soon as I can, please do congratulate Danny and George again on my behalf.

Love you all


Personal Entry Log, Rear Admiral Alexis Citron - 01/06/2190

30 years today, was worth it?

Well, after reading this letter you will be probably the judge of that. All I can do is to leave you a small memory of mine that may justify missing the most important moments of my life.

It was the 7th of March 2177 when I ordered the ship to transit the jump point. You would have turned 6 in a few months and I already knew that I would have not been there. I tried to stay in touch as much as I could but communications with outer systems are very hard to come by.

It took only 5 seconds for us to transit the Jump Point but to me, it felt like 5 years. All the sacrifices, the missed parties, your mother’s tears, the friendships lost, and more were finally forming meaning and hopefully coming to an end.

I needed this system not to be empty or my life would have been empty with it.

When we finally reached Luyten 140-9 I was glad to see at least 2 planets orbiting the star. One was nearly habitable and the protocol imposed to visit and scan the world. I was excited. In all humanity, only 40 or 50 people had the privilege to actually be the first in traveling in a new system and even a few could have actually explored a new world for the first time.

This is why I decided to follow your grandfather's steps. He never managed to leave Earth and when I finally stepped on the Luyten 140-9-A II surface I know he was there by my side.

It was a hot archipelago world, the majority of the surface was water but there was so much “life”. Not the kind we were after, just animals and plants. Right before leaving this sort of whale jumped out of the water and started to fly. I remember closing my eyes while feeling the drops of water hitting my helmet and wetting my suit.

I worked hard and fought against all medical advice to be there in that moment and it felt like that whale was waiting only for me to come. It was my destiny and I felt like my life was fulfilled. I had reached the peak of my existence and I wish for you to feel the same one day.

As I said, I have lost the most important moments of my life just to feel alive in those few seconds. Not only the death of your grandpa, your auntie’s wedding, many of your birthdays, but also when grandma was taking her last breath I was still traveling trying to come back in time. You see my son, your dad has lived defying and mastering every physic’s notion but time.

Time will always win. I knew I did not have much of it and I had to make some calls.
My hope is that one day, when I will not be here as I wasn’t when you came into this world, maybe you’ll look at the stars you’ll still find a reason to forgive me.

I love you, my son.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2021, 05:35:50 PM by froggiest1982 »
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Re: Aurora - A political story
« Reply #78 on: January 10, 2021, 06:37:26 PM »
...damn. Heavy stuff there, Mr. Frog.

I demand you stop tugging on my heartstrings chopping onions in this thread and distract us with more glorious space battles and gratuitous killing of aliens!

This bit:
Just a few months ago, in April, I have been diagnosed with a rare infection. It is not life-threatening at the moment but the doctor says to don’t keep my hopes high in the long term. Scientific researches are all focused on military development and funds on similar cases as mine are very limited.
is striking. Even with all our modern TN tech advances, somehow the technology and research doesn't seem to go where it is needed most when it is needed that much. I'd hope humanity could do better in the future, but somehow I have doubts...

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Re: Aurora - A political story
« Reply #79 on: January 10, 2021, 07:12:39 PM »
...damn. Heavy stuff there, Mr. Frog.

It's a wonderful love story with a happy ending. The guy has fulfilled his dreams! We obviously have a different path to happyness.


gratuitous killing of aliens!

I like to think that every time I kill a bug there is a mama bug crying for it. It brings the killing experience to another level, almost worth it.


Even with all our modern TN tech advances, somehow the technology and research doesn't seem to go where it is needed most when it is needed that much. I'd hope humanity could do better in the future, but somehow I have doubts...

If there is something we learned in 2020 is that there is always something new trying to kill us

« Last Edit: January 10, 2021, 07:15:59 PM by froggiest1982 »

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Re: Aurora - A political story - The Aftermath
« Reply #80 on: January 11, 2021, 01:30:26 AM »
2190 – The Aftermath

After the defeat in Altair, it was time for the Barbier to face the government. In an extraordinary session the Senate of the Republic repeatedly asked why, regardless of the assurance of the military, operation showdown was such a disaster. The following is the original speech of the president while addressing the senate on the matter:

“Colleagues, Senators, and citizens of the Republic. Today it’s a sad day but a sad day won’t crush our Republic. The Aliens may have won a battle but the war is far from over.

Many of you are trying to find the classic scapegoat for the failure of the mission but I will not do that. I won’t throw to the wolves the already scarred souls of our Navy which have already seen more than a thousand of their brothers and sisters killed just a few days ago. What this Senate it’s calling a disaster we call information gathering. What this Senate it’s calling a failure we call growth. We will learn from our mistakes and we will prevail against the alien menace and when we will many in this house will have to hide their faces for the shame.

I love the Navy, I love the Republic, and I love the freedom you all enjoying but with great freedom also comes a higher sense of responsibility not only in our actions but also words. It is with regret then that I announce that as from today 25th of June 2190 to talk using negative attributes towards our Navy or our Republic will be considered a crime. All those who will be found guilty will have to be condemned and detained in our new centres for a time to be determined by the gravity of the accusations. Special areas in the camps will be arranged for these criminals.

I wish I could spend more time in this house with you today but I have unfortunately a war to win and today it’s not the time for futile talks.”

Many senators followed the speech with crushing applauses but Philippine still left the house under escort while avoiding multiple objects which were thrown at her persona from many other Senators. The same Senators wanted also to stop the newly announced resolution but a majority was already formed to support the motion. Obviously, the Chancellor had already a plan in case of defeat and she was only pursuing it. Once addressed the senate, the president met with the war council. The points highlighted were essentially 2. First, our Pd were less effective than the expected and the Area Defense which could have been set wasn’t actually executed. Maybe we could have intercepted more missiles maybe not, we will never know. The second point was that the enemy wouldn’t be able to shoot at us before 100 million kilometres.

Based on this information it was proposed to either increase our range of attack or to increase our PD capabilities. As both would have required a massive investment into military production and research, the President asked for another plan to be elaborated. The most interesting was one that involved only a small refurbish of our Navy. Basically, all ships would have required to install shields. Some would have lost some weapon capability or maybe a layer of Armour but this would have increased our chances to get through the Alien defences.

Eventually, deployment time could have been extended to ensure the fleet would have had enough time to deal with the enemy. To increase the PD capability instead, we could have used the existing ships in Sirius and on Earth. We would have used all our offensive and defensive capabilities but we would have also increased our efficiency. The president saw the refit of the navy as a good quick compromise that could have benefited the republic both on the long and short period so she ordered new plans for all existing warship to be designed and submitted for approval within the week.

While at first everybody seemed to agree, as soon as the resolution hit the floor, a massive amount of rejections were raised and the fleet restructure had to be put to bed for good. The Chancellor understood her majority was more volatile than expected and it was time to face her political adversary again: Shiomi Tokimasa. The Professor explained plainly that the Military had their chance and they failed, regardless of the propaganda. In her view the Chancellor had 2 options: focus her view and efforts on the internal politics and problems or find a new majority able to support her crusade against the aliens. After all, they seemed not interested in our territories and whatever they were guarding was something that we currently did not need considering we were doing fine without it.

Finally, from a scientific point of view, we had all the information and knowledge to let the alien be and move on. In the clear attempt of keeping the scientific interests in check, the Chancellor then pointed out that if it was so, then no efforts were needed to carry on Black Swan efforts in the Gliese 257 system. And exactly like in a chess game, Shiomi moved in to eliminate the source of the check by mentioning that the operations in Gliese could have been scrapped if there were no scientific advancement to be made same as the Navy if there was no war to fight.

The Chancellor backed off the topic then and promised to think over the proposal made by the federalist of focusing the government efforts into internal issues for the time being.

By ending the war, the only possible path to re-election was to end the mineral crisis as well. If Shiomi wanted her to spend for the people, she needed to ensure that the money would have gone in the right direction. The Chancellor had to accelerate the efforts in the Centauri Systems and possibly expand in Andromedae. Neutronium was the most wanted mineral so that should have been given priority. Now that she knew what she wanted she had to figure what could possibly be needed by the Scientists. The black swan was one goal for sure, but that was an approved plan and it wasn’t of much political value. Her head would have been another wanted thing, but the price tag for that was much higher. What would have been valuable yet expendable if everything went south?

They met again before the week ended and after have explained her plan the Chancellor asked what would the Federalist and Scientific union wanted in exchange. The answer was surprising. They asked for the whole survey fleet to be recalled and refurbished. Every ship had to be classified as a scientific vessel with proper equipment. Finally, the ships would have been able to search for minerals as for gravitational anomalies. We were talking of almost 50 ships, a module not researched yet, and thousands of minerals and credits. If almost everything could be done, minerals could not be spared.

Obviously, Shiomi was reading the same polls that Philippine was reading and to ensure that the Chancellor would have not been able to reach her goals was priority number one of the government. They were going for the kill.

Polls with a Mineral Crisis

Polls without a Mineral Crisis
« Last Edit: January 11, 2021, 01:35:09 AM by froggiest1982 »
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Re: Aurora - A political story - Wake up calls
« Reply #81 on: January 17, 2021, 03:11:46 AM »
2190/3 – Wake up calls

The Chancellor was left with no choice than to accept. Everything was a matter of time. Within a year Vanya Nesterov would have completed the Research Lab upgrade that would have increased their annual output and with that also allowed the Science Department unit to be deployed still while the current government would have been in charge. This would have left Philippine with only 12 to 18 months to sort the extra minerals sources. The Tokimasa was pleased by the accord reached and informed the house that the Federalist and Scientist coalition would have been supported the Chancellor till the end of the mandate. With the crisis finally foiled, everybody went back to work.

The Chancellor also decided to finally launch Black Swan and get rid of the Ruins in Gliese 257. This would have also reduced the Scientist weight in the Senate as based on the pollings the possibility of Alien technology to be recovered and used was something giving a good boost of popularity to the movement. On the 25th of July 2190 then, a Troop Transport was ordered to leave Earth directed to Gliese 257. all our Xeno and Engineer companies were on board with 4 small supply companies. Another 2 transports would have provided one small escort contingent each that were originally trained to participate in the Sirius assault. For the Occasion, they renamed 234th and 235th Xeno Escort Brigades.

A project to actually colonize the system was also drafted as it would have been possible to have access to all TN minerals but Tritanium useful only for magazines and ordnance in general. After considering the Tritanium a not essential mineral, the Chancellor signed the order of colonization in line with her new civilian approach to politics. Gate Builders were tasked to form a permanent link with the system.

Meanwhile, civilian dockets and contracts were prepared to get Ultima Centauri up to speed. Now, all that was left was to wait and hope everything would have been ready before the Chancellor would have been forced to take upon her promises.

Right before the end of the year, Navy Command received a message from the Able. Lieutenant Commander Ruiz broadcasted live to all frequencies the emergency message. The signal was picked also by the media:

BREAKING NEWS – Paladin-I Able still alive and left behind enemy lines:“This is Lieutenant Commander Ruiz speaking. Emergency Message for all Republican Personnel in Sirius, we are alive, I repeat we are alive. We need immediate assistance. Reporting no Fuel, heavy structural damages, low supplies. Sensors restored, no enemy in sight, we are all clear, I repeat, we are all clear. Position estimated 888mkm from Altair-A V bearing 298. We are adrift, I repeat, we are adrift. Immediate assistance is required. This is not a recording, we are streaming live”.

Even if the population wasn’t happy to learn that our people were left behind, this would have been an enormous chance for the Chancellor to gain popularity and possibly sell a successful story right before an election year. Suddenly, to recover the ship was paramount in the whole government. A mission was arranged in the matters of hours as there wasn’t any more time to waste. A tanker would have left Earth for Sirius immediately, refuel and then jumped into Altair with the help of one of the tenders. Once in Altair, operations to refuel the Able would have been carried. A month later, the Able was finally safe on Sirius Orbit’s and Lieutenant Commander Ruiz was awarded the Medal of Honor for the great courage and resilience demonstrated to save his crew. In one go the casualties of the war were lowered by 23%, making the defeat a sweater pill to swallow. As a result, the Chancellor popularity and prestige increased to the highest ever recorded.

On the Gliese Front, a nasty surprise was waiting for the landing party. Apparently, some sort of automated defences were present in the ruins and escaped the first sensor survey from orbit. With the all units under heavy fire and no real combat capabilities, a transport left quickly the planet in the attempt of bringing backups as soon as possible while the others recalled back all civilian personnel. The 124th Sirius Occupation Force was ordered back to Earth and Randevouz with the upcoming transport from the alien ruins. The operation would have taken almost 8 months and it took only a few weeks for the aliens to wipe out our 2 brigades. The opposition might have been tougher than expected.

2191 started with the complete plan of incarceration for all those people unhappy with the Republic. 2,000 tons of Duranium and 2,000 tons of Corundium were sent to both Luna and Mars. Along with that, 50 Forced Labour Camps were delivered and installed on each planet. These would have started construction of 100 Forced Labour Mines each which would have probably been delivered to Sirius once ready. The population was extremely concerned and some malcontent started to rise in many cities but the more it rose the more people were arrested and sent to the camps. Consequentially, resistance slowly faded away.

On the 28th of June 2191, the newly upgraded laboratories did not give the hoped results all the scientific community was waiting for and therefore it would have been taken more than expected to deliver the science modules for the new scientific vessels. Despite that, the party pushed for the prototype of the new engine and jump engine to be researched in the meantime. The chancellor was left with no choice but to comply with the request. Another blow hit the Scientist Party shortly after. The mission Black Swan ended up with the destruction of all ground forces involved. The Chancellor spun the narrative alleging that it was not possible for the Navy to wage war against the aliens if the Military asked due to Scientists fierce opposition, however, it was fine to do so to pursue their foolish scientific motives. After having recovered the 309 crew member of the Able, the losses of the Altair skirmish were only 15% of the losses in Gliese 257. The popularity of the party and the Tokimasa were highly affected by the events. Another Federalist lead in the Senate seemed extremely unlikely now.

New tech should have been researched and given to the Army to train and design something able to compete with the Alien Ground Forces. The Chancellor asked her older brother, Thierry Barbier, to help in developing a new powerful armour for the Army. He gladly accepted and started to work on the design immediately. It was time to acknowledge the Alien superiority and work to close the gap.

Thierry Barbier Profile

As research labs were limited and all busy working on other projects, the Chancellor decided to invest in the construction of another 10 facilities. Such a wise decision was welcomed by many parties and seen with favour also from the Militarists’ political adversaries. Furthermore, with the majority of the systems already surveyed, it was decided to resume exploration of the Sol Lacertae loop to ensure no external connection was present and hopefully end the chain. The targeted systems were the ones around the newly alien-controlled system of NN 3820, O. Struve 547 and WISE 0038+2758. 3 of the available scouts were ordered to leave Earth’s orbit immediately. By the 15th of June 2192, the 3 new jump points were explored with only the LHS 2594 being of interest. The system had in fact the remarkable amount of 202 Asteroids and hopefully, some of them would have been rich in TN minerals. So far that branch did have only another interesting candidate, already surveyed, with as many asteroids, however, the findings were not superb. Maybe the 2 systems combined would have allowed for a small mining operation to be established. The GJ 1288-A I dwarf planet then would have been a good small outpost (only 59 million people were estimated to be able living on the surface) for the exploration to continue more easily.

When finally on the 2nd of April 2193 the research on the science module was complete, it was also time to recall the whole survey fleet and start operations for the refits. With months to the election, the Chancellor hoped to slow down retooling operations and be able to end the mandate with a surplus of minerals which would have helped her cause ensuring a Militaristic win.

Horizon-IJT class Science Vessel      7,000 tons       181 Crew       1,112.5 BP       TCS 140    TH 74    EM 0
1500 km/s    JR 3-50      Armour 1-32       Shields 0-0       HTK 47      Sensors 8/8/3/3      DCR 7      PPV 0
Maint Life 10.02 Years     MSP 1,495    AFR 56%    IFR 0.8%    1YR 27    5YR 406    Max Repair 100 MSP
Commander    Control Rating 2   BRG   SCI   
Intended Deployment Time: 60 months    Morale Check Required   

Military Jump Drive (4x7k)     Max Ship Size 7050 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3

Ion Drive  EP105.00 (2)    Power 210    Fuel Use 4.89%    Signature 36.75    Explosion 4%
Fuel Capacity 561,000 Litres    Range 295.1 billion km (2277 days at full power)

Standard GPS (1)     GPS 1600     Range 29.6m km    Resolution 100
Standard TH (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  22.4m km
Standard EM (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  22.4m km
Gravitational Survey Sensors (3)   3 Survey Points Per Hour
Geological Survey Sensors (3)   3 Survey Points Per Hour

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

Eventually, right before election day, Philippine’s brother Thierry completed the new armour research. Before updating the whole army, the Chancellor wanted to review the whole structure but with the election at door’s step, she decided to wait to have regained full powers before committing to any project.

Pollings Election 2193
« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 03:15:04 AM by froggiest1982 »
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Re: Aurora - A political story - The Democratic View
« Reply #82 on: January 20, 2021, 02:12:23 AM »
2194 – The Democratic View

While campaigning in all colonies, Philippine Barbier realized that with the increase of liberty limitations and the expansion of the labour camps, a strong Democratic Sentiment was again surfacing within the poorest part of the population. A mixed Pacifist and Industrialist government was entirely possible and the formation of a Democratic Coalition after more than 50 years seemed highly probable. All the Chancellor could have done was to ensure her victory against the main Democratic candidate, Daphne Meijer. Again, the long term strategy of the Democratic Party revealed to be extremely savvy and Daphne, after a few decades of mentoring, was finally a palpable contestant for the lead. At only 38 years old, she would have been on the political stage for a long time with ascending popularity while Philippine was already at the peak and starting to decline. On the Federalist front, the poor management of the inexperienced Tokimasa, too interested in defending the Scientists views, would have costed a high price in terms of preferences. Eventually, after this election, a new leader would have been required to gain more support.

A series of policies were discussed by every candidate. The Barbier advocated for the institution of a national conscription program that would have been used to replenish the Army in the provision of the big update and restructure she was planning. Daphne Meijer, with the goal of ensuring the support of the Industrialist Party, proposed a series of consumer benefits to stimulate production and consumptions. The Tokimasa insisted for the formation of Civilian Academies to separate the Scientific and Humanistic culture from the current Militaristic Education System.

For the first time since its formation, the Senate would have reached its maximum representation level. The constitution, in fact, limited to 2,000 seats the Senate composition regardless of the amount of population. While some people felt less represented by this development, the government had to ensure that all operation could have been run smoothly, and having a capped amount of Senators would have probably been the best way to achieve that. Right before election night, the Government signed its latest motion, ratifying the decrease of the Defcon alert to Level 3, and the Training Level required by the new conscripts to be enlisted to level 4.

On the 1st of January 2194, votes were cast all around the Republic to decide who would have been in charge for the following 4 years. If the Barbier re-election would have not been in dispute, it remained to be seen if the Republican would have been able to assist her in pursuing their political agenda. As soon as first results started to come in, it became immediately clear that not the Meijer nor the Tokimasa would have been able to challenge the Barbier victory which, with the 41.60% if the preferences were confirmed as Chancellor on the same night. However, the Senate election went as feared by the Republicans with a surge in the Pacifists votes that resulted in the party being the second right after the Industrialists. The previous leaders of the Scientists managed to keep the third position but with almost half of the previous election seats.

Chancellor Election 2190

The Senate was then composed by 2,000 seats. 176 went to the Federalists, 509 to the Pacifists, 570 to the Mercantile and Industrialists, 342 to the Scientists, 189 to the Nationalists and 214 to the Militarists. As Chancellor’s prerogative and custom, Philippine started to look for a majority right away in the classic extraordinary session held after election night on the same day. The only “friendly” coalition, would have been the Nationalists. Their agenda would have worked well with the new political address of the Chancellor. The Barbier started in fact a new internal agenda which included the use of xenophobic policies towards the aliens to promote fear through the population along with the use of extreme measures of imprisonment to stop any form of rebellion or malcontent. All these were highly regarded by the Social Nationalist Movement. After the first round of interview, she managed to receive 1420 preferences, more than 2/3 of the Senate.

Satisfied with the result she proposed the new coalition as leader of the government. Before the vote, all opposition leader was asked to speak. With surprise, the first to speak was Shiomi Tokimasa and not Daphne Meijer. Here is the original speech:

“Dear Colleagues, Citizens and Senators of the Republic. Today we are witnessing yet another attempt to eliminate our democratic approach to live and think. In the previous hours, our delegation did support the Chancellor Elected Barbier in respect of our constitution and popular vote. However, we cannot be silenced or pretend to be silenced by a government based on fear and oppression. It came to our attention that the Nationalist agenda and the Chancellor agenda do not represent our ideals and we also believe being toxic for our Republic. It is with regret then that we are hereby withdrawing our support to the coalition in favor of a Democratic turn and leadership.”

For the second time in a row, the Chancellor was betrayed on the finish line. The final count was 1547 seats for the Democrats which would have granted them the control of the Senate and the right to govern.

Possible Coalitions 2190

Even though, the Chancellor obtained for the Democrat to pass the motion on the Conscription. After all, the Barbier did campaign hard on the matter and the clear election win was something not possible to be swept under the rug by the new Majority. However, the list of concessions terminated there. From pretty much day one, the government dismantled the labour camps construction limiting them to the existing production and installations. A good chunk was already built anyway, and many of the Barbier opposers were already been “allocated” to the new structures and that’s why the temporary veto was accepted without too many complaints. The problem was that the government also refurbished all the current research projects to favour something more of democratic importance. Long term projects, such as the revamp of the shipyard operations, which would have increased the saving both in money and time by 20% was halted along with the research on a new Troop Transport Bay module.

However, the need of stronger Army, in light of the latest events, was recognized by the whole Senate and research to keep improving our troops were allowed and approved. The Brother of the Chancellor would have then been allowed to continue his efforts in the ground combat sector. Furthermore, the government liked the idea of the Barbier to extend the Republic domain in the Gliese 433 branch and gate builders were ordered to establish a network through the whole known extent up to LHS 2595, which with its 23.3 LY distance from Sol was also the farther system known to Humans.

Off-Topic: show

As my work on the Government File is completed (I have fixed another couple of bugs and balanced a few parameters) I am interrupting this AAR because it exhausted it's purpose. I will be working on the new I will release on 1.13 and probably play a couple of solo games just to relax. I may write an AAR of the new game so if in a couple of weeks 1.13 will still be not out I will have enough material to release regular updates.
Thanks for reading!

« Last Edit: January 22, 2021, 12:59:42 AM by froggiest1982 »
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