Author Topic: New AAR and Story for 1.13  (Read 2811 times)

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Offline Froggiest1982 (OP)

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New AAR and Story for 1.13
« on: January 10, 2021, 09:34:13 PM »
Hi all,

as I am wrapping up ideas for the 1.13 story I will release I wanted to taste the water for any feedback and implementation or even a different point of view.

The setting will be similar to Dune so in the distant future amidst a feudal interstellar society in which various noble houses control planetary fiefs. The spice will be replaced by the TN minerals.

Because space is Known in its composition, there will be no exploration virtually but a lot of survey (planning a 1% speed here and only 1 sensor per ship allowed). I am thinking 50 to 100 systems for a sector/quadrant of the galaxy which design is pretty much on paper already. The story will evolve there. The composition was based on the Orion constellation.

1 Neutral faction will be the Empire Population which provides population to the families, 3 of them. The main aspect to win will be Wealth Generation. The more you have the more powerful the family is. The families will start from the main planet with a bare minimum starting kit. Because I don't want the game to be crazy slow, I am thinking of a special rule: The scientists work for the empire (another independent faction but out of the Space run), therefore they will release the tech for everybody but will be forced to work with their limited number of research facilities (probably 50 or 100 at 100% efficiency). The Houses can still develop their own weapons only or wait for the Empire to eventually release the tech but they will not start with any research facility, so some calls will have to be made there.

We are having then a game where races are starting absolutely identical but hopefully will develop differently.

There will be no NPRs or Spoiler Races , although I will be secretly controlling one created for the occasion.

The galaxy Map will be custom made as with known systems from the start I can actually decide what goes where and how.

There may going to be some minor factions on the outskirts of the Empire which will be just there for Civ trade and general RP purpose, however I started worrying of performances so this will may be put on hold.

Obviously, knowing me, political intrigue due to interaction with the Empire will be present and an ad hoc RNG file has been already created for my personal sadistic nature and I am really looking forward to get scr*wed by it.

Oh I forgot, I am thinking to basically don't allow terraforming (1%) but I am not sure...remember I am creating the galaxy, so I can always pop some ideal worlds around
« Last Edit: January 10, 2021, 09:41:47 PM by froggiest1982 »
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Re: New AAR and Story for 1.13
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2021, 11:34:36 PM »
This all sounds fantastic and I'm interested to read it.

No exploration and slow mineral survey speed sounds interesting. At 1% speed the use of survey ships would have to be quite deliberate, not a lot of auto-orders which will be interesting.

With three races, depending on the tech level it could be interesting to do a missiles vs lasers vs railguns "trinity" at least for starting weapons, as all three can function as the only weapon of a fleet although some house rules for missiles are needed if the tech level is too low for effective PD. Actually it could be interesting if the missile faction knew the other two didn't use missiles and thus only used ASMs and no AMMs were seen. Regardless it will be exciting to see what each faction comes up with.

RNG screwing is the best!  ;D

I recommend no terraforming, since all factions play by the same rules there's no NPRs to compete with and the requirement for infrastructure slows down colonization somewhat as you have to really invest in your colonies continually instead of pump (the gas) and dump (the colonists) everywhere. Maybe place two or three ideal worlds per faction in accessible locations 4-6 jumps apart to serve as natural sector HQ locations

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Re: New AAR and Story for 1.13
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2021, 12:50:05 AM »
With three races, depending on the tech level it could be interesting to do a missiles vs lasers vs railguns "trinity" at least for starting weapons, as all three can function as the only weapon of a fleet although some house rules for missiles are needed if the tech level is too low for effective PD. Actually it could be interesting if the missile faction knew the other two didn't use missiles and thus only used ASMs and no AMMs were seen. Regardless it will be exciting to see what each faction comes up with.

Well as you can guess I have been thinking about this for a while now. I think the mpst interesting part will be the civilian protection. The main goal is to have more wealth so to be able to defend outpost and liners will be a priority. This means viable strategies are STOs (so everybody will have to come up with a plan there) or space stations which when you'll see the starting conditions you'll also see that alpng with missiles could be just too expensive in the early stages.

I think Lasers and Railguns are the most probable, but we'll see.

I recommend no terraforming, since all factions play by the same rules there's no NPRs to compete with and the requirement for infrastructure slows down colonization somewhat as you have to really invest in your colonies continually instead of pump (the gas) and dump (the colonists) everywhere. Maybe place two or three ideal worlds per faction in accessible locations 4-6 jumps apart to serve as natural sector HQ locations

My thoughts exactly

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Re: New AAR and Story for 1.13
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2021, 09:39:43 PM »
No exploration

I am changing this with still the need of stabilize the jump points and also discover them. While the stars and their positions will be known along their connections I think that each race will still have to do some sort of research to ensure their ships are actually able to jump. This will also spice things up.

This is the map so far, just a few systems still need to be named... Ikroay is the capital of the Empire and the starting point.

I am thinking to add a rule where in the Imperial Cluster will not be possible for the houses to fight unless approval of the Empire is given.

The other areas are for me to eventually add minor races or spoilers

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« Last Edit: January 12, 2021, 02:54:51 AM by froggiest1982 »
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Re: New AAR and Story for 1.13
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2021, 04:32:35 PM »
So for the houses I was thinking at 3 very small variants of the main race, the empire which will be neutral. There is going to be another Space Master race to handle the research and map creation situated probably off the map, maybe in the galaxy core.

So for instace one family coming from hot regions so could colonize slightly hotter planets but not colder ones (remember no terraforming or super slow). Some may be more industrialized other more big family oriented. Always within reasonable limits (10-20%).

Possibility of differentiate pictures
Small gameplay and strategy differences
Easy to identify population on multiple worlds after conquests etc.

If not properly balanced a race may be more strong than the others
Manual diplomacy through SM as dynamic could be too influenced by the different race buffs (too much control from myself)


Offline nuclearslurpee

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Re: New AAR and Story for 1.13
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2021, 05:14:16 PM »
So for the houses I was thinking at 3 very small variants of the main race, the empire which will be neutral. There is going to be another Space Master race to handle the research and map creation situated probably off the map, maybe in the galaxy core.

So for instace one family coming from hot regions so could colonize slightly hotter planets but not colder ones (remember no terraforming or super slow). Some may be more industrialized other more big family oriented. Always within reasonable limits (10-20%).

Possibility of differentiate pictures
Small gameplay and strategy differences
Easy to identify population on multiple worlds after conquests etc.

If not properly balanced a race may be more strong than the others
Manual diplomacy through SM as dynamic could be too influenced by the different race buffs (too much control from myself)


Assuming all races are humans, I think varying the species tolerances will be good for flavor but not do a lot in terms of colonization, just because it's fairly rare to see a planet which becomes significantly easier or harder to colonize based on a 10-20 degree temperature difference - not impossible, just rare in my experience. Usually a CC 2.00 world has not only a temperature variation but also dangerous or not breathable atmosphere, no water, etc. so very rarely is there a world where a slight shift in temperature tolerance brings it from 2.00 to habitable.

I also wouldn't really vary the starting infrastructure very much, mainly because most of those facilities are necessary - there's no really different game strategy that says I want more factories and less mines, or more research labs and fewer academies. In fact, generally if I felt one of those was lacking I would build as fast as I could until I had what I needed. So you're less likely to encourage each family towards a different strategy this way, and more likely to force each one to build to cover a weakness immediately.

My approach would be to allow the randomness of mineral generation to do most of the work. Using Sol as an example, one family might get lucky and generate great reserves on Mars, thus a big mining colony is needed, while another family might find the best reserves are in comets or asteroids, thus more automines or orbital miners are preferred. This plus variation on the flavor level (e.g. choice of weapons, colonization doctrine, etc.) will set the families apart enough to make things interesting. That is to say, the situation a family finds themselves in will influence their choice of strategy much more naturally than trying to force it by tweaking species or starting factories. It is not necessary to take a Starcraft-like approach of every race being completely unique, a more Age of Empires-like approach where each race is quite similar aside from unique defining features will be more than sufficient. Of course - all only in my opinion!

As far as balance, it will never be perfect but with three players an interesting dynamic occurs where if one player is too strong, the other two will work together (to a limited degree, always looking for the opportunity to gain an edge on their "ally"...) to keep the one player from dominating. This will be interesting as long as it is not too static, i.e. the #1 power is always #1 and the #2 and #3 can only hope to contain them, rather than dreaming to surpass them...

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Re: New AAR and Story for 1.13
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2021, 08:08:28 PM »
Assuming all races are humans, I think varying the species tolerances will be good for flavor but not do a lot in terms of colonization, just because it's fairly rare to see a planet which becomes significantly easier or harder to colonize based on a 10-20 degree temperature difference - not impossible, just rare in my experience. Usually a CC 2.00 world has not only a temperature variation but also dangerous or not breathable atmosphere, no water, etc. so very rarely is there a world where a slight shift in temperature tolerance brings it from 2.00 to habitable.

I will be creating the galaxy so I can mitigate this issue a bit. I don't think I will use humans but probably a custom race. Will be very similar to humans though.

I also wouldn't really vary the starting infrastructure very much, mainly because most of those facilities are necessary - there's no really different game strategy that says I want more factories and less mines, or more research labs and fewer academies. In fact, generally if I felt one of those was lacking I would build as fast as I could until I had what I needed. So you're less likely to encourage each family towards a different strategy this way, and more likely to force each one to build to cover a weakness immediately.

I had in mind more to play with Pop Density Modifiers (for instance Japanese are more used to live in cramped space) and Population Growth Modifiers (the same Japanese tend to do not have many kids). Also research and Production modifiers. Again no more than 0.1 or 0.2 points though.

As far as balance, it will never be perfect but with three players an interesting dynamic occurs where if one player is too strong, the other two will work together (to a limited degree, always looking for the opportunity to gain an edge on their "ally"...) to keep the one player from dominating. This will be interesting as long as it is not too static, i.e. the #1 power is always #1 and the #2 and #3 can only hope to contain them, rather than dreaming to surpass them...

Interesting point.

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Re: New AAR and Story for 1.13
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2021, 08:36:06 PM »
The Empire flag

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Re: New AAR and Story for 1.13
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2021, 10:04:40 PM »
The Empire flag

How in the world did you make that.

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