Author Topic: Drifters: AAR  (Read 2753 times)

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Offline kuhaica (OP)

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Drifters: AAR
« on: January 17, 2021, 11:55:34 AM »
This Campaign is a 7 Nation Conventional start with 2 separate species, both of which referring to themselves as humans as their official homeworld is earth. Additionally, 4 of the empires are semi-controlled by other players as if this where a game of diplomacy. I was also a fool and accidentally set the year to low. So I’m winging it. Also, as a disclaimer. Updates between this will be slow as my goodness, the amount of micromanagement I must do.

The Iraq War of 2003 turned into a global conflict when the Russian Federation officially sided with the Iraqi resulting in what was meant to be a quick occupation into a full-blown war. Tensions rapidly rose across the world as nations expected the worst to occur as superpowers clashed. The conflict would last a short two years with the only true casualty in the conflict being the powers of the middle east.

As the dust settled, Nato Forces lead by the United States and the Russian Federation along with her allies signed an official peace treaty which included the immediate removal of all assists from the Middle East along with the promises of no lasting consequences. Promises which would swiftly be forgotten as the military build-up was rampant.

With the need for extensive power projection for more conventional warfare the need for more minerals was apparent. Resulting in the second space race, to get further and further out where the nations of Earth could exploit the minerals of Sol. The coming years so rapid expansion into space technologies and even work on orbital facilities to facilitate the expansion into space. A short skirmish broke out on Luna when Russian and Chinese forces engaged each other over a deposit of rare minerals, resulting in an official treaty signed by the United Nations to ban the exploitation of Luna.

Several years would go by and the expansion of asteroid mining technology and inter-system travel progressed far beyond the worlds wildest dreams, permanent colonies in the inner belt were established and a fragile truce formed between the world powers regarding the companies and assets in space.

All good things come to an end and in the years to follow the stability of the world fell drastically with the pubic view of their various governmental bodies falling, the greatest market crash since 29, looming threats of wars in Asia and finally rumours of a deadly virus spreading from South America to the rest of the world.

The revolts of the West from the harsh measures taken to stop what was being called “the Red Death” was the start of what would later be known of the collapse. Followed by attempted coups across the world and finally open warfare waged in the chaos. The CCP attempting to invade many of its neighbours and getting quickly bogged down by a coalition, it remains unclear who started the conflict between the European Union and the Russian Federation., but by the end of it tactical warheads where deployed.

Finally, the namesake of the destroyer struck when in desperation a nation blanketed the upper atmosphere with nuclear warheads damaging many orbital facilities, effectively neutralizing much of the world’s satellites and sending the world into turmoil when EMPs caused the worldwide web collapsed.

With the world in turmoil and while mild, still radioactive fallout covering much of the world the people of Earth were left to struggle and fighter amongst themselves. Meanwhile, the small colonies within space were left with relatively little supply and effectively abandoned by the earth.

By the year 2050, radioactive levels of the earth are isolated now and new powers have emerged from the ashes of the collapse, including several joint projects to restore humanities inter solar territories. Along with the discovery of 11 new elements with unusual properties which are changing everything knowing to science, a new race has begun.

The Nations of Sol:

Drifter Free Factions: Player Influence
When the first permanent colonies were established in the inner asteroid belt and surrounding bodies closest to earth. Ceres was the largest and amongst the easiest to reach, rapidly becoming a hub for trade and as the compound grew, being stations erected around the dwarf planet the people present no longer needed to return to earth. It was, in fact, more profitable to stay within these facilities permanently and only sending ships back to drop off loads of minerals.

As the first generations were born within the low gravity, marked the beginning of a permanent home within the void for humanity. These people as the collapse occurred began to refer to themselves as “Drifters” as they were left to drift alone in space. The many companies slowly breaking down into separate clans and factions with only the largest and strongest retaining power.

The Drifters were pushed to the brink of annihilation as they ran out of the precious components needed to survive in space. And it was at this moment when the first supply ships since the collapse arrived at Ceres. A joint effort from the new powers of Earth to ensure that their brethren would survive.

Slowly the many factions of the Drifters united and formed their own power block within the solar system as a means to prevent themselves from being preyed on by outsider threats and ensuring they had more than just resources for bargaining power. A decision which has ensured the Drifter Free Factions remain a minor power.

Up to 2050 the DFF has been steadily trading with all the powers of Earth, this time for more than just the bare essentials but including firepower and industry to ensure the events following the collapse never occur again. Along with a close relationship with the CCA, the DFF has all but guaranteed their independence.

The DFF has yet to establish itself as a military power capable of producing its own weapons and has been completely reliant on the trade agreements with the powers of Earth. Now the DFF looks into the cheapest available weapons to produce to reduce the strain on their industry.

Special Rule:
Roughly 15% of all DFF mineral production is sent to Earth where it is distributed to all factions other than the CCA. In addition, the CCA always gains 5% of the DFF’s total mineral production in exchange for infrastructure.

Euro-African Compact:
The Compact was created out of necessity between multiple nations after several deadly struggles of power during the Collapse. While the Russian Federation invaded the eastern and central powers of Europe the Middle East, Africa and Iberia were left mostly untouched. Seeing an opportunity a loose alliance formed between a united Iberia, Morocco and Egypt along with its allies. The alliance called itself the Mediterranean Pact and with both the Strait of Gibraltar and the Suez Canal within the alliances control the alliance gained the power to isolate the rest of the nations reliant on the Mediterranean.

This power would be short-lived however when the war-hardened Germany and it’s puppet states demanded the alliance to release its control over the Mediterranean. War broke out as the demand was refused and the Turkish state and Greek remnants where swiftly invaded and subjugated by the new European power.

As Germany threatened the whole of the Pact, a bloodied but still capable Russia expanded south into the weaker states of the Middle East, slowly boxing the new alliance between powers more than strong enough to wage full war. Yet despite the situation in Europe and the Middle East, superpowers were emerging in Asia and the Americas.

Leaving the three rivals to turn their weapons outwards and defend what little land they had left, slowly this alliance of necessity included more nations of Africa until all but the most wartorn and irritated lands were apart of a growing alliance.   With Europe, Africa and the majority of the Middle East within its solidifying borders the Euro-African Compact was established.

A near federation lead by the three largest alliances which first established it and enough autonomy given to nations to allow the many cultures to exist independently. Slowly a new unified culture emerged within the Compact as the systems used to govern the ancient Roman Empire where modernized.

Now in 2050 from its capital of Cairo, the Euro-Africa Compact stands as a united force seeking to maintain it’s sovereignty and looking to bring back the peaceful era that came before the collapse. Many of the Compacts scientists have already turned their focus to bettering the lives of its citizens then waging war.

The Compact prides itself in its innovation and tactical flexibility, along with recent conflicts in its history they have taken to using Gauss weapons as the main staple, along with precisions lasers to maximize damage.

North America Military Alliance: Player Influence
During the Collapse, the United States of America had many enemies both within and without, yet it managed to cling onto the old American Dream despite the many loses it had suffered. A military coup removing what would later be remembered as an incompetent administration and swiftly instilling martial law as a means to quell the revolts across the nation.

As order was returned to the US, the high command promised it would one day restore the republic to its former glory, earning support amongst the population before officially declaring its intent to liberate all of America from tyranny. Resulting in several quick wars against fragmented and weak neighbours which the unified US had no issue with.

With all of North and Central America firmly under its control, the US started a mass project to redevelop lost industries and infrastructure to truly unite the nation before it’s a final push into South America. The push would never come as the Acting President took their final breaths only years later as their age finally caught up with them.

The nation on the verge of civil war and many of the original leaders of the coup dead, the military made good on its promises of a republic and returned control of the nation to the people. Resulting in a new constitution and new nation being formed with the many annexed states and nations being guaranteed privileges and some autonomy so long as the federal government was respected.

The North America Military Alliance was born and while many politicians wished to continue the militarized expanse into South America the champions of the people called for rebuilding and unification through diplomacy. In the years leading to 2050, several more nations of Latin America would join NAMA seeing the prosperity that the nation brought.

NAMA prefers hard-hitting shock weapons which deliver terrifying power in a short amount of time, as a means to end battles quickly and preserve as much life as possible. Resulting in NAMA favouring power volleys of missiles over kinetic or energy-based weapons.

Peoples Republic of Greater China:
The Communist Chinese Party fared better than much of the world superpowers during the collapse, already being self-reliant, they were capable of exploiting the situation for their own gain. Rapidly moving to conquer new territories and securing strategic locations with the only real hindrance being the Red Death still spreading throughout its territory.

What the CCP did not expect was for it’s many enemies to retaining enough forces to hold their invasions back long enough for a coalition of minor nations to form and beat the CCP back. Bloodied after suffering defeat and losing much of its naval supremacy the CCP looked elsewhere. In the process reassuring it’s populace and doing what it could to prevent it’s failing infrastructure from crippling the nation.

When the time was right and the CCP has restored it’s military prowess they rapidly struck out against the Republic of Indian, the weakened Russian Federations and the many minors sharing a land border with the CCP. The other nations already weakened from the collapse and in some cases wars of their own, could do little to slow the CCP’s advance. Yet when the Euro-African Compact formed and the coalition which first bloodied the CCP changed into the Collected Commune of Ausia. There was little that the CCP could do.

The following years leading up to 2050 were filled with the CCP changing itself inwardly and outwardly, with great powers now existing which were not afraid with by the notion of conflict and already prepared to fight the CCP. They had little choice but to rebuild and attempt more diplomatic options available to them. During this change the CCP would adopt several republic ideals, separating the great nation into five separate states which each answered to the capital party leaders, but otherwise were given enough autonomy to quell any unrest.

Eventually becoming the Peoples Republic of Greater China, where all within its borders are given the same equal treatment of those who live within minor china. A radical change which has encouraged unity throughout the nation as it rebuilt itself greater than ever before.

Greater China has the means to produce large quantities of ordnance and weapons, along with the crews to use them they have adopted a doctrine of heavy warfare where great ships equipped with long-range weapons will win the day.

The Collected Commune of Ausia: Player Influence
During the collapse the nations of Oceania fared better than many others, being able to lock down ports and enact quarantines to prevent the spread of the Red Death and in some cases self-sufficient enough to keep their economies moving. It meant these nations did not fracture into independent states and wage war against each other but instead encourage trade between a local group of nations.

When the CCP first attempted its invasions into South East Asai the many trade partners who could have stayed out of the conflict came to their aid instead. Not expecting a major response the CCP’s fleets and invading forces were utterly crushed and sent back to the mainland, followed by the major military buildup and naval blockades to prevent a second incursion.

This alliance of nations overtime formed into a single entity with the only true goal being to look after it’s citizens and ensure democracy within its borders ruled. The Collected Commune of Ausia was born and while they had bloodied the CCP they knew that a full out conflict with the Chinese would end with their defeat and subjugation. The war may take years or even decades but the CCA lacked both the manpower and the industry to compete with the Chinese.

Consequently, they took to a policy of image and bark rather than bite, opening trade with the other superpowers of the world and attempting to foster good relations with all nations regardless of status earned them many friends. As time went on this policy extend to the Peoples Republic of Greater China. Firmly cementing the CCA’s independence amongst the new powers of Earth.

By the year 2050, the CCA had become something of an enigma amongst the militarized superpowers, they willingly accepted and encourage trade, frequently selling technology and improving it only to put it back out on the market and even managing to bring about a tourist economy. Bringing back a little bit of the world pre-collapse and becoming a bit of a household name throughout the world.

The CCA will exhaust all available options before the conflict, having a strict and rigid policy to never be the one to start a fight, yet willing to end it. Along with this, they have focused heavily on a mix of gauss and laser weapons with interests in advancer technologies to keep them competitive with other nations.

Special Rules:
The CCA always gains 5% of the DFF’s total mineral production in exchange for infrastructure.

The Void League:
Where the DFF united father harmoniously during a time of crises the Void League was left to fester and succumb to death in the dark. Old rivalries from the corporate backgrounds and the few blood feuds of the clans that made up the power block of Ceres choose to withhold resources from many factions. Claiming there was not enough to go around and attempting to bring all to Ceres. Those who stayed out in the void, especially further from Ceres where left to die.

When the nations of Earth sent the first care packages and much-needed supplies where acquired, the DFF learned that while many Drifters succumbed to death, those that survived were made stronger by it. A union of multiple drifter factions which had in many cases found a way to survive by preying on the weak, believing that hard times called for strong measures. They called themselves the Void League and many in their number resented the DFF for abandoning them to a slow death.

Despite this VL attempted a peaceful coexistence with the DFF, but with ever-increasing pressure to unify into one body, the VL made it clear they would not be subjugated by seizing multiple shipments from the DFF and selling them to Earth. The outcry from the DFF was immense, but many nations on Earth did not care who gave them the minerals, just that they got them.

In the years leading to 2050, the VL and DFF would continue to operate in the inner belt mining resources and selling them to Earth. With multiple raids going on between the two sides, the VL frequently letting DFF miners do the hard labour before claiming the spoils. A situation which has lead to the DFF labelling the Void League as pirates. Something the VL wears with pride.

With little industrial capacity, but plenty of natural resources and experienced marauders, the VL focuses on railguns and ship boarding. Trying to get in close to enemy vessels, disabling their engines and then boarding in hopes of claiming the spoils inside.

Special Rules:
The VL gains additional resources, components and can even gain some research depending on the number of civilian trade ships they destroy.

United Successor States of South America: Player Influence
During the collapse South America was hit relatively hard, having relied upon trade to sustain its rapid modernization. With many of the resources, it needed to grow no longer obtainable through trade the nations had to look elsewhere. Resulting in several skirmishes and short wars before the resource depleted nations looked to the stars once more.

Turning weapons to ploughs and creating treaties to greater unify the many independent nations, the nations of South America worked on collectively rebuilding their nations together. And while they had sourced a budding space program, the rampant aggression from the US, forcing its way through Central America and only stopping in Panama resulted in fears of a hostile invasion.

With no choice but to return there industries to warfare the budding United Successor States of South America rapidly created mobile land forces which while lightly armoured and mostly infantry would not be bogged down in the rough terrain, along with a rapidly growing navy. Years would go by before the USSA would return to establishing it’s industry as NAMA’s foreign policy radically changed from aggression to diplomacy.

By the year 2050, the USSA is still playing catch up in almost all regards, yet it’s people remain hopeful that one day they too will reap the bounties of the stars.

The USSA lacks the industrial capacity to field massive forces and instead rellies on fast-moving and cheap to produce formations. Currently, the USSA is looking into both Missiles and Energy weapons for its arsenal but has yet to commit to anything, seeking to build up its industry first and foremost.

Additional Rules/Information:
In this playthrough, there are several rules I’ll be sticking to throughout the game to make it both interesting, enjoyable to play and competitive to some degree.

Starting Conditions
Sol start with real stars and Planet X included for some extra spice. Due to 5 empires being on earth I bumped up the minerals by 300% and I have everything else set to default settings minus NPR generation and NPRs generated at start. Because of the nature of this game I’m keeping the NPR generation chance at 0% as the game goes on I’ll start bumping it up to get some aliens and I have no current NPRs in the game.

Additionally, the capitals of both the VL and DFF start off surveyed and with large deposits of minerals (for the size of bodies) to allow them to have some decent income for a time.

Humans are standard other than their temperature tolerance being bumped up to 30 celsius because I like spicy humans who can better handle space. It amuses me greatly. They have no special rules and can do whatever they like.

Drifters are not at all standard Humans, they have an ideal gravity of 0.5 which makes them an LG species, kept their gravitation deviation 0.9, set their ideal temperature to 10 degrees, increased their population density to 2.0 and decreased their growth rate to 0.25. This makes them a pretty strong species, but for the RP they have a rule.
They can only colonize locations with LG, unless using Habitats

The Rules
This game as previously mentioned has various rules I’ll be sticking to. Perhaps the biggest rule being “randomly rolled events” every 10 years I will roll a percentile that will trigger an event of some kind. These events can be beneficial or negative depending on the circumstances. I will have a table shown. At the bottom of this section.

1. I am facilitating a “role-play experience”
2. Players like in a diplomacy game are given yearly turns, with interruptions set to their preference or when an important event occurs. Such as an attack.
3. I’m keeping most civilian and troop composition similar for the sake of time management. In some cases, there may be slight variations, but for the most part, they’ll be kept to be the same with different names.
4. Empires can “Trade” resources, installations and ships (If I can figure that out)
5. Empires can “Trade” technology
6. Random Events affect all empires

1-2 Ground Survey-A random body is found to have minerals
3-10 Greater Accessibility-A random body has its mineral accessibility improved
11-40 Economic Boom-Civilian spending has increased the productivity of the empires
41-50 Mineral Boom-Mineral Stockpiles are increased slightly
51-60 Mineral Drain-Mineral are decreased slightly
61-70 Maintenance Recall-A common component is recalled, decreasing maintenance supplies
71-80 Fuel Leak-Fuel reserves take a blow
81-90 Market Crash-Industries are shutting down
91-95 Plague-Slight population decrease
96-99 Brain Drain-Research Efficiency is decreased
100 Diaster-A natural or artificial disaster occurs forcing empires to take action

Earth Minerals
Duranium      4,476,000           0.9
Neutronium   1,723,500           1
Corbomite      651.500           0.9
Tritanium      1,999,000           0.6
Boronide      452,000           0.5
Mercassium   831,500           0.5
Vendarite      413,000           0.9
Sorium      880,500           0.8
Uridium      316,500           0.5
Corundium   2,466,000           1
Gallicite      915,000           0.7

Ceres Minerals-DFF Capital
Duranium      215,400           0.9
Neutronium   128,000           0.7
Corbomite      92,000      0.7
Tritanium      180,000           0.5
Boronide      31,000      0.8
Mercassium   120,200           0.7
Vendarite      11,700      0.6
Sorium      94,200      1
Uridium      30,700      1
Corundium   190,000           0.8
Gallicite      23,300      1

Alexandra-VL Capital
Duranium      151,000           1
Neutronium   28,000      0.4
Corbomite      52,700      1
Tritanium      33,600      0.6
Boronide      52,500      0.7
Mercassium   27,200      0.7
Vendarite      45,000      0.8
Sorium      110,250           1
Uridium      30,400      1
Corundium   80,600      0.9
Gallicite      20,600      0.8

« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 04:04:06 PM by kuhaica »
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Offline kuhaica (OP)

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Re: Drifters: AAR
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2021, 11:57:44 AM »
The Start: 2050’s

The players have stated their goals for the first few years of the game knowing that the beginning is slow. Each one wants to research Trans Newtonian technology and begin the expansion of their industry.

DFF-Bonus Tech: Max Orbital Mining Diameter 125km and 160km, Low Gravity Capability
VL Bonus Tech: Low Gravity Capability

During the early years, the nations behind in Labs or lacking Shipyards went about building more, meanwhile other nations built up their existing Academies or research potential. Only the VL was left with a hard choice between more labs or a shipyard, yet decided to build a Naval shipyard.

Trans-Newtonian Physics times:
July 30th 2051 - Collected Commune Ausia - Starts Reactor/Engine and Construction Research
July 30th 2051 - North American Military Alliance - Starts Reactor/Engine Research
February 20th 2052 - Peoples Republic of Greater China - Starts Engine and Defense Research
April 10th 2052 - Drifter Free Factions - Starts Construction/Mining Research
July 29th 2053 - Euro-Africa Compact - All labs on Reactor/Engine Research
November 6th 2054 - United Successor States of South America -  Starts Missile Research
September 13th 2056 - Void League - Starts

By 2052 the CCA and NAMA are embroiled in a close race for domination amongst the stars, both nations neck and neck in research, with the CCA likely to exceed NAMA’s research thanks to their superior Porpoulsion scientists. If NAMA’s agents are to be believed.

A quarter of the way through the year 2053 the CCA discovered a way to increase it’s industrial capacity and decided to spread it’s labs to many civilian projects seeing no point in rushing to the stars.

On March 16th 2054, the Peoples Republic of Greater China published their findings regarding new materials and their function throughout many industries. This came at a time when the GC had discovered a means to produce super dense Duranium Armor, meaning they were offering now obsolete technology. Not that the rest of the world knew.

The rapid spread of these new finding where quickly put to good use and the GC gained much needed positive press coverage for the coming months.

On April 30th 2054 the North America Military Alliance launched the first vessel from its shipyard built entirely out of Trans Newtonian Technology. The official name of this vessel being “the Colombus” a somewhat controversial name but one which NAMA would give it good luck. The people of NAMA however called the Colombus by another name “manifest” as they believed this to be their destiny.

Code: [Select]
GE Columbus Mk2 class Geosurvey Ship      5,000 tons       100 Crew       577.6 BP       TCS 100    TH 250    EM 0
2500 km/s      Armour 1-26       Shields 0-0       HTK 33      Sensors 0/0/0/3      DCR 3      PPV 0
Maint Life 3.04 Years     MSP 216    AFR 67%    IFR 0.9%    1YR 35    5YR 527    Max Repair 100 MSP
Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Morale Check Required   

A-Tech Survey A Nuclear Thermal Engine  EP125.00 HS25 (2)    Power 250    Fuel Use 63.25%    Signature 125    Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 668,000 Litres    Range 38 billion km (176 days at full power)

Geological Survey Sensors (3)   3 Survey Points Per Hour

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

Shortly after the launch of the Columbus, NAMA officials were able to verify two crucial pieces of information. The first being that the Geo Survey systems worked, secondly that Luna was a hotspot for most trans-Newtonian minerals making it an ideal location to set up a colony once the infrastructure is in place.

Early February of 2055 Greater China had finished it’s second research lab bringing them up to 10 in total and was well on its way to converting its vast industrial base using the new machining methods discovered only a few years ago.

March of the same year, rumours circulate the NET regarding Greater China’s massive shipyard in orbit, many nations stating they are not concerned. Meanwhile, Leader Lin Wu Yun made a public statement stating that the shipyard’s rampant expansion is to facilitate greater survey vessels, rather than warships.

May 17th of 2055 the EAC completed research into improved engines, in the process of optimizing the engines five catastrophic accidents occurred taking many lives including the team leaders. Yet the EAC persevered and is now leading in engine technology.

July 24th 2055 the USSA finishes it’s a first naval shipyard and began immediate work of expanding it as much as they could before they finished the prototypes for their first vessels.

December 6th 2055 the EAC produced their first Trans Newtonian survey vessel, only a few weeks later would the GC launch their own vessel.

By December 31st 2059 on the eve of a new decade, much of Earth had begun the full transition into a Trans Newtonian society, more efficient reactors power cities great monolithic structures dot the landscape as nations prepare for their future plans. While some nations have yet to reach to the stars with their own vessels, others already have their eyes on the first colonies off of earth since before the collapse.

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Offline kuhaica (OP)

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Re: Drifters: AAR
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2021, 01:10:25 PM »
AAR2: The Engine Incident

The first accident occurred July 5th 2053 when head researcher Decimus Clemens was preforming a routine safety test on one of the latest prototypes in the MINERVA project. Systems were running smoothly, fuel injectors operating at normal capacity and all systems were green. Before the researchers could celebrate their accomplishment and move onto the next stage of the project, the computers detected an error. Safety overrides were engaged, systems shutting down and fuel being cut off from the engine should have been the end of it.

Except during some point in which the safeties were engaged to when the all-clear was sent out, a single malfunction in the software resulted in the exact opposite occurring. A one in the place of a zero cost the EAC twenty-four lives and millions of dollars in clean up and repairs. The explosion which ripped through the lab was akin to a bomb.

During the investigation, it was ruled to be human error on one of the programmers for the safety software. Condolences where sent, updates were created and a new researcher was put in charge of the MINERVA project.

Four months later, November 23rd a second accident occurred relating to the MINERVA project, while the loss of life was minimal, a hydraulic lift broke during a routine exercise crushing head researcher Menen Berhane leg. His team trained in such situations were able to save the man’s life yet after such a tragic experience he resigned from his position.

The following investigation proved the incident to have been mechanical in nature, specifically relating to the maintenance of the lift, as it was due for a check-up in only a week. Everyone in the room believed it to be safe. Following the review new procedures where created and once more the EAC moved forward.

March 10th 2054 the Brussel bombing occurred, officially the incident was caused by radical groups dedicated to preventing humanity from reaching the stars, a stretched story to promote unity in the EAC’s current course. In reality, the Brussel Bombing was an engine meltdown.

The resulting explosion killed nearly all the researchers and auxiliary personnel within the Brussel institution of aeronautics and destroyed much of the evidence of the incident. Through a diligent investigation, authorities were able to find a likely cause. The handful of surviving researchers all recall having seen the head researcher, Sextus Nigrinus disable the engines cooling features in what should have been a test.

Experts brought in to explain how this could have resulted in an explosion where dumbfounded, until learning that the test had been delayed by roughly ten hours. A timeframe which had resulted in the build-up of various vapours within the engine core. Preventing additional safety features from functioning as intended.

The indecent was deemed human error, and to preserve the legacy of the head researcher the fabrication of a terrorist attack was made.

The fourth incident occurred December 31st 2054 during the night shift, no tests were schedules, no engineers were performing maintenance. The MK-TN-B engine was silent. Nearing midnight, head researcher Ustin Suvorov entered the control room for an unknown reason. During his time in this room, Doctor Suvorov collected various pieces of documentation and looked over several terminals. None of which had access to the engines startup sequence.

Despite this, nearing 2055 the engine began a startup sequence. At first, the head researcher was dumbstruck by what was occurring but swiftly moved to disable the engine. For an unknown reason, he was unable to start the engine shut down sequence after multiple failed attempts he then ran out of the room. Later to reemerge within the engine room itself, where he would proceed to initiate a controlled meltdown manually. In the process of destroying the engine and killing himself, yet preventing further damages to the building.

During the investigation, it was found that all of the safety features were disabled by a piece of malicious code set to activate before the new years which if had left unchecked would have resulted in a full meltdown at the turn of the new year. Doctor Suvorov was rewarded with the highest honours a civilian could obtain in the EAC, the Purple Sash, it presented to his partner.

The investigation was unable to determine where the malware came from, but it resulted in a new investigation being opened into project MINERVA by the CIC as many now believed all of these incidents where being preformed by foreign powers to slow the expansion of the EAC’s research progress.

The resulting investigation found no clear indication of foreign espionage, despite the odd occurrences around project MINERVA, even after the fifth and final incident on April 12th, 2055 when the final stage of the project was undergoing safety tests.

Within the laboratory, the engine was undergoing routine checks and it’s final inspection before the showing in the coming week. It was by happenstance that a catastrophic flaw was found with the engines intake system, specifically that it drew too much in. Head scientist Natascha Goldfield lost her left arm and roughly a quarter of the skin on her face in the fulling incident but was recover and stabilized.

The doctor resigned from there position with honours and compensation was given. Shortly after this gruesome incident, the MINERVA project would be finished on May 17th 2055 with no further issues. The EAC despite now leading in engine technology wisely decided to restructure it’s research divisions after a series of terrible accidents.
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Re: Drifters: AAR
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2021, 10:24:11 PM »
Gee, this looks interesting, okay fine I'll read it I guess. If you insist...  ;)

So, seven factions, four players and three GM-controlled? Let me see if I've got this straight, four player factions:
  • Drifter Free Faction: basically a pugnacious asteroid miners' union.
  • North America: tyrannical empire that conquered a continent freedom baby
  • Commune of Ausia: Oceania and SE Asia
  • United South America

Euro-Africa, China, and Void League Space Pirates Hell Yeah are GM factions. Have I got all that in the ballpark? The other players are an interesting twist, also having seven factions instead of eight (which seems absurdly common for such a specific number...)

Offhand I'd predict China will run away with it due to sheer mass of population, but with four player factions not beholden to "a good story" they may just get dogpiled early on.

Anyways, stuff happens...

Shortly after the launch of the Columbus, NAMA officials were able to verify two crucial pieces of information. The first being that the Geo Survey systems worked, secondly that Luna was a hotspot for most trans-Newtonian minerals making it an ideal location to set up a colony once the infrastructure is in place.

I can't imagine the other factions will be happy about this plan particularly as it violates a UN treaty quite directly...

The first accident occurred July 5th 2053
Four months later, November 23rd a second accident occurred
March 10th 2054 the Brussel bombing occurred, officially the incident was caused by radical groups dedicated to preventing humanity from reaching the stars, a stretched story to promote unity in the EAC’s current course. In reality, the Brussel Bombing was an engine meltdown.
The fourth incident occurred December 31st 2054
ven after the fifth and final incident on April 12th, 2055

If this keeps up, EAC researchers will refer to "The Engine Project" the same way thespians refer to "The Scottish Play".

Good God man, five scientists all dying in accidents? On the same project? What are the odds?


Fun stuff, looking forward to see what happens as the factions get built up and out of the gates!


Offline kuhaica (OP)

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Re: Drifters: AAR
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2021, 10:39:13 AM »
Your understanding is indeed correct, 4 player factions with three GM factions. And while China and Euro-Africa can be destroyed the VL will always come back from destruction (somehow TM). I've wanted to run a game like this for some time and I was glad I could convince some friends to do it. But yea, already I've been surprised by the actions of some players with NAMA living up to it's predecessor despite being "Diplomatic" now and I being most surprised by both the DFF and CCA. Despite there disadvantages, they are actually pulling through pretty well. If the CCA player wanted to they could have won the space race.

I've also learned the same Species share older tech. Which is pretty cool to think about. But yea,  updates on this one will be slow. The amount of Micromanagement I have to do is insane. I'm thinking of laying down the law and making all players have same size ground forces just so I don't die from making the hundreds of variants some want.

As for the five deaths. Never in my entire time playing this game have I had such rotten luck with scientists. I've had one or two die in accidents, but for 5 to die researching larger engines and then the engine tech itself. Is insane to me. However, it was fun and added some nice flavour to the world.
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Re: Drifters: AAR
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2021, 11:13:18 AM »
As for the five deaths. Never in my entire time playing this game have I had such rotten luck with scientists. I've had one or two die in accidents, but for 5 to die researching larger engines and then the engine tech itself. Is insane to me. However, it was fun and added some nice flavour to the world.

I always respect folks who take unfortunate dice rolls as flavor instead of ragequit fuel!  ;D

Offline Garfunkel

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Re: Drifters: AAR
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2021, 09:02:53 PM »
This was a very interesting setup, I hope you can continue it!