By limiting the size of ships and ground forces, a question that comes to mind is how NPRs are handled? Mainly because with limited ground forces invading a planet can prove impossible, although for the listed spoiler races it should mostly just make for, ah, interesting fights. For non-spoiler races it seems like player-controlled would solve the problem but this is a lot more work for you.
NPRs will be handled by me, especially for ground forces. There may be one NPR that isn't controlled, don't remember, but Im not sure how to remove it if it exists.
Are there any RP-based limits on ships other than the vague limit on size? Will be good to keep in mind the setting when it comes time for ShipChat™.
Looking forward to digging back into this once my time frees up a little bit!
Just a few simple ones: I will primarily using beam weapons. Missiles, similar to Steve's Gothic Campaign, are going to be torpedoes or bombs. Bombs/Torpedoes will be used sparingly as I find them to be my usual armament in games. The doctrine of the Conclave is to use independent ships rather than fleet based roles. Fighters are going to be smaller than 500tons, usually around 250tons. Most carriers will be very light in terms of fighter parasites. Fuel range for military ships are going to be 25 billion km, as Conclave Naval Command isn't aware of how big systems can get. MSP can only be stored on supply ships. This to avoid me spamming Maintenance Storages.
I am looking forward to hearing from you and the community