Author Topic: The Long Wait  (Read 14324 times)

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Offline ardem (OP)

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The Long Wait
« on: August 20, 2021, 02:53:17 AM »
Well it been a while since I done an Aurora Game. So looking forward to this game. I seem to have a lot more fun when I note down a story format what has been achieved. This is a C# Game not Vb6

A few rules for this game is
     - Research can only be conducted by someone in that field.
     - Commander positions will be automated, however story elements might see someone elevated and moved into certain positions
     - I will try and use commander traits where possible to determine actions, and sometimes tactical decisions.


The Long Wait set in the Year 4000. 1800 years prior Earth made it move amongst the Stars with the various nations and factions carving out their own empire. A 1000 years of expansion, much of that time in conflict, eventually ended in collapse. It was a silly thing that did it. Peace. Amazing when you think about it, war and expansion had driven the economy for 1000 year when we finally had peace the economy just fell apart. The stock market crashed sending companies into liquidation, worlds became protectionist to hold onto what they had, specialist companies could not deliver parts shutting down an entire space economy.

Disrepair let to the loss of complete strands of technology. So now 800 years on from that collapse The Aquarians have rediscovered and rebuilt enough of their society to search and find out what happened to Earth. 104 Aquarii 10 Light years from Earth, but it may as well be on the other side of the galaxy, without a defined Jump Route.

The Aquarians, and yes the people still do not enjoy the joke about living underwater, some old Earth myths and comics. The world has even less water then Earth only 51% covered, however they live the lush temperate forests and cities, this was a in most facts another Earth besides a little denser in atmosphere and gravity. The Aquarians took pride in this, their bones were probably stronger then the average human. Now as a world join together in spirit and harmony that are ready to really find out what happened to humanity.

Many believe alien species used Earth downfall to move into territories and raid resources. Others are worried the great AI machines that was used throughout the war are still out there waiting to turn on an unexpecting explorer. Either way the 600 million people who inhabit the planet is ready to find out.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2021, 07:55:19 AM by ardem »
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Re: The Long Wait
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2021, 02:58:33 AM »
Interested to see where this goes, seems you have some nice head canon going on here. Excited for follow ups!

Offline El Pip

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Re: The Long Wait
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2021, 05:45:38 AM »
Always nice to see a non-Earth start, I wish the Aquarians luck as they swim out into the stats. :) ;)

Online nuclearslurpee

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Re: The Long Wait
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2021, 11:30:49 AM »
Well it been a while since I done an Aurora Game. So looking forward to this game. I seem to have a lot more fun when I note down is story format what is achieved.

This generally seems to be true.  ;)

Is this a C# or VB6 game? The forum section is for VB6 but the ship designs in the first updates seem like C# mechanics are involved.

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: The Long Wait
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2021, 08:20:49 PM »
It is C#, only because I kept it with all my other stories.
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Re: The Long Wait
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2021, 12:05:52 AM »
Poor Dr. Elliot Vandervoot/vott/vort, no one will come to his parties. Although in fairness perhaps he should work on more exciting products than putting a hole in a ship and putting another ship in the hole, which when you put it that way sounds fun but hardly groundbreaking...erm, shipbreaking?  :P  Hopefully at least sometime the admirals will bother to learn his real name!

I admire the optimism of Dr. Heffen, imagining that surely a device which hurls projectiles at high velocities over vast distances could not possibly be used for anything other than peaceful exploration purposes. Certainly we need more men like him in charge of things, if only for the inevitable hilarity when their optimism is crushed by an alien visitation.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2021, 12:08:52 AM by nuclearslurpee »

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: The Long Wait
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2021, 05:30:45 AM »
hahah I did not even know I misspelt his name.. That is awesome, not even the narrator cares about him LOL.

Although the Narrator is starting to sound like a non too impressed youtube reporter, with anything the government does. I think I will keep this style. LOL
« Last Edit: August 21, 2021, 07:55:50 AM by ardem »

Online nuclearslurpee

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Re: The Long Wait
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2021, 09:52:27 AM »
4010, 16th February        - Luis Hendrichs team continue to work on sensor technology, the Fleet feels this would be appropriate as they do not want to bump into anything.


I do fear for the Aquarian scientific establishment, as corruption seems to be growing endemic within the ranks, what with all the car bombing and, um, "life coaching" going on these days. Perhaps it is not so bad for Elliott, who now has lost his last name entirely, that he is being pointedly excluded from this corrupt inner circle, perhaps he will survive the inevitable popular uprising.

Meanwhile I can only imagine what horrors we will see once the admiralty comes to the fore, surely this time is not far off now that we have some ships to fly around in.


E: to avoid a double post.

Seems like the Aquarians are now discovering what many new players to C# have found out - bigger ground forces are needed to conquer a planet Hopefully they will get it right the next time around.

For reference, because fortification reduces ground forces signature, whatever you see on active sensors should be multiplied by 6 to give the maximum possible amount of enemy ground units you will need to fight (although a factor of 3 is probably more accurate in many cases - use at own risk!). After that, as the attacker you will want a 2:1 or 3:1 advantage in tonnage, more or less depending on your ground unit technology level relative to that of the enemy.

So if you see, I dunno, 10k tons of ground forces visible from orbit, that could be easily 30k to 60k tons actually on the ground and you would need several times that, probably, if you want to be assured of victory. Plus, the larger the initial landing army, the lower your casualties will be and the fewer resources you will have to spend rebuilding your mighty armies.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2021, 12:11:36 PM by nuclearslurpee »

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: The Long Wait
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2021, 11:17:57 PM »
Thanks for the suggestions. Actually playing as a long term VB6 player and now as C# player it actually been fun relearning some details. In some respects it like the Aquarians are also learning. I must say I was not expecting any force on my very first system. So when my Survey ship blew up that was a WTF moment.


Offline El Pip

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Re: The Long Wait
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2021, 05:58:35 AM »
I am loving the names of the Aquarian Army. While I was saddened to see Weston Kampf depart I was delighted at his replacement- Numbers Voth! Truly magnificent.

Alas the Admiralty is letting the side down. Hunter Ohagan (does he get the ' between the O and H when he is promoted?) is a fine start, but the names of the ships.... very disappointing.

In more serious commentary I have enjoyed reading a story where there are surprises and things go wrong for our protagonists. Obviously I hope the Aquarian's succeed in the end, but a few problems along the way make things more interesting.  :)

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: The Long Wait
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2021, 01:13:04 AM »
Sorry I cannot take credit for the names it what ever the computer gives me I think it set to United States names. As that has the most mix of races.

But I did like Numbers Voth sound very cool I agree.

I am really not sure if the Aquarian succeed in the end, I am writing as i am playing, been busy the as two days will get a chance tomorrow for another play. Since this is my first run through with C# I am learning things along the way and this I guess is why we seeing mistakes LOL.


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Re: The Long Wait
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2021, 02:27:13 AM »
Things are not going well for Aquaria. The disaster on Cancun, the Mobile Imperium showing a complete lack of respect and the death/retirement of so many scientists all at once. And the mystery of Dr Elloitt Vandervort of course. ;)

Maybe just nuking Cancun from orbit is the best plan, then build up the fleet and kick the Mobile Imperium out of your system and teach them some respect. Aquarians clearly are not great at ground combat, hopefully they are better at fighting in space.

Online nuclearslurpee

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Re: The Long Wait
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2021, 10:29:53 AM »
Catching up on a few updates here...

Dr Elloitt was surprised to be given more funding straight after this effort. Maybe after all this time his efforts are being recognised.

To confirm this he should throw a party and see who shows up, or failing that which letters are lost from his name this time.

4034, 14 Feburary              Dr Elliot Vandervort after completed his Military Hangar Design, was desperate for a night out. Tonight was the Desperate & Dateless Science Single Ball. However Joint Chiefs phoned in and request he come straight away for a briefing. After the brief was laid out he was thinking why the hell was he brought in do these guys just like to screw with him. The Military just wanted a Very Large Fuel design something he given then many times before. Huge Sigh, no date, no fun.

At least it is nice to be wanted for once, no?

Captain Weson Wisor looked at the two lonely planets, and shrugged at the system now given his name, being a bit of a Philosophy Buff he could not come up with the adequate statement for the system and his name.

With two planets, a Wisor man might have thought of a nice quote about the duality of life and the universe.

However we made friends with the Ceti Aliens. However they did blow up our diplomatic vessel

Ah, yes, friendship, that enviable state of affairs in which two friends blow up each other's ambassadors out of friendliness.

Dr Bob Leasure awarded the Order of Aquaria, after completing 30 projects. The 62 Year old was happy as he celebrated with his wife and a number of friends afterwards.

Not noticed in a dark corner was the shadowy form of a jealous Dr. Elliot Vandervoort, who silently skulked away filled with rage and plotting revenge on his colleagues who were so audacious as to actually have people come to their parties.

After going through the personnel record we were missing a Dr Elloitt Vandervort. He must or retired or died. No one knows. (The narrator did not even see the event. LOL)

Clearly he has run off to become a supervillain. We already have the origin story all we need is a party for him to crash. Also probably a supply of arthritis medication, he is in his 60s by now after all.

We cannot afford a war with another alien species.

I have a solution, we must have some of the Aquarians create a splinter faction which declares war on the Ceti aliens, and then we can sell them all of our war material and weapons to make a lot of money. After this we can afford a war. It is a foolproof plan because we are playing both sides against the middle, both sides are Aquarians and the Ceti aliens are the middle. Clearly this is how it works.

2042, 1 October            The Aquarians have established Contact with the Ceti Aliens know as the Mobile Imperium. They no longer consider us hostile, which is nice and we have a neutral relationship.

From friendship to neutrality, a clear improvement as now that we no longer have friends like these we once again have room in our lives for enemies.

As for the battlefield loss it seems that the Aquarians are inferior in both numbers and technology, 10,000 men may seem like a lot but that number of armored fighting vehicles could outfit probably two full divisions given adequate supporting arms so really the mass of forces has not been enough, added to this the enemy clearly has better ground military technology as evidenced by their miniscule losses. Perhaps some analysis by a scientist with a suitably amusing name could work out what kind of technology these aliens use, so our own military men can determine more accurately when we are able to defeat them in battle.

And with this we appear to have started a new...chapter?

4043, 23 June                Dr Kathy Calvin was young Enthusiastic and loved for thing to go BOOM.

She will go far in our organization, this is for certain.

The good news is our diplomatic rating are improving maybe they could be an ally after all.

I am not sure another round of "friendship" is in our best interests. Have we tried making enemies of them yet, instead of friends? As it has not yet been tried perhaps the results would be even better.

4045, 3 March               Dr Milford Delph worked with Weedman Electronics to bring out a new range of Thermal Sensor sizes 250ton, 500tons, 10000 tons and 2000 tons. The ranges have improved since  the last batch.

While technological progress is always to be celebrated I must question the merit of a 10,000-ton thermal sensor as this seems impractical given that a ship mounting it would need to be extremely large, really even a 2,000-ton sensor is rather extreme and I say this as a Big Sensor™ advocate on a forum increasingly dominated by new wave admirals who advocate for small sensors on fighters instead.

It seems that the race is on for the Aquarians as the Ceti aliens will inevitably eventually lay a claim to the home system and they will be forced to fight in defense of their home planet. How long will the Aquarians have to develop the technology and build the warships they need to mount a defensive stand and eventually win this war? It is likely to be closer than comfort would desire.

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: The Long Wait
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2021, 01:04:26 AM »
hahahahhahah! I laughed all the way through that, pity I was eating something at the beginning, thanks nuclearslurpee. Now got to go clean my monitor.

PS. Mistyped should of been 1000 tons. But who know maybe I should go back and make a 10,000ton sensor.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2021, 01:06:30 AM by ardem »

Online nuclearslurpee

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Re: The Long Wait
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2021, 08:42:35 AM »
PS. Mistyped should of been 1000 tons. But who know maybe I should go back and make a 10,000ton sensor.

Sadly the limit is 50 HS or 2500 tons, so the Big Sensor Faction must wait for a future update to realize our dreams...