Ship Class Templatesv2.2 adds the concept of Ship Class templates. These templates allow you to take a class, or an individual component in that class, from one race and recreate the same class/component for any race in any game with the same database.
Templates include general information such as the class name, armour thickness, deployment time, min fuel/supplies, all priority settings, any flags such as collier, tanker, conscript, etc. plus every component used in that class, along with the tech and other information required to recreate it.
The template can be created by clicking a new button on the Class Design tab (end button on the top row).
You can view the class template on the new Class Templates tab. The top section displays basic class information. The min fuel/supplies and the priority settings are only displayed if they differ from the default.
The left-hand section lists all the components in the class, along with the number of research points required for the background research necessary to create that component and to design the component itself. The right-hand section lists the required tech systems to design the entire class, along with the research points required for each tech system, including any pre-requisite research. Known tech systems are displayed in green. In this case, no research is required because this race already built the class.
Below, a new race has been created which now has access to this template. As this race only has starting TN tech systems and has yet to do any research, the research costs for each component and tech system are listed. Also listed at the bottom are the current starting tech points for that race and two buttons that allow instant research of a tech system or component.
Clicking on a component will display in the bottom right section a list of all background research tech systems, including prerequisite tech systems, required for that component. The total will be the same as the Path RP associated with that component. Clicking on a tech system in the upper right will list all tech systems required to research it, including prerequisite tech systems.
The screenshot shows the situation after the new race selected the AK-20 weapon battery and clicked Instant Comp. 44,000 research points have been expended and the component is now available to that race. For now, the research cost of the component itself is not deducted (mainly because I don't to tend do that during setup), but I will probably add an option to include it.
As the AK-10 weapon battery uses the same tech systems, or the pre-requisite tech systems, there is no longer any Path RP associated with that component.
Instead of creating each component, you can just click Create Class and all required tech systems will be researched (and starting tech points expended) and all components will be created. As you can see below, the new class is an exact match for the Sword class of the Terran Imperium.
There is also an option to create the class using available tech, rather than researching the required tech. The game will still do the same component creation process, but will use a lower level tech system of the same type where the desired system is not available. This can lead to situations where the class is not ideal, such as a lower-tech reactor perhaps no longer having enough output for the weapons, so it will require some player adjustments. However, this is still a much faster process than designing from scratch.
If we go back to the templates tab and click the Dread Argent template, the only research required is for those tech systems and components not already researched and created for the Sword
This change should make setting up new games much faster and should also reduce the chance of missing vital tech systems during pre-game research setup. I will continue to work on this and it may be updated a little as a result of play test.