Author Topic: v2.2.0 Changes List  (Read 98060 times)

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Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: v2.2.0 Changes List
« Reply #45 on: November 03, 2023, 10:22:09 AM »
Wreck Detection and Alien Salvage Events

A new 'Wreck Detection' event has been added. This event will trigger when a ship of another race is destroyed in the same system as a ship or deep space tracking station of the viewing race.

A new 'Alien Salvage' event has been added. This event will trigger when a wreck disappears in the same system as a ship or deep space tracking station of the viewing race and wasn't salvaged by the viewing race.

« Last Edit: November 03, 2023, 11:09:12 AM by Steve Walmsley »

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: v2.2.0 Changes List
« Reply #46 on: November 08, 2023, 05:20:19 AM »
Limited Events On Load

This is a small change in code terms but worth mentioning in its own post.

When a game loads, a maximum of 10,000 past events will be loaded, based on the most recent first. This is to avoid using up too much memory. Any non-loaded events will be deleted from the database when the game is saved.

10,000 sounds like a lot, but my current game just tried to load over two million events. It's been very eventful :)

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: v2.2.0 Changes List
« Reply #47 on: November 15, 2023, 03:28:52 AM »
Change to Governor Assignment for Populations

Currently, you can set the automated Governor assignment option for a colony by ticking a checkbox on the Economics window.

For v2.2, you have the choice of Automated Assignment, Manual Assignment or No Commander Required. The first two function in the same way as ticking or not ticking the current checkbox respectively.

The third option prevent automated assignment but also removes the population from the list of colonies when manually assigning a commander. This is to prevent colonies such as a simple listening post from cluttering the potential assignment list.

New player colonies will be defaulted to Manual (as they are now). Civilian colonies will be defaulted to No Commander Required.

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: v2.2.0 Changes List
« Reply #48 on: November 25, 2023, 10:18:23 AM »
Aether Gate Disruption

(this update contains spoilers for the Raiders)

For v2.2, when a fleet passes through an Aether Gate in either direction, the gate is disrupted for a number of seconds equal to the tonnage of military ships in the fleet plus 10% of the tonnage of commercial ships in the fleet. While the gate is disrupted, no ships may transit.

Currently, Raiders who have decided to flee a system will head for the gate, unless that option is too dangerous. In v2.2, if they would reach the gate before it was available, they will take other action instead, such as simply running away from hostile ships in an appropriate direction.

This change is to prevent Raiders quickly popping in and out of gates, but also to add some more variability to Raider behaviour.

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: v2.2.0 Changes List
« Reply #49 on: November 25, 2023, 05:46:02 PM »
Designated Targets

A new checkbox entitled 'Designate as Target' has been added to the Miscellaneous tab under the Ship Overview tab on the Naval Organization window.

A ship with this checkbox checked will be automatically detected as an active sensor contact by the parent race. This will cause the creation of an 'alien race' based on the parent race, with all the associated classes, ships, etc.

Because the ship has an associated contact, it can be targeted and attacked by ships of the same race, allowing it to be used for target practice.

Designated targets remain completely under the control of the parent race and can be given orders or setup to defend themselves. If multiple ships are designated as targets, they can fight each other in fleet exercises. This will allow experimentation with different weapon systems in a 'realistic' engagement.

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: v2.2.0 Changes List
« Reply #50 on: November 26, 2023, 06:16:51 AM »
Ground Combat Research Costs

The following changes have been made to ground forces research costs. For each item, the current RP cost is shown after the name.
  • Troop Transport Bays (4000) are a starting tech for TN campaigns. For conventional starts they require 1000 RP
  • Troop Transport Boarding Bay (6000) is 2500 RP
  • Troop Transport Drop Bay (8000) is 2500 RP
  • Geosurvey, Construction and Xenoarchaeology Equipment (5000) all reduced to 2500 RP
  • Fighter Autocannon, Bombardment and Air-to-Air Pods (5000) all reduced to 2500 RP
  • All ground unit capabilities (5000), such as Boarding, Desert, High-Gravity, etc. all reduced to 2500 RP
  • Heavy Vehicle (5000) is 2500 RP
  • Super-Heavy Vehicle (10,000) is 5000 RP
  • Ultra-Heavy Vehicle (20,000) is 10,000 RP
  • Heavy Vehicle Armour (5000) is 2500 RP
  • Super-Heavy Vehicle Armour (10,000) is 5000 RP
  • Ultra-Heavy Vehicle Armour (20,000) is 10,000 RP
  • Heavy Static Armour (6000) is 2500 RP
  • Powered Infantry Armour (2000) is 1250 RP
  • Heavy Powered Infantry Armour (4000) is 2500 RP
  • Heavy Anti-Vehicle Weapon (5000) is 2500 RP
  • Super-Heavy Anti-Vehicle Weapon (10,000) is 5000 RP
  • Heavy Bombardment Weapon (6000) is 2500 RP
  • Long-range Bombardment Weapon (6000) is 2500 RP
  • Super-Heavy Bombardment Weapon (10,000) is 5000 RP
  • Heavy Anti-Air Weapon (6000) is 2500 RP
  • Heavy Autocannon (8000) is 2500 RP
  • Heavy Crew-Served Anti-Personnel (4000) is 2500 RP