The NPRs don't always coordinate their salvos of the same missile type from the same location. As a result of this campaign, I have added some extra AI code so that NPR ships considering launching ASMs will be aware of the reload status of other NPR ships in the same location, even if not in the same fleet, and may wait for them in order to coordinate their attacks.
This still doesn't affect AAM ships in ASM mode, but I will tackle that if the ASM change works.
It also doesn't affect situations where one or more NPR ships have longer-ranged fire controls and may fire when other ships are still out of range. However, once two ships or more are within range, they will coordinate. I decided to ignore the 'longer-ranged' firing first situation because I don't want to get into the AI deciding if firing some missiles early and then coordinating later salvos is better than saving missiles and launching together, as they would have to consider opponent weapon range, PD, chance of their own ships being destroyed, etc..