Author Topic: Nemesis Campaign  (Read 35089 times)

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Offline procyon (OP)

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #135 on: August 24, 2011, 09:02:09 AM »
February 2205  part 13

February 18th  1820 hours/Converted Freighter Mary Reed, Hektor orbit

   "Weapon Conn, firing solution on alien bombers.  Launch when solution complete."
   The Dutchman looked at the sensor returns and watched as the four alien bombers moved closer to the colony on Hektor.  The Dutchman checked the progress on the firing solutions. 'Those little craft are hard to lock up out here.  The debris thrown out here from the combat on Hektor is only making it more difficult.'
   "Comm, update on the Krait's status."  The Dutchman saw the sensor lock stabilize and the firing solution compile.  Moments later the Mary Reed shuddered slightly as a single Devil Class Missile launched and engaged its drive.
   "Captain, the Krait reports she is still coming to stations.  The captain says they will reach Battle Stations in sixty seconds."
   'Damn it, the alien ships will nearly reach the colony before they get into the fight.  Only two ships on watch leaves us in horrible shape here.  When a crew is not on watch they end up scattered through their ship catching up on maintenance.'
   The Sensor Officer's voice caught the Dutchman's attention.  "Missile detonation.  Targets required.  Two bombers show active drive bloom.  One bomber tumbling, no drive signature.  Scattered contacts on tangent to detonation.  Appears to be remains of last bomber."  The Dutchman checked the sensor returns.  'That bomber must have been right on top of the missile when it detonated.  Two with one stone, now we just have to get the last pair.'
   The Sensor Officer cut in again.  "Contact velocity change.  Deceleration.  Range of zero point seven five light seconds.  Current velocity of four thousand kilometers per second and decreasing."
   "They are braking for their attack run.  Time until next launch."  The Dutchman looked toward the weapon station and the crew there.  He heard the Weapon Control Officer respond.  "Next launch in four, three, two, away."  The Mary Reed shuddered again as another missile released from its bay and the nuclear drive on it flared to life.  The Dutchman looked at the sensor readings and saw the missile moving toward the alien bombers alone.  The missile detonation clouded the returns for a few moments but the Dutchman already knew it had detonated short of the alien ships' course.
   "Comm, let the Krait know they need to get to stations NOW.  Weapon Conn, get the next launch online.  Sensor Conn, time until the bombers begin attack runs."
   The Sensor Officer was the first to answer.  "Aspect change on contacts.  Continuing to decelerate.  Beginning initial orientation for attack runs.  Projected weapon deployment in forty five seconds.  Sensors showing launch from the Krait."
   "Third launch online and away."
   'It's about time.  It is getting close.  We might get a fourth launch online, we might not.'  The Dutchman watched as the two detonations clouded the returns and then as the contacts reappeared.  "Hell yes.  One more down.  Get a fourth launch online and away."
   "Already working on it."  The Weapon Control Officer had the solutions compiling on the monitors in front of him while the other crew at the station were completing the prep on the missile.
   The Sensor Officer cut in again.  "Aspect change on remaining contact.  Beginning attack run on colony.  Projected weapon deployment in fifteen seconds.  Range to bomber of forty thousand kilometers."
   'This is going to be close.  If the missile loses tracking it could hit the colony.  Even if it doesn't, it will be uncomfortably close.'  The Dutchman watched as the missile appeared on the monitor and began moving toward the target.  It lasted for only a second as the nuclear drive covered the distance and then the returns clouded.  The bridge seemed quiet as the grave while the ship waited for the sensor report.
   "Target destroyed.  A few pieces of debris have struck Hektor but none are near any habitat or troop concentrations.  Hold, new contact.  Magnetic field deployment detected on bearing two five zero.  Unable to resolve but apparent range to contact of eight light seconds."
   The Dutchman concentrated on the new contacts, the elation of destroying the bombers quickly forgotten.  'Those aren't little bombers.  It takes something a lot larger to carry a field generator.  And we only have six missiles left on board.'  
   "Helm, engage drive.  Move to orbit of Hektor at half a light second.  Full combat acceleration.  Comm, relay to the Krait to maintain formation with the Mary Reed then hail those vessels and find out who they are.  Weapon Conn, get the next missile prepped for launch just in case."  The Dutchman watched the sensor returns as the drive engaged and the world turned grey.  'There are a lot of ships moving around right now and we are pretty close to the course most ships would take to Saturn.  Maybe they just detected the detonations and are coming to see if they can assist.'
   "No response from contacts.  Continuing open transmission."
   The Sensor Officer was the next voice on the intercom.  "Still unable to resolve contact identity.  Contact velocity no less than eight thousand kilometers per second.  Closing on colony."
   The Dutchman looked at the data as it began to display on the monitor in front of him.  'Human or not, if it was friendly then it would have answered by now.  If it is alien those bombers just told them how many of us are parked here.  We don't have a clue what they are, and that is a problem.'
   "Helm, bring us to course one one zero degrees.  Put the colony between us and the contact.  Comm, I want a tightbeam link to the ground station on the colony.  Get a direct link to the colony sensor array.  Feed to the Sensor Conn and my station."  The Dutchman watched as the range began to grow between the colony and the Mary Reed.  'The colony will be able to tell us what came to visit.  Then we can make a decision.'
   One minute crawled by, and then another.  Three minutes after leaving orbit of Hektor the Sensor Officer keyed open the intercom.  "Colony array has ID of contacts.  Armed Tango times two at four point five light seconds bearing two four six from the colony.  Velocity of nine four zero zero kilometers per second.  Third contact now.  Echo times one.  Same bearing and velocity.  All contacts closing on colony."
   The Comm Officer overrode the intercom.  "Dutchman, we have a priority broadcast from the Sixteenth Division.  They are reporting strikes on troop concentrations near Domes Three and Eight."
   The Dutchman sat and looked at the monitor.  'Those Tangos are twice the size of the Mary, and nearly three times as big as the Krait.  Even if we could outmaneuver them, the Echo would still be trying to tear us to pieces.  And the Mary's launch bay is almost half empty.  Odds are those ships can't pick us out from the rocks in the belt at this range.  So long as we leave the field generators off we should be fine.'
   "Helm, maintain current course.  Comm, let the colony know that we aren't going to be around to help.  Then send a message to the board that the aliens have returned to Hektor."

   1842 hours/Surface of Hektor

   Li Xue pulled off the velcro straps holding her in bed and then pulled out her IV.  Patterns of water drops drifted through the air as the line twisted back and forth.  Li aimed herself toward the door and pushed off from the bed.  Li grabbed the doorway as the room shook.  Li heard several people squeal as the vibrations scattered objects about the room behind her.  'Whatever that was, it was closer than the last one.'  Li looked down the hallway and saw several nurses moving.  Some pulling themselves along the rail on the wall, others are drifting rapidly from one point to the next.  Li could see the nurses' station down the hall and knew it had an exit from the ward.  Li pulled herself quickly down the rail until she reached the desk.
   "Where is my unit?!"  Li looked about at the room at the nurses moving about.  Some looked at her but none stopped or answered.  "WHERE IS MY UNIT?!"  Li yelled at no one in particular.  
   A young man appeared from the hallway.  "You are Chinese soldier?"  Li looked at him.  The Chinese was broken and badly accented, but at least Li could understand it.
   "Yes!  Now where is the rest of my unit?!"  Li watched as the man pushed off and drifted to the counter beside her.
   The man pulled himself to a stop on the rail and shrugged.  "Woman bring clothes.  Not clothes."  Li watched as the man looked confused and then pointed back down the hallway leading from the nurses' station.  "Come."  Li followed the man as he pushed off from the rail back toward the hallway.  Li grabbed the rail in the hall and pulled herself down it behind the man.  He stopped at the room across from the one Li had been in.  The man opened the door and pointed inside the room.  Li pulled herself to the doorway and saw a portable Salamander Suit Pack in the room.  "My suit !"  Li grabbed the young man's arm and quickly kissed his cheek.  Li looked just long enough to see him blush as she smiled at him and then she pushed off toward the case.
   Li grabbed the outside of the case and punched in her suit number.  Lights flashed on the front of the case as it expanded and unfolded.  'There it is, good as new.'  Li pulled the elastic skin tight suit out of the side pocket and pulled the legs on.  The hospital gown got in the way and Li reached around and tried to undo the ties.  Pain suddenly flared in her side and Li found herself doubled up clutching at the site where the chest tube had once been.  Li felt hands pulling the ties loose and found the young man floating beside her undoing the gown.  Li could feel herself blush and all she could think was 'It has been a long time since any man has taken my clothes off.'  Li tried not to look at the young man as she pushed her arms into the sleeves of the suit and pulled it up over her.  Li found she had drifted away from the rack and had nothing in reach.  She looked back at the young man to see he was easily as red as she was.  Li pointed back to the case and reached for it.  "Help me.  I can't reach."  She watched the young man grab her arm and pull her back.  'I wish he would quit blushing.  Then maybe I could.'  Li grabbed the case and put her feet into the suit and felt the blast padding expand.  The room shook again as she leaned back into the suit.  Li looked at the young man again and saw that the pink had disappeared from his face, replaced by the pale mask of fear and concern.  'Now I wish he was blushing.'  In less than a minute Li had the rest of the suit on and the function checks complete.  'Now, what in the hell is going on.'  Li turned on the radio and was assaulted by voices.  Dozens, if not hundreds.  Li keyed in for the suit to screen out all transmissions not from the 23rd Regiment.  Li felt the suit shake and the maneuver pack fire as the transmissions died off to only a few voices.  Li could feel her stomach sink to her toes as she listened.  'Oh my god, the aliens are back.  They are shelling the colony again.  It sounds like they might be making another landing.'
   Li looked up and saw that the amber lights had come on in the room and that the door had sealed.  'Oh no.  The dome has been breached.'  Li used the maneuver pack to reach the door, careful not to fire the jets toward the young man still holding onto the case.  The door refused to open when Li pushed the button and words flashed near it.  The room shook again and the lights went out.  Li turned on the suit's lights and looked back into the room.  She could see the young man struggling to get his hood pulled over his head.  'Oh no, the room has lost its seal.'  Li moved to help the young man and sealed the hood onto his suit, then watched as he struggled with his gloves.  Li could see his eyes rolling back and his movements becoming less coordinated.  'He is suffocating.  There isn't enough air pressure in the suit.  Li reached down and pressed the release on the small air cylinder on the young man's side and saw the hood balloon up as oxygen filled the suit. Then the hood began to shrink again.  Li looked down and saw the air leaking out around the cuff on one of the suit's sleeves.  'One of his gloves isn't on.'  Li looked at the young man's suit but the glove wasn't attached near the sleeve.  Li quickly looked around the room and saw the glove drifting.  Li used her maneuver pack to reach the glove as she held the young man's arm.  She grabbed the glove and pulled it over the man's hand and sealed it.  She looked up and could see that the hood had shrunk down a great deal.  His eyes were glassy and unfocused; his face had turned nearly purple.  'What can I do?'  Li watched as he gasped several times and arched his body as he tried to find air to breathe.  The arches became less coordinated.  Became slow convulsions.  Then nothing.  Tears rolled down Li's face as she let go of the body and watched it drift away.
   'I owe you my life, and I don't even know your name.'

   2010 hours/Ministry of Defense, Beijing, China

   Minister Po looked at the papers on his desk.  'The Ministers will meet in twenty minutes.  We will have to face this new setback.'  Po looked up as one of the office assistants poked his head through the door.
   "Minister Po, Minister Khoh is here to see you."  The door was pushed open and Po watched as Minister Khoh shoved his way past the startled clerk.
   "You know what has happened?!"  Khoh stared at Po with barely contained anger.
   "I have heard that the aliens have retaken the orbitals at Hektor, and have made strikes on the ground units.  There have also been reports of another landing of alien troops."  Po watched as Khoh stood shaking in front of his desk.
   "The Sixteenth has been nearly destroyed!  Their supply dumps are gone!  My people indicate that another alien division has landed and is even now crushing whatever units resist them!  We are losing both Titan AND Hektor!  What are you going to DO?!"  Khoh had stepped forward with each statement.  He was nearly to the desk.  Po reached into the open drawer and laid his hand on the pistol there.
   "We will address this in the Assembly.  Whatever decisions are made I will support.  It may be possible that ships can be diverted to support the remaining troops."
   "WHAT TROOPS?!"  Po could see that Khoh was rapidly losing control of himself.  Po pulled the pistol from the drawer and leveled it at Khoh.
   "This will be addressed.  We may need extreme measures to control this situation."  Po watched as the color drained from Khoh's face as he stared at the pistol.  "You need to leave now."
   Po watched as Khoh slowly backed away from the desk, and then left the room.  Po pushed the button for the intercom.  "I will need addtional guards stationed in my office.  I will also need several guards to accompany me inside the Ministry.  Thank you."  Po put the pistol away and leaned back in his chair.  'This is a dangerous situation and we must resolve it quickly.  For my own safety if nothing else."

   2330 hours/Washington DC

   Admiral Bradley Walters stood as the door opened.  "Thank you for coming.  I realize this is unconventional, but a new situation needs to be addressed and I am unable to respond until after the politicians are briefed in the morning.  I am concerned that may be too late.  Please, take a seat."
   Bradley watched as Pan Euro Admiral Brenna Muldoon approached the desk, and then sat in one of the black leather chairs.  Her 'uniform' was nearly unadorned.  It was obviously a Pan Euro naval suit, but with no decorations she appeared to be no one special.  'Until you look at the rank.'  
   "You have heard the transmissions from Hektor, Admiral Muldoon?"  Bradley watched the Pan Euro Admiral as she sat across from him.
   "We have, Admiral Walters.  It would appear that the FSC colony is in jeopardy of falling to the aliens."
   "We have heard the same thing.  I am also in a position to have information of the situation at Titan.  The US has landed ground troops there, and we have more moving toward that location.  We have assurances from the Chinese that they will also be landing their own units, but the current situation at Titan is dire.  It is possible that Titan could also fall to the aliens.  We have additional units moving to secure the orbitals of Titan and to prevent additional alien troop landings.  These situations are what I need to address with you."  Bradley leaned forward and turned a monitor screen on his desk around so that Admiral Muldoon could also see it, then tapped at several areas on the screen.
   "This is a system display.  These are the active USN units.  As you can see we have been stretched thin.  I do not believe that my government will authorize additional units to secure the orbitals of the Chinese colony at Saturn.  They may not even leave the units we have at Titan following our second troop landing.  The Chinese have a single Strike Vessel at Titan.  If additional Chinese warships arrive to support the landing of the Chinese troops we may not need to keep ships there.  If it would be possible for the Red October to remain on station at Titan with the US ships for the duration of our deployment would be an immense help."  Bradley waited as Admiral Muldoon looked at the display.
   "The current deployment orders are for the Red October to rejoin the Third Light Battle Group at Victoria following your landings.  Currently we have moved two additional Attack Escorts to Victoria, as I am sure you are aware, to assist the Third Light Battle Group until the Red October's return."  Bradley waited as the Pan Euro Admiral paused.  "It would be possible to reassign the Red October to Titan until US forces move from that position.  I do not see that as an issue that would require this meeting.  It could easily be handled through normal channels.  The Red October would not have move from Titan for several days regardless."
   Bradley leaned back in his chair.  "This is true.  That issue is not the problem which concerns me the most.  We have confirmation from the FSC that the aliens moved three warships to Hektor.  A pair of Tango Twos and an Echo.  The FSC has indicated that it will not commit its only two warships to this area unsupported.  If your analyst's conclusions are correct and the aliens are attempting to gain data on our colony locations from these invasion sites, then the fall of Hektor could impact both of our governments.  The US doesn't have enough warships to intervene at Hektor, let alone guard all of our colonies.  I find it difficult to believe that the Pan Euro could afford to station ships at each of its belt colonies either."  Bradley paused for a moment, to allow what he had said to sink in.
   "I do have assurances from the FSC that they have ground troops available for a landing on Hektor.  They indicate that the Mary Reed could transport and land those troops if the space near Hektor was secure.  The US also has two additional Marine Brigades mobilized and ready to deploy, but we do not have ships available to move those assets.  The Q Ships will take too long to land troops at Titan, return and load the marines, and then land at Hektor before the colony is lost.  Word from the Martian Light at Victoria indicates that the situation there has turned against the aliens following the landing of the Eightieth Ukraine.  I do not know the current deployment of your troopship and the rest of the Battle Group that left Earth late last month, but they may be the only thing between us and a disaster at Hektor."  Bradley sat quietly.  'Now it is all up to her.  She knows where her ships are and if they can even help.'
   Bradley waited quietly as the Pan Euro Admiral leaned forward and looked at the system display.  A few minutes passed in silence.  "The Pan Euro Troopship would be available for loading of the US troops in the next thirty six hours.  You will need to get a message to your contacts in the FSC.  If they will support an attack, I will be able to move the remaining ships of the Third Battle Group to Hektor in support of them."
   "Do you have a time frame that they might be available for an attack?"
   The Pan Euro Admiral rose from her chair.  "I will need to send orders but they should reach Hektor in three days.  I will forward the rendezvous location for the FSC ships."  Bradley watched as she turned and left the room.
   'If the aliens seize even one colony we could lose this war.  Muldoon knows that.  Victoria is nearly secure.  With luck we will be able to reverse the situation on Hektor.  God help us if the Chinese don't hurry up and get their troops to Titan.'

« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 03:39:23 AM by procyon »
... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

Offline procyon (OP)

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #136 on: August 25, 2011, 04:34:41 PM »
February 2205  part 14

February 18th  2345 hours/Surface of Titan, 3 klicks from Chinese construction site

   "Figures they would pick us for this assignment.  We are such people persons.  Everyone likes us."
   "Can it Fuentes.  Cover your sector.  It’s almost time to move."
   "Yes Sergeant Evans."
   'He may be a little prick, but for once I agree with him.'  Staff Sergeant Carl Evans watched as First Squad of 3rd Platoon, Company A moved along the slope just below the top of the ridge.  'We have to be on someone's list to have drawn this assignment.  The perimeter is barely holding, but it is.  So we get elected to try and push down this ridgeline to make contact with whatever Chinese troops are left alive near the construction site.  At least that is what the Intel folks are calling it.  Could be some fat Chinese diplomat's idea of an outdoor patio for all they know.  Doubt they will have anything on the grill for us.'
   The radio in Carl's Shiloh Power Armor suit blared.  "Sergeant Evans.  First Squad and Third Squad are in position.  Are you ready to move?"  Carl looked down the ridge to see that First Squad had settled in amongst the rocks as he turned down the radio’s volume.  "Affirmative Lieutenant.  Moving sir.  Ok, Second Squad, move up.  Fuentes, you take point.  I'm sure whoever you meet will love to see your smiling face."  Carl waited for the comments he knew were coming, but stopped when he saw First Squad Leader Staff Sergeant Duncan signal for the group to hold position.  Carl waved the group to stop as he knelt in a small washout in the side of the ridge.  "What have you got Billy Boy?  Talk to me."
   "Carl, contact with alien suits, nearly a dozen scattered about five hundred meters south of our position.  They aren't moving.  Looks like they might be dead."
   Carl looked in the direction 'Billy Boy' Duncan had said.  'Sure as hell.  Looks like someone played kick the can with an alien squad.  We haven't got anybody around here so it must be the Chinese troop’s handiwork.  Hopefully it isn't too much farther until we reach their lines.  So long as they don't blow the hell out of us too.'
   "I see 'em Billy Boy.  They're down.  We are moving up but keep an eye out."  Carl motioned for Second Squad to move forward and watched as Fuentes began to pick his way among the rocks and draws.  'Guess that shut him up.  The LT should have heard that.  Guess it isn't important enough for him to chime in.’ Carl picked his way along the outcroppings and gullies.  As Second Squad passed First Squad's position he could see that the seven troops there were focused on watching.  No chatter.  Nothing.  'Hopefully the only alien suits around are down already.'
   Carl checked the squad's spacing.  "Myers, drop back some.  I don't want the SLAR taken out first thing.  Keep to the middle of the wedge."  Carl saw Fuentes suddenly signal for the squad to stop.  "Fuentes, what have you got?"
   "Sergeant Evans.  I have six alien suits ahead.  Two goblins, four gremlins.  They look like hell.  I think they are down Sergeant."
   Carl moved forward until he was a few meters behind Fuentes.  Fuentes motioned down into the gully toward the next ridgeline.  'Sure enough.  Six more toasted alien suits.  There was definitely a battle here.  Hopefully the good guys won.'  Carl scanned the ridgeline and a red contact warning flashed on his HUD.  Carl increased the magnification on the highlighted area.
   "Third Platoon, hold.  Contact ahead, two hundred meters.  Got a flashing light on my HUD.  Can't make out what, it is just lighting up the sides of a small depression."  Carl waited for the LT.  It only took a moment.
   "Sergeant Evans, three men forward to check it out.  Never heard of a flashing anything on an alien suit.  See what we've got and report.  Out."
   Carl took a deep breath.  'Just my luck.'  "Roger LT.  Wilco.  Ok, Fuentes and Brown, on me.  Sightseeing opportunity.  Don't fire without positive ID.  The rest of you hold position and prep for cover fire if we need it."  This time Fuentes wasn't going to be quiet.  "Thanks Sergeant Evans.  I always wanted to make friendly with the natives.  If they keep livestock maybe even you could get lucky."
   "Can it Fuentes.  You got point still."
   Carl watched as Fuentes moved down the slope slowly.  As he reached the bottom of the ridge Carl saw the cloud of dust and ice as Fuentes fired his jump jets.  In only a few seconds he had crossed the gully and landed on the far slope.  Carl watched as Fuentes swept the area and then signaled it was clear.  Carl hit his jump jets and then the braking thrusters until he had landed no more than twenty meters from Fuentes.
   "Fuentes, take position on this ridge top.  See if we have company on the far side.  No jets and stay low.  I’ll watch the bend in the gully.  Our platoon can't see down there.  Brown, check the contact."  Carl watched as Private First Class Phil Brown started moving toward the small flashing light.  'I hope like hell this is just a movement sensor, and not some booby trap.'
   Carl saw Brown move to the edge of the shallow depression and stop.  “Sarge, you need to take a look at this.”
   Carl moved slowly up the slope, making sure to let Fuentes have a good lead on the way to the top.  'Ok, let’s see what we've got.'  As Carl moved over the lip of the shallow ditch the flashing light was in he could see the form of a Chinese Power Armor suit.  A weapon was a few meters away in the gravel.  As Carl moved closer he could see several areas that were damaged on the suit.  'Whoever this was, they took one hell of a beating.'  Carl looked at the six destroyed alien suits nearby and heard Brown speak up.  'It looks like he took those suits with him.'
   "LT, this is Evans.  I've got one damaged Chinese suit over here.  Looks shot to hell.  Nothing else.  No alien contacts."
   "Ok Sergeant Evans.  Mark the area for later.  We will pass on the location to the Chinese.  They might want to police up the body, and the suit for parts."
   "Roger sir.  Evans out."
   Carl's radio crackled back to life.  It was Fuentes.  "Sergeant.  I've got more destroyed alien suits on this side of the ridge.  Probably another eight or so.  Also one damaged support weapon.  Looks like one of their heavy mass drivers.  Whoever that body is, they must have thought they were John Wayne or something.  I can also see some structures two klicks to the southeast.  Looks like it might be the edge of the Chinese complex."
   Carl looked down at the Chinese suit.  'At least fourteen alien suits.  A support weapon.  And I'll bet you had a hand in the destroyed suits we saw earlier.  Somebody ought to know your story.  I don't know if the Chinese give out medals or not, but someone ought to send your folks one.'  Carl turned and saw Brown standing in the gully.  "Brown, you get souvenir duty.  Pick up this suit.  If we are this close to the Chinese lines we might as well take it in.  Maybe they won't blow us up if they see one of their suits." 

February 19th  0330 hours/Queen Jane Grey, Mercury orbit

   Ensign Gretta Deeter looked over at Commodore Robert McNeely before she locked her station.  "I guess the important movements for this morning's briefing will be us.  And for the construction issues, the big news will be that one of them has been put on hold.  Does this mean I can be excused from the zero six thirty meeting and just sleep in?"
   Gretta didn't expect any laughter.  She would have been pleased with just about anything.  Almost anything.
   "Ensign Deeter.  Since you are so far ahead of the rest of the staff, I will need you to get me all the information you can on the FSC colony on Hektor, the troops and combat there, and all recorded alien ships and actions.  I will also want a full report of the current capabilities of the alien ships encountered at Saturn.  The ones waiting for us may be just as dangerous."
   Gretta stared at her monitor.  'I should learn not to open my big mouth.'
   Commodore Robert McNeely looked at the orders on his monitor, and then at the system display beside them.  A green blinking dot marked the location the three ships of the 3rd Battle Group were to move to.  Hopefully to meet the FSC warship.  'If they don't show up, we will probably still go in to clear the space there.  In the belt.  It sounds like the aliens may have some new tricks.  The belt will just make it even harder for us.'
   "Helm, forwarding coordinates to your station.  Plot a course for those coordinates and engage drive.  Standard cruise.  Comm, message to the Isabelle and Catherine.  Hold formation on the Jane Grey and maintain current general quarters rotation.  Forward message to Mobile Shipyard Two.  Cease construction on hull and place project in stable orbit of Mercury.  Mobile Shipyard Two is then to move at standard cruise to a location three light minutes from Mercury and shut down drive.  Comm silence follows until otherwise directed or alien contact.  Acknowledge orders per protocol."
   Robert looked around the bridge.  'We made it longer than nine days, so we did better than Lady Jane.  We've been in service for forty days now.  It sounds like we get a chance to see our first combat before we make it to forty seven.'

   0615 hours/Assault Vessel, dark side of asteroid belt

   The Commander of Fleets settled into his station.  The data needed careful evaluation.  The four Strike Groups had merged into two larger groups. Two enemy support ships moving toward the enemy colony on the moon of the ringed planet had been destroyed.  Another landing had taken place on the second enemy colony.  Warships of the native race had destroyed four scout craft there but had evaded the Strike Group following them.  The enemy had also landed additional forces on all of its colonies that were under attack.
   The Combat Vessels and Hive Vessels would need additional time to arrive, along with the supplies, bombers, and troops they carried.  The combat at the moon and in the debris field could be enough to convince the native race that this was not simple raiding.  They could easily redeploy their forces if they felt a strong attack was inevitable.  The disposition of the enemy forces was crucial.  They must continue to feel it necessary and beneficial to guard their colonies.  To keep their forces separated into smaller groups.
   The remaining scout craft would have to be launched to determine if the native race had moved its ships from the first colony that had been attacked.  If they still remained, there was a chance that the enemy had not discerned the true intention of the operation.  The native race had encountered only three Patrol Vessels and one Attack Vessel.  The rest had been Support Vessels or Armed Colony Vessels.  Perhaps they still felt this was just a gathering of ships to conduct landings in the inner system, and not an actual Combat Group that was assembling.
   If the native race had concentrated its assets, then nothing could be done to change that.  The operation would have to continue as it had been planned until it was obvious it would no longer work.  The Commander of Fleets issued the orders for the last scout craft to attack the first landing site and for the Assault Vessel to begin moving toward the approaching Combat Vessels.
   'If the enemy still has warships at the first landing site, this operation will work and the Strike Group at the second landing site will need to withdraw.  If not, then the Strike Groups will need to move to finish the combat on the enemy colonies.'
   The Commander of Fleets could feel the Assault Vessel's drive engage as his orders were executed.

   1230 hours/Cruiser Chiang Kia Shek, orbit of Venus

   Admiral Hu looked at the orders he had received from the Ministry of Defense.  'This is what it has come to.'
   Admiral Hu looked at the orders he had composed displayed on his monitor.  'May my ancestors forgive me and my family redeem me for what I must do.'  He tapped the screen and transmitted the orders to the two ships nearby.


   ENGAGE DRIVES TO ARRIVE NLT 0400-02/23/2205








... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

Offline procyon (OP)

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #137 on: September 03, 2011, 01:00:47 AM »
February 2205 part 15

February 20th  0110 hours/Hardened Fallout Shelter, New Delhi

   The room was quiet as Chairman Mukata idly stirred the ice in his glass and looked at the reports on his monitor.
   'We have ordered the Dutchman to return and load the 3rd Chilean Power Armor Brigade.  This will allow the Mary Reed to approach without crossing Chinese controlled space.  The Chinese could still target the ship but would have to launch weapons through the US or Euro controlled zones.  With tensions high it is unlikely that the Chinese will risk such a move.  The question is will the Dutchman return?  If he chooses to remain at large the FSC has no ships to deal with him, and no way to move troops into the combat zone on Hektor.  For the moment.'
   Mukata tapped at the screen and watched as another report appeared.  'The progress on the underground complex at Queensland is slow, but the hanger should be ready in time for the new ship's construction.'  Mukata scrolled down through the data.  'The hanger itself should be finished by the beginning of April, in time to start construction of the new warships.  The project engineer, this cyborg Jager, has promised that the first vessel will be completed in May and fully operational in June, assuming the hanger is ready on time.'
   Mukata turned off the monitor and leaned back in his chair.  'If Jager's promises are true the first of these Hornet Class warships will make the Mary Reed and Krait obsolete.'  Mukata took a long sip of the cold tea.  'Along with nearly every other ship in service.  The Chinese will regret declaring war.'

February 21st  0610 hours/Washington, DC

   Admiral Bradley Walters watched the briefing start.  General 'KJ' Foxx had been late and was busy pulling up displays as he spoke.
   "These charts show the timelines for the loading of the First and Second Brigades of the Second Marine Division.  The Pan Euro Troopship has touched down in the emergency landing zone near Camp LeJuene.  This will allow the soldiers to load without requiring transport to the Space Center, speeding the process by several hours.'
   Congressional Chairperson Harland Meyers stopped the general.  "Isn't the emergency loading zone located close to both commercial maritime lanes and the civilian housing near the base?"
   "The landing should not present a major disruption.  The two brigades should be able to load within eight hours.  The Pan Euro Troopship is scheduled to leave Earth no later than three PM Eastern Standard Time.  We have cleared the shipping lanes to allow the Euro Troopship to lift off without the drive endangering any surface vessels.  The civilian housing is safe and the noise should present a tolerable disruption.'
   "Have the studies of possible landing sites for the three cyborg battalions of the Second Marine been completed?"  Secretary of Defense Adam Richards looked annoyed with both the meeting's delay and the Congressman's question.
   General Foxx pulled up another display, this one showing the surface of Titan.  "The Fourth Brigade of the Martian Light Division has been able to link up with the Chinese elements located in the underground complex on Titan, but the brigade is still heavily engaged with alien units.  The Fourth has been forced to fall back to consolidate its position and contact with the Chinese may be lost if pressure on the unit continues to increase.  This location,"  General Foxx gestured toward the display, "represents what we believe is the best location for landing.  The Vigilance will perform its landing here.  This will allow the unit to secure the area near the underground complex near the combat zone.  It is hoped that the underground complex will provide a base of operations for the unit.  This landing zone will be re-evaluated following the Chinese landings to ensure it remains suitable."
   Congressman Meyers sat forward abruptly.  "Are you saying that the Chinese troops have not landed?!"
   General Foxx turned and looked at Congressman Meyers.  "There is a considerable time lag in communications with our forces at Titan, but as of zero four hundred this morning there had been no reports of Chinese Troopships or landings."
   "Have we heard anything from the Chinese?!  They were supposed to land yesterday!"  Bradley could see that Congressman Meyers was growing pale, and strain showed on his face.  Secretary Richards also wore a concerned look, if somewhat more controlled.
   "We have no messages from the Chinese.  I believe that the issue would be addressed though the embassies and not by military channels, so any notice from the Chinese should have come through civilian channels first."  Bradley could see General Foxx look at the two politicians with vaguely concealed disdain.  'Meyer's panic is clouding his ability to focus.'
   Secretary Richards held his hand up.  "You are correct and we will pursue this issue through the appropriate channels.  That will be all for the moment.  Admiral Walters, we would like your report now."
   General Foxx cleared the displays of Hektor and the landing zones for the other two brigades of the Second Marine Division, obviously irritated at being dismissed before having completed his briefing.  Bradley brought up his displays as the General reached his seat.
   "The newest developments are the announcements by the Pan Euro.  First is that the Third Light Battle Group has intercepted and destroyed four alien bombers near Victoria.  None of the bombers were able to begin their attack runs or cause any damage to the colony or the units stationed there.  The Second is the declaration that the Third Battle Group has begun movement toward Hektor to clear the aliens from the space near the FSC colony.  This second move had been anticipated, as the Pan Euro Troopship is unarmed and would be unable to conduct landings unsupported."
   Secretary Richards nodded, and then spoke.  "Do you believe that the Pan Euro Battle Group can clear the space near Hektor?"
   Bradley stood for a moment and thought.  "We know the Third is short two of its Attack Escorts which are currently on station near Victoria Colony.  This would leave it with only six missile bays.  Task Force Two and the Pan Euro ship Red October had eight missile bays at the battle near Titan.  If the aliens actually have a pair of Tango Twos along with an Echo the battle could be difficult.  Particularly in the belt.  The Pan Euro ships have an excellent record.  If the FSC warships move to support this engagement I believe that the Euro group should be able to clear the space near Hektor.  Assuming the aliens remain near the colony and do not have additional ships nearby."
   "Do you think the aliens will withdraw following the landing again?"  Congressman Meyers was beginning to regain his composure and color.
   "It is possible.  This is the first time the aliens have landed twice at a colony site and the alien's actions are difficult to predict.  We do not know."  Bradley waited for the next question.  Secretary Richards once again cut off the Congressman.
   "Has there been any sensor contact with the Chinese troopships near Titan, or communication broadcasts that have been intercepted?"
   "We have no reports of new contacts near Titan. We have also received no comm signals that we could attribute to the Chinese ships."
   "Thank you Admiral, that will be all.  The next meeting will be at six PM."

   1745 hours/Surface of Hektor

   Li Xue looked at the hallway in front of her.  'This place is a wreck.'  Li moved over a ceiling beam that had fallen and looked through the gaping hole into the level above her.  "It's clear Platoon Leader."
   "Just LIng now.  Our platoon is four soldiers."  Li turned and watched as Platoon Leader Ling Song and the other two members of the 'platoon' moved around the wreckage in the hall.  "Li, move up through the hole and clear the bay.  Kei follow her through.  Confirm."
   "Confirm."  Li looked at Kei as she reached the area below the hole.  Li took a deep breath.  'I can do this.'  "On three, two, GO!"  Li fired her maneuver pack and shot up through the hole into the bay above.  Li saw the black of space and countless tiny points of light through a gaping open area in the side of the dome.  Li swept her half of the bay but saw nothing threatening.  "Clear. Moving to secure."
   Li grabbed a bent beam and pushed off toward the wreckage of the dome's outer wall.  She grabbed at the twisted metal of the structural reinforcements and pulled herself into the wreckage of the outer wall.  'If I fire the maneuver pack out here they will see me for sure.  Right now I could be a drifting piece of debris.'  Li held still and watched her HUD.  'A lot of those points of light aren't stars.  There is a lot of rubble around this colony, thrown into orbit by the alien mass drivers.  Rocks, wreckage, and bodies.  Or parts of bodies.'  A red dot suddenly appeared on Li's HUD, followed by three more.  'And hiding in the debris are a few aliens, keeping watch.'
   "Ling, I've got four active alien suits at two hundred meters above the surface.  Closest suit at twelve hundred meters.  Confirm."
   "Confirm.  Moving up."
   Li looked out at the surface and the three other domes visible from her vantage point.  The surface was bathed in faint light from the sun, but the filters made it bright as midday on Earth.  'This is hopeless.  Fourteen domes.  Every last one of them has been damaged by at least one hit from an orbital mass driver.  Add in a couple dozen hits from the alien support weapons they use to breach holes for attacks.  There were over seven hundred thousand colonists when I landed.  Nearly three quarters of a million.  Now less than one hundred thousand remain.  Maybe sixty or seventy thousand colonists huddled in the few scattered areas that have pressure.  We have four thousand two hundred in this dome.  All of them depending on us.'
   Li saw Ling as she drifted beside her and crouched down amidst the twisted metal.  "Those little suits are awfully small targets at that range."  Li watched as the small alien suits drifted and moved within the debris scattered through the black sky.
   "They just want us to fire on them.  At this range you have no chance of hitting them.  They will maneuver long before the shell reaches them.  They want us to give away our positions by trying."
   Li listened to Ling and nodded.  'Yah, why waste rounds on them when we have plenty of targets right here in the dome."  Li thought of the two small skirmishes she had fought earlier that day, back when their 'platoon' had been seven soldiers.  'We are a mixed group of about three hundred and fifty Chinese soldiers in this dome, with about four hundred FSC reservists.  Our newest Battalion Commander figures there are about two thousand alien suits in this dome.'  Li looked back at the alien suits drifting in the black sky.  'It isn't a question of winning or not.  Just how we lose, and how long we can hold out while we do.  At least a civilian tech managed to get a feed from one of the sensor arrays, and it looks like the alien ships have moved off again.'
   Ling's voice grabbed Li's attention.  "Ok, it’s time to do what we came out here for.  Command wants us to keep the aliens chasing skirmishers through the wreckage of this dome instead of hunting for the few intact areas and the colonists.  We let the aliens know we are here, hold for twenty seconds, and then fall back.  Confirm."  Ling's voice sounded flat, emotionless, and tired to Li.
   "Confirm Platoon Leader."
   "Just LIng, please."  Li looked over and saw Ling staring out into the darkness.  "Li, take the nearest one.  It is only eight hundred meters now.  You might actually hit one this time."
   Li smiled slightly as she switched over to the weapon optics and aimed her Type 15 at the nearest alien suit.  'When I shoot we will have twenty seconds of the aliens trying to blow this section of the dome apart with whatever they can target on us, followed by a mad retreat through the wreckage of this dome, all the time hoping not to run into a mass of alien suits.  Assuming we live through the first twenty seconds.  Three of the ten 'platoons' out on duty today have already been wiped out.  Three others were left with only one or two members alive.  Maybe this is our last time also.'  Li swung her weapon sight out in front of the alien suit and tried to guess where it would be when the 23mm round reached it.
   'I hope Mae's safe.'
   Li fired her weapon.  

February 22nd  0315 hours/Q Ship Vigilance, orbit of Titan

   Captain Scott Moreland looked at the transmission from the Sai.  'It looks like the armchair warriors back on Earth have figured everything out.  We are supposed to land this ship in the most broken terrain on this moon, right beside the Chinese complex, and in the middle of the alien positions.  Doubt they asked the Chinese if they approve of our choice.  I know that I don't.'  
   "Captain, all battalions report in as ready."
   "Thank you Chief Engineer.  Prepare the ship for landing in five minutes.  Comm, get me a link to the Chinese Frigate Angtung."  Scott keyed open the ship's intercom.  "All hands, lock stations.  Combat landing in five minutes."
   Scott waited for his monitor to show that all stations were locked.  "Comm, do you have that link?"
   "Link established.  Translators coming online."
   "Comm, transmit our intention to land and location of intended landing.  Request permission for landing."
   Scott saw the confirmation on his monitor that all stations were locked as the Comm Officer spoke.  "Captain, Chinese Captain Zedong Tan grants permission to conduct landings.  Requests alternate landing zone."
   Scott looked at the display of the troop deployments and sensor scans of the surface.  'We have done our fair share of landings into a combat zone.  How about we try something different.'  "Comm, transmit request to land within area currently occupied by the Martian Light."
   Scott waited for the reply to come back through and for the translation programs to finish.
   "Captain, permission granted to land within area occupied by the Fourth Brigade."
     "Helm, plot a course for the landing area previously used by the Defiant when they touched down.  Comm, let the Fourth know we will be putting their reinforcements and additional supplies inside their lines.  Helm, take us down in sixty seconds."
   Scott watched as the timer counted down on his monitor.  'Maybe this time we won't end up shot full of holes with half of the troops we deploy dead before this ship makes orbit again.'  Scott felt the ship begin its decent as the thrusters fired.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2011, 01:31:45 AM by procyon »
... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

Offline procyon (OP)

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #138 on: September 05, 2011, 12:22:56 PM »
February 2205  part 16

February 22nd  0940 hours/Queen Jane Grey, edge of asteroid belt

   "New contact.  Bearing one seven three.  Range seven point five light seconds.  Velocity of one seven zero zero kilometers per second.  Decelerating.  Identified as Troopship One."
   Commodore Robert McNeely listened as the Sensor Officer called out the new contact.  'They are behind schedule.  The Troopship was due here at zero nine hundred.'  Robert waited for a moment as he watched the sensor returns.  "Comm, tightbeam to Troopship One.  Direct Troopship One to continue on current course and at current speed for the next hour.  Tightbeam to Third Battle Group, lock stations.  All ships general quarters, prep particle accelerators and magnetic field generators.  Sensor Conn, I want to know about any new contacts."
   Robert saw Ensign Gretta Deeter look at him for a moment as she locked her station.  "Why did I give those orders, Ensign?"  Robert waited as Gretta sat locked at her station.  Finally she replied.
   "We are waiting to see if any ships were following the Troopship."
   "Correct Ensign.  The Troopship has been travelling unescorted.  The navigational sensors on that ship would not be able to identify a combat vessel following it.  From this location on the edge of the belt, with our drive off and shields down, we will be able to see any vessel following the Troopship before they can detect us.  At least I hope no one has sensors that much more sensitive than the Phoenix Array."
   Robert locked his station even as the Comm Officer broke into his conversation.  "Commodore.  New message from the Queen Victoria and Admiral Muldoon.  Forwarding to your station as directed by message coding."  Robert watched while the transmission slowly displayed on his monitor as the decryption programs deciphered the message.
   "It would appear the FSC has announced its intention to assist in this operation.  The FSC Embassy has indicated that two FSC vessels will arrive at this location with one brigade of soldiers at eleven hundred tomorrow.  Admiral Muldoon has directed us to wait for the FSC ships to arrive before we begin landings on Hektor.  Comm, confirm receipt of message and intention to await FSC ships until eleven hundred tomorrow."  Robert cleared the message from his monitor and pulled up the sensor returns again.  "For the moment though, we have more pressing concerns."

   1230 hours/Surface of Hektor

   Li Xue stretched as she drifted in the hallway.  She watched the wall as she settled slowly toward the floor, and then closed her eyes.  'I can just pretend I'm drifting on the lake at home, just like when I was a young girl.'
   "Sure, a few bites to eat and she gets lazy on us."
   "Do you have a better idea, or are you just jealous Ling?"  Li waited for the reply, but instead heard the sound of hands on the handrail.  Li opened her eyes and looked to see who was pulling themselves down the hall.  She quickly recognized the face.  "Kwang, what are you doing here?"
   Li saw the man stop and look back at her, surprise obvious on his face.  "Not looking for you.  Although we do seem to keep meeting don't we?"  Li watched him smile at her.  "I'm looking for my new Platoon Leader.  Her name is Ling Song.  I hear they call her the Ice Queen.  Do you know where I can find her?"
   Li tried not to smile as she looked first at Ling, and then back to Kwang.  Li watched the smile disappear from the man's face.
   "I'm Platoon Leader Ling Song.  This has to be a mistake.  Where are your orders?"  Li watched Kwang dig in the elastic skinsuit that all of the Power Armor soldiers wore.  'God his skinsuit needs cleaned.'  Li looked down at herself and suddenly felt self-conscious.  'Oh my.  Mine is almost as bad.'  Li saw Kwang pull out a piece of paper and hold it out toward Ling.  Then Li saw Ling pull herself down the rail toward Kwang and take the paper.
   "We always separate combat troops.  Why are you assigned to my platoon?"  Ling looked cold and tired as she quizzed the man drifting in the hallway.
   "I don't know Platoon Leader.  I just got this and was told to report to you."  Li decided from the sheepish and confused look on the man's face that he was probably telling the truth.
   "Well, your timing is good.  We are off for the next two hours before we go back out.  Get something to eat and some rest.  After that it will be more 'interesting'.  Li and Kei, wait here while I check with Battalion just what is going on.  Confirm."
   "Confirm."  Li watched as Ling pushed off from her rail and drifted down the hall.  Kwang watched her until she disappeared around a corner before he turned back to Li.  "Guess she doesn't approve and I didn't make much of an impression."
   Li shook her head.  "No, you didn't.  Hopefully you are better at getting on her good side than you were at racquetball."
   Li saw Kwang smile.  "I was good enough to beat you.  Had to haul you back here after you got yourself shot up too.  Doesn't look like you are any better at being a soldier than you were at racquetball."
   Li shrugged as she finally settled to the floor and heard Kei speak up.  "So what brings you to us?  Here to give racquetball lessons?"  Li watched as the smile left Kwang's face again, and the vacant look she had seen on Titan settled onto his face again.  "Needed a new unit.  That's all."  Li watched as Kwang looked down the hall absently.  "I need to get some food before we go."  Li watched as the man pulled himself mechanically back along the rail.
   "You know him Li?  Seems a little young for you."  Li looked back at Kei and saw the young woman smiling mischievously at her.
   Li looked toward where Kwang had gone.  "We met on Titan, before I became a soldier.  His buddy was my friend Mae's boyfriend."  Li could feel tears trying to well up in her eyes as she thought about Mae.
   "Why do you think they assigned him with us?  Do you think it is a mistake?"
   Li closed her eyes again.  "They always keep us separated to avoid, well, any problems.  I guess they think we won't live long enough to be a problem anymore."   

   1800 hours/Washington DC

   Admiral Bradley Walters watched as General 'KJ' Foxx prepared for the evening briefing.  'Twice a day briefings have become the norm anymore.  Not that these politicians solve more problems this way.  They just get to find out how their plans didn't work out more frequently.'
   "This display shows the current situation on Victoria.  The alien command hub at Garabay Dome has fallen, and the Eightieth Ukraine has begun securing the dome and the ruins of the Transfer Station.  Elements of the Martian Light are now clearing the three domes near Garabay.  The alien units have been left in scattered and unsupported groups.  It is believed that most of the civilians on Victoria will be evacuated from alien controled areas by the end of the month."
   Congressional Chairperson Harland Meyers looked at the display, and then spoke.  "Do we have a time frame for withdrawing our troops?"
   "Currently there is no time frame for withdrawing from Victoria.  When the Q Ships return to the inner system we will be able to look at preparations for a withdrawal and turning over all operations to the Eightieth.  Early in March would be the soonest the troops could be withdrawn for resupply and redeployment."
   Congressman Meyers nodded as General Foxx changed the display and then continued.  "The First and Second Brigades of the Second Marine Division are currently located six light minutes from Hektor with the Pan Euro Third Battle Group, waiting on the FSC ships and troops.  They are projected to make landings early on the twenty fourth.  Studies are underway to identify landing sites, but the situation there is chaotic and coordination with the Chinese has been non-existent.  The Pan Euro has indicated that the warships of the Third Battle Group would be willing to scan the surface to identify the situation and possible landing sites."
   Secretary of Defense Adam Richards motioned for General Foxx to stop.  "This is all good, but enough with the good news.  What is the situation on Titan?"
   General Foxx changed the display again, to a section of the surface of Titan.  "The situation on Titan is still tenuous.  The Recon Battalion and Assault Battalion have been thrown into the line to give the Engineers enough time to construct new perimeter fortifications.  This should allow the unit to hold out for a few weeks, giving us time to mobilize additional reinforcements."
   Secretary Richards looked at the display for a few moments.  "What is the possibility of transferring one of the Second Marine Brigades from the Pan Euro Troopship to one of the Q Ships and transporting it to Titan?"
   Bradley watched as General Foxx paused, and then turned to face Secretary Richards.  "I would have to check with Admiral Walters and we would have to coordinate with the Pan Euro, but the transfer would be possible.  This would complicate the situation on Hektor."
   "How 'complicated' would it become?"  Congressman Meyers sat forward with some interest on his face.  General Foxx paused, and a concerned look appeared on his face.
   Secretary Richards sat forward and folded his hands on the table.  "What are the current projections for the combat on Hektor, General Foxx?"
   General Foxx brought up another display.  "The situation is grave.  The colony has sustained severe losses.  From what we understand the two Chinese units have lost nearly all combat effectiveness and the local reserve units have disintegrated.  The aliens have the equivalent of two divisions on the surface.  Even with both brigades of the Marine Second Division the aliens will have nearly two to one superiority in numbers.  The projections indicate that the civilian population will be killed or controlled before the end of the month.  We simply won't have enough troops to prevent it.  The combat troops will be able to continue fighting but the aliens will control most of the surface and habitats.  The troops will be forced to fight holding actions just to survive."
   By the time General Foxx had finished Congressman Meyers jaw was hanging slack and Secretary Richards had sat back in his chair with a deeply concerned look on his face.  General Foxx turned back to the display and took a deep breath.  "We do not know that all of this information is completely accurate, but there is little possibility of salvaging the situation of Hektor.  The civilian portions of the colony will fall by the end of the month."
   " there anything...something..."  Congressman Meyers stuttered as he struggled to grasp the situation.
   Secretary Richards slowly stood from his seat.  "Will the aliens be able to secure facilities that would allow them to identify the rest of the belt colonies?"
   "I don't know Honorable Secretary.  We cannot rule out that possibility.  They will control most of the surface and habitats."
   Bradley watched as Secretary Richards turned to face him.  "How many colonists could the Q Ship group evacuate from the surface?"
   "Most of the survivors, but not all.  We don't have accurate numbers to be sure of that.  We wouldn't be able to evac any of the Chinese troops if we do."  Bradley could feel the chill that was beginning to fall over the room as everyone began to understand what was being discussed.
   "Admiral Walters, you will need to divert the Q Ships toward Hektor.  We will coordinate with the Euro to see if the Troopship can be moved to Titan, where it can hopefully do some good."  Secretary Richards turned to face Congressman Meyers.  "We will need to meet with the President this evening to discuss the situation and what will need to be done.  Then the FSC and Chinese Embassies will need to be contacted."
   The two politicians left and the meeting began to break up.  Bradley sat in his seat looking at General Foxx, who stood staring at the display of Hektor. 'I know what he is thinking.  Two hundred and sixty years ago the US was the first to use nuclear weapons on a human population.  We did it twice.  And we are about to do it again.' 

February 23rd  0355 hours/Missile Frigate Angtung

   Captain Zedong Tan sat at his station and read the transmissions.  'They have ordered the Executive Officer to relieve me from my command.  They have also broadcast for the US to withdraw their troops from the surface of Titan in the next eight hours.'  Zedong looked at the XO who was also reading the messages displayed on his monitor.
   'I don't have long.  The US has no ships anywhere near Titan to withdraw those troops, and I have no illusions about what will happen to them if they remain.'  Zedong brought up the scans of the surface.  'They might have one chance.'  Zedong quickly typed in a message to the Commander of the US soldiers on the surface and then accessed the communications array.
   "You need to step away from your station.  Bridge Security will escort you to the landing bay for transfer to the Sichuan."  Zedong looked up to see the XO and two security members standing by his station.  Zedong looked at the message he had typed on his monitor.  'There are thousands of US soldiers risking their lives to save my people.  I am going to die whatever I do.'  Zedong tapped the screen and saw the message transmit.  'Let it be saving someone.'
   Zedong looked back in time to see the Pulse Rifle fire.

   0530 hours/Surface of Titan

   Staff Sergeant Carl Evans hunkered down in his position as the ground shook from more detonations.
   "Whatever crap the Engineers built this out of, it is one tough mother."
   Carl looked over at Private Fuentes.  "I told them not to spray as much of the construction foam on your side Fuentes, so you had better shut up and start shooting before the aliens knock a hole in it for you."  Carl rose up and fired his LAR7 through the cloud of dust the detonations of the alien weapons had churned up.  'Can hardly see a thing and the dust makes the weapon nearly useless.  A small alien suit suddenly appeared in the dust spraying fire from its gauss machine gun.  Carl saw pieces of the suit shatter or steam as he fired pulse after pulse from the LAR.  The alien suit spun about and then disappeared in a large explosion.
   "Way to go Sarge, now I can't see a damn thing."
   "Shut and shoot!  That's an order!"  Carl cycled through the filters looking for one that would let him see through the dust.  The thermal let him make out some ground formations and the path his and Fuentes' laser pulses cut into the dust, but the alien suits were nearly invisible on thermal.  'At least the construction foam the Engineers built this position out of seems to blind whatever the aliens use for targeting.'
   Carl saw tracers flash in front of his position and rocks were thrown into the air.  Two more bursts of tracers followed quickly behind.  'That's Chinese fire.  They have the left flank, right beside our position.'
   "Looks like the aliens found our flank.  Corporal Myers, shift fire to FPL."
   Carl looked over and saw Myers shift the SLAR to the left and begin firing, aiming the weapon up and then down trying to create a wall of death that any alien advancing past would run into.  Carl saw Fuentes shift in his position trying to help cover the area Myers was no longer watching.  Another detonation shook the position.
   "They may have found the flank Sarge, but they haven't forgotten about us!"
   "Then show 'em how much you appreciate it!"  Carl saw another two small alien suits flash in front of his position.  Carl fired at the trailing unit and saw a gush of steam as the laser vaporized some of its plating, but the alien suit was moving too fast and shot on past.  Two more detonations left cracks in the barrier near Carl.
   Carl ducked back and looked behind him.  "COMING OVER !"  Carl saw the two alien suits appear and fly past, then fired the under barrel grenade launcher.  The grenade homed in on the trailing suit and turned it into hundreds of pieces of debris.  More tracers tore through the air and sent the lead alien suit spinning a moment after it had launched the last rockets off its hull.  Detonations sent geysers of dust up from over the rise behind Carl's position.
   'We can't keep them all out.  There just aren't enough of us.  Command ordered that we move into the Chinese construction area and pass through the Chinese lines, but we are getting torn apart during this move.  If it wasn't for the Cyborg Assault Battalion holding the old perimeter, and these positions the engineers made, we would all be dead.  The Chinese are providing what support they can, but they can't put much more than a platoon on line at a time.'
   "OGRE ! ONE O'CLOCK !"  Carl heard Fuentes screaming in the radio.
   "DISPLACE !  FALL BACK TO SECONDARY POSITION !"  Carl fired his jump jets and used the maneuver pack to spin his Shiloh Armor as he did so.  Even as he fired the braking thrusters and aimed himself toward the ground, Carl saw their position torn apart by a gout of blue-white hot plasma. Carl fired his last grenade at the large alien suit as it came through the flame and saw the 40mm round detonate.  The alien suit shifted violently and then began firing both of its machine guns as several rockets launched.  Carl dropped into the gully he had aimed for.  'Without our ships in orbit, we have no idea what is coming at us!'
   Carl heard rapid detonations and risked a look over the edge of gully.  The Ogre was falling back with white smoke rolling out of it as a Chinese Power Armor suit emptied its shoulder mounted cannon into the monster.  Carl aimed and fired at the large suit as it disappeared into the dust.  "Get ready, the aliens will be coming through that hole any second!"
   Carl's display filters cut out for a second and then came back on line.  The brown haze had gone from midnight dark to brightly lit.  The entire area glowed with an indistinct light. 
   "What in the hell is going on Sarge?!"  Carl heard Fuentes but couldn't answer, transfixed by the sight on his thermal filter in front of him.
   Two Chinese habitats had marked the edge of the Fourth Brigade's 'northern' perimeter.  They had always been visible on thermal as the plumes of heat from them rose through the frigid atmosphere of Titan. 
   Those plumes had now been replaced by mushroom clouds.
... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

Offline procyon (OP)

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #139 on: September 18, 2011, 02:25:50 AM »
February 2205 part 17

February 23rd 0910 hours/Washington DC

   Admiral Bradley Walters moved to his seat.  'The talk with the President must have run late last night for them to have postponed the meeting this morning.  The Intel folks are already having a good old time with the comm traffic right now.  It is no secret what was decided.  The rest of the world is already talking about it.  The fact that the Chinese have already done this to their own colony may help our folks with the PR, but the public world wide is going nuts.'
   Bradley watched as General Foxx brought up another display.  "This display shows the current positions of the Fourth Brigade of the Martian Light and the three Battalions of the Second Marine.  The passage of lines has been completed.   The new perimeter around the Chinese complex has been secured."  General Foxx enlarged sections of the display. "With the Chinese announcement that we may no longer occupy the space near Saturn, current scans of the surface are unavailable. We do have confirmation from our troops that these locations," General Foxx highlighted four areas, "were subject to nuclear detonations. Each is both a habitat and a known or suspected alien troop or supply concentration. Seismic sensors with the Engineers have also detected what could be three other detonations, but this can not be confirmed at the moment."
   General Foxx turned from the display to the group assembled in the room. "What can be confirmed is that it seems to have worked. Alien forces on the surface of Titan seem to have been severely impacted. Attacks on the US perimeter have nearly stopped. Those contacts which have occurred have been probes, not attacks in strength. The 2nd Marine Recon Battalion has begun patrols and sweeps up to one hundred klicks from the perimeter and have met only light resistance. With the current combat intensity the troops on Titan should be able to hold out indefinitely."
   Secretary of Defense Adam Richards sat forward and looked at the display. "Has there been any further communication from the Chinese warships located at Titan, or from the Chinese forces there?"
   General Foxx turned to face Secretary Richards.  "None since the first contradictory transmissions.  The first transmission declaring that we needed to remove out troops from the moon, and the second that we were to redeploy to the complex area.  The Chinese personnel and soldiers at the complex have provided assistance to our troops, but have declared some areas off limits for our personnel.  There have been no further demands that we evacuate the moon.  In fact attempts to contact the Chinese ships have been unsuccessful."
   Congressional Chairperson Harland Meyers cut in.  "Has there been any indication as to the number of civilian casualties the Chinese strikes caused?"
     "We have no information on the collateral damage from the strikes.  The reported locations would indicate that casualties could have been substantial, but the Chinese may have been able to evacuate those areas or perhaps they had already been secured by the aliens and few civilians were present.  We have no way to know at this time."  General Foxx switched the display off.  "Unless there are further questions that concludes my portion of this briefing."
   "Thank you General.  Admiral Walters, will you begin?"  Secretary Richards sat tapping at the pad he always seemed to carry with him as he spoke.
   Bradley moved to the front of the room, but left the display blank.  'I wonder how long it will take him to notice that I don't have any displays up for him.'
   "First is the current disposition of our ships.  The four Q Ships have acknowledged their new orders and have changed course.  They will rendezvous with the two FSC ships at zero two hundred on the twenty fourth.  The group will then proceed to Hektor to begin the evacuation.  We have received transmissions from the FSC ship Mary Reed that the colonists have been notified and are beginning preparations for the evacuation.  The FSC ship has also notified us that they intend to deploy their troops to secure the landing zones, and then will assist in the evacuation."
   Secretary Richards looked up.  "They have made no statement on the intended action at Hektor?"
   A young woman held up her hand from the far side of the table.  "Sir, we received notice fifteen minutes ago of a statement from the FSC embassy.  They have formally protested the use of drive detonations over the troop concentrations and habitats on Hektor.  They intend to demand reparations for any damage that may be caused should we pursue this course of action."
   Congressman Meyers turned towards the woman.  "No mention of war in the statement?"
   "None sir."
   Secretary Richards began tapping at the pad again.  "Thank you.  Please continue Admiral Walters."
   Admiral Walters looked at the two politicians and was glad there was no expression on his face for them to see.  "I have issued orders for the Sai to divert from its current course and join the Pan Euro Third Battle Group.  This will provide additional security for our troops on the Pan Euro Troopship should the situation with the Chinese at Titan become a problem.  It will also allow us to get current scans of the surface situation and accurate assessments of the Chinese strikes.  I have contacted Admiral Muldoon of the Pan Euro concerning possible support from the Red October, but the Pan Euro Admiral declined to change the current orders of the Red October.  The Red October will proceed toward Victoria."
   "Do you believe the Chinese will permit the landing of additional US troops on Titan?"
   Bradley looked at Congressman Meyers.  'Surprising to hear you ask that.'  "I have no idea if the Chinese will oppose additional landings.  With the information from General Foxx, it appears additional troops may be unnecessary."
   "Thank you, that will be enough for now.  We will see you all again at six PM."  Secretary Richards finished tapping on the small pad, stood, and left the room.
   Bradley watched as the room emptied until just he and General Foxx remained.  Bradley watched as the General approached him.
   "You weren't finished.  They just hear what they want.  I remember what you briefed about withdrawing the troops from Victoria if it became necessary.  Do you think you can get ten times that many civilians off of Hektor?"  General Foxx tapped at the display controls and brought up the last scans of Hektor.  "There are twice as many alien troops on the ground there as what you would have faced on Victoria."
   Bradley stared at the display.  "The troops will be a problem, but at least we know about them.  If the colonists can get processed for the evac, our landers could pull them out in a couple of hours.  We will lose some of the landers though.  The real problem is what we don't know.  It is going to take time to get this done and the alien troops are going to see it.  If they have more ships nearby...."  Bradley looked at the display again.  "We will have four ships there, and the FSC will have two.  But not one of them was originally designed as a warship.  Two of the alien ships took out most of Task Force Two, and those were the best ships we have."
   Bradley could see General Foxx nodding as he looked at the display.

   1250 hours/Surface of Hektor

   Li Xue rubbed at her temples and tried to massage away the headache.  'This just never ends.  We don't even get any rest when we aren't out fighting.'  Li looked up at the three women standing in line waiting on her.  Li tried to smile but it made the headache worse.
   "Sit here.  This will take a moment."  The woman just stared at her.  'None of them understand me.' Li pointed at the chair.
   Li could see the young woman was shivering as she pulled herself into the chair.  Li strapped on the velcro restraints to keep her from drifting and then wrapped the rubber strap around the woman's arm.  Li could feel her shaking as she took the woman's arm and rubbed one of the alcohol soaked cotton balls on her wrist.  Li pulled another IV needle from the dispenser beside her and slid it into a vein and then taped it down.  Li hooked it to one of the bags of fluid floating in the rack, tied the rubber strap around it to force the fluid through the line, and then undid the straps.  Li handed the woman the bag and pointed toward the next station where Kei and a nurse were drawing up and administering meds.
   'At least they are asleep by the time they get to the next room.  Kwang told me what he had to do in there.  They take them and cut all the clothes away, stuff them in body bags, and pack them into one of the lift containers to chill them for transport.  They don't have much air in the bag, but chilled it should last them long enough to get to Earth.  The container is pressurized, but even one hole from an alien weapon and everyone packed in it will die.'
   Li looked at the next colonist, a young man doing his best to look brave.  Li pointed at the chair.
   'We have to get as many as we can ready in the next twenty four hours so they can be pulled off this rock.  We, on the other hand, will get to stay a little longer and enjoy the fireworks when the US nukes the surface.'  Li strapped him into the chair, took the man's arm and snapped a rubber strap around it. She looked up at him for a moment and saw him flinch from her gaze.  'I must look frightful right now.  Would you look so brave if you knew what I know.'
   Li prepped his arm and stuck the needle in.  'I asked Ling what would happen when we reached the capacity limit of the US and FSC ships and stopped getting colonists prepped for transport.  Ling just shook her head and said they would all be prepped.  Those that can't be evac'd will just be placed in spare containers.  Then I asked her how in the hell we were supposed to get those containers out of the habitats before the missiles fell.'
   Li hooked up the IV to a bag of fluid, undid the velcro and pointed back toward Kei.  She watched the man pull himself down the rail toward the next station.  'Ling said we weren't going to move you if you couldn't be evac'd.'

   1800 hours/Armed Science Vessel Red October, 18 light minutes from Hektor

   Commodore Stephan Vasilikos looked at the course plot on his monitor.  'It will take us five days to reach Victoria at present speed.  From what we have picked up the US ships will arrive to evac the colonists from Hektor in about fourteen hours.'  Stephan tapped at the keys on his armrest and watched as new lines and numbers appeared on his monitor.  'This says it will only take us eighteen hours to reach Hektor.  If we bump the drive output just a little...'  Stephan tapped at the keys again and the numbers changed.  ' looks like a little side trip will only put us behind schedule by seven hours, plus whatever time it takes to pull the colonists off that colony.'
   Stephan pulled up the sensor returns.  'The Sai is long gone, and the returns are clear.  No one to tattle on us if we make a little side trip.  Brenna's probably going to sack me fairly soon so I should get these sightseeing trips in while I have the chance.  Victoria should be safe for the few extra hours we will take getting there.  It may be quite a while till I get the chance to come out here again.  Assuming Brenna doesn't just have me barred from space flight completely.'
   Stephan tapped at the keys and transferred the new navigation data.  "Helm, implement new course plots."  Stephan opened the intercom.  "All hands, lock stations for course adjustments, then stand down.  We will go to General Quarters in eight hours so get anything you need done finished before then."
   Stephan turned off the intercom and locked his station.  'Let's hope we don't meet anything out here.  With only eight missiles left on board we aren't up for much of a fight.'

« Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 02:41:39 AM by procyon »
... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

Offline procyon (OP)

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #140 on: September 19, 2011, 04:02:34 AM »
February 2205  part 18

February 24th  0215 hours/Converted Freighter Mary Reed, 4 light minutes from Hektor

   "Incoming transmission.  Forwarding to your station."
   The Dutchman looked at the message as it displayed on his monitor.  'We are a few minutes late, but at least the US ships are here.  Without them there would be no evacuation.  I don't like the idea of them nuking the domes on Hektor, but if the aliens can actually get into our computer networks...' 
   "Communications, let them know we will engage drives for Hektor in five minutes.  Ask if they would be willing to coordinate general quarters rotations.  Also inform them that we carry power armor troops and our current acceleration limits.  Let them know we will begin landings in ten hours.  They may begin evacuation operations after we have completed troop deployment.  Also forward the confirmation from the acting governor of Hektor that the civilian population will be ready for evac in seven hours.  We anticipate evac to take between two and four hours depending on landing conditions and alien troop resistance."
   The Dutchman waited as the message crossed the void between the ships.  'I'm sure they have intercepted the transmissions from Hektor, but it never hurts to make sure.  Comm here in the belt can be inconsistent at times.'
   "Dutchman, new contact.  Bearing two two three, range four light seconds. Velocity of three two seven five kilometers per second.  Aspect change on contact.  Coming about on intercept course.  Magnetic field deployment detected on contact.  Magnetic field deployed on two of the US Q Ships."
   "BATTLE STATIONS.  Get me firing solutions on line.  Engineering, magnetic fields on line.  Prep the particle accelerators and prepare to vent cargo and passenger sections."  The Dutchman pulled up the sensor returns as he gave orders.  'Four light seconds.  Too close.  We will never be able to come up to speed.  We will have to vent the troops if this comes to a fight.'
   "New transmission.  Coming in on tightbeam laser.  Contact identifies itself as Pan Euro Vessel Red October.  Requesting permission to accompany evacuation convoy."
   The Dutchman paused as he listened to the Comm Officer.  "Sensor Conn, can you confirm contact identity?"
   The bridge was silent for long moments until the Sensor Officer spoke.  "Lidar return confirms contact identity.  Pan Euro Science Vessel Red October.  Magnetic fields have dropped on the US ships."
   The Dutchman sat for a moment.  'There was no word from the Pan Euro that this ship would be assisting the evacuation.  This is the second time in a month that ship has shown up out of nowhere.  Last time it wasn't such a good omen.  Let us hope our luck has changed.'  "Communications, grant the Pan Euro ship permission to enter FSC space near Hektor.  Tell them to knock before showing up next time."

   0400 hours/Interceptor Mk III, 24 light minutes from Saturn

   'Now what?  We get there and enjoy the view?'
   Rear Admiral Jack Ryan looked at the message on the display.  'The Chinese Embassy sent another message indicating that the space near Saturn was closed and that no further landings would be permitted. Nothing else.  It looks like the State Department is trying to resolve how we will resupply our troops or withdraw them from the surface, but the Chinese aren't being particularly helpful.  This is not going to help the situation on Triton or Hektor.  Even Earth for that matter.'
   Jack pulled up the plots of space near Saturn.  'We are supposed to keep at least one light minute out.'  Jack began to sort through the plot of Saturn's moons and their current positions.  'Phoebe is a little inside that line, but is large enough to hide this group if we need to.  We will just have to snuggle up close to it.  Might not be a bad idea to see if the Euro wants to land that Troopship on it.  The rest of the rocks any farther out are just too small.'  Jack tapped at the controls on his armrest and began a course plot that would bring them to Saturn with Phoebe between the group and Titan.  'If they are patrolling the space near Saturn we could be in some hot water.  Hopefully the Chinese are just parked near Titan.  Our last trip out here involved enough fighting; I am in no hurry to get into another shooting match.'  Jack finished the calculations and sent them to the Helm and Comm stations.  "Helm, implement new course plot.  Comm, transmit the new course to Command on Earth and to the Pan Euro Third Battle Group.  Forward a copy of the Chinese ultimatum to the Third also.  They might not be so excited about getting this close to Saturn.  Forward any replies to my station."
   'The Chinese are up to something.  What the hell is it?'

   0830 hours/Ministry of Defense, Beijing, China

   Minister Po looked at the reports from the Captain of the Sichuan.  "Captain Zedong Tan's death will only solve one small problem.  His transmission ordering the US troops to move closer to the underground complex has made it impossible for the Zhuang to lift off unobserved.  The US appears to be ignorant of its existence there.  The question before us is whether to order the ship to depart from Titan and allow the US to learn of its presence.  The US has maintained close relations with the FSC up to this point and could easily pass on this information to warships of our enemy."  Po paused as the assembled Ministers mumbled. 
   "We are still at war.  No peace has been signed with the FSC.  The cease fire on Hektor is only that, a localized cease fire.  The FSC colony at Hektor is still close to Saturn and FSC warships may yet lurk near that area.  They would easily be able to intercept this valuable asset if it were to leave Saturn at this time.  But if the US carries through with its bombardment of the FSC colony the relations between those powers may become much more strained.  I would counsel patience.  We should wait to see the results of the US actions, and then make our decisions."
   Minister Khoh stood.  "This is of little importance.  The Zhuang is safe where it is.  The US troops would not dare to attack it, and any FSC ship approaching Titan would be destroyed by the three missile ships stationed there.  There is no intention to move those ships that has been put before the Ministry.  We will not move the Zhuang, either.  We must address the issue of our soldiers on the FSC colony."  Khoh slammed his fist on the desk he stood behind.  "The US intends to evacuate the entire civilian population on the colony.  They have announced that they intend to bombard the surface to exterminate the alien presence there.  We need to issue an immediate statement that any attacks directed on our troops on Hektor will be answered with the extermination of the US troops on our colony at Saturn.  We also need to issue orders for our troops in the Twenty Third and Sixteenth to withdraw from any alien or colonist positions to ensure that the US can not claim an 'inadvertent attack'.  The FSC will simply have to secure its own populations and landing areas.  And if the US relents of its intentions, our troops will be trapped on that rock with a vastly superior alien force!"
   Po looked at Minister Khoh and tried to control himself.  "You speak out of turn.  We must move carefully not to create another enemy in this war.  Or here in this assembly."
   Po turned back to face the assembled minister to find most already talking, and the assembly quickly disintegrating into arguments and shouting matches between the various factions.  Po shook his head.  'This is deteriorating far too quickly.  We must resolve this or it will undo us.'

   1120 hours/Assault Vessel, 30 light minutes from Saturn

   The Commander of Fleets felt the approaching ships.  'The Combat Vessels and Hive Vessels have arrived.  It is time to begin the next phase of this operation.'  The Commander of Fleets altered the field at his station.  Moments later the drive engaged and the large ship moved into formation with the two Combat Vessels and the group turned to change its course.
   'The Strike Groups are in position and only await the orders to attack.  Soon this group will reach the great ringed planet, and this race will fear us again."
... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #141 on: September 20, 2011, 04:26:21 AM »
February 2205 part 19

February 24th  1145 hours/Surface of Titan

   Li Xue tried to steady her breathing.  'We aren't going to fall back this time.  No running when they start returning fire.'  Li focused on the dome schematics on her HUD.  'We will have to take and hold the upper landing pad to give the US shuttle someplace to land.  Then we will have to hold it.  Ling said she heard from the Company Commander that our troopship was due to arrive in forty hours, and that most of the other units had already withdrawn from the domes.'
   Li looked at the FSC reservists with her.  She could see them through the faceplates of their helmets.  Young men and women. Faces slick with sweat.  Streaked with dust and grime.  Pale with fear.  'They could have been packed for evac.  They choose to stay.  Knew that if we didn't have enough suits to take and hold the landing pad that no one was going home.  They will probably die in the next few minutes.  Even if they don't, their armored EVA suits won't be able to clear the blast zones of the US missiles.'  Li felt her power armor shake slightly from a detonation somewhere nearby and focused on her HUD again.  'That was one of the alien's big suits taking out a wall again.  There has to be one of them close.  Maybe more than one.'
   Li's radio crackled to life.  It was Ling.  "We move in thirty seconds.  Confirm."  Li keyed her radio on.  "Confirm Platoon Leader."  Li heard Kei and Kwang both reply as she looked at the schematics one last time, then turned them off.  Then she heard Kwang on the radio again.  "Up for one more game of racquetball after we get off this rock?"
   "Sure."  Li took a deep breath and slowly let it out as she switched on the weapon optics of her Type 15 and watched the timer on her HUD count down.
   For a heartbeat Li could see Kwang following her in the glass of the racquetball court.  See Mae and Jeng down on the court smiling.
   'When this is all over the four of us will get together for a rematch.'
   Li's counter flashed 'ZERO' and the breaching charge blew the hatch below the pad.

   1202 hours/US Q Ship Vigilance, 50,000 kilometers from Hektor

   Captain Scott Moreland watched the sensor returns as the FSC ship descended toward the surface of Hektor.  Clouds of debris swirled around the huge asteroid.  Then like a rock hitting the surface of a pond the debris splashed away from the shields of the Mary Reed and out into space.  Seconds later the shields shut down as the ship closed with the surface.
   'And now the pond will strike back.'  Scott watched the sensors try to track the enormous hail of ordinance as the alien ground units threw everything they could at the FSC ship while it descended.  Scott switched to the external visual feed and panned the camera.  Even without the light enhancing filters the Mary Reed was visible.  Blue-white lances of flames shot out from the maneuver thrusters and orange flames crawled across its surface as enemy weapons detonated against the ship.
   "Captain, report from the ground site.  Dome Seven, Transfer Pad Three secured.  Ready for landing."  Scott looked up from the monitor as the Comm Officer spoke.
   "Launch GTOS."
   Scott switched his monitor back to the sensor returns.  'The aliens are going to hear what is going on.  For the next few hours we will be sitting ducks.' 
   "Engineering, shields on line.  Comm, transmit to all Q Ships.  Shields online.  All ships to general quarters."  No sense hiding.  They know we are here.  If they show up, we need to be ready.

   1205 hours/GTOS 22, Surface of Hektor

   "Vigilance, this is GTOS 22.  We have touch down.  Again, GTOS 22, touch down.  Beginning loading operations."
   Ensign Tom Hudson looked out the viewing port in front of him.  The black sky was criss-crossed with tracers and the streaks of missiles.  A flash lit up the side of the dome and the Ground to Orbit Shuttle shook slightly.  "Jesus Ed.  What the hell are we doing?"
   Tom looked over at the co-pilot, Midshipman Ed Fairchild, who was unlocking his station and getting up.  "I don't know about you but I'm going to try and take a better look."  Tom watched as Ed pushed off and drifted up to the viewing port.
   Tom turned on the external camera and saw over a dozen heavy EVA suits amid the wreckage of the dome near the pad.  Scattered among them were several large Chinese Power Armor Suits.  Fire sprouted from weapons and tracers streaked out.  Tom saw they were near the loading ramp and that the first of the evac containers was being brought out on the bed of a large 'crawler'.  Tom saw one of the EVA suits sent spinning as something detonated in the wreckage.  Seconds later the suit was torn apart as hundreds of small impacts from alien weapons shredded it.  Two more EVA suits began to vent as they were also hit.  Seconds later one of the power armor suits crumpled into the wreckage, the soldier inside obviously wounded or dead.  Then the lander shook as the feed from the external camera cut out.
   "smeg, I think we got hit."  Tom saw Ed looking back at him.
   Tom unlocked his station and grabbed the SMLR-8 at the rear of the cockpit.
   "Stay here Ed.  We need somebody in here that can fly this crate, but those folks outside need a hand." 

   1215 hours/Patrol Vessel 13, 6 light minutes from Hektor

   The Commander of Patrol Vessel 13 went through the transmissions from the ground units on the enemy colony.  'The native race is obviously attempting to evacuate the last of their population from the surface.'  The Commander thought for a moment.  'If they are successful in removing the last of their populations, they will have no reason to place warships near the colony.  It will take them some time to complete the evacuation, but far less than what the Commander of Fleets has directed for us to wait.'
   The Commander of Patrol Vessel 13 altered the field at his station and issued orders to the Strike Group, then sent transmissions to both the Commander of Fleets and the other Strike Group.  'It is not yet time, but there is no choice.  If the operation is to achieve its objectives we will need to act.'  The Commander issued the orders to engage the drive of Patrol Vessel 13 for maximum combat acceleration and could feel through the sensors as the other vessels of the Strike Group engaged their drives. 
   'Whatever awaits us, the time has arrived for action.'

... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

Offline procyon (OP)

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #142 on: October 04, 2011, 03:16:02 AM »
February 2205 part 20

February 24th  1217 hours/Surface of Hektor

   Ensign Tom Hudson looked back and saw the crawler pull out of the bay on GTOS 22.  The outside of the crawler had several holes in it, and one of the windows was splattered with residue from blood.  Tom turned back just in time to see an alien Gremlin suit explode in front of him as a burst of tracer fire slammed into it.  Tom checked the heat level on the SMLR-8 and swung up on another small suit that had appeared from the wreckage of the dome below him.  He watched as parts of the alien suit's exterior shattered away as his laser painted it again and again.  Two rockets broke free from the outside of the suit only to detonate on the surface of the dome a short distance from the Gremlin as the alien suit broke apart.
   "That was the last of the pods Ed. The crawler is clear.  Get the hell out of here."
   Tom heard his co-pilot Midshipman Ed Fairchild on the radio moments later.  "You need to get your ass on this boat now Tom.  If you think I'm ferrying two thousand busy body colonists off this rock and leaving you behind, you are sorely mistaken.  I'm pretty sure you owe me money and this is one lousy way to get out of it."
   "You can pick me up on the next run.  If I don't stay put there won't be a pad left to land on.  I say again, Pod Eight is on board and the crawler is clear.  Get the ramp up and get out of here NOW !  THAT'S AN ORDER !"
   The radio was silent for several moments.  "You be waiting with bells on when I get back.  You hear me Tom."
   "I'm not going anywhere Ed.  Now get out of here."
   Tom turned just long enough to see the thrusters’ fire and GTOS 22 rocket away from the surface.  As he turned back he could see two of the huge alien suits coming out of the wreckage below him and then unleash a torrent of rockets toward the lander as their gauss machine guns sprayed death across the wreckage.

   1219 hours/Surface of Hektor

   Li Xue felt her left arm go numb even as she emptied the cassette of 23mm rounds into the huge alien suit.  The alien monster shuddered as some internal explosion shook it, and then disappeared as another explosion tore it apart.  Li watched as half of the rockets veered wildly while the rest from the second suit arced up toward the departing US lifter and then detonated against its hull.  The lifter shuddered but continued on.  Li crouched down as she ejected the empty cassette and tried to pull another from the bracket on her suit.
   'This isn't good.'  Li looked at her left arm and tried to will it to bend farther.  Tried to get the fingers to do what she wanted.  'Firing this cannon with one hand is hard enough.  Loading it with only one hand is almost impossible.'
   Li felt a slight jostle and looked around to see that a cyborg had moved behind her and had pulled one of the cassettes from her suit's mounts.  She watched as the cyborg struggled to get the ammunition into the Type 15, and then saw the red indicator on her HUD turn green as the cassette snapped in place.   Li looked for the other large alien suit but it had disappeared back into the wreckage of the dome below the pad.
   "Not so brave with all your rockets gone."
   "Hey Li, looks like you have a new friend.  Are you alright?"  Li heard Kwang's voice on her radio, the Chinese a stark contrast to the constant gibberish of the FSC soldiers.
   "My left arm is hit.  Can't move it too well, but at least it is numb."  Li struggled to move her arm again and suddenly pain shot through her shoulder.  'Most of the time that is.'
   "Position report." Li heard Platoon Leader Ling Song this time.
   "Position One secure."  Li tried to sound more confident than she felt.  'I've got twelve rounds left for my Type 15, two rounds for my shoulder mount, and a full load for the 6.5mm Pulse Rifle.  One more good push from the aliens and my position is history.  Even with this cyborg's help.'
   "Oh no."  Li heard Kwang on the radio and looked up.  In the distance she could see that another lifter had taken off from a nearby dome.  Gas vented from over a dozen places as rockets detonated across the surface of its hull.  The lifter began to rotate in a flat spin, then lost control and plummeted back to the surface.  Rock and dust geysered thousands of meters into the black sky as the large ship disintegrated.
   Li heard Kei on the radio.  "How many colonists are in a load for a lifter?"
   "Two thousand." 
   Li could hear herself speak, but it sounded like another person. 
   One that had nothing in common with the terror she felt inside.

   1221 hours/Armed Science Vessel Red October, one half light second from Hektor

   Commodore Stephan Vasilikos watched the sensor returns as first one, and then a second US lifter was destroyed shortly after lift off.  He could feel a growing dread as he watched the two surviving lifters land onto their ships, and then minutes later as those two US Q Ships began to maneuver for landings on the surface.  Stephan watched as the ships plunged through the alien ground fire to make combat landings near the evac sites.
   'This is bad.  Those ships took horrible damage in the combat landings when they unloaded soldiers in a matter of minutes.  This is going to take hours.  And with colonists on board those ships they won't be able to lift off and make combat acceleration without venting all their passengers.  They will be sitting ducks.  Trapped on the surface.  No shields and nowhere to hide.'
   Stephan looked at the sensor returns on his monitor.  'The only ships left that can engage drives and have their shields up are the tiny FSC ship, two US Q Ships, and the Red October.  And Red only has eight missiles left in her magazines.'
   'If the aliens ever needed a reason to show up, they have got one now.'

   1245 hours/Washington, DC

   Admiral Bradley Walters sat in his padded seat.  The entire staff of the meeting was silent as death.  'Everyone’s' attention is riveted on the sound of the transmissions from Hektor.  All of them twenty eight minutes old.'
   Bradley listened as the report came in of the loss of two GTOS lifters.  Then Captain Moreland's orders for the Vigilance and Steadfast to land and continue evac operations from the surface.  More orders for the remaining two Q Ships to maintain an orbit at one half light second from Hektor along with the Pan Euro and FSC ships.
   The silence in the room was broken by Secretary of Defense Adam Richards.  "The evac by shuttle was projected to take eighty minutes.  How long will a surface evacuation take?"
   Bradley could hear a few hushed voices and the sound of keyboards rapidly tapping.  Then a hesitant voice.
   "If they can hold the evac zones, it will take approximately six hours to load the Vigilance and Steadfast.  Then it will take six more hours to load the remaining two Q Ships."
   The room was quiet for several minutes as the sound of the transmissions droned on in the dull monotone of the cyborg crews.  Reports of damage from ground fire.  Damage control crews responding.  Security details moving to secure the loading bays.
   "Admiral Walters, can those Q Ships hold out on the surface for six hours?"  The tremor in Secretary Richards voice stood out in stark contrast to the voices of the cyborgs.
   Bradley sat for a moment and considered the question.  "To be honest Honorable Secretary, I just don't know.  They weren't designed for this, and we have too little data to know."
   Several more minutes of silence followed as the reports continued to pour in from the distant ships.
   "Admiral Walters, we will have to consider the possibility that the evacuation will not be possible.  We may need to consider other alternatives."
... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

Offline procyon (OP)

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #143 on: October 05, 2011, 04:12:07 AM »
February 2205 part 21

February 24th  1257 hours/Patrol Vessel 17, 4 light minutes from Victoria Colony

   The Commander of Patrol Vessel 17 could feel the crew's apprehension as Patrol Vessel 13's transmission reached the ship.  The Commander of Patrol Vessel 13 had ordered his Strike Group to move on the enemy.  The colony that Patrol Vessel 13 was stationed near had begun an evacuation.  Warships of the native race had landed on the surface and the population had begun loading into the vessels.
   The logic of the order was obvious.  If the native race evacuated the colony, there would no longer be any reason to station warships at that location.  The attack would have to be made before the enemy could complete its evacuation, if possible.  And so the Commander of Patrol Vessel 13 had issued the orders that defied those given by the Commander of Fleets.  It was the only hope to achieve the goal of the operation.
   The Commander of Patrol Vessel 17 felt the crew's fears and misgivings growing.  'I am new to this position, if not the ship.  I have served on this ship since our arrival in this system.  But the crew does not know what to expect of me.  What my decisions will be.  How I will react to the situations as they arise.  If I will prove as capable as the one who is now Commander of Fleets.'
   The Commander of Patrol Vessel 17 looked at the options before him.  The goal of the opening portions of the operation had been to force the native race to overextend itself and expend a great deal of its ordinance dealing with annoyances.  It depended on the enemy always believing that what was happening was no more than raids, not an attack in force.  That had been compromised by what had happened near the great ringed planet.  A Strike Group had been forced into combat.  Had been forced to demonstrate the new systems, maneuvers, and designs.  The native race had been given a chance to strengthen their positions in response to this new information.  Or to withdraw their forces to consolidate their strength.
   'The native race has not withdrawn from the nearby colony.  Every attempt to send scout craft to the colony has resulted in their destruction.  The enemy has landed additional forces on the colony and our troops are being pressed hard.  No, the enemy is still at this colony.  They may have stationed substantial forces there to guard it.  There is no way for us to know exactly what they have there as every scout craft in this Strike Group has been lost attempting to gain exactly that information.'
   'If we withdraw, we will fail to destroy the enemy ships that are stationed there and will grant them the chance to withdraw to a stronger position.  If we attack, we risk destruction against an unknown foe.  Either action could spell the doom of this operation.  And in the end, be the doom of us all.'
   The Commander of Patrol Vessel 17 changed the field at his station and felt the crew respond.  The Commander could feel as the drive engaged and the rest of the Strike Group moved into formation.  Moved toward the nearby enemy colony.  Sensed as transmissions sped across the void of space to announce that they were also moving to attack.
   'If what waits at the enemy colony can destroy us now, it will surely be able to do so later.  But if we can destroy them, the chance may not come again.'

   1305 hours/US Q Ship Vigilance, surface of Hektor

   Captain Scott Moreland tried to keep up with the enormous amount of data appearing on his monitor.  'How in the hell are we going to pull this off.'
   "Captain, Engineering reports boarders in forward section destroyed.  We have additional reports of alien suits attempting to move support weapons to attack the drive shield."
   Scott heard the Communications Officer and wanted to curse.  "Comm, raise the Senior Engineer, whoever the hell that is right now.  Move the Aft Damage Control Team to Exterior Hatches Seventeen through Twenty.  They need to make sure the aliens don't get the drive shield or we will be sitting ducks here.  Then try and raise any troops nearby to see if there is anyone left who can assist."
   "Yes sir."  Scott watched as the Comm Officer began tapping madly at the screens in front of him.  'Poor bastard has to do the job of three right now.  Just like the rest of us.'  Scott looked around at the bridge.  ‘Helm, Comm, Weapon Conn, all of them stripped down to skeleton crews.  Everyone who can be spared right now is fighting or fixing.  Trying to keep this crate in one piece, or fighting the aliens trying to tear it apart.  Using weapons that for the last ten years I have looked at as ornamental.'  Scott felt a slight shifting of the ship and more prompts appeared across his monitor.  Before he could touch one the Comm Officer cut in.
   "Captain, priority message from Earth Command for you.  From Admiral Walters.  Forwarding to your station."
   Scott saw the new blue box appear and he opened it.  'Any good news would be appreciated now.'





   Scott looked at the message.  'God, how has it come to this.'
   Scott keyed open the ship intercom.  "Launch bay, GTOS Twenty Two, respond."
   Moments passed until the intercom carried the response.  "Aye, GTOS Twenty Two, Midshipman Fairchild here.  Make this good.  We just finished off three of the damned little suits trying to bypass the Bay doors.  And there could be more around here somewhere."
   Scott opened the intercom link again.  "Midshipman Fairchild, this is Captain Moreland.  Prep the lifter for launch.  Full load of colonist pods.  Is that clear?"
   A long silence ensued.  "Aye Captain."
   Scott looked back to the Comm Officer.  "Comm, transmit to the Steadfast.  Have them load their GTOS with colonists for launch.  Then transmit on open frequency that two GTOS will be moving on bearing two seven zero from Hektor with passengers.  Request assistance from any ship capable of responding."
   Scott didn't wait for the answer.  'Before I kill every soul on this rock, I will damn well save every one of them I can.'

   1313 hours/GTOS 22, bay of Q Ship Vigilance

   Midshipman Ed Fairchild moved along the side of GTOS 22 going over the preflight checklist displayed on his HUD.  The lifter rocked slightly as the last pod began loading into the cargo bay.
   "Why in the hell do I even bother?  Twenty Two has already failed half of the checklist.  There isn't going to be time to fix anything and the Captain isn't going to have a change of heart.  Whatever shape this crate is in, it will fly or crash in the next few minutes.'  Ed shut off the checklist and moved to the front of the GTOS.
   Ed climbed up the lifter and opened the hatch to the cockpit.  'At least the stations are still intact.'  Ed began turning on the systems at his station and prepping the ship for low G launch.  'We will parade this cripple in front of its firing squad nice and slow.  Wouldn't want the aliens wasting their ammo on a hard target would we.'
   Ed saw a green light flash on the console, indicating that the cargo section had been secured.  'Only a few minutes left.'  Ed turned on the radio and punched in a frequency.
   "Tom, if you are still alive out there, Twenty Two lifts off in ten minutes.  You said you would catch the next ride and this is your last chance.  I could definitely use your help right now."  Ed turned off the radio.

   1318 hours/Surface of Hektor

   Li Xue knelt behind the rocks piled near the loading ramp of the US ship.  'It’s a miracle any of the pods full of colonists survived this.'
   Li fired a burst from the Pulse Rifle on her arm and watched the tracers arc toward a pair of small alien suits a few hundred meters away.  She watched as several ricocheted away from the suits.  Two rockets peeled off of one suit as it fired its gauss machine gun.  Li watched as the rockets slammed into the cargo area of a large mining hauler.  The detonations blew out the rear hatches of the cargo section and rocks began to drift out as the mining vehicle continued to move on with the 'Pod Crawler' moving along beside it.
   Li fired three more bursts at the alien suits as tracers from other FSC soldiers joined hers.  She watched as one of the suits spun and drifted away while the second rapidly moved behind another rock formation.  Seconds later three more small alien suits appeared to fire on the convoy.
   Li ducked down and looked back at the pod filled with colonists.  'It doesn't look damaged.  Green lights are still on.'  Li looked back along the trail toward the nearby dome.  'Maybe these will make it.'  Li counted the pods and crawlers littering the trail where alien weapons had taken them out.  For every Pod Crawler at least a dozen other vehicles had been destroyed.  'Anything that can move and give the pods cover has been used.  Now the wrecks are isolated pockets of cover.  A few FSC soldiers at each one trying to keep this trail open.'
   Li stood again and saw that one of the alien suits had moved to only one hundred meters from the crawler.  She emptied the Pulse Rifle into it before firing her jump jets.  As she drifted toward the US ship she saw the rocks she had been hiding behind scattered as several rockets detonated among them.  Li fired the braking thrusters and landed at the foot of the ramp.  She ejected the clip from the Pulse Rifle and waited for the auto loader to snap the last magazine into place.  Li tried to raise her left arm for the hundredth time to find it was still useless.  Li took a deep breath only to be reminded how badly her side hurt.  'I'm the last Power Armor here, but I can't do this much longer.'
   Li knelt down and looked back along the trail.  Scattered among the destroyed vehicles were the dead.  'At least those that weren't blasted into orbit of this rock.'
   Li saw a Chinese Suit near the wreckage of another mining vehicle.  Her HUD still displayed 'PLATOON LEADER' as she looked at it.  It marked where Ling Song had died trying to hold off two squads of the alien suits.  Suits that had cut her down and then continued firing their machine guns into her long after she was dead.
   Li closed her eyes and wondered what had happened to Kwang.  Kwang and Kei had lost contact with the group during the move from the pad.  They had ended up cut off by alien forces.  Li could hear Kei as she had fought.  Her yells.  Then her screams.  Finally the choking, gasping cries as she had died.  Cries she had heard over and over again as the FSC soldiers had given their lives trying to protect their own.  But Kwang had never transmitted.  Whether by choice or malfunction, he had died in silence.
   Li opened her eyes and saw the green prompt that the Pulse Rifle was loaded.  'This is it.  I pitched the Type 15 and 67 long ago.  I've got nothing else to fight with.'  Li tried to stand but her aching legs refused.  'Nothing else at all.'  Li saw movement and noticed the US cyborg moving beside the Pod Crawler as it approached the bottom of the loading ramp.  Saw that the cyborg’s left hand had been shot away.  The right leg moved with a hitch and was damaged.  That the torso had two small holes in it.  'After all that and he is still firing that puny laser at anything that moves.'
   Li saw the cyborg swing its laser, then saw the squad of alien suits rushing toward the loading ramp.  Dust churned up as rockets exploded and weapon muzzle blasts stirred the fine powder.  Li fired burst after burst as alien suits tried to reach the opening into the ship or fired on the vehicles.  Li saw the red light flash on her HUD that the Pulse Rifle was empty.  Li leaned back against the ramp support and closed her eyes.  "I tried my best Mae.  I tried."
   Li felt her suit as it bounced off the ramp a few times and waited for the pain or the hiss as her suit lost its seal.  And waited.  Li heard snapping noises and opened her eyes.  Li looked up at the US cyborg as it dragged her along the deck inside the ship, too tired to care why, and passed out.    

« Last Edit: October 05, 2011, 06:45:47 AM by procyon »
... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

Offline procyon (OP)

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #144 on: November 16, 2011, 03:16:14 PM »
February 2205 part 22

February 24th  1520 hours/Armed Science Vessel Red October, 5 light seconds from Hektor

   Commodore Stephan Vasilikos checked the drive output reports against the drive status updates from the US Q Ships Vigilance and Steadfast.  The two US ships had finished loading over an hour ago and had lifted off from Hektor Colony shortly thereafter.  Captain Scott Moreland of the Vigilance was pushing the drive relentlessly.  'Moreland has exceeded the safe thrust limits set for the civilian lines by nearly a factor of ten for most of this trip.  The colonists are going to feel like hell when they wake up, assuming they survive.  Pulling that many G's when they are just packed into shipping containers, not all of them will.'
   Stephan saw the prompt appear for the next update from Hektor.  He opened it and watched as the data appeared on his monitor.  'The last two Q Ships have secured their LZs and begun loading operations, but just barely.  With almost all of the Chinese troops having withdrawn to safe distances from the blast zones, it is down to a handful of reservists protecting the US ships.'
   Stephan checked the reports from the FSC ship.  'The Mary Reed looks to have half an hour left to finish loading.  That will help.  The Power Armor Battalion securing its landing area will be able to move in support of the US ships when the Mary Reed lifts off.'
   Stephan closed out the status updates and checked the sensor returns and drive outputs again.  'This ship was built to achieve, maintain, and withstand a speed of sixteen thousand kilometers per second.  The drive was never designed to run at the low outputs of a civilian liner, unlike the US Q Ships that originally were civilian freighters.  The Helmsman and Engineering have to perform a constant balancing act to not overshoot these US ships.'
   A red box suddenly appeared on Stephan's screen as he heard the Comm Officer call out.
   "Broadband transmission from US Q Ship Resolute. Priority channel and open coding.  Report of new contacts.  Three alien ships.  An Echo and a pair of Tango Twos.  Range to Victoria of four light seconds on bearing zero zero two.  Velocity of nine thousand kilometers per second on course one two zero."
   The Comm Officer had barely finished when Stephan cut in.  "Helm, drive to full combat acceleration.  Bring us about to course three zero zero, level ascension.  Battle Stations.  Engineering, prep magnetic field generators but do not go online until my command.  Comm, transmit to Captain Moreland that we will be breaking formation."
   Stephan watched the sensor returns as the drive blooms for the Vigilance and Steadfast grew.  'If I thought Moreland was pushing his passengers before, they are in for a ride now.'  A magnetic signature appeared near Hektor.  "That will be the Krait.  The Q Ships and Mary Reed won't have had time to lift off yet," Stephan said to no one in particular. 
   'They will need to vent their 'cargo' first.' 

   1520 hours/US Q Ship Resolute, surface of Hektor

     Commander Baxter Lewis looked at the flashing red prompt on the screen in front of him as he locked his station.  He used the armrest controls to guide the cursor over the box flashing "<VENT CARGO SECTIONS>".  'This is Engineering's job, but I can't ask anyone else to do this.  Forgive me for what I have to do.'  Baxter tapped the key and felt the Resolute shudder as gouts of argon designed to clear battle damage blasted the tumbling containers loaded with human beings out into space or across the surface of Hektor.  "Engineering, how many were loaded?"
   "Thirteen containers.  Three thousand two hundred and fifty souls."
   "Get us off this rock.  Engage bloom when the drive shield is clear.  Shields to full ASAP.  Battle Stations.  Get me a firing solution on that Echo.  We have to keep the aliens busy here."  Baxter didn't finish the idea that he was thinking.  'If they get past us, the Vigilance and Steadfast will have to do the same thing.  And they are each carrying fifteen thousand colonists in their holds.'
   "Captain, sensors show the Defiant has cleared her holds and is lifting off.  The FSC Mary Reed has not cleared her holds and shows no drive activity."
   Baxter heard the Sensor Officer and checked the readings.  'Why is the Mary Reed just sitting there?  They will be harder to find sitting on the surface with their drives off, but the alien troops have to be transmitting its location.  The aliens won't even need to be close to blow the ship apart if it is just parked there.'  Baxter thought for a moment as the helm announced that the drive shield was clear and then engaged the drive.  'Unless he won't do it.  The Mary Reed is nearly full.  They will have almost fifteen thousand passengers now, and those are their people.  And we can't nuke the habitats with that ship parked in the middle of them.'
   Baxter's attention was grabbed as the Weapon Conn called out.  "Target lock and firing solution online."
   "LAUNCH !"
   "Captain, launch detected from Echo.  Inbound.  Initial readings give target as Defiant.  Magnetic pulse detected from Tangos."  Baxter saw the flashing prompt on his screen even as Engineering announced "Shield generators off line.  Hull intact."  Seconds later the Sensor Officer called out "Defiant has lost shields.  Apparent mass driver hit.  No venting or drive interruption detected.  Launch detected from FSC ships Mary Reed and Krait."
   "Get the next launch online."  Baxter could feel irritation growing inside him as he watched the missiles cross in space.  'We are too slow for the Defiant or us to use the evasion protocol.'  The sensors clouded as the alien missile detonated.  Moments later the scattered wreckage of the Defiant appeared.
   "Captain, sensor returns show shield failure on the Echo.  Aspect change.  Echo attempting to disengage."
   Baxter looked at the returns.  "Send that ship to hell." 
   New flashing icons appeared on his monitor and Baxter felt his strength draining from him even as the Sensor Officer called out what he could already see.
   "New contacts.  Alpha times two.  Magnetic field deployment detected.  Inbounds times two.  Target is the Resolute."

   Fifteen seconds later a detonation shattered the Resolute's drive shield and the ship disappeared as its drive bloom consumed the ship.

   1521 hours/US Q Ship Vigilance, 5.5 light seconds from Hektor

   "Captain, we have a sensor feed from FSC Krait."
   "Forward to my station."  Captain Scott Moreland watched as the sensor feed showed first the destruction of the Defiant followed by the appearance of two Alphas, and then the destruction of the Resolute.  Moments later the second missile from the Alphas turned the location where the Mary Reed had been into a mass of expanding contacts as wreckage and rubble blasted away from the surface of the asteroid.  Two more detonations gouged huge craters into the surface as the sensors showed another pair of magnetic pulses from the Tangos as they fired their mass drivers.
   'At least we won't have to fire on the habitats.  Not after that.'
   "Captain, incoming transmission from the Steadfast.  Patching through to your station."
   Static filled the comm channel then cleared as the signal came through.
   "Scott, if you give the order we will vent our holds and turn this crate around.  Launch bay and shields are prepped.  What do you want to do skipper?"
   Scott tried to think for a moment.  'The Krait is back there fighting four on one while the Red October is running at them.  I don't know about the captain on the Krait, but Commodore Vasilikos knows he can't take out two Alphas and two Tangos with only eight missiles.  All he's doing is giving them a target and keeping them busy.  Buying us some time.'
   "No Coop.  We can't win this fight.  If there is going to be anything good come from this, it will have to be us and our cargoes."
   The line was silent for a few moments.  "It's your call Scott, but I can't say I wanted to vent this cargo."
   "Don't get ahead of yourself.  If those Alphas get too close, we may have to."

   1522 hours/Armed Science Vessel Red October, 4.5 light seconds from Hektor

   Stephan watched the sensor feed and status reports from the Krait.  'I don't know who that Captain is, but I like his style.  Charging those Alphas like he was ready to ram, just to make them break wide.  That move alone bought the Q Ships a few more minutes.'  Stephan looked at the Red October's sensor returns.  The Krait, Alphas, and Tangos were just vague magnetic readings as the asteroid field interfered with the returns, but the detonations as the Tangos shelled Hektor were brutally obvious.
   'At least if those Tangos are busy bouncing the rubble, they aren't targeting the Krait.'
   "Echo signature lost.  Beyond sensor range.  Krait magnetic signature lost.  Sensor feed still online."
    Stephan watched as the feed from the Krait shifted wildly.  'They are trying to use the maneuver protocol to shake this next pair of inbounds from the Alphas.'  The sensor feed cut out as the alien weapons closed.
   Stephan checked the last plot of the Q Ships and then plotted their projected locations.
   'The Alphas are still closing on the location of those Q Ships.  We need another ninety seconds to reach full speed.  If the data we got from that captured Alpha is still accurate then they can't see the Q Ships yet, but it won't take long if they don’t change course.'
   "Sensor Conn, forwarding plot to your station.  Let me know when those Alphas close to five light seconds of that point.  Weapon Conn, do we have a firing solution yet?" 
   Stephan waited a few moments for the reply.  "Commodore, we have lock on the last launch signature from the Alphas and a solid lock on the Tangos."
   "Bay One and Two, target Alpha One.  Engineering, ready field generators."  'All we can do is wait now.'
   "Alphas at five light seconds from plot Commodore."
   "Weapon Conn, lock in firing solution and launch.  Engineering, get those field generators online NOW !"  The grey haze cleared for a moment as the drive shut down allowing the pair of Scorpion Missiles to deploy, and then reappeared as the drive engaged.  Seconds later two inbound indicators appeared from the Alphas.  'We got their attention, now we just need to live long enough to draw them off.  If we survive that would be great also.  I would hate to deprive Brenna the chance to kill me herself.'
   "Get the next launch online.  We don't have many missiles but I plan to use them." 
   Stephan heard the Sensor Officer as he called out the contact updates.  "Missile Two off target.  Tracking lost.  Missile One closing on Alpha One.  Time to intercept seven seconds.  Five seconds.  Missile One lost drive bloom.  Appears to have broken up.  Inbounds closing.  Time to intercept eight seconds."
   "Second launch online."  The drive cut out again then restarted.  "Missiles Three and Four away."
   The sensor returns on Stephan's monitor clouded over and red data flashed.  'We just lost half the field generators in this first exchange.  At this rate we won't even survive to get all our birds away, let alone do any damage to those Alphas.  The fact they just shot down our bird shows they are the newer models.'  Stephan keyed open the intercom to Engineering.  "Prep the particle accelerators for red line.  This is going to be over fast."  Stephan ignored the outbound indicators as he watched the two inbound missiles close.  One hundred thousand kilometers.  Seventy five thousand.  Forty thousand.  The sensors clouded again as more red flashed on Stephan's monitor.  'That finished off the field generators.  Time to go.'
   "Engineering, red line the drive.  Hold output levels until further notice.  Weapon Conn, hold further launches."
   Stephan watched while the returns on the Alphas clouded as the drive bloom's bleed around the drive shield began to blind the sensors.  'If this doesn't work, we won't even get to see the missiles that kill us.'  Stephan turned off the sensor returns as he watched the timer slowly count the seconds.  As it turned 15:25:00 he keyed open the intercom again.  "Drive to full combat output.  Helm, change course to two seven zero.  Sensor Conn, get me an update on those Alphas."
   It seemed like an eternity until the Sensor Officer called out.  "Alphas at five point seven light seconds bearing zero eight three, ascension minus two.  Aspect change.  They are breaking off and turning back toward Hektor."
   Stephan forced himself not to pull up or look at the sensor returns.  "Sensor Conn, range from Alphas to prior plot?"
   "Commodore, Alphas range at twelve light seconds from plot and increasing."
   Stephan relaxed his grip on the armrests and looked around the bridge.  "Comm, open transmission.  Let the folks back home know what happened here.  Tightbeam of sensor log to Admiral Muldoon.  Helm, plot a course for Victoria.  They may need us."

   1606 hours/Washington DC.

   Admiral Bradley Walters moved quickly into the briefing room and towards his chair.  He could already see that Secretary Richards was in his seat firing questions anxiously at the staff that was assembling.  Coming in through the front entry to the room was Congressman Meyers, his face red and slick with sweat from running.  Bradley heard Secretary Richards yell as he turned toward the admiral.
   "What the hell is going on out there?!"
   Bradley moved toward the front of the room to the naval staff that had already arrived.  He pushed aside a young Commander and sat behind the terminal he had been using.  Snapping back the cover plate on his left index finger Bradley plugged it into a port on the computer.  Data and prompts flooded his HUD, and he began selecting through the menus.
   "I said, WHAT IN THE SAM HELL IS GOING ON, Admiral?!!"
   Bradley looked over at Secretary Richards as Congressman Meyers piled into the chair beside him, still panting for air.  "Secretary, we are picking up coded transmissions from the Vigilance and Captain Moreland, but it is heavily encrypted.  Civilian channels from Hektor were filled with chatter but abruptly went dead."
   "Admiral, we are just picking up an open transmission from the Pan Euro Science Vessel Red October.  It is broadcast in the clear."
   Bradley looked at the young man he had just pushed aside and nodded, then used his internal menu to select for open broadcasts on any priority channel.  As data began to stream across his view he turned back to Secretary Richards.
   "Commodore Vasilikos of the Red October is transmitting in the clear from near Hektor.  The transmissions indicate that the aliens have returned.  Alien forces include two Alphas, an Echo, and a pair of Tango Twos.  No bombers were present.  The FSC ship Mary Reed was destroyed before liftoff.  The Q Ships Resolute and Defiant were destroyed shortly after liftoff.  The FSC vessel Krait was destroyed in an engagement with the two Alphas.  The Red October had its shield generators knocked off line diverting the Alphas from the remaining Q Ships, but sustained no structural damage.  They hope to have shields online by twenty hundred but have only two missiles left on board."
   Congressman Meyers interrupted.  "What were the alien losses?!"
   Bradley searched the data for a moment.  "The Echo had its shields knocked off line but no evidence of venting in response to hull damage.  No other alien losses."
   Bradley watched as the already winded Congressman clutched the edge of the table as if someone had just knocked the last of the air from him.  Secretary Richards turned pale, but took a deep breath and looked hard at Bradley.  "What of the civilian habitats?"
   Bradley knew what he wanted.  "Secretary, it would appear the alien bombardment of the Mary Reed on the surface, and continued attacks by the Tango Twos on the remaining troop concentrations destroyed any civilians or infrastructure that might have been left."
   Secretary Richards exhaled slightly, and then looked again at Bradley with a more puzzled look.  "What was the Red October doing there?  She wasn't supposed to be anywhere close to Hektor at the moment.  And where does Commodore Vasilikos indicate that he is going now?"
   Bradley checked the data again.  "The transmission gives no reason for the Red October's presence, but indicates that sensor records and ship logs are being sent on encrypted channels.  Perhaps they would hold that answer.  The transmissions indicate that he is currently moving towards Victoria Colony, which is where he was supposed to be going according to the last Pan Euro updates."
   Bradley saw in the edge of his display as the young Commander moved to the front of the table again, but this time his face was pale as death.  "Gentlemen.  We have a priority transmission from Pan Euro Admiral Muldoon.  It indicates that the Third Light Battle Group has encountered alien warships in force at Victoria.  No details, but she has indicated that she has given orders diverting all surviving Pan Euro assets assigned in the belt to Mars.  We also have reports from the Eastern Sensor Arrays that the Pan Euro's newest Heavy Escort has blown its docking clamps to the Pan Euro Space Station and that the Pan Euro Fourth Battle Group is showing active drive blooms.  We also have transmissions from the Third Brigade of the Martian Light on Victoria that they are receiving heavy bombardment from orbit."
   Bradley turned from Secretary Richards to the young man.  "You need to send orders to Captain Moreland.  He is to divert course to Mars at best possible speed given his cargo.  Contact Admiral Muldoon and see if it is possible to coordinate escort for the Vigilance and Steadfast with the Red October, or any other Pan Euro warships."  Bradley turned back to the two politicians seated across from him. 
   "You need to contact the FSC embassy and indicate their colonists are headed for Mars.  You may also need to contact the Chinese.  This isn't a group of raids to gather intelligence.  This is the opening to a concerted attack."
... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

Offline procyon (OP)

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #145 on: November 18, 2011, 06:35:25 PM »
February 2205 part 23

February 24th  1527 hours/Heavy Escort Tatianna, 0.5 light seconds from Victoria

   Captain Natasha Piotyr locked her station as she called out orders.  "Comm, all ships, lock stations, battle stations.  New course on heading three zero seven.  Drives to full.  Shield generators online.  Full sensor transmits to Earth."  Natasha knew that the Attack Escorts Elise and Keely Sereg were not officially hers to command, but she was sure that neither Commander Breiholz nor Commander Bortz would question her orders.
   'The new course will take us away from the three Alphas and two Tango Twos.  We need the time to get our ships up to combat velocity.  With the Tangos already at over nine thousand kilometers per second and the Alphas at fourteen thousand, we don't stand a chance unless we give our drives a chance to catch up.'
   "Captain, multiple aspect changes on Tangos, apparent use of a maneuver protocol.  Tangos slowing as they approach Victoria.  Magnetic pulse detected."
   Natasha saw on her monitor as the sensors recorded the detonations of the alien weapons impacting among the habitats on Victoria Colony.  Multiple prompts appeared as numerous distress broadcasts began to come through on the comm channels.  Natasha closed out all of the comm updates and switched to the tactical display.  A red circle suddenly appeared around the red icon of the leading Tango and she heard the Weapon Conn call out, "Target lock on Tango One and Two.  Firing solutions coming online."
   Natasha knew that not all of the ships in her group had come to battle stations, but waiting for them wouldn't save anyone.  "All ships, launch on Tango One."  Natasha watched the display as contact indicators for outbound missiles appeared from the Tatianna, Elise, and Scarlett.  'At least we got four bays operational in the first minute.'  Natasha watched as three new contacts appeared from the Alphas, as they targeted the launch signatures from the Pan Euro ships.
   "Captain, two missiles have lost lock on Tango One.  Remaining missiles have broken up on final attack runs.  Inbound missiles have lost tracking."
   Natasha's monitor flashed with numerous prompts as she rapped her knuckles hard against the armrest controls.  She cleared off the clutter and focused on the display.  'How are we supposed to fight them if we can't even get a missile close?!  The alien missiles missed but that won't last forever.’
   The display showed that the five Pan Euro ships had reached combat velocity, while the Tangos were continuing to slow and employ the alien version of the maneuver protocol as they fired on the colony. 
   "Captain, second launch from Alphas.  Range to Alphas of four light seconds and holding.  Inbound intercept in twenty seconds."
   Natasha watched as the display showed the Tangos closing with the colony while three inbound missiles from the Alphas closed on her group.  'No matter how much damage the Tangos do to the colony, if we don't engage the Alphas we are dead.'  "Weapon Conn, all ships, new target.  Firing solutions on Alpha One.  Launch."  Natasha felt the drive cut out as the two bays on the Tatianna deployed their missiles, and then restarted. 
   Natasha’s display disappeared as the bridge went dark and was filled with clouds of argon.  A heartbeat later the cloud was gone, vented into space.  Her monitor was dark, as was the bridge lights.  A few monitors flickered back to life giving a dim light to the compartment.  Natasha plugged her finger into the direct feed port at her station and saw her HUD fill with data.  Red damage warnings filled the display.  'All of the magnetic field generators are off line, but the sensor array, drive, and both launch bays are still online.'  Natasha patched her station through to the radio repeaters on the bridge and found they still worked.  "Weapon Conn, time until next launch?"  Natasha grew more nervous as the seconds crept by silently, until she finally heard a response.  "Captain, next launch ready in fifteen seconds.  Compiling solution on Alpha One."  Natasha didn't recognize the voice, but someone was still alive at the Weapon Conn station.  "Launch when solution complete."
   Natasha pulled up the sensor display and clenched her fingers as she saw that Alpha One still displayed an active magnetic field.  'Doctrine says the Tatianna should attempt to break off while the other ships turn into the Alphas, but we need every missile we can get on that target if we hope to get any through.  The Tatianna will still be in range regardless, as we can't outrun the alien ships.  Doctrine will just make the Attack Escorts an easier target if they turn into the Alphas.'  The grey haze of acceleration disappeared for a moment as Natasha heard some call out, "Missiles Three and Four away."
   'At least we got the next launch away,' she thought as she watched the three inbound indicators close on the Tatianna.  The sensor display on her HUD turned grey again as the drive restarted and slammed the ship forward, then clouded as the alien weapons detonated.   Moments later the sensors cleared and the display showed the six outbound missiles from her Pan Euro group closing on Alpha One.  Only this time the display showed the indicator that Alpha One’s magnetic protective field was down and that Alpha One was initiating an aspect change as it began to turn away from the battle.  'Can't shoot them all down every time, can you?  Your turn is coming.'
   Natasha checked the status of the Tangos.  They were only fifteen thousand kilometers from Victoria, had slowed to only a few kilometers per second, and were still firing their mass drivers into the habitats and troop concentrations on the asteroid.  Still not a threat.  'If we let Alpha One break off, it is five on two with our six launch bays against their two.  But we haven't even dinged the fields on Alphas Two and Three, while Alpha One has shown no signs of venting to clear damage.  If we are going to do any real damage we can't let it slip away, but that will put us nose to nose with the last two Alphas.'  Natasha hesitated for a moment, and then made her decision as she opened the 'All Ships' comm link.
   "All Attack Escorts, change course to maintain range on Alpha One.  Primary target is Alpha One."  Natasha changed over to the internal repeaters.  "Helm, maintain current course and speed."  Natasha watched the sensor returns as Alpha One grew more and more distant.  "Helm, turn to hold Alpha One within five light seconds.  Don't let that ship slip out of range."  The drive cut out several times as the Tatianna began to come about and deployed two more missiles.  Natasha watched as the outbound missiles closed on the fleeing Alpha.  First one veered off, and then the second lost tracking.  But three of the four missiles from the Attack Escorts maintained lock.  Two of the three missiles broke up on approach but the last pushed through and detonated, clouding the returns on Alpha One.
   "Captain, Alpha One venting.  Drive restart detected.  Alpha One continuing to disengage."
   'These new Alphas aren't invulnerable.'

   1531 hours/Patrol Vessel 17, 3 light seconds from enemy colony

   The Commander of Patrol Vessel 17 tried to keep up with the vast amount of information carried by the changes in the field at his station.  'The magnetic protective field is down and the rapid cycle mass driver is off line.  The enemy Patrol Vessel has been destroyed and Patrol Vessels 7 and 24 are closing rapidly with the enemy Attack Vessels.  All the vessels are rapidly changing aspects to shake torpedo locks.  All of them except this ship.  We need to be a target the enemy can't refuse.  Draw them a little farther along.'
   The Commander of Patrol Vessel 17 reached his perception out through the sensors and could feel as Armed Colony Vessels 3 and 7 came about on a new heading and restarted their drives.  'In a few moments the ships of the native race will draw in range of the Armed Colony Vessels’ mass drivers.  Then it will be a battle of four on four.'  The Commander sensed as the four torpedoes of the native race passed through the formation of Patrol Vessels 7 and 24.  The rapid fire mass driver of Patrol Vessel 24 destroyed one while another enemy torpedo lost tracking in the trail of high energy particles from the two Patrol Vessels’ drive blooms.  Even as the last two enemy torpedoes closed on Patrol Vessel 17, the Commander could sense the torpedoes from PV24 and 7 closing with an Attack Vessel of the native race and detonating, collapsing its protective field and causing it to vent.  A moment later the magnetic pulses of the Armed Colony Vessels washed over the Commander of Patrol Vessel 17 as the two packets of metallic hydrogen raced past.

   1532 hours/Attack Escort Elise, 4.5 light seconds from Victoria

   "Captain, Tangos coming about.  Magnetic pulse detected."
   Commander Dana Breiholz's monitor displaying the sensor returns clouded from the wash of ions and radiation as the Attack Escort Keely Sereg disappeared in an enormous explosion only two thousand kilometers away.
   'Oh Brittany, not you.'
   "Captain, Tangos showing active drive blooms at four light seconds.  Accelerating and closing.  Alpha One confirmed destroyed.  Alphas Two and Three continue with rapid aspect changes at range of two point five light seconds."
   Dana clenched her hands.  'I don't want this command.  I want my friend back.'  Dana forced herself to look at the display in front of her.  "All ships come about to course two seven five.  Cease evasion protocol.  Drives to full combat velocity.  Target Alpha Two."  The kaleidoscope of colors from the evasion protocol slowed to the steady flicker between the grey-blue haze of acceleration and the normal view of the bridge as the Attack Escort Elise stuttered its drive to allow the maneuver thrusters to bring the ship onto a new course.  Dana watched the sensors recording the appearance of two more alien missiles closing on the Attack Escorts as they launched their own missiles in return.  The seconds seemed to crawl by as her ship came about and the alien weapons closed.
   Dana's monitor showed the alien weapons detonating around the Attack Escort Scarlett, knocking the ships magnetic fields off line and forcing its drive to shut down as it vented damage from the hull.  Dana stared anxiously at the returns until the ship's drive bloom reappeared.  She shifted her focus to the outbound missiles and saw that only two of the three were still tracking Alpha Two, and then one of the missiles broke up.  'Damn it.'  The last missile detonated along Alpha Two's course but the ship emerged with its magnetic field still up.  Dana's gaze was suddenly drawn to the flashing returns as the sensors recorded the Scarlett breaking into dozens of pieces.
   "Engineering, drives to red line.  Weapon Conn, continue launches on Alpha Two.  I don't care how poor the solutions are.  Give those Alphas something to deal with and get us the hell away from those Tangos."  Red prompts appeared on her monitor as Dana heard Engineering announce, "Field Generator Banks One through Eight off line."
'This isn't working.  Guess I will be seeing you soon Brit.'  Dana watched as the sensor returns cleared for a heartbeat as the drive cut out, allowing the launch bay to deploy another missile. Dana grabbed the armrests of her station as the display recorded a contact rushing by on the port side only kilometers away.
   The Elise shook violently and the bridge filled with white clouds of argon.  As the argon cleared Dana could see the red flashing indicators on her monitor that the magnetic field generators were down and that damage indicators along the port side had lit up.  The world shifted to grey-blue again as the drive restarted and the ship plowed forward again.
   'Cargo and missile storage on the port side are breeched, but at least the drive and launch bay are still online.  The Phoenix Array seems to be functioning but with the drive redlined it isn't doing us much good.'  Dana checked the sensor returns and then turned them off in disgust.  "Weapon Conn, status on the next launch."
   "Captain, next launch in twenty two seconds." 
   'Maybe we will even live that long.'  Dana watched as the seconds ticked by, expecting each one to be the last.  She listened as the crew reported another missile away.  As they reported the drive restart.  As they reported increased radiation readings from alien missile detonations.  But no damage reports.  Dana tried to relax as the seconds continued to tick by.
   "Engineering, reduce drive to standard output, standby to increase to redline.  Helm, change course thirty degrees starboard.  Sensor Conn, get me a clear fix on the Alphas."  Dana waited as the drive emissions reduced and the Elise came about slightly to clear the blindspot created by the drive shield.
   "Captain, Alphas and Tangos have broken off.  They are moving toward Victoria.  Range to Alphas of six point five light seconds."
   "Comm, transmit full sensor record and status to Earth.  Request for additional orders.  Let them know that the aliens hold the space around Victoria." 
Dana could only watch as her monitor filled with the distress calls from the civilians and military units on Victoria.

   1536 hours/Patrol Vessel 24, 2 light seconds from enemy colony

   The Commander of Patrol Vessel 24 began the transmission to the Commander of Fleets.  His former command, Patrol Vessel 17 had been destroyed.  Patrol Vessel 7 had exhausted its supply of torpedoes while Patrol Vessel 24 had only a single torpedo remaining.  Armed Colony Vessel 3 was parked near the enemy colony while Armed Colony Vessel 7 had landed to resupply the troops there and provide reinforcements from the division it carried.  Three of the five enemy warships had been destroyed with a fourth damaged before it disengaged.'
   'We have won this battle, but only by the thinnest of margins.  If the native race returns that will change quickly.'

   1603 hours/Queen Victoria, Earth orbit

   Admiral Brenna Muldoon looked at the collection of messages and orders she had prepared for transmission.  First were the orders directing the Attack Escorts Elise and Kathleen to Mars, along with the Red October.  There was also the order directing the crew of the Heavy Escort E. Avery to report to stations and proceed to Mars.  The four ships would then be designated as the Third Light Battle Group.  Accompanying the Heavy Escort Avery would be Mobile Shipyard One.  It would continue the work installing the final banks of magnetic field generators onto the newest Heavy Escort.  'It would be faster if the work could be completed here, but we can't wait.'
   The next set of orders were essentially orders to herself, directing the Fourth Battle Group to move from Earth to Mars as escort for the scheduled civilian shipment of Scorpions Missiles and other required supplies normally delivered to the Third Light Battle Group.  'The composition of the Third LBG hasn't changed, just the ships that are in it.  They need those supplies.  If that civilian liner were to be lost those ships would be crippled even more severely than they are now.  A full Battle Group to protect a single civilian freighter may be a bit much, but we can't take the risk.'
   Brenna sent the orders to the Comm Station for transmission to the required ships, with copies to all the interested parties ground and space side.  Then she brought up the next item, a message to Rear Admiral James Gauld of US Task Force 1.  It was a request to allow the Third LBG to assist in the defense of Mars, under his direction.  It also requested the assistance of the US Spaceworks in assisting with emergency repairs of the Attack Escort Elise when it arrived at Mars.
   The last message was to Rear Admiral Robert McNeely authorizing him to violate the Chinese exclusion of ships within one light minute of Saturn if it became necessary to assist the Chinese in defense of their colony on Titan.  Doing so would be at his discretion, but preparations should be made for such an event.
   Brenna sent the two messages to the Comm Station for transmission as she leaned back in the chair in her quarters.  'The paperwork is done.  That is the easy part.  The hard part will be finding a solution to this mess.'  Brenna tapped at the monitor and brought up the reports and records from the engagements at Titan, Hektor, and Victoria.  'In the next few hours or days I need to come up with a way to deal with the new alien defenses.  The records show that less than half of our missiles are achieving intercept courses now that the aliens have begun employing their new maneuver protocol.  Worse, only half of those that maintain a lock survive to reach their target, the rest being destroyed by the new alien close range defensive system.  Coupled with the stronger magnetic protective fields of the alien ships, the Captains in the field are finding it impossible to engage the enemy successfully.  The Pan Euro, US and FSC have lost nine combat ships to destroy a single Tango Two and one Alpha.'
   Brenna pulled up the roster of active Pan Euro ships, and the list of known US ships.  'With what we have left, I don't know that we can take out the ships we have faced so far.'  Brenna shut off her monitor and watched the screen go black.
   'And I doubt what we have seen is all that they have available for this attack.'

   2245 hours/Adirondack Defense Command Center, US

   Admiral Bradley Walters watched the assembled staff as they set up the undecorated concrete room as an ad hoc briefing room and command-communications center.  Two young civilian technicians hooked up a pair of monitors on the table Bradley was seated at.  Bradley watched as the screens sprang to life.  The young Commander seated beside him, Victor Jones, immediately began to pull up data and reports.
   "Are we ready Gentlemen?"  Secretary Adam Richards walked in and towards the large table that dominated the front of the room.  Bradley watched as Richards took his seat.
   Bradley stood and faced Secretary Richards.  "Sir, we have begun formal analysis of the sensor and ship logs from the engagement at Hektor, and the initial analysis of the logs forwarded by the Pan Euro.  It will take several more hours before we are able to complete a formal analysis of the data from the engagement at Victoria."  Bradley looked over to General 'KJ' Foxx and saw that he was preparing to speak also.  "The data shows that the Alphas and Tangos operating in the belt are the newer models, with stronger shields and missile interdiction systems.  The Echo appears to be the basic model we have encountered before and should prove vulnerable to our current forces.  The aliens are in two separate groups.  The first appears to be composed of two Alphas, an Echo, and a pair of Tango Twos.  The second was composed of three Alphas and a pair of Tango Twos, but lost one Alpha in the engagement with the Pan Euro Third Light Battle Group.  This gives a total of four Alphas, an Echo, and four Tango Twos active in the inner system.  We must anticipate these groups combining for further operations now that the alien offensive has begun."
   Secretary Richards nodded.  "What is the disposition of our forces currently?"
   "We have given orders for the Vigilance and Steadfast to join Task Force One at Mars, but with the cargo of colonists they will not be able to arrive there until late on March Third.  We have recalled the Sai from Saturn and it will move to escort the two Q Ships and will arrive at Mars with them.  At that time the Sai will be assigned to Task Force One and Rear Admiral Ryan will assume command.  Rear Admiral Gauld will assume command of the stationary defenses.  This includes the six Defense Modules of Mars Station, Defense Station One, and Defense Station Two.  Defense Station Two is not scheduled for operations until the First of March, but is capable of acting in the defense of Mars now."  Bradley saw Commander Jones subtly move his hand toward the monitor in front of him, signaling Bradley that he needed to see whatever was on the display.  "I believe General Foxx has information that needs to be addressed at this time."  Bradley saw 'KJ' look towards his table and nod slightly
   .Secretary Richards turned to face General Foxx and picked up a glass of water on the table.  "General Foxx, do you have information that is pertinent to the current situation?"
   General Foxx stood and moved to the display on the wall beside the large table.  Tapping at small icons on the side of it, he brought up a map of the surface of Victoria.  "We have been attempting to sort through the civilian broadcasts from Victoria, and have been able to identify that these domes," General Foxx began gesturing toward the display as he spoke and one after another domes changed from white to red, "have been destroyed by orbital strikes.  We project that civilian survivors still number approximately one hundred thousand.  Surviving elements of the Martian Light Division and Tenth Ukraine Division are scattered and mostly combat ineffective.  All of their supply and ammo dumps have been destroyed or seized by alien forces.  We have confirmed reports from the surviving elements of the Martian Light that the aliens are securing the remaining domes and capturing both personnel and data storage equipment.  We have gun camera footage of both prisoners and computers being loaded onto a Romeo Class alien vessel that landed on the surface.  Additional footage of alien bombers landing and lifting both prisoners and equipment to orbit has been acquired."  General Foxx turned from the display to face Secretary Richards.  "I have issued orders for the surviving combat units on Victoria to seize what equipment and supplies they can from any source and prepare to conduct guerilla operations as possible.  The battle for Victoria is effectively over without additional landings or support.  We have a platoon still holding one of the surface sensor arrays, but they will likely be forced to abandon the position in the next few hours.  The array currently shows no alien vessels in close orbit of Victoria.  It would appear that all alien vessels that participated in the attack have moved on."
   Bradley stood again and held up a hand.  General Foxx paused and looked toward him with a concerned expression.  Secretary Richards looked at both of them and turned to Bradley.  "You two apparently are working on something together that you haven't been sharing."
   "I issued orders following the attack on Hektor for both the Steadfast and Vigilance to ask for volunteers to pilot launches back to Hektor.  We needed to gain intelligence on the alien’s intentions there.  The data from those launches arrived twenty minutes ago and has finally been decoded.  It shows that there are no alien ships in the area near Hektor.  Close passes to the surface show no alien troops or supplies.  They are not attempting to evaluate the ruins for any intelligence.  This data supports the conclusions from my prior conversation with General Foxx."  Bradley turned back to 'KJ'.
   Secretary Richards leaned forward in his chair.  "And what are these 'conclusions'?" 
   General Foxx moved back to his table and leaned on it, a concerned look on his face.  "Secretary Richards, the data on the landings and reinforcements at Victoria indicate that what was deployed was only a small fraction of the prior landings.  This would indicate that the Tango Two in question may still have most of its division onboard.  If the aliens have pulled the other two divisions off of Hektor for reorganization and resupply, this could indicate that they intend to continue ground operations in the inner system.  Unless the aliens have been able to identify additional belt colony sites, the only populations the aliens have had contact with are at Titan, Mars, and Earth.   The aliens have already landed elements on Titan.  We need to consider the possibility that the next target could be Mars or Earth."

... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

Offline procyon (OP)

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #146 on: November 20, 2011, 03:30:12 AM »
February 2205  part 24

February 25th  0015 hours/Queen Jane Grey, 2000 kilometers from Phoebe, Saturn

   Rear Admiral Robert McNeely looked at the sensor returns as the drive emissions of the US Interceptor Sai became more distant.
   "I will start working on the new General Quarters rotation.  Do you have any requirements before I publish it for transmission?"  Robert looked over at Ensign Gretta Deeter as she spoke to him.  'Not unless you can come up with more ships,' was all Robert could think.  'We have reports of two attacks by alien warships in the last eight hours, both of which showed the vast improvements in the alien designs and tactics.  We are down two of our Attack Escorts, have no hope of replacements soon, lost the US ship that represented twenty five percent of our firepower here, and are only a light minute from the site of the only other alien landing.'
   "No Gretta, set the rotation and transmit it to the rest of the ships and a copy to Admiral Muldoon."
   Robert turned back to the monitor at his station.  'The only help we have nearby are the Chinese boats circling Titan.  From the messages sent by both Command and the Chinese, we are as likely to be shot by them as the aliens.  Admiral Muldoon has authorized us to intervene if the aliens attack Titan, but that could be a losing proposition.'
   Robert turned back to Gretta.  "Ensign, do we have any further updates on the status of the US request for reassignment of the marines on the troopship?"
   Robert watched as Gretta tapped at her screen several times.  "No Admiral, we have the last transmission from Admiral Muldoon that the US had requested the troops be redeployed to Earth, but no movement orders for the troopship or escort orders for the Third Battle Group."  
   Robert turned back to his monitor again.  'We might as well be a Light Battle Group at the moment.  The Third Light had six launch bays at the start of the engagement at Victoria, and it did them little good.  One Alpha out of three, and none of the Tango Twos.  All for the loss of the Tatianna, Scarlett, and Sereg, with the Elise damaged.'  Robert pulled up the transmissions they had received.  Several of the broadcasts during the attacks at Hektor and Victoria had been open transmissions.  There was little sensor data included but it might be worth looking at.  "Ensign Deeter, when you are done with that I would like you to look over the transmissions from the engagements at Hektor and Victoria.  See if you can come up with anything that could help us.  Any little chink in the alien defenses."  
'We are going to need something if we hope to come out better than the Third Light Battle.  The aliens hit the first two landing sites.  I am willing to bet our turn is coming.  Soon.'
   Robert saw Gretta turn in her station slightly.  "Yes Admiral."

   0210 hours/Assault Vessel, 24 light minutes from Saturn

   The Commander of Fleets finished with the transmissions and reports from the two Strike Groups.  The attacks had been against his prior orders, but the Commanders of Patrol Vessels 13 and 17 had acted appropriately.  There would be no reprimands.  The outcomes had been good, if not ideal.  The native race has lost four Patrol Vessels and three Attack Vessels with a fourth damaged and venting.  
   'The operation has failed to draw any of the larger enemy ships into an engagement, but that has been anticipated.  The first attack did record the presence of the Heavy Patrol Vessel that has displayed the high output drive, but failed to decisively engage it.  With luck the next two operations will force the native race to commit its larger vessels.  We will need to engage the enemy Assault Vessels before our Combat Group's strength becomes depleted.  The loss of Patrol Vessel 17 has proven that this operation will not go without cost.'  The Commander of Fleets felt a small pang as he considered the loss of his former command, and of the crew he had spent so much time with.
   The Commander of Fleets extended his perception through the sensors and could feel the distant presence of the great ringed planet.  'We might increase the drive output to reach our target sooner, but it would only risk damage to our drive.  If the enemy is going to redeploy their vessels from the colony ahead, they will be able to evade us regardless of how quickly we move.  No, we shall continue at our current velocity.'  The Commander of Fleets altered the field at his station and issued orders to the distant Strike Groups.  'The Strike Groups need to prepare for the next part of this operation.  It will begin sooner than anticipated, but must not be delayed.  The native race has been dealt a blow but they will quickly be able to recover from it.  We must not give them the opportunity.'
   The Commander of Fleets then altered the field again and more orders sped away across the void.  'The third Strike Group will need to begin its operation.  Their waiting is done.'

        0330 hours/GTOS 22, 6 light minutes from Hektor Colony

   Li Xue opened her eyes to find the face of a cyborg only centimeters from the faceplate of her helmet.  Li startled and moved to put her arms out only to scream as pain lanced along her left arm and side.  Tears blurred her vision as Li tried to look about and cradle her left arm, but found both her arms and legs could not move.
   Li's radio crackled to life.  Li looked up at the cyborg.  "Back off and enough with the gibberish!"  Li looked around and could see that she was in a ship of some sort, but nothing looked familiar.  She was also strapped into an acceleration couch.  The cyborg backed off and turned away.  Moments later Li heard a sterile voice on her radio.  'It is all right.  You are safe on board the US Ground to Orbit Shuttle number Twenty Two.  We need to move you to the end of the cargo section.  We will be landing on the US vessel Vigilance in a few minutes."
   Li looked at the cyborg.  'His torso is damaged and part of one arm is gone.'  "Are you the cyborg that grabbed me on Hektor?"
   The cyborg turned back to her and stood motionless for a few moments.  Seconds later the same sterile voice appeared on her radio.  "Yes.  I am Ensign Thomas Hudson of the US Space Forces.  You were on the loading ramp of the Vigilance when I boarded.  You appeared unconscious and would have been killed so I moved you out of the line of fire.  You were not prepared for transport on the Vigilance so I had you placed on this shuttle.  You will remain on this shuttle but will need to be prepared for transport following our landing."  Li watched as the cyborg pushed a button on the couch she was in and the straps retracted into the armrests.
   Li sat up and found herself drifting away from the couch.  She keyed her maneuver pack to put her on the deck beside the cyborg.  She then activated the magnetic soles and hoped they would work on the US ship.  Li breathed out heavily as the boots snapped onto the deck and pain again flared in her arm.  Li looked at the cyborg.  "What do you need me to do, and when will I be able to rejoin my unit?"
   Li watched the cyborg motion for her to follow him as he began to move along the deck.  The same sterile voice sounded in her helmet.  "There are medical personnel at the end of the cargo section.  That area has been pressurized.  You will need to discard your suit so we can prepare you for the higher gee transport on the Vigilance.  You will be sedated and the preparations completed while you are asleep."  
   The ordeal of waking up on Troopship One returned to Li with a shudder.  'I guess if I have to do this, I want to be asleep.'  Li stopped and looked at the cyborg as he walked on.  "You haven't answered when I will rejoin my unit.  Am I a prisoner?"  Tension began to tingle through Li.  'Just breathe Li.  There is nothing I can do right now.  I doubt he rescued me just to kill me now.'
   Li saw the cyborg stop.  Li could feel her heart pounding harder as the moments passed.  Pain began to throb in her arm, keeping time with her heartbeat.  'Did I say the wrong thing?'  Then her radio crackled back to life.
   "You are not a prisoner.  Six hours ago the aliens returned to Hektor Colony.  We were unable to repel them.  The aliens seized the orbitals and began to target any habitats or troop concentrations.  You are the only Chinese soldier on our manifest, and the two US vessels that escaped only loaded pods of colonist."  Li felt her legs beginning to fail as the cyborg turned to face her.  "You are the only known survivor of the Chinese units on Hektor."  

   1445 hours/5000 meters below Andvari Crater, Triton

   Oberfeldwebel Tanya Frank moved through the tunnel as she returned to her squad.  ‘We have enough supplies to keep this up for a few more weeks.  The last two weeks have been one extended drill.  The standoff with the FSC troops has cost us a fair amount of supplies, but at least it hasn’t turned into a shooting match.’
   “Hold, Frau Frank.  Advance and be recognized.”
   Hauptgefreiter Ludwig Schimmelpfennig stood in the tunnel with his weapon at low port.  Tanya looked at him for a moment and then dropped the supplies onto the floor of the tunnel.  “Ok Ludwig, it’s me.  And I’m ordering you to pick up this mess and store it in our position.”
   “Crap.  Do you have any sense of humour left?”  Ludwig slung his weapon and moved forward.
   “No, they took it out with the rest of me.  And we will be taking yours out soon if you keep this up.”  Tanya walked on down the tunnel and wished she could smirk at the thought of taking Ludwig in for a ‘tune up’.  
   Dust suddenly settled from the ceiling of the tunnel and Tanya stopped as she watched the particles slowly drift in the low gravity.  “Feldwebel Frank, what was that?”  Tanya looked about and pulled her weapon from its mount.  “I don’t know.”
   A red light began to flash on her HUD as a message displayed.  


« Last Edit: November 20, 2011, 03:42:18 AM by procyon »
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Offline procyon (OP)

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #147 on: December 17, 2011, 10:20:42 AM »
February 2205 part 25

February 25th  1505 hours/5000 meters below surface of Triton

   Brood Mother 218 could feel the presence of her alien.  She could feel his fatigue.  A numbness also.  'He takes many medicines to make this bearable.  Contact is so difficult for him, yet he has never shied away.  We have accomplished so little, but still much more than all the others.'
   Brood Mother 218 moved close to her 'Chen' and reached out her perception to him.  'He is so like the young ones.  I have always spoken as a mother to a child with him, but it is almost too much for him to endure.  Perhaps I need to reach out like a child, as the young reach out to one another.  With the faintest of whispers.'
   She felt the confusing mass that was her alien's thoughts.  A swirling mix with only the slightest hint of order.  'He is learning to focus, but is still like the newest of young.'  "Chen, you have come again.  Is this better."

   Chen tried to relax as he watched the 'tentacle' of the alien move closer and closer to his helmet.  'It is just her and her young, with the little ones huddled in the far corner.   She has sent me to the hospital twelve times now.  Each time worse than the last.  The docs have come up with a cocktail of drugs to try and help, but they don't do much.  The pain is worse than ever.  They tell me that I won't be able to do this much longer.  Not that I will get sent home.'  Chen let his thoughts stray from what he was 'supposed' to be thinking.  'I wish I could go home.  Even for a bit.' 
   Chen felt the first twinge of a headache and tried to prepare himself.

   Brood Mother 218 could feel her 'Chen'.  "This is better, yes?  Not the pain of before."  She could feel the wonder and surprise of her 'alien'.  Relief.  Almost joy.  All mixed like a young one receiving a gift.  It was tinged with a wistful feeling.  A longing of something missed.  Brood Mother 218 reached gently into the swirling mix that was her 'Chen' and found the longing.  "You miss your family.  The other young you grew with.  Your mother.  Your home.  You do feel belonging, even without a connection to those around you.  Alone but somehow still together."

   Chen could feel the alien as she moved through his thoughts.  'It has always been like I was swallowed up in pain and light, as if I was being consumed in what she was.  Now it is more like a bad sinus headache and lying in the sun with your eyes closed.  A warm and somewhat painful brightness.'  Chen could feel the memories of his family seem to come alive as she became part of them.  Shared them.  "This is my home.  My family."  He suddenly felt 'new memories'.  Memories of her with her young.  How they grew and lived.  Her pride as her older 'children' had become adults.  Sadness as they left.  And new joy with her current 'children.'

   Brood Mother 218 could feel the wonder of her 'Chen' as he shared in her memories.  "We each have families.  Each have those dear to us.  For all of our differences, we share this.  This feeling of belonging with those close to us."  Brood Mother 218 sensed another presence.  A powerful one.  An Elder.  He reached through her and into 'Chen.'  She tried to resist the Elder.  To shield Chen.  It was useless.  She felt Chen's pain and terror as the Elder forced his way through Chen's thoughts, feels, and emotions.  Like one rummaging through a pile of equipment looking for something lost or useful.  She could feel Chen's body begin to writhe and convulse as the Elder tore into everything that her 'alien' was.  How he was killing her 'Chen' as the Elder looked for something.  Brood Mother 218 reached into the fading life and found the memories they had just shared.  Tried to push away the terror that gripped the young male as he was dying.  To bring the comfort in those thoughts to him.  To help him focus on them.  Then he was gone.

   2130 hours/Adirondack Defense Command Center, US

   Admiral Bradley Walters watched as General 'KJ' Foxx moved to the front of the room.  He moved by the large table that dominated that end of the room and the civilians gathered around it. Then the General touched the large wall monitor several times.  Menus and views scrolled by until a display of the surface of Triton appeared.  Bradley heard General Foxx clear his voice a few times before the room quieted.
   Congressional Defense Committee Chairperson Harland Meyers stood from his seat at the large table.  "I hope you have some good news for us General.  I am busy enough without more bad news."
   General Foxx looked at Congressman Meyers, and then at the rest of the assembled staff.  "We have only a small section of seventeen soldiers on Triton lead by Space Forces Lieutenant Commander Megan Ryan.  This gives us limited ability to gather data on the situation on Triton leaving us dependant on updates from the Pan Euro and FSC.  I can report that all of the equipment and data gained by Lieutenant Commander Ryan's team has been moved to the sub-surface tunnels and is currently secure.  The Pan Euro has agreed to provide space and supplies to our team in the Headquarters Company of the Thirteenth Mechanized Infantry."
   Congressman Meyers nodded and sat down.  "Thank you General.  I cannot stress enough how important that data is, and how disastrous it would be should it fall into alien hands."
   Secretary of Defense Adam Richards looked up from the pad he was tapping at.  "General, what is the status of our troop activations?"
   General Foxx touched the display a few times and brought up several lists on the screen.  "Most of our active units have been assembled.  Identification of units for transport to Mars is proceeding at this time.  We have contracted with several civilian lines and now have the lift capacity to move three divisions from Earth to Mars.  More would be possible but the current situation has created a great deal of resistance from the civilian lines.  Several have placed court filings pursuing a ruling that the inner system is now a contested zone and will require government escort before providing transport.   This does not restrict transportation between the Earth and Luna.  The First Power Armor Infantry Division is currently processing for a lift to support the Pan European Lunar Colony.  They are scheduled for lift off tomorrow at zero two hundred."
   General Foxx tapped the display again and a new list appeared.  "The National Guard and Reserve Units have been on alert for several months now.  Most are mobilizing as we speak.  The nine Martian Guard and Reserve Divisions of Fifteenth Corps will be mobilized and operational by the first of March.  With the support of the three active duty divisions from Earth we believe they should be able to resist any ground offensive from the alien forces we have seen so far.  Mobilization of the Earth based units is proceeding more slowly due to the large number of troops involved.  It is projected that all of the units will be operational by mid March.  They will be integrated with the active duty units as they complete processing through the mobilization sites.  The exact organizational charts are still being completed, but it is anticipated that the ground units will be organized into two Army Groups in the CONUS Theater with one additional Army Group OCONUS.  The Air Command will handle all atmospheric operations regardless of location.  The disposition of the naval fleets is still under consideration.  I have been informed that Admiral Heckart will be controlling Naval surface fleets and the Naval Air assets."
   "Thank you General.  Representatives of the Naval and Air Force branches will be here in a few hours to prepare for the morning briefing."  Secretary Richards then turned and looked toward Bradley.  "Do you have any new developments to report at this time?"
   Bradley stood.  "The Red October is now escorting the Q Ships Vigilance and Steadfast, which will meet with the Sai and Rear Admiral Ryan within the next three hours.   The Pan Euro Attack Escorts Elise and Kathleen have arrived at Mars.  The Mars Station is assisting in emergency repairs of the Attack Escort Elise at this time.  The Pan Euro indicates that the Heavy Escort Elizabeth Avery will arrive at Mars no later than zero seven hundred tomorrow, accompanied by a Pan Euro Mobile Shipyard.  Nothing else at this time."
   "Thank you Admiral.  That will be all for now."
   Bradley nodded to the Secretary, and then moved over to the small group of tables where General Foxx was now seated.  Bradley pulled out a chair near the General and sat down.  "KJ, you didn't give any update on the combat at Triton.  I realize we don't actually have a combat element there, but what do we know of the situation?"  Bradley watched as General Foxx looked at him, and then turned a monitor so that both of them could see it.
   "The FSC is currently running the show there.  Major General Billings is the senior officer, and the FSC controls all of the supplies.  They have enough to keep the troops in combat through the end of March, but that is it if we can't get more supplies to them.  Reports seem to indicate that the aliens landed a single division, but separated it into several battalion sized landing groups spaced across the moon.  The FSC has an over strength power armor battalion on Triton while the Chinese survivors have been organized into another light power armor battalion.  The Pan Euro has the most troops, with the remaining elements of the Thirteenth Mech amounting to an over strength brigade.  The aliens outnumber them three to two, but our troops have well established defensive positions.  The aliens also did not employ any orbital strikes, allowing the FSC to move the bulk of the supply dumps below the surface."
   Bradley shifted in his chair at the last statement.  "No orbital strikes?  How many ships did the FSC or Euro report were involved in the landings?"
   General Foxx shrugged.  "I don't know.  They report several landing sites, but they were not simultaneous.  It may have been only a single troopship."
   Bradley thought for a moment. "If there were no orbital attacks on the surface sites, perhaps the aliens don't have any warships left to support the landing.  The aliens may have committed everything they have to this offensive in the inner system. That may make it possible to get support through to Triton.  How long do you project that the troops there can hold out?"
   Bradley watched as General Foxx sat back slowly in his chair.  "Sorry I can't be more help, but I just don't know.  We don't have enough information about the Pan Euro, FSC, or Chinese units on that moon.  If I had to take a guess, they can probably hold out as long as their supplies last.  The troops are in a bad position though.  They have good defensive positions in the tunnels and the alien combat troops will have limited points of contact, but there are still over a quarter of a million alien 'civilians' living in the deeper tunnels.  If the alien civilian population moves to support the attack, our troops are trapped between that anvil and the hammer of the attacking troops."
   Bradley nodded.  "Thank you KJ."  Bradley stood and began walking back to his table.  'It is only going to be a matter of time before Jack hears his little girl is in trouble out there.  I hope to hell he doesn't do anything stupid right now.  We need him more than ever at Mars.' 

February 26th  0650 hours/ Attack Escort Elise, Mars Spaceworks

   Commander Dana Breiholz looked at the prompt on her monitor and then tapped at the keys on her armrest.  "Helm, as soon as the station releases the docking clamps, pull us clear.  Then engage drive on my command to join formation with the Kathleen and Avery.  All crew, lock stations."
   Dana sat quietly at her station.  'Ever since I became a cyborg, I haven't really been able to feel anything other than what the sensors on this body feed to my brain.  But I have never felt this numb before.  Without Brittany here...'
   Dana saw the new prompts appear, and could feel the Elise begin to move.  The green light appeared on her monitor indicating all stations had been locked.  "Helm, engage drive."
   Dana's vision went blue grey as the drive engaged and the Elise moved toward the other two ships of the 'new' 3rd LBG.  'We had five ships at Victoria and were ripped to pieces.  We are now down to three ships, and two aren't even fully operational.  Our hull has been patched up some, but the outer plating and baffles are still torn apart.  At least the shield generators are on line.  The Heavy Escort Avery still needs her banks of shield generators installed.  With her hull naked to the alien weapons, she won't last a minute in combat.  They say that she will have them on line by the tenth of March, but that is a long time for the aliens to show up.'
   Dana pulled up the sensor returns and watched as the Elise pulled into formation with the Kathleen and Avery.  She looked at them, and then at the returns for the US forces displayed on her monitor.  'The US has three Interceptors, two Defense Stations, and the Mars Station with its six combat modules.  All told they have eleven missile launch bays and eleven laser batteries.  We add four more missile bays.  The last transmission from Commodore Vasilikos stated that he would be here by the first of March   That was a lot earlier than Command had indicated, but Command and Stephan have never really seen eye to eye.  So in two more days we will add another Interceptor, two Q Ships, and the Red October.  Six more missile bays.  That will make twenty one missile bays and eleven laser batteries.'
   Dana thought back on the engagement at Victoria.  'We needed five ships to destroy a single Alpha.  Six missile bays to kill one alien ship while we lost three and almost a fourth.  Reports indicate the aliens likely have four Alphas and four Tango Twos in the inner system.  Plus an Echo.  I wonder if twenty one missile bays will be enough.'

... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

Offline procyon (OP)

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #148 on: December 23, 2011, 08:01:27 AM »
February 2205 part 26

February 27th  0214 hours/Missile Frigate Angtung, 0.5 light seconds from Titan

   Acting Captain Seo Jihu saw the prompt appear on his monitor.  'It's the Angtung's turn for General Quarters while the Sichuan stands down.'  Jihu tapped at the monitor and opened the ship's intercom.  "All hands, lock stations.  Come to General Quarters."  Jihu closed out the maintenance updates and brought up the tactical display, then locked his station.  'Eight more hours of staring at the monitor.  I should have gotten up and moved around more when I had the chance.  Since we are now in a stationary orbit above the complex on Titan, the tactical display doesn't hardly move anymore.  I suppose I should enjoy it while this lasts.  The Ministry is unlikely to let a native Korean remain in command of a warship.'
   Jihu looked at the maneuver plot that Captain Shen of the Sichuan had come up with.  The smaller moons of Saturn, along with the planet's rings, were to be used in an attempt to draw the aliens in.   The alien troop carriers were armed with a mass driver, as were their larger combat vessels.  The small moons and rings would be used to deny the alien ships the ability to gain solid targeting locks on the Missile Frigates.  'If the aliens wish to keep their mass drivers pointed toward the group, they will be forced to close.  At close ranges the Frigates will be able to put most of their missiles on target, hopefully overwhelming the new defensive system the aliens have devised.  If the aliens turned away to avoid closing with the Frigates, they will turn their mass drivers off target.  The Frigates will then engage the enemy and maneuver to keep the mass drivers from being brought to bear.'
   'The magnetic field generator's software is still infected with whatever virus was transmitted to the ships of the fleet, but a short term solution has been devised by the Ministry.  The virus shuts down the systems by inducing destructive harmonics that force the generators to shut down.  It does not affect the generators while they are off line.  Under the new protocol ships will only keep two full banks of generators online.  The other generators will only be activated in the event of failure in the primary systems.  Two banks will normally prevent damage from an intercept.  Multiple intercepts can easily overwhelm two banks, but the Minstry has chosen to accept that risk.  The fact they aren't the ones being shot at makes it considerably easier for them.'
   A red icon flashed on Jihu's display as the Sensor Officer called out data.  "New magnetic contact bearing three zero zero.  Range to contact uncertain.  No less than fourteen light seconds.  Number of contacts unknown.  Speed of contacts estimated at over ten thousand kilometers per second.  Exact course of contact uncertain, but appears to be closing."
   "All hands, Battle Stations.  Comm, open frequency transmission to contact.  Indicate that this is Chinese controlled space and that if they do not immediately move beyond one light minute of Titan they will be engaged and destroyed.  Engineering, prepare particle accelerators and drive."  Jihu looked at the tactical display.  'Those aren't stray merchant ships.  If they have magnetic fields they are warships.  If they belong to the Euro or US, they know this is a restricted zone and are prepared to fight.  If they are aliens, they are also here to fight.'  Jihu opened the intercom again.  "Weapon Conn, compile firing solution when sensor lock achieved.  Bring all launch bays online and prep missiles for launch.  Fire when solution complete."

   0217 hours/Assault Vessel 3, 10.75 light seconds from Titan

   The Commander of Fleets knew that having the three ships approach the enemy colony with their magnetic protective fields up would give any native ships a great deal of time to prepare for combat.  'It is necessary.  The Combat Vessel crews are inexperienced.  The ships cannot be risked needlessly while the crews learn.  They must remain in condition for battle when the time to face the enemy Assault Vessels comes.'
   The Commander of Fleets sensed the three enemy Heavy Patrol Vessels as their magnetic protective fields bloomed around them.  'They are at the very edge of range and moving toward the small moons near the ringed planet.  In all engagements before this our Combat Vessels have only employed a single torpedo launch bay while the Assault Vessels have only employed two.  We will perpetuate this belief.'  The Commander of Fleets altered the field at his station and issued the orders for the Combat Vessels to only launch a single torpedo, while the Assault Vessel would launch two.
   'Now we will see how they react to this threat.  We need to destroy as many of the enemy ships as possible.  If they feel they can engage us decisively we may get them to commit to combat against three larger ships.'

   0218 hours/Missile Frigate Angtung, 2.25 light seconds from Titan

   Jihu watched the tactical display on one side of his monitor while updates filled the other.  'A second group of missiles is inbound while the alien ships remain just beyond range.'  A flashing message appeared in the list of updates.  'The first bank of field generators just malfunctioned and went off line.'
   "Helm, implement the evasion maneuver set.  Engineering, activate the third bank of generators and get the first bank online again."
     Jihu could see the other frigates had also begun using the evasion set as the alien missiles closed.  Sensors identified the target as the Quinha and the display recorded the detonations.  
   The Comm Officer called out "Quinha reports no damage and field generators still online."
   'Even the alien weapons have a difficult time making intercept at these long distances.'  Jihu checked the tactical display and saw that the Mobile Construction Vessel Zhuang was now beginning to alter its course and move toward Iapetus.  'The US troops had to see it lift off, but it could not remain on the surface of Titan.  If we were unable to hold the orbitals it would be destroyed.  If the Zhuang is able to put down on Iapetus the aliens will have to spend a lot of time searching these moons to find it.'
   "Angtung passing behind Dione.  Losing sensor fix on alien warships.  Switching to feed from Titan."  Jihu heard the Sensor Officer calling out the updates as the tactical display froze and then realigned itself as the feed from Titan was displayed.  'The feed is a few seconds old, but still lets us know what the enemy is doing while the aliens have to guess our course.'
   A message flashed on his monitor.  Captain Shen of the Sichuan had changed the course plot.  The Frigates would now turn and skim the rings of Saturn, then use the large planet as a shield while the group accelerated away.  The frigates were also to shut down all magnetic generators to impede the alien targeting locks while they crossed the debris of the rings.  'It looks like Captain Shen doesn't want to engage three larger ships if he can't bring them in range.  Shutting down the generators will also allow Engineering a chance to concentrate on getting the malfunctioning banks of generators back online without risking more malfunctions.  We just have to hope the aliens can't get a lock while our defenses are down.'

   0221 hours/Assault Vessel, 5 light seconds from Titan

   The Commander of Fleets altered the field at his station, ordering the group to change course again as they closed on the large ringed planet.  'These ships are proving far more difficult to engage than I had anticipated.  These Heavy Patrol Vessels seem unwilling to engage us to protect their colony.  Perhaps the loses the native race sustained in the first two attacks have had a large impact on their tactics.'
   The Commander of Fleets waited as the Assault Vessel cleared the ringed planet and then sensed the three enemy ships again.  'These ships did not use the rings to force a close range engagement.  Instead they are nearly five light seconds away and fleeing.  The thermal readings are well beyond the normal range.  They will only remain in range for a few launches.'
   The Commander of Fleets sensed new contacts as each of the enemy ships released three torpedoes.  The Commander altered the field at his station and gave the order for all bays to deploy.  'If we are to destroy even a single enemy vessel, we will need to use every bay we have.'  Moments later four torpedoes separated from the Assault Vessel while two deployed from each Combat Vessel.  The eight torpedoes began to home on the trailing ship of the native race.  'We could use the defensive maneuvers, but it would only slow us and allow the fleeing ships to disengage more rapidly.  We have to trust that the increased strength of the magnetic field will protect these ships.'

   0222 hours/Missile Frigate Angtung, 5.25 light seconds from Titan

   Jihu wanted to curse as the flare of the red lined drive blinded the sensors.  'We can barely tell that the aliens are behind us, let alone target them.'  Red prompts flashed on his monitor as a bank of field generators malfunctioned.  "Engineering, get the field generators back on line."
   The Communications Officer broke in.  "Captain Seo, Quinha announces all field generators off line.  Multiple hull breaches.  One launch bay off line and half of their particle accelerators have burned out."
   Jihu checked the tactical display.  'The Quinha is falling behind.  They will never be able to break off.'  As Jihu watched the Sensor Officer broke in.
   "Aspect change on Quinha.  She is coming about."
   'They are going to draw the alien fire.  They can't escape, but they are about to make sure that we can.'  Jihu watched the tactical display.  The sensor returns were still poor, but even through the interference of the nuclear bloom's bleed around the drive shield the sensors recorded first one, then a second, and finally a third launch from the Quinha before the ship broke up as an alien missile found its target.
   A new prompt appeared on his monitor.  'Captain Shen has ordered the drives reduced to standard combat levels.'  "Helm, full combat acceleration.  Hold current course."  Jihu watched as the returns cleared.  'The three alien ships are still there, but they have changed course.  They are moving toward Titan.'
   The Comm Officer called out, "Captain Seo, incoming transmission from Sichuan.  Putting through to your station."
   Jihu keyed open the comm link and heard the radio crackle to life.  "Captain Seo.  We will set course to hold an orbit of Titan at seven point five light seconds.  Maintain full combat acceleration and formation with the Sichuan."  
   "Yes, Captain Shen.  Confirmed."
   Jihu closed the link.  "Helm, maintain formation with Sichuan."  Jihu watched as new prompts appeared on his monitor.  Distress calls and pleas for help as the alien bombers began to attack the remaining habitats on the surface of the moon he was supposed to guard.

   0235 hours/Assault Vessel, 0.5 light seconds from Titan

   The Commander of Fleets sensed as the scout craft launched from their bays for the third bombing run.  The only active enemy habitats were now located near the underground complex on the surface.  The complex was also where the troops of the native race had concentrated, so these attack runs would be the most dangerous.
   'This attack has proved less successful than I had hoped.  We did destroy one of the enemy Heavy Patrol Vessels, but two still remain and seem determined to shadow this group from beyond our weapon range.  Those Heavy Patrol Vessels will make it nearly impossible for this group to engage the Assault Vessels of the native race favorably without altering the current operations and delaying the current time table.  It may prove necessary to recall the Strike Groups and have them box in the enemy ships.  For some reason they are not maintaining their magnetic protective fields.  That will make an ambush and their destruction much less difficult.'
   The Commander of Fleets sensed the two enemy ships suddenly change aspect and disengage, then move beyond sensor range.  
    Moments later the Commander of Fleets could feel the magnetic fields of the ships reappear.  'Why would they move farther away and then raise their magnetic fields?'  The Commander of Fleets knew the answer even before the sensors told him he was correct.

   0238 hours/Queen Jane Grey, 7.75 light seconds from Titan

   "Rear Admiral McNeely, Titan at eight light seconds.  Hold.  New contacts clearing Titan.  Alien Foxtrot times one, Delta times two, bearing zero niner five at eight point five light seconds.  Velocity of four one zero kilometers per second on course one eight one.  Changing aspect.  Turning to close.  Chinese ships moving into formation at one light second to port.  Holding formation with Queen Jane Grey."
   Robert watched as the two Chinese ships settled into formation with his own ship.  "Ok Gretta, time to see if we just made a huge mistake or not."

« Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 08:06:44 AM by procyon »
... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #149 on: February 14, 2012, 01:21:29 AM »
February 2205 part 27

February 27th  0239 hours/Queen Jane Grey, 6.5 light seconds from Titan

   Ensign Gretta Deeter wished there was more she could do.  'After so long as the Helmsman for the Red October, I feel useless simply monitoring information for the Admiral.  Everyone seems to have a real job here, except me.'
   "Launch detection.  Tracking four inbound missiles from the Foxtrot.  Two inbound missiles from each Delta.  Total of eight inbounds.  Target is Chinese Assault Vessel Sichuan.  Time to intercept seventeen seconds.  Chinese vessels employing evasive manuever protocol."
   Gretta listened to the Sensor Officer as she watched the new icons appear on her tactical plot.  The blue grey haze that colored the world disappeared as the drive on the Jane Grey shut down and maneuver thrusters brought the drive onto a new bearing while the four launch bays deployed missiles.  More icons sprang to life on the display as missiles separated from the ships of the Third Battle Group and joined the six missiles that had been launched from the two Chinese ships.
   "Helm, implement course corrections as I forward them to your station."  Gretta heard Rear Admiral Robert McNeely.  She could see him out of the edge of her vision.  His fingers were rapidly dancing across the controls on his armrests.  'Even the Admiral has something to do.'  Gretta watched as new course plots appeared on her display.  'Robert is going to take us through the middle of the small moons near Saturn.  What can he hope to accomplish in that mass of rocks and ice?  We will suffer as much sensor interference as the aliens.'
   "Chinese Vessel Sichuan has lost magnetic signature.  Venting.  Drive restart detected.  Hold.  Sichuan has broken up."  Gretta heard the Sensor Officer continue to rattle off more information as she watched the icon for the Chinese ship disappear, replaced by markers for wreckage.  'The ship must have suffered some damage to its drive shield.  When it restarted, it tore the ship apart.'
   Gretta saw that most of the Chinese missiles had lost tracking on the alien Foxtrot.  Only one was continuing on its way to intercept.  She pulled up the sensor returns on her monitor and saw as the high frequency magnetic pulses began to appear from the huge alien ship, and seconds later the Chinese missile became a scattered group of returns as it was torn apart by the new alien defense system.  'Maybe we will have better luck.'  Gretta watched as the six missiles of the Third Battle Group began their final attack runs.  'All of them are still on target.  That Foxtrot is going to have trouble with six missile closing on it at once.'  Gretta watched as the high frequency magnetic pulses reappeared on the sensor returns, and then one after another missiles began to break up.  Both of the missiles from the Attack Escorts broke apart, and then two of the missiles from the Jane Grey.  Two survived to detonate along the Foxtrot's path, but the alien ship came through the sensor distortion with its protective fields still in place.
   The Sensor Officer's flat voice made Gretta feel as cold as ice.
   "New inbound contacts times eight.  Tracking on Third Battle Group."
   Gretta realized Robert was speaking to her and she suddenly tried to concentrate on his voice instead of the Sensor Officer's.  "Gretta, you need to contact the Captain on the remaining Chinese ship.  We can't stand here toe to toe like this.  I have an idea but we are going to need that ship's help."

   0240 hours/Missile Frigat Angtung, 1.2 light seconds from Saturn

   Acting Captain Seo Jihu struggled with the armrest controls as new data and alerts streamed across his monitor.  'We need to get in closer to Saturn.  We need to use the rings to break up the tracking on those alien missiles.'  A new alert flashed on his monitor as the large Pan Euro warship changed course and its drive plume began to spew radiation across the Angtung's course.
   "Helm, thirty degrees to starboard, down ten degrees."  Jihu wanted to curse as the Euro ship cut off his path toward the rings.  'The Euro ships are breaking formation and scattering into the rings and around the moons.  Why?'
   "Captain, incoming message from the Pan Euro flagship.  Forwarding to your station."
   "It had better be an apology of they will be our next target."  Jihu opened the message and began to understand as he read it.  'The Euros are manuevering so that the aliens can't focus more than a single launch at a ship, and the target ship will be manuvering against the launch.  The other ships will use the moons and rings to block intercepts and allow them to regain speed after using the evasive protocols.  The aliens will be forced to slow down from evading one launch after another while we will be able to hold our speeds.  It might work.'
   Jihu looked at the plots in the message.  "Helm, adjust course to put Tethys between us and the alien cruiser.  Full combat acceleration.  Cease evasion."

   0240 hours/Attack Escort Catherine, skimming rings of Saturn

   "Aspect change on Chinese Vessel.  Now on course one two five ascension minus ten.  Accelerating.  Will pass behind Tethys in five seconds.  Aspect change on alien vessels.  Foxtrot employing evasion protocols on course heading two two eight.  Delta One now on course one eight one and accelerating.  Delta Two on course one zero three."
   Commander Sarah Sieren watched as the alien ships broke formation and began to cut off the routes the Battle Group could take that would hide them, but her attention was focused on the eight missiles homing in on the Attack Escort Isabelle.  The returns clouded as one detonation after another blossomed along the small ships path.
   "The Isabelle has broken up."  Sarah felt sick as she watched icons for the wreckage of the ship appear on her screen as the Sensor Conn called out the destruction of the other Attack Escort.  'We are going to die here.  Those ships will give us nowhere to run and  the Jane Grey will catch hell from all sides.  Even she won't last long unless we can manuever against those damned aliens.'
   "Helm, course change.  Bring us to heading three three zero and then maintain heading directly toward the Foxtrot.  Lets see if they are willing to play chicken.  Weapon Conn, hold next launch."
   Sarah watched as the distance began to close between the Catherine and the big alien warship.  'The Jane is coming about and going to pass the Chinese vessel nose to nose.
   "Aspect change on Foxtrot.  Coming about to heading zero three eight." 
   'Yes,  That will put Saturn between the Jane Grey and the Foxtrot.  But both the Deltas will give them nowhere to run unless...'
   "Helm, come about to heading two seven five, implement evasion protocol.  Weapon Conn, time launch as we pass the drive bloom of Delta One."  'Let's see if they can stop a missile coming straight up their tailpipe.'
   The Sensor Conn cut in.  "Captain, inbounds times four from Foxtrot.  Delta One and Two launching on Queen Jane Grey."
   'Here is where we pay for our good deed.  The big ship broke off, but now we are the only ship it can get a lock on.'  The grey haze of acceleration disappeared as the Weapon Conn called out, "Missile away", then was replaced by the kaleidescope of colors that came with the manuever protocol.
   Sarah watched as the four alien missiles closed.  'If Admiral McNeely is going to say thank you, he needs to hurry up.'  She gripped the armrest as the icons merged and detonations clouded the display.  Moments passed and Sarah heard Engineering on the radio repeaters.  "Magnetic field generator banks one through eight off line.  Field strength at thirty five percent."
   Sarah keyed open the intercom and cut off the Engineer.  "Helm, drop evasion protocol.  Full combat acceleration.  Bring us about and put us in Saturn's rings.  We just got lucky, don't expect it to happen again."
   "Captain, missile making final run on Delta One.  No magnetic pulse detected."
   Sarah watched the returns as the missile ran down its target. 
   'You can't shoot straight back through your drive bloom any more than I can.'
   The returns clouded as the missile detonated, followed heartbeats later as missiles from the Jane Grey disappeared into clouds of ions and radiation along the alien ships path.  Sarah wished she could hold her breath as she waited for the sensor returns to clear. 
   "Captain, Delta One has lost magnetic field signature."  Sarah was almost ready to cheer when the Sensor Officer cut in again.  "Jane Grey is magnetic field down."

   0241 hours/Missile Frigate Angtung, 1.25 light seconds from Saturn

   Jihu tried not to clench the armrests as his view of the monitor shifted colors wildly.  He stabbed at one of the controls, clearing an alarm box obstucting part of the display.  "Engineering, get the first bank of generators back on line.  Activate third bank now."  With a bank of shields off line, the Angtung was vulnerable.  The alien missiles could easily tear through the weakened field and disable or destroy the ship.  'And we have missiles closing on us.  At least Saturn is between us and the alien cruiser.'  Suddenly Jihu saw one alien 'delta' - as the Euros called them - turn toward the Euro flagship.  The two ships were closing on each other, both trying to use Tethys as a shield while trying to line up a shot on the other.  Missiles began to sprout from both ships.  But this alien warship had its magnetic fields up, and the Euro warship did not.
   "Helm, bring us about on course two two zero.  Bring us in behind contact three.  Weapons, launch all bays when we cross the bloom.  Engineering, all operational generator banks online."
   The Helmsman was the first to respond.  "Captain, we will intercept the wash from the enemy vessel."
   Jihu's vision cleared as the drive cut out to allow the ship to fire its manuever thrusters.  "Better the drive wash than a point blank broadside from two ships.  We already have one set of inbounds."
   The world slammed back into a blue grey wash of color as the drive restarted.  Seconds crawled by as the alien inbounds closed on the Angtung, racing her to the launch point.  'We aren't going to make it.'  Jihu watched the sensor returns of his monitor cloud as the alien missiles detonated and saw more warning prompts flash.  'Two banks of generators off line from the attack, and one down from the terrorist virus.  But we still have one left.'  As the sensors cleared the drive bloom of the target ship began to dominate the returns.  The drive cut out.
   "All missile bays deployed." 
   Jihu watched as the missiles closed on the retreating alien ship.  Detonations from the Euro missiles clouded the returns, and Jihu cursed quietly as one of his missiles lost it lock amidst the sensor disruption.
   "Contact three has lost magnitic field signature.  Aspect change.  Alien ship coming about.  Magnetic pulse detected."
   'Shields down but they are clearing their drive shield.  Maybe we can use this to our advantage.'  "Helm, course change.  Now one four zero ascension plus four.  Move back toward drive wash of contact three.  Weapons, I want the next launch ready by the time we cross contact three's drive shield."  Jihu watched as one of the two remaining missiles tracking contact three broke up.  'We need something to go right or we are all going to be dead in the next minute.'
   The returns on Jihu's monitor clouded as the last missile detonated.
   "Contact three is venting.  Drive restart and aspect change."
   Jihu clenched the armrest.  "Helm, get me behind that cursed ship, NOW !"
... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...