Author Topic: Deleting newer copies on install problem (for a friend, not me, honest)  (Read 2250 times)

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Offline MattyD (OP)

  • Warrant Officer, Class 2
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Lets just say that .... erm....

I have this 'friend' who was installing 5.20 after his 5.14 went into yo-yo mode. He wanted to keep both versions on his machine so I erm he created a new folder and installed 4.91 into there.

Now, he has read all the warnings about not overwriting current files with obsolete ones and despite reading the options carefully proceeded to do exactly that.

The fool.

Now, there were about 8 files that were overwritten.

I've already, erm, he's already installed simple shutdown timer ( which includes the latest version of MSSTDFMT.DLL and the latest release of Java which as the game is written in VB6 did little other than make him feel better.

There are still other files out there that need updating, I am on WinXP 32.

Is there any chance of a list of probable files, or a file listings of the so I can go looking.

I know there was something on the wiki about this, and I've looked around the forums before posting - you think I want you all to know how technically proficient I am? but am frustrated by the wiki downtime and out of date links due to the forum change.

I can't start a 'New' game, it's greyed out, and cannot open the system map from Steve's  'The Space Race'.

Help :)



Hmm a few updates....

1. I can list the files in a .cab by clicking on it.
2. Aurora runs a lot better from c:\Program Files\Aurora than it does from c:\Program Files\Aurora520

I thought I had installed correctly.....

« Last Edit: September 18, 2010, 12:13:14 PM by MattyD »
My Newbie AAR