Author Topic: Planets that have "water available" function?  (Read 1659 times)

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Offline laz (OP)

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Planets that have "water available" function?
« on: October 06, 2010, 04:39:05 AM »
Got a query regarding the differnt planets out there.

Is there any game function for a planet to have water present? I know if you melt ice caps on cold worlds you increase the base tempreture of the planets surface so it can give you a boost towards terraforming the planet. Other then that does having water present on a planet have any impact on a colony there or any function beyond just being a nice bit of glossy information on the planet for RP purposes? I.e. having a 100% covered ocean planet to an arid mineral rich desert world etc when describing the setting on one of these worlds.

When a world does not have water availbe yet has a population in the millions is there any kind of cost factor to repersent the importing of sustainable water supplies to the colony or is it assumed they have some kind of hyper efficient water recycling system in the colony that was established at the colonies founding?

I don't suppose there is any plans to have the importing of water to arid worlds through civilian traders or dragging chunks of ice in space to a planet to be broken up like some corporations do in the Battletech universe?

Offline sloanjh

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Re: Planets that have "water available" function?
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2010, 07:34:52 AM »
I thought I remembered (a long time ago) that no water means the best colony cost you could get was 1.0.  I've looked several times over the last few years, though, and it never seems to make a difference once the world's been terraformed, i.e. cost is 0.0 even with no water.  So I don't know if this is working as intended or a bug.


Offline Steve Walmsley

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Re: Planets that have "water available" function?
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2010, 08:56:46 PM »
At the moment the amount of water on a planet has no game effects. Many of the various planetary attributes were added when I originally created the system generation code. Over time I intend to use many of them to add variety to the game, including the amount of water, tectonics, magnetic field, etc.


Offline UnLimiTeD

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Re: Planets that have "water available" function?
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2010, 05:52:49 AM »
So we'll finally get hostile weather and the like?  :D
Oh well, if I live to see that day....  :-\ ;)