Author Topic: 2068-2080 First Contact  (Read 2821 times)

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Offline ardem (OP)

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2068-2080 First Contact
« on: November 16, 2010, 01:35:57 AM »

28th October 2068Alien vessel Contact
1st December 2068Walter Sydney Adams  (Brooklyn MKIII class) built on Earth
1st December 2068  New Shipping Line created: Makarov Services
10th May 2069Neville Chamberlain (Caldwell Jumper class) refitted on Earth

Fade In

The news over the last fews months have got everyone heart racing once again, we have spotted an Alien vessel which has emerged from a Wormhole, the Captain of the Brooklyn who was in the system, has broadcast friendly messages to the vessel. The Alien Ship has not moved from the wormhole entry point nor has it responded in any meaningful fashion to the Brooklyn. What I do have for you is a video feed direct which has been relayed back to Earth the moment the Brooklyn spotted the Alien Vessel on its imaging equipment.

Video Feed........10.28.2068:22.42.11

The image displays the enclosed space bridge of the EUFS Brooklyn. Various officers man their terminals in front of them, oblivious to the continual drone of background noise, which are made of mixtures of hums, beeps and quiet murmurs. The Captain sit in his chair which is centred on the bridge facing what is considered the forward part of the ship, a harden plate glass window is the only part of the bridge that has not received the required grey paint.

A junior officer seated to the lower right of the Captain, whips her head around, without acknowledging if the captain eyes have been directed to her movement, she proceed in a hurried voice.

"Captain, New Thermal Contact! has just exited the wormhole, Distance approximately 300mils"

Mils has been the new way of giving the stand unit of measurement for one million kilometers. So no immediate threat to the ship what ever is creating a heat disturbance, more then likely a natural occurance.

The Brooklyn had visited the wormhole a few months back taking samples and measurements for the scientist back home, then proceeded back to the inner planets to continue the geological survey of the remaining planets.

You can imagine the captain thinking of his boring tasks, the captain was hoping to join EUF Fleet for the excitement of running into new species or even get his hands dirty of the planet surface themselves, 30 years later and he is still in a tin can and never been on the surface of a planet.

Breaking back from his thoughts, with a ever excited junior officer ready to scale the height of Mt Everest on given command, he motioned for her to display the data onscreen and start running long range scans.

The Brooklyn was somewhat hidden by orbiting the planet, so it was safe to assume that its small thermal signature would somehow protect it on the remote chance it was an Alien vessel.

"Sir, scan report a ship, Thermal Signal Strength at 12800"

"Bugger me blind' pronounced the Captain, "First Contact. Hail in all frequency a friendly greeting but do not highlight our position"

"Jones", the geeky looking communications officer, squinted at the data projected on the forward plate glass window, which had dimmed to provide easier viewing. "Jones! call EUF Earth and get a message to them. First Contact opportunity, please provide advisory team." the second barked order almost made the poor communication officer lose his bowels, instead he ran off to a rear console to complete the command given.

"Ok guys lets punch the details in the computer and give the ship a random code name for now"

A computer synthesized voice projected around the room as the text data displayed on the screen.

"Class ID: Balor Class, Contact ID: Balor 001. Sector Found, Wolf 1061" Alien Race Unknown"

"Balor, I hope that is not an omen"

So far no omen has come to light the Brooklyn holds position, and first contact is trying to be established through it.

Till we Fade
« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 02:55:51 AM by ardem »

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2068- First Contact
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2010, 08:14:09 PM »
10th August 2069Makarov Services has launched a new Minion class Freighter
12th September 2069 Makarov Services has launched a new Minion class Freighter
27th July 2070Grisson Container Limited has launched a new Minion class Freighter

The Civilian operations is heating up, there are now a number of companies, and there is round the clock work for them. they still fight over the scraps that BrightStar is not interested in providing.

We have sourced information from EUD, when it was formed way back in 2025, about specifics on the BrightStar and EUD relationship. The document is a confidential and until now secret document named INTERCOOPERATION & GUIDELINES: An EUD Future. I have retrieve segment about BrightStar and EUD commitments.

Article 15 Ref 201

For the interest of international cooperation, and BrightStar continuous support of EUD policies, without interference unless determined in competition with BrightStar corporate interests

   i)    All Scientific work sponsored from EUD must be provisioned by BrightStar entity organisation or a subsidiary.
   ii)   BrightStar and its subsidiaries get first right of refusal for any governmental service that is tendered to the private sector
  iii)    BrightStar and its subsidiaries has the authority to deny access to services it provides to the EUD at any time without notification
  iv)   EUD recognizes the right for BrightStar and its subsidiaries for any off-world colony it choose to invest in, to have right over the governor of that operation.
   v)   BrightStar recognizes the right for EUD to establish military assets on any BrightStar Assets, Colonies or facilities, these assets primary duty is the protection of BrightStars interests, above any other interest.
   vi)  BrightStar and its subsidiaries cannot be held liable for any criminal, negligent or uncompetitive behaviour, EUD will at its cost indemnify BrightStar

The article then proceeds with hows and wheres and whens, this article shows that EUD is legally bound to BrightStar and its future. How or why this was signed is anyone guess, but elements of the truth is now out there. The signatures are of, the senate and BrightStar CEO, all other competition to BrightStar is just front for the general population, at any time, it can starve those businesses. I think while EUD and BrightStar is aligned everything will be stable but if the EUD ever tries to separate itself from BrightStar, all hell will break loose on Earth.

I now understand how the EUD did nothing over the Mass Driver incident and announced it as an act of 'alien force' ( A new clause in all insurances). They would of been held liable, they had no choice to cover it up. I do not agree, but I understand it would of ruined the fragile EUD and left a power vacuum in which BrightStar could of totally stepped in or enforce more will if that is possible.

BrightStar organisation is the driving heart of EUD decisions without consequences, they have pull off what seems the perfect coup. A coup that never happened.

« Last Edit: November 18, 2010, 08:42:00 PM by ardem »

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2068- First Contact
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2010, 10:41:30 PM »

Automatic News Archive......

Mar One News

Breaking News

Civilian Administrator Chief Director Felton Mcgibbon has been assassinated at 2.42pm Earth Standard Time. The Chief Director was visiting his hometown college in Edinburgh, when a crazed man rushed past his security detachment, activating a explosive device attached to the briefcase of the man. The Chief Director was killed instantly along with 3 security personnel, 12 other civilians were injured in the explosion.

Scotland yard police are taking the lead on this investigation with cooperation of the EUD interfed police forces, have announced no current motive or organisation has come forward at this stage in response to this attack

The Chief Director was set to finish his 15 year term at the end of this month, there has been rumblings in the public about a release of doctored information from the religious sect known as ORK. The lack of action from the Chief Director over the ORK sect may have resulted in a member of the public taking matter into their own hands.

In other news .....


Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2068- First Contact
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2010, 11:54:12 PM »

2nd July 2071       Ruins on Delta Pavonis-A VI have been fully surveyed by the Tobias Kopko Xenologist Team. The alien race which inhabited the planet as been identified as the Followers of Natal  and their language and symbology have been translated. 7 abandoned installations
11th June 2072William Pitt (Caldwell Jumper class) built on Earth
11th June 2072John Major (Caldwell Jumper class) built on Earth
11th June 2072Sir Robert Walpole (Caldwell Jumper class) built on Earth
15th April 2073      Constantine (Nightsky class) built on Earth

We can finally bring you some news, that have not been made available to the public. Our "information contacts" have notice a number of related EUD and BrightStar initiatives that picked up our interests a few years ago. There was an increase in ground force training for a specialized off world division, new jump Troopships and even a Jumpgate construction ship.

We were able to use our extensive network to bring you the details below.

In 2070, a general survey by one of the Brooklyn class survey ships was doing a routine geological survey, when they came across some odd geological formations. These formations turned out to be ancient ruins from a lost civilizations, a Xenologist Team headed by Tobias Kopko was shipped to the site to study the ruins.

Kopko data files, show him as a failed administrator but a brilliant researcher in archeology and linguistics, this information really captured our attention,  we found out he was sent offsite with a special team, the ruins apparently belong to a long lost civilization called the Followers of Natal, although this just looks like a small religious outpost with only 7 ruined installations found, perhaps there was much more but it has been covered and deteriorated on this icy planet.

There is a special combat division on route to secure the facility and start the excavation process, although the 13th Engineering Battalion, nicknamed "Lucky" will do the bulk of the work. Lets hope they live up to their name, I am not sure when EUF, EUD or BrightStar will release public details but I know BrightStar, has its claws firmly planted in this dig, and considering the troopships are registered in BrightStar's name.

On a sad note, the contact with the Wolf 1061 race has frustrated diplomatic efforts, their silence has been taken as a hostile act and they are to be treated as such by the EUF Fleet, the EUFS Brooklyn has left the system to avoid giving away any details about our race or capability.

Till we Fade

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2068- First Contact
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2010, 10:04:02 PM »

15th August 2073Colonel Becky Hisey has retired from the service at the age of 64
15th August 2073Major General Norris Nehls has retired from the service at the age of 64
15th August 2073Brigadier General Shi Peng Yi has retired from the service at the age of 62
15th August 2073Brigadier General Gotthold Pedersen has retired from the service at the age of 67
15th August 2073Colonel Sassa Tokimori has retired from the service at the age of 66
15th August 2073   Colonel Oishi Masatoki has retired from the service at the age of 64
15th October 2073Captain Mack Latting has developed a severe medical problem that has forced him to retire
26th April 20741x Hornet class built on Earth
26th June 2074Earl of Wilmington (Starfire class) built on Earth

Fade in Peeps

The mass exodus of senior army personnel, is an interesting tid bit of news, I can understand at age 62 getting deployed to system two jumps away can be a bit scary or seem just all too much.

The launch of the Starfire class, is the final piece of the puzzle, this huge beast of a transport carrier, is able to transfer an engineering battalion, equipment with all the modern diggers, dozers and drillers that can be found.

I believe the planet they are heading too will be a little chilly, at -110 degrees Celsius. Space deployments are a very costly affair, so much materials for construction and shelter, need to be made available for the first deployment followed by the construction of a temporary base of operations. The Troops have been training for a year now and are starting to show they are the elite of the EUF ground forces.

We wish them well and hope to see they come back safely.

P.S. We wish Captain Mack Latting a speedy recover after his coronary issues, being the first person on the bridge of the EUFS Brooklyn to attempt first contact we applaud him in his peaceful efforts.

Till we Fade

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2068- First Contact
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2010, 11:15:25 PM »

Deep Search Tags.....

14th January 2075Troops land on Delta Pavonis-A VI
14th January 2075Troops occupy an abandoned Alien installation, which is beyond repair
23rd March 2075The destruction of EUFS Walter Sydney Adams

Fade in

Earth Union is now at War, a sad day indeed, we have not even been amongst the stars for 50 years and we are already at war. At first I thought our planet or species was the reason for the mindless destructive ideal of war. But perhaps we are not alone, my childhood dreams of peace loving aliens and a universe where people work for the common good of all has been shattered like candy cane rapped against concrete.

There is only a few details we can bring you on what happened, space combat is amazingly fast, especially if the vessel is not combat prepared. EUFS Walter Sydney Adams is the latest in the Brooklyn Deep Survey Vessels, it has Gamma Shields and close in phalanx style point defense systems, these were not made for war, but to make it easier to fly near asteroid formations.

The WSA as it was lovingly referred to was responding to EUFS Wingate distress calls for no fuel, Wingate crew obviously not calculating correctly the return fuel needed to get home. DSA Adams entered the jump gate and immediately recognized the threat, these are computer logs taken transmitted to earth moments before the sudden destruction of WSA.

WSA New Heading incept course of EUFS Wingate
01:20:41....New Thermal Contact!  Contact ID: Ranjit 001 (New) Class ID: Ranjit (New) Race ID: 41 Arae Aliens #1063 (New) Strength 800
01:35:41....New Active Sensor Detected!  Contact ID: Ranjit 001 Class ID: Ranjit Race ID: 41 Arae Aliens #1063 Strength 2520
01:45:41....EUFS WSA Hail on all frequencies, Alien Vessel we come in peace, translate into all know language.
02:35:41....Sensor Data reveals that the alien ship class Ranjit (41 Arae Aliens #1063) is capable of 5755 km/s
02:35:41....Sensor Data reveal Alien vessel on an intercept cource with EUFS WSA
02:40:41....New Heading Delta Pavonis Jump Gate Max Speed 1352 km/s
02:40:41....Raising Shields
02:54:26....Thermal Contact 12
02:54:56....DSS Walter Sydney Adams  - CIWS-160 targeting Earthraper Anti-ship Missile at 10000 km using point blank fire
02:54:56....All 3 Missiles Destroyed
02:55:26....Thermal Contact 12
02:55:56....All 3 Missiles Destroyed
This part of the log repeats itself, every 10 seconds 3 missiles appeared the point defense system were able to adequately cope with it, until

03:16:11....Strength 9 Nuclear Detonation x1 detected!
03:16:11....Slowed to 1081 km/s due to damage
    Thermal Sensor TH10-80 (70%) destroyed
    Saturn Ion Engine 66E8.4 destroyed

03:17:16....Strength 9 Nuclear Detonation x4 detected!
03:17:16....Alien Vessel Contact Lost
    CIWS-160 destroyed
    EM Detection Sensor EM15-90 (70%) destroyed

10:48:41....Strength 9 Nuclear Detonation x1 detected!
10.49.21....Strength 9 Nuclear Detonation x1 detected!
10.49.21....Slowed to 811 km/s due to damage
    Saturn Ion Engine 66E8.4 destroyed

10.51.51....Strength 9 Nuclear Detonation x2 detected!
    Maintenance Storage Bay destroyed
    Engineering Space destroyed

10.51.56....Strength 9 Nuclear Detonation x2 detected!
10.51.56....Slowed to 270 km/s due to damage
    2x Saturn Ion Engine 66E8.4 destroyed
    Engineering Space destroyed
    CIWS-160 destroyed

10:52:36....Strength 9 Nuclear Detonation x3 detected!
DAKJ#* R(*#$
    G$%#ma R3*#/14 Shi#*(&ds de#*&#ed

The log ends here, my best guess is the destruction of Captain Gregori Kobrin and his crew at this point

EUFS Wingate is now in enemy space out of fuel, it now only a matter of time it also is lost. Earth has no war vessel capable of countering this threat currently. The EUD is in an uproar, how can we defeat such a high tech opponent, analysis are going over the data to gleam how we can combat this threat, one thing we need in our ships is speed, speed to advance and speed to get away.

Till Earth Fades.


Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2068- First Contact
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2010, 07:26:38 PM »
22nd August 2075Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Konstantine Kharitonov has retired from the service at the age of 65
22nd August 2075Brian Grinstead has completed research into Magneto-plasma Drive Technology
22nd April 2076Civilian Administrator Director Giovanni Stopher has retired from government service at the age of 72
27th October 2077Communications with 41 Arae Aliens #1063: Failure: The contact team believe this race is too alien and communication can never be established. No further attempts will be made.

Fade in peeps

The loss of both the EUFS Wingate, communications with this vessel were never reestablished, and the destruction of Walter Sydney Adams, has left Earth in a rather large intrinsic slump. The loss of faith in our technology and EUF Fleet, got the population nervous about exploring beyond our rim. New orders have been set for the EUFS Brooklyn, to run at the first sign of trouble. This is currently our only EUF Fleet starship, we have a few minion class freighters and some passenger liners but even those have been docked.

There was a rather large investigative process within EUF Fleet, which concluded in the dismissal of Rear Admiral Konstantine Kharitonov. Although he was set to retire anyway, but they needed someone to take the bullet for the team. This a very strange Earth custom we have developed, in many respects it almost dates back to our forefathers, who need to commit a sacrifice to the volcano to appease the Gods, in this case Earth population.

There was a lot of effort trying to communicate with the 41 Arae Aliens, but their silence said it all. We have given up on space for now, even the Sorium crisis seems to be small in comparison to the understanding of our morality. Space now look dark and forbidding, where once it was bright and shining.

Lets hope earth can get over this hump, we cannot bury our heads in the sand forever.

Till we Fade

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2068- First Contact
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2010, 08:05:40 PM »
29th December 2078New Alien Race Detected in Herschel 5173
17th September 2079    An exploration of a jump point in the Herschel 5173 system has revealed the new system of Gliese 674
17th October 2079Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Yamasmega Yoshiko has retired from the service at the age of 67
17th October 2079Scientist He Gang E has retired from government service at the age of 73
21st October 2079An exploration of a jump point in the Herschel 5173 system has revealed the new system of Gliese 667
14th November 2079An exploration of a jump point in the Herschel 5173 system has revealed the new system of TW Piscis Austrini
21st January 2080An exploration of a jump point in the Herschel 5173 system has revealed the new system of Gliese 752


UEFS Brooklyn located a new alien species while it was conducting gravitational surveys of the Herschel system, the race only flickered onto the EUFS screens before it was gone again, EUF Fleet is trying to establish contact again.

A sad note for earth our top weapons division specialist He Gang E, has retired, he was awarded the prestigious Science Medal a while ago and contributed greatly to his field of expertise. Weapons Division plans to leap frog ahead from the contributions he has made, we can't wait to see the new toys EUF Fleet will have soon.

Mapping the universe is progressing ahead, UEFS Brooklyn has entered three new systems with promise of minerals and the much sought after Sorium.

In other news, BrightStar has lost it court case against ORK, BrightStar CEO Samantha Dunes, quoted "We will seek other way of shutting down this illegal operation, pirate news have never been a good thing and never will be, they are breaching 19 levels of copyright laws and damaging the reputation of our proud company by lies and miscommunication".