Author Topic: 2100-2129 Payback isn't always fun  (Read 3784 times)

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Offline ardem (OP)

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2100-2129 Payback isn't always fun
« on: December 14, 2010, 06:46:46 AM »

Deep Search tags.....

17th July 2100 EUF 1st Fleet has completed first training manuvuers
26th January 2103 An exploration of a jump point in the EZ Aquarii system has revealed the new system of Gliese 1
26th February 2103 Paul Bunyon (Panther Mk I class) refitted on Earth
13th April 2104 EUF 1st Fleet lost due to Warp accident


"Sorry to interrupt your programming schedule, but we now take you to EUD HQ for a news conference"

A man stand behind a microphone podium, his face lights up occasionally, more then likely from photography flashers out of view, even in this day and age still photography has it place, although the technical aspect now give you 3D photos.

The man looks slightly nervous, although you can tell he is a regular spokesman, two naval officers with many braids stand behind him, obviously senior officers of the military.

"Ladies and Gentleman, we have just learnt that the 1st EUF Fleet has been lost. A serious malfunction in one of the jump drives, caused a cataclysmic explosion that disrupted the warp, cause a loss of all spacecraft and all service men and women on board those vessels."

"We don't have any more details at this stage on how the accident happened , but we assure you a full investigation will take place"

The spokesman drone on about the various procedures that will happen and assurance that all space vehicles will hold position until we can confirm that warp point travel is safe to continue.

"I will now take questions"

He points in the direction of a reporter.

"Sandra Hu, of Mars One News. Is it a terrorist act, and has any terrorist group taken responsibility for this attack"

"Sandra, at this stage we can neither confirm or deny terrorist involvement, we will investigate that angle fully and current no crediable organisation has come forward saying it was an attack"

he points in another direction.

"Johnathan Miles, Skydome News. We have had rumours that aliens destroyed this fleet can you answer these rumours."

"Johnathan, we have no information at this stage to say 1st Fleet even left the warp phase, so I would regard this as highly unlikely and as you stated just rumours."

The questions continue as Earth 4 fades back into a screen with the ships lost and me and women who served on the ships

FF Paul Bunyon -Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Monte Minner - 2620 crew
FF Pius Antorius - Captain Okamoto Akimitsu - 2620 crew
CVL Agincourt - Captain Paris Stallone - 2116 crew + 18 Goblin Fighters 216 crew

« Last Edit: March 07, 2011, 01:01:55 AM by ardem »

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2100- Payback isn't always fun
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2010, 07:27:04 AM »

Deep Search Tags

29th June 2105 Aisne (Crusader class) built on Earth
29th September 2105 SV Marc Aaronson  (Marcellus class) built on Earth
25th November 2105 An exploration of a jump point in the Wolf 359 system has revealed the new system of FL Virginis
27th November 2105 An exploration of a jump point in the Wolf 359 system has revealed the new system of AD Leonis
27th February 2106 Retooling for Grumblehead class completed at Bethleham-Fairfield Shipyard
8th February 2107 Amur (Murray MkII class) built on Earth
8th February 2107 Gustavus Adolfus (Grumblehead class) built on Earth
8th February 2107 George Bush (Grumblehead class) built on Earth
An exploration of a jump point in the AD Leonis system has revealed the new system of YZ Canis Minoris
2nd April 2108 An exploration of a jump point in the AD Leonis system has revealed the new system of Ross 248
10th April 2108 An exploration of a jump point in the AD Leonis system has revealed the new system of WX Ursae Majoris
25th April 2108 An exploration of a jump point in the AD Leonis system has revealed the new system of Wolf 358
27th April 2108 An exploration of a jump point in the AD Leonis system has revealed the new system of Giclas 148-13
17th May 2108 An exploration of a jump point in the AD Leonis system has revealed the new system of Groombridge 1618
14th November 2108 SV Antonio Abetti  (Marcellus class) built on Earth
14th November 2108 SV Giorgio Abetti  (Marcellus class) built on Earth and assigned to Shipyard TG
12th January 2109 FFG Alexandria (Gwynydd class) built on Earth
12th January 2109 FFG Dundee (Gwynydd class) built on Earth

Fade In

A golden age of construction and discovery has begun, the reason for this increase in production and also in discovery has been mainly due to the leadership of Rear Admiral Hipolito Deak.

There has been a change in direction in ship design, no longer are we relying on Jump Drives per ship to get vessels from point a to b, Earth Union Fleet now relies on a series of Jump gates, although many critics argue this open the door for aliens to hit earth as yet it has not happened.

Deak's plan is to have vessel capable of taking on the enemy, he has designed new missiles capable of inflicting damage. The GSlam missile has a bigger payload and longer range then the Seasprite missile, also there is leaps and improvements on CIWS design and sensor design.

The sorium shortage has not impacted building of vessels as much, although some new science vessels have been launched which has used the minor sorium resources. Delta Prime have been supplying more and more sorium each run, although still meagre people feel the sorium crisis is now at an end.

We have added the Gwynydd class to Janes vessel, this is a much improved war vessel.

A toast to the Rear Admiral, finally a navy with some competence.

Fade Out

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2100- Payback isn't always fun
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2010, 03:48:38 PM »

Deep Search Tags
8th October First Battle of Arae 41

Leaked Report Document

After Action Report of the First Battle of Arae 41

Report prepared by Operations Commander Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Vincent Weirich


Earth Fleet 2 (EF2) consisting of three warships from Earth Fleet
- CVL Asine, FFG Alexandria - , FFG Dundee - Captain Isabella Senn

i) EF2 is to enter Arae 41 system and to establish the location from  the various Earth Vessel wrecks, EF2 is to engage any hostile vessels near these wrecks, so a recovery team can be brought in to extract the vessels and the vital technology data.

ii) Since Arae 41 is a binary system the zone of operation is in the parent system only and keeping close the the jump gate back to Delta Pavonis.

iii) If time is available the recovery group will analysis Alien wreck to source any additional information.


EF2 jumped into 41 Arae space at 29th September 2109 01:01:26, sensor sweeps were conducted before proceeding but no hostile contact were found, EF then proceeded to the nearest wreck Survey Vessel Walter Sydney Adams.

A thermal contact was established at 8th October 2109 01:31:26, this contact appeared as Ranjiit 001 on our computer logs, the same vessel which attacked and destroyed the WUF WSA. The target was very close at 837,000kms from EF2.

Fighters were immediately scrambled and missile system to engage Ranjiit 001

14 SeaDart Missiles were launched in the first wave to ascertain the enemies missile defence capabilities, as the first series of SeaDart Missiles impacted on the hull of the alien vessel, two things were note a) zero missile defence and b) the missile had no impact on the armour, but this was expected as these missile were designed for anti-missile use.

A series of Earthraper missiles from the alien ship were countered with our new CIWS-160v2 systems and all missile were destroyed.

As commander I requested the fighter squadrons intercept the target and requested the two FFG to launch the GSLAM missiles.

All 8 GLSAM missiles capable of a grade 13 nuclear explosion impacted on the enemy vessel, large sections of the ship were exposed as great chunks were shredded from the vessel. The vessel did not deviate from it intercept course but there was a definite slow down perhaps the destruction cause issues with it main engines.

Another wave of missiles from the enemy vessel was counted by our CIWS systems. Charlie squadron was approaching firing range, the enemies vessel missile batteries turned its attention to these fighters, although many missiles missed its target, Goblin 29 was hit by a single missile which tore the ship apart, Lieutenant Commander Shibukji Wakana and a mortally wounded ship mate made it to the Lifepod, no other survivors. they were retrieved soon after this fight.

Charlie Squadron engaged the target, the result of which destroyed the enemy vessel instantly on the first pass. Charlie and Delta squadron ordered to return to base.

I then ordered the fleet to continue on it previous course, at 10th October 2109 13:26:01 we again received another thermal reading.

One Chakra class vessel and Shardul class vessel, these ship information has been past onto our intelligence personnel for further investigation into our sensory logs.

Charka Class -  capable of 5754 km/s, Thermal Signature of 800, ECM strength of 50
Shardul class - capable of 5754 km/s, Thermal Signature of 800, ECM strength of 50

These vessel were spotted a fair distance from our Fleet at 72m km away, perhaps the Ranjiit 001 was powered down and that was the reason for the late sensor detection.

Even though our GSlam missiles have the range for this distance, the Aliens countermeasures stopped us performing a lock on, at 54m km we were able to fire out missiles, each FFG given a different target.

32 GSlam missiles and 8 Seasprite missiles were fired in the first wave, we also received the enemies missiles inbound, since the enemy fired first we can assume they had greater missile and electronic technology.

We dealt with the enemy missiles easily with our point defence systems, our first missiles impacted at 11th October 2109 01:28:51, although a number was destroyed by their point defense system. The first wave took out the Charka.

The Shardul although hit and damaged continue on vector, I then released the fighter for an intercept course, we were out of GSlam missiles, but had a few Seasprites and a numbre of SeaDarts we then fired at the vessel.

The lack of GSlam missiles was mainly due to lack of Earth stocks but also limited magazine space.

Delta Squadron eventually engaged the Shardul and destroyed it on the first pass, during this time a sneaky missile slipped past our CIWS and hit the CVL Asine, although no major damage was noted at the shields took the majority of the brunt.

No further threats were engaged and EF2 is holding station as Recovery group one moves into position. Due to no GSlam missiles we are at limited capacity and request to retire to Earth to obtain more missile we will hold station a few days to make sure the coast is clear for Recovery Group 1


Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2100- Payback isn't always fun
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2010, 10:00:22 PM »

Earth Fleet HQ Video Feed 15th December 2109 11:44:00 - Submitted by anonymous
The feed displays a video link between a senior Naval officer at Earth Fleet HQ and the Recovery Vessel Akagi

Commander Zachariah Alice takes full view of the screen. He stand rigidly posed, with his hands clasp behind his back. There is some activity behind him on the bridge, with various officer walking to and fro.

"Sir, we have completed our recovery of the Alien vessels, Charka 001 and Shardul 001, we have discovered a new type of armour, as well as recover two intact thermal sensors, a missile fire control system, we have also found evidence that their missile reload rate is far superior then our own.

There was nothing left from the Ranjit 001 to recovery, except bare metal, and we picked up the destroyed Goblin, which was lost in the recent battle."

"Good Work, Commander" "So what is the present time for recovery of the UEF WSA, or atleast destroy anything vital"

"We will reach the WSA in about 3 days, sir"

The lights behind the commander dims red, with warning alarms sounding, Zachariah body rotates away from the camera to look at his sensor officer who is off screen. "Report"

A unusually high pitched female voice squeaks back towards the commander "Sir we have two thermal contact representing two new style of alien vessels, the computer has given the code name of Magar Class and Trinkit Class, we also receiving telemetry on two missiles 100,000K away and closing"

The commander shifts his gaze back to the viewing screen.

"Admiral, I don't think we be able to provide you the tech you were after"  

The Commander gives a smart salute, and the screen faded to black.

« Last Edit: December 14, 2010, 10:16:49 PM by ardem »

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2100- Payback isn't always fun
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2010, 12:02:32 AM »

2nd Battle of 41 Arae

26th December 2110 22:18:11

Fade in

We at ORK can provide our viewers with limited details over the 2nd Battle of 41 Arae, these details have been presented to us from various sources. We have strung the report together and added a few piece of intelligent speculation.

The 2nd EUF Fleet has been confirmed, lost with all hands, but has done so with bravery and courage with great credit to our Earth Union Fleet.

2nd Earth Fleet arrived at Earth to rearm from it previous battle with the Arae ( the name now given to these aliens ), the arrival on Earth was not greeted with the fanfare it had expected, as it was 5 days the loss of the RV Agaki. Many of the 2nd Fleet commanders felt responsible for it loss, but understood had they been on site, they also would of been destroyed.

The ships were refueled and rearm with a full compliment of GSlam missiles, a goblin fighter was added to replace the one lost in the last battle. Two days R&R for the crew and back out into deep space they went.

Upon exiting 41 Arae Jumpgate, 2nd Fleet set a course for the Agaki.

No sooner then they got a day or two away from the gate therman contact appeared. Two Magar, two Trinkit and two Gotami class vessels each closed on 2nd Fleet from slightly different positions and distances.

The CVL Aisne launched both group of fighters and the GSlam missile launched at the Trinkit inbound vessels, 2nd Fleet was out number 2 to 1 and could not head for the gate as the enemy vessels each moved at 5755km/s

The first Salvo of 24 GSlam missiles were destroyed by there point defense systems, a tall reliance was then made on the fighter group. Upon closing with the Trinkat ships, the F2 Goblins were shot out of the sky one by one at 118,000 km, well out of rangle of there light laser weapons.

12 Fighters were destroyed without even closing on the enemy ships, the recall was given for the fighter to head back to the carrier.

The Trinkat ships has closed within 36m km of 2nd Fleet, this allowed 2nd Fleet to unleash all missile batteries which included the SeaDart missiles in the hope to overwhelm there point defenses.

At first the Trinkit point defense systems coped with the large amount of missiles aimed towards Trinkit 001, but seven GSlam's made it through the point defenses, followed by another 4 GSlams, this cause a grade 10 secondary explosion, Trinkit 001 was hurt, but still in the fight.

The Fighters were still being knocked out at they returned to the carrier, there was nothing that could be done for them.

On their own initiative the fighters turned back with the hope of laying a glove on the wounded Trinkit 001 ship since it had now slowed, 3 fighter made it through the mess and they managed to make one pass on the Trinkit 001 ship, and scored a number of hits before they too were destroyed. A valient effort and worthy of mention in the records or honour.

2nd Fleet turned it attention now to Trinkit 003 as it seem more of a threat to it crippled sister, the three Earth warships peppered Trinkit 003, the point system was overwhelmed and a small victory was created as a pair of GSlam shock Trinkit 003 to the core and explode in a million pieces.

Attention was then turned back to Trinkat 001 with missiles fast running out, at least the Arae would pay with the lost of two ships, the Trinkit 001 also succumbed to the multiple missiles impacting on it hull.

After a 3 hour chase to the jump gate, a wave of missiles from the Gotami class vessels struck the Aisne.

The limited missiles left and the number of missile aim at the Aisne, was devesating, within 3 waves of missile the Ainse was no more.

The fate of the Dundee and Alexandria were similar, although to the credit of the Alexandria, which turned towards the enemy to fire what was left of it missiles unfortunately to no affect.


Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2100- Payback isn't always fun
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2010, 10:27:18 PM »

Deep Search Tags......

12th July 2111 Edinburgh (Gwynydd class) built on Earth
12th July 2111 Falkirk (Gwynydd class) built on Earth
25th August 2111 Hiryu (Tapajó Mk II class) built on Earth
25th August 2111 Akagi (Tapajó Mk II class) built on Earth
23rd March 2112 Pius Antorius (Panther Mk II class) built on Earth
28th April 2112 Mineral Shortage (Neutronium)
29th April 2112 Scientist Michail Rozhdestvensky has retired from government service at the age of 71

Uploaded Tactical Analysis Conference - by anonymous
Warfare and Weapons Briefing -12th June 2112

The feed displays an auditorium, the camera sweeps around and shows around 100-200 military personnel from various branches sitting comfortably in plastic back chairs with padding facing forward towards the stage. On the stage is a podium with several chairs sitting off to the right of the podium, the chairs has a Fleet officer and perhaps a couple of civilian scientists.

One of the fleet officers, which looks to be a junior officer in the operation branches strides over to the podium,
"Welcome ladies and gentleman, we will start our brief on the current synopsis of the war and new technology updates that need to be created to win this fight, I like to introduce you to Dr Heidi Stuss to the stand on an analysis of the 2nd Battle of Arae"

The female in the late 50's take the podium the presentation is a dry and precise analysis of the battle. The key point she raised were the lack of speed of the Earth vessels to escape the Arae Fleet, the lack of ammunition on the earth vessel to overwhelm the point defences, and the outnumbering of Earth vessels two to one.

Soon after a fleet officer took over and did a critical analysis of each ship, systems and capabilities. Although he praised the Gwynydd class missile frigates, his most critical comment were referred to the F2 Goblins, these vessels are too slow, the laser weapon ranges to short and fuel tanks too minor.

The officer was then replaced by a senior lecture from the military academy, who took note of the interaction between the ship themselves and the missile launches and timing and the fighter squadron to take advantage of crippled ships far too early or late. His presentation was probably the most needed, but fell on many deafs ears due to the audience boredom.

The final member to the podium was a Captain Michele Ruwe, Captain of the Falkirk.

"So where from here boys and girls, what I can tell you we going to win this fight, but we have some challenges" His speech contained a heavy French accent, and was full of confidence and command.

"We got the new F-1 Hornets coming soon, the upgrade Crusader class CVL and the Panther Class now been upgraded to a destroyer and now sits at 28,000 tons with a lot of firepower."

"Please review the specification and be encouraged we will go back to 41 Arae and we will finish what we have started"

« Last Edit: December 16, 2010, 10:32:33 PM by ardem »

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Re: 2100- Payback isn't always fun
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2010, 11:01:14 PM »

Deep Search Tags
13th September 2114
Barnards Star Colony established
25th January 2116 First F-1 Hornet produced
25th March 2116 Paul Bunyon (Panther Mk II class) built on Earth
14th November 2116 Aisne (Crusader Mk II class) built on Earth
14th November 2116 Agincourt (Crusader Mk II class) built on Earth
18th January 2118 Construction of Sector Command completed on Earth
4th June 2118 Civilian Administrator Chief Director Jerold Prueter has retired from government service at the age of 76

Fade in peeps,

Earth Union Fleet is rebuilding its forces, although I do find it interesting that the naming convention to use ships that have been lost in battle, onto new ships a little disturbing. In many respects it is like saying the past did not happen.

The Barnard Star Colony has been established due to the Neutronium shortage on Earth, this was mainly due to this mineral being shipped to Delta Prime, but cargo vessels are on the way to retrieve the majority back to Earth. Nevertheless the resource here are abundant and easy to mine, unlike Sorium which continues to be a thorn Earth side.

The interesting piece of information about Barnard Star it is a fully funded operation that does not include BrightStar but a consortium of other businesses, BrightStar at the moment proceed to help establishing it but could at any stage refuse to use it vessels in the construction and maintaining the site.

Sector Command has been included on Earth which does not include the Delta Prime system, the expansion of the galaxy has added a new layer of bureaucracy which I am sure will count against the working class man as usual. ORK has been monitoring this situation, but at this stage has not found if this influence is the work of BrightStar.

Chief Director Jerold Prueter has retired under his management we seen a relatively stable progress and the outlook on Earth has been positive.

Till we fade

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2100- Payback isn't always fun
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2010, 11:30:36 PM »

10th June 2120 Rear Admiral (Upper Half) Hipolito Deak has retired from the service at the age of 63
29th March 2121 Construction of Commercial Spaceport completed on Delta Prime
27th August 2121 Gate Maker 1 has completed orders
27th August 2121 Earth Fleet 1 enters 41 Arae system
30th October 2121 3rd Battle of 41 Arae

Fade In Peeps,

Upon the leaving of Hipolito Deaks, the professionalism and purpose of Earth Union Fleet went up two notches, due to the new man at the helm, Rear Admiral Michele Ruwe.
To his friends he is know as the chef, perhaps due to his French accent or perhaps it is due to his intolerance of even minor mistakes. The Jump gate was opened the last F-1 fighters were stowed on board the two new Crusader II class carriers, and no sooner had EF1 entered Arae space again.

We have this prepared report from a colourful journalist onboard the Ainse..

CVL Aisne, CVL Agincourt, DD Paul Bunyon, DD Pius Antorius, FFG Edinburgh, FFG Falkirk

Three days were taken to prepare the forces as then then moved from the gate towards the previous destroyed Earth vessels.

The four hostile contacts established although not in the same position were nearby, it was now the Arae who were outnumbered, at 64m kms, the Falkirk and Edinburgh opened up their GSlam misslie launchers on Magar 001, 32 GSlams were on their way, the Magar must of been caught napping as their sensors must not have picked up the first wave of eight missiles, the damage has been done as the next wave of eight only 4 were destroyed on inbound flight, as the grade 13 explosions tore the vessel apart, and on the third wave turned the vessel into a twisted metal horror.

The first wave of missile started to arrive, this time the missile were picked up a long distance from EF1, mainly due to the new missile active sensors on the two Panther destroyers, the fleet was able to thin out the missiles which came in 7 wave blocks, with about 15-20 salvos, not one of these missile caused any damage.

But our return fire wrecked the Magar 003 even fast then Magar 001, it had the same fate and disappeared of the thermal sensor display after a highlight glow for a micro second.

Upon seeing the two Magar destroyed so quickly without even a trouble thought, the two Gotami craft completed a U-turn and ran to what we presume was home, on the solar system on the other side of this binary system.

The command was to move to their colony and destroy anything that came at EF1, we now had them on the ropes and wanted them on the canvas.

The Gotami were located when EF1 hit hyperspace towards 41 Arae B, EF1 came out exited out , launched fighters and the DD's used there large laser to wreck the two vessels, the Falkirk copped a load of damgae mainly because the exit from hyperspace brought it to close to the Gotami class, but all vessels made  it through.

« Last Edit: December 17, 2010, 04:48:09 PM by ardem »

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Re: 2100- Payback isn't always fun
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2011, 11:19:43 PM »

10th December 2121 Jump Gate Construction underway From Arae41 to Delta Pavonis
10th December 2121 Located Arae 41 main operations base
19th March 2122 Brooklyn has suffered a catastrophic maintenance failure and exploded!
20th May 2122 Gate completed at Arae 41
13th November 21241st Engagement of Lacaille 8760

Fade In peeps

The sad loss of the Brooklyn was to be expected, the old ship was decaying, and was only kept going because noone could be brought to scrap this illustrious ship. There were some minor casualties, but all were rescued close to Earth.

I have been briefed by our military agents that the War against the Arae is far from completed the picture that has been painted is there is a new threat in Lacaille 8760, which is no where near Arae 41.

We apparently have lost both the FFG Falkirk and FFG Edinburgh in an 'Engagement' this is the militarys nice way of stating, we did not send in enough ships. Apparently they were tricked in chasing two smaller patrol craft which they engaged and destroyed before being overwhelmed by larger and more capable enemy ships.

Captain Hugo Heider and Captain Reyes Kling were both lost in the engagement, both were decorated EUF Officers which means some valuable fighting experience has been lost in this already costly war.

There has been no news why the Arae base was not attacked, although there are rumour two undentified craft hover above the planet and EUF are too scared to engage.

Till we Fade


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Re: 2100- Payback isn't always fun
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2011, 05:25:38 AM »

Deep Search Tags
13th January 2125 New Endeavour class Freighters built on Earth, Africa and Agamemnon
23rd October 2125 New Endeavour class Freighters built on Earth, Ajax and Belleisle
18th January 2126 Two Crusader II class Light Carriers built on Earth, Armada and Anzio
11th July 2126 New Endeavour class Freighters built on Earth, Colossus and Conqueror
11th July 2126 Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Michele Ruwe has been promoted to Rear Admiral (Upper Half)
9th November 2126 Two Belgium class Destroyers built on Earth,Abyssinia and Patrick Ferguson

Fade In Peeps

The production yards have been worked overtime, as new models of warships and BrightStar freighters are launched. There has been a few incidents at the yards in regards to working conditions and safety requirements but these are quickly squash by BrightStar secure personnel. We have been able to smuggle out an interview with a dock worker, we have kept it in written form to hide the dock worker identity.

Reporter: Can you tell me how the working conditions are in your dockyard.
Worker: Well ma'am, the conditions are the pits, we work 16 hours a day, for what, a lousy pay packet and free soy caffe. Last week Jimmy, a welder, asked for a valve new on his rig, and they corp boss said can you make do for a week. He had no choice to say 'Yes' otherwise on your out on your tush. The valve broke and the rig exploded, now Jimmy recovering in Burns Unit. BrightStar friggen corp pigs, they are to blame!

Fade Out peeps

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Re: 2100- Payback isn't always fun
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2011, 01:01:16 AM »

Deep Search Tags
15th March 2127 Earth Fleet 1 under Overhaul
30th August 2127 Project Daisy Complete
7th June 2128 Afghanistan (Belgium class) built on Earth
12th November 2128 Amerind (Wallaroo class) built on Earth
1st January 2129 Falkland (Gwynydd Mk III class) built on Earth
1st January 2129 Glasgow (Gwynydd Mk III class) built on Earth
1st February 2129 Project Tallboy Complete
1st April 2129 Albania (Belgium class) built on Earth

Fade in Peeps,

There has been something brewing the last for the last two years, the military machine has been producing warships at an exceptional rate, also two missile projects has been completed. One of which Project Daisy is the first ship to planet missile.

We believe the word Daisy refers to the old 20th Century term "Pushing up daisies", which is a terrible term for death. This might mean a planet invasion on the 41 Arae colony is on the cards. There has been an increase of media to the general public in regards to revenge and restoring honour to those who have lost there lives.

There are two further questions, how many more have to die and what happen when we reach out goal and occupy this planet, do we become dictators, saviors or the unthinkable exterminators.

Let hope we preserve humanity in whatever the outcome.

Till we Fade

« Last Edit: March 07, 2011, 01:03:20 AM by ardem »