Author Topic: I have been making my Grav survey ships too large!  (Read 2724 times)

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Offline Michael Sandy (OP)

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I have been making my Grav survey ships too large!
« on: December 19, 2006, 01:57:23 PM »
I have come to the conclusion that my Grav survey ships are way too large to be efficient surveyers.

Starting tech was nuclear pulse engines, Adv Grav sensors, and Composite armor.

So these designs were possible, to work with my size 60 survey tenders that travel at 3333 km/s.

Survey Grav small class Survey Ship    1650 tons     150 Crew     331 BP      Signature 33-120
3636 km/s     Armour 1     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/0/2/0     Damage Control 0-0
Replacement Parts 5    

Nuclear Pulse Engine EE0.8 AR-0 (3)    Power 40    Engine Efficiency 0.80    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres    Range 163.6 billion km   (520 days at full power)

Advanced Gravitational Sensors (1)   2 Survey Points

Survey Grav class Survey Ship    2400 tons     240 Crew     549 BP      Signature 48-160
3333 km/s     Armour 1     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/0/4/0     Damage Control 0-0
Replacement Parts 10    

Nuclear Pulse Engine EE0.8 AR-0 (4)    Power 40    Engine Efficiency 0.80    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 100,000 Litres    Range 225.0 billion km   (781 days at full power)

Advanced Gravitational Sensors (2)   4 Survey Points

Survey Grav large class Survey Ship    3000 tons     285 Crew     740 BP      Signature 60-200
3333 km/s     Armour 1     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/0/6/0     Damage Control 0-0
Replacement Parts 10    

Nuclear Pulse Engine EE0.8 AR-0 (5)    Power 40    Engine Efficiency 0.80    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres    Range 90.0 billion km   (312 days at full power)

Advanced Gravitational Sensors (3)   6 Survey Points

I started with the 2 survey sensor design in the middle, and I am currently building the middle one.

But then I did some measurements.

In the Sol system, the distance between Survey locations in the inner ring is about 2 billion km.  The distance for the middle ring is about 2.1 billion km, and for the outer ring approximately 3.1 billion.

The three designs, assuming some number of Survey +10 and +20 officers are available, would complete a survey location in 200 hours, 80 hours (assuming +20 survey leader) and 57 hours.

The travel speeds per hour are:
Small survey ship: 13.09 m km/s
Survey standard and large: 12 m km/s

That means that their travel times are:
Small survey ship, inner ring 152.8 hours middle ring 160.4 hours and outer ring 236.8 hours
The other survey ships would take 166.7 hours, 175 hours, and 258.3 hours

That means the total survey time required for moving to one survey location and surveying it would be:
Small survey, inner ring 352.8 hours, 360.4 hours, and 436.8 hours
Standard survey, inner ring, 246.7 hours, 255 hours, and 318.3 hours
Large survey, inner ring 223.7 hours, 232 hours, and 315.3 hours

There are 6 inner ring, 12 middle ring, and 12 outer ring survey locations per system.

Upgrading to the large survey ship design, with 3 adv grav sensors, is clearly foolish until better engines are developed.

At a ratio of 331 BP to 549 BP or 1: 1.66 the smaller Grav survey ship design is more cost efficient even than the "standard" 2 sensor design for the inner ring.  352.8/246.7 = 1.43

That is, the smaller ship takes 1.43 times as long but costs only 1.66 times as much.  And for the outer ring the advantage is significantly greater, with a time ratio of 436.8/318.3, the small cheap design takes 1.37 times as much time.

Some other notes:
Increasing the armor technology makes smaller ships more viable, because the armor is a larger percentage of their mass, and they benefit more from it being reduced.

The "Standard" ship design has a couple of things going for it, more spares/HS, bigger bunker, and it is the exact speed of my tenders, but the large survey ship seemed like a good idea, but I just junked it as if it were a prestige project or a major piece of pork.

The small design may be a little less fuel efficient.  It will use less fuel per survey location, but more fuel travelling to the system to be surveyed, when calculated by build points.

For Ion Drives, the cost ratios of the ships are slightly closer, and the travel times are shorter, both work against the 1 sensor design.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Michael Sandy »

Offline RoguePhoenix

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(No subject)
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2006, 10:14:29 AM »
Something to note though is that it is not always just the price of the survey vessels that must be taken into account. How much is that extra time taken costing you in terms of not being able to exploit those undiscovered resources and habitable planets? How much would it cost if you only found yourself with only 4 systems between you and your most hated enemy instead of 6?

The interesting thing about statistics and cost analysis is that they are the best liars in the world because they always tell the truth from a certain point of view. Though in the end I find Napoleon put it best, "Ask me for anything but time."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by RoguePhoenix »
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