Ok, one image coming up. Which distro and window manager are you using? Also any suggestion where to upload the rather large file?
Preliminary image here: hxxp: www. megaupload. com/?d=54S2SI03
Quickstart: unzip this somewhere, it should create a 'wine4aurora' directory. In that directory there will be a runAurora. sh shell script, make it executable and use it to run aurora. If it doesn't work try running it from the commandline and it should output some debugging information.
It assumes that you are using wine-1. 3. 16, but older versions should work. .
More detail; The rest of that directory is a wineprefix, wine has the ability to essentially run multiple 'windows installations' side by side, each of which gets it's own prefix. The default prefix is '~/. wine'
To use a non-default wineprefix you need to set the $WINEPREFIX variable, this is usefull if you want to alter the settings, eg run "WINEPREFIX=~/wine4aurora winecfg" (making sure to alter the path as needed) to run wine config for that path. That is essentially what the shellscript is doing for you. It's generaly good practice to keep a single wineprefix per application if you start doing stuff like wineticks to get things working. The magic sauce for the above image is winetricks to install vb6run, manually copying and registering msstdfmt. dll and the ole overrides meantioned earlier in the thread.
This has not been extensively tested, I just made a new prefix for this and did my best to keep it clean. There might be some errors related to some of my user directories, just alter them using winecfg as detailed above.
If there is sufficient demand I'll try to put together a . deb package to make the install really clean and easy but that would be a few hours of work.