Author Topic: George Payne for President: Victorious Humanity  (Read 3558 times)

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Offline areyoua (OP)

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George Payne for President: Victorious Humanity
« on: June 29, 2011, 04:03:21 PM »
The Earth has gone through a time of massive upheaval in the previous five years under President Casey. Our first ships have gone from a dream in the minds of a few scientists to solid, space-worthy creations under his governance, and, if I may say, the help of Infrastructure. Moreover, those very ships have served to find the very first extraterrestrial Trans-Newtonian Mineral source on the moon, and they discovered what may be considered the most momentous discovery in the history of all humanity: the discovery of extraterrestrial life, or what remains of it. All of these thing were done under the auspices of our first President, Jayne Casey, and for that I respect the man greatly.

With this in mind, however, our great President's term is running out, in just under 6 months, we will be holding the second elections of a new age of mankind, and thus far, no one has even declared a candidacy, and time is running out. With no candidates we shall have no President, and there is no precedent for this in our young nation and no legislation for this eventuality. Therefore, I believe that we need at least one candidate in order to extend the life of our Federation.

I, George Payne, hereby declare that I am running for the position of President of the Terran Federation. I am, for now, the only candidate for office at this time, but do not make the assumption that I have leaped into the election just because I see a lack of candidates. I have a plan. A plan that will make Humanity ready to face any opponent that may or may not lie beyond the reaches of this Solar System.

Of course, the President does not actually do very much at the present time. President Casey, although a seminal figure in our history, did not directly give the orders to the people. The main power of a President comes in appointing the Ministers, and my Presidency will be no different, although I would like to be more hands-on in my direction of the state.

In terms of the Ministers I would appoint in the future, I do not want to tie down and guarantee any Minister a job so early in the election season, but at the current time, I see no problem with any of the current ministers, although I will need to find a replacement for me at the position of Infrastructure Minister.

The other powers of the Presidency, namely espionage and diplomacy, must be taken in a more case-by-case attitude. Applying one policy to a massive empire and the same policy to a tiny city-state would be an enormous mistake, and the same will be true in the voids of space. Therefore, I will take a pragmatic and level-headed attitude towards any alien powers we may discover.

I see a few of you dipping your head in boredom, I'm talking to you Murphy, so I will wrap it up. Humanity has gone through a lot in order to finally come to the peace of the past few years, but out in space, it is surely going to be a place with hostile aliens, which we must overcome. Even greater than the threat from aliens we must be victorious over the heinous threat of complacency. Never can we think that what we have is enough, we must strive for the stars. We must never be stagnant, we must constantly grow. Accomplishing this will be the goal of my Presidency, so as to allow Humanity to be victorious over all challenges. To make Victorious Humanity.

George Payne
Candidate for President of the Terran Federation

Offline areyoua (OP)

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Re: George Payne for President: Victorious Humanity
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2011, 04:37:30 PM »
In front of the ruins of the Parthenon in Athens.

Today, I stand in front of you before one of the great symbols of the past. The Parthenon, built by the ancient Greeks who were, of course, the founders of Western Civilization, and, perhaps even more importantly, the inventors of Democracy. That great form of government from which all manner of countries were ruled under and thrived, not the least of which is our Federation. Democracy that lead to the unification of all the earth under one, common flag.

This flag, which we have all come to love so much, needs leadership, and I believe that only I can lead our Federation to the greatest heights that it can reach. I can see a few of you in the crowd shaking your heads, wondering how I can make such grandiose claims, and to that I respond, "Then you run for President." There is a grand total of one candidate running for office, and I don't see anyone else jumping into the political arena to challenge me, so it is time to look to the future, a time that I hope will be even brighter than today.

However, I cannot do this alone, one man cannot govern over 500 million people by himself no matter how handsome he is. Therefore, I need help, and that help will be in the form of Ministers and a Vice President, and I ask all who are qualified to speak up and apply, for no government can function without your help. I cannot guarantee every one a job, but I can guarantee that I will choose the best people for this job, and with their help we shall make a Victorious Humanity.

George Payne
Candidate for President of the Terran Federation

[ooc]In short, I need Ministers![/ooc]

Offline ardem

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Re: George Payne for President: Victorious Humanity
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2011, 05:30:50 PM »
I will be throwing my support behind Senator Payne to be President he has always shown wisdom and strength of character in all my dealing with him. If Senator Payne does gain the position I would hope to be reconsidered as Survey Minister for one other term, to complete the process I have started.


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Re: George Payne for President: Victorious Humanity
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2011, 03:11:44 AM »
    I suppose it is a good time to declare that I will not be running for a second term.  I feel as though my first and only term is enough.  I spent many ears working to see this government built and it was a great pleasure and a source of pride to see what we have achieved.  Now I would like to sit back and reflect, and see what it can do without my meddling

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Re: George Payne for President: Victorious Humanity
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2011, 09:42:05 AM »
I wholly support Senator's Payne decision to run and I am ready to serve in his cabinet. I'd like to keep my portfolio, as I had little opportunities to use it.

Offline areyoua (OP)

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Re: George Payne for President: Victorious Humanity
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2011, 07:35:29 AM »
[ooc]Right then, two Ministers? Just two? I mean, I could just retain everyone from the previous cabinet as there seems to be no competition for positions, but there is no one for the Ministry of Infrastructure, and there is no one applying for Vice President. Time is running short, and I still need Ministers.

Also, I have another speech outlined, but it seems like no one reads my dispatches anyway, so unless it is really desired, its getting held back.[/ooc]
« Last Edit: July 04, 2011, 07:37:01 AM by areyoua »

Offline ardem

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Re: George Payne for President: Victorious Humanity
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2011, 05:35:26 PM »
I am sure Senator Garagin, the Deputy for Survey could make a welcome contribution to Infrastructure, I hope he rears his head and announces himself.

Offline areyoua (OP)

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Re: George Payne for President: Victorious Humanity
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2011, 07:27:55 AM »
Victory! (by default)

I must say that the competition this election was incredibly stiff, and I can't see how I won. Even so, we must get on with the functions of government and so I have the preliminary version of my cabinet, but I still need more people to fill in empty positions.

Ministry of Infrastructure: Empty

Ministry of Military: Empty

Ministry of Survey: Charles Winston

Ministry of Commerce: Phan Duc Tho

Ministry of Technology: Empty

I suppose that as there is no rule against it I could just appoint myself to the vacant positions, but that probably is not the way we want to go, so I think that we need some applicants.

George Payne

Offline vergeraiders

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Re: George Payne for President: Victorious Humanity
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2011, 11:31:19 AM »
Ministry of survey:

"Greeting sir", said the deputy minister to Charles Winston. "I've come to tell you that after much thought I've decided to leave this ministry and announce my candidacy for the minister of technology. We did some important things here, but it's pretty much running on auto pilot now. You can more than handle it yourself."

"At least for now I can, though if I know what you have in mind over at Tech, I expect I'll be busier than ever sooner than I expect." replied Charles.

"I sure hope so, Sir!" said Sansha Gagarin with a friendly wave.

Orbital shipyard, 2 hours later:

"Ladies and gentleman, in front of you is one of humanities greatest achievements, the soon to be completed "William K D'Arcy". But to our collective surprise, the launch of her sisters was not the most important event in the last 2 years. It was the answer to an age old question "Are we alone? Now we know that we most assuredly are not. If human history has taught us anything it is that any culture that has inferior knowledge or technology is likely to be exploited. We must not let this happen."

"Today I announce my candidacy for the Minister of Technology. I will petition our new president for an increase in our research budget, and to push our research community to expand the frontiers of knowledge. Not mere gadgets or improved components, however useful those may be, but I will encourage though and experimentation into the very nature of the cosmos. We now know there is life among the stars and that travel between them is possible. When we meet another civilization we must do so on an as equal footing as possible. This is what I pledge to do as your Minister of Technology."

Offline areyoua (OP)

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Re: George Payne for President: Victorious Humanity
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2011, 07:11:17 PM »
It's Official! (But I seem to be ruling nothing)

From my now enormous office, I still have concerns over the amount of ministries we still have to fill. I have decided to accept Senator Gagarin's application to the Ministry of Technology and stop waiting for Dr. Vendar to submit his application as time runs out tomorrow. Additionally, Vice Admiral Panopticon needs to submit an application to keep his position, but I'll grant him some leeway as he is the only person who has ever shown even an interest in the Ministry of Military, so here is Cabinet List #2

Ministry of Infrastructure: Empty

Ministry of Military: Empty

Ministry of Survey: Charles Winston

Ministry of Commerce: Phan Duc Tho

Ministry of Technology: Sasha Gagarin

It now looks more likely than ever that I'll get to make myself a minister, so applications, please.

George Payne
President of the Terran Federation

[ooc]Boy, that feels good.[/ooc]

Offline vergeraiders

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Re: George Payne for President: Victorious Humanity
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2011, 10:25:11 AM »
OK so where can I see a list of tech to be researched, our scientists and thier assignments/bonuses? How many labs do we have?
Have we finished the troop transport module yet?

I would like ot hear from Industry, Military, Survey and of course the president for their priorities.

Min Gragarin

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Re: George Payne for President: Victorious Humanity
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2011, 12:55:23 PM »
Seeing as no other worthies have chosen to step forward I find myself compelled to offer up my name for the position of Minister of the Interior.

--Senator Orion Starion

Offline areyoua (OP)

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Re: George Payne for President: Victorious Humanity
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2011, 04:44:44 PM »
Plans for the Future (Summery: Get moving ministers!)

While I have great respect for the policies of the previous President, one of the aspects I wish to change is the mostly hands-off attitude towards to functions of Government that President Casey adopted. Additionally, I seem to recall that it was previously stated that the President had the ability to outline general goals for Humanity, so I have come up with those general goals and they are listed below by ministry:

Ministry of Infrastructure
First, my precious former Ministry, I'll miss not being able to control every aspect of planetary life. The overarching goal for this term of my Presidency is to get out of the Sol system at whatever cost, so I want an increase in research capacity and perhaps more Shipyards and Slipways to build more ships capable of leaving the Sol System.

Ministry of the Military
Second, this ministry is getting a backseat this term. I know that there is clamor for a active military in light of the discovery of extraterrestrial life on Mars and the need to be protected, but that's just too bad. Two things really stop us from getting an active and effective military up and running: Tech Level and Shipyards Available. Our technology is likely to be completely outclassed by every other alien race in the galaxy at this point and we have but one Military Shipyard and two Slipways, so strength in numbers is not likely to be happening any time soon. Therefore, this Ministry will be essentially do nothing unless something forces my hand such as an alien invasion or something even more unbelievable than that occurs. Note that I added a "the" after "of" in the name. This is not a mistake and adds a bit of flow to the name and I hope that it will catch on and be used more widely.

Ministry of Survey
Third, it is quite simple here. I want crafts capable of surveying the Sol System and crafts to explore outside of the Sol System above all else. No ifs, ands, or buts (unless they are truly convincing) Deep Space or Bust!

Ministry of Commerce
Enough with the numbering. This ministry I hope will show a bit of patience. As I have stated previously while a Minister, it will be a good few years before a single Commercial Ship rolls off the shipyard, but there is still the prospect of the Private Sector. No subsidies have been given out, so that should be a priority, but there is little else that needs to be done until the ships start getting built. Once they are built, to Mars they should go to establish a colony to help exploit the ruins.

Ministry of Technology
No more ship components! I've had enough of reading reports that are swamped with reports about how useless ship component X or pathetic excuse for a weapon Y have been researched on the path to useless ship Z. Engines and Jump Engines are all I want to see as far as components go for a long time as the Military has little use at the present time. Research-wise I want to see a working engine capable of going to Deep Space ASAP. As soon as the Troop Transport Bay is researched, I want to see research done as fast as possible that allows a extra-solar Human Race at the expense of everything else.

I do hope that I can get all the Ministers to agree to my plans, for, if not, I would remind everyone that the Minister lists are yet to be finalized. I don't mean to be overbearing, but the desire to leave Sol at last has simply driven everything else out of my mind. Additionally, it seems like I'm getting the largely useless job of the Ministry of Military as still no one has spoken up for that job.

George Payne
President of the Terran Federation

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Re: George Payne for President: Victorious Humanity
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2011, 04:37:34 AM »
Well, I'll order several thousands Megacredit pumped into the civilian sector right now.

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Re: George Payne for President: Victorious Humanity
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2011, 02:27:50 PM »
[ooc]So, are you going to list the ministerial appointments or are we assuming that since we only have one candidate per that those candidates are henceforth appointed?[/ooc]