Author Topic: Soft Chatter interview with George Payne  (Read 1849 times)

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Soft Chatter interview with George Payne
« on: July 01, 2011, 06:22:16 PM »
Walter Leland: Hello viewers. I am very pleased to announce that we will be having frontrunner in the Presidential Elections, George Payne in today for an interview, and let me be the first to say that you probably need to turn off your smell-o-vision for this next segment.

George Payne: Come now, you don't smell that bad.

WL: Haha, very good, but we're not here just to crack jokes, Presidential elections are quite serious in their very nature, so lets just get started with the interview. Why should the voters in the coming election vote for you?

GP: Well first off, I have the most experience in government one could possibly have in our young Federation. I have spent two long years at the Ministry of Infrastructure which I believe to be one of if not the most active Ministry in all the Federation during my term. Under me, the first two Trans-Newtonian spacecraft left the shipyard, a new University was built, and I effectively doubled our Federation's capacity to build ships by starting and finishing work on the first Commercial Shipyard ever. Additionally, I have served in the Senate ever since its creation and during that time I proposed the more legislation and had more of my bills passed than any other senator. No one short of the current President could have any more experience than I do.

WL: Experience is very good, but what about policy? What will you do as President?

GP: *Sigh* Whenever anyone asks me this question, I ask myself, "Do you really want this job?" The position of President may be prestigious, but a president exercises little direct power. I think to myself, "Is this why no one wants to run for office? Am I the sucker of the world for running?" Of course, I will do my best to select the best choices for Minister from those that apply, but after that, little remains to be done. This is why I am proposing new legislation to expand the powers of the executive branch to encompass the power to veto, and the ability to fire ministers in the middle of a term.

WL: Give it to us straight, what do you think your chances are of becoming President?

GP: One hundred percent. There are, simply put, no other credible candidates within 5,000 miles of the race.

WL: Then why are you still campaigning? Why not simply wait for what seems to be inevitable?

GP: How else will I get my message out? It is not all about making sure I win, the people must be informed of what I am and what I stand for in order to better facilitate our Democracy. Would you want to have a President who said nothing prior to his election an won simply because he wass alone? No. The people must know what they are getting, even if they have but one choice.

WL: Well, I guess that's it. However, I have a question for you, can I have a job as Sub-Minister of Awesome?

GP: Um, well... you certainly don't smell awesome...

WL: Alright, alright, I'll let you get out of the Camera. This has been Soft Chatter with Walter Leland, and that's the way it is.