Author Topic: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?  (Read 283723 times)

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Offline Mastik

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #855 on: May 11, 2015, 09:05:40 AM »
  Not much excitement going on here, have 18 colonies up and running.  With the occasional scrap with the [Luh].  I do know there is an active wormhole (from an error message) somewhere, but have not found it.  Have issues with sorium and corundium right now, Mars has a large deposit of Sorium but hard to get at 0.1.  Most of Earths manufacturing is concentrated on mine production.  Scientists tell me we are about 4 years from something called a Magneto-plasma engine.

Offline GodEmperor

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #856 on: May 16, 2015, 02:43:07 AM »
Project "Longjump" was the last chance of dying Earth. Hundreds of sleeper sublight ships launched from the war-ravaged Earth at the end of XXI century, each aiming at the different star.

Untold centuries were spend in the void and when settlers arrived in the Virgo system they were really amazed. System consisted of 7 gas giants, 4 rocky planets, 141 moons and 753 asteroids in three MASSIVE belts.
Furthest gas giant, named Pisces is whooping 857B from the main star and has a Lagrange Point - but with orbit so massive and orbital period counted in milenia so its actually useless because its already almost as far from LP as its from my planet.
Luckily settled planet is rich as hell that i will have to wait to use becasue at the moment of discovering TN tech, Gemini population was whooping 50 milions ...
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Offline Mastik

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #857 on: May 16, 2015, 10:19:58 PM »
  Lost 2 more survey ships to the [Luh], never even seen what hit me.  Maybe fighters or small frigates, will have to adjust sensors accordingly.  I have been snooping around in what i thought might be their territory, so i guess losses are expected.  Upgrading fleets to magneto-plasma drives, will soon start snooping around [Luh] territories with something more substantial.   ;D

  I am about 8hrs into a 5sec increment cycle, i will probably lose this game as i never have much luck with these cycles stopping.

Offline Mastik

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #858 on: May 21, 2015, 04:49:21 PM »
Put the previous adventure on hold, due to many hours worth of :05 increments.  Started a new map, 100 systems, difficulty 125%

Jan 2112
Geological and Grav surveys complete, 7! jump gates found.  Sensor pods have been placed on all 7 gates.  Not impressed by the system Geo survey.  Ion drive technology became available recently.  Have 2 destroyer fleets in training, switched from 16Kt destroyers to 6Kt.  Much easier to manage early game.

1 command/EW
3 area defense-laser
3 final defense-guass
3 ASM (Size 5)

Offline GodEmperor

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #859 on: May 23, 2015, 06:40:30 AM »
Newly discovered system Olympus .. totally useless despite having :

Rocky Planets: 5   Surveyed: 0 - 2 x colony cost 2.00 and 1x 5.19 colcost with less than 1ATM so trivial to terraform.
Gas Giants: 8   Surveyed: 0
Moons: 106   Surveyed: 0
Asteroids: 285   Surveyed: 0

Why, you ask ?? Because Sol-Olympus JP is 13 bilion km from the primary star and first planet orbits main star at whooping 55 BILION !! km....
Companion star is ... well just see pic.
And while there is Lagrange Point from main star to secondary there is a problem - LP1 is 86 Bilion km from the Sol jump point and orbit of the secondary star means that eventual colony can be left for milenia without possible resupply or reinforcements...

Im currently half a year from building special survey vessel that can use those LP points in some reasonable time to check if those planets are even worth the hassle.

EDIT : oh and i have discovered trinary system that has nothing but 6 rocky planets, 4 of which are 1.9 colony cost ones ... and only one of them has any minerals.
I swear this game hates me..
« Last Edit: May 23, 2015, 08:21:45 AM by Lossmar »
."I am Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt. I am known as a fair man, unless I am pushed.
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Offline Mastik

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #860 on: May 23, 2015, 04:08:46 PM »
Looking at the wrecks, There might be some unfriendly's about.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2015, 04:11:18 PM by Mastik »

Offline Sorg

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #861 on: May 24, 2015, 12:37:27 AM »
Quote from: Mastik link=topic=3808. msg79467#msg79467 date=1432415326
Looking at the wrecks, There might be some unfriendly's about.
Maybe these are just randomly generated wrecks.

Offline Viridia

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #862 on: May 24, 2015, 07:25:42 PM »
Been documenting key events in my new game, and left staggered at how my largest shipyards are around 10,000 tons and civvie shipping lines are chucking out 150,000+ ton freighters.

Offline Steve Walmsley

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #863 on: May 27, 2015, 01:27:38 PM »
Been documenting key events in my new game, and left staggered at how my largest shipyards are around 10,000 tons and civvie shipping lines are chucking out 150,000+ ton freighters.

Commercial shipyards start at 10,000 tons. It doesn't take that long to get them into the 150,000 ton range. That is equivalent to a naval shipyard of 15,000 tons.

Offline Viridia

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #864 on: May 29, 2015, 08:57:52 AM »
Commercial shipyards start at 10,000 tons. It doesn't take that long to get them into the 150,000 ton range. That is equivalent to a naval shipyard of 15,000 tons.

Oh I see. Shows what I get for not playing Aurora often enough, I guess :P

Offline JacenHan

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #865 on: May 30, 2015, 01:10:48 AM »
Playing as a conventional start alien race called the Cyrian Federation. Currently surveying the home system and building a small navy before I start to develop interstellar capabilities.

Decided to focus primarily on beam weaponry, with some reduced size missile launchers coming in later once I have the tech. The only active warship class is a 3000 ton laser-armed patrol ship. Currently expanding shipyard for an 8000 ton long-ranged particle beam cruiser.

Offline Mastik

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #866 on: May 30, 2015, 04:20:45 PM »
Jan 2134

  22 systems explored, no alien presence found.  1 planet with some alien artifacts, xenology team found 15 structures.  Terra-forming operations on Mars (pop 81m), Luna to follow (60m).  Most resources (infrastructure, auto miners, etc) going to Europa.  Europa has the best accessible Duranium source in the system.

  Military is re-tooling to Tier 2 fleets. 

3-6Kt Point defense Destroyers
3-6Kt Area defense destroyers
1-16Kt EW cruiser
1-16Kt AMM Cruiser
1-16Kt ASM Cruiser

Offline JacenHan

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #867 on: June 01, 2015, 03:30:03 PM »
Having found few resources in their home system, Nadar, the Cyrian Federation has begun to expand out through the three jump points in their system. Two jump gate construction ships are currently under construction to allow civilian development of these new resources.

Many in the Federation believe the resources diverted to building and maintaining a battle fleet are wasted, since the possibility of meeting another space-faring sentient race is believed to be extremely small. Current naval forces include 6 cruisers, 12 escorts, 12 patrol ships, and the planned construction of 6 missile frigates. However, it is not likely that further resources will be used for building or updating the fleet.


It seems that those who pushed for the creation of a navy were correct. While finishing up a survey of the Meirica system two jumps from Nadar, a Fraoch clas geosurvey ship detected an unknown contact around the fourth star in the system, which closed in at an extremely fast speed and attacked the vessel with what appeared to be large-caliber railguns, similar to the ones used by Cyrian Navy escorts. The future expansion of the navy seems now to be inevitable.

Edit Mark 2:

The 1st Battle Group has set sail for the Meirica jump point, and will reach it in 57 days at it's maximum speed of 1250 km/s, by which time the jump gate there will be completed.

Order of Battle:
6 8000 ton particle beam cruisers
10 6000 ton railgun escorts
6 4000 ton missile frigates

Twelve 3000 ton patrol vessels remain in Nadar for local defense, and two railgun escorts are currently being refitted to a newer model.

Edit Mark 3:

Unfortunately, due to my low tech, most of the missiles I launched at the enemy ship either missed or were destroyed by the enemy using it's railguns as PD. The rest failed to penetrate the armor. Sending my somewhat faster railgun escorts ahead was a mistake, as all of them were too short-ranged and were slaughtered. The cruisers, however, were able to match the enemy's range and destroy it with only moderate damage to a single ship. The fleet is currently holding place on the jump point while a construction ship builds a gate back home.

Edit Mark 4:

The only jump route through Nadar's third jump point has been explored, revealing a nearly habitable world, ripe for the picking. Assuming, of course, that someone else hasn't already occupied it. (Also, there were two more stars roughly 5 trillion kilometers away containing an ideal habitable world, but I always delete those, just so they stop mocking me with their inaccessibility)

Another star system three jumps from Nadar holds 9 planets of 2.00 colonisation cost. Mineral surveys await, but if they turn out well, this could be one the best systems I've found in any of my games. Also, the 1st Battle Group has returned from Meirica, and is overhauling and commencing fleet upgrades and repairs. Construction has begun upon two new 16,000 ton battlecruisers, with heavy particle beam and missile armaments.

Edit Mark 5:

In more domestic matters, the Federation is currently attempting to secure more mineral resources. Key mineral stockpiles of duranium, corundium, and sorium have reached low levels in the mineral-dry capital. While some minerals are provided by the significant mining operation on Keilia, another planet in the Nadar system (which already has a mineral output almost twice that of the capital), it has no corundium, and duranium accessibility is only middling. Automated mines are being setup in the adjacent Mumha system, but the accessibility of the mines there is low, and they are fairly distant from the jump point.

The planet Lantar, two jumps from Clyria through the third jump point, appears to be an excellent answer for the time being. Although it does not have every mineral, the accessibility of the minerals is rated as middling to high, and most critically holds good quantities and accessibilities of duranium and sorium. In addition, it only has a colony cost of 0.7, allowing a colony to be easily established and eventually terraformed.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2015, 01:14:30 AM by JacenHan »

Offline Mastik

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #868 on: June 11, 2015, 05:59:19 PM »
New Map due to issues with last game.  Diff 150%, 100 systems, 2 NPC races, no spoiler races.

June 2114
15 Systems explored, 2 hostile, and 1 neutral race encountered.  First encounters with the Diboll Imperium [V57] (Neutral), my survey vessel was quickly surrounded by 33 ships of assorted sizes.  No shots were fired, and diplomatic relations are progressing.  All diplomatic efforts have failed with with the [Wol] and [Ros] factions.

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #869 on: June 12, 2015, 09:14:34 AM »
When relations go bad they realy go bad... :-X

I have been engaging an enemy some 7 jumps away, main fleet is there and kicking ass... ::)

But now my "friend" has gone from +1700 to -500 in relations over night, I think, didnt pay atention to whats happening home...

This link will hopefully work... havnt learned how to take pictures of my screen...   :o

Thank god they arn,t above Earth all of them.... :)

I have some 40 frigates with 1 laser a hundred fighters with 4 launchers each and 3 PDC with 500 launchers each so I feel I will win... :-\
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