Author Topic: 2146-2157 One Parent, Two Children  (Read 2178 times)

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Offline ardem (OP)

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2146-2157 One Parent, Two Children
« on: September 03, 2011, 04:12:36 AM »

3rd June 2146 Earth Survey craft discovered ruin outpost in Lacialle 9352 system, Xeno team investigating
18th July 2147 Earth and Brightstar sign the Proxima Treaty
15th April 2148 4 Brigades of guardian robots slaughter 2 undefended engineer brigades before combat troops could arrive
15th May 2148 Earth Xeno team find and explore ruins on Hershel II
1st June 2148 Brightstar produce their first Geo Survey Vessel
15th July 2148 Earth Mutual Defence Pact established between Earth, Brightstar and Grisson
20th December 2148 Brightstar research facilities are understaffed causing a substantial fall in projected targets
8th January 2149 Brightstar build a new commerical shipyard
12th April 2149 Grisson expands several civilian mining operations in the Barnard Star system
1st Feburary 2150 Trade resumes between the colonies and Earth
20th Feburary 2150 Brightstar sets in a commerical order to move its Research facilities to its home world on Delta Prime
15th March 2150 Grisson publishes that someone has stolen their Geo data for Lacialle 8760
1st September 2150 Earth runs into a new mineral crisis of Urium and Nuetronium, most construction stops
17th May 2151 Earth and Grisson sign a mutual defence pact, Grisson delivers 1000 units of Nuetronian in the deal
10th August 2151 Earths 10th Brigade fight off guardian at Barnwell, General Hugo Schwiser is honoured
28th December 2151 Grisson launches the first colonial combat vessel, although this vessel is primary defence as a escort, named Kaparen Class
16th January 2152 Earth is caught in espionage on Grisson, diplomacy team work in overdrive

Fade In peeps,

Earth and the two breakaway colonies for most part have played nicely. The Proxima Treaty provided both Earth and Brightstar an avenue to explore other systems, by allowing no government sponsored colonies to be established in the Proxima Centuari sytem. This could be seen as a step in the right direction.

Earth is plowing ahead rediscovering geo data it had lost and gate building on the Lacialle 9352 system. The loss of two engineer brigades were a low point in Earth new governing body but the quick recapture the planet and restored public opinion.

Brightstar and Grisson faced strong public pressure for the lack of defence on their Earth colonies, so Earth gave each colony a PDC with ICBM ability. The fineprint stated that missiles cannot be loaded into the silo, but majority of the public are unaware and now the public uproar has quietened down.

But Earth has had its own trouble with it lack of mineral to expand and maintain its fleet. This crisis has allowed Brightstar and Grisson not to be concerned with it neighbour and press ahead with their own geo surveys and hopefully soon colonise other systems.

Grisson although feeling vulnerable had grabbed a mutual defence pact with Earth now, in case of Brightstar aggression. Brightstar moving of research lab is it last connections to Earth but with the lack on transport civilian or with Brightstar own fleet it will take a long time to move the 30 centres.

We will monitor the situation, but for now all seems quiet with each bloc happy to hold its own above water.

Till we fade.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2011, 04:19:13 AM by ardem »

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2146- 1 Parent 2 Children
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2011, 06:40:27 PM »

22 March 2152 Brightstar launches the Eternal Diligence Freighter, The Eternal Class is capable of lifting 25000 units
17 April 2152 Earth announces more advance terraforming methods, rumours is this is alien technology from Barnwell
16 June 2152 Huge fuel cache found on Barnwell, up to 12 million litres
16 September 2152 Brightstar establishes a Ground Training Facility on Delta
2 December 2152 15 day ground battle with guardians on Barnwell
25 April 2153 PDC Righteous Fist created Fighter Defence Base finished, although Brightstar has no known fighters yet
15 June 2153 Earth trades 10000 Mercassium for 1000 ton of Neutronium from Brightstar, Earth politician call it extortion but their need are great
30 June 2153 37 day Battle with guardians on Barnwell
17 August 2153 Earth sells the DD Pius Antonis to BrightStar for 7000 ton Neutroium, this now will see the immediate end to the mineral crisis
10 September 2153 The population of Argonis rejoices as Grisson survey team find a 200,000 Duraium deposit, this will fix their dwindling stocks
25 October 2153 Grisson announces has found some alien ruins on Lacialle 8760 and exploring them
4 June 2154 Brightstar announces their new active sensor technology has been stolen by unnamed parties
8 August 2154 Grisson stocks take a sharp increase as they announce they have start exploring new worlds
1 February 2155 29 day Battle with guardians on Barnwell
20 March 2155 Grisson lost its only construction ship to a blackhole system

Fade in,

Each of the three states, have continued to grow and peacefully at this stage, the main reason is each is incapable of a prolonged war, although Earth is now regaining it Fleet prowess now. Grisson had a promising start investigating 3 new systems unfortunately a black hole system swallowed up their only construction ship, it will take time to shift production for a new one.

Brightstar's Eternal Class is proving to be a good class as already 6 have rolled of the shipyard line. They now have the largest civilian fleet which is helping the transfer of the research modules.

Their has been a number of battles on Barnwell, the politicians have not send any colonist here, only military. The 1st Marine Regiment arrived to help lighten the load, for most parts the alien defence systems are reduced pretty quickly, occasionally they get a few lucky penetration and casualties. But for the most part their technology is not as good as Earth ground forces.

The Military encryption protocols are fairly high at the moment, so we have unable to provide any scoops or personal logs. But you would find most of them quite boring since the main focus of the states is regaining there feet.

Fade Out.

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2146- 1 Parent 2 Children
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2011, 07:33:16 PM »

24 March 2156 Earth launches the Science Vessel, Belknap. The Belknap Class purpose is the discovery of new systems
3 July 2156 SV Belknap find aliens in the newly explored LHS 471 system
5 August 2156 Earth discontinues communication attempts stopped for alien species, as they have not replied to any of our signals
11 August 2156 SV Belknap finds Arae aliens in EG45 system and is lucky to escape with enemy combat vessels closing in on it
21 August 2156 Earth discover Grisson has a combat vessels via an Earth trading captain
21 September 2157 1st Battle of the EG45 system

Fade in,

Here is a real scoop, we just received news that the Border Fleet was involved in a battle in the EG 45 system, this is the first battle with these ships since the Lacialle 8760 battles. Earth who fleet has recently been restored but still short on missiles, sent two Belgium class missile destroyers, two crusader light carriers and two missile frigates and a destroyer into EG45. THe gate builder had been building a path, as soon as SV Belknap had made contact.

We at ORK have intercepted the battle logs that been filter back to Earth, these logs are a day old.

Encoding battle log.......

CMDR: Rear Admiral Claudia Heinichke
FLEET:Border Force:DDG AByssina(f), DDG Afganistan, CVL Agincourt, CVL Aisne, DD Patrick Ferguson, FFG Alexandria, FFG Dundee

Date: 2157-9-19
Action Stations reached.........
Sirius to EG45 Jump.........

Sensors online
Flag to Fleet: Head to Survey point 12

15:46:01 - Contacts: 5 Trinkit Class, designation Unknown speed 5691 and closing Bearing 270 Range 200m kms

15:46:01 - Flag to Fleet: Continue heading

20:22:15 - Contacts closing Range 120m kms

20:32:15 - Admiral Log: Engaging a mass of missiles estimate around 200. Enemy is not in range to fire from, believe the launch was 120m km. AAM are working as expected.

20:35:20 - Admiral Log: Enemy missiles are now overwhelming AAM, point defence is working overtime, DDG Afghanistan has shield downs and taken multiple hits across it armour, no penetration so far.

20:35:30 - Enemy missiles are now targeted on CVL Agincourt 6 missile have penetrated the defences, unfortunately the missiles have struck on 3 places on the ship, the CVL Agincourt has suffered multiple internal damages,

20:37:00 - CVL Agincourt reports lost 1/2 fighter fleet, only capable of 1151 km/s, mutlipe power and system damages.

20:45:24 - Admiral Log: Enemy has broke off attack and headed towards EG45 System planet IV, Range 300m km

Date 2157-9-21

04:34:27 - Admiral Log: CVL Agincourt repairs complete, intention is the keep CVL Agincourt out of the fight. AAM at 50% levels. Heading towards EG45 Planet IV, moving slow to avoid thermal signature.
05:21:45 - Contact 5 Trinket Class. Bearing 5 degrees Two at 80m km, Bearing 5 degrees Three at 137m km

05:21:50 - GSlam launch.

05:22:00 - Admiral Log: Damn it FFG fired early, both firing at separate targets Trinkit 005 and Trinkit 006, Abyssinia and Afghanistan also separate targets of 005, 006.

05:25:20 - 1 Impact on 005, 4 impact on 006

05:25:25 - 2 Impacts on 005, 8 impacts on 006

05:25:50 - 2 impacts ion 005, 6 impacts on 006

05:25:55 - Trinkit 006 is destroyed

05:30:55 - Bravo Squadron (Wildcats) inbound to Trinkit 005

05:32:20 - Multiple Missiles inbound targeting DDG Abyssina, AAM engaging

05:33:30 - AAM on FFG Dundee and FFG Alexandria run dry

05:34:20 - Wildcats engage and destroy Trinkit 005

05:34:25 - Flag to Fleet: Move to Trinkit 002

05:45:00 - Multiple Missiles inbound targeting DDG Abyssina, AAM engaging

05:45:50 - DDG Abyssina and DDG Afghanistan AAM run dry, only DD Patrick Ferguson has AAM from two launchers, still with over 50 missiles inbound.

05:46:20 - Admiral Log: Point Defence working overtime, even the 35cm Lasers manage to bring down a few missiles, they are definitely not designed for this task

05:47:30 - DDG Abyssina shields collapse and multiple hits on the armour but no penetrations

05:54:20 - DDG Abyssinia, DDG Afghanistan FFG Alexandria and FFG Dundee launch GSlam, Tallboy MWS and Tallboy Siren missiles, Range 46m kms

05:56:10 - Admiral Log: Trinkit 004, Trinkit 003 and Trinkit 002 point defence overwhelmed as Tallboy Siren missiles separate before point defence and produce 8 targets, Tallboy MWS produce 3 warhead capable targets and GSlam missiles in the mix.

05:56:30 - Trinkit 004 and Trinkit 003 destroyed

05:56:35 - Trinkit 002 limping managing 400km/s

05:59:45 - Admiral Log: Wildcats engage and destroy Trinkit 002

After this engagement the DD Patrick Ferguson fired upon the a small thermal reading on one of the moons where the Trinkits seem to resupply from, this base was destroyed.

From our reports the Rear Admiral is still in the system but with limited ammo they have hover around the moon, that the base was destroyed on.

Fade Out.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2011, 10:06:29 PM by ardem »