Author Topic: 2158-2164 Genetics are a state of mind  (Read 2782 times)

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Offline ardem (OP)

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2158-2164 Genetics are a state of mind
« on: September 07, 2011, 04:36:18 AM »
Earth, Chicago,2158.8.29
Head Scientist of Brightstar Research labs, Sean O Sullivan, looks over the report. Finally improved damage control procedures and equipment have been completed. Only 20 weeks late and two hundred percent over budget. Internally he fumed at his staff's incompetence.  He always hated doing the budget allocations but this time he was going to assign the defensive budget to the logistics department. The new land combat suits and vehicles are  needed. Earth has such superiority in numbers and they need to counter it somehow. Quality over quantity he thought.

Earth , Sweden, 2158.9.9
Birgitta Swedenhielm smiled to herself, her team was amazing. The board had favour development for stealth vessels as the main research project, and her team was excelsior. Another piece of research had just fell into place, allowing increasing stealth coverage, meaning bigger vessels. Perhaps in a year or two we can get a prototype up and running, but for now there was a lot more to discover. Birgitta knew she had the team to do it.

Earth, Sweden, 2158.10.9
Orlogskapten Frida Samuelson listened as Lief Johannessen briefed her on last month hacking attempts on the various Earth research labs. They employed enough teenage kids and gave them access to the latest and greatest equipment and still in 2 years they not penetrated a lab. Her mind wandered, but then she saw Lief smile. “What is it Lief, you have been smirking most of the morning” she quickly thought her bra strap was showing or had she accidently flashed him, he was so immature. Lief pushed a tablet across her desk. The heading grabbed her attention “Technical specs for improved missile tracking – Earth Command – Eyes Only”. “YES!” Frida leaped up and kissed Lief on the top of the head as she bolted for the door. She was heading to her superior and hopefully a big fat promotion.

Agonis, Halter Marine Group Civil Construction Yard, 2158.11.8
Foreman Reynolds, yelled out to his boys “Quitting time”. He watched as his 15 man team pushed off in zero gravity, away from the new installed construction slip. “Johan, it is your shout tonight and I want no more grumbling how you have no money, I know you just got your 15% finishing bonus”. Several of the construction lad chuckled over the mic, and Johan grumbling could also be heard. Reynolds took one last look over at the slip and then at the two identical slips with semi completed Troop Transports beside it. He patted a Duranium beam and whispered “Don’t worry fella, you will have your very own troopship starting soon” With that he turned and pushed off to the docking collar of the small transport vessel.

Earth, Combat Command, 2158.12.10
Chairman Parker Eisel stared at Rear Admiral Rioberto Denty and Major General Fredric Mafre.
“Have you seen these latest intelligence reports” the chairman voice carried concerns. Denty responded calmly “Yes Chairman, it seems the Brightstar corp is pushing ahead with its genetic research. We have only uncovered the research, we have not found any live test subjects.”
“If this gets out, the Earth population will want this stopped, and stopped immediately. Can we stop this Militarily.” The chairman searched for a quick and easy resolution to this problem, so far quiet diplomacy has not worked. The Major General puff up like typical Marine jarhead ”If we can get a transport to Delta and put a Regiment on the ground we will roll those suits up like a wet newspaper.”
Denty did not want to question the Major General's logic over rolling up a wet newspaper but he knew Earths Fleet was seriously understock of missile munitions, they were 50% depleted in the last fight with the Araes. That was 50% total of all stocks. Denty decided to play the voice of reason “Chairman at this stage, the fleet is under equipped to deal with a possible war, although we have numerous vessels the Arae threat has reared its head again and we don’t want to waste resource of fighting between the colonies. We have not found that Brightstar has done any live experimentation, perhaps the science is for other things, other than DNA manipulation. I suggest we wait, we still have a superior fleet and research platform than both the colonies.”
The chairman absorbed Denty words , “Very well we will wait for now. Gentleman.” The chairman rose and walked out of the meeting room.

Barnwell, Hershel System, 2159.1.5
Brigadier General He Song Gang inspected the ruins, or what was the Ruins, the two Construction Regiments consisting of 8 Engineer Brigades had turned this mess into a fully functioning colony.  The Techs had brought on power and water facilities, sealed off habitat zones. He was proud of his men. He reviewed the current colony statics.
Facilities to support 22 million people – 1 Commerical Spaceport –Deep Space Tracking Station – Maintainence Faility – 2 Mass Drivers – 11 Construction Facilities – 8 Ordance Facilities -3 Fighter Factories – 4 Fuel Refieneries – 26 Opencut mines -46 Automated mines -8 Terraforming facilities -6 Research Labs – Ground Force Training Facility
26 Million Litres of Fuel – 30,000 units  of various mineral

And 601 installation yet to explore and not a single civilian yet to operate it all, although that would soon change, even with the threat of more of automated defences, but that was the combat troops worry not his.

That was not including the stock of alien equipment and parts they had left behind. Whatever destroyed this race decided their tech was inferior, some of it was and some of it wasn’t to Earth, this worried the General a little.

[ooc]Yes I have changed styles, the old Brightstar ORK log just was making it difficult to tell all the interesting thing, because if ORK knew everyone knew. So I changing the style to snippets of people point of view, some will be recurring others perhaps one off. I hope as reader you will understand and enjoy it more[/ooc]
« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 12:09:51 AM by ardem »

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2158- Genetics are a state of mind
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2011, 09:47:06 AM »
Earth, Shanghai, 2159.3.5
Governor Zou Feng Yun and Governor Huang Qiang Hui stood side by side and watched as the new commercial shipyard Jing Jiang lifted into space. Even though Earth was now one entity it was still heartening to see the Chinese people contribute to the greater goals. The shipyard still needed a lot of work and further expansion once it was in orbit, but it was a start. The two men faced each other as the shipyard disappeared and shook each others hand. No words were exchanged or needed to be. They took their leave to fly back to Titan and Luna colonies respectively, but with a deep satisfaction, with what they had seen today.

Earth, Japan, 2159.3.15
Chief Scientist Hirano Fuyutsugu reviewed the data log from Barnwell, another huge improvement to Earth's technology. Barnwell had in 2 years accomplished no fewer then 4-5 discoveries, and the latest is going to increase construction productivity by 25%. He was starting to worry that perhaps ruin hunting may each into his budget, since the army engineers were making as much advances in science, as his own staff.

Earth, Sweden, 2159.7.10
Orlogskapten Frida Samuelson slumped across her desk. She was struggling to prop herself up as her energy was fading. She watched as a pool of blood  spread across the desk, her blood. One moment she was joking with Lief and perhaps a little flirting, the next Lief was glassy eyed with a neat bullet hole in his cranium. She did not feel being shot, but she knew she was dying, both shots had hit her centre back and pierced both lungs. She drifted from  conciousness, a thought flash acrossed her mind 'dying wasn’t as bad as she thought'. Just before her vision failed, she noticed a black clad figure with night vision goggles approach and pull her head back. Then there was blackness.

Earth, London, 2159.7.10
Commander Geoffrey Alberding was speculating if the weather would turn for a round of golf later, 'perhaps not' he thought. A junior officer approach him with a tablet in hand, his rather smart uniform displayed his 'eager to please' attitude, that that British bred so well.
“Sir, Albatross one reports Deep Blue eliminated” stated the junior officer in a matter of fact way. The junior officer continued “Albatross one confirms that Deep Blue was behind the Missile Tracking theft, but feels they were too late to prevent a compromise.”
Geoffrey Alberding was well pleased with the results, and saluted the young officer to carry on, perhaps the weather was changing and a round of golf was in order.

Earth, Jing Jiang Shipyard, 2159.10.30
The skeleton of the Trangressor class salvager, stretch out across the slipway. The shipyard was only just big enough to build this 30,000ton monster. It will take almost 2 years to complete. But those Arae’s ship wrecks are not going anywhere in a hurry. The Earth shipyards were at 50% production but even so 400,000tons of construction was in progress.

EG45, Border Force, 2159.12.16
Border Force had sat in EG45 for almost 12 months now with no sign of any enemy activity. Confident that there was no threat here, Rear Admiral Edwardo Vadevender decided Border force could return to Earth for supplies, fuel and shore leave. The troops deserved it.

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2158- Genetics are a state of mind
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2011, 07:30:58 AM »
Delta Prime, 2160.1.11
Commander Benjamin Holden shook Commander Anna Bundick hand. The occasion had been his retirement formal ceremony held at the Corporate Headquarters. This was his final act as a Commander and Fleet Chief, the boring speeches had end with Dylan Doyle giving a 30 min talk about duty, honour and corporate responsibility. Ben wasn’t sure, if it was a lecture to the masses or a pat on the back for his service. Either way he would be happy knowing a week from now he would be fishing for trout in the mountains.

DX Cancri, GEV Imperial, 2160.4.14
“Lieutenant, we have detected a ship that has jumped into the system. We have located and marked the wormhole.” the sub officer in charge of the sensor station busied himself trying to obtain more data for the ship’s captain.
Lieutenant Viola Greenberg had spent ten long hard years on this ship and she was damned if she was going to lose her. She held her gaze at the monitor but spoke to the sensor sub-officer “Can you get a contact reading and a possible identification?”
“Yes ma’am, the contact is a Grisson vessel Zenzontle Class”
Viola reviewed the data on the Zenzontle Class, which was less than the data she was accumulating at the moment. Her eyes narrowed momentary in surprise 40659km/s before she realised the vessel but be in hyper drive to the outer systems. She tapped at her chair “what to do, we obviously have a connecting system to Grisson controlled space. Headquarters would want to know this ASAP, sending a communiqué in system would be risk, she should leave quietly and hope they don’t spot the transit.
“Sensors, do you think they spotted us”
“No ma’am I am pretty sure we are in the clear” sensors sounded sure but there was a slight waver
“Ok engines, take us out of here 1000km/s to be safe, to the jump point” Viola was satisfied with her actions.

Earth, Chicago, 2160.5.5
Commander Geoffrey Alberding ducked low behind a parked truck. He looked across the sparsely lit compound, which hosted only a single guard. The rest of his four man team spread out, each armed and dangerous. His elite team was the best and every mission he had been for the last 10 years has been one success after the next. This one should not be any different. He signalled one of his members to take out the guard. The guard was leaning on a car, smoking a cigarette and probably wishing he was anywhere but here. Colonel Jonas Maietta approached silently with a KBar knife in his hand, and with a quick bound he buried it into the guards ribs with a hand across the mouth. The only sound made was a quiet slide down the car as he drifted away. Lieutenant Commander Wan Bi Xiong took his cue to leap over a small fence and whip out a tablet with various wires hanging lose. He approached the door preparing to hack it. Two guards open that same door and stood face to face with Xiong. One of the guard’s head became a crimson mist. Colonel Jerone Kasendieck marksmanship was second to none. Xiong with lighting reflexes, pivoted and spun low, bring his leg around to sweep the guard off his feet. His foot also stopped  the now closing security door from shutting. The final member of the team Lieutenant Commander Jordon Willenbrink, walked casually by the now stunned guard and popped two rounds centre mass with his silenced pistol and strolled into the building.
Geoffery smiled just another day in the office, now for the new Brightstar Cannonade plans.

Earth, Chicago, 2160.7.10
Lieutenant Junior Grade Shashenka Bulatov, walk down the gang plank from the small shuttle, she had spent a month aboard the BrightStar cargo fleet, which had arrived on Earth to transport research centres back home. It  was funny how Delta Prime is now home to her, although like most others she was born on Earth. Although Earth was familiar she had quite a distant relationship to this planet and its habitants.
She needed to focus on the job she had to do, first head outside Chicago and met up with her team. Her job was twofold, spy on Earth and find and execute the A-team. This was the nick name given to the team that was picking holes in the Brightstar’s security grid as if it was a soft marshmellow.

Earth, Jeremiah Simonson Shipyard, 2160.8.10
Three Burke class Colony ships glide past the dignities within the shipyard’s viewing area. Two colony ships were bound for the Wolf 1061 system. There was a Class 2 moon, which had an abundant of mineral resources. More than Earth would need for the next 50 years. The information on this sytem which had never been surveyed, was courteous of the Intelligence section, via a Brightstar data steal. No doubt Brightstar was also looking to colonize this moon, it was a matter of who is going to get there first.
The Border fleet had already begun its voyage in order to hold the jump gate. Once Brightstar finds out that Earth has a colony things might become a little heated. It would be good to have the pride of the fleet in standby.

Delta Prime, Amfels Shipyard, 2160.8.23
Dylan Doyle watched the new Colony Ship Siege Perlious making ready to take on passengers, only yesterday was the ship finally completed. He had rejoiced for this day, there was a system nearby that had an abundance of resources and a planet capable of terraforming.  It would set Brightstar up well into the future and perhaps even rival Earth, but they had a long way to go. Even so today he was a proud man.

Wolf 1061, Proxima Centuari Jump Point. 2160.10.12
“Rear Admiral, a Brightstar ship has transited from the jump point. Intelligence class this vessel as the Siege Perilous, a civilian ship. Probably a colony ship.”
Rear Admiral Claudia Heinickle grab both the chair’s armrests and pushed herself to a standing position, she clasped her hands behind her back “Ok, active sensors, paint her up. And patch me a link.”
The front displayed the Brightstar ship’s captain, he looked to be a junior officer, and his startled expression and confused persona, made Claudia already feel at ease.
“This is Rear Admiral Heinickle of the Border Force Earth Union Fleet, with whom am I speaking with”
The man had gathered his composure and fast “I am Lieutenant Junior Grade Delreal, of the Brightstar commercial fleet, what is the meaning of this act of force”
The Rear Admiral smirked at the plucky courage of the kid “You have entered Earth Union space, please return to your sector or be fired on. “
“You cannot be serious, I have 100000 souls here onboard, we are a Colony ship bound to Wolf 1061 Planet 2, you have no colony in this system, you have no jurisdiction.”
“See this fleet, is all the jurisdiction I need, now turn about and leave.”
“I will need to call my superiors and let them decide the matter” Delreal was not going to be stopped just yet.
“Very well” the admiral rolled her eyes “You have 24 hours to vacate the area”

Wolf 1061, Proxima Centuari Jump Point. 2160.10.12
“Communications, encrypt a message to command.  Earth stopped vessel at Wolf 1061 Jumpgate, Earth claiming this is their controlled space. Orders?”
After about 2 hours a reply message is received.
“Hold position, tell the Earth Union vessel we will pursue through diplomatic channels, you are ordered not to move.”
Delreal contacted the Admiral who agreed with a 14 day diplomatic process, this would be an interesting standoff and he is without weapons

Wolf 1061, Proxima Centuari Jump Point. 2160.10.25,
06.56.26 “Rear Admiral multiple contacts, with shields. We have four new vessel unknown, ships computer identifies them as Stellar Wrath, but has no information. We have one further contact the DD Pius Antorius.”
“Tell Aisne to launch fighters. Hail the DD Pius, I say that would be their flag as the other vessels are tiny only 6500 tons. Bring us 200kk away from the Fleet”
06.57.36 Abyssinia
“Admiral, we now 200kk away” “I want sensor locks on each warship leave the colony ship alone”
08.01.06 DD Pius Antonis
Dialog had opened up between the two fleets, tensions are running high, both fleets have targeted one another, at point blank range and neither fleet is standing down. Lieutentant Commander Kane Phillips was in charge of the Brightstar fleet, he knew from the academy days if Heinickle was pressed she would back down. He had left nothing to chance. His orders were clear, show Earth we are not to be pushed around. Phillips only had one chance, launch first, and he might win. Either way body bags might be high today.
He felt the Rear Admiral relax a little, now was the time. He nodded to his weapons conn officer which was the signal to destroy the Earth Fleet.
08.01.16 Abyssinia
“Admiral the Brightstar vessels have launched missiles and fired on the Patrick Ferguson” the voice was strained. Claudia internally though smeg “Return Fire” She knew there would be a few seconds before the crew returned fire. Her first thought, should she run, she was unsure what these new vessels were capable of. Let see for now valuable seconds are involved.
08.01.21 Bravo Flight (Wildcats)
The eyeballed a group of missile inbound on the fleet moving fast. There was nothing they could do, before they knew it, the missiles were past and gone.
08.01.31 DD Pius Antonis
Kane watched as all 20 of his missiles were destroyed, by point defence, the expectation by command, was that the speed would bypass point defence. He knew right at that point, his fleet would be lost. The Earth fleet had fired missiles now bearing down on his fleet, their limited to no point defence would not be a match.
08.1.36 Abyssinia
Claudia was smiling even though the Brightstar fleet was running to the inter planets she knew the tried and tested GSlam missile would not be matched. The only point defence was four missiles to intercept, 20 GSlam missiles. Each 4 did not miss now they had 16 missiles inbound.
The simultaneous destruction of the BrightStar fleet was a series of blinding flashes, Claudia had to rely on the precise sensor readout to know what happened.
Stellar Wrath 003 was hit by 4 missiles, shields deflected 2 missiles, armour absorbed half of the explosions, the rest of the explosives forced internally into the ship. Ship broke apart.
Stellar Wrath 001 hit by 6 missiles, shields deflected 3 missiles, armour absorbed half of the explosions, the rest of the explosives forced internally into the ship. Ship broke apart.
Stellar Wrath 004 hit by 6 missiles, shields deflected 3 missiles, armour absorbed half of the explosions, the rest of the explosives forced internally into the ship. Ship broke apart.
08.1.41 Pius Antonis
“This is madness” screamed Kane “Call for a cease fire and surrender”, he had lost three ships in the space of a second, he was not even sure on the amount of lives lost. I hope the board is happy he thought sarcasticly.
08.1.41 Abyssinia
“Tell them to pick up their survivors and leave the system, I will be in my ready room” Claudia could not be happier her fleet were exemplary, apart from scratches on the DD Patrick Ferguson, not a single loss of life. Easier then fighting the precursors and Earth will be happy, Brightstar has been brewing for a fight. Earth can now use diplomacy to gain a few concessions.

Delta Prime, 2160.11.7
768 survivors walked down the gangway, head held low. Lieutenant Commander Clyde Levett was the only ship captain out of the three to survivor. It was not because he was a coward or ran to the life pod before the other ship captains. His ship was lucky, 435 survived out of a complement of 710 crew. Less than 180 on both other ships survived. Why his ship was target with only 4 missiles and the other had 6 would be left to god to decide.
He did not hate Earth for this, they of course had fired first, he actually detest the boards arrogance that they were ready for a fight with Earth. He already been assigned Stellar Wrath 008, but first he need time to morn.

Wolf 1061 II Moon 6, Colony Vinogradov, 2160.11.26
Julianne Moore and her three kids placed their suitcases on the small bunk provided to them. This would be a new life for them, a new beginning and since they were the very first one on Vinogradov, they would also have free accommodation for the rest of their time here.
The view was amazing. Compared to Earth, this moon was one of 12 that orbited a gas giant, it was a little warm outside at 41 degrees but it was more bearable at the poles, where the colony was placed. There was water, but the oxygen density was not enough, the gravity would take a little to get used to 6/10th of Earths but the simulated gravity rooms would help her restore any lost bone density, they believe just one day a month would be fine.

Barnwell, 2161.1.7
Brigadier General He Song Gang was finishing his final touches to his report to Earth on the progress. He looked over the numbers one more time.
519 Ruins to explore
Construction Factory 19, Ordnance Factory 12, Fight Factory 5, Fuel Refinery 5, Mines 34, Automated Mines 69, Mass Drivers 2, Terraforming 11, Research Labs 7, Ground Force Training 1.
Fuel 30m litres, Maintenance Facility up to 1800 tons, Infrastructure Habitat able  to support 28.08 million people.
Now here was the newest figure of the lot Civilians 100,000.

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2158- Genetics are a state of mind
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2011, 12:59:53 AM »
Argonis, 2161.2.20
Chief Director Katarina Axelsson relaxed in the board room, the word had got out about both’s Earth claiming a system and Brightstar aggressive response. Although calm had been restored between the two powers, Grisson’s board was still very edgy. The man currently speaking was Sebastian Adolfson , he was a brilliant man with degrees in Xenology, Engineering, Finance and a Mba. He was in charge of the civilian mining operation on Moon 1, he was speaking about a need to stop research on stealth and produce a 18,000 ton warship. He made some valid points including the newly increased ability to maintain a warship of that size. Britta Vik was in favour of some gate defence systems, rather than an aggressive approach. Out of the eight members the vote was ready to be cast.
It was 3 to 4, 4 in favour of an aggressive approach, and she had yet to cast her vote. She voted in favour of a defensive posture, but if more aggression takes place we will switch tack. Since it was a locked vote, she had the deciding factor, the defensive choice was taken.  Design department would come up with a gate defence system.

Argonis, 2161.3.16
Brigadgeneral Benjamin Wilkins watched as 1st Light Brigade, marched into the Troop Transport vessel aptly name Cyclone. His men would be just that when they landed in the Lacialle 8760 system on planet number 2. There were alien ruins on this planet and they need securing. The boon that Barnwell had been for Earth, he hoped this would be the same for Grisson.  The engineers would be next, there would be no repeat of the Barnwell stuff up that Earth made. Not on his watch.

Lalande 21185 System, Planet 2, 2161.4.9
Isaiah Casler had left the Bright Star fleet serving his mandatory 6 year service, he was not able to get command and his career was floundering. So he heading back to his family roots and what he knew best, Farming. There is something great about tilling soil and watching planet grow, well crops. He had always found people that grow plants that you can not eat, 'a waste of good planting time'. He looked across the icy reaches of this planet, he did not the depth or the extent of the ice layer. He shivered, it is going to be hard till soil here. He knew they would need to clear about 4 square kms and remove the ice down to the rock layer. Top Soil would only be a dream on this planet. A dome would be erected and the hard work of converting rock into dirt, which would be a method of blasting, bashing and chemical additives. It would be a year before they could plant, but plant they will. The colony is to be named after the retired Commander Holden.

Sol System, Earth Traffic Control Satellite, 2161.5.8
Earth Traffic control was usually a hectic place, but it was just getting hard and harder. John Blake’s screen was a myriad of ships coming and going. Including military ships that did not even give him the curiosity of letting him know their flight plans. At the moment the screen was tracking 5 Brightstar civilian freighters, 14 Grisson Freighters and a diplomatic vessel, 10 Earth Freighters and a number of warships on training exercise. And he only controlled the Saturn to Earth zone. This job was going to give him and early heart attack, he just knew it.

Somewhere on Earth, 2161.6.28
Sashenka was living up to here name- Defender of mankind. She had just returned from a meeting with a disgruntled junior scientist past over for promotion too many times. Sashenka had offered sanctuary, money and a spot in the Brightstar labs, what the person actually got after he handed over the operational specs for the Tallboy Mk 2 MWS was a single bullet to the head.
Brightstar did not like traitors even from the other side, they could not be trusted. Her actions had in effect did Earth and Brightstar a huge service. Her superiors were going to be pleased.
A missile capable of 27500 kms/s, Range  56m km, capable or releasing 1-6 missiles dependant on size upon separation. Her superiors would build a number then dismantle to understand the technology. It was another add bonus to the Brightstar arsenal.

London, Earth, 2161.10.1
Geoffrey Alberding viewed the video feed from one of the many news outlets, a local police department from a tip from the public had tracked down the killers of Donald Fisher, a local scientist. The blurp about how he was a good family man and devoted employee, Geoffrey smiled he knew he was the source of the leak to some missile development. The news flashed to a glimpse of a woman and several other man being pushed into various vehicles
Geoffery announced out in the open “I want them shipped here and now”. A lot of staff hurried and busied themselves on their assigned roles. A Grisson team and now a Brightstar team, although the diplomacy to Brightstar will be harsh now.

Barnwell, 2161.12.9
Sgt Tako Akira steered his 15 ton Mech towards a shallow gully, the rest of his unit was spreadout. Five mechs in total, armed with short range missiles and gauss cannons. His unit was 1/3/1 Heavy Assault Battalion. The gauss cannon were just miniature version to what the fleet used and carried a 500 gram projectile that could punch a hole through 200mm armour plating. The machines they had been fighting over the last two years on this planet, were hardly a bother and 1st Heavy Assault Battalion had rarely lost a few machine let alone a whole unit.
A glint of metal about 500m away caught the sun and his eyes focused in on it. A dozen or so machines were heading his direction.
“Platoon, Dozen enemy 500m 2 o’clock shallow depression” The unit worked like clock work, each of the mech got into a brace position and started letting a stream of high velocity projecticles in the direction of the enemy. Pieces of armour and components flew off the machines as each projectile hit. Within a few moments only scrap laid on the ground.
“Ok platoon,police up and move to Nav Point Charlie” Akira knew that there would be a week of this, then back to two to three months of boredom. Such is the life of in the EU Forces.

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Re: 2158- Genetics are a state of mind
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2011, 08:07:48 AM »
Wolf 1061 System, 2162.6.17
SV Transgressor crew finished the last Brightstar frigate, the salvage operation had gone well. They had recovered a number of components that they were sure Earth scientists will explore. The Stellar Wrath frigate could be a potent weapon in numbers and with a little bit of protection.  Anyway it back to Earth they go, Lieutenant Commander Perla Trela was surprised that Brightstar did not try and interfere with the operation. But she assumed these were just the spoils of war.

Vega System, Vega III, 2162.7.30
Lieutenant Viola Greenburg ships captain of the GEV Imperial had been survey the system. The sensors spotted a small thermal signature from a planet. Sub officer Brackish asked should they notify Fleet about this over the comms. Viola knew that no military ships could come through Wolf 1061  to Vega system, so there would be no point. Viola also did not want to give Earth with a possible chance to intercept the message. She was sure this thermal signature was not a great threat but she had no love lost for Earth if it was. It was probably some listening station.

Vega System, Vega III, 2162.7.30 2 minutes later
Three missiles homed in on the strange vessel orbiting the planet, the impacts ripped huge holes in the hull, the 3 missiles destroyed the ship in seconds, although it could be seen on the sensors some life pods were drifting in space. There had been no communications from sent from the ship.

Earth, New York, 2162.9.13
Director Sophia Vincent was not happy, she had come to see her counterpart on Earth. Earth Governor Selbig need to answer queries about their Survey ship Imperial. The ship was over due on their monthly reporting by 17 days. She was sure their was some Earth involvement here, since the ship was in the Vega system, just on the other side of Wolf 1061. Selbig was ever so much the true diplomat. His answers were not satisfactory "Earth does not know where the Imperial was" but at least he assured the director that they had nothing to do with what ever had happened. Selbig said he will send a squadron to investigate.

Vega System, SO Squadron approaching Vega III, 2162.10.25
“We definitely have the wreck of the Imperial orbiting Vega III, Captain”
Captain Arishima Akihira had seniority in the squadron, even though he was located in the FFG Perth and not the DDG Afghanistan. The FFG Falkland trailed in the rear of the squadron, they been sent to investigate what happen to the Imperial and spotted the wreck as soon as they entered the system, but need to get closer for a confirmation.
“Captain we have 4 missile mines on our sensors”
“Battle stations” Akihira already had the squadron running in active mode and with shields up, now he knew why the Imperial was lost, their sensors did not detect a mine field.
“6 SeaDart missile left on a intercept course to the stationary mines, from about 20m km away. The missile ran straight and true eventually denotating the 4 contacts” The squadron now was able to investigate and report back to Earth the incident.

Earth, South Africa, 2162.12.7
Major General Fredic Manfre reviewed Earth Land forces on paper. He had more then enough troops to deal with both Grisson, Brightstar and Barnwell issues without a care.
Barnwell had the 10th Brigade and 1st Marine on station, and Earth had 1st Infantry Division which consisted of 3rd ad 4th Infantry Regiments, not to mention the various construction and garrison regiments spread around the galaxy.
What concerned Fredric the most was how to logistically move his units. The troop transports could only lift one Regiment at a time, which does not allow a lot on the ground at once. This would be a problem in the future.

[ooc]The mines were a shock to me as much as the Imperial, I really did miss diagnose it as a listening station, but even if I didn't the Imperial was as good as gone as soon as it was surveying Vega III[/ooc]
« Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 08:17:56 AM by ardem »

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Re: 2158- Genetics are a state of mind
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2011, 12:56:58 AM »
Earth, Geneva, 2163.2.16
“Sir the Brightstarians, are continuing their research into genetics. The admiral does not know their purpose, but he suggests it could be used for a new mass weapon. The chairman smiled at his aide, and queried “The Brightstarians, where did you get that from?” The aide looked bashful, “I am sorry, the guys and I were mucking about in the office at what races would be called in the future, and it slipped out”
The young aide had a lot to learn about diplomacy, but he actually gave the Chairman an idea, if we can separate the people from earth, from humanity, it would make a war with them back home easier. The next speech he was going to use that name.

Delta Prime 2163.3.1
The Trade Director spoke "If we open up trade from Earth again it may allow us to regain access to Earth ports". Dylan Doyle was not so sure, the diplomacy efforts were slow, it was their own fault, they gambled and lost. Also he had just received word that Survey vessel Imperial was missing, it had dampened his mood even more.
Everything was happening slower then he planned, he needed alien technology like Earth and Grisson had, it meant he would need to start exploring space, not just hoping for hand outs. “Very well Trade Director, lets open it up and see how it goes”

Vega System 2163.3.7
SV Belknap finished the grav survey of the Vega system, 7 jump points. Belknap would explored all the jump points then head back to earth to choose the next plan.

Barnwell 2163.5.17
Sgt Tako Akira heard over the comms net that another defence vault was opened, and had broken quarantine. Through the grapevine he knew it was a little more serious, 2nd Marine battalion lines were shattered with almost 50% casualties. Now he and more specifically 1st Heavy Assault Battalion had been ordered in.

Barnwell 2163.5.17
The sound of battle had broken out in this small portion of the city, unfortunately there were colonists in this part. Sgt Tako and his unit found it hard. The close in fighting was particularly hairy, as there big weapons did damage not just to the enemy but also to the surrounding infrastructure.  His unit was being supported by 1st Marine Battalion, 2nd Marines had been pulled back out of the fighting.
His local comms screamed, one targets 3 o’clock incoming fast. He swivelled his torso as quick as he could, but it was too late. These machines were fast and deadly, the Marines around him, lit up the machine as it bound over a rock wall and used it as leverage to make a leap. It was at this slow motion of pending doom, he realised how beautiful these machines were, they were 4 legged, almost like tiger or cheetah on earth agile and fast. It’s weapons were a tail which was more like flexible sword, and where you would imagine a head was a turret mounting two guass  guns. The rounds hit a few of the marines in power armour, the armour was inadequate. The physical force of the rounds lifted the marines from the ground into another wall behind them. The machine finally collided with his Mech, although the mech rocked backwards it did not topple. Quickly Sgt Tako mechanical hands grasped a leg of the machine and started to swing the it in a circle, he then let go, as the machine slammed into a wall near him. The machine was recovering from the impact ready to make its charge again, when fortune stepped in. One of his squad members had seen the melee and let go a short range missile destroying the machine. Over the comms net he heard that the enemy has broken through to 1st Marine Brigade HQ, but was taking heavy losses. “Squad regroup, we are needed at Grid 324”

Barnwell 2163.6.2
Major General Hug Schweizer reviewed the enemy action statistics, the main attack had died down , there would be some localised hunting of the machines but the main threat was over.
1 Mine destroyed
1 Infrastruce now unrepairable
41% casualties 2nd Marine
3%  casualties 1st Marine Brigade HQ

And his biggest sigh came with 50,000 colonies casualties, although most would be light, he would still be looking at a few thousand dead. Reporting the casualties back to Earth will be hard, he did warn them that sending colonists to activate the Terraformers. They never listen.

Agonis, N.V. Wilton-Fijenoord Shipyard,2163.7.20
Foreman Reynolds admired the skeleton of the new defence grid bases. These would sit near the jump gate and protect Grisson. The people from Earth were starting to flex their might, when would it be Grisson planet under threat. Brightstar may of deserved the beating they got, but Earth did respond with zero tolerance. He thoughts drifted back well I better get started on the next slipway, the more of these in the sky the safer we all are.

Delta Prime, 2163.8.15
The Trade Director was right, and he was relieved that his gamble had paid off, the trade route with Earth had been reopened. Perhaps a nice end of year bonus will come his way after all.

Rear Admiral Roberto Denty signed off on a order for a new vessel, Tennessee class. It was classed as an exploration ship, but was really a defensive ship aimed at reviewing new systems and determining threat levels. It did not have any offensive capabilities but a number of defensive ones including 4 R1 Inteceptor AAM launchers and 3 Phalanx point defence systems.

SV Belnap, Gliese 832, 2163.10.29
Commander Liao Mei Yun, finished exploring the 4 jump points in this system, finding a potential habitat in one. She often wondered why all this exploration, they had not even settled on the many planets they have explored. O well she ws now off the the Hershel system to look at the adjacent systems and create a buffer zone, and scout the two system away protocol.

SV Belnap, Austrini, 2163.12.8
Commander Liao Mei Yun, smiled as she reviewed the planetary specs of the system. A planet with breathable atmosphere, water gravity and pressure similar to Earth. Although it was a little on the cold side -21 degree on average. Even so this would be a primary spot for Earth to conduct some geo surveys and possible new colony.

SV Belnap , Wolf 992, 2163.12.27
The crew of the SV Belnap, were lining up to buy lottery tickets at home, once again they found a possible colony planet. This one is even better then the last at only a chilly -14 degrees.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 10:51:52 AM by ardem »

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Re: 2158- Genetics are a state of mind
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2011, 12:12:08 AM »
Wolf 1061, Hackshaw, 2164.2.1
Hackshaw (Moon 6) finally named after Science Medal recipient Shirley Hackshaw scientist.

Earth, Sweden, 2164.6.2
Grisson hands back all territories on Earth to the Earth Union. Grisson had moved all its people and research labs to Argonis. Brightstar is still removing its research facilities. Grission Civilian fleet with is huge, was able to do it quite quickly. Grisson keep diplomatic ties with Earth are open, but this reduces espionage attempts.

Delta Prime, 2164.4.8
Dylan Doyle sits looking at his Fuel production advisor in disbelief, “What do you mean we have run out of fuel. Our Sorium production is up, we have stocks how is this possible”
“Yes Chief Director but the refineries are not keeping up with demand” Dyan was not happy, leave me, I will figure this out myself. Dylan quickly started looking for possible avenues, perhaps a trade with Grisson.

SV Belnap, EG426, 2164.5.23
“VESSEL has jumped into the system” sensor officer sound excited.
“Prepare vessel to jump to Gliese 674” commanded Yun, this is where had the vessel had come from, but it was also the only way home. “Identification?”
The sensor officer was busy at his terminal, Unknown vessel, does not look like Earth construction we dealing with a new race.
Yun didn’t know if it was armed or not, best to take off before they found out she was not armed. "Head to Barnwell we contact Earth from there."

Earth, Combat Command, 2164.6.10
Rear Admiral Denty, looked over the star chart at EG45. Where did this ship come from he thought to himself. He rubbed his eyes, and knew he was going to have to leave it with Border Force to work out strategy. He hoped this new race was not super advanced, he was now getting spread a little thin, perhaps a holding action was more appropriate.
"Rear Admiral Claudia Heinicke, hmmm" Denty didn’t like her, but she had not failed him yet. She had an untrustworthy quality and when the going got too tough she was a quitter. He remembered the DDG Albania with her, Rear Admiral Edwardo Vandevender makes a good second to the fleet. “Done” Denty then started to prepare the orders.

Earth, Japan, 2164.6.19
“What do you mean some of the documents from the new discovery at Barnwell, had been posted on ORK news!”  Hirano Fuyutsugu exploded down the phone to one of his subordinates. He head was going to be on the chopping block now. The discovery at Barnwell was a large genetics discovery and genetic being a banned science on Earth, was more then likely see him getting sacked.
“Trace the leak, then hand them over the intelligence services”, luckily not all the research had been published but still it would help Brightstar with that knowledge and who knows what Grisson would do with it. Grisson having left Earth, the intelligency agency has a difficult job in determining what they are up to.

Border Force, Gliese 674, 2164.7.5
“Contact, 783.85m, 67,000 ton vessel, named Galana 002, maam”
“Very well plot an intercept course, hold at 10 million kms” Rear Admiral Heinicke, was given no rules for engagement as diplomacy efforts were still in progress but if she can learn a little about the class that would be great. Also if they fire on us, we will then know diplomacy is not an option.

Gliese 674, 2164.7.7
The slow nature of this behemoth, it is obvious to Heinicke that the vessel is a freighter or civilian ship of some kind. The border force came within 10m km of the vessel and it did not open fire. Clearly from the nav plots it was heading from Wolf 922 jumpoint point to EG 426

Earth, Odense Steel Shipyard, 2164.8.20
The first of another series of Gwynydd Mk IV Frigates, the Edinburgh, was launched. This series of Frigate has been the backbone of the Earth Union Fleet for a long time. Two others are almost ready for completion the Falkirk and Loch Ness. These will be the last of the series as Earth Union Fleet is putting gout to tender a new design of Frigate, more suited in a supporting role.

SV Belknap, Hershel 5173, 2164.8.25
“Commander, an Alien vessel has jumped into the system”
“Inform Barnwell, let them know, NAV jump back into Gliese 674 and notify Border Force they should hold Glisese 674 side of the gate” Yun knew the Border Force did not have jump engines so they were stuck on that side until a jump gate was created.  With an enemy vessel on this side and no defence craft, that construction ship might be destroyed. Let hope Fleet has got something fast to send to the Hershel system.

SV Belknap, Hershel 5173, 2164.8.25 +30 mins
Commander we got two enemy vessels, another Malaika class and Galana class. Galana class is logged as civilian, Malaika class unknown.
Yun held herself in check, let make a run to the Border Force, let pray they are slower and not armed with missiles.

SV Belknap, Hershel 5173, 2164.8.27 +2 days
“Commander, Border Force has requested we tail in the rear of the group” “Please sent our compliments to the Rear Admiral and swing in behind the fleet."

Earth, Combat Command, 2164.9.2
"Chairman, we need to make a decision. This race is entering our system at Hershel, we cannot communicate with them. Communication efforts look to fail. We need to know if we will treat them as friend or foe." Denty was making a plead to the Chairman who had sat on this now for 3 days.
“Admiral, they have not attacked us, they have not displayed any aggression, and you want me to destroy them!” the chairman looked like he had not slept for a few days. “I will not start a shooting war, with the first non aggressive race found in years, I am sorry tell your men to stand down and let diplomacy takes its course and if we cannot communicate we will not be hostile until they are. Let's be patient.

Earth, Japan, 2164.9.11
Chief Scientist Hirano Fuyutsugu was being called to the Chairmans office he knew this would be his last day. ORK released more documents and Brightstar and Grisson had been given some more genetic research.  He presided over Earth’s research now for 19 years. It was not how he wanted to be remembered.

Earth, Combat Command, 2164.11.5
It was nice to see the FFG Falkirk and FFG Loch Ness, in training manoeuvres. Denty need to recall the inexperienced crew of the Edinburgh, since the chairman does not think these other aliens are a threat.  Rear Admiral Denty was an officer of the fleet although he may question the chairman logic, its not his place to dictate policy. Lets hope it all ends well.

Delta Prime, 2164.12.23
Sean O Sullivan, smilled he had just completed the genetic code for the ‘Lappers’ this new breed of human could work in the cold that humans could not tolerate and with less oxygen. Dylan would be pleased, there were a couple of suitable systems for the Lappers in Delta, which they could ship them out too and exploit their talents.

Delta Prime, 2164.12.28
Dylan Doyle never got to see his plans for the lappers, a heart attack saw to that. He was dead before his body hit the floor. On hearing of Dylan Doyle's death. Sophia Vincent left her station on Earth that night headed to Brightstar to take over where Dylan left off. She had very similar values to Dylan so the Genetic path that Brightstar was heading on would continue.

[ooc]Funny how sometimes the story writes itself, Dylan Doyles death 5 days later was ironic and amusing, seeing it in the log[/ooc]
« Last Edit: September 22, 2011, 12:13:53 AM by ardem »