Author Topic: 2165-2169 Friend or Foes  (Read 2986 times)

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Offline ardem (OP)

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2165-2169 Friend or Foes
« on: September 27, 2011, 12:29:43 AM »
Earth, Jing Jiang Shipyard, 2165.2.3
Trangressor 002 is launched and silently moves to the holding bay. There is no big ceremony, just another support ship that is added to the fleet.

Border Force, Gliese 674, 2165.2.6
Border Force is called to general quarters as another alien vessel approaches. The alien vessel is a different class, 'Boghammar' assigned by the tactical system. The vessels thermal signature could be a warship but at this stage no violent behaviour had been observed from the coming and goings of the Aliens through this jump point.

Border Force, Gliese 674, 2165.2.7
The border force could stand down, the 20,000 ton vessel slipped harmless by the jump point and into the Hershel 5173 system.

Border Force, Glisese 674, 2165.2.11
Rear Admiral Heinicke’s jaw dropped, thirteen Boghammar vessels headed to the Jump point, an alien species with capacity to produce so many vessels could be difficult enemy. But not once has the aliens sent a warship to investigate. Perhaps they are a peaceful race that war and conflict had never entered into their minds. Perhaps the Chairman is right and patience was the key to opening such a good relationship.

Earth, 2165.3.18
The diplomatic communications efforts were now gathering momentum with some major leaps in communication technology. The technical staff thought it was only a matter of time now before full communications were established.

Geneva, Earth, 2165.4.8
The Chairman stands at a podium in the news conference room. Reporters wait anxiously for his speech many have heard truth the grapevine something big was about to be announced.
“Citizens of Earth, today is a historic day. This is the dawn of a new era for mankind. We have established communications with the Kingdom Of Jagga. This race is a sentinel race, although they may differ slightly to us in appearance, there are many aspects that are vastly similar. For starters they are of humanoid appearance. We do not know a lot at this stage about their customs or culture, or even what level of technology differs from ours. But so far they have presented as a peaceful race.
I understand there will be much adjustment, and even some fear towards this new species, even though we look forward to peace with Jaggians you can be assured that our home security will also be a priority.”

Lapper Colony, Delta Pavonis III, 2165.4.29
The Lappers were created from criminals, undesirables and some even volunteered for various reasons. The conversion process was irreversible, and the brain memories are wiped. This is a bio product of the therapy, but a boon for governmental plans. The Lappers were Brightstar new slave race to mine the cold planets, except nobody without higher authorisation knows this. The indoctrination program after the genetic manipulation creates a back story for the Lappers to digest. The indoctrination explains they are a inferior race and thanks to the humans, they have been provided shelter and technology, and without the humans their race was doomed.
The Lappers not knowing anything else accept this reasoning and work to make use of the cold landscape as best they can.

Geneva, Earth, 2165.5.4
“Kingdom of Jagga have granted  us trade access, Chairman” the trade minister expressed with joy. The Chairman was well pleased, he had made the right choice, if he had not, his seat would of rolled.
“The diplomatic efforts from Wei Yab Xiong team, is exceptional they are worth their weight in gold. With all the efforts to keep the peace between Brightstar and Grisson and ourselves. This new race seems are breeze in comparison. Please award him a new medal, The medal of peace, and a new promotion” the Chairman was well pleased indeed.

Delta Prime, 2165.6.21
Sophia Vincent reviewed the Lapper colony security reports. There was a fair amount of unrest towards the humans security which was only minimal on the ground. She need to raise a Garrison battalion and station it here, although it would take several months to train one. Lets hope this unrest does not escalate too much.

Argonis, 2165.6.26
Birgitta Swedenhielm was now ready to create a prototype Cloaking device. The device would reduce a 6000 ton vessel up to 80% of its signature. Not enough to attack from but significant enough to close, to possible launch an attack against a heavier vessel.

SV Belknap, Eta Cassiopieiae, 2165.9.10
The SV Belknap enters into the system, from one of the 5 jump points it had discovered from Stein 2051. Upon entering the system the sensors light up with a number of floating wrecks, centred around the inner system and another group near the binary sun. One of the wreck were identified as a Trinkat class. Araes! The Belknap need to report this. Just as it was about to turn and launch back into the jump point the geo survey data came in. A planet, water, breathable atmosphere and only a little on the cold side at -14 degrees.

Barnwell, Hershel 5173, 2165.9.13
The Jagga has set up a colony on Herschel 5173’s fourth planet. Barnwell

Delta Prime, 2165.10.1
Commander Anna Bundick reviewed the ill timed attack on Earth Fleet one more time, but this time she added 3 newly design escort classes into the simulation. The different was amazing the escort class was able to take out the inbound missiles, while the outbound missiles from the Frigates were starting to penetrate the ships.
This new escort class would do just nicely. Attacking Earth was far from an option but defence of Delta would now be possible. Now the wait time while they are being built.

South Africa, Earth, 2165.10.20
Major General Hugo Schwiezer shook Major General Fredric Manfre's hand, with a warm and friendly greeting. “Well Hugo, 1st Division is all yours congrats on the promotion. 1st Armour Rgt has just been incorporated, so they will need plenty of training. I will be leaving tomorrow for Geneva.”
“So Fred how long you are you stationed at Geneva for? Do you really want be the Chairman’s military advisor.”
Fredric consider his words, so his old friend understood, he didn’t have much of a choice on the position or the length of time. So he smiled. “You deserve this promotion for what you did on Barnwell, and I will soon deserve retirement and my log cabin, give my best to Helen”

Earth, Combat Command, 2165.11.5
“One Wing of Hornets are to be scrapped for the new Dragonfly class fighter, same laser weapon, slightly long fuel range, but increased speed of 20,000km/s thanks the new Magnetic Confinement Fusion Drive.” Denty made the statement to his construction team.
“Once that is done, we will move onto the next squadron, until we have rearmed the fleet”

Earth, Drektor Shipyards, 2165.11.23
The Explorer vessel Mississippi and Tennessee slipped out of the shipyards, their missions were to check newly discovered systems, and move into the inter systems checking the planet for life. Perhaps a dangerous job, but a necessary job. There training would run for 12 months then they would be activated.

Agonis, 2165.11.29
Flottijamiral Karin Lojdahl struggled through the intelligence reports, Earth Union had produced more new vessels, but she did not understand the need or the reasons, unless they were pushing further into deep space.
Other than the Fleet Earth Union started with, they had produced 7 new type of vessels. 53 vessels in total, and she assumed 50% would be Military. Earth Union still had enough power to destroy the colonies in a stand up fight.

Geneva, Earth 2165.12.20
“The Kingdom of Jagga revoked our trade access? Did they say why?” The chairman queried the diplomatic mission on Barnwell.
“No Chairman, there is no reason, we have not encroached any further into their system. They have a colony near  Barnwell and our Warships stationed there might be frightening them.”
The Chairman shook his head, “We were there first, they cannot colonise a system then get upset that we have warships over an established colony. See what you can do to turn this around, I will not be removing the warships”

[ooc]Seriously do not know why they revoked trade, no active sensors are on no exploring into their space, a real ?[/ooc]
« Last Edit: October 24, 2011, 07:05:31 PM by ardem »

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2165- Friend or Foes
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2011, 12:01:17 AM »
[ooc]A real treat today, I played it from 8pm last night to 2am. It was one the best intense battles I have had with Aurora. Also used a few home rules based on reality of the attack such as certain senior fleet officers not on duty at the time, so they could not move[/ooc]

Barnwell, 2166.1.11
Eighteen Valour class vessels of Jagga entered the Hershel system. The staff at Barnwell was getting concerned. Some of the vessels that have entered over the last month were displaying active sensors. Barnwell made a request to Earth to send a larger Military force. Border Force was patched together from Earth Training and Home Fleet, much of Border forec was still in a state of overhaul. The Light Carrier Agincourt with it new fighters and repaired armour was also dispatched

Earth, Geneva 2166.1.13
Trade re-establish between the Kingdom of Jagga

Earth, Geneva 2166.1.15
Trade revoked access between the Kingdom of Jagga

Battle of Barnwell
TT Neville Chamberlain, Barnwell Orbit, 2166.2.17 05.42
Commander Christopher Sylvis, was rocked from his bunk and splayed out onto the floor. He felt as if he had been struck by a hammer. His vessel in the next few seconds rocked a number of time, as the alarm klaxon's around his ship screamed it's perpetual 'whoop' sound.
He was digesting what was happening to his vessel, it was under attack but from whom. He banged on his communicator. “Bridge Report!”

Border Force, Barnwell Orbit, 2166.2.17 05.42
Bridge Watch Officer Marion Dykes, watched as six great explosions buffered TT Neville Chamberlain. The explosions lit up space for a fraction of a second. The scarring of the TT Neville could be seen. Her first thoughts were they were under attack but was it sabotage or an assault. She banged on the Emergency Command button, which launched active sensor and brought shield online. Action stations would be called.
She yelled over to the comms station “Get the Rear Admiral up here and fast!”

Border Force, Barnwell Orbit, 2166.2.17 +5 seconds
Bridge Watch Officer Marion Dykes read the sensor reports, which flowed from her terminal. The nearby Jagga ships had fired the missiles. The damage could have been a lot worse but TT Neville automated systems managed to destroy 12 of the 16 inbound missiles. Someone needed thank the designers for installing those four CIWS. They just saved a lot of lives.
“Fleet Weapons target and fire on Sebo 002 and 003 targets”, these were the two closest targets in range and more likely the ones which fired.

SO2 Squadron, Barnwell Orbit, 2166.2.17 +5 seconds
Captain Koyama Matsuko happened to be on the bridge when the explosions happened, his computers were linked with Border Fleet’s and was streaming data to his console. He made a decision that may cost him his career or perhaps life. The two targets near Barnwell, he was sure Border Fleet could handle. There was many more near the Jagga colony that could also be a threat, he need to delay them. Atleast he could fire a passing shot at Sebo 002 and 003 to help.

Border Force, Barnwell Orbit 2166.2.17 +10 seconds
Three Belgium 35cm Lasers opened up on the two targets, these were point blank shots, they did not miss. The foolishness of the Kingdom of Jagga was astounding, not only did they choose the wrong target for their surprise attack, they may have chosen a superior opponent.
The Sebo 003 target exploded, after taking 2 beams of laser damage. Sebo 003 was wounded after receiving four and was streaming atmosphere. And the missiles were still inbound.

Border Force, Barnwell Orbit 2166.2.17 +15 seconds
The Sebo 002 never got a chance to fire again as three GSlam missiles ruptured the superstructure. Life pods had been ejected from both craft. Marion watched at the SO2 squadron had moved off, in the direction of the enemy colony on Hershel 4. It would be atleast a few minutes before the Rear Admiral made it to the bridge before offensive actions could take place.
This small action took only 15 seconds, Marion could not believe how fast people lives could be squashed in a instant. Action these days were presses of buttons, with nano computers doing most the targeting and heavy lifting.

Border Force, Barnwell Orbit, 2166.2.17 05:50
Claudia was reviewing the situation after getting to the bridge. The duty officer had done well, although there was not much in the way of tactics. She knew SO2 Squadron had left its station and was heading to Hershel IV, likewise sensor reading 5 enemy vessels were heading to Barnwell.
She did not think it wise to leave Barnwell unguarded, so the SO2 squadron should be able to counter the enemy. She also requested the Troop Carriers to pick up the lifepods and continue to hold station on Barnwell.
She would need to relay back to Earth the news. The Jump gates provided real time conversations but having said that getting the right people may take 30 or so minutes. 30 minutes in space combat could be the start and end of a war.

SO2 Squadron, Barnwell,2166.2.17 07.24
Captain Koyama noticed the number of missiles inbound, there was almost 100 missiles. This was going to be rough. It seemed the 5 warships that had launched these, the 22000 tons were definitely not used in propulsion on these vessels. If salvo was a single wave, it was not going to be an issue, however?. Captain Koyama took the extordinary step to reverse course and head back to Border Force, but first a number of GSLams could be launched.

SO2 Squadron, Barnwell, 2166.2.17 07:27
It seemed may well be a single launch, atleast the move away was giving maybe a few more intercept missile launches, there was very few missile making it through, due to their slow technology. Captain Koyama could swing back once these missiles were over come, perhaps another minute or two and then he head right at the 5 attackers.

SO Squadron, Barnwell, 2166.2.17 07:27
Captain Koyama breathed a sigh of relief, the last 14 missiles were defeated by the point defence gun of the FF Glasgow, which seemed to be the target at least for that salvo.  He look at his sensors and saw another identical wave inbound, although he knew his defence would hold, that was not the issue. His issue was enough AAM missile the stocks were already running low. The umbrella from Border Force would be needed, he headed for Border fleet as fast as he could.

SO2 Squadron, 2166.2.17 07:42
The last of the AAM were launched, it was at this point the Captain understood the mistake he had made. Five hundred odd missiles were bearing down on his two ships. There would be nothing that could stand this destruction. He hoped only one of the two ships had been targeted but he did not know.

SO2 Squadron, 2166.2.17 07.43
Captain Koyama braced for the impact of the first 30 missiles, as he counted the seconds he waited and waited but no impact. He risked to look at his sensor could his point defence system work so well. He realised his mistake the missile were headed for the border fleet., he sighed a relief but he thought if the border fleet was to lose, he would not last that long anyway. Koyama though well it was now or never and order the ship turned about to head directly towards the enemy.

SO2 Squadron, 2166.2.17 07.56
The crew cheered as the first wave of GSlam missile struck the enemy, 4 missiles had penetrated it defences and there was obvious damage to River 002.

Border Force, 2166.2.17 07:56
Rear Admiral Heinieke watched as the missile that had made it through the AAM, headed for the CVL Agincourt. The Agincourt had 4 CIWS left to defend herself, these guns burnt through the ammo but brought down 15 missiles. The first wave was stopped but it was bound to have another slip through. Rear Admiral decided not to risk the fighters, and launched them now. Barnwell was not to far away if they needed refuelling.

Border Force, 2166.2.17 07:56
Rear Admiral Heinieke moved closer to the forward monitor, she watched a multitude of explosion rock the Frigate Falkirk, her armour plating buckled and was torn away it was a horrid mess. The ship bucked violently and slowed. The fighters did what they could bringing down a few missiles but there was just too many. There was still a final salvo aimed at the poor ship coming. Her heart leaped for Commander Ding and her crew, she knew they would not survive.

Border Force, 2166.2.17 07:57
Rear Admiral Heinieke opened her mouth in horror as the missile flew past the Falkirk. The missiles were headed towards the planet or perhaps the Troop transport ships. They were almost defenceless against a barrage of this size. She told the Falkirk to head to the planet as fast as she could. Rescue survivors or do what ever it could.

Border Force 2166.2.17 08:07
Rage was not even a slight comparison to what Claudia was feeling, the Nuclear explosions on the planet targeted at Military and Civilian centres, killed everyone on the planet. There was a whole Division of troops gone. Over 800,000 civilians gone. The Jaggian were going to pay for what they had done.

SO2 Squadron 21667.2.17 08.19
Captain Koyama banged his table, he miscalculated the Tallboy launches. The missiles fuel was running out a mere 2 million kms before separation. He was also staring down the barrel of another salvo of missile launches heading his way. What the enemy did not make up in tech they made up in the sheer weight of the barrages. Koyama was feeling very disappointed.

SO2 Squadron 21667.2.17 08:22
The FFG Glasgow was battered by only 4 missiles the other 16 had been destroyed by point defence or deflected by shield. The armour was holding for now.

SO2 Squadron 21667.2.17 08:24
The FFG Glasgow was again rocked by 20 explosions, the point defence did as well as it could but it was just overwhelmed. The Glasgow slowed to almost being dead in the space. It looked like it was out of the fight. Captain Koyama was going to get in range, and destroy them these aliens with his 35cm Laser or die trying.

SO2 Squadron 21667.2.17 08:30
Captain Koyama rocked from his position as multiple explosion hit his vessel, but the armour had held for this salvo. Perhaps the next he would not be so lucky. It was not too long before the theory was tested, another salvo battered against his ship and again the armour had held.

Border Force, 21667.2.17 08:32
The DDG Abyssinia was rocked by multiple explosions, but the thick hide of the vessel armour, stopped any penetrations.  The DDG Greenland were also hit with a similar amount of explosions and again the Belgium class Destroyer had proved its worth.

Border Force, 21667.2.17 08:51
The GSlam missiles did impacted the target River 002, but enemy vessels were almost as strong as Earth class vessels, it had slowed but seemed to be still in the fight. Border force was now face with another huge onslaught of missiles, but they were almost in range to give a reply with a salvo of Tallboy MWS.

Border Force, 21667.2.17 08:53
The Agincourt peppered with a few explosions but nothing critical.

FFG Glasgow, 2166.2.17 09.02
Captain Borya Konstantinov had watched the multiple salvos of missiles fly by. The FFG Glasgow trailed SO2 Squadron, after sustaining previous damage. The FFG Glasgow had not been targeted since that point. The Captain elt his chance of getting back in the fight was good. That was until 40 missiles plowed into his ship and destroyed every system.  One of the first few missiles hit the bridge killing the Captain instantly. The ship had not come apart but it was a floating wreck.

SO2 Squadron, 21667.2.17 09:05
The DDG Ecuador had been hit again, the armour was now starting to wear a little thin. A single ICF drive had come offline, but the Captain was happy they were still in the fight. Five minutes later that ICF was back online, he was proud of his crew.

Border Fleet, 2166.2.17 09:14
Claudia receives a blinked at the single line that appeared on her console. The FFG Falkirk had been destroyed. Alpha Squadron was closing and there did not seem an end to these salvos AAM were a thing of the past. Point defence, armour and a little luck had held them together. If Alpha squadron could not do the job, they were out of luck and she need to make a run for the gate.

Border Fleet, 2166.2.17 09:18
DDG Abyssinia's armour held after the first volley. The second volley however penetrated and caused a secondary explosion from ICF drive knocking out multiple systems. Claudia had fell and bang her head against a bulkhead. A deep cut had opened up on her forehead as blood trickled down her face. "Damage Report!"

Alpha Squadron, 2166.2.17 09:23
"This is Alpha 001 approaching wounded vessel River 003, commencing attack run. Wing form on me, in we go" lasers fired from the fighters against the large enemy warship, the amour had sprung multiple leaks as the laser penetrated the armour. "YAHOOOO! this is like a turkey shoot", "Roger that Alpha 010, this is easier the Jontys training runs"
"This is Alpha 001, stay focused guys, concentrate no cowboy smeg". River 003 started to break apart from the multiple hits.

Alpha Squadron, 2166.2.17 09:24
"Rinse and Repeat guys we got 3 more ships to destroy" "And stay away from our own Tallboys then are inbound and hitting as we are in the attack run"

Alpha Squadron, 2166.2.17 09:25
Karabane 002 destroyed

Alpha Squadron, 2166.2.17 09:28
Karabane 003 destroyed

Alpha Squadron, 2166.2.17 09:29
Karabane 004 destroyed


Enemy vessel lost
Sebo 002
Sebo 003
River 002
River 003
Karabane 002
Karabane 003
Karabane 004

Friendly Losses
FFG Falkirk - 1137 dead

Crew losses
FFG Glasgow 379 dead
DDG Abyssinia 274 dead
DDG Ecuador 30 dead
TT James Callaghan 65 dead
TT Neville Chamberlian 77 dead

10th Infantry Regiment
1st Marine Regiment
1st Construction Regiment
2nd Construction Regiment
42nd Replacement Battalion

820,000 civilians dead.

« Last Edit: September 28, 2011, 12:03:07 AM by ardem »

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2165- Friend or Foes
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2011, 12:33:47 AM »
2166.2.27, Hershel 5173, DDG Abyssina
While escorting colony2 to Barnwell, Abyssina intercepted a Simbwaye class and destroyed the vessel with a single volley of it lasers.

2166.3.11, Argonis
The first of the border defence platforms was launched at N.V. Wilton-Fijenoord Argonis. This was dispatched to the Sol gate.

2166.3.15, Earth
DDG Abyssinia and FFG Glasgow were committed to drydock. Repairs degun and it would take several month before it was complete and the Glasgow was the worst of the two could be longer.

2166.3.16, Delta Prime
Sophia Vincent listened to the report about the alien aggressions against Earth. The Earth ambassador had filled in some of the details, but her intelligence team had seen the damage to the two warships that have returned. It was not as rosy as the Earth ambassador had made out. This was good news, the breathing room she needed to create defensive measures has now become available. She knew Earth still had enough power to oppress her with only one fleet, they current enjoyed three fleets. But time was now on her side. She looked over at her the model of her new escort vessel now ready to be built.

2166.4.15, Stein 2051, JCS Dakar
Lieutenant Commander Guo Qiang Xiu commander of the construction ship Dakar thought his time was up. Twenty four thermal contacts popped on to his screen, the klaxons went crazy. He order for an immediate turn about and head back to the Gliese 674 gate then to the defence of Hershel system. He knew his construction ship and its paltry maximum speed of 445 km/s would not be enough to outrun any combat vessel. The computer quickly informed the commander that these ships have previous been identified as civilian ships. He let out a sigh, perhaps today wasn’t his day.
“Comms get a message to Barnwell on the sighting, tell them also we heading home and they owe me a new pair of pants.”

2166.4.17, Barnwell Orbit, SO Squadron
Rear Admiral Joachim Muhmel was in a pickle. The SO Squadron had been assigned defence of Barnwell, while Border Fleet restocked and refueled at Earth. However they would be on a slow trip as they were escorting the colony ships. The sighting was a prime opportunity to knock out a large amount of enemy vessels. But with only one beam ship, the missile stocks would run low.
He had to stay he had no choice, but Earth need to get on the offensive and soon the enemy would be back he just knew it.

2166.4.28, Border Force, Hershel system
Captain Koyama Matsuko of the Border Force took notice of his screen as the request for assistance was broadcast. An enemy vessel had entered the Lacaille 9352 jump point, this was only one jump now from Earth. It needed to be stopped.
“Helm proceed to Lacaille 9352 at full speed” Border force was without missiles but not unarmed it. The CVL Agincourt was still apart of the fleet, the fighters would need to take down this vessel. Although Earth would need to protect the Sol-Lacaille gate. This enemy was probing looking for our home world he was sure of it.

2166.29.4, Border Force, Hershel system
“Captain, we have a enemy on thermal, the contact is holding at the Gliese 674 jump gate”
Captain Koyama quickly reviewed the sensor logs. Class Namacurra unknown, unknown, unknown. No information was given on this vessel. Was he to engage or head to the gate. If it was a warship he little point defence. The SO squadron needed to engage, the risk to the Colony ships were grave but they were empty except crew. “Let us pray it is civilian in nature continue course and get SO Squadron to hold that gate.”

2166.4.30, Border Force, Lacaille System
Just before the fleet jumped, some more information streamed in from the Namacurra ship. Number one it was heading either towards the Border force or towards the Hershel-Lacialle jumpgate. Number two at an estimate 8000 tons it put it at a probable warship. He needed to hold this side just in case, he had 8 civilian vessels in this system. One of them a full colony transport heading for Barnwell.

2166.5.2, Border Force, Lacaille System
Three days later he was right, the Namacurra vessel came through the jump gate, 20 secs later the ship was scrap metal. The fighters were able to chew the ship apart, if it had weapons the enemy had no time to use it. Captain Koyama was pleased with his men, the fighters again had proved their worth.

2166.5.6, Hackshaw
The first day the civilian were able to go out of the protected infratsturces for  short amount of time and breath the fresh air. The terraformers still had a little work to do, the outside temperature of 44 degrees was still a small issue. But soon the planet would be Earth’s newest class M planet sustainable for all human to come and strive. Govenor Tan Zhen Guo gave a hearten speech, with a great leader like this Hackshaw was going to become the jewel in Earth Unions Colonies.

2166.5.17, Earth Research Centre
Dr Oleska Pokrovsky talked in to his dictaphone. “The subject is a Jaggian, age undetermined, sex undetermined. The subjected seem to have taken a small puncture wound to the adomen, this is possible the cause of death. The subject had been brought in by the DDG Abyssinia and had been stored in stasis. The subject is biped and had two arms, a torso, neck and head similar to humans. The skin is rough and hard. Facial feature include, a pair of deep inset eye, the sockets a very tiny. No nasal or mouth orfice appears, the subject had two holes either side of the cranium where human ear cavity is located.”
Dr Oleska continued his research, but understood truly understanding his subject would take quite a while. He hoped the head of research's faith would not be misplaced in him. He would get the results.

2166.6.10, Earth Shipyards
The scared hulks of Border Force, slipped into the varius slipways. Major repairs needed on each of the vessels. Now 1/2 of Earth Fleet was being repaired or overhauled.  Rear Admiral Denty knew Earth needed some payback. But his fleet was not ready, he could rush in the other 1/2 of the fleet but if things went badly, Earth would be in a bad shape. His intel on the enemy was limited, he needed the explorer ship out there, but the crew were no where nearly ready. For now he needed to wait, no matter how much pressure the Chairman was giving him.

2166.6.25, Earth Defence Command
The Chairman and Admiral Denty stood before a large audience of military personnel. Admiral Denty rose to the podium. “Officers of the Fleet, we are here today to recognize the bravery and dedication of the men and women of the Border Force. Their courage at Barnwell against a surprise attack has honoured the serviceman and women of the Fleet. Today we award the Close Combat Medal to Rear Admiral Claudia Heinicke, Captain Koyama Matsuko and Commander Judith Steinheim. Their skill and dedication won us the Battle of Barnwell.” Appaluse erupted as the Chairman clasped the medals and shook each in hand.

2166.8.26, Hershel 5173 System, SO Squadron
Eighteen Valour type vessels showed up on thermal sensors. They were some distance from SO Squadron. Rear Admiral Muhmel knew the time had come to clear these scurg from the system. Nothing had attempted to get through the gate and he doubted anything would. Well he would destroy these vessels and get back intime for supper. His plan was to use the hyperdrive to close in on the vessels before they knew what hit them get in close and destroy them one by one with his 35cm laser.

2166.8.29, Hershel 5173 System, SO Squadron
The last of the Valour survivors were picked up by the SO squadron, the destruction of the convoy of ships moved even the hardened combat veteran. They were unarmed and slower, the 35cm Laser turret on the Afghanistan destroyed each one in turn. Over 400,000 tons of wreck only remained now. The 1000 odd survivors had been picked up and was being transport back to Barnwell. Although some interesting data was collected. Schematics of the enemy Stuart class, which is a so far unseen beam defence base. Another unseen vessel an Escort Cruiser called Msl Sentinel and a Striker anti-ship missile design.  The information will prove valuable to an upcoming strike.

2166.9.12, , Hershel 5173 System, SO Squadron
“Rear Admiral, we have ground force signature on the enemy colony”. Muhmel scratched his scruffy beard, they had few unknowingly close to Herschel 5173 IV and picked up the signature. “Relay it too Earth I know they are going to try and take the base intact for intel.” Muhmel thought, ground forces near a defenceless Barnwell not good. They need to make sure no transport enter this system as Barnwell and it facilities would be toast.

2166.9.16, Middleton
The Agonis 1st Light Brigade faced the horrors of the ruin defence systems for the first time. They had heard stories on Barnwell of the relentless AI machines, and they had come prepared. Brigadegeneral Benjamin Wilkins men had already secured the site, and were ready to press in, he was proud of his boys.

2166.10.17, Earth Defense Command
Rear Admiral Denty reviewed the plan. He thought it was a good one and the EX Tennessee was to play a vital role as scout. Border Force would follow-up and eventually hit the first system where first contact with the Jaggian had taken place. Since the battle of Barnwell, a number of civilian ships from the enemy has been destroyed. But there has not been any other military battles, this operation would see two light carriers 3 missile destroyers and a missile frigate engage the enemy. Also to nuke the civilian population as they had done to Barnwell. The enemy would soon know the wrath of humankind.

2166.11.11, Earth
The Neville Camberlin finally limped back to port. The troop carrier had spend a long time in transit with it single engine. The repairs would soon be underway. Commander Christopher Sylvis would be glad to be able to put troops back onto Barnwell. His ship and his men had a difficult time coping in what they had witnessed. Many of the troops on the planet were personal friends with the crew. There was not a thing they could do but watch as the impacts destroy the colony. Retribution would soon be at hand.

2166.11.21, Wolf 924
New Extract Class thermal sensor appeared on the Tennessee screen, while transferring the data to the Border Fleet who were holding at the Jump gate. The Tennessee turned 90 degrees on a new heading.

2166.11.21, Wolf 924, Border Fleet +9 hours
Claudia reviewed the distance once more from Border fleet the 22,000 ton enemy vessel was closing. The enemy captain must know he is outgunned and out matched. At 86mk Claudia release two groups of 18 missiles headed at the enemy ship. The minutes ticked by and the impact could be seen about 15 minutes later. Claudia did not want to waste any more missile on the wounded vessel, she decided to release the new Dragonfly fighters. More minutes ticked by as the Border fleet slowed down to minimal speed and watch the dragonfly close in on the enemy vessel. The vessel fired a laser weapon at the fighter wing, destroying a fighter. The group broke and begun its attack run, the inexperience of the group initial saw a delay in firing, resulting in another down bird. The fighter regroup and fired on the enemy vessel with each pass, it was obvious the enemy was down. The vessel eventually broke apart on the fourth pass. The recall was given and now the progression to the enemy planet clearly seen on sensors.
9 crew in total died.

2166.11.22, Wolf 924, Bordre Fleet
Claudia sighed the attack would not go ahead 16 enemy vessel were dead ahead of them she knew 5 were escort cruisers, capable of destroying any long range attack they could muster. All she could do is defend the other side of the gate, and destroy anything that appeared. To take on this force she would need the whole of the Earth Fleet and even then she would not know the outcome of the battle.

2166.12.12, Delta Prime
Sophia Vincent relaxed on her sofa. She sipped at her glass of wine and reflected. Today was a busy day, she had open the new ground training facility, in which she spent the day talking and touring the grounds. The new recruits were to establish the formation of the 2nd infantry Regiment. The losses of Earth ground forces on Barnwell gave Brightstar security forces a defendable chance and Sophia was not about to change that.

[ooc]This one seemed to be a long year, mainly about Earth though[/ooc]

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2165- Friend or Foes
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2011, 10:17:50 PM »
2167.1.28, Earth, Chicago
Geoffrey Alberding walked down the dark alley, the night was bitterly cold. His team knew the money hidden in the dumpster had been retrieved. Lets hope the portable hard drive was in it’s place. It would be a shame to track down the disgruntled systems tech and kill him. He approached the bin and saw the portable data drive sitting on the pile of rubbish. Brightstar's new ECM technology would come in handy for Earth.

2167.2.11, Earth, Defence Command
It was decided that the Earth Union Fleet, apart from a few home defence vessel would attempt to destroy the Jaggian fleet. Rear Admiral Claudia Heinicke would lead this force although she was unsure the plan would succeed, but they had to try. The enemy could outproduce Earth, only Earth technology advantage has held them in good stead. "Once more into the breach my friends", she mused over the old quote.

Battle for Wolf 923
09.02  Two Nyayo class vessels steamed towards Border force. Claudia knew two ships did not have a chance, but missile expenditure were the main concern for Claudia.
14.29  Tallboy launch at 46mk towards the two vessels, but only one wave
14.30  Fighters launched to tail missile into the fight.
14.55  Inbound missile detected 8mk from Border Fleet. Claudia knew this would deplete the aam missile stocks.
15.00  The Tallboys separated and destroyed the two vessels with 20 warheads a piece. The AAM stocks were now down to 60%. But the strike on the fleet would be  at a range that Claudia hoped there was not returned fire.

07.15  Twenty Five Nisr class ships flicked onto the thermal sensors, no more then 163mk away. The launch of the two fighter wing were actioned Claudia doubted these were a missile threat.
08.00  The two fighter groups engaged enemy wing shooting down the first Nisr in the process. The Nisr's did not fire back, perhaps they were carrying a pay load for the larger vessels but the fighter took them out one at a time, the slower moving vessels were an easy target.
The Nisr decided they were not going to be able to destroy the fleet and used their anti ship missiles against the fighters, 5 F1 exploded quickly from a point plant launch, however many of there missiles missed the fast fighters.
08.01  The Nisr broke off into two wings, Echo Squadron started to chase down the enemy wing that appeared to be returning to base, while Alpha Squadron continued to mop up the Nisrs that were wounded and floating in space.
20.02  Five enemy fighters tried to make a run for it, but Echo Squadron closed in. Echo Squadron were slow to react unlike the more experienced Alpha squadron, but new Dragonfly fighter could travel at 20ks and easily out run the enemies 6ks fighters. The fighters wing had stopped a surprise missile attack against the fleet to the loss of five fighters, Claudia felt it was a fair trade, although she had lost crew.

12.51  The fleet launched the GSlam salvoes and head backed to the jump point. The fleet directed their fire at the heavier ships.
13.57  The missile waves were easily stopped the enemy fleet knock out the 200 odd GSlam missile fired at it, without a single penetration. Claudia knew she did not have the fire power to take on the enemy fleet, they had killed two more vessels and a heavy fighter wing. She would have to take that as a victory.

19.59 Jumped out of the system and lost contact with the enemy

2167.3.16, Hershel 5173, SO Squadron
Rear Admiral Muhmel, watched the Border fleet slip off to Earth, they had unloaded there AAM stocks to the SO Squadron. And given him the DD Patrick Ferguson to hold the Hershel-GLisese 674 jump gate. If that amarda came through the gate, Muhmel knew it would not be enough. The EX Mississsippi requested to hold on the other side as a warning but he did not want to risk enticing the enemy. The battle in his eyes was a stalemate no matter how Claudia wanted to spin it. If anything, if the attack was pressed, they would of lost ships and men perhaps even the fleet.

2167.4.10, Earth, Defence Command
Claudia finished giving her speech to the joint chiefs. The operation no matter how she spun it, was not pleasing in their eyes. They needed either more ships or newer capabilities. The enemy anti missile defences were too high, and who knew what laser defences they would have against our ships. The way we defeated the Araes was to build a new class, capable of saturating the enemy, but these were single ships not a fleet with amazing defences. Either the fleet was going to need an escort vessel capable of defending the fleet or an attack vessel capable of saturating their defences. Either way it would be a year or two before they could try again, they needed to protect the borders and launch an operation to clear the enemy out of Hershel, the enemy base would definitely be relaying information.

2167.5.24, Earth, Geneva
Parker Eisel was pleased with the government assistance package to the civilian fleet. They had grown with a number of freighters being launched, this will help the take the load off the military cargo ships. These were better used for relief or special purpose operations.

2167.6.11, Delta Prime
Victoria was pleased, her first set of troop transports had been complete. The garrison force ready for boarding would qwell the lapper unrest, which was now getting out of hand. Luckily their numbers are relatively small at the moment.

2167.6.16, Hershel 5173, SO Squadron
Jocachim Muhmel was sitting in his ready room, when he heard the commotion on the bridge. A Jaggian River class vessel had entered the system, the crew was already in motion as he left specific instruction to engage pursue any vessel that entered the system. The twin 25cm laser cannon discharged, the sound was unmistakeable within the hull of the ship. A light show appeared out his port window as he watched the explosion pocket the enemy. The DD Patrick Ferguson had three twin 25cm turrets and it made more damage as wreckage drifted into space. He was glad the Patrick Ferguson was here, no other ship in the fleet had so much point blank power.
The River turned about to ram but the squadron quickly broke and evaded. The faster speed on his squadron had the enemy at a disadvantage. After the recharge and the second wave of laser fire had done enough damage to ignite the magazine onboard the River class which exploded in a fantastic light display. Jocachim only had just entered the bridge, action at the gate can be fast and dangerous.
“Pick up the survivors inform the salvage teams to clean up the mess, we don’t need to run into anything out here and puncture something vital. Good work team”

2167.9.20, Barnwell
Brigadier General Zheng Chan Fang stepped out onto the Barnwell surface, the city was a bit of a mess. Radation was still high and the dust was making Barnwell colder. Zheng didn’t mind the cold he was born in the North of China, and at 12 degrees this was actually a summer time to him. He watched as his men, 3rd Infantry Regiment, unload their gear and equipment from the shuttle landers. He need to meet the Civilian Administrator, he found it amusing that he and his small administration survived in the underground bunker 10km below the surface. 800,000 dead vaporized yet leadership always live on.
The new civilians had been kept well clear of the previous devastated area, although the city could house so many people it was not difficult. When the engineers get here they will start with clear up and body disposal. Not a task his men were looking forward to.

2167.11.23, Hershel 5173, SO Squadron
Once again the Kingdom of Jagga probed the Hershel Jump gate with a single ship. A new class designated the Anzone. Twenty seconds later the first hits, from the DD Patrick Ferguson and DDG Afghanistan, but the Anzone sensor went online. How was that possible. Five seconds later ten lasers as powerful as the Patrick Ferguson, ripped the FFG Falklands apart. The SO squadron was stunned this new vessel was more powerful then the DD Patrick Ferguson.
The DDG Afganistan and FFG Perth launched a salvo of Tallboy missiles, the range was small the separation happen soon after launch, these missile were never designed for this. Many of the Talboy never got a chance to separate and were destroyed on launch, but the salvo and the new laser fire from the Patrick Ferguson crippled the enemy vessel. The Anzone sensors appeared to be offline. The Patrick Ferguson was able to finish the Anzone off. Only 669 survived from the DDG Falkand and Captain Arishima Akihira was not one of them, a sad day for the SO Squadron.

2167.12.5, Hershel 5173, SO Squadron
Rear Admiral Muhmel dispatched the Perth and Mississippi to Barnwell, their thin armour and lack of point defence made them unsuited and a target. He did not want a repeat of the Falkland incident. The SO Squadron was a close family and it rocked many of the crew. The Salvage team was heading out to learn as much as it could of this new vessel. The vessel slow but well armed and worried Muhmel. If three of these entered the system he was powerless to stop the enemy. He needed to let Earth Command know, perhaps the old DD class was need once more or atleast an improved version.

2167.12.30, Hackwell
Administrator Tan Zhen Guo stood on a podium in front of the large radar dish. “Fellow citizen today we welcome the opening of our new radar facility. This is something all Hackwell citizens should be proud of. We designed, we built and now we will use this facility for the discovery of new planet and life. Although we are still a small colony of 4 million people we are headed for great things. Let us continue the path set before us an strive for even higher goals”

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Re: 2165- Friend or Foes
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2011, 07:32:53 PM »
2168.2.16, Sol, Home Fleet
Rear Admiral Yang Hua Long made his flag one of the smaller FFG's in the fleet, much to dismay of the other officers. He stood upon bridge of the FFG Loch Ness as the communication officer stood behind waiting to be seen. He turned and gave a blank stare at the officer, which always made his subordinates uneasy around him.
“Sir the CVL Armada had dropped out of formation due to engine issues, apparently they lack supplies for repairs” The Rear Admiral sighed as he knew both CVLs and the DDG had not been overhauled in 10 years and well over due.
“Tell Defence Command we are heading back to Earth for a refit and overhaul, we should be able to do this since Border Fleet is docked at Earth” said Yang. So what if they do care, I have no choice thought Yang. He then turned back and reviewed stars he was previous looking at.

2168.2.22, Hershel 5173, SO Squadron
Another enemy vessel enter via the gate, a Sebo class missile frigate it had been designated, but this was a light craft with little armour. The four 25cm lasers from the Patrick Ferguson and Afghanistan, make quick work of the vessel. The squadron then picked up the survivors.

2168.2.22, Gliese 553, SV Seeker
Lieutenant Mirna Grubaugh almost pissed her pants. The Brightstar science vessel Seeker was exploring the planets of the newly entered Gliese 553 system, but it wasn’t long before fourty four strange vessels appear on her thermal imaging. She was unsure if her vessel had been spotted, but she had to make a run for jump point and let Brightstar Forces know.
Communications to the new alien species need to be open, she had know idea how to do that nor did she need too.

2168.3.12, Delta Prime
Sophia sat at her desk, staring at the video conference screen. A young woman dressed in the finest tailor suit with hair and make-up immaculately presented stare back the through the screen.  “Sam how are we going with communincations with the new Alien race” said Sophia.
Samantha Ward really did not want to say anything, it was all bad news. She sighed “Not well I am afraid. The Aliens are not responding to any of our hails, we do not know if they are ignoring us or do not understand us. We may have to resolves this militarily yet” Sam hated that response but it was the only truthful answer.
Sophia nodded slightly “Tell me if anything changes” with that she closed her connection and press the intercom for her receptionist “Organise a meeting with the security chiefs for tomorrow.” said Sophia.

2168.4.22, GJ 1175, SV Seeker
“Arae's, damn let exit the system. That is two systems I have not been able to explore. Let us inform Brightstar perhaps they can clear the system for us.
“Ma’am they are closing in. They are faster than us by 190m/s, and they are very close” said the sensor operator. Mirna knew their lives were forfiet, but could not show any emotion to the crew. “Give me maximum thrust, engines” there was no use sending a signal without a jump gate, it would never reach Delta for another 100 years. Mirna then waited for the inevitable.

2168.5.25, Barnwell
Brigadier General Zheng Chan Fang was pleased to see the engineers unload onto the tarmac. Two Engineer brigades, a replacement battalion and a garrison battalion. Progression on Barnwell would happen once again. Lets hope the fleet this time can hold the enemy at bay. Zheng didn’t want to end up like the previous division.

2168.6.6, Argonis
Brigadgeneral Pia Funkquist reviewed her new command the 2nd Light Infantry. Grisson ground forces contained two light infantry and one engineering regiment.  Not something to start flag waving but Earth and BrightStar have pretty much kept to themselves. Which had please Grission population to no end.

2168.8.13, Hershel 5173, SO Squadron
Once again a new class of enemy vessel entered the system only to become floating wreckage, from the SO Squadron powerful lasers. The Salvage team was now collecting a fair number of components on Barnwell perhaps it all could be used for a PDC.

2168.8.13, Earth, Research Facilty
Completion of the Jaggain autopsy and analysis was performed. The Jaggain preferred a cold climate around -14 degrees, with a gravity slightly less than Earth and a oxygen content similar to Earth.  This worried Dr Olezka Pokrovsky slight, it made Earth an ideal habitat for these aliens. If they found Earth they might begin an all out war to conquer it. He needed to get these results to the Chairman to analyse.

2168.12.5, Earth, Bethleham-Fairfield
Denty silently watched the new Starfire II Troop carriers exit the slipyard. The new model had twice the speed of the old model. Eventually all the troop carriers will get refitted with the new engines. Now he just needed troops to land on that enemy planet near Barnwell.

2168.12.22, Argonis
Three Galo science vessels headed out for their various missions. Finally Grisson could now start exploring the galaxy once again, it had been a long time and still they do not have a gate builders, but in time they will recover what they had lost.

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Re: 2165- Friend or Foes
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2011, 07:05:16 PM »
2169.1.22, Earth, London
Geoffrey Alberding smiled once again his team were now legends, most of Brighstar facilities on Earth had been compromised. They knew it but there was nothing that Brightstar security could do. His team just acquired the design for their new asteroid miner vessel. Which he made a point to his superiors, only just started work in the shipyard.

2169.5.25, Argonis
Brigitta was please to get renewed funding and praise from the CEO. The CEO stated that her contribution to Grisson Industries was the jewel in it crown.  In a few years she will see the fruits of her labour. Grission planned on producing stealth craft, that would surprise any would be attacker.

2169.6.19, Argonis
“While working on a project in the field of laser technology, Marta Thorsen had sadly died in an accident. There will be a state funeral service this week and unveiling of a statue in her honour in the academy of sciences. She will be remembered.”  CEO Katarina Axelsson could not add the real truth. That her body was vaporised while working on Strength 9 beam technology. She was standing in front on the weapon calibrating when the beam discharged prematurely.  Unfortunately she was a top weapons expert, probably the finest amongst the colonies, and Grisson had no one to replace her.

2169.7.1, Delta Prime, Defence Command
“Commander, the SV Seeker is two weeks over due from checking in. The last system they were to review was GJ 1175” reported the duty officer of the day. Anna twisted her mouth into a knot, another missing Science vessel, Brightstar wasn’t having a good track record with these ships. “Send Delta fleet 1 to investigate, but make sure they have Escorts Group 1 in tow“ responded Anna.

2169.10.9, Delta Prime
Samantha Ward was bubbling with excitement, they finally made contact with the alien species. They were not that alien to humans, they looked very similar. This would give the xeno guys something to think about. The reason they had not made contact for so long, was actually quite simple "they were not sure they wanted to". There language patterns were very similar to Russian. The people were called Gwyr and their empire the Gwyr Dominion which was not hard to forget. She needed to get this report to Sophia, Sam couldn’t be happier.

2169.11.4, Hershel 5173, Planet IV
1st Armoured Regiment and 4th Infantry Regiment hit the ground, the landing did not come under fire, so far all was well.

2169.11.15, Hershel 5173, 4th Infantry Regiment HQ
Brigadier General Shura Makarov sat in her atmosphere sealed tent reviewing the lines. So far the enemy had taken a battering. 1st Armour was taking most the credit but her 4th Infantry Regiment was also contributing. Outside her tent was the commnet centre, with 15-20 technicians sending and receiving intel reports. The net was abuzz with activity, more than usual. She walked to the entrance flap and listened in. It seemed 2nd Battalion was taking a battering and some fast moving infantry carriers had broken through the lines, the panic was rising in the tent as they were just behind 2nd Battalion lines. She quickly grabbed her helmet off the rack and slipped it on, the hiss of air followed by a green light showing the suit was functioning.
“Right men grab your rifles and I want a defensive line just below that ridge.” She quickly moved around the compound as soldiers were rushing left and right, to get to their assigned units. No sooner had she made it the low ridge herself before incoming fire were pounding the lines for their right flank. The enemy carriers had a heavy duty pulse cannon and was raking fire across the line. The soldier dispersed to find protected positions. Standing she was instruction troops left and right to pour fire into the vehicles when a Anti Tank missile launched she traced it with her eyes until impact against the now shattered carrier. Another carrier had fired a pulse cannon close to her position when a explosion happened no more than 2 feet in front of her sending her on an arc, slamming her back into the ground. She felt blood trickle from the mouth, as she slow faded out of consciences.

2169.11.25, Gliese 652, SV Searcher
No sooner had the SV entered the system, before their sensors detected a wrecked Arae’s Harbringer. SV Searcher decided it would leave the system and report the wreck back to command. An ideal planet for terraforming was in the system so they could see Brightstar management being interested.

2169.12.7, HD 146835, SV Searcher
The crew of the SV Searcher could sparely believe their eyes. 1 planet that need no terraforming, but had no water on it surface, and 2 possible candidates for terraforming. They need to do a mineral scan but they was possibly a jackpot system. Especially the one planet without a need for terraforming a colony could start right away.

2169.12.13, HD 146835, SV Searcher
SV Seeker only just started the mineral scans when four Arae's vessels appeared on thermals. The crew wasted no time in heading for the jump gate, they had a good lead and hoped they would make it.

2169.12.20, Hershel 5173, 4th Infantry Regiment
Brigadier General Shura Makarov was proud as she marched her troops into the captured colony, the aliens hid, with only a few peeking out their windows. There was a small reception at what she suspected was the town hall steps, where the leader of the aliens and a few other waited. More then likely scared out of there wits for their fate.
Earth preferred to hold them as hostages for now, and let hopes they don’t want to play the resistance role. 1st Division commander Major General Hugo Schweizer would not take kindly to it. Her troops were to secure the colony, 1st Armour and Divisional HQ were heading to Barnwell.  The colony was to have a new name, Kirilov after Rear Admiral Kirilov of the Arae 41 war. Some way fitting to have military name to a captured colony.