Author Topic: 2170 - Common Enemies  (Read 3928 times)

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Offline ardem (OP)

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2170 - Common Enemies
« on: October 25, 2011, 10:04:49 PM »
2170.1.25, GJ-1175, Delta Fleet 1
After transiting into the system and heading for the inner planets, Lieutenant Commander Clyde Levett, received a message from the DD Pius Antorius . Four Arae vessels on an intercept course, over the course of a day the two fleets approach each other.

Battle of GJ1175

2170.1.25, Delta Fleet 1
“What are you telling me you cannot get a lock using the Pius active sensors.” asked a frustrated Lt Commander Levett. Delta 1 could not launch their M10 ASM’s at the enemy. The Puis had sensor locks but for some reason the feed was not transmitting to the Stellars. Earth Union sold them the ship years ago and nobody bothered to test it. Fleet sensors were expected it to work together. The Stellar Wrath only had small R1 sensors set to about 50mk. “Close to the enemy, damn it, as soon as we get sensor lock I want to launch” ordered Levett.

2170.1.26, Delta Fleet 1 00.22.31
“Missile contacts inbound waves of four missiles heading in at 30kks” screamed the sensor operator. Levett sent a fleet wide broadcast “AAM to engage targets.” Now he just had to sit back and see if he had enough missiles.

Delta Fleet 1 00.27.11
The last of the inbound missile were accounted for. Levett punched up on his console the AAM stocks for the fleet analysing the data. The magazines register at sixty five percent remaining. This was good news, it mean he could take two more waves, but hopefully the enemy were out.

Delta Fleet 1 00.49.06
The enemy vessels had turned about and fled, and they were slightly faster then his fleet. If he despatched the DD and escorts they may be able to close down the enemy. Levett was unsure as there was a new inbound  enemy fleet, but they had to try. The stellar had no AAM so pushing the DD forward with the AAM may prove effective.

Delta Fleet 1 03.39.00
Levett ordered Delta fleet to switch off Active sensors, although there thermal would still give them away, atleast it might not make them a target. Maybe enough to close.

DD Puis Antorius, 15.00
Lieutenant Tolya Gavrilov knew that she did not have enough time to run down the enemy, the three harbringer what she suspected missile vessel would come into range, she doubt there stocks were enough for three launchers, but perhaps they would find out.

DD Puis Antorius, 17.23
DD Pius had incoming missiles, the escort and Pius would do what they could. The waves were in lots of 12, it would not be an easy ride. Other then the AAM the only point defence left was the big 25cm lasers, not something she could counted on.
“Let hope the armour will hold” thought Tolya. She knew deep down she did not have enough AAM’s.

DD Puis Antorius, 17.25
“No more missiles Lieutenant” called out the sensor operator. Toyla shook her head in a lack of understanding, perhaps these Harbrigners were half stocked, it did not make sense. Their stocks of AAM were only now down to 50%. She did manoeuvre away before the enemy's suspected launch, perhaps they did not fire a full salvo. The enemy were now heading away it did not make sense. Toyla did not care she now headed full steam at the enemy.

DD Puis Antorius, 18.26
It wasn’t long before Toyla found out why, even though Delta Fleet had run quiet with active sensors off, they must of come in too close.. Eight missiles found the Stellar Wrath 012, with no point defence the vessel was ripped apart. Stellar Wrath 003 was ripped part with only 4 missiles, along with it Commander Clyde Levett. And Toyla now found command past to her. She could not go back to Delta Prime empty handed, something needed to be done.

2170.1.27, DD Puis Antorius, 8.26
A day of chasing had begun, Toyla left her escorts behind she need that extra 600ks to hunt down this enemy. The vessels were running back to its home base. She had noticed the wreck of 'SV To Seek To Find' closing on her position, this made her even more determined to catch them.

2170.1.28, DD Puis Antorius, 07.40
Toyla had not slept for two days but now her wrath would be bestowed upon the enemy. The DD Pius had closed on the three Theta vessels, they were lagging behind the Harbinger.  Toyla did not slow the Pius, when the ships were just in range the three dual turret 25cm laser engaged, first chewing through some armour then destroying components when she got closer. Theta 004 need only two salvos before become crumbled metal. Theta 002 and 003, although the Pius had done damage, then vessel slowed and she was well past them hunting the Harbringer. Stellar Wrath or the escort  vessels could destroy crippled theta vessels.

DD Puis Antorius, 7.43
The Harbringer was at extreme range, the 25cm lasers charged and fired ever 30 secs, most missing but steadily the fire and the damage increased as they go within range.  With a two minutes the Harbringer was a piece of scrap. Toyla was now tired, she had 3 more Harbringers to hunt, but the range allowed her and some of her crew to rest.

DD Puis Antorius, 16.30
Stellar Wrath 011 came into range, 5 missiles streak from it tubes towards Theta 002 which was dead in space. 30 minutes later uncontested the missile ripped the Theta apart.

DD Puis Antorius,17.50
Toyla was refreshed . She smiled as each shot ripped into the three Harbringers, the ones that killed the Stellar vessels. Within five minutes the three were pieces of scrap, the remaining Theta had repaired an engine. Toyla toyed with the idea of watching where its home was but if there was any more vessel in the system it would not be so positive for the BrightStar forces. Time to clean up and move back to the jump gate. The Escort Group had already been despatched to head back to pick up survivors. One more craft and it was done.

Brightstar Losses
FFG Stellar Wrath 003 - Lt Commander Clyde Levett - 590 crew
FFG Stellar Wrath 012 - 446 crew

Enemy Losses
3 Theta Class vessels
4 Harbringer Class Missile Frigates

[ooc]Brightstar learnt two lesson, 1. the Stellar Wrath need more powerful sensors. 2. If it wasn't for the Pius speed the battle would of been lost the Pius being an Earth Union vessel, still shows it class compared to the Brightstar vessels. Perhaps with better sensors the Stellar Wrath could of launched. I do not know why the Pius did not share it sensor data in firing. Perhaps it was the 60mk missile fire control, but would of thought it should still show up in combat sensors.[/ooc]
« Last Edit: October 25, 2011, 10:21:14 PM by ardem »

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Re: 2170 - Common Enemies
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2012, 09:37:00 AM »
2170.5.26, Lacaille 8760, 1st Light Brigade
Overste Torkel Nylen reviewed the latest drone image yet another battlefront, from these accused security machines. He was only Delta Assault Company commander they had not received there new CO for the Brigade. Although he felt he had the task well in hand. A week and the machine should be mopped up.

2170.6.12, Herschel 5173, SO Squadron
Rear Admiral Muhmel aboard the Afghanistan was alerted to five inbound Jagga vessels, the vessel's intel register as survey vessels with no onboard weaponry, but he had no way of disabling and boarding the craft. They were headed for the jump gate and need to be stopped. A launch of 3 Tallboy Missiles at each vessel ended the chase, all was left to be done was pick up the survivors, he would need to hold them until they returned to Barnwell. Interrogation proved fruitful, with specs on the previously refer to Assad class, now named the Freem class is a 7550 ton Destroyer Escort.

Code: [Select]
Freem class Destroyer Escort    7,550 tons     608 Crew     1204.6 BP      TCS 151  TH 540  EM 0
3576 km/s     Armour 3-34     Shields 0-0     Sensors 16/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 4     PPV 16
Maint Life 2.37 Years     MSP 399    AFR 114%    IFR 1.6%    1YR 97    5YR 1459    Max Repair 168 MSP
Magazine 888    
Ion Engine E8 (9)    Power 60    Fuel Use 80%    Signature 60    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres    Range 74.5 billion km   (241 days at full power)

Size 1 Missile Launcher (16)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 10
Missile Fire Control FC13-R1 (2)     Range 13.4m km    Resolution 1
Tama Anti-missile Missile (888)  Speed: 28,800 km/s   End: 9.1m    Range: 15.8m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 192 / 115 / 57
Active Search Sensor MR13-R1 (1)     GPS 168     Range 13.4m km    Resolution 1
Thermal Sensor TH2-16 (1)     Sensitivity 16     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  16m km

2170.6.28, Austrini, GEV Amber
Lt Commander Du Liang Peng, rechecked the sensor readings that his ensign brought him. They had been surveying the system for several months, apart from some sizeable mineral deposits on the planet. The ruined outpost would excite his comrade back at Earth. He prepared a code message, it would not be long before a team was sent out to this planet. Apart from a chilly -21 degrees this planet was also listed for colonization, breathable air, water, gravity only a little heavier then Earth. A Xenologist dream.

2170.7.1, Sol, Fleet Headquarters
Rear Admiral Denty was pleased as a new report laid on his desk. Home Fleet's overhaul was now complete, this gave him back two carriers and two frigates. The battle for maintenance was taking more of a toll on the Admiral then the battle with the Jaggas. However now Border Force was well over due for refit and repair. Keeping atleast one carrier fleet at readiness was his prime goal.

2170.7.12, Sol, Energy Research Lab
Dr Faustino Damino could not believe his eyes. The 53rd Engineer Brigade on Barnwell had discovered and intact lab and were able to retrieve intact schematic on Far X-Ray Lasers, an upgrade to all Earth Union weaponry could soon be achieved however sensor technology for aiming still lagged behind.

2170.8.8, Argonis, Fleet Headquarters
Flottiljamiral Kajsa Edlund smiled as she took the oath of Fleet Commander, Katarin Axelsson conducted the ceremony. She planned to continue her predecessors achievements. She was the ripe old age of 60, it would not be a long tour but she would do her best.

2170.8.8, Delta Prime, Captial
Lieutenant Tolya Gavrilov recieved the Star 2nd Class for her successful combat against the Arae. The award is the first award the Brightstar has made. Many have said this is to hide the fact that the battle was more of a disaster the administrators are letting on. New ships have been build, so their are thoughts a new offensive to the system will be on the cards.

2170.10.24, Hershel 5173, SO Squadron
No sooner had a Jagga Mamba class entered into the system when the ship lasers engaged the enemy with a single volley, the Mamba Laser Frigate then ceased to exist. Survivors were picked up but there was very few as the vessel was destroyed so quickly.

2170.5.26, Lacaille 8760, Middleton, 1st Light Brigade
Overste Torkel Nylen was please his man could get some R&R the last ruin had been recovered, and the sweep of the planet revealed no other hidden surprises. Colony ships back on Argonis would soon be under construction and Middleton filled with people. It would be Grisson second colony, an achievement. Relations with Earth were still going strong and for the moment no threats. There had been whispers the Jagga Earth conflict was in a low ebb, perhaps both forces were preparing there troops. Earths military build-up was more reassuring the concerning as threats in the galaxy seemed more pressing then threats amoungst humans.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2012, 02:16:27 AM by ardem »

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Re: 2170 - Common Enemies
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2012, 11:16:13 AM »
2171.1.6, Earth, Marrick & Towne Shipyard

The fanfare ceremony was a behold to watch, the new Long Beach Cruiser class ship exited the shipyard with grace. It was the second largest warship ever made behind the carriers. The Agamemnon was 24,000 ton, of shield, armour and 6 twin 25cm laser cannons. This was Rear Admiral Denty's finest contribution to Earth Union and a proud moment for him. This ship was built with one purpose to walk into the fire against the Jagga Fleet and knock in a few teeth.

Code: [Select]
Long Beach class Cruiser 23950 tons     2331 Crew     8837 BP      TCS 479  TH 585.12  EM 2700
5089 km/s     Armour 10-74     Shields 90-300     Sensors 360/1/0/0     Damage Control 91     PPV 123.96
Annual Failure Rate: 0%    IFR: 0%    Maintenance Capacity 11761 MSP
MCF Drive P162E6.4m (15)    Power 162.5    Fuel Use 64%    Armour 0    Exp 25%
Fuel Capacity 500,000 Litres    Range 58.7 billion km   (133 days at full power)
Epsilon R300/12 Shields (30)   Total Fuel Cost  360 Litres per day

Twin 25cm X Laser Turret (6x2)    Range 384,000km     TS: 10000 km/s     Power 32-10     RM 7    ROF 20        16 16 16 16 16 16 16 13 12 11
CIWS-200 (10x8)    Range 1000 km     TS: 20000 km/s     ROF 5       Base 50% To Hit
Fire Control S04 192-8000 H40b (2)    Max Range: 384,000 km   TS: 8000 km/s     97 95 92 90 87 84 82 79 77 74
MCF Reactor PB-1.2 (32)     Total Power Output 192     Armour 0    Exp 16%
Thermal Sensor TH20-360 (1)     Sensitivity 360     Detect Signature 1000: 360m km
MASS MR43-R1 (40%) (1)     GPS 180     Range 43.2m km     Resolution 1

2171.4.6, Delta Prime
Sophia Vincent welcomed the Gwyr Dominion ambassador, this was the first time they had visited the Delta Pavonis system. Relations were slow, but both races had much in common. Sophia hoped that some trade relations could be soon established but the Gwyr, said patience were in order and the natural flow of time should see fruitful relations.

2171.4.15, Herschel 5173, SO Squadron
Once again a probe by two Sebo missile ships into the Herschel sector by the Jagga Kingdom resulted in the loss of two further ships. They do not strike in force, which would overwhelm the defenders. The Jagga do not seem to learn quickly unlike human. This is one benefit that Earth Union is now exploiting.

2171.5.17, Earth
Breaking News Parker Eisel has died in what many term as a freak accident. The leader of the Earth Union slipped an fell smashing his temple against set of stairs. Security video camera footage caught the incident and there is no reason to suspect foul play. THe Earth Union will be in 5 days of mourning. No major leader in history has had such a inconspicuous end. 43 Year old Earth administrator Fredrick Selbig is billed to take over for the interim but many feel that he will be Eisel's permanent successor. Tributes from Brightstar and Grisson have come in over Eisel dedication to peace.


Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2170 - Common Enemies
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2012, 02:13:38 AM »
Battle of Wolf 935

2171.8.2, Home Fleet
“Tell Rear Admiral Heinicke to proceed into Wolf 935 and head to the inner system we will enter 2 hours behind her as planned” spoke  Rear Admiral Edwardo Vandevender, she may of outranked him but as commander of the Home Fleet it was his operation and she was to provided assistance with a forward screen. Today was the day the Kingdom of Jagga was going to bleed. This was a combined carrier operation, his mission was to engage the enemy and destroy as many combat ships as possible. Previous probes had showed the ineffectiveness of the Belgium and Frigate offensive capability, the enemy had screen vessels that had blunted all missile attacks. The Wasp class fighters carrying 2x super fast missiles and the corvettes carrying MIRV box launchers would attack the screen ships. I lucky intelligence haul had identified the Freem class as the AAM screen. The mass of fast missile would ignore capital ships and destroy these AAM frigates the corvettes would finish them off.

2171.8.2, Cruiser Force 20.27.26
“Contact, 4 FAC's closing" the alarmed sensor operator reported. Claudia smiled so far they had made there way past a number of wrecks from previous missions, and was surprised when no jump gate force was in effect. The Cruiser were designed for defensive and close quarters. These FAC would not trouble the force. "Allow them to close to laser range and engage we will not waste our escort offensive missiles" the message was for her surrounding bridge crew. She had found enlightening her crew to her plans instilled more confidence in the situation.

2171.8.2, Cruiser Force 21.02.54
Admiral, the FAC's have fired on us with missiles and now turning about the speed it to great for us to close" the sensor operator pauses a moment to check his readings "1 Zhuk class, 4 Natya class, 2 Fatimah class, 5 Sentinel class and 1 Ramadan class. they are moving to intercept. They are coming from the inner system. "Acknowledged Ensign, continue our heading"

2171.8.2, Cruiser Force 21.47.16
Admiral, the FAC's have fired on us with missiles and now turning about the speed it to great for us to close" Claudia though a moment. Tell FFG Glenroe and FFG Stirling to fire two missiles for each  FAC that should be enough to destroy all four ships.

2171.8.2, Cruiser Force 21.47.21
CA Antares the target for the 15 missiles destroyed the target the multiple point defence weapons, three minute latter the frigates GSlam missiles destroyed the fac, adding to the pile of metal floating in this system

2171.8.3, Cruiser Force 01.35.06
"Admiral, active sensor have now picked up 20 ships in that Jagga fleet". Claudia knew it was time to slow her point advance and allow Home Fleet to catch up to launch the strike class to thin the enemy vessels. "Helm 1/4 speed, Comms tell Admiral Vandevender we are sending information on the Jagga Fleet and we have identified the screen targets."

2171.8.3, Bravo Squadron "Wildcats", 03.40.31
Lt Commander Lee Qian Liang frustrated as the squadron took time plotting in the targets the squadron in his mind was still green. And the Wasp fighter had never been tested. Finally the squadron was ready to fire, and watched as 34 missiles streak away. 34 missiles?? He banged his console and then watched Wasp 005 fire his 2 missiles 15 seconds later. He as going to have a word to Wasp 005 commander when they returned to reload and it was not going to be a pleasant chat.

2171.8.3, Home Fleet, 03.57.36
Rear Admiral Vandevender smiled as the first strike missile exploded against the Jagga screen vessels, they did not even fire there defensive missiles, perhaps the speed of these new Locus Missile evaded there sensors or they did not expect them. Either way some of the screen vessels slowed, a couple of magazine explosions hid Freem 003 and Jasiri 002 in a mist of thermal radiation for a moment, however they continued to now limp behind the fleet.

2171.8.3, The Corvettes, 05.37.26
The seven South Carolina corvettes had split from home fleet for it attack run they were now in positions to launch they would only get one shot at this as once there box launchers finished firing  there would be no reload. However 3 Fatboy MIRV which had contained a further 3 Fatboy warheads would separate 5 Mkm from target, putting on target a total of 63 warhead size 10 missiles.

2171.8.3, Home Fleet, 03.57.36
Rear Admiral Vandevender rubbed his hand as he watched the fatboys close on target, the to his disgust the Jagga point defence operated and 33 warheads were downed before hitting targets. But his disgust turned to glee as the Zhuk was hit by 8 warheads destroying the craft. Fatimah 002 was hit very hard with atmosphere streaming on each hit only to watch it limp from the fleet. Freem 002 was also destroyed, which was one of the four AAM frigates removed. Secondary explosions rattled through the damaged and destroyed vessels.

2171.8.3, Bravo Squadron "Wildcats", 09.24.36
The second launch was a better affair but their had work was only paved with a minor number of the missile penetrating the point defence, causing minor damage to the Freem 001, Natya 003 and Jasiri 003.

2171.8.3, Bravo Squadron "Wildcats", 14.00.56
The third launch was an accomplished affair the carrier crew refitted the missiles in a good allotted time and the flight crew were on their game at launch. They were rewarded with the Freem 01 destroyed and Karabane 005 and Jasiri 002 heavily wounded. But the air crews need some rest

2171.8.3, Home Fleet, 14.00.56
"Admiral we have new contacts towards the middle of the system they are not moving towards us. I cannot determine if the ships are warships or commercial. 40-50 ships of the Nyryat or Stuart class. The Rar Admiral thought for a moment already they are winning a major victory the main fleet was turning about and heading for the inner system, however not towards the planets.

2171.8.3, Bravo Squadron "Wildcats", 21.51.41
The fourth launch could not knock out the Jasiri 002 and Jasiri 003 or Karabane 005 they were sure these ship were almost knocked out. But it seem these Jagga ships were as stubborn as there owners. The dragonfly could intercept and destroy these wounded vessels, which were now running for a jump point rather then follow the rest of the fleet.

2171.8.3, Echo Squadron "Lancers", 21.51.41
Echo squadron where raring to go, they had been in a defence posture in front of the Bravo launching points to stop any enemy fighters. But they wanted some action. They finally received some order to take out some enemy wounded vessels

They closed of what they thought was the most heavily damaged of the Jagga vessels and engaged. They ripped beams across the Fatimah 002, but the ship took the damage and returned fire with thre own weapon, DragonFly 010 and 012 was hit and broke apart

2171.8.3, Echo Squadron "Lancers", 23.34.26
DragonFly 017, 013, 014, 019, 015 and 002 were destroyed the recharge of the Jagga ship being only 5 seconds this will impact was devestaring the squadron however it ripped it laser across the Jagga ship once more. Dragonfly 016, 020, 008, 007, 001. Another pass must of destroyed the sensors or weapons as the Jagga ship was dead in space and not firing back, two more runs and the Fatimah 003 broke apart.

To be continued
« Last Edit: April 05, 2012, 02:18:03 AM by ardem »