Author Topic: Graveyard of Ships- Gliese 109  (Read 6081 times)

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Offline Thiosk

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Re: Graveyard of Ships- Gliese 109
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2012, 06:55:18 PM »
I love the GNN report.  Thats great!

I need to find the time to do a story mode.   I think a fun story about crazy ol' emperor Thiosk stumping around the galaxy lookin' fer bugz to squash could be some fun.

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Re: Graveyard of Ships- Gliese 109
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2012, 10:11:55 PM »
Why do you have both 10, 12 and 15 cm railguns on ships? Is it just for size constraints - you want to be able to fire at multiple targets simultaneously but can't afford to use three 15cm railguns?

And yes, a very nice story. Keep us updated on what's going on with the Issa!

The railgun configuration is a holdover from the game start. Those ships mounted the 10cm for anti-missile defense and I held onto them for rapid fire close range weaponry for jump point assaults. They work VERY well in that role. I was also having a hard time keeping the ship size down to fit the shipyard that was producing them all in large calibers made things a bit difficult to keep the sizes under the yard limit.

The next version of the Transgressor keeps them, but I will have new engines in about 18 months, and that will probably see them consolidated down to just a couple of classes. Since the 12cm are now 5 second weapons, the 10cm will probably fade into history. :)

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Re: Graveyard of Ships- Gliese 109
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2012, 11:25:05 PM »

The gold and blue GNN logo fades out, revealing the newscaster Trevor Howard standing in front of a large wall screen with the systems of the Terran Confederation laid out in green on a dark blue background. Bright yellow lines link the sytems, and a small representation of the Earth sits in the centermost system. Trevor Howard smiles at the camera.

"This is Trevor Howard with a special breaking report from New York, Terra. For the first time in five years, since our conflict with the Issa Empire began, the Confederation Navy has been on the defensive, as they have struggled to hold back the tide of alien invaders, to prevent the Issa doing to us like they have done to the defenseless civilians of Milerton, in the Gliese 109 system."

A brief montage of shattered Milerton cities flickers past. The montage pauses to show stacks of frozen corpses and giant burial pits hacked out of the frozen ground.

"After the skirmishes in the Alaska system, and the retreat into Ross 128, the Confederation Navy pushed the Issa back, recapturing Alaska and digging in to keep it!"

The wall screen flashes, highlighting the Wolf 359 arm, and zooms in, showing a string of systems. Sol, Wolf 359, Ross 128, Alaska, Milerton, all with the flag of the Confederation above them. The screen fades to black, then a Confederation cruiser sweeps past the camera, silver flickers of other ships in the squadron can be seen in the distance. The shot then changes to a Confederation FAC squadron settling into orbit around Milerton.

"After the liberation of Milerton from the Issa, the Confederation Explorer Corps has been working overtime mapping newly discovered jump points in the Gliese 109 system, with the generous assistance of our friends in the Fleshlough Khanate. With there help, we have been able to identify three habitable systems a single jump away from Milerton, two with earthlike worlds!"

The wall map fills the screen, and three new systems appear, all radiating from the Milerton/Gliese 109 system. Luyten 1305-10, Delta Eridani, and 107 Piscium. Delta Eridani and 107 Piscium have small earthlike worlds spinning in their centers. All of them show the baleful umber and black Issa flag above them.

"Confederation sources have announced that securing the newly discovered systems are of the utmost priority of the Navy. As a result several squadrons and survey vessels were dispatched. To everyone's surprise, the Issa declined to defend these valuable systems."

The wall map shows the Issa flags fading, and the Confederation flag superimposed and flashing, indicating a contested system.

"For the last few months, Confederation survey ships have been desperately mapping new jump points, while minefields and sensor buoys follow along behind them, trying to spot avenues of attack for Issa Naval Forces."

Schematics of the systems flash on the screen, showing the paths of Confederaton ships scouring the system for warp points and lumbering minelayers following behind them, with the markers for sensor buoys appearing.

"At 10:00, the 9th of April 2117, that defense posture ended! The TCN Cicada, under the command of Lieutenant Hayley Scism, jumped into the one of the unexplored warp points and into the Kappa Ceti system."

The wall screen zooms in again, showing a new system appear, and a warp line connecting Delta Eridani and the newly system, Kappa Ceti.

"The TCN Cicada jumped into the system on a routine probe and was ambushed on the jump point by an Issa naval frigate. Despite the valiant effort by her crew to turn her around, the Issa ship was able to knock out the bridge and cripple the ship. The Cicada was lost, with her surviving crew making it to escape pods. The Issa ship then opened fire on the escape pods, there were no survivors."

The camera flashes in to a picture of a grim looking Trevor Howard as the wall screen behind him flashes a picture of the TCN Cicada, followed by pictures of her crew, some official, and some casual shots of the crew smiling. The last picture is of the Cicada's captain, Haley Scism, tall, lanky, and blonde, smiling at the camera, caught sipping a cup of coffee.

"The Issa ship didnt get to enjoy the destruction of the Cicada for long however. CruRon 3, led by Force Commander Stephanie Levie, one of the most decorated veterans of the Confederation Navy, responded to the Cicada's distress call. At 10 minutes after midnight, the 10th of April, 2117, the Confederation Navy jumped into an Issa system to avenge our fallen!"

The wall screen brings up a schematic, showing CruRon 3 jumping into Kappa Ceti. Immediate fire comes from the Issa vessel guarding the jump point. Shields aboard the destroyer TCN Cyclops flash and die and rounds start impacting the hull. The Confederation squadron leaps ahead and pulls away from the jump point and the Issa frigate, which lags behind. The Confederation squadron pulls outside of the short range of the Issa ship, and then the railguns of the frigates Cadaver and Caddisfly begin to return fire. The Issa ship disintegrates in 20 seconds.

"After avenging the Cicada, CruRon 3, despite being undermanned, pressed into the Kappa Ceti system for an armed reconnaissance, and made a momentous discovery. Kappa Ceti is an Issa COLONY system!

The wall screen zooms in on Kappa Ceti V, showing unmistakable EM and Thermal readings indicating an moderate Issa population on the world.

"In addition, heavy commercial traffic has been detected in the system, and CruRon 3 has been given orders to raid enemy commerce. All Issa ships that refuse to surrender are to be fired upon, and CruRon 3 will be probing for defenses around the enemy planet."

The camera pans back in on Trevor Howard, while he is smiling again, viewers are uncomfortably reminded of a shark.

"Now, ladies and gentelmen, its the Issa's turn to be on the defensive and see their worlds come under siege!"

The camera pans back out, and Trevor looks a bit more composed.

"We will bring you more to this story as it unfolds. Now we return you to our regularly scheduled program of Arsenal vs. Real Madrid."

Offline ollobrains

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Re: Graveyard of Ships- Gliese 109
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2012, 01:45:33 AM »
keep us updated im about to start similiar moves myself in my game

Offline Arwyn (OP)

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Re: Graveyard of Ships- Gliese 109
« Reply #19 on: February 29, 2012, 01:10:09 PM »
Emperors Palace, Imperial Capital, Issa

Imperial Guard troopers lined the hallways, their black and gold body armor gleaming dully in the reddish glow of the overhead lights. They snapped to attention as the trio of naval officers past them, their rifles snapping to present arms with machine like precision as the officers came abreast of them, and snapped back to rest with the same precisions as the officers past them.

The ranking officer came to a halt in front of the massive door at the end of the hall, and the two troopers to either side snapped a smart salute and swung the massive valves of the door open. The room beyond was large, dominated by benches laid out in a u shape, and stacked several ranks deep, all facing the holographic tank in the center of the room.

Directly facing them, the First Minister of the Issa Empire sat, surrounded by functionaries and staff officers. His cybernetic eyes glowed a baleful red as he stared across the room at the three naval officers standing in the door. His long grey-blue fingers flicked out in a beckoning motion, and the three officers approached.

The First Minister leaned forward, his grey-blue skin flickering with sub-dermal conduits and pathway traceries. "What is this?" his voice rasped out, with a menacing metallic undertone, "I ordered the senior naval commanders to present themselves, and I have a mere Zdnavi Aatl and two subordinate Zdnavi before me?" More cybernetic eyes bore down upon the naval officers, as they became the focus of the rooms attention. "And wearing Scouting Force sleeve markers, not Battle Force!" The First Minister leaned forward, like a raptor preparing to strike.

The senior officer, the Zdnavi Aatl snapped off a crisp salute, right arm vertical, with a fist beside his right temple, and sketched a short respectful bow. "Zdnavi Aatl Labraatl reporting First Minister. I regret to inform you Excellency, that I, Zdnavi Aatl Labraatl, am the most senior Naval Commander currently."

The murmuring that had filled the room dropped to a ghostly silence. The only noise was the hum of the holotanks power fields and the tick of the air filtering system.

The First Minister leaned back in his chair, his skin paling to a lighter gray. "Explain yourself Zdnavi Aatl, where is Aatlavi Djeginishir?"

The officer and his subordinates stood braced in the position of 'Respectful Attention to Superiors' as the Zdnavi Aatl replied. "The Aatlavi perished with his command in the last battle in Kishintivir, First Minister." The room immediately filled with whispers and murmurs from the officers and functionaries sitting behind the First Minister.

"Where is Lord Viminismegr, Aatlavi Kos of the Navy?" the First Minister rasped.

"Lord Viminismegr has apologized to the Emperor for the Navy's failures with his life, First Minister"

The whispers in the room picked up in intensity.

The First Minister sank back in his chair, looking almost deflated. "I.... I see." Unconsciously, the First Minister began rubbing the mounting surrounding one of his cybernetic eyes. "So, Zdnavi Aatl Labraatl, was it? What is the status of the Navy and our current situation with these damnable Terrans?"

Labraatl gestured at one of the younger officers behind him, and the holotank swam to life with a schematic of the Issa Empires systems and warp lines.

"As you all know, Lords, the Terrans made a major push into the 73 Vridi system a few weeks ago." The focus of the holotank swam down to focus on the system. "The Terrans destroyed three of our fleets in the system in a space of four days. We lost three fleets to the loss of two Terran ships."

Labraatl gestured again, and the names, tonnages, and classes of the ships swam up in a side bar of the view. "Despite the warnings of the Intelligence service, the Battle Force organized all three fleets in our standard configuration, with light escort elements and medium missile combatants supporting a core force of our Alcanada class beam cruisers." More side bars swung open on the tank, showing the task forces order of battle.

"The two Terran ships lost were destroyed by our beam armed warships, but the Terrans speed allowed them to disengage from the close action at the jump point, and push out of our engagement range." The tank began to run a replay of the action. "Once the range was opened, our ships could not close with the Terran fleet, and their missile cruisers and destroyers bombarded our ships until they were destroyed." The tank reply stopped, showing the baleful yellow icons of destroyed ships. "At this point, instead of retreating, the remain fleet commanders pressed the attack individually, and were defeated in detail by the Terrans."

The room grew still as the numbers and details of the defeat impressed themselves on the officers and functionaries. The bulk of the active Battle Force had been in 73 Vridi, and the defeat was a disaster.

Labraatl continued. "Once 73 Vridi was cleared of our Naval assets, the Terrans landed large concentrations of GROUND forces and smashed our forces occupying the Milerton slave world. Our Intelligence agents still operating there sent back attack analysis summaries, and the news there is bad as well, the Terran ground forces are superior to our own. They are also more numerous, the attack force the landed on Milerton is larger that our Home Defense units total strength."

The ranking officer of the Army, Kzhaatl lan Chiejeztlas went noticeably pale as the presentation and summary of Terran ground forces was displayed.

"The Terrans followed up the attack into 73 Vridi with intense survey activity, and probed all the warp points within a week of seizing the system. Intelligence believes they may have recovered astrogation data from our destroyed ships or captured crews." The view changed again, showing the warp points. "The most critical issue was the Terrans probing and surveying the Dijinis system. Intelligence had counted on the Terrans disovering the 107 Psi system and its habitable world, and investing their efforts there."

The First Lord gestured at Labraatl. "Does Intelligence believe that the Terrans compromised our security and discovered the importance of Djinis?"

Labraatl jerked his chin sharply, "No your Excellency. Intelligence believes the Terrans were being thorough, and that they investigated ALL the warp points out of 73 Vridi at the same time. The reports from 107 Psi report that they were probed at roughly the same time."

The tanks view changed again, showing the critical important Djinis system in the center. "The situation as it stands now is quite dire, your Excellency." Labraatl paused to highlight Djinis. "With the Terran capture of Djinis, they have effectively cut the capital off from the rest of the Empire. Our colonies and commercial traffic are cut off, and most of our colony worlds are not at a self sustainable level. Unless we can dislodge the Terrans, all our smaller colonies will die. Additionally, our major colony at Epirdia is cut off, and the five other habitable colony worlds have been cut off before we could establish an sort of foothold on them outside of survey outposts."

The tanks view changed again. "Three days ago, the Terrans jumped into the Kishinitivir system. They met the remainder of the main Battle Force under Aatlavi Djeginishir, and destroyed them for the loss of one Terran ship." There was a collective gasp, and hisses from the rest of the room.

"With the destruction of the fleet in Kishinitivir system, all of the Navy's heavy warship assets have been destroyed. We have the Terrans literally on our doorstep, as then are a jump away from Issa itself. For defense, we have several squadrons of fast attack craft, though three of the five are of older models. We also have a few older 2nd line warships, two escorts that were refitting, and a few new ships undergoing shakedown cruises."

The mutterings and whispers in the room had taken on a tone of fear, and the First Minister was clearly shaken by the news.

Labraatl turned and faced the First Minister squarely. "Your Excellency, we, the Navy have concentrated on defending the warp point from the Terrans. However, we know ONE Terran fleet managed to defeat several of ours in detail, and Intelligence estimates that the Terrans are fielding at least THREE such fleets. If the Terrans press us in force right now, it is very likely that the Issa system will fall to the Terrans as well."

Labraatl saluted again smartly and slipped back into a position of respectful attention. Clearly from the tension radiating from the officer, he expected the report to be taken.... badly by his superiors.

The First Minister stared at the Survey Force commander briefly. It had taken a monumental amount of courage to deliver such devastating news to his superiors. Such actions were often harshly 'rewarded' in Issa service, but Labraatl had done his duty.

"Tell me Labraatl" the First Minister began to ask, "What is the status of our officer corps after all of this carnage?" Labraatl blinked in surprise, for the First Minister to use just his given name, and not his rank and name implied a great deal of familiarity. It was usual not the precursor to being ordered to 'apologize to the Emperor'.

"Your Excellency, there are no Aatlavi Kos, or Aatlavi left in the Navy, I am the only Zdnavi Aatl remaining. There are five Zdnavi remaining, sixteen Tekushav, and forty seven Teku left in the officer corps. Only twelve of them are Battle Force commanders, the rest are Survey Force. Sir!"

The First Minister sagged even deeper into his chair.

"Aatlavi Labraatl, you have done an admirable job of showing us our situation. Please turn your attention to the fleet and the defense of our system." He gave the surprised officer a weak smile, and slowly rose to his feet.

 "I must take this information and present it to the Emperor. We shall see what direction His Illuminated Name provides to us."


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Re: Graveyard of Ships- Gliese 109
« Reply #20 on: February 29, 2012, 05:37:01 PM »
Very cool.
Fun Fact: The minimum engine power of any ship engine in Aurora C# is 0.01. The maximum is 120000!

Offline Thiosk

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Re: Graveyard of Ships- Gliese 109
« Reply #21 on: February 29, 2012, 06:01:58 PM »
I don't think it looks too good for them.  Hopefully the GNN media elite can rouse the bloodlust of the human populace and invade the issa homeworld before public opinion sways back, allowing them to regroup, rebuild, and attack millerton fresh.

Offline ollobrains

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Re: Graveyard of Ships- Gliese 109
« Reply #22 on: February 29, 2012, 10:12:42 PM »
Who else stands out there for the humans to invade

Offline Arwyn (OP)

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Re: Graveyard of Ships- Gliese 109
« Reply #23 on: March 01, 2012, 12:37:25 AM »
Who else stands out there for the humans to invade

Right now, there are several NPR's, although the Confederation has only met a few.

Barlok Combine-
Roughly similar in size and tech to the Confeds, not yet encountered. Expansionist corporate government. Big on trading. Activated by the Khanate, who they are neutral to.
Confederation of Sydney-
A bit smaller than the Confederation, similar tech levels. Moderately xenophobic religious democracy. Not encountered by the Confeds yet, but activated by another npr, hostile with the House of Shrivan.
Fleshlough Khanate-
2nd most technological civilization in the game (MPD drives). Ordered Socialism, and very non-threatening. They were at war with the Milertons, but trading with the Issa and the Confederation, and the Combine should be trading with them soon. Not a very aggressive race. They have explored a lot of systems so far
House of Shrivan
Xenophobic, determined, expansionist, militant, and poor diplomats. And a Federal Theocracy. All around lovely neighbors. Shooting at the Confederation of Sydney, not encountered by the Terrans yet. A smaller empire, with similar tech.
Issa Empire
Current #1 bad guys for the Terrans. Moderately Xenophobic, expansionist, and militant. Autocratic government. At war with Milerton, who they gutted, and the Terrans, who's currently stomping them. Tech just slightly behind the Terrans, big beam proponents.
No suprise here, except for numbers, found a lot of Precursor held systems so far.
Star Swarm
Only encountered a couple of times.
T*knnzz Association
Very small NPR, but highest tech in the game to date. (ICF drives). Methane breathers, Terrans have seen them, but no communication established. Meritocracy.
United Kingdom of Milerton
Pax Utopian government of humanoid Amphibians. Friendly to the Terrans, at war with the Khanate and the Issa Empire, who smashed them. UKoM is almost non-existent in game at this point.
Yabon Imperium
Very small, somewhat low tech, VERY aggressive Military Dictatorship. These guys are tiny know but very expansionistic and trigger happy. Should make for some fun, friendly neighbors.... apparently activated by the Precursors.
Yak Republic
Low-tech non-spacefaring race. Located a jump away from Sol. Trading partners with the Terrans. Almost a client state at this point. Activated by the Terrans.

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Re: Graveyard of Ships- Gliese 109
« Reply #24 on: March 01, 2012, 12:45:20 AM »
I don't think it looks too good for them.  Hopefully the GNN media elite can rouse the bloodlust of the human populace and invade the issa homeworld before public opinion sways back, allowing them to regroup, rebuild, and attack millerton fresh.

I only glance at some of the basic stuff for each race to keep things kinda flowing from a story perspective. I checked the Issa after discovering Kappa Ceti/Kishinitivir and realized that they are pretty much boned at this point, unless they have a lot of stuff in the slips that are ready to complete. From the amount of fighting and ships, I thought the TERRANS were the ones in trouble, just cause the Issa kept throwing ships at the Confederation constantly early on. Apparently they just didnt have the reserves or building program to keep up with losses. The last year, in particular, has been a disaster for the Issa. They have lost a staggering amount of naval ships, and taking Kishinitivir has put the Terrans right on top the Issa's major trade routes for freighters, which the Terrans are gleefully shooting down in the dozens.

As far as the Terrans, the Progressives got a bad scare with the Issa attack on the salvage ships in Milerton/Gliese 109. It got worse when the Issa brushed aside the destroyer squadron in Alaska and started working back down that arm of exploration towards Sol. Scared the liberal anti-military factions badly indeed, so the anti-war crowd is actually remarkably militant right now. The downside is their fears have tied up a CruRon to cover Sol, but that has been suddenly offset by a very large boost to military ship building.

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Re: Graveyard of Ships- Gliese 109
« Reply #25 on: March 01, 2012, 03:14:18 AM »
Sounds like youve taken out a pretty big threat saving me reading back how many solar sytems in yorue game ive gone for one with 10000 systems to see how long i last

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Re: Graveyard of Ships- Gliese 109
« Reply #26 on: March 01, 2012, 04:20:08 AM »
Really enjoying these posts!

Are you using game designer mode to see what all the other NPRs are doing?

Offline Arwyn (OP)

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Re: Graveyard of Ships- Gliese 109
« Reply #27 on: March 01, 2012, 02:58:46 PM »
Really enjoying these posts!

Are you using game designer mode to see what all the other NPRs are doing?

Yes. I spot check the NPR's periodically to see who or what is tripping over things and setting up activation on other NPR's. I also modify things like themes to make them a bit more 'proper' for the story, since it looks odd to see some methane breathing deep freeze loving aliens flying around in English or French themes.

I usually modify the ranks and names, like I did with the Issa. I avoid looking at what they are building or whats in the queues, but I do look at ships or fleets to see who the commanders are if I need them for story or rp purposes.

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Re: Graveyard of Ships- Gliese 109
« Reply #28 on: March 04, 2012, 11:59:45 AM »
Good update, thanks!

Offline Bran34

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Re: Graveyard of Ships- Gliese 109
« Reply #29 on: March 20, 2012, 07:57:25 PM »
Really good story, and I'd love to hear more of it.

Keep it up!